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Everything posted by Treble

  1. You're not the only one with this game Seph, and I must agree with everything you have said about MK: DA. But nonetheless, without comparing it to the other two great fighting games, MK: DA turned out to be pretty good. The fatalities in the game were average, I expected alot more from Midway, and from what I heard about the game there are no stage pit fatalities. What I really like about MK: DA was the ability to fight in three different styles and planning out ways to link combos up using the styles, its unique. ;)
  2. Hope I'm not to late or anything, but the title of the song is "[b]I'll be missing you[/b]" and as already mentioned up above the artists are Puff Daddy (Pi Diddy)and Faith Evans. Good song indeed.;)
  3. [b]1)[/b] The only Street Fighter games out for the Ps2 that I know of are, Capcom vs SNK 2, and Street Fighter EX 3. I think I may be missing a game or two. [b]2)[/b] According to what I know, Capcom does not have any plans for a cel-shaded Street Fighter game yet, since they are currently working on a new 3-d Street Fighter game titled "[i]Capcom Fighting All-Stars[/i]". Although it would be nice to see a cel-shaded Street Fighter game. :) I also heard that "[i]Marvel vs Capcom 2[/i]" is on its way to the Ps2, and to me it is one of the best 2-d fighting ever made. :)
  4. I would prefer a [i]Megaman Zero[/i] game for GC instead of Megaman Battle Network (MBN), but its all good.:) Well I've played MBN on the GBA, and I must say its pretty fun, the battle system in the game is pretty neat. As long it is as good as the GBA versions, I'll be satisfy.:)
  5. Treble

    The Tuxedo

    I am also interested in the movie, I love watching Jackie Chan and all his unique fighting styles he be doing in his movies. I also love watching Jennifer Love Hewitt (JLW), shes cool, and from the commercials, she did some pretty funny stuff that I never thought I would see. It might not be as hilarious as Rush Hour, but a movie with a hilarious fighter, and a beautiful young lady, now you know thats a movie worth watching for me.:)
  6. Treble

