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Everything posted by Treble

  1. I never beated the first game, but the [B]Viewtiful Joe[/B] games are incredibly fun beat-em-up games. I believe both part 1 and 2 are available on the PS2 and the Gamecube. The games themselves may look childish and may be kind of a turn off, but they are seriously packed with challenging enemies and bosses. I remember most of the bosses were pretty cheesy, but they also have a unique charm to them. However, the best thing I like about this series is the awesome combat engine. You could slow down time, speed things up, or even replay powerful attacks at almost any given time. This results in some of the most stylish and coolest looking attacks ever seen in a videogame. It?s pure action at its best. Most importantly, these games are pretty cheap these days, so if you never played them, I highly recommend them. Also, if you haven't played [B]Resident Evil 4[/B] yet, you should totally get it. The game is more action driven than about being scary. Amazing selection of guns to mess around with, and blasting those possessed humans in the head is a lot of fun. Probably one of the best games from last generation.
  2. I think my list changes every time when I have to my pick favorite titles. Oh well. This is going to be kind of long, but here we go: [B]NES:[/B] Aside from all the Nintendo titles, I remember having tons of fun with the [B]Ducktales[/B] game. Poking enemies with Scrooge?s cane was quite the experience. I also have to nominate the first [B]Double Dragon[/B] game seeing how my brother and I spent countless of hours beating the crap out of Abobo (sp?)and crew. [B]SNES:[/B] [B]Mega Man X[/B] would have to get my vote. Cool boss battles with an awesome soundtrack makes for one hell of a game. Another game that my brother and I spent a lot of time playing together with is [B]Kirby Super Star[/B]. It still stands as my favorite Kirby game of all time. I love how some of the power-ups in the game had multiple attacks instead of just one, it really added something special to the game. [B]Sega Genesis:[/B] I didn?t own that many titles for the Genesis, but if I had to pick a game it would be [B]Flicky[/B]. You played as this blue bird that have to help guide a whole bunch of small yellow birds to an exit over tons of different levels. It was a pretty challenging game for what appeared to be a simple friendly game. [B]Gameboy:[/B] [B]Kirby?s Block Ball[/B] was an awesome game that played much like those Breakout/Arkanoid games but with it?s own little touch. Also, like most people here, I was hooked on the [B]Pokemon[/B] games. Squirtle and I were unstoppable I tell ya. [B]GBA:[/B] I think that were a lot of great games for the GBA, but Legend of [B]Zelda: The Minish Cap[/B] stands out the most for me. The whole kinstone thing was pretty neat to me, and I just love 2D Zelda?s. They seriously need to make more 2D Zelda games. [B]Playstation:[/B] [B]Mega Man X4. [/B] I really dig the new polished graphics they had going for Mega Man X and crew, and the storyline in the game seem to have gotten a bit more darker than the previous games. Plus, the animated cutscenes were pretty awesome at the time. [B]Nintendo 64:[/B] I pretty much loved all the Nintendo games, but [B]Star Fox 64[/B] was my favorite gem on this console. The cheesy lines, the barrel rows, and the multiplayer mode in the game were really awesome. I also like how easy it is for me to get back into the game anytime I want. I?m still waiting for a true sequel to the game, Nintendo! [B]Sega Dreamcast:[/B] The Dreamcast was pretty much a fighter?s fan dream come true with all the different fighting games it had. [B]Marvel Vs Capcom 2[/B] in particular was just magical to me with it?s huge cast of characters. The over-the-top supermoves and 3 on 3 tag teaming was simply an amazing experience. [B]Nintendo Gamecube: [/B] [B]Paper Mario: TTYD[/B]. What I like most about this game is all the silly things that takes place in the game. I gotta go back to it again someday. Another nomination for [B]Resident Evil 4 [/B]because it?s full of win. [B]Nintendo Wii:[/B] While I haven?t touched it in weeks, [B]Super Smash Bros. Brawl[/B] gets my vote. I spent way too much time playing this game online. Kirby and I will make a comeback again someday. [B]Mario Kart Wii [/B] is just as awesome. However, the online system is way much better than Brawl?s with barely any lag in races. It?s also a lot of fun trying to beat some of my friend?s time trial rankings. Good times! And [B]Super Mario Galaxy[/B] is a magical journey like no other. [B]PS3:[/B] I haven?t played that much games on the PS3, but I?m totally hooked on [B]Metal Gear Online[/B]. The game really encourages team work to the max with the SOP system. So yeah, it?s a total blast working with teammates.
