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Everything posted by Nothing674

  1. I am the starting varsity goalkeeper on the soccer team at my school. During practice one time, we were doing breakaways (one on one with the goalie) and I got hit right in the nose with the ball as the guy tried to shoot it past me. The very next guy to go also hit me in my nose. It wasn't broken, but god it hurt... I guess that really doesn't compare much to yours, but when I play sports I am the one that does the hurting, rather than getting hurt. :D
  2. Bravo! Well said, I agree completely. The difference between anime and looney toons is massive. "Just a cartoon" does not give anime nearly enough credit; it's far more than that.
  3. I got my copy at suncoast. That is the only place I've ever seen it. You'll be able to find it probably at any place that sells anime online though, and for much cheaper than it is to buy at a suncoast store. As far as renting it goes, I think you're out of luck there. I went out and bought a copy cause one of the guys from the Tenchizone board told me how good it was, so I went and bought one, and wasn't dissappointed in the least.
  4. Daughter of Darkness was definately a strange movie, in the concept that they decided to combine Tenchi Muyo and Tenchi Universe in it. I mean the light hawk wings are in it, yet so is Kiyone. Daughter of Darkness is almost a whole new tenchi series all it's own. I guess Mayuka was just a dead end that they left hanging at the end of DoD. She won't be appearing in any more tenchi, as far as we know.
  5. the answer to that question is really very simple. First of all, Tenchi Muyo is not finished. The continuation of Tenchi Muyo (OVA 3) will be released around Spring 2002 in Japan. No date has been set for international release. And the reason there are 3 series is because... well.... there just are. They are all stories looking into the life and fate of Tenchi Masaki, but all happening in different ways. I guess Mr. Kajishima just couldn't decide which was the best fate for Tenchi, so he made many stories about him. Hey I'm not complaining, the more Tenchi the better!
  6. The Grave of the Fireflies is the saddest and most depressing anime movie I have ever seen. I cried in the end, I kid you not. I've never cried in a movie before either, until I saw that movie. I recommend it to everyone. Although the animation wasn't too impressive (but it was made in 1988, so cut it some slack) it was definately the best anime movie I have ever seen. Who else here has seen it, and tell me what you think.
  7. yeah, I didn't find it too appealing either.
  8. I don't like Zoids at all. I respect your opinion and all but I don't like it very much. I watched like two episodes, and that was enough for me....
  9. um, my little brother was born with six toes! No I kid you not, he really was. I'm just glad my parents didn't keep it in a jar or somethin as a "keepsake."
  10. Wow, that really puts things in a whole new perspective. I guess the depression some of us feel sometimes is really insignificant compared to most of the rest of the world's problems. That's pretty incredible, I'm glad you posted it.
  11. hmm, these are really rough sketches. I guess you are leaving some of it up to us for interpretation right?
  12. Hey! Don't count me out of this! I am an artist as well, and I'd love for you to visit my site, I have tons of pictures of characters I have created myself, and am currently working on my own manga, but it hasn't come too far along yet though. Just use the link in my sig. Let's see if I can figure out how I'll attach a poster I made.... By the way, all of the pics on my site were colored with colored pencils, but I am learning right now to use photoshop to color my drawings, I'll post one of those when I'm finished with one..... Shoot nevermind the poster file is too big..... Here is another black and white one that I will eventually color in with Photoshop. Ah shoot, that one is too big too, ok give me your address and I'll e-mail it to you how does that sound?
  13. Hey! Don't count me out of this! I am an artist as well, and I'd love for you to visit my site, I have tons of pictures of characters I have created myself, and am currently working on my own manga, but it hasn't come too far along yet though. Just use the link in my sig. Let's see if I can figure out how I'll attach a poster I made....
  14. They are continuing the story line, which will be OVA 3, which is so far scheduled to be released in Japan sometime in Spring 2002. Which means it will likely be available in the US the following summer. For those of you not in the US, I give you my deepest sympathies for having to wait longer for the next part of the greatest anime series ever created! J/K, but it would drive me nuts if I knew it was coming out in another country and I had to wait!
  15. what? Ryoko doesn't have Jurai blood and she could create them. Katsuhito is Yosho's earth name, and Yosho is his Jurain name. And yeah, I know Tenchi isn't the only one who can make the wings. And where did you hear that Ryoko would be far more powerful than all 10 wings if she ever got her gems? I don't remember that at all. And you forgot to mention the new character Z (he is nameless) who can create 5 wings. We saw that in Here Comes Jurai 2.
  16. Ah, see you are wrong there. It tells you in Ep. 13 of Tenchi Muyo, in the conversation between Yosho and Lady Funaho. It says that the power of Ryoko's gems had been giving power to Yosho's tree, which is why he had stayed alive and not died yet. Then Funaho explains that Ryoko's gems and the power of the Jurain royal family are the same, which is why the gems had been giving power to Yosho's tree. Then she explains that because they are the same power, Ryoko would be able to produce the light hawk wings just like Tenchi can if she ever obtained her 3 gems back. Now that doesn't mean she can produce them right off the bat, she will probably have some difficulty finding them, just like Tenchi did. But she undoubtedly would have the potential to produce the wings if she ever got all of the gems back. Go to [URL=http://www.Tenchizone.com]Tenchizone[/URL] or [URL=http://www.Mytenchi.com]MyTenchi[/URL] and download ep. 13 if you don't believe me.
  17. Yeah, the new series is in the works (OVA 3) and also a spinoff (GXP). Both should be released in Japan in Spring 2002, but a release date for the US has not been released yet. There was a rumor that OVA 3 was going to be released in 2004 in the US and another rumor that it was canceled altogether. Both of these rumors are false, AIC has made no announcement of the release overseas yet. As far as the name being Tenchi X, that's not true either. It won't be a new series, it is the continuation of the OVA's (Tenchi Muyo). OVA 3 will pick up where Epidsode 13 of Tenchi Muyo left off.
  18. Man, I feel for you dude. That's horrible. But you gotta remember, hurting him or anything of that nature only sinks you to his level. Right now he is trash, and you are on top. Striking against him will get you or your mother nothing. Just play it out, he'll be gone soon. Keeping your cool shows more on you than reacting with anger and hatred. Those things never got anyone anywhere..... but down.
  19. Nothing674


