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Everything posted by Treble

  1. So yeah, I?ve finally decided to catch up with the manga the other day and I am amazed at how much quicker the pacing is compare to the show (terribly slow). Anyway, [spoiler]I?m also intrigued by Jiraiya?s talk with Tsunade. It felt very nostalgic, and I can?t help but feel that he?s going to be the next person to die. As much as I don?t want to see that happen to one of my favorite characters, I believe it could really enrage Naruto to a whole new level. As for Itachi, I don?t know what?s going to happen, but I did like that frighten expression on Sasuke?s face. I seriously hope that Sasuke gets the beating he deserves. I?m tired of seeing him winning.[/spoiler]
  2. When I was a kid, I had all sorts of action figures, WWF(E) Wrestlers, GI-Joes, Power Rangers, Stone Protectors (sp?), etc. But out of all of my action figures, the Ninja Turtles toys were my favorite. I didn't own all of the characters, but I had enough characters to play with everyday. I remember having a lot fun just smashing the turtles against random characters from different cartoon series. Plus, seeing how crossovers rarely ever occurred in cartoons, it was pretty cool to make it happen with the toys.
  3. I would have to agree with what others have said, I like The Flowergirl the most of the three pictures. There's something about it that keeps my eyes moving through the photo to see what's happening at a certain spot. The bright colors located on the flowers and the grass brings life to the picture. I don't know too much about photography to make any further comments, but it's an awesome photo, I really like it.
  4. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]After hours of searching through random stores, I finally got myself a Nintendo Wii yesterday. I still can?t believe these things are out of stock nearly everywhere. Anyway, I didn?t get any games for it yet, but Wii Sports is keeping me entertained. So far, I?d say that Boxing and Tennis are the ones that I?m the enjoying the most of the five games. [/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE=3][FONT=Calibri][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]In the PS2 that my brother purchased a while ago, I?ve been switching around between God of War, God Hand, and Shadow of the Colossus. God of War is a pretty cool action game, and I?ll have to get back to it someday. As for SOTC, I?ve only managed to take down the first giant Colossus and that itself was quite amusing. And lastly, I think I?m near the end of God Hand, not sure though. Being able to link all the different type of moves in the game to link into a combo is pure awesome.[/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/SIZE]
  5. Tears continued to stream down Fluff’s eyes as she held her hands against her face. As much she tried, it was too difficult for her to hide her tears. Upon seeing this, Crystia leaned over to her and gently pulled Fluff’s head to her shoulders. Doctors hastily ran in and out of the emergency room where Fluff's wounded mother lied resting on a coma bed. After hours of waiting outside the room, a light that was above the emergency room’s door flashed a bright red. As soon as the light faded away, an exhausted doctor filled with sweat all over his face walked out of the emergency room towards Fluff and Crystia. “[B]How’s the situation, doctor?[/B]” Crystia asked curiously. The doctor wiped the sweat off his face and stared into the ground shamefully .“[B]I’m sorry, we did everything we can to get the malicious poison out of her, but unfortunately, the toxic proved far too strong for our current technology.[/B]" “[B]What are you saying, doctor?![/B]” Fluff shouted at the doctor while her voice became distorted, “[B]She has to live, I wouldn’t be able to live without her.[/B]” The doctor’s eyes bounced back up as he stared into Fluff’s teary eyes. “[B]I truly am sorry, but the poison has already spread all over her immune system at a rapid pace. As a result, your mother is getting weaker and weaker by the second.[/B]” “[B]No, this can’t be happening, not to my dear mom.[/B]” Fluff sobbed. Unable to withstand all the commotion, Gadget leaped out of Fluff’s stuffed bag and landed hard on the solid ground. The head swayed around for a little a bit until he was able to stop himself from rolling around. “[B]Yeouch![/B]” Gadget cried in pain, “[B]That hurts![/B]” Surprised by Gadget’s sudden appearance, everyone stepped away from the head. “[B]Gadget, what in the world are you doing?