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Everything posted by Nothing674

  1. I don't know... Am I the only one who thinks this technology seems kinda.....pointless?
  2. hmm, that is interesting. Make sure you don't hide it but so well or nobody will ever find it!
  3. Oh come on, Tenchi wasn't giving it his all? That is a terrible excuse. Yes, I do agree with you that Yosho could beat Ryoko with her gems, but I'm just saying it would be a good fight. Tenchi vs. Yosho, on the other hand, Yosho would take it with no prob. Although we can't be sure, it is probable to assume that Yosho can also create the light hawk wings, as he is a Jurain prince as well. Now I don't plan on getting any more hostile about this than it has already gotten, so you've heard my point.
  4. No, I'm afraid you're wrong akito. Ryoko has NEVER obtained the possession of her three gems in any of the Tenchi series. IF she ever did, then she would give Yosho a hard time (cause she could then form the light hawk wings). And the fact that Tenchi beats Kagato is besides the point, the main thing you should be worried about here is that YOSHO BEATS TENCHI EVERY TIME THEY PRACTICE! Definately Yosho.
  5. no fair! all u guys can get on at school, my school has a block on Otakuboards!
  6. dude, of course Yosho would win. The only way anyone else would even have a chance of beating him would be Ryoko with her 3 gems (remember she could make light hawk wings if she ever got her 3 gems back). Yosho is the big bad Jurain prince who would kick everyone's.... well you know.
  7. Hey, my friend sent me to a site with some vid clips from the anime Goldenboy, and I must say I haven't seen anything so hilarious in a long time! I know this isn't a very well known anime, so could some of you guys who have "seen it all" (Transtic, you've seen everything....) tell me a little about it? All I saw were these clips, and I have no clue what Kintaro or any of the other characters are about. Here is a link to the site if any of you guys wanna check it out: [URL=http://www.jdpaul.com/goldenboy/]Goldenboy[/URL]
  8. [QUOTE]An example of a band that has a vocalist as a drummer is SUM 41. And really, it helps me out if I actually have the song in my head, or sing it out cuz' it helps me remember the drum beats better.[/QUOTE] The drummer for Sum-41 doesn't do lead vocals though. It's pretty common for drummers to do background vocals, but lead vocals is almost unheard of. I hope you're very good at the whole rub your belly while patting your head concept.....
  9. uh, I always twiddle my thumbs when I'm nervous........ I know it's not that bad, but hey......
  10. LoL:laugh: Good times, good times. One question though: won't it be kinda hard playing the drums and doing lead vocals at the same time? I mean I know guys play the guitar and do lead vocals at the same time, but I've never seen someone do it while playing drums....
  11. yeah, I think I know which ones you are talking about. Is it the one with Ryoko in her battle suit with some feathers around the gem in her neck? I have it somewhere, I just don't feel like finding it.:cross:
  12. Nah, if Ryoko ever got her 3 gems, she would whip tenchi if they ever got in a fight. Keep in mind that in OVA 13 it tells us that if Ryoko got her 3 gems, she would be able to produce the light hawk wings just like Tenchi. I'd bet a pretty penny Ryoko would win.
  13. I'd just hate for this to be the start of the Zelda series going downhill and eventually wind up as a little kid's game. I mean if any of you are Megaman fans and played the Megaman game for N64, then you know what I mean. Megaman X for SNES was, in my opinion, the best game to come out for SNES, and then they totally ruin Megaman on N64 by making it more suitable for younger kids. I've already lost one of my fav game series, I don't want to lose another....
  14. Last summer, I went to Spain, France, and Italy, and right now I can tell you the BEST out of those three was Spain. It's a beautiful country and the people are so hospitable. The food is amazing. I would recommend Barcelona, that is a stupendous city. Don't go to France. Sorry if any French people see this, but people in France were very rude and obviously didn't like Americans at all (sorry to contradict you Videl lol, but since you're English I think you're accepted quicker than I am). I was only in Paris though, can't say that for the rest of France, but Paris was unhospitable, dirty (they let their dogs crap in the streets!) and just not the most fun experience I've had. Italy was good, I visited Rome and Floerence, but in Italy I saw just as many tourists as I did Italians, so...... (but Italy did have the best food out of the three!) Definately Spain is worth it though.
