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Everything posted by Treble

  1. 1.)Rush Hour 2 2.)Scary Movie 3.)Once upon of time in China 4.)Kiss of the Dragon 5.)Billy Madison
  2. Heh Megaman Charcters sweet wheres Protoman(Breakman,Blues)?The banners are sweet I see you have alot of Bass(Forte) Banners heh he is my favorite charcter it looks tight!I like all of them but I like the 1 the best.
  3. Sweet the gun was fun while it lasted for now I think the Super Gameboy was my favorite accesory.
  4. Cloud and Barret there my favorites.;) But I seem to like Barret the most.
  5. Treble

    which is....

    Mewtwo or is it Dragonite heh im not sure but I say Mewtwo.;)
  6. Wow thats a nice drawing Cera heh it just the face looks a little goofy but anwway i find Sephiroth a very hard character to draw and what you drawn is a good.
  7. Was it the new remade version of the SNES?
  8. Yeah Bomberman's game are cool when you play in a Multiplayer mode.There are Bobmberman games for N64.But the pics is a preview of the next Bomberman game coming for the Gamecube.
  9. Destiny Child and Will Smith. Tupac is my favorite though.
  10. Ok I respect your opinion yeah Ps2 got great games its cool.
  11. Treble

    Luigis Mansion

    Later Luigi was walking in a forest singing a song.All uh sudden a quick dark image flash across him. Mamamia what was that Luigi said in a scared voice. He quickly turn on his flash light and shined it to see if anything was there... Nothing appeared so Luigi thought to himself eh must be just my imagination. Luigi continues to walk and saw a dark path ahead......
  12. Heh im not sure but insn't the second pic Quan-Chi from Mortal Kombat 4?
  13. Well so far I like my Ps2 and my Sega Dreamcast.Later when I get the Gamecube I'll think that will turn into my favorite system.:)
  14. Wow thats a hard life ya got there Me I dont really got a hard life just enjoying the Life.
  15. Well I enjoy watching WWF its fun!
  16. Heh it kinda look like a something is hanging her but thats my thought other than that its kinda freaky.
  17. Ive never seen a real life ghost or spirit.Ive only heard stories about them pretty scary.
  18. Yeah hot but not as hot as Tifa. Tifa's the best.
  19. If i have the time I'll go check out the movie heh must be a good the commercial was funny lol.:)
  20. Yeah and the part where Sub-Zero frozed Sonya's gun heh I liked that part.And the way the Harpoon came out of Scorpion hands looked tight!
  21. Treble

    Megaman RPG..

    Name:[b]Treble[/b] Age:[b]15[/b] Height:[b]6"1[/b] Weight:[b]125lbs.[/b] Weapons:[b]Treble Buster,XSaber[/b] Special Attack:[b]Twisted Ice,Flaming Slice[/b] Bio/Info:[b]Just Natural.[/b] Appearance:[b]Black and Green Armor with Shades with a shiny helmet.[/b]
  22. Yeah in Mortal Kombat its mostly about Projectiles I guess Mortal Kombat is best to be in its 2-D form or make the charcters in 3-D and fight in a 2-D style world.Thats why I enjoy Mortal Kombat Trilogy best out of all the Mortal Kombat games.
  23. I love my little doggy I feed him,train him,wrestle him oh wait no i dont wrestle him at all but I do the play with him.Cats are cool too eh i think their both cool.:)
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