    Project Gamer

    OOC: I also apologize for being late, I had writers block, hehe. :) ---------------------------------- [i]Battles after battles, after all the fights he had been through in his life, Ryu just wasn?t satisfy. Sure, he may have battled many great fighters around the world, but seeing that the world was a big place, he knew that there must have been many more great fighters out there that he had yet to face. Now that Ryu is in the Mortal Kombat Realm, he can expect many great challenges that will lie in his pathway, as his journey begins in the MK Shrine. As Ryu walks in a dark, shallow, cave, he hear mens groaning in pain from far away as if they were being killed. He have never been to a place like this before, but being the curious man he is, Ryu continues on to walk forward. Suddenly out of nowhere, a quick shadow flew by, the shadow figure stood with his back turned to Ryu.[/i] [b]???:[/b] What in the world is a mortal like you doing in this realm?! [b]Ryu:[/b] The name?s Ryu, and I?m here looking for a new challenge. [b]???:[/b] Ha! A new challenge? Well sorry to disappoint you, but a mortal like you wouldn?t even last a day in here. [b]Ryu:[/b] Really? Why don?t you and me duke it out, and I?ll show you how powerful a mortal like me can be. [b]???:[/b] Heh, it?s on kid. [i]The mysterious shadow figured turned around and gotted in his fighting stance, as Ryu dropped his white bag and gotted in his own fighting stance.[/i]
  7. [b]Character name:[/b] Ryu [img]http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/ryu6.gif[/img] [b]Reason for choosing character:[/b] Ryu happens to be one of the top best fighter out there alive. He got the looks, the fighting skills, great-looking outfit, heck even [b]Chun-Li[/b] digs him. [b]My Knowledge of this character:[/b] Well seeing that I have played the majority of games Ryu appeared in, I know all his moves, his personality, and no matter what, he?ll always look forward to a new challenge. [b]Starting location of character:[/b] Mortal Kombat Shrine
  8. I'm just plain out crazy whenever I am alone or with people that I know very well. But whenever I am with people that I don't know to well, I tend to be very quiet and shy. That is why many people that don't really know me to well think I am just a nice quiet person, but the truth is I'm a crazy-nice person. :)
  9. [b]Group:[/b] Robot Master [b]Name:[/b] Heatman [b]Personality:[/b] Heatman is not a nice guy to be around with, he has a high temperature problem, in other words, Heatman is always mad and furious. He also tends to stay away from water, and anything that is cold. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.boomspeed.com/treble/Heatman2.GIF[/img]
  10. As of right now, I am interested in getting Bomberman Generations for my next GCN title.However, Super Mario Sunshine is on my [b]must[/b] get list, so I'm definately getting SMS when it releases.:)
  11. Username: I got the name [i]Treble[/i] off of [b]Megman 7[/b], a videogame.Treble is Bass (Forte) loyal partner, they work hard together to become the best.I have no reason why I chosed it as my username, but its been with me for a while now. :) Avatar: It's Mario, one of the most famous videogame character of all time.The reason why I have him as my avatar, is to celebrate Mario's latest adventure, [b]Mario Sunshine[/b]. Sig/Banner: Well its basically a quote from [b]Shigeru Miyamoto[/b], the man who created Mario, Zelda, and Donkey Kong. As for the banner, it shows three pics of Bass (Forte), meaning that I am a huge fan of his.
  12. My very first game that I have played is also [b]Duck Hunt[/b] on the NES.The first game that I have ever beated was [b]Double Dragon[/b] on the NES, along with my brother of course.:)
  13. 1) Beating [b]Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle: Turtle in Time[/b] with my brother for the first time.The ending of the game wasn't so great, but I enjoyed beating the crap out of the enemies with my brother. 2) When Magus joined my team in [b]Chrono Trigger[/b]. 3) The death of Aeris in [b]FFVII[/b], it was truly sad. 4) When Mareg risked his own life to save the others in [b]Grandia 2[/b]. 5) The joy of playing [b]Super Mario 64[/b] all the way to the end. 6) The first time playing [b]Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars[/b].
  14. Interesting video of Mario Sunshine you got there Semjaza Azazel, I noticed a few things that caught me eyes. The first thing that caught my eyes was at the beginning of the commercial, it showed the liquid-looking Mario stealing Mario's water equipment, could this mean that Mario would have to fight him without his water equipment, or perhaps even maybe Mario would have to chase him, who knows? If it was true, then it'll probaly be fun fighting the liquid Mario while he uses Mario's own weapon on Mario.;) Lets move on to the other thing shall we? The second thing that caughted my eyes was somewhere near the end of the commercial, as Yoshi does his cool jump take a look at the bottom right corner, you'll see what looks like the word [i]"hungry"[/i], could this mean that Mario would have to feed Yoshi throughout the game? I could be wrong though, perhaps it could have been another word, the video wasn't that clear enough for me to see it correctly. Anyhoo, perhaps both of the things I noticed would turn out to be something different from what I have pointed out, but one thing I do know is that I'll be at one of my local gaming store when the game releases.:)
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo] I'd just like to mention that the "Boxers or Briefs?" "Just Peachy" and "Dirty Hands" pictures were taken by one of my friends.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Mmmmhmmm, blaming it on your friend now eh? Lol, just playing around, I know you're not that type of person or are you?(Mysterious song plays) :bellylol: Anyways, those are some very nice screen captures it must have took you a while for most of them, I'd even saved a few of them on my hardrive.;) The one that I like the most is the screenshot of "Metal Link", its a masterpiece, well to me it is, lol.:)
  16. I had a wonderful time yesterday on July 4th, my friends and I went out to the beach early and we spented many hours in the water swimming, mainly because of the hot weather.After that we lighted up some fireworks along with everybody, and my it was just an amazing sight to see everyone firing off different kinds of fireworks. As the day went by, the official fireworks went off, it was simply one of the most coolest thing I've ever seen in my life.:)
  17. I'm assuming that Lieberman is concerned with all the violence thats happening everyday in the world, and if I am right, I'm guessing that he blames the violence in videogames for the cause. Sure its a good thing that he's trying to stop violence and/or decreasing the amount of violence in the world, but shutting down violence in videogames ain't gonna cut it.Theres violence everywhere, in your neighborhood, city, television, and who knows how long the list can go, its all over the world. Well all I gotta say is with all the videogame fanatics out there in the world, Joseph Lieberman doesn't stand a chance, well hopefully he doesn't.:)
  18. All these upcoming videogame movies sounds very interesting, I hope they all do good as Tomb Raider, that movie was just simply amazing.;) Anyways the movies that interest me most are Tekken, Dead or Alive, and Resident Evil: Nemisis.What I want to see in Tekken is alot of great fighting actions with a good story, and for RE: Nemisis I want the movie to focus mainly on the story of the game itself.As for DoA, lets just say there better be a lot of good looking females, oh and guys for the girls, with a lot of action and an great plot.:)
  19. I personally agree that games today are getting kind of less enjoyable, but none-the-less there are still plenty of games out there that are still enjoyable.:) The way I see it, Nintendo makes their games very enjoyable and addicting, in other words they focus mainly on the gameplay of a game than anything else, which is a good thing.But what I'm really trying to say is that Nintendo is always bringing out something new and enjoyable.;) Any game company can do something of their own to become as sucessful as Nintendo if they work hard enough, but judging from games that I see today I see nothing but games that try to use the same mechanics of another game to be even better, or sequel to games that doesn't have much of a change.Everybody should try something of their own, using their imagination anything can be possible.
  20. My its been a while since you've returned Ben, I'm just checking in.Oh yeah, perhaps you should get F. Flash, or Ricotranzrig to move this into the [b]Sign-up Forum[/b].;)
  21. I am also happy with Capcom's decision, by taking Megaman X into the 3-D world this will leave me and many other MMX fans out there with new experiences to control MMX and Zero in 3-D. I hope the battle system would be as fun as it was when it was in 2-D, if the battle system is somewhat similar to Devil May Cry then MMX7 would be totally awsome.:)
  22. Oh yeah, I find the Internet to be very addiciting and entertaining at the same time.The reason why I'm addicted to the internet is because it provides me sources that I need, musics to listen to, and so on with many different things.Well I guess I can say the internet is just that good that you'll never get bored of it.:)
  23. Treble

