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Everything posted by Treble

  1. [quote name='Meggido']With the first worldwide competition started what have people been getting for times? [/quote] The best time I have gotten so far was 1 min and 52 secs. And that?s only because I got lucky with a golden mushroom at the beginning. Whoever it was that gotten 1 min and 35 secs. must be some kind of speed demon or something. That?s outrageous! Regarding the 150cc cups, I find that using the automatic mode helps make it easier for me to stay ahead of the computers. While you don?t gain any boost in automatic mode, it makes up for it by losing no speed while turning, and because of that, it gives you a sharp handling of the controls. I would recommend it if anyone here is trying to unlock some stuff. And when I?m not competing against the computers, I normally use Luigi with the manual mode. As he always says, Luigi?s number one! :animesmil
  2. [B]Raiha[/B]: I love the consistency in your poem, and I thought your choice of words was very fitting for Allamorph. Very convincing. [B]Allamorph[/B]: Like Raiha?s, I thought the overall flow of your poem was done very well. Your choice of words was very eloquent, and I thought it did a wonderful job in describing Raiha. Like others have said, your variation was pretty clever and very fitting for Raiha. Excellent poems to the both of you, but Raiha has convinced me to vote for [B]Allamorph[/B].
  3. With finals out the way, it's time for me to get some voting done. [B] Indi[/B]: The flow of the whole poem was very nice, as every word seems to fit right in place. I thought you did great job of convincing people to see the greatness in Aaryanna. [B] Aaryanna[/B]: Your poem was stylish, and it was a joy to read through. I really enjoyed the rhymes near the end of the poem. You both did a nice job! However, I have to cast my vote for [B]Indi[/B].
  4. I just picked up the game today, and played some of 50cc cups. As always, 50cc is a walk in the park. Other than that, I haven't had a chance to try out some of the 100cc and 150cc cups yet, but I bet they will be a lot more challenging with items scattering everywhere. And between the Wii-Wheel and Nunchuk/Wii-remote controls, I prefer the Nunchuk/Wii-remote combo. The Wii-Wheel is actually not all that bad, but I feel like I have much more precise control with the Nunchuk/Wii-Remote set-up. It works pretty well, and I don't think I'll be needing to use the Gamecube controller anytime soon. I've also had the chance to play a few online games with random people, and so far my experiences have been lag free (I'm using the LAN adapter). There's something special about playing with human players that seems to be much more fulfilling than it is when playing the single player mode against the computers. And the team battle modes are pretty fun, but I still wish that they would have given us the option to play solo like they did in the previous games. Well, here's my friend code: FC: 4425-1900-6458 (Mii: Treble) Feel free to pm me if anyone adds me so I could add you back. ;)
  5. [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2]I'm not sure if I did this right, but it's the best I could come up with at the moment. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][B]W[/B]ait you don’t know?[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][B]H[/B]ere let me tell you.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][B] Y[/B]ou sit down and listen.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][B] M[/B]y observations are crystal clear.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][B] Y[/B]our answers should be here. [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][B]O[/B]h how mom’s filled with wisdom[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][B] P[/B]atience and experience.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][B] P[/B]reaching through love and care.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][B]O[/B]h the pain she puts up with[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][B] N[/B]othing can compare.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][B]E[/B]yes that acknowledge you[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][B] N[/B]ight and day[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][B] T[/B]ill the end of time.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][B]S[/B]eek no further my friend.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][B] H[/B]onestly I’ve told you everything.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][B]O[/B]h come on won’t you listen?[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][B]U[/B]nparalleled is what she is.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][B]L[/B]oving you no matter what happens.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][B] D[/B]oubtful I’ll ever be that caring.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2] [B]W[/B]e’ve come this far.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][B] I[/B] could only say[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=2][B] N[/B]ow is the time to let mom shine.[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT]
  6. I?ll be joining this party too when Mario Kart comes out, but I?ll probably won?t be able to play it until a few weeks after my school finals are over. Of course, me being me I might try to play a few games before hitting the books. Anyway, I?ve read nothing but good things about the online portion of the game, and having up to 12 players in a race sounds really fun. Bigger tracks and more players = more mayhem. :luv: As for the wheel, I hope I?ll be able to get adjusted to it easily, if not I?m going to be sticking with the Gamecube controller.