[/B]” Crystia inquired. “[B]Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you guys, but we’re running out of time.[/B]” Gadget said impatiently. Crystia’s eyebrow angled upwards as she picked Gadget up from the ground. “[B]What are you talking about?[/B]” “[B]While Fluff was separated from the group out there, she had an encounter with Gavin and the vicious blue beast. Agent Mother was also there to assist Fluff in battle, but the foul beast latched onto Agent Mother’s neck unexpectedly and injected the deadly toxic into her body.[/B]” Gadget said. “[B]That monster![/B]” Crystia exclaimed in anger. “[B]But that’s not all, he made a deal with Fluff, in bargain for my head, the beast will give Fluff the antidote that will be able to cure Agent Mother’s wound.[/B]” “[B]What?! That’s ludicrous![/B]” Crystia yelled out. “[B]True, but we have no other choice. I’m merely a CTU OtakuBot (CO) who has only one purpose in this war, to assist the CTU for greater good. Too many comrades have died in battle for our cause, and even more lives will be lost if we do not concur with the beast.[/B]” Gadget said. “[B]Don’t say that, Gadget. We will never sacrifice an agent to the dark side. Man or robot.[/B]” Crystia said firmly. Gadget looked straight on with a troubled face. "[B]I know, but this war has carried on too long. I’m starting to wonder if Grape Ape even has it in him anymore. Grape Ape has put in a lot more effort than any of us has throughout the war. As a result, his body has become fatigue from this never ending war.[/B]" “[B]Gadget, I think your system is starting to malfunction again.[/B]” Crystia said hesitantly. “[B]Unfortunately, it’s not. I know for sure that Grape Ape could have prevented all those deaths if he would have been more focused in battle. After the destruction of the CTU headquarters, he seemed to have lost that vigilant side he used to have. He’s burned out.[/B]” Gadget said. “[B]As true as that may be, he is the leader of CTU. And as the leader, it is up to him to decide as to whether or not we should exchange you for the antidote. Or at least come up with a plan to outsmart Gavin and the beast[/B].” Crystia sighed. The head jumped abruptly in excitement. “[B]As I said earlier, time is running out. We do not have time to come up with a plan. The decision needs to be made now, and who knows what’s going on in Grape Ape’s mind. He may be the one who is malfunctioning. For the sake of CTU, exchange my head for the antidote![/B]” Suddenly, out of nowhere a panicked nurse came rushing in towards the group. Before talking, she took one large breath. "[B]One of your brave agent is downstairs trying to disarm a bomb! I think he may need your help.[/B]" "[B]What?! [/B] Crystia asked surprisingly, "[B]Which agent was it?[/B]" "[B]Uh.. I'm not sure, but he had an enormous dictionary by his side.[/B]" "[B]Ah, Agent Webster. Did he specify what type of bomb it was?[/B]" "[B]If I remembered correctly, he said it was the F-bomb[/B]." After hearing what the nurse said, everyone glanced at each other with their eyes wide opened. ----------------------------------------------- OOC: I'm not sure if this is what you wanted, Shy. Let me know if I should fix something up.
  6. I saw the movie the other day and while I only laughed at a few parts throughout the movie, I enjoyed it. It was fun to watch the Simpsons on the big screen with a whole bunch of other people that most likely grew up watching the Simpsons like I did. The crowd seemed to have laughed at almost everything that was going on in the movie, and I guess that made it more enjoyable for me. The only thing I didn?t like was that aside from the Simpsons family, most of the other characters didn?t really get that much screen time. Also, all the exposure to trailers ruined some of the funnier moments for me. But yeah, it?s still a good movie, and the animation was spectacular. There were a lot of cool moments in the movie, but the ones I particularly liked was when [spoiler]Martin finally stood up against the bullies and gave them a beat down. And I was cracking up when Homer made all that chainsaw noise to scare off the people attacking the family.[/spoiler] Funny stuff.
