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Everything posted by Nothing674

  1. personally, I think Sailor Moon is a waste altogether....
  2. Adam? Lilith? I have no clue who those people are. PLEASE don't ruin it for me!
  3. I'd probably have to say ep. 7 of Muyo. It's great when the girls read the comics for "winning love earthstyle" lol
  4. I like you already lilac girl. Ryoko is my fav character too, and I am also crazy about Tenchi. You can just ignore ambasuki (throws tomatoe which smacks ambasuki in the face). There, all better....
  5. Yeah, that movie was made to finalize the ending to Tenchi Universe. So he picks Ryoko in universe, but he is still undecided in Muyo or Shin. We'll see who he picks in Muyo when the new eps of it come out in Spring 2002 (but that's in Japan...)
  6. I can't wait for Tenchi to come back. It is by far the best show Toonami has aired. I want to know where you people got this info of Tenchi returning on the 22nd cause I haven't heard anything like that (keep in mind I haven't watched Toonami since they took off Tenchi anyway, so if they said it on a commercial just tell me). Also for those of you hoping for new episodes, I'm afraid I'll have to dissapoint you. The new episodes of Tenchi (OVA 3) don't come out until Spring 2002, and that is in Japan. So who knows how long it will be before Toonami gets a hold of it.
  7. Hey noodles, where did you see that Tenchi was coming back to Toonami on Oct. 22? This has to be the best news I've heard in a long time, but I want to see it for myself!
  8. Wow, you mentioned to name almost every flat out horrible type of music I can think of. Where's the good stuff?? I don't see a place to vote for Live, so I put none.
  9. hmm, fascinating. I've only watched up to episode 7 so far, so thanks for being considerate and not ruining it for me. It appears EVA has a much deeper storyline than it has shown so far. As of now, the Angels show up, the EVA's kill it, and that is that... Not much of anything else. I haven't even heard of these dead sea scrolls yet, and I didn't even know there was a 3rd EVA. On episode 7 it talked about some huge meteorite crash which was actually an angel exploding, which the government covered up as a meteorite crash. Then it goes to tell the EVA's were built to stop the angels. That is the deepest clue into the storyline I've gotten to yet. Man, I'm too into this now, buying all these eps is gonna get expensive!
  10. Ok, I just saw the first 4 eps of Neon Genesis Evangelion, and all I can say is "Wow." This series is amazing. I'm kinda confused though. Why do the EVA's have to be piloted by 14 year olds? I'm not seeing why they MUST be piloted by 14 year olds. I'm also a little confused by why the Angels are attacking humans, but I expect the answer to that question might spoil it for me, so don't answer it if it will!! I plan to get the rest of the eps, and watching it and knowing what will happen would really suck. Somebody out there help me out??
  11. Tell him your pregnant and your baby's father left you. Ask him to help you take care of the baby when it's born. He'll be out like a fat kid in dodgeball....
  12. [QUOTE]And AJ, isn't it true that it says you're from Hell, under your avatar?[/QUOTE] Ha, if you go by what's under people's avatar's, then about 75% of the people on this board are from hell, or a dark pit, or an endless abyss, or something of that nature......
  13. I like all the bands you guys mentioned except for slip-knot. They are a joke. The best band ever is Live, no doubt in my mind.
  14. Ah I see, Babygirl just put everything in persepective.
  15. um, I don't know you, so I guess that doesn't give me any reason not to like you....right.....?
  16. ha, she'll be gone in a month. One of those one hit wonders.
  17. Clowns are scary! Anybody ever see that movie Killer Clowns From Outer Space?? I've never looked at clowns the same way since.....
  18. My parents have stuck me in a baptist church for my entire life. To tell you the truth, I questioned it also, and now I really don't believe in God at all. Just think about it, there are so many religions out there, and who can say who is right or wrong? According to my parent's religion, if you don't accept God then you will go to hell. They also say God loves you more than anyone. If he really loves you that bad, how could he send you to hell? Also, what if you are never exposed to God? What if you live in a small village somewhere in the woods and worship spirits and such? You would never know about God, so technically you would be sent to hell. What kind of a God would do that? I find my church full of a bunch of hippocrits, who figure that so many other people believe it, so it must be true. None of them have ever stopped to think for themselves. They live in fear of this illusion of hell, which is why they drag themselves to church every sunday morning.
  19. I had a good one not too long ago. I am sitting in a huge oriental house, it is probably 15 stories tall. I am sitting at a table on the first floor, looking out the window. The sky is very dark, and it looks as if it would storm. Then a huge storm cloud rolls up in the sky, and a tornado cloud touches down outside the house. The tornado sucks up all kinds of machine parts, and when the tornado fades away, a huge mechanical monkey is left in it's place. This monkey is probably 12 feet tall, and has glowing red eyes. It sees me, and starts chasing me up the stairs of the house. I'm running as fast as I can, and it keeps gaining on me. Then I wake up in a cold sweat terrified of 12 ft. tall mechanical monkeys..... Odd yes?
  20. Ok, this is how it works. I will start a fanfic story, you continue the story using any anime characters you want to. Just write like 6 lines or so. Ok! here goes.... Duo Maxwell: (waking up) ah man, my head hurts. Where am I. Hey! Who are you? Goku: I don't know, who am I? Duo: That's what I just asked you! Shiro: (walking up to them) Hey guys, man last night was great! Well, see ya later! Goku: What did we do last night? Duo: I... can't remember...
  21. [QUOTE]OMG those rule...Do you mind if I print em out?? ANyways I wish I could draw like that!! [/QUOTE] Sure DuoGod of Death, I'd love for you to print em out. If you really like it, I have an e-mail system where I e-mail you whenever I update the site. Just send me an e-mail with your name and full e-mail address. I'll be starting my own manga sometime soon, so let me know if your interested!
  22. TV: Tenchi Muyo! Movie: Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz
  23. I'd have to say Washu's heartache from Tenchi Muyo. That is such a great piano solo. Second would be Dimension of Love from Tenchi Muyo. If you haven't guessed already, I love Tenchi Muyo more than anything.
  24. [QUOTE]grounding is just an intimidation tactic, they can't really stop you from leaving and it's illegal to kick you out. just don't get grounded, like these last two angels [/QUOTE] why would you put yourself through that with your folks? Some of you may not realize it now, but you WILL need your folks some time later on. Having that kind of attitude is not cool, your just being a punk who will end up amounting to nothing. You'll realize how foolish you were when you get older and start thinking about it.
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