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Everything posted by Imp

  1. [color=darkorchid]That morning, Kinenda had ordered breakfast in her room, and for a while there was a brief conversation going on between the two that centred around the innkeeper apologising for bringing Kinenda a human-sized meal, and Kinenda telling him there was nothing to worry about. In the end she ended up slamming the door telekinetically in his face. At that point she took a few bites of the toast, while she called Rolf inside. Like a hero returning from a triumphant battle, the jolly sheepdog jumped right through the window, cleared the room in what seemed like a single bound, and wolfed down the ham and eggs. "That bloke has no idea of the meaning of 'extra honey'," Kinenda commented after a disdainful sip of her tea. "But no matter, Rolf. Why don't you go back outside--I shall be out shortly." "Rolf!" The dog with the sack on his back headed out through the window once more. As he left, Kinenda proceeded to gather the remainder of her belongings in her purse. She didn't know why she felt so flustered that morning--it was as if the innkeeper had put some sort of spell on the pillow she slept on that caused such a change in emotion. Yet still, she mantained her usual cheery self as she trotted down the stairs, saying brief farewells to the innkeeper and the siblings from whom she had heard about Dalmasca and his crusade. Speaking of Dalmasca, there was some sort of gathering being held just outside the inn. A large group of people listened to the words of a priest standing on a soapbox near a battered old shack. He held no holy book of any sort, preferring to speak straight from the divine sky above (even though it was still drizzling). Kinenda remained under the eaves of the inn, preferring not to get wet. "...We are now in the hands of a Lord of Death," the priest preached. "The Lord which we are all falling heed to is gathering souls then sending along a direct route to Death, one which promises a lackluster Heaven beyond it. Slavery has long since been a form of disgrace against a people, who in this case are the thousands of young boys and men in all over the Empire! With such a despicable act such as this, the Lord fails to realise the karmic consequences of his actions!" Here the priest looked around some to see that Dalmasca was nowhere within earshot. Silent applause broke out in the gathering. "Who will be next?" the priest continued. "How many more innocent souls will we lose to a war which doesn't even threaten our safety? Unnecessary action is detrimental to the self, and so there will come a time when the Lord shall suffer from the consequences of his own unnecessary actions. Let this be a warning to all of you as well. Let the Lord's actions be our way of seeing what can go amiss when we partake in any form of sin. Let the heavens show us the way to righteousness and success, to the good that shall always prevail!" There was a pause. After the awkward silence, a gnome ran out in front of the priest, holding up a sign that read "APPLAUSE". Slowly and awkwardly, applause and cheers broke out in the crowd. But the priest took no bow--by the time the gnome disappeared, the priest was already out of the street, heading to the edge of town by the looks of things. After that little episode, Kinenda looked around, only to discover the same siblings from before, having a brief chat with each other. They seemed to agree on something, and then they both vanished into thin air. [i]My word, they know Invisibility Magic,[/i] Kinenda thought. [i]That's a rare kind of magic indeed, and not one humans are usually good at. The art of making an inconspicuous escape is innate in halfling culture, and even among the elves as well, but there is a difference between that and true invisibility. Even the Cloak is not true invisibility, since it breaks upon focusing one's gaze upon someone. Ah, speaking of the Cloak, I know precisely what I feel like doing today.[/i] Just at that moment, Rolf appeared next to Kinenda. Kinenda nodded to her canine companion and then looked to a hill topped by a small wooded area, not too far away from the edge of town. "We head there for today's destination," she declared while pointing her staff at the hill. Immediately Rolf darted in Kinenda's indicated direction, as if trying to race her there. Kinenda, meanwhile, decided to practice using the Cloak now that she was thinking about it. Standing up straight and holding her arms out to her sides, she closed her eyes and focused for a moment on the presence of her own aura. Opening her eyes and detecting faint lavender blotches around her, she swung her staff around her, fluidly, as if casting a protective circle around herself. But it was not a circle--more like an amorphous field of energy enveloping her like a cloak (hence the enchantment's name). When she was done with this, she tapped the staff once on the floor and jumped, swinging her staff around and landing on it. After maneuvering the staff so that she flew on it right past the eaves of the inn, Kinenda let her feet slide off the staff so that she was more sitting on it, her hand placed near the bright cerulean crystal so as to guide the flying staff along. As Kinenda flew towards the woody area on the hill, she pondered for a moment whether it was the forces of her own mind holding the staff up, or a power emanating from the staff itself. Her wizard father used to tell her that a magic staff had plenty of powers of its own, and that it was often up to a young wizard to discover them. Even though Kinenda wasn't a wizard, she felt as if she had been doing just that ever since she first crafted the staff--bonding with it, learning of its powers and distinguishing them from her own. When Kinenda reached the hill, she noticed that it had stopped raining completely, and that there was a tiny patch of blue sky in the clouds above. Seeing this patch, Kinenda smiled and raised her staff once more after landing on a patch of grass. She felt the usual surge of energy flow through her, from the ground and her own heart up through her arm, through the top of her staff, and up like a rocket towards the sky. As the near-invisible beam of energy rose higher, she made a small circular motion with the staff, expanding the beam outwards. As she did so, the clouds around the blue patch parted, until there was a near-perfect circle of blue in the sky, bathing the hill in sunshine (while leaving Rensing in the shadow of the clouds). Satisfied with this outcome and taking a moment to relish in the sun's powerful warmth, Kinenda looked around for other things to do. Summoning a nearby stick, about the size of her staff, to her side, she held it straight for a while without touching it. Moving her hand over the top of this stick while spinning it around, she concentrated on the aura surrounding the stick, left over from the tree it had fallen from, and compressing it near the top. Slowly the top of the stick hardened, and started to look like the tip of a pencil. A different kind of small gesture caused small chips of wood to fly off the end as if it was being chiseled, sharpening its edge to the point where it could be used as a spear. It was in this manner that Kinenda continued to tinker with her abilities, as she so often had a habit of doing. And she did precisely that for most of the day, though there came a time in the afternoon when she had to rest for a while, settling down for a nap in a vacant hole inside a tree. She curled up right next to Rolf, who had a habit of waking up and barking loudly whenever danger approached. Fortunately, no danger approached that afternoon. By the time Kinenda woke up again, it was late afternoon--the sun would set in an hour or so. It was at that time that Kinenda started to head back to Rensing, continuing her previous routine of stealing food from the marketplace once she got there. Meanwhile, she looked around for signs of the priest from before--or Dalmasca, even worse--but neither of the two showed up by the time the day advanced into twilight.[/color]
  2. Ah, you're talking about Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver? I've been debating on whether or not to get that game... the issue is whether I'd have time and money for it. (Hmm, there's a thought... I'll ask for it for my birthday.) I'd probably pick Heart Gold with Chikorita as my starter. As for the flyswatter... yeah, my dad has one as well. It's useful, but the fact that it seems like you're tasering the poor flies is kind of creepy... Anyway, today while walking around in the forest near my college, I found this den that was also a burial site for some cats. It was cute--there were little cat sculptures all over the place, and a journal where people could write about their cats as well as their magical occurrences in life. I believe I have found paradise.
  3. Oh, how I love Easter, it being one of my favourite holidays. I always used to enjoy egg hunts as a child--my mum and I would hide a whole bunch of plastic eggs around the house and see if we could find each other's. In recent years I've been helping with the egg hunts at the church I sometimes go to, including hiding the eggs. I don't celebrate Passover, me not being Jewish. But even though I'm not Christian, I celebrate Easter. I guess this is because Easter's one of those Christian holidays that's imposed on a pagan holiday (Chrstmas being the other). In fact, Easter eggs and even the Easter Bunny originally came from those pagan traditions corresponding with the celebration of the Spring Equinox. Of course, it's kind of weird because Easter is always after the first day of spring... Nowadays I celebrate Easter on two days--its proper day and the Spring Equinox. However, I no longer go to the aforementioned church, and my mum's egg hunt tradition ended long ago, so... Well, there's hope. On my college campus are a whole bunch of dens made of tree branches out in the forest--so I'll probably leave a few eggs in some of those and see if people discover them. It's too bad I'll be out of town for the actual equinox, but... oh well.
  4. About a year ago, I decided I should stop celebrating St. Patrick's day. This is because I heard he sought to convert the pagans living in Ireland to Christianity, and as a pagan myself, I feel betrayed. However, I don't think I can fight the urge to celebrate anyway, even if I won't convert. Now that I'm 21 I can legally drink, so this becomes even more tempting. And I'm 1/8 Irish, in case you were wondering--and that's the ethnicity of mine I'm the most proud of, in fact, even if it's a very small part.