  7. [SIZE=2]Gavin?s lightsaber mod rod was merely a foot away from Crystia and Fluff.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=2][B]"So what'll it be?"[/B] Gavin inquired.[/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Crystia and Fluff slowly stepped backwards while continuing to hold up their mod rods in defensive stances. It was obvious that they were trying to come up with a plan that will allow the whole team to flee safely. [/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Meanwhile in Fluff?s duffle bag, Gadget remained awfully silent. He felt upset that he wasn?t able to assist his comrades earlier during the battle against the OtakuBots. However, it was necessary for him to remain quiet throughout the whole encounter with the OtakuBots. If the ominous machines would have heard his voice earlier, they would have done everything they can to get their hands on Gadget?s head, or at least increase their AI to a higher level to outsmart the group.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Gadget was uncertain as to what to do in situation like this. Without his body, there was physically nothing he could do to help his comrades.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Suddenly, while fiddling around with his radar sensors inside his head, he was surprised to see that there were a few people coming towards their location. His robotic sensors assured him that these people weren?t Otakubots, but rather allies.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Gadget looked straight up through Fluff's crowded bag and into the gleaming skies.[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][B]"Perhaps there is hope for us after all."[/B][/SIZE]
  8. [FONT=Verdana]I never get tired of watching that Daigo video, it’s insanely awesome. Hopefully he would be able to pull off something like that again this year.[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]As for me, I’m a big fan of fighting games, but I’m not really good at any of them. I pretty much lose all the time against younger opponents at the arcades. [/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]Anyway, of all the fighting games that I own, I enjoy playing Street Fighter: 3rd Strike the most. The smooth hand drawn animation, the awesome soundtrack, and the parrying system really makes it a joy to play. Although I suck at the game, I still have a lot of fun playing against other people since I always learn something new. Also, minor correction to the names of the other two versions of Street Fighter 3, they were called New Generation and 2nd Impact respectively. I’m not quite sure, but I think the most notable changes between the different versions was the soundtrack and the inclusion of Chun-Li and Akuma.[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]Another favorite title of mine is Garou: Mark of the Wolves (Supposedly SNK’s answer to 3rd Strike) . Lots of cool characters to play from, and an incredibly fast yet deep fighting system. The more I play this game, the more I appreciate all the details and the hard work that went into this game to make it stand it out from all of the other 2D fighting games.[/FONT] [FONT=Calibri][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2] Other favorite titles of mine are Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution, Capcom vs SNK 2, and Tekken 5.[/SIZE][/FONT] [/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]I found an easy one, the missing Signature Size.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]Using this hint:[B] 6 - I could be an outbreak? Find me to really see.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]Located in this thread: [/SIZE][/FONT][URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38446"][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]Outbreak[/SIZE][/FONT][/URL]
  10. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]While not the best game on the system, I enjoyed playing Battalion Wars. It’s a third person shooter with a little mixture of real time strategy. The controls were a bit odd for me at first but after a while I got used to it. Plus, it’s been marked down almost everywhere for around $10.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]The battle modes in Bomberman Generation is pretty awesome. It’s a lot of fun when you have a group of other people to battle with. I can’t really say much about the single player mode though since I haven’t really played through it yet. I only bought the game for the multiplayer modes.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]I’m not quite sure if you would enjoy it, but Donkey Kong Jungle Beat was quite an enjoyable experience for me. The drum controls worked surprisingly well and it was a lot better than what I expected. It’s a bit on the short side though, but just trying to top the high score for every level adds in some replay value. I bought the game along with the Bongos brand new at Gamestop for around $20, and it was well worth it at that price.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  11. There were some people in the past who thought that my username came from the higher portion of an audio frequency. But no, that’s not where I got it from. I’m pretty much clueless when it comes to music. My name actually came from a videogame called “Megaman 7” on the SNES. There’s a character in the game named Bass who has a loyal wolf partner called Treble. Together they serve as the ultimate rivals of Megaman and Rush, the heroes of the game. There really was no significant meaning in choosing to use “Treble” as my username. I just thought that Treble was a really awesome looking sidekick and the bad guys were always cooler than the good guys. More importantly, it was different from all the usual anime names that people fought over for. And I don’t think I have ever changed my username throughout my time here. Well, actually I did capitalized the letter “t” in my name so that it could look more formal and stuff. Also, I have no intention to change my username since I’m so use to it now.
  12. How about Pikmin 2 on the GCN? It?s a really fun game that combines both real-time strategy and creative puzzle elements together in one game. Plus, being able to control an army of Pikmins (little plant creatures) to assist you on your adventure to find valuable treasures is an amazing experience. Visually speaking, it?s a gorgeous looking game that still holds up well today in my opinion. As for 2-D shooters, I recommend any of the Metal Slug games. They?re all awesome run and gun games. Lots of cool weapons, intense boss battles, and classic 2-D gameplay. They?re all pretty short games, though. But to me that?s a good thing since they can get kind of tiresome after a while.