  3. [quote name='Shinmaru'] [B]Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay[/B]: The funniest, and saddest, part is when [spoiler]Neil Patrick Harris dies quite violently after branding a prostitute. Neil!!!!!![/spoiler] [/quote] Haha, I'm guessing you didn't watch the credits. Neither did I until I read about the surprise at the end. Neil [spoiler] comes back alive. [/spoiler] :rotflmao: *Will make a post in this thread someday regarding movies I've seen*
  4. I pick Rurouni's because it appealed to me the most. Also, I like all the fancy effects he has going on there around his character. Aside from the font, everything seems to blend in pretty well.
  5. I shall enter with my sloppy Pacman banner: [center][IMG]http://i34.tinypic.com/23kptug.png[/IMG] [/center]
  6. I thought I bump this thread for an awesome parody video of Fullmetal Alchemist's opening and closing videos. They replaced all of the FMA characters with original animation of Final Fantasy VI characters. It?s pretty cool. (Saw it over at Error Macro's website) [center][youtube=FFVI Parody]l2g7g6zuIRU[/youtube][/center]
  7. Saw the movie earlier today and loved every minute of it. It's definitely my favorite superhero movie of all time and I don?t think it will ever be topped. It?s that good. Heath Ledger was absolutely nuts in the movie. His Joker literally stole?d the show. I also gotta commend Bale?s Batman, Eckhart?s Harvey Dent, and all the other casts of characters as they were perfect for their roles. Anyway, there?s nothing more I could really add that hasn?t already been said. Go see it as soon as possible! There's so many awesome moments in the movie. Spoilers ahoy! [spoiler]- Gordon coming back alive to save Batman was a jaw-dropping moment since I was really convinced that he was dead. - Joker walking all nutty in that nurse outfit while donating bombs at Gotham?s Hospital was freaking hilarious. - And when Harvey Dent became Twoface. The burnt half was terrifying to look at, but awesome nevertheless. [/spoiler]
  8. Thought I pop in here and praise your hand study drawing. I love what you did with all the white lines on the hands. It really brings out the drawing by allowing one to feel the surface of the hand. Very nice. ;) Love all the other art works as well. *saves them into his art inspiration folder*
  9. Treble

    E3 2008

    Well, Nintendo?s press conference just ended. It was pretty disappointing. The only highlights for me were Animal Crossing: City Folk, and when Reggie called himself the ?Regginator?. Wii Sports: Resort didn?t look too bad, but it didn?t really excite me as much as I thought it would. Overall, weak show. :( Here?s hoping that Sony?s conference would deliver.
  10. Treble

    E3 2008

    Just got done watching the Microsoft show a few hours ago as well. Final Fantasy XIII being confirmed for the 360 is very good news for all the gamers who don?t have a PS3 and are a fan of the Final Fantasy series. Personally, I was more excited to see that Resident Evil 5 will have an online co-op mode. Oh yeah! For those who were stuck watching that zoomed out video of FFXIII, Gametrailers has a close-up trailer of it. [URL]http://www.gametrailers.com/player/36222.html[/URL] I too haven?t been following gaming news all that closely, so I don?t know what to expect from Sony and Nintendo. Hopefully things will be a bit more exciting than Microsoft?s show. It was good of course, but eh, I kind of expected more.
