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Everything posted by Digital

  1. Uh I think he was asking about Vice City. If you are talking about VC than you have to reach the other island/part of Vice City before you can get 5 stars. But if you are talking about GTA3 than you have to get to Staunton Island to get 5 stars and the FBI on your trail.
  2. I have a PS2 and a Gamecube, both which I equally enjoy using. However, in the long run, I have a feeling that either Gamecube or X-Box will be the first to fall. My reasons for this is quite simpe. Gamecube: Since most gamers these days are teens and young adults, it's highly unlikely they'll be playing childish games that are release to Gamecube. I mean Super Mario was the thing back at the NES era but now people want action shoot 'em up, Bang-bang-bang games. As far as I know, Gamecube doesn't have a lot of those types of games to offer. X-Box: X-Box was a great hit in what? The first few months of its release? It's still pretty good but it's multiplayer system is only good for those broadband users out there. The game console was quite expensive when it first came out but now, with the Christmas coming, it dropped down to a very cheap price. However, most people would chose PS2 (note I said [I]most[/I]) and not X-Box since they know there are more games out of PS2 and it also can play previous Playstation games. Conclusion: In my opinion, X-Box won't be the first to fall, most likely Gamecube. I don't know why but that's how I see it. Gamecube just can't compete with these two game consoles.
  3. With the trails on or off, it was all the same for me. I liked it either way and it didn't get in the way of my accuracy. In any case turning off the trail does improve the colours but I like the neat trail effect.
  4. Oh yeah! Yeah the parked airplanes [i]aren't[/i] hollow, yeah they're solid. You can't move them though... I crashed my Dodo into it thinking it was hollow... stupid me.:rolleyes:
  5. For the computer problem, do you have XP? If so then that's why it probably won't work. You need to download a patch that fixes all the bugs on XP. Anyway I have a PS2 so I don't have to worry about the X-box version (I already have GTA3 heh!).
  6. Yeah you can't run into an airplane, they're hollow. Anyway if you're good enough with the Dodo then you can reach to any island you want. Of course if you're desperate you can use some cheats to help you fly it or just jump some bridges. Anyway I already beat the game and after a thorough search there seems to be only one airport and it's the one in SSV.
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