    GCN Mario Cart

    Ever since I saw an early video of Mario Kart on the GCN, where it showed Mario and Luigi racing I was totally impressed.I own all three Mario Kart games but the one I enjoy most was the one on the SNES it was just an awsome experience racing against others to win the big-golden trophy, and it was my very first racing game.:) As for features I would love to see on the GCN version, I hope to see more Battle modes stages, new characters ( It would be nice if Koopa Troopa returned as well), new levels, and if Nintendo ever decided to also have online play, that be awsome.Just imagine racing against others around the globe for the trophy, battling against each other in the Battle mode, etc. But even if Nintendo doesn't include online features, I'm sure it'll be as fun as the originals.:)
  24. Treble

    Family Guy

    Family Guy is the most hilarious show I've ever seen in my life, whenever I watch it, I just can't stop laughing.:bellylol: The fat guy (forgot his name), Stewart, and the dog cracks me up the most, everything in the show is just plain-out hilarious.:)
  25. Why don't we all just get back into disscusing our favorite rappers, shall we? Ahem anyways, my favorite rappers are: Tupac (2pac)- One of the bestest rapper ever lived, a legend. Ice Cube- I consider him to be one of the top best rapper, and as TN mentioned his movies are plain out hilarious. DMX- Well I loved his first three cd's, but as of now his songs aren't as good as it was before. Lil' Zane- He's pretty cool to listen to, and got that nice voice that just flows with his songs.
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