  11. Sweet. It would be even more awesome if Nintendo decided to surprise us by releasing this with an all new Punch-Out game or something. Of course, Wii Sports 2 would be cool as well. Imagine the possibilities for future games. :drool: [B]Edit:[/B] Aww darn. I just now realized that the MotionPlus accessory will be attached to the bottom of the Wii Remote which is where the Nunchuck would normally be. My hopes for a new Punch-Out with super precise control have been shattered. Oh well, I do look forward to seeing how future games will take advantage of this new feature.
  12. System seller? Hmmm, I would probably say yes to that. Gameplay wise, I think it?s a lot more open compared to the older games, and because of that it?s a whole lot easier to get into. Like all of the impressions here, MGS4 is definitely one of the must-own titles that is out for the PS3 right now. [quote name='Rurouni922']So I started playing MGO, and I have mainly two pet peeves about it. One, is it just me, maybe it's because I have all level 1 skills, but does it take everyone else like one hundred shots to kill a single person while you sometimes die in like 3? Also, is it just me or do your skills level up like REALLY slowly?[/quote] I experienced that every now and then. Most of the time people are always aiming around the head area in order to get an instant one-shot kill. It?s kind of cheap, but as long you try moving around when people are attacking you then you should be able to put up a fight. As for leveling skills, it certainly does take a while to level up a skill. It took me like 5 hours just to level up my handgun skill to level 2.
  13. Seeing how I?m more of a run and gun guy, I'm going to go with you guys and try to level up my Assault Rifle and CQC/Blade skills. I was in a CQC only room the other day, and it was hilarious to see a whole group of people get stunned down by the knife in one area. Fun stuff! And congrats to Sephiroth for getting the Big Boss rank, I certainly don?t have the patience for that. Whenever I see a guard by themselves, I just want to sneak up behind them and slit their throats. Speaking of [spoiler]Big Boss, I?m glad he showed up at the end to convince Snake to live life to the fullest for the short time he has left. Having to witness Snake get weaker and weaker due to his quick aging throughout the game was torture for me. Especially that part where we had to control him through the microwave room, and Otacon kept screaming at me to get through the room. After going through all of that, it would have not been cool at all to see Snake gun himself down in the throat. It's a good thing he didn't, because that would have been too much for me. [/spoiler]
  14. I?ve played MGO for about 7 hours now, and I still haven?t leveled up a single skill yet. Right now I?m stuck with all level 1 skills, CQC, Assault Rifle, Runner, and Blades. My luck seems to be on and off, though. Sometimes I do pretty well with tons of head shots in a row, and at other times, I?m easily getting destroyed. However, the more I play the game, the more I seem to enjoy it because I?m constantly trying to figure out the best combination of skills to work with. So, yeah, any advice on what skills I should play around with?
  15. I finished the game over the weekend on my brother?s PS3, and I must say it was an absolute blast from the beginning to the end. I have to admit, some of the cutscenes in the game were ridiculously long. Sometimes it seemed like it took an hour or so for a scene to end. To me that?s a bit too much, because there were times where I wish a cutscene would hurry up and end already so that I could save the game and rest. Of course, despite the length, I thoroughly enjoyed watching them all as they were done amazingly well. One thing I like about this game is that there seems to be a variety of ways for people to play the game. For instance, I?m one those people who like to charge in and attack whenever I get the chance. My brother, on the other hand, takes forever trying to be as stealthy as one could be while messing around with the OctoCamo. There?s a ton of different things one could do in this game, and its stuff like this that makes this game so awesome. As for the storyline, I?ve never been good at following the series all that well. So I can?t really say much about it, but it seems to answer a lot of the questions that were left unanswered in the previous games. Well, that?s it for me. I think I?m going to go back and try to replay it on a harder difficulty setting since I played it on the easiest setting, haha. Oh and the whole sign-up process for Metal Gear Online is totally not cool at all. You need a Konami ID and a separate Game ID. And to make things worse, you only get to have one free character to play with. Oh well, I?ll live. It?s pretty fun so far.
  16. Not to say that we don?t have any gamers now, but I kind of miss some of the gamers that used to hang around the Arcade forum. Oh, and another vote for Art forum. I could definitely use some inspirations to start drawing again.