    [QUOTE]I say no, I think small events...that do not effect the world...are not predetermined. Such as my life...I can do ALMOST anything but I can not change the world unless I was "destined" to... [/QUOTE] So was Hitler destined to kill more than 6 million people? What kind of a greater being would allow that? One that's not there, that's what......
  20. Nothing674


    no, I don't believe in fate in the least bit. I think everything that happens is purely coincidence, however odd the coincidence may be. I believe people want to believe that they are a part of something special, and not just another joe in the big mass of people out there. This leads to the belief of fate. Some believe they are "destined" for another, or they are "destined" to perform a specific duty to better a community or society or whatever. I firmly believe that is not true. Now I know right now I sound like a real "glass is half empty" kind of guy, but don't get me wrong I'm not like that at all. I'm hopeful, yet simply realistic as well.....
  21. crap, I don't know the name of it.... Some of the lyrics are like: all full of cheer, christmas is here.... and then have a very very merry christmas, have a very very merry christmas..... and it's really fast.... somebody help me out?
  22. lol, it does look like you are about to break into tears.....
  23. I can't wait to see it either. Movies/books of the fantasy type (that are any good) are slim pickins nowadays. I'm thrilled whenever something big like this comes out in that category. See you there!
  24. If you notice, the trend seems to be the male fans of Tenchi Muyo tend to favor Ryoko more than the female's. I mean why wouldn't we? She is beautiful, outgoing, mysterious, etc, etc. She has many of the qualities guys look for in a girl, which is why she is loved so much. Now of course this doesn't apply to EVERY guy, I am just making a generalization. But I can't see how you find her annoying. Bossy I see clearly, but annoying I don't. How about an explaination here?
  25. Hmm, you'd have to be very careful if you made a Zelda movie. I mean look at Tomb Raider, that movie blew. If they did make a movie, it would defiantely have to be animated rather than live action. I can't think of one movie off of a video game that was good, let's see.... Tomb Raider, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat.... they all sucked. They should stick to what they're good at and make video games.
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