  5. Okay, so every religion has their own different deity, and some have more than one. But many different people follow their own "gods", some of which sound either ridiculous or hilarious. I'm just wondering how many of these "wacky gods" you heard about (or even worship!). For example, I've heard of people whose god is a purple hippopotamus, or even a dragon. And I bet you there's a cult somewhere that worships the flying spaghetti monster. One wacky god I admit to kind of worshipping is the little pink elephant in the sky. This cute little elephant showers happiness on the world, usually in the form of gumdrops. When the gumdrops fall, they sugar-coat people's worries and problems, to the point that those problems are practically non-existent. He treats randomness as one of the highest virtues in the world, that which defies logic and reason. He's very elusive, not always being present, but when he smiles down on you, warm fuzzies are imminent. So yeah... what are some others you've heard of? This just might be the silliest "What is God" discussion in the universe.
  6. [b]Who:[/b] I joined OB back in 2003, when the separate Nintendo forums still existed. I was known as Nefertimon up until a few months ago. [b]Where:[/b] Whaddaya know, I'm also in Northern California. I had no idea I was so close to (at least) two other members. [b]What:[/b] I'm currently going to college and majoring in biology (I'm going for a career as a pharmacist). But I'm still writing, and still composing music, and taking programming classes that will hopefully help me design a video game I want to make. [b]When:[/b] While the Pokemon and Digimon forums existed, I spent most of my time there. In fact, I first joined OB through the Digimon section of the Otaku website. Then of course, those died... But then I saw the Adventure Arena, and I got interested in that, even though I was a n00b at it for a while. From then on I spent most of the time in the Adventure Arena, now known as the Theatre. That is true even to this day, which is probably why I'm not as well-known as some of the other members. [b]Why:[/b] I'm really into written RPG's now, and since this is the first place I was introduced to them, OB holds a special place in my heart. I also RP on two other sites, but this site has the best community, and is the least stuck-up with the rules. One of the other sites makes such a big deal of the rules that it gets annoying at times. This is a nice friendly (at least for the most part) community I kind of wish I was more a part of. [b]Favourite Things about OB:[/b] --The theatre, of course --The lovely randomness and wit that goes on in the Lounge--specifically the Padded Room. --The smileys!!! OB has the best smileys of any forum I've ever been on. Smileys like the ones below are just... too epic for words. :modrod: :freak: :angry2: :help: :hippy: :lecture: :bdance: :twitch: :stfu: :bash: :faint: :flush: --The Caramelldansen skin, a.k.a. epic win. That also goes for the April Fools prank that went with it, and the fact that I got Rick Rolled when trying to download the song. --Though it seems a bit odd to call it my favourite, my rivalry with Raiha in the Arena, especially during my n00b phase. It reminds me so much of a petty sibling rivalry, and I laugh and shake my head when I think about it.
  7. [color=darkorchid]That afternoon in a small village called Batherton, there in the small farmhouse nestled beneath the barren apple trees, a young elf hastily checked her rucksack, making sure she had everything. Wait a minute, did I just say elf? Upon closer look, the neighbours tilling their gardens would have seen that she was too small to be an elf. Rather, she was a halfling. This became evident when a sheepdog tall as her shoulders walked up to sniff her face. He was as shaggy as shaggy could be, and was mostly white though with dark grey blotches on parts of his fur. Kinenda's mother had loved this dog ever since she raised him as a puppy a few years ago--she named him Rolf because that's what his bark sounded like. "I can't possibly have you come with me, Rolf," Kinenda said to the sheepdog, rubbing the back of his neck as she spoke. She had donned her usual outfit that day, the simple mauve dress with the little shawl over it. Since the day was rather chilly, she had her traveling cloak on as well--it was made of a soft and snuggly material and a deep green in colour. But she didn't decide to put the hood up yet, so one could easily see the rosy headband she wore in her light brown hair, and the brilliant deep purple colour of her eyes became even more apparent. As usual when she was in a hurry, her face was a bit pinker than usual, deviating from the the normally light tan hue of her skin. Kinenda's mother stepped outside the front door just as she was slipping her gloves on. This was Nuthatch the Bard, named so because of her peppy nature and peculiar ability to serenade the birds when out in the forest. As usual, she wore her patchwork-quilt dress of many summery colours, and she had a sunny smile on her face despite the cloudy weather. "Well, my little songbird, are you just about ready?" Nuthatch asked her. "[i]You're[/i] the songbird," Kinenda replied with a snicker. "I think I got everything all set. Now all I have to do is convince Rolf to stay behind." "Aww, Rolf..." Nuthatch glided over to Rolf, petting him on the head. Unlike Kinenda, she was tall enough to see over the top of his head. As she did so, Rolf whimpered, rubbing his face against the top of Kinenda's head. "Aww, it seems he wants to come with you," Nuthatch continued. "I know I'm gonna miss him, but you know Rolf. Always daring to go on an adventure. 'Tis a shame I have to stay here for now to prepare for the festival, but perhaps our paths will cross one of these days. Perhaps we can send correspondence through one of my feathery friends. I'm sure Mortimer would love to visit you especially." Out of all the birds Nuthatch was friends with, the one Kinenda liked the most was an owl named Mortimer. He was usually grouchy and impatient and liked to hive hoots of complaint about various owl matters, and for some reason he vented to Kinenda the most, probably because she was more his size. Plus Kinenda enjoyed watching him scare off other small birds. He played the part perfectly, given his large and gruff appearance, the horned gray feathers atop his head, his dark brown plumage, and his piercing golden eyes. "That would be rather nice," Kinenda commented as she stuffed the last medicine bottle into her bag and hoisted it over her shoulder. When she did so, she uttered a cry of surprise and fell to the ground. "Rolf!" Rolf barked. "Gee, this bag's a bit heavier than it usually is," Kinenda moaned as she checked the bag to see if nothing was broken. In her final haste she moved some of her less valuable items to the larger sack she was taking. When that was done, using her telekinetic powers, she lifted the bag onto Rolf's back. Then she stood up and proceeded to tie it around him like a saddle. "If you really want to come with me," she said to him, "you'll be responsible for this. Now, do you remember where Rensing is?" "Rolf!" Of course Rolf knew. Rensing was the place Nuthatch always performed at for the seasonal festivals held there, and Rolf always tagged along. She often performed at a few taverns there as well, knowing she would get a good audience. Kinenda, however, have only been there once or twice a few years ago. Hopefully she too would still recognise the place. So with a sharp whistle by Kinenda, Rolf ran off, darting down the path away from home and toward the village of Rensing. Soon after, Nuthatch gave Kinenda a hug--no matter how old she was, she was still her precious daughter. As Nuthatch re-entered the house, Kinenda grabbed the last item she needed: her staff. Giving it a playful toss, she stepped off the patio and walked a little ways down the path that led towards the edge of town. Trees lined up all along the winding path, which skirted a hillside and sloped upward much of the way. Though the path was short, Kinenda was already out of breath when she reached the top of the hill. At that present moment she stood facing a modestly sized mountain with smooth, rocky slopes. This was part of a mountain range that isolated places like Batherton from the main part of the Empire. Presently Rolf was running along a narrow trail that wound between two of these mountains, ending in the plains on the other side, but that was not the trail Kinenda was about to take. Instead, Kinenda tapped her staff once on the ground, then flung it to the side, holding it parallel to the ground. At the same time, she hopped onto it, landing with her toes resting on its woody shaft. The staff, however, didn't fall--it hovered in the exact same spot. But not for long--with the blue crystal sparkling in the sunset, it rose up higher. Kinenda balanced on this staff while in a squatting position, as she flew up and over the mountain. Though she could not see Rolf on the trail below, she trusted that he would know the way. By the time Kinenda reached Rensing, the sky had become clear, and the sun had just barely set. She landed somewhere outside the main entrance to the village, hopping gracefully off her staff and shivering a bit because of the wind. Reaching into her bag, she took out a small bottle of perfume and sprayed a bit of it on herself--this would make it easier for Rolf to find her by scent when he came. "Welcome to Rensing, child," a man standing at the entrance to the village greeted. "Running an errand, I suppose?" "I'm not a child," Kinenda replied flatly. "And I am simply visiting." As Kinenda expected, most of the folk wandering around Rensing were human, so it made sense that she was passed off as a child. Frequently she had to leap to the side to avoid people accidentally kicking her as they walked, especially when she wandered through the marketplace. Wandering through this marketplace was one of Kinenda's favourite pastimes, because she never had to buy anything, especially if she went at night. Since her size made it harder for the sellers to see her amidst the customers, Kinenda had an easy time stealing stuff. Though in this case, she didn't steal that much--a few nuts and berries, a small piece of cheese... Using her powers, she managed to pull a chunk off a loaf of bread, and a few coins out of shop tills. Hiding all the food in her bag, she exited the marketplace, heading for the inn. At the inn counter, Kinenda had to stand on top of her staff in order for the man behind it to see her. She was already holding some money in her hand as she held out the other for balance. "Ah, hello there," the man greeted. "I imagine you'd want a place to spend the night?" "Yes, please," Kinenda replied, proceeding to hand him the money. "My luggage should be arriving as soon as..." "Rolf!" Kinenda turned around and saw Rolf's face outside the window near the door. Upon seeing him, she opened the door for him, though to everyone else it looked like Rolf had somehow opened it from the outside. Immediately he came trotting up to meet Kinenda. The man behind the counter sighed. "You halflings