  17. [quote name='Desbreko'][COLOR=#4b0082] More of you guys need to post your Wii Numbers so I can send you replays of my awesomeness. I have a few good ones where I three-stock Treble on various characters. :p[/COLOR][/quote] [center][IMG]http://i31.tinypic.com/309ufig.png[/IMG] That's me every time I lose to you. :animecry: [/center]
  18. [quote name='Desbreko'][COLOR=#4b0082] By the way, Treble, it's starting to get a little eerie how often we keep getting into Ike vs Sonic matches. I think we've had that match up more times than any other.[/COLOR][/quote] Haha, I?ve noticed that too. It?s strange indeed. What an unlikely pair to facing off against each other all the time. As for tiers, the only characters that remain in the same spot for me is Kirby and Mario. Kirby is still awesome as always. I think I?m getting better at using his hammer attacks. Now it?s time for me to learn how to use his Rock move more effectively. And Mario seems to vary for me depending on who the opponent is. Lucas is no longer at the top for me. I find it incredibly difficult to use him to his full potential. His up smash attack is quite effective when it hits, but when it doesn?t, I?m in for a pummel. I guess the same also goes for everyone else. I?ve seen many people online use characters in ways that I would have never thought was possible. So I got a long a way to go before I get somewhat decent with any of the other characters. So for now: [B]1st tier:[/B] Kirby [B]2nd tier: [/B]Mario
  19. I?ll add you both, The13thMan and Nerdsy. My friend code is also in the Arcade Online thread, but I?ll just copy and paste it in here again. FC: 0387-8469-8440 (Treb) AIM: TrebleSN (I don?t really sign on a lot, but feel free to IM me for match when I do.) I recently signed up for a tournament at some other place that?s going to be starting soon. But most likely, I won?t last long so I should have some free time to play with you guys if things go as expected.
  20. I got nothing to contribute here, but I have to say, you guys are really good. I?ve tried creating some cool art with Graffiti before, but it wasn?t that great. Anyway, awesome job on both Death Kid and Mario, Hybrid Ninja. I particularly like what you did with Mario?s hat, it got a nice sense of form to it. Good stuff!
  21. Congrats to Allamorph! You deserved it! Even though I?m not much of a poetry guy, I enjoyed participating in this contest. It was really fun. So, kudos to Sabrina and all of the other participants.
  22. Man, it?s been a while since I posted in this thread, haha. As Desbreko pointed out, we?ve been spending a lot of time playing against each other in Brawl. He?s a freaking beast with all the characters he plays with. I can barely put up a fight against him most of the time. We?ve had some close matches where I thought I had him, but he ends surprising me with all of his unpredictable moves. Nevertheless, fun, fun times indeed. ;) But yes, I concur with Desbreko in that we need more people to play with online. Hopefully, most school finals should be done by now, and more people will have more free time to start playing again. Perhaps we could even start having some team matches. Eh? Eh? That would be nice. As for other games, I?m still enjoying Mario Kart Wii. I?ve already obtained all of the gold medals for all of the Grand Prix mode, and I pretty much unlocked most of the things I wanted to unlock. Nowadays, I?m just building up my rank online against random people. Online races is the only thing that keeps me coming back to this game. And then there?s all of the WiiWare games, which I?ve been struggling to find space for. I?ve only had a few Virtual Console games and I still had to send them to my 2 GB SD card in order to free up some space. Despite the storage issue, Lost Winds, Dr. Mario, and Toki-Tori are all enjoyable games. However, I think I?m going to save my impressions for next time whenever I?m not feeling too lazy.
  23. For the Smash Bros. Brawl fans: [center][youtube=You're too Slow]hyU9-GreWFg[/youtube][/center]
  24. With so much free time, I?m good to go for both games. Plus, I need more people to compete against with in Mario Kart.
  25. I only have two suggestions: Batman Dwight Schrute from the Office (US) You guys can do it!
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