  7. Gavin, I think you did a wonderful job of describing a lost individual in the city. That?s how I feel whenever I?m in the city. There?s so much activity in a city, it difficult to pay attention to just one thing. Allamorph, yours was pretty nice in that it took a whole different approach. I never looked at it from the city?s point of view, and it was intriguing. Excellent poems both of you, but I have to go with [B]Gavin?s[/B] poem.
  8. Aww man another tough call for me. I like how Aaryanna_Mom?s poem gets me all pumped up to visualize how much there is to see out there. However, being a student myself I felt more connected with Darren?s poem. Whenever I?m in class, I?m always thinking about getting out of class just to travel to somewhere nice. And with that said, I vote for [B]Darren[/B].
  9. Raiha?s poem was beautiful in illustrating how even a plain desert can be a lovely sight when you?re with the one you love. And Rachmaninoff did a fantastic job of painting an image of the desert in my head. Although I wish there was a little bit more to it. Tough call, I choose [B]Raiha[/B].
  10. [quote name='Ben'] Is this normal? Does anybody else get ridiculous wait times also? Or is there something that makes this happen such as slow connection speed?[/quote] Five minutes? Geeze, that’s a bit long to be seeking other players. I would get automatically disconnected if I waited that long. I normally wait for at most 2 minutes to connect with other people. I’ve read that if you wait for more than 3 minutes and nobody shows up, then exiting out of the room and entering it again would sometimes fix the problem. I don’t know if that really works though. Whenever I do get connected with other players, I would try to stick with that group for as long as I can.
  11. Hmmm this round is going be a bit tougher for me to cast a vote since I really enjoyed both poems. I like indifference’s poem simply because of how well she illustrates the changing weather of the four seasons. And I like SunfallE’s poem because of how it seems to be more personal. For every season, there’s a special moment to experience and share with others. Good poems both of you, but if I had to vote, my vote would go to SunfallE.[I][/I]
  12. My vote goes to Aaryanna simply for how well it captures that sunny atmosphere of traveling along the mountains. As I was reading it, I felt like was actually on top of the mountains. Very nice! As others have mentioned already, Aberinkula’s poem was a little too descriptive for my taste, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. You got a fancy way with your words, and that’s pretty cool.
  13. Agreed. I like how there?s a tragic story behind 8bit?s poem, and how everything just seems to connect to the ocean. Good stuff!
  14. Darn, I was looking forward to being crushed by Ben. Well, I think I?ll send 8bit a pm to get an entry in within the next two days. And hopefully I?ll have time today to get a vote in for one the poems. *PM sent to 8bit*
  15. [center][B]Longing to be free[/B] I stand before this vast blue ocean, As the hungry waves twirl in motion, One dip in, and I?ll be grasping for air, Watching from above, I wish didn?t have to care. Streams flowing everywhere, So free and so alive, While I?m just standing here, I wish I could just take a dive. That relaxing sensation, Allows me to see, The beauty of this creation, Forever grand and free. [/center]
  16. I think I'm just gonna rank the characters based on how much I play around with, since I'm too much of a newb to really know who's good and who's not. [B] 1st Tier:[/B] Kirby and Lucas Kirby has always been my character of choice whenever I play any of the Smash games, and I’m glad they made him better this time around in Brawl. He’s easy to play with, and his small size make it tough for opponents to lands hits on him. Also, I love how quick and powerful his side and up smash attacks are. I’m still trying to master his hammer attacks and all of his aerial moves. I pretty much like Lucas for all the same reasons as I do with Kirby. Small, decent speed, and quite powerful. [B]2nd