and what peculiar animals you use to replace horses. I'm sorry, but the dog will have to stay outside." "I knew you'd say that," Kinenda commented as she let her rucksack untie itself and rise up to her hand. With a snap of her fingers and a gesture backwards, Rolf ran out the door. And so the man showed her to her room, raising an eyebrow when he saw Kinenda carrying the large sack all by herself (in reality, she was holding it up with her powers). Though it was a small room, to Kinenda it seemed spacious, and the bed nice and roomy. Kinenda sat on this bed for a while, munching on a bit of the food she had stolen. Then she heard a bark outside--Rolf was standind on his hind legs, his nose pressed against the window. Looking outside, Kinenda saw that it was raining all of a sudden. Fortunately, Rolf had a bit of roof to sit under, but he still felt kind of lonely outside. Kinenda gave him a piece of cheese, hoping that would make him feel a bit better. A while later, Kinenda was in the lobby of the inn, enjoying a glass of wine before bed, listening to the thunder outside. While doing so, she caught snippets of a conversation going on in the next table over. Something about Dalmasca and his crusade, and the mystery as to why he was so obsessed with it. Kinenda had heard about how formidable and selfish Dalmasca was, but she never heard of him going on a crusade. What for? Why so soon? Something seemed ominous about all this--the lady in the next table made it sound as if something dangerous was about to happen. [i]Hmm, I wonder if someone is threatening to attack the village or something,[/i] Kinenda thought. [i]If that's what it is, I suppose I should be on my guard. Therefore I probably shouldn't stay up too late tonight.[/i] Indeed she didn't. It wasn't long before Kinenda was back in her room, huddled under the covers after a nice warm bath. As she drifted off to sleep, the main thing on her mind was Rolf. Why did that pesky dog have to come anyway? Oh well, Kinenda thought, if anything he was a bit of company--she just hoped he wouldn't get himself killed if this village really was in danger.[/color]
  8. [quote name='Shy'][size=1]I dunno. This site always goes through ups and downs in terms of activity. At the beginning of the year there was a larger push for new members, and we actually ended up with some good ones. Part of it obviously is that our member base is aging, so the same 16 year-old kids who had nothing but free time to post about Digimon (for example) are now 25, with jobs, relationships, school, and who-knows-what-else. I know I'll be hitting ten years of OB in April... yikes. This site has always been a bit of a contradiction anyway, since we're an anime message boards that is largely occupied by people who don't care much about anime. I know what continues to drive me to the site are the RPGs, and that's pretty much been the case for the past five years. I do agree that there's more we could do to encourage activity, whether that be bringing in new members or merely encouraging old ones to post again. I'm game for anything Sara suggests. Go figure. -Shy[/size][/QUOTE] I agree with everything you just said, Shy. I remember being one of those people who used to talk about Digimon all the time, and back then my username was Nefertimon as well. Now I have no job and no relationship, though, and not a lot of homework in school, so I stop by here quite often. Sadly, not much seems to be going on, so I don't know what to post. So I think the best way to make these boards better is for people to post more interesting threads... remember all those separate anime forums we used to have, for example? And all the fun fantasy RPG's? Like Shy, I'm driven to the site by the RPG's, but because the activity in that forum has significantly decreased recently, I can't join that many RPG's here. Gee, this also makes me regret being part of the "community" Pumpkin mentioned. Back when there was a community, I was a stupid n00b who got kicked out of RPG's and such. Now... well, I don't know what to say... except I wish there was something I could to to help OB out... *starts to think*
  9. Ouch, beware the needles! I think I'm suffering from manic depression. One moment, like now, I'm feeling very gloomy, lonely and empty-hearted, like having this wonderful world but no one to share it with. Another moment, like last night, I cooked the most awesome rice, made a cup of tea, listened to Eurodance music, giggled at random times, and danced around my room for no reason. That or some ninja is slipping ecstasy into my coffee and tea. Ah, and speaking of ninjas... [youtube="Ninja music video"]OUWOMJE2nqM[/youtube]
  10. I. HAVE. WANTED. TO. JOIN. AN. RPG. LIKE. THIS. FOR. A. LONG. TIME. Hmm, two months and only two people so far? I think I need to fix that--I hope my efforts will not be in vain. I'm kind of new to D&D, having only gotten as far as a character sheet twice... but I'm still eager for the experience. I'm notorious for creating "weird" characters who don't quite fit the RPG, it seems... If this character doesn't work, and/or if you prefer an elfin rogue (which the other character I had in mind is), please let me know. [color=purple] [b]Name:[/b] Faye "Kinenda" Greystone [b]Age:[/b] 33 [b]Race:[/b] Halfling [b]Appearance:[/b] Kinenda is small even for a halfling, being just under two feet tall and having a light figure reminiscent of an elf. In fact, she probably would look like an abnormally short elf, were it not for the slightly tanned hue of her skin, and deep amber eyes. Despite her age, she still has a youthful air about her--a characteristic of halflings and sorcerers alike. A light amount of wavy brown hair falls to just below her shoulders. She usually dons a dress that is simple in design but a brilliant mauve in colour--and a dainty little shawl to match, fastened at the chest by a charm featuring an amethyst star. For traveling, she wears a pair of dark violet gloves with boots to match, and keeps a traveling cloak in her shoulder bag just in case. [b]Class:[/b] Sorcerer [b]Specialties:[/b] Aura manipulation--magic derived from the energy fields surrounding things rather than elemental sources. This encompasses many healing and non-divinatory psychic abilities, though Kinenda is more skilled with the latter. [b]Weapons:[/b] Unless her staff counts as a weapon, she has none. [b]Magical Items:[/b] Kinenda's most powerful "magical items" are her mind and her own aura, but she does carry a staff as well to aid in spellwork and such. The staff is exactly as tall as Kinenda is, and is made of a very light and purplish wood cherished among elves and halflings alike. Near the top it curves around like a hook and holds in place a mysterious blue crystal cherished among... well who knows? [b]Biography:[/b] Once upon a time there lived a halfling bard who would travel all around the Empire, gifting all of good heart that she met with folk songs and faery tales and succinct yet sound words of wisdom. Dressed in merry colours and never without her fiddle and feathered beret, she sought to bring hope and happiness in a world under the prince's pressure. When no people were around, she would serenade the flowers and the birds and all the forest folk, or seek wisdom from the most ancient trees. And she had a husband of sorts--a wizard who did not fancy travel or simple pleasures much. Some months after he surprised her by raping her with a giant tentacle he had summoned, a small baby halfling named Faye was born. (OOC: I'm sorry... I just had to. XD) Okay, now for the serious stuff. Most of the time, Faye lived in a small settlement in the foothills, though she almost always went with her mother when she did her travels, learning of her songs and stories and acquiring a love of travel. However, Faye could never play a fiddle--whenever she tried, no matter how lightly she pressed the bow to the strings, a string or two would snap in two just as she started to play. What she did notice, though, was that she often saw a sort of transparent white light around people and trees and some objects. Also she saw the same light surrounding herself, and that she could tweak its shape at will. For a few years she thought this was how everyone saw the world, until her mother pointed out that it wasn't, of course. When Faye stayed with the other halflings, she quickly labeled herself as a runt and a weakling compared to her peers, and others often labeled her so as well. Not to mention she couldn't run as fast as most halflings could. Thus she spent most of the time there with her father--and this was also because she was fascinated by the magic he used. Her father pointed out that that "light" she kept seeing around things was the aura, but he kept pointing out that magic must be learned and studied rather than acquired by talent. To Faye, he was oddly grumpy, and always seemed as if he was trying to hide something from her. Not to mention he spent lots of time showing her some of his books, and although they talked about interesting magical topics, they were frustratingly complicated to understand and master. After frequent visits back and forth between her mother and father, Faye thought of something, something her mother had said to her: "But history can always be tweaked, and even re-written." Now what if her father's old spellbooks could be "tweaked and re-written"? This sparked Faye's interest in creating her own ways of using magic. And from then on she did just that, utilising the energy known as the aura to do all sorts of fascinating things, like fire simple energy pulses, repel smoke and thunder, and even shape fire. And then one day she made a worm fly into her face. But that last feat, moving things around through aura manipulation (sometimes called psychokinesis), was what Faye became known for in the years afterward. In fact, she wasn't even called Faye in the years afterward--she gave herself a new "magical name": Kinenda. "Ah, but an esteemed magic user must have a staff," her father said there afterward. "Every wizard aspires to have one." Even though Kinenda was clearly a sorceress, her father still adamantly called her a "wizard", figuring she must have been studying magic with her mother (a false assumption of course). Still, Kinenda ended up with a staff, built with items found in the forest or pilfered from craft and toy shops. Though her father said that a staff must be "like part of one's body", Kinenda saw it mainly as an aid and a decoration, especially while she traveled around with her mother and by herself. She did quite a bit of that in the latter part of her life, as halflings are so inclined to do.[/color]
  11. I totally agree with the minty feeling. Except when it's cold outside. Then there's what happens when you squeeze a cotton ball in your hands. That odd tingly feeling is creeeeepy. Just a few days ago, I bought a pair of classy-looking black boots for under $20. I just tested them in the snow, and it turns out they have good traction there. My aunt on the other hand, who was wearing hiking boots, had such a hard time with slipping on the icy ground that we couldn't go on any long walks. Haha, so much for hiking boots.
