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Everything posted by Treble

  1. The way I feel about the picture its Art in my opinion.
  2. Wow I like the way Scorpion looks he looks tight hopegfully this game will be a fun fighting game.
  3. Welcome back Silver Master 64.:)
  4. Happy Birthday Masterfork!;)
  5. Heh at my school theres a few Anime fans its cool.I know somebody who draws real good and he likes to draw Dragonball Characters alot he got some good skills in drawing.
  6. Whew I went to the mall the other day and when I went into a Electronic Game store EB(Electronic Bontique i saw Boxes of Xbox and it was black and green and it say coming soon.Then i saw on the counter of the store a Xbox logo and with coming soon.Later i went to the Arcades and played some game and I saw a big poster of the Xbox.Next i went to Babbage and saw another sign of the Xbox.Whew thats alot of Advertising.O wells just thought i told you people what i saw it was amazing seeing all thoses signs of Xbox everywhere i go.
  7. It means it'll stay on the top of all other topics in the Nintendo Forum except for the announcement topic.
  8. I'll be back in school next week.
  9. I use to go in the chat room but these days when i try to join in it wont let me.But i still try to get in.If i do log in the chat room my name was Treble the last time i was in there a girl was throwing imaginary water balloons at me.
  10. Lol that silly ol robot I havent spoke with it lately heh its fun messing with it.Lol.
  11. Gee thats sucks I will get them bored to death and they dont follow you anymore I think.
  12. Yeah if only we were able to reach higher levels it was pretty fast for me to reach the higest level.
  13. Happy early Birthday!Heh musta been fun going to the Concert.;)
  14. Treble

    which one?

    If ya smell-lllll-llll what the Gamecube is cooking?Nah j/k im not sure but I think I'll chose the nintendo Gamecube over Xbox.
  15. In my opinion its worth the cash I mean I remeber long time ago lots of people went crazy for those games .Im gonna get the soundtrack of Chrono Trigger when it comes out I love the songs in the games. [img]http://squarehistory.net/nwsimg/197.jpg[/img]
  16. I have to say Tifa is my best.
  17. Treble

    Wwf Fans??

    Maybe he's to use of the WCW fans cheering him when he was in WCW.But now since thier in WWF everybody Boo's him.
  18. Uh you guys never read my story back then at the Version 2 Otakuboards?Oh wells I wrote my story back at the time and then I just continued my story from here.
  19. Treble


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]Is Capcom ever planning to put X in 3D? [/B][/QUOTE] Hmmm Im not sure myself but I think in the future they will.
  20. Treble


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cecil [/i] [B] 5!? i thouht it was always 8 [/B][/QUOTE] No I mean it'll have the 8 bosses but from what I know 5 more Original bosses will come back thats means there could be more than 8 bosses .:)
  21. Treble


    All of the above nah j/k like Cyrstal Version.
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