  13. [quote name='Break'] I've also realised old(er) games are much harder than newer ones because objectives were not as clear, and this is much evident in FFVII, when a lot of the time you were shoved onto the world map after being told where you have to go, but not [I]where[/I] this place is. It took me literally hours to figure out where I was supposed to be heading. Maybe I'm just stupid. And the submarine as a convenience? Hardly! It got me lost more than I did on foot![/quote] Haha, it?s not just you. I thought I was the only one who still get lost wandering around aimlessly on the world map wondering where to go to next. [quote name='Desbreko'][COLOR=indigo]Actually, most of my videos took less than an hour to make, from first starting to analyze the boss's patterns to getting a good recording. (But then again, for Zelda LttP and Super Metroid I already knew most of their patterns and the tricks to beating them as well.) Most of Mega Man X's bosses have very simple patterns and most of the challenge came from needing fast reflexes to keep ahead of them in the game and not just in my head. Only Sting Chameleon, Launch Octopus, Bospider, and D-Rex took very long to beat without getting hit.[/COLOR][/quote] Oh, I see. That?s even more impressive to me then. I don?t think my reflexes are that quick, but watching your videos really makes me want to go back to some of the older games and do something similar. It?s always fun to go back to older games and beat bosses that I originally thought were difficult when I first played them. As for FFVII?s blocky graphics, I guess I?m just being kind of picky towards the game, because it?s sort of funny to look at after being exposed to better looking games. And yeah, the FMVs doesn?t really hold up to well these days. Still, it?s a fun game to go back to every now and then. I can spend a whole day in the Gold Saucer just exploring around and playing different mini-games and never get bored.
  14. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]I’ve seen a few of your Megaman X videos, Desbreko. And I’m quite impressed, because I remember I always had a hard time fighting against Boomer Kuwanger and you made the fight look incredibly easy. I can tell it must have took you a lot of time and patience (not including all of your other videos) to remember all of his movements and patterns. Neat stuff. ;)[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]Anyway, to get back on topic, Earthbound (SNES) has always been a game that I wanted to revisit again. I really love the modern vibe that I get out of the game, it’s a nice change from all that fantasy stuff they have these days. Plus, most of the tunes were rather enjoyable to listen to. And most importantly, I want to relive all the quirky and witty moments from the game. [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]On a related note, I tried to replay FFVII the other day, and man is it hard to go back to those blocky graphics after seeing games like Gears of Wars. I've been spoiled by today's standard visuals. [/SIZE][/FONT]
  15. Treble

    E3 2007

    I haven’t really check all the news from E3, but there are a few games that sparks my interest. Resident Evil 5 [URL="http://www.gametrailers.com/player/21514.html"]RE5 Trailer[/URL] Not much was shown for RE5, but it looks like it takes place somewhere in Africa. The crazy villagers from the desert gives me the impression that this game will have a higher sense of speed and danger as opposed to RE4. Can’t wait to see more when Capcom reveals a longer trailer on the 26th . Halo 3 [URL="http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3160984"]Trailer[/URL] I never really was a big Halo fan, but I have to say the single player campaign looks pretty amazing so far and I love the instrumental they used for the trailer. Mario Kart Wii [URL="http://www.gametrailers.com/player/21542.html"]Trailer[/URL] Along with the unexpected custom wheel, I’m excited that Nintendo is finally bringing online multiplayer battles to the game. Edit: Wow, anyone seen the new the Super Mario Galaxy video yet? It’s breathtaking. Throughout the video, Mario transformed into a bumblebee and a ghost(Boo)! Makes me wonder if there will be even more cool transformations throughout the game. Raccoon Mario anyone? And I love how diverse and vibrant the levels are. It’s definitely one of the best trailers to come out of E3 so far. Here’s a link in case anyone else is interested: [URL="http://www.gametrailers.com/player/21554.html"]Mario Galaxy Video[/URL]