  12. Imp

    The Nameless City

    Yay, my protests and puppy eyes have succeeded! Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to find a picture of my character... so is it okay if I just work his appearance into my first post or something? I promise I won't make him unusually tall or give him red or golden eyes (*coughtwilightcough*) or anything like that. Wait... are signups still being accepted? I didn't see the RPG posted yet, so... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple]Dear whomever it concerns: Although I am probably younger and shorter and more peculiar-looking than most of your applicants, I do presume I am qualified for this position of investigating the strange phenomena in this city. I too have heard about these occurrences, and the subjects interests me dearly. Ah, but first I must introduce myself formally. My real name is Vincent Estrel, but most folk around town know me by the name of Merlin. No, I did not time-travel here nor appear out of a dream world. I am just a humble 22-year-old man who is struggling with the business world. Presently I own a shop called Merlin's Mystic Sanctuary. Perhaps you have heard of it, or perhaps I keep it more secret than I thought. I am experienced with five different methods of divination, aural and pranic healing, aura reading, and curse-breaking. Additionally, I am very well-read in the field of psychic phenomena. Ever since I was very young, I have been a member of a paranormal research group called the Ravenesque Council, which as you know gets frequent visits by the Grey Council and other such groups dedicated to psychic phenomena and magical workings. If it matters, I have a bachelor's degree in chemistry. The reason why I am applying for this position is because my shop has not been receiving too much business lately, with the increase in the muggle population as the likely cause. (My definition of muggle, to put it briefly, is a person who does not believe in magic.) Plus, I have never gotten the chance to investigate such an occurrence as this, and I crave the experience. I enjoy talking to people and offering advice, and I carefully listen to people's concerns. I treat people with a respectful and friendly attitude, and am not easily offended. Modern technology is neither foreign nor confusing to me--otherwise I would not know how to create and send this email, would I? By no means am I a slow typist, and I learn processes on the computer very quickly. I have a Facebook account and am experienced with the forum and blog systems, even though I do not have a blog of my own. Lastly, in case you were wondering, I do have my own transportation, and in fact know my way well around the city. I hope you will consider me for this position, and thank you in advance if you do. Even if you do not, feel free to contact me by the means listed on my website, [url]www.mysticsanctuary.ravenesque.org[/url], if you are in a tight spot regarding this pressing phenomenon threatening to engulf reality. Ask and I will answer. Merry meet, Merlin[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh, and the website listed in this letter is not an actual website, of course. Clicking on the link will lead you nowhere... at least I hope so.
  13. Imp

    The Nameless City

    Aww... I personally thought the concept was rather interesting, especially the internet aspects and investigation of an evl undermining of a city. And I had just the perfect character for this... Great, now I have no RPG to join. :(
  14. And now for the shortest signup I've done in a long time... I know it's an odd character, but hopefully she'll work... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=green][B]Name:[/B] Suneora Ferenachi [B]Age:[/B] 22 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] Suneora's a little on the short side, at just under five feet tall. Her raven hair cascades down to below her shoulders in loose curls, her face resembling a blushing pearl underneath. her eyes the colour of emerald. Her clothes are light and flowy to complement her curvy figure and to make traveling a bit more comfortable. The green shirt she usually wears has a tie in the back and sleeves that go down to her elbows; her skirt shows colours of white and rose. On her feet are pair of beige-coloured boots, and she carries a large maroon shoulder bag for holding all her possessions. [B]Allegiance:[/B] Protester [B]Status:[/B] Another freelancer under Claire [B]Bio:[/B] Suneora's past is rather interesting: she comes from another planet! (But don't worry, she's still human.) I could go into much detail about the planet of Orenya, but the main things to keep in mind are that there the sun never moves across the sky, and many magicians and wizards dwell there. Unfortunately, Suneora was neither, which dimmed her chances of belonging to a society dedicated to protecting the peace of the planet. However, that all changed on Suneora's twentieth birthday, when she suddenly found herself in Johto by way of a mysterious portal. The first place Suneora came across was the Dragon's Den, where she saw Claire training with her Dragonair. However, at the time, Suneora knew nothing about Pokemon, and her English was still quite poor. To make a long story short, Claire spotted her and greeted her, and eventually coaxed Suneora into telling her where she was from. Claire didn't completely believe her, but at least she didn't laugh at her, and even let her watch one of her gym battles. After that, Claire had a meeting with the visiting Professor Oak, who Suneora later talked to and learned all about Pokemon. The Professor even gate her her first Pokemon after all was done. When Suneora left on her Pokemon journey, Claire told her to come back to Blackthorn when she got stronger as a trainer. But she did get to do a lot of traveling, and training... but there was also bad news. News of a League formed by some of the gym leaders broke out, and war started. So when Suneora returned to Blackthorn two years later, instead of facing a friendly battle with Claire, she faced a summoning of military forces, for Claire was leading an army to fight this league. However, Claire did tell her about what the League was up to, and recruited her when she expressed her opinions on how evil this league sounded. [B]Personality:[/B] Wisdom is Suneora's strongest suit. She's one of the most respectful people anyone will ever meet, and is careful to act out of good judgment. However, she's still naive about some things, and because she lived in a totally different culture for twenty years, her views of the world are a bit different. And although she's excellent at being amiable and courteus to people, she's terrible with computers and other technology. This even includes a Pokedex and Pokeballs, which she usually doesn't believe in using. [B]Pokemon:[/B] [IMG]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/dpicon/dpicon006.png[/IMG] Morna was Suneora's first Pokemon, and she has definitely grown a lot from the little Charmander she once was. She is Suneora's main battler and also a good means of transportation, and special in Suneora's eyes because she reminds her of a pet dragon the Ferenachi family had. [IMG]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/dpicon/dpicon053.png[/IMG] The first and only Pokemon Suneora captured was a Meowth, who she named Runai. Now she's a Persian, thanks to much traveling and battling. [IMG]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/dpicon/dpicon152.png[/IMG] Midori is a small Chikorita, and he's not that fond of battling, but Suneora loves him anyway. She hatched him from a mystery egg bought at some festival.[/COLOR]
  15. Ah yes, I remember this RPG. It's too bad it died the last time... what is it with Pokemon RPG's on this site? If you remember me from the last version of this RPG, you know that I played as five characters last time, which got to be a hassle. This time I'll only sign up as one character, though, as that will be a whole lot easier for both of us and whoever else would like to sign up. I will post my signup as soon as I am done with it.
