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Everything posted by Nothing674

  1. I think X-Men are a joke altogether. American comics are so horrible compared to Japanese manga. I don't have a fav X-Men character, because I think they are all ridiculous.
  2. no, I didn't see it, but it sounds funny! I went to France last summer, they are not exactly the most hospitable people....
  3. It was close between linkin park and staind, but I went for staid. Their new cd is really good. Although the BEST rock band is not on your list, which is Live!
  4. I really believe a good personality is better than undying beauty. I know plenty of girls that are drop dead gorgeous, but if you got to know them you wouldn't like them very much. Now don't get me wrong, a good personality can only take you so far. I like at least a small combo of both.
  5. I used to visit 4 or 5 other boards, but now just this one and the board at Tenchizone.com. Everyone at that board is so much fun to hang out with!
  6. hmm, personally I'd rather see a new James Bond movie before any star wars, but I'm always glad when they put out a new star wars. It's just one of those films you HAVE to go see, because they are so legendary. I agree with everyone else, jar-jar ruined the first one. LoL, I didn't even know there was going to be an episode 2 until I read this post......:laugh:
  7. [QUOTE]I start n the nose and eyes to lay a foundation for the face..... however proper drawing technique states you draw the outlining shapes in ovals for what you are drawing.. and proportions... for face or whole body.... there are set proportions for drawing the human figure.[/QUOTE] Yes, the right proportions for a human figure is 7.5 to 8 heads tall, and 3 heads across the shoulders (keep in mind this is general, because not everyone will be like this). But you must also remember, when drawing anime these proportions for the most part get thrown out the window. Anime girls can be anywhere from 9 heads up to 11 heads tall ( I know that seems like a lot, but try measuring a picture of an anime girl, you will be surprised!). Again, that doesn't relate to every anime style, it just depends on which artist is drawing. And as far the the ovals and shapes goes, yes that is supposedly what you are supposed to do, but to tell you the truth I have never met an artist who does it!:laugh:
  8. It really depends what you like best. I start with the outline of the head, then the nose, eyes, mouth, and last comes hair. I then proceed to draw the body of the character (very lightly in pencil) and then erase the outline of the body to add clothes. I have found this method very effective. You can look at some of my artwork in my sig.
  9. Hey, does anyone else kinda think Otakuboards has gotten too big? I mean it's great to have a lot of people post, but now we have so many people that all the topics are eaten up in 2 days or so. It just kinda loses that whole "community" concept of a message board.... Just wonderin if anyone else kinda felt that way too.....
  10. I don't think there is anything wrong with drinking, that is not a big deal. But smoking just makes your breath smell bad and your teeth yellow. I really don't think girls with cigarretes(sp?) look cool or attractive at all, actually I think they look worse with a cigarrete.
  11. [QUOTE]I have a creative mind, I can transform word into picture within my mind, whether I like it or not [/QUOTE] Creative mind? I thought transforming words into pictures was something everyone does... I don't know, I just never associated that with creativity.....
  12. LoL, couldn't have said it better myself morningdew. No offense to girls with tongue rings, but I can't stand it when you sit there with the little metal ball sticking out of your mouth and continue to wip it back and forth across your lips. I just wanna grab it and rip it out so they'll stop; I find it that annoying.
  13. Hey, I was having this argument with my friends the other day about what is the most unattractive thing that someone of the opposite sex could do. I'm a guy, and I think that smoking and a tongue ring are the worst for a girl..... Some of my friends disagreed. What have u to say on it?
  14. not possible, no way. Mastermind terrorists don't just die, someone has to kill them.
  15. Capital punishment is undoubtedly wrong. You cannot make anything right by killing other people, no matter how severe the person's crime was. When we kill criminals, then we let them win. Think about Timothy McVeigh. He felt he had won when they executed him, and the sad thing is that we did let him win by executing him. I think the problem is that capital punishment has always been around, and man is terrified of change. They assume that because it's been around so long, that it must be right. I think they'll realize someday though.....
  16. hmm, interesting.... Does this have anything to do with the story or is it just there for the hell of it?
  17. Hey, what does Shinji keep listening to on his tape player? He plays it and then plays it back again to himself. What is it???
  18. [QUOTE]Lilac, you don't need to respond to everyone who posts on your topic. Its kinda spamming... Of course I am sure someone could accuse this post to be spam as well.[/QUOTE] Don't be so uptight Shyguy. I wouldn't consider it spamming, I mean how many posts does the Tenchi forum get anyway? Not many. And it's not like your losing any sleep over it anyway...
  19. Racism is one of the bad seeds of mankind. It will die over time, I am certain. You shouldn't worry about a past that you weren't a part of. If anyone blames you for Alabama's past, they are ignorant and blind. Just don't let it get to you.
  20. Ha, get this. One of my friends gets his paycheck this friday, and he is spending the entire thing on cheap TP! We are gonna have to rent a truck to carry it all! LoL!
  21. Every year me and my buds go around and TP houses(TP=toilet paper). It is the best, I can't wait for Halloween! Anybody else do any great Halloween pranks?
  22. um, I haven't even heard of it, what's it about? I haven't been watching any shows with commercials much lately, I've been too busy watching all the EVA episodes.
  23. I am pro-life as well. I would consider myself a pacifist, and I believe any type of killing can not solve anything. However, if a woman is raped, I believe that the child should be put in a home until somebody adopts it. I also believe this crime should follow severe punishment on the father. He should not be allowed to see his child until the court has confirmed he is stable enough to see it. He should also have to pay a ridiculous amount of child support. This crime should not be tolerated.
  24. I am positive that either Transtic Nerve or Sephiroth is the most active user. Not sure which though. And wasn't SSJ Goten banned a lot recently? Sorry if that is you and you haven't been banned, but I think that was his name....
  25. Why of course you can add me to your buddy list lilac girl. I would be honored.
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