  16. While most members were gathered up together in the cafeteria to talk about ideas for the Community Event, I was sitting alone in my room. With all these tragic events occurring over a short amount of time, I was troubled and needed someone to talk to. Perhaps Grape Ape could cheer me up with his wise wisdom. With that in mind, I decided to walk around the corridors of CTU to look for Grape Ape. Suddenly, something treacherous appeared right before my eyes. [B]Go Go Gadget Anti-Terror Dart!!![/B] I yelled aloud as I spotted a deceiving terrorist standing near Grape Ape and Agent Mother. Both Agent Mother and Grape Ape rushed out of the room to safety as my dart flew towards Terror Stick. Terror Stick dodged the tranquilizer dart that flew out of my gadget and rushed towards me while pulling out a puny popsicle stick out of his long beard. [I]Was he insane? A popsicle stick?![/I] As I was questioning his choice of weapon to myself, he managed to jab me in the stomach multiple times, which sent me flying towards the concrete wall. I slowly got back up on my knees, and pulled out another wacky gadget from my jacket. [B]You fool! You underestimated the power of my incredible stick! [/B] Terror Stick stated boldly as he looked at me directly into the eyes. [B]“Maybe so… but at least… I was able to distract you long enough from harming my fellow comrades,”[/B] I muttered painfully. [B]Ha! My almighty stick has already paralyzed the inner chi of your body flow and soon you will be unable to move. Who’s going to protect your teammates now? Eh? Eh?! [/B]Terror Stick shouted fearlessly. As he was yapping on and on, I immediately attach my healing gadget onto my chest in order to nullify the damage. Terror Stick knew I was up to something and cautiously walked towards me with his deadly popsicle stick. I wasn’t able to move since I was still injured from his attacks. [I]Was this the end for me?[/I] [I]Am I going to die by a popsicle stick?[/I] These thoughts ran across my mind as I closed my eyes and hoped that Superman will come to rescue me. Out of the blue, a mysterious figure came in flying. [B]Take this deceitful terrorist![/B] El Kabong screamed aloud as he swung down on a rope towards the smelly terrorist and landed a few hits with his acoustic guitar. Terror Stick was surprise by the sudden appearance of the legendary Kabonger, and was not able to dodge the attacks in time. Although injured, Terror Stick was still able to move. Once he got himself up, he rapidly ran directly towards the wall with his little stick and created an enormous hole in the wall where he managed to escape. [B]Are you all right?![/B] El Kabong questioned as he approached me. [B]“I should be fine after a few days of healing”[/B] I said softly. [B]“Tell Grape Ape I will not be able to assist him in coming up with ideas for the Community Event, because I’m going to need a lot of rest for the next few days. And stay alert for any other terror attacks.”[/B] [B]“Roger that, soldier!”[/B] El Kabong replied as he carried my injured body to the medical center of CTU.
  17. Treble


    Hey it's the Great Wind Fish! Welcome back! I remember you and your silliness back in the old days. It's cool to see old faces come back every now and then. Hope you still stick around for a while. ;)
  18. Ezekiel, your username tells me that you have a very unique username, and I have no idea where you got the name from. Your title tells me that you are a proud member of OB?s CTU and will do everything in your hand to bring justice to this board, or maybe it was meant for something else. The avatar shows me that you are also a proud member of the Aces and that you go by ?Zeke? in that rpg. Lastly, your signature gives me the impression that you are a fan of that one kid from Harry Potter and that he is the bomb, as in the best.
  19. [QUOTE=BKstyles][font=tahoma] -[b]Jack Krauser[/b] from Resident Evil: He's cool and he just plain kicks ***...nothing really more to be said there. Plus, he's the funnest character to play in RE4 and the battle against him (the actual one, not the button prompt one) is one of the most exhilirating boss battles in the game's genre. [/font][/QUOTE]Agreed. Krauser was definitely one of my most favorite fights in a videogame, and I like the fact that they gave us a whole big battlefield just to fight against him. Plus, nothing was more satisfying than to kill him using only the knife and nothing else. As for[b] Eggman, [/b]he was much more cooler when he went by ?Dr. Robotnik?. However, he is still awesome in my book. Was it not cool to see all the different types of wacky machines he brought out to destroy Sonic? [b]Magus[/b] from the Chrono Trigger series is another favorite villain of mine. It?s been a while since I?ve played the game, but I do remember enjoying his bad *** theme song whenever he appeared throughout the game. Also, it was fun to see one of those cool mysterious villains that was filled with vengeance towards the main villain of the game. [b]Psycho Mantis[/b] from Metal Gear Solid is another amazing villain simply because he was an unusual bad guy that scared the crap out of me when he turned my whole tv screen black.