  16. Imp


    [quote name='Anomaly'][FONT="Garamond"]Placeholder :3 (Will write up as soon as I get some sleep, I promise!)[/FONT][/QUOTE] [img]http://pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/dpmfa/dpmfa132.png[/img] [size=1](I already know which character I'll be using too. But I know from experience that if I start the signup now, I'll be up until at least... 2 AM, my guess. Seeing as I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, and my schedule prevents me from being nocturnal, I'll have to finish this later.)[/size]
  17. [color=indigo]New Entry: [url]http://ymurakage.blogspot.com[/url] User: Yamiko New Memory Acquired: Celia Murakage Method of Death: Heart failure due to old age Celia will be (un)fondly remembered by all members of the Murakage family, but especially my grandparents, Mimi Murakage and Inoue Himata, who saw her as a mother. (In Mimi's case, she was her mother.) I hold a fond reverence for her for helping me realise the curse, and I say a prayer for the spirit of Kazuo Kibara, who really should have been her husband in place of Kenji, like how Lupin should have been my husband instead of Mr. D. (Then again, if that were true, I might not exist! How fate works out...) I also changed my name to Yamiko when I married out of reverence for her--she wanted to name me Yamiko ever since I was born. [center][b]SAN MATEO COUNTY NEWS BULLETIN[/b][/center] We just got a report of another Eater attack tonight around 9pm. The victim was a taxi driver by the name of Will Sharrow, who was driving a woman to a grocery store (where another Eater attack had just taken place) from the San Francisco International Airport. Along the way, the cab was ambushed by two eaters, who scared the victim senseless yet did not hurt him. Apparently they were after the passenger instead. The taxi halted, and the passenger--now identified as Yamiko Murakage of Boston--immediately fled the taxi. Fortunately, Will was not harmed; the Eaters left to chase after Yamiko instead. We do not know whether or not the Eaters got her. Inspection also shows that Will was missing some money from his pockets when he came back to his senses. Currently it is not known who caused this petty theft, due to lack of evidence, though all parties present and maybe a few random bums are possible suspects. The police are also requesting that Yamiko be questioned about this incident--if she's still alive that is.[/color]
  18. [color=indigo][size=1]I released my hands from those of Eros and Grace the instant everyone said "Amen". I was extremely thankful that I didn't have to hold hands with Korey--in fact, I refused to look at him (or Grace) as I settled in my seat. Instead I glanced off into space, my eyes deciding to rest on either the dogs or Mrs. Young, the only ones here who so far have not done anything harmful to me. For a while I pondered how I was supposed to survive here, in a house containing people who seemed to be against me. Actually, I wouldn't have been surprised if Carol had just killed me then and there, and served me for dinner. A while later, I saw Carol stand up and head over to the counter, probably to get the first dish. As she did, I saw Carlotta and Josie gaze at her and follow her around, and guessed that Carol had told the dogs that if they dared bark while food was around, they would become tomorrow's main course. Speaking of the main course, the dish Carlotta brought back smelled delicious, kind of like a well-cooked vegetable dish of some sort. But when she passed it around the table, I fought the urge to frown or giggle, as it was a tofu dish, with green beans and garlic and a scrumptious-looking sauce. [i]Now who would have thought she's vegetarian?[/i] I thought. [i]Then again, maybe she isn't, and just likes the taste of tofu. If that's the case, she's just like me.[/i] Not surprisingly, the dish was passed to me last. Carol handed the dish to Grace first, after helping herself to some. The dish went clockwise around the table from there. "You did a good job tonight," Carol said to Korey before heading back to the counter, "but be careful when sparring outside, all right?" Then she whispered something to him that I couldn't hear, probably something that either concerned me or Mrs. Young. Speaking of Mrs. Young, she seemed to be staring off into space just like I occasionally was. Maybe she, too, had a lot on her mind, and maybe her thoughts were negative just like mine were... was she, perhaps, not pleased with the company? Or was she just reluctant to be social because she was older than everyone else? For a moment, she reminded me of Celia--she seemed to have that same air of reclusiveness, as if she would become deeply annoyed if anyone disturbed her state of mind. That was the sort of attitude that prevented people from getting along well with other people, but perhaps, like Celia, that was her purpose... She was almost the opposite of me, if that was true. I tried to remain open and friendly to those around me, but I was afraid to speak because I might just cause more trouble. Eros then placed the dish on front of me, but I didn't do anything with it. True, it looked and smelled delicious (not to mention I love tofu myself), but I tried my best to ignore it, and kept my hands folded underneath the table. I had the urge to pull out my mobile and check to see if anyone tried to call me, but thought that that would be rude. The last thing I wanted was to do anything else that seemed rude--in fact, that was part of the reason why I kept quiet at the table, even though Carol just spoke a while ago. I wondered if it was also rude to refuse to eat anything at the table--I faintly remembered that being the case, but how would I know? I never took a class in etiquette before, anyway. The thought kept bugging me though, but I really didn't want to eat anything right now, especially not if Carol cooked it. I just couldn't accept anything from someone who was on the verge of killing me moments before. Besides, I didn't want to put anything in my stomach when it hurt so badly. Then Carol walked around the table with a teapot in hand, pouring tea for everyone as she passed. It was oolong tea, one of my favourites--it was as if Carol knew what I liked. As Carol did so, I looked down to see Escobar sitting next to me, sniffing at my hand. I smiled weakly at the mostly-black dog, gliding my hand along the top of his head and rubbing behind his ears. He growled softly, a sound I didn't know whether to take as a compliment or a threat. Nevertheless, I continued to pet him for a while, gazing at him with compassion and understanding. It seemed I was quite popular with dogs or the like--maybe it was partially because of my fond reverence of nature, and/or the fact that I used to have a boyfriend named Lupin. Yet my compassion conflicted with my worry about the people around me, thus causing a tear to run down my cheek. "You got to let this brew longer," Mrs. Young commented after taking a sip of the tea. "I would have not thought you'd be so distracted as to forget this, but..." It was then that Mrs. Young glanced at me. Then she shook her head and spoke to Carol again. "Never mind, it's all right for now. There's no use getting fussy over anything on the first night." Then she sighed and started thinking about things. I was so tempted to leave the table at this point, to take a walk outside, clear my mind a bit, and then settle in later. I started to open my mouth to ask if I could be excused, but Eros interrupted me. "You shouldn't interrupt Mrs. Young at this point. We'll all have the chance to talk to her later, perhaps." I then rose slightly in my seat and turned around to face Carol. "Erm, may I..." "No, you may not," Carol interrupted, "and my name is Carol, not Erm. It's not safe for you to go wandering off on your own, with all those Eaters about." I frowned. "...Eaters? What are 'eaters'?" Grace answered for me. "They kill people and absorb their abilities and memories. They are not very intelligent, and act more like beasts of a sort, but they are persistent little pests." "Hmm..." I wondered. "I think I might have encountered a couple of them on the way here, then... but are there really people who do that?" [i]Come to think of it, they sound almost like psychic vampires, who feed by extracting energy from one's aura.[/i] "Haven't you been reading the news lately?" Grace inquired. "It's becoming a nationwide epidemic." "Oh, no, I haven't," I replied. "I've been too caught up with my own family nowadays. But that is an interesting way to do it--it's almost as if the Eaters 'eat' the very souls of those they kill. Come to think of it, a captured soul provides more power to the possessor of it, so no wonder they do it. They must be pretty psychically skilled or gifted to do so." "Perhaps," Grace surmised. "By the way, I'm sorry about 'breaking in' to this place. You see, my would-be husband used to be very good at picking locks, and I can't help but act like him most of the time... I'm even wearing his coat, you see. He died eight years ago." Grace's eyebrows rose. "I don't suppose you have access to his memories too?" I was astonished. "...How did you know that? Yes, and I even have dreams about his past... it's almost as if I've absorbed his soul too, maybe 'pulled an Eater'." Grace shook her head. "Eaters are people who gave grown insane by absorbing the memories of too many people. Usually two to four individuals can turn one into an Eater. It is a mystery why people have been able to acquire these memories and abilities, though." "Hmm, you really know a lot about this, don't you?" "Well, part of it is because I hold such a memory myself," Grace remarked in a casual way. "So that's why we're all here..." I wondered out loud, glancing around at everyone and taking a sip of my tea (I thought it tasted fine, despite what Mrs. Young said). One sip couldn't hurt, and I had to be polite somehow...[/color][/size]