Tier:[/B] Mario, Link, Ness, Lucario, Toon Link, Whenever I get burned out playing as Kirby and Lucas, I play around with these guys. They all have awesome projectile attacks and they seem to be nicely balanced overall. I have to admit, I really like Lucario, he is way much better than Mewtwo. I think it’s awesome how he gets even more powerful when he takes up a lot of damage. I land some pretty lucky KO’s with the guy and it surprises me every time I do. [B]3rd Tier and characters that I want to get better with:[/B] Luigi, Diddy Kong, Captain Falcon, Snake, Sonic, Captain Olimar, Peach, Zelda/Shiek, Pit, Meta Knight, Samus/ZSS, Pikachu, Marth, Roy, and the whole Star Fox crew. All of these characters are incredibly fun to mess around with, but I’m not exactly effective with any of them. At first, I wasn’t really fond of Snake since he seemed self-destructive. But after seeing somebody online going crazy with all those explosives, I had a change of heart. It’s a blast to toy around with all of his projectile and explosive attacks. Specially in Basic Brawls, haha. “NOW!” (Clicky, Boom!) [B]Unknown Tier:[/B] Everyone else that weren’t mentioned.
  17. Well, I just played against Nabgeta quite a few times on the Mario Circuit stage, and I won the majority of the matches. But the thing is, I?m not even sure if he?s aware that the tournament has already started. Does this count? If not, I could always play against him again some other day.
  18. I'm no poet or anything, but this sounds fun. Sign me up. :animesmil
  19. [FONT=Verdana]Care Score:[/FONT] [B][FONT=Verdana]5[/FONT][/B] [FONT=Verdana]Justice Score:[/FONT] [B][FONT=Verdana]4[/FONT][/B] [FONT=Verdana]I guess I?m also mix in between, which fits me perfectly I think. What?s interesting is that I was doing something similar to this in my Ethics class yesterday where we were given three different events, and we had to write down whether or not each event was morally justifiable. When I wrote down my answers, I realized that I was contradicting myself depending on what the situation was. So I guess when it all comes down, it really depends on what kind of situation we are in.[/FONT]
  20. Unfortunately, I sort of already know what the outcome is between Sasuke and Itachi, but as far as what actually took place during the fight, I have no clue at all. So I guess I?m semi-spoiled already, haha. But yeah, I?ll take your guys' advice and will come back whenever I get caught up with the manga again.
  21. Ah, I see. I guess the fight between the two Uchiha brothers must been pretty long then. Even though I?m not a big fan of the two, I still want to see how things ended between the brothers. It should be interesting. And it?ll probably be a while until I catch up with you guys again, haha.
  22. What?s this?! Shino?s back in action? He probably won?t be able to do much against Tobi, but it?s always entertaining to see him and his weird bug tactics in action. I definitely gotta get caught up with the manga again. I stopped reading since the beginning of the face off between Itachi and Sasuke, and it looks like a lot of have took place since then.
  23. [LEFT]Haha, that Megaman video of Gutsman reminds me of the horrible cartoon of Street Fighter. Check it out. It’s pretty awful.[/LEFT] [center][youtube=Street Fighter USA Montage]IGEJDKJdPGg[/youtube][/center]
  24. Man, Desbreko you totally owned me in those matches. Your characters are deadly. Specially your Pikachu, freaking insane. And argh to your Marth, got some incredible defense with that down b move. In any case, I had a ton of fun. :) (typed this on my wii, so there may be alot of errors.)
  25. My experiences with lag have been on and off so far. There are times where lag is just nearly unplayable and then there are times where it’s almost lag free. I don’t really know too much about these stuff, but hopefully things will get better as time goes on. Anyway, here’s my info: [B]Character of choice[/B]: Kirby [B]Friend Code: [/B]0387-8469-8440 (Treb) [B]Skill Level[/B]: 2.5 – 3 Let’s Brawl!
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