  20. I only added tiny sparks to the original image that I found, and nothing else. Hope you like it. ;) [url="http://tinypic.ca/"][img]http://tinypic.ca/files/yfqxm2ex5yyweyjotj2j.png[/img][/url] [url="http://tinypic.ca/"][img]http://tinypic.ca/files/0mdzdznzzzttct4iywaj.png[/img][/url]
  21. I think this is a neat idea, Sara. Also, I thought your comic strips were pretty cute. ;) As for my comic strip, I don?t have a scanner, so I took a photo of an old doodle that I did a few years ago. It?s a parody about typical adventures in videogames. The original comic strip that inspired me to draw this was much more funnier than mine, but I still laugh at my own comic strip whenever I read it. I was too lazy to create new panels for the old man, so I just let him ramble on and on in one panel. [center] [url="http://img75.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shattereddreamsux7.png"][img]http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/5865/shattereddreamsux7.th.png[/img][/url] [/center]
  22. Although I was not seriously injured from the explosion, I felt too weak to get back onto my feet. I could not bare the truth that had just been revealed. I was wrong, dead wrong. I knew something wasn?t right when I accused Japan of being a terrorist. All of the clues were just too obvious to be true. Because of me, Japan was wrongfully accused and was forced to reveal a dark past. Suddenly, a fierce voice interrupted my guilty thoughts, "[b]Platypus shouldn?t be too far away ![/b]" Mother exclaimed to the rest of the unit. Mother was right, this was no time to be thinking of our mistakes. Our main priority right now was to capture the filthy traitor for causing this tragedy. I gradually rise up on my feet and locked my eyes onto Japan, who was standing closely by Mother and an injured Peacock. I wanted to apologize to Japan, but I knew a simple apology would not be enough to make up for my mistake. The only thing that I could have thought of to make up for my error was to catch Platypus and bring back justice to her. I bowed my head in shame, and swiftly turned around and ran out of the room. Whether it was to catch the traitor or escape from my guilt, I wasn?t sure, I just had to get out of the room. While running around the corners of CTU, there were many different obstacles scattered all over the floor. Things didn?t look to good, I needed to hurry up and catch up to one of my comrades who were chasing down Platypus.
  23. Wow, that is a nice looking wallpaper, Shy. I love the stylish monkey, he has a sense of justice to him. [font=Verdana][size=2] And The Kuja, I'm not a big fan of the use of the crimson color in your desktop, it?s illustrates how vicious terrorist are. [/size][/font][font=Verdana][size=2] As for my current desktop, I prefer something that demonstrates integrity.[/size][/font] [center][font=Verdana][size=2][img]http://i15.tinypic.com/6gijsba.png[/img][/size][/font] [/center] [center][font=Verdana][size=2]or [/size][/font] [/center] [center][font=Verdana][size=2]Desktop [/size][/font] [/center] [center][font=Verdana][size=2][url="http://img47.imageshack.us/my.php?image=fqfg2bgcu3.png"][img]http://img47.imageshack.us/img47/7300/fqfg2bgcu3.th.png[/img][/url][/size][/font] [/center]
  24. Here?s a cool video in which two expert Street Fighter Third Strike players duke it out at the EVO fighting tournament. Most likely, a lot of fighting fans have already seen it, but it?s always fun to watch it again. Just when it seems like Ken is going to lose, he parries all of Chun-Li?s Super move and wins the match. The fans surrounding the two players adds in a lot of excitement when they start cheering for the turnover. :) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLKEcBVU5Ok"]Ken vs Chun-Li (Shortened Version)[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnEWSO6NrQo"] Ken vs Chun-Li (Long Version; The final round of the first match)[/url]
  25. I tried to see if I could find any of the older banners and was only able to find three of them using the wayback machine. Most of the time none of the images would load up for me. Well, here?s what I found. [img]http://i14.tinypic.com/5x78u1s.gif[/img] [img]http://i15.tinypic.com/6covic4.jpg[/img] [img]http://i16.tinypic.com/5ywmno7.jpg[/img] Not a lot, but it?s a start.
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