  19. [color=indigo][size=1]I let out a sharp cry, though due to the agony it came out more like a gasp, when Korey kicked me. I fell backward onto the floor--an action that would have lasted less than a second, but seemed to me to last quite a bit longer than that... [i]Panther's flexibility, Lupin's reflexes, they failed me...[/i] I thought as I fell. [i]It seems as though I was up against someone with years of intense martial arts training... And how did Korey know that my stomach was my weak spot, what with the stomach problems both Lupin and Celia had? ...But why are these people all against me? I didn't do anything wrong--well, I didn't hurt anybody! And I never intended to! If they're acting on the simple question of mistrust, they've got serious problems... well then this is a madhouse, so maybe overreaction's their problem. Why do they want to tort...[/i] And then my head banged against the hard wood floor, and I thought no more. ...That is, until I had a dream... a flashback rather... [i]I, a little boy no older than six, stood in the darkness of my room, illuminated merely by a streetlamp behind me in the distance. My legs quivered as I took a couple paces to the door, for I heard my parents conversing with another. As I pressed my ear against the door, I was able to make out what they were saying... "...and I'm just sorry how it turned out," Mum apologised. "And to think, all this time I've hoped for a girl, and Edwin came along instead. Now if only..." "But what if we could fix that?" My father's amused tone of voice surprised me--I was so used to him sounding harsh. "...Fix it? How?" "... ...Ah! I love you Elizabeth--you've just given me a brilliant idea!" The sound of footsteps approached me, and I heard my dad grumbling inaudibly as it approached. I backed away from the door as it opened, but I had no time to react. My father grabbed me by the wrist with one hand, and came upon my face with a ring of handkerchief with the other. Moments later I was muffled, startled, and being dragged along with my wrists held together over my wavy-haired head. I caught a brief glimpse of my mum, who was slack-jawed with worry. "Henry!" she barked. "Where are you t..." and then she stopped, dead silent. As Dad led me down the hallway, I glimpsed a pair of scissors in his other hand--large, perhaps the kind used for gardening. Uh-oh, what was I in for this time? Darker, darker, the hall got... then... light! ...Dad dragged me into the bathroom, slammed the door shut, and grabbed hold of my clothes, wrenching them off one piece at a time until I was completely nude. Then he tied my wrists together, hoisted me up, and nearly threw me in the empty bathtub. As I looked up, I saw him reach for something... and he approached me with the same pair of shears he had before. "Get ready Edwin, or... what did your mummy want to call you? Sophie?" Then he pressed my chest to the floor, and my head went along with it, hitting the floor as well. I then saw him lower the shears...[/i] I, a little woman no older than twenty-seven, sat up with a start, panting slightly at the intensity of the dream. Then I groaned, both because of the pain in my stomach and the fact that I once again had a nightmare about Lupin's past. The first person I saw when I awoke was a woman with varicoloured eyes, and an air that was almost... goddesslike. She made a hand gesture to another man in the room, who started to approach me. While he was doing so, the woman spoke. "Rise and shine, Eater bait." Here she glided one of her throwing knives past my chin, as if to caress me with it. "Now, I can make this easy or I can make this hard. Which do you prefer, hm?" I said nothing at first, still dazed a bit by the flashback. I just adjusted to her tone of voice, which resembled a mother talking to her outstandingly cute four-year-old daughter, yet secretly wanting to pinch her so hard on the cheek that she would cry. But while contemplating this, I noticed her tone of voice change into a more serious one. "Who are you, and why are you here? Remember, no lies." I stared plainly into her face, just as Celia did when she wanted to say something inevitably true to someone. "I am Kel... Yamiko Murakage, and I have no clue why I'm supposed to be here. My husband practically dragged me onto the airplane, and whenever I asked the two policemen buffeting me what was going on, they wouldn't answer." As I spoke, I noticed the woman's brow start to furrow. I then started speaking more hurriedly. "I was just told to come to this place--I don't even know if I was actually welcome in the first place! I was... shy! And my picking the lock... that was my wou..." "What is [i]really[/i] your name?" the woman interrupted. "Yamiko Murakage. ...Well, my name was originally Kelsey; I changed it to Yamiko as a way of giving thanks to my great-grandmother." Much to my relief, the woman nodded. "And why did you break in, rather than knocking?" "I..." I paused for a moment, trying to decide how to best answer this without accidentally lying. "Well, p-p-partially it was because I was too shy to knock--I have this sort of anxiety about talking to strangers. A-a-and it was because of my would-be husband, who died eight years ago. I-I-I find it hard to stop thinking about him, and sometimes I end up acting like him... like just now. I paused again. "...He was a..." Too late. The woman grabbed me by the wrist and stood up, snapping her fingers at the man from before. I was appalled. "What? That [i]was[/i] the tr..." The woman glared at me, as if she was going to kill me if I said another word. [i]But I[/i] was[i] telling the truth. I didn't even try to lie! Was it something in the way I spoke that made me seem dishonest?[/i] I sighed and decided not to fight against whatever she tried to do. [i]Great, just my luck... as usual.[/i][/color][/size] OOC: I would have Grace talk to her instead, but I didn't want to interrupt anything going on outside...
  20. Most disgusting food: The green stuff inside a lobster, and bitter melon (which also smells like old socks). Oh and I can't stand liver. Most disgusting non-food: One time I had some sort of cold which also included a cough. One day, everytime I coughed, I had this awful taste in my mouth... something like a combination of earwax and garbage, which even a mouthful of chips didn't cure. Occasionally I get hints of this taste from an old lemon or orange lollypop...
  21. [color=indigo][size=1]There I sat in the taxi, which was coasting down the highway at a relatively slow speed. (Okay, the driver was going the speed limit, but since I hold the memories of a racecar driver and an outlaw, I'm more used to zipping down these roads.) Remy had strictly told me to remain quiet during this trip before we parted at the airport, so being both a (semi-) faithful wife and an innately quiet person, I did just that. Occasionally the sounds of car horns and other cars zooming past and turning of engines threatened to bother me, but although I became much more sensitive to loud noises after Lupin died, I distracted myself by thinking about my family and friends who were all living on the East Coast, and Merlin was the first person who my thoughts decided to focus on. I thought about the nights Merlin and I spent in Salem (which was also where he lived), nights that were usually finished off with either a visit to Gallows Hill to communicate with a few ethereal companions, or an inspiring conversation on some paranormal topic. I especially recollect the wonderful discussion we had about vampires. That conversation proved that even if I embarrass myself early on, I still leave conversations with Merlin inspired and uplifted, as if he touched my mind with the Light of Knowledge. Specifically, I embarrassed myself my opening the conversation with a joke about what a vampire could possibly do to get a tan, only to find later that vampires didn't fear sunlight. But then he told me a few stories about how that... SCREEEECH! The taxi halted so abruptly that the average person would have smashed his/her face against the front seat. Fortunately, I reacted quickly--I jumped up in my seat and threw my legs out in front of me, to act as a cushion for the sudden impact. [i]What was that?!?[/i] I thought. Before I could think too much about what just happened, though, I glimpsed two dark shadows blocking the back doors of the taxi... Immediately upon seeing the two... creatures... I jerked into a crouching position, slipped right out of my seatbelt, and sprang into the space between the two front seats. Then, I did something I myself was surprised at: I reached into the catatonic driver's pocket and took out a few dollar bills. At least I did that quickly, for just then the dark shapes began to position themselves behind the front doors instead of the back doors. I opened the passenger's door and shoved it open, smacking the... whatever it was... so hard that it faltered a bit and began to stumble backwards. I used this squeeze space to escape from the vehicle, which had apparently exited the freeway while I was lost in thought. I vaulted the hood of one car, landed on the sidewalk, and dashed along an alleyway, figuring I could lose these guys if I weaved enough and used Lupin's speed to my advantage. I was right. I eventually lost them by "pulling a Lupin"--in other words, turning a corner and hiding in a small space between buildings, thus causing my pursuers to run right past me. Catching my breath without panting too audibly, I gathered myself together and decided to take a look at my surroundings. The first thing I noticed, by a huge stroke of rare luck, was an estate, in the front of which was a sign I could barely read, but I made out the name "Young" amidst the contents, and took immediate notice of the black rose inscribed on the centre of the silver gate. Half a black rose, rather, for the gate was open. While making my way to the estate, I took a look at the money I had just stolen from the cab driver, and counted eighteen dollars. Not bad, I figured, for it being loose money rather than a whole wallet. After stuffing the bills into a hidden pocket on the inside of Lupin's coat, I took a moment to think about what just happened--or rather, what I just did (since I still don't know who ambushed the taxi). After crossing the street and walking down the path through the front garden, I came to the actual building and... I thought about knocking, but knocking on the door of someone I didn't even know, the door of a madhouse? That would have been embarrassing, not to mention I wasn't sure whether or not I had actually been invited here. I didn't even know why I was here in the first place... all I knew that Warren told me to get to this place, and call him from there the following morning at 6AM. It sounded like he was going to send the police after me if I didn't call... so this must be important to me. But how?? Pressing my ear to the door, I could hear bits and pieces of a conversation... One young man supposedly introduced himself as "Korey". Then a young woman asked him why he was here, to which Korey replied by mentioning something about being attacked my "Eaters", whoever they were. A while later, there was a pause, and then Korey mentioned something about "it all being a memory". [i]What does all this mean?[/i] I pondered as I turned the doorknob (a solid gold one with a rose design on it), only to find the door was locked. [i]What in the world is an Eater?[/i] I heard the next bit of the conversation loud and clear. The woman mentioned the young man "being safe and having a place to stay instead of being on the run", and that a Carol and an Eros kept "us" pretty safe. Then Korey mentioned the woman "adding another looney to her arsenal". But I wasn't here to listen in on long conversations; I was here to enter this building. So I took something out my pocket that resembled a coin purse, folded out a couple of needle-like objects from it and... The conversation seemed to halt as I picked the lock, no matter how quietly I tried to do so. I turned the golden doorknob, opened the door just enough so I could peek in... and the first things I noticed were knives flying at me. To dodge this unwelcome greeting, I slipped into the foyer and ducked, all in two quick, jerky motions. Smirking in the exact same way that Celia, Lupin, [i]and[/i] Panther would have after performing such a feat, I stood up and faced the woman who had thrown the knives at me. "Well now, it's a good thing I haven't lost my touch; otherwise you would have ended up killing an innocent, something that is very very bad indeed." [i]What was that?!? That was so not like me--that was Celia's tone of voice paired with Lupin's criminal wisdom...[/i][/color][/size] OOC: I would set up a conversation with Grace, Korey, and Carol, but then my post would be too long...