  15. How about the scene is Ep. 12 when Washu was mocking Dr. Clay about all the "horrible things" he planned to do to Ryoko! They cut that out too.
  16. Yeah, I agree IkariShinji. Once Ryoko gets all 3 of her gems back, Tenchi wouldn't stand a chance against her if they ever got in a fight!
  17. See, Tenchi didn't know he could create them until Tsunami helped him discover his own hidden power, which resulted in the Light Hawk Wings. This was in OVA 6 in his battle with Kagato, so before this he could not create them. And he does not ask the girls to help him, they WANT to help him because they are all very attached to Tenchi. The girls actually helped him to release the light hawk wings; because Tenchi saw them suffering as the result of Kagato, it helped him to find the light hawk wings and release them. The reason the light hawk wings aren't in Universe or Shin is because, the story of those two just doesn't include them! It's that simple. Muyo, Universe, and Shin are simply all stories of the life and fate of Tenchi happening in a different way. They are not related in any way. It just happened that the light hawk wings were in Muyo, and not Universe or Shin. Does that answer your question?
  18. Live. Live is the greatest band ever. Their new album V rocks like you wouldn't believe. Right now I'm rockin to Nonpoint, they are a pretty decent band too.
  19. It depends totally on the specific person. I'm sure somewhere there is a stuck up shy person, and elsewhere there is a shy person who is not stuck up. It all depends.
  20. [QUOTE]To be honest, they are two different types of games. . I LOVE Mario64. It was a huge game, and had lots to offer. It is really an adventure game, running all over the worlds, beating the levels by getting stars to unlock more boards. However, I LOVE Luigi's Mansion. It is a mystery/adventure, where you have to capture ghosts, while finding clues to move on from floor to floor, and door to door. There are tons of secrets wherever you go, and solving how to capture each boss ghost is really fun and challenging. Compaired to Mario64, Luigi's Mansion is much shorter of a game, but I don't get that repetative feeling yet. All the rooms are different, and the graphics are very, very pleasing. Hearing Luigi hum along to the eerie music is a nice treat, and having him call out "Mario" is fun, even when shrunk. I have played this, and am nearing the end, and will probably play it again a couple times, to master the controls (which I am very close to doing now) so I will be able to capture more secret ghosts easier. ^_^ All in all, with the exception of game length, I have to say this is a very excellent game, and very worth getting.[/QUOTE] You're almost near the end?? Gamecube just came out last sunday!! Either you're playing that machine to death, or luigi's mansion is ungodly short. Length is definately something I consider when buying a game, I can't stand beating a game in a week, it drives me crazy! By the way, why is luigi in the mansion in the first place? I mean what is the point of him being there? I could only think that he was looking for mario, but I don't know.... On a side note here, I really hated how they took out fire flowers and mushrooms and super stars out of Mario 64. Those were so much fun! That's the only complaint I had about Mario 64, other than that I loved it!
  21. hmm, I was reading the review of luigi's mansion at ign.com and they seem to think that luigi's mansion doesn't even compare to mario 64. I will confess, I believe mario 64 is ranked in the top 5 games ever made for N64, only falling short of (1)Zelda: OoT (2) Zelda: MM (3) James Bond: The World is Not Enough (4) Mario Kart 64, then comes Mario 64 at number five.
  22. Please tell me this is some kind of horrible joke. I went to ign.com and saw what the original would have looked like, and this cartoon look doesn't even compare. I HATE the cartoon look, it is an insult to a great game series! If they want to do that, fine, but at least do it in the second or third release of zelda on the gamecube, NOT the first! That totally ruins it. I have been a long time zelda fan, and I am seriously considering NOT buying the game just because of this horrible cartoon look. I don't know what shigeru miyamoto has been smoking, but it must be some good stuff to totally screw up zelda the way he did. Come on now, be honest, I know we all love zelda, but mr. miyamoto has really ruined it; and it would have been better how he originally planned it. who agrees??
  23. Of all the games out for GC so far, which would you guys say is the best? It was lookin to me to be between star wars and luigi's mansion, so from the people who have played which is better??
  24. Hey, I was just wondering if there is any evidence that the Zelda series will be continued to the Gamecube. The only reason I even play video games is for zelda, and I won't even bother buying a gamecube if zelda won't be on it. Anyone know??
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