  22. [color=indigo]New Entry: [url]http://ymurakage.blogspot.com[/url] User: Yamiko New Memory Acquired: Edwin "Lupin" Tasselbury Method of death: Heart attack (details in post) Gon, Halberd, Warren, Merlin, Elizabeth, Dan, Candy, and Andy... You eight and I are the only people who will remember Lupin in a positive way. More importantly, you may now talk freely about him to anyone. When he was alive, talking about him would have caused the police to be suspicious of you and maybe question you, but now that he's dead, it doesn't matter. It's a shame he had to live his life in secrecy, but he shall be remembered for his deeds, especially for the fall of the Mini Mafia. At least now he can (hopefully) move on to a new, better life... New Entry: [url]http://ymurakage.blogspot.com[/url] User: Yamiko New Memory Acquired: Lina "Panther" Donly Method of Death: Racecar "accident" (details in post) I'd like everyone to remember Panther as a bold and wild individual. She was never that close to me, but I can't imagine how Warren, her brother, must feel about her death. Hmm, he might feel just like I did when I lost Lupin... And if the Black Cat Bandits were still around, I'd tell them that the way Panther died is an incentive to avoid harming people while the victim is aware of your presence, and to avoid doing the more violent stuff to innocent people. Alas, there is a moral to this story.[/color] Oh drat, I forgot about Celia... I'll post about Celia in the blog when I have more time... I'll also post in the RPG tomorrow, as it's getting close to my bedtime.
  23. [b]Tops[/b] T-shirts?!? On me?!? Okay, on [i]rare[/i] occasions I will wear a T-shirt, one that's either a kid's size or too big on me, and usually features an animal or mythical creature on the front. But for the most part, as far as tops go, I can be pretty varied, and definitely not conservative or too mainstream. I might wear a short-sleeved blouse that's a solid colour or has stripes, shows enough of my chest so that the charm on a necklace can touch my skin, and either is form-fitting or has a tie around the waist. I'm also very fond of medium-length sleeves on shirts, especially if they're on a pretty fancy-looking top. In the summer I find myself occasionally wearing spaghetti-strap tops, especially the ones that look almost capable of being lingerie. These tops HAVE to be form-fitting for me, so as to add to the flattering effect. And in the winter I wear long-sleeved shirts at times--I also like sleeves that are bunched up at the end. But no matter which type of top it is, I always look for style in it. [b]Bottoms[/b] I can tolerate more plainness with trousers than shirts. Yes, I do wear jeans sometimes, but they can't be baggy or light-coloured or have holes in them. I especially like little designs or vertical stripes on my jeans, and I like the legs to flare out on the bottom. But a lot of my trousers are made of softer materials--I especially love my black velvet ones. But I love skirts, especially ones that are flowy and fairly long. My favourite is a long purple skirt that looks almost ragged, but that's what I love about it. I can't stand skirts that are plain and just go straight down without doing anything. Booooring. And I'm not a fan of shorts, but there is the rare occasion that I will wear them with a tank top in summer. Sometimes I pair such tops with a black miniskirt instead, and striped or fishnetted knee socks. ^_^ [b]Shoes[/b] Rule of thumb: NEVER wear sneakers with skirts or trousers that don't cover my ankles. I'll wear them with my long jeans, maybe, especially when I have to do a lot of walking. But I also like wearing sandals, sometimes with socks underneath. And I have so many different colours and styles of socks... But sometimes, especially when wearing a skirt, I like to be a little fancy with more strappy sandals, sometimes with heels--but nothing higher than two inches or my feet hurt. I also have a pair of black high-heeled boots I wear with long skirts and such. Although they make a loud clip-clopping noise when I walk, I love how they look. Sometimes I will be lazy and wear flipflops as well. I think overall I prefer black shoes, unless they're sandals. Although I have a white pair and a blue pair. [b]Jewelry[/b] My ears aren't pierced, so I don't wear any earrings... besides, my long curly hair would hide most earrings unless they're particularly showy. And I hardly ever wear bracelets because it's nigh impossible to find bracelets that fit my tiny little wrists. Although I did have a watch custom-fitted once and it looks more like a bracelet. Sometimes I wear a dainty yet stylish ring on my right index finger--or middle if it won't slip off. But I most commonly wear necklaces, sometimes a showy pendant on a chain, sometimes a more sophisticated and elaborate one. It's too difficult to describe the variety here... [b]Miscellaneous[/b] As far as outerwear goes, I especially love my denim jacket with the nice long and slightly-flared-out sleeves, and the black suede coat lined with fur. I am really fond of long coats, but they're hard to come by... I also like my long light-blue sweater I wear with lighter outfits. I'm a big fan of hats. I like brims on the hats, but they have to be even all the way around and no wider than an inch or two. And baseball caps?! NEVER. I'm very picky when it comes to hats, but I wear them quite frequently. [b]Overall Look and Colours[/b] I often find I add a touch of the old-fashioned look to my clothing, if I so please. Just enough to remind one mildly of Victorian or Renaissance times, so to speak. But then sometimes I go for the more classy, modern look, and sometimes I like to "dress sexy" for no apparent reason. Life is a nightclub, I might figure on those days. Then sometimes I go for the tough look, so as to appear slightly intimidating. Or the slightly childish look, to enhance my cuteness. Sometimes I blend two or more of these styles together as well. But I always like to be different and stylish. I prefer wearing cooler colours (black, purple, green, blue, grey), but I also like red and the deeper pinks for some reason. Brown and white are sometimes okay. But I [i]hate[/i] wearing orange and yellow, except maybe on socks. Yellow makes me look like a rotten banana or something you might find in a toilet...
  24. [quote][color=indigo][right]18 August 2003[/right] Dear Celia, [i]"You've been cursed, my child. The Murakage blood coursing throughout you flows in dark rivers of misfortune. Try you may to infuse these rivers with the golden rays of the sun, yet no light by any means shall dispel the shadows."[/i] Those words of yours resonate inside me so frequently nowadays that I often feel as if my life is a repeating melancholy song I just drift through in silence. I wake up every evening and these are the first words running through my mind, as if they're ghosts that gather around me at sunset and await my arising. For the first hour I watch the last specks of sunlight disappear underneath the horizon while contemplating these very words. While doing so, I think about how you kept saying them to my childhood self whenever you could. Coming from you, I remember those words resembled a lullaby, one designed to give me nightmares instead of pleasant dreams. I also think about the Murakage family in general. All of our ancestors have been known to arouse bad luck, and some of us had an affinity and/or talent for putting curses on people. That I believe is where the origin of the Murakage family's own curse is. I know you know all of this; I'm just reassuring you that I have not forgotten about our heritage at all. [right]Your great-granddaughter, Yamiko[/color][/right][/quote] [quote][color=indigo][right]27 May 2004[/right] Dear Lupin, Lupin... or Edwin, as your parents and foster parents still call you... I swear my heart cries out in agony whenever I think about you, which is really bad because I think about you pretty much every moment. Seriously, it is excruciatingly difficult to [i]not[/i] think about you. It even gets to the point where I'm slowly being absorbed by you. It's like I'm surrounded by a pack of wolves, just waiting to be devoured... (Does that add to the million reasons why "Lupin" is the [i]perfect[/i] nickname for you? Your higher self really spoke through you when you picked it.) I miss the Black Cat Bandits--really, the idea of them was [i]brilliant.[/i] I especially loved how they were not as violent as your typical gang but were much more sneaky and clever, and didn't have some extraneous goal of ruling the world or something. In fact, I frequently have dreams about what you guys did before I was even in the picture. But they can't be ordinary dreams because I remember them so clearly. It's as if I can read your mind, that I have access to your memories! Well, this reassures me. I feel now as if I can still contact you even after you've passed away. Yet no longer will we hold each other in our arms, and no longer will our lips rub against each other... There I go, ambivalent as usual. [right]Your lover in peace, Yamiko[/right] P.S. Mr. D wants a second child, go figure... I still consider it a miracle how you and I were able to have a son. I guess Mr. D isn't satisfied with just Ringo.[/color][/quote] [quote][color=indigo][right]2 April 2006[/right] Dear Lupin, Guess what I did for April Fools! I played a trick on Mr. D by stealing his wallet. I snuck up behind him, waited until he was occupied with reaching for something on a shelf, motioned my right hand to his pocket, grabbed the wallet with two fingers, and...flick!... a split second later it was hidden up my sleeve. Mr. D didn't know his wallet was missing until he went to the store and went to take it out! And later that night, I accidentally locked my keys inside my car, and had this wild idea of trying to pick the lock on the door to get in. I did it, flawlessly in fact. The strange part is that both of these were things [i]you[/i] would have been good at. It's as if I've acquired every single one of your skills! Not to mention I feel as if my senses have heightened a bit, and I can run faster and for a longer time than I could before. I really am amazed at this... But I am also amazed at how perfect we are for each other, a wonderful combination of similarities and differences. We both came from poor parents. We both had to deal with cruel men in our early lives. Our complexions are both thin enough to barely avoid looking weak or dead, yet we both are able to move around well. True, your hair is curly and blond while mine is red and straight, you wear glasses while I don't, and we were born across the pawn from each other, but that only makes things more interesting between us. It's too bad all this is in the past now... But I'm also excited about Panther--she'll finally be racing in the Grand Prix this year, as was her dream! I'm also excited about spending time with Suzette, my new daughter. [right]Best wishes, Yamiko[/right] P.S. When I went to Merlin's a few nights ago, I tried on your coat--and it actually fit pretty well, other than the fact that Merlin will have to take the shoulders in a bit before he gives it to me. He said it looks lovely on me though, that I look "as beautiful as a night goddess" in black. Plus I love the purple satin that lines it. I think I'll wear it occasionally for a little fun.[/color][/quote] [quote][color=indigo][right]7 October 2008[/right] Dear Celia, It seems I'm turning into you as well, for I've taken up an interest in gardening for some reason. I'm especially fond of growing herbs, roses, and strawberries, just like you were. But my relationship with Remy is not going well. Our souls have our backs turned to each other, and are drifting further and further apart as time inevitably passes by. Lately I've been surprised at a new bitterness my personality has taken on, and I'm a lot less emotional than I used to be--in fact, nowadays I'm a bit afraid of showing my emotions, quite the contrary of how it was in my teenage years. I think part of what drew Remy to me was how freely I express my passion, my happiness, the beauty I see in life... and I swear his heart melted every time I cried. But now I'm seeming cold and stern, and for some reason I never feel like spending time with Ringo or Suzette. I [i]want[/i] to go back to my old self, but I just... can't; I have no control over it. But back to the curse... although I have access to your memories, I still have one question about the curse: is there any way it can be cured? [right]Your hopeless great-grandchild, Yamiko[/right][/color][/quote] [quote][color=indigo][right]18 July 2010[/right] Dear Lupin, The wolves that have been surrounding me have attacked me, and are about to devour me. I really need a pleasant dream now... for just as I predicted, I've been having nightmares about your past, such that make me wake up the following evening in tears. During one such dream, I screamed so loudly that I woke Mr. D and the neighbors up. I fear I am losing it... These days, both Merlin and Mr. D are worried about me--in fact, both say I'm "no longer Yamiko--just a fusion of Celia and Lupin". As far as my turning into you goes... as you can tell by reading this letter, my handwriting has changed to match yours. I also speak in somewhat of a British accent. And, just like you did, I take every measure to avoid being in sunlight--I even carry a parasol with me during the daytime. And to Mr. D's dismay, I've become nocturnal, just like you were. In fact, I frequently wander about the city at night, usually looking for trouble or secret places. That's occasionally fun, but once morning comes, I face a slew of complaints from Mr. D about my behaviour. He really wants me to snap out of it... Lately, all sorts of people have been turning away from me--not just Mr. D. Suzette refuses to talk to me or even look at me, and she often cries whenever I try to talk to her. Whenever I call Halberd, Warren, or Gon, or knock on the doors to their houses, they never answer. In fact, Warren has threatened to arrest me for various crimes I've committed if I "bother him" again. What in the world is going on? Why is everyone against me? Thank goodness I still have Ringo, at least. And thank goodness Merlin still finds some kind words to say to me. Nowadays I feel like I'm barely hanging on to those good things, but one more calamity in my life and I fear I will fall into the abyss of insanity... [right]Forever your lover, Yamiko[/right][/color][/quote] [quote][color=indigo][right]28 August 2010[/right] Dear anyone who will listen to me, Just as I feared, one more miserable weight pulled me down further, and I think this one caused the rope that held me high above the pit of insanity to snap. For just a week ago, Panther died shortly after a serious racecar accident, and I made the grave mistake of staying with her in the hospital while she died. Now [i]her[/i] memories and presence are haunting me too! It was such a shock that it paralysed me--not only physically, but mentally; I could hardly think straight. Currently I am writing from the house of a Mrs. Young, but I don't know why I'm here or what to do with myself from this point forward. Perhaps I'll stay a while and tread the dark waters of doom, while voicing my final cry for help. Maybe there is the tiny chance that help will come, but chances are I'll just wait until I sink to the bottom and drown... and then hopefully I'll be reborn into a new, better life. It's a win-win situation, I suppose. [right]A soul in distress, Yamiko Murakage[/right][/color][/quote] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: There, all better. Good thing I kept Yamiko's current location ambiguous... EDIT: [color=indigo][size=1][center][b][u]Glossary[/u][/center] Black Cat Bandits:[/b] A sort of gang consisting of Halberd, Warren, Merlin, and Lupin. Disbanded after Lupin's death. [b]*Celia:[/b] Yamiko's great-grandmother, who supposedly put a curse on her. [b]Gon:[/b] A co-worker of Halberd and old friend of Yamiko. A geek, but still a good friend... [b]Halberd:[/b] A mechanic and friend of Lupin. [b]*Lupin:[/b] Yamiko's would-be husband, a thief to say the least. [b]Merlin:[/b] A good friend of both Yamiko and Lupin. Has a fond interest in all things paranormal and is supposedly psychically gifted. [b]Mr. D:[/b] Nickname Yamiko sometimes uses for Remy, especially when talking to non-French people about him. (If you're curious, D stands for Demange, his last name.) [b]*Panther:[/b] Lupin's friend's sister; an athletic motorcycle/racecar driver. [b]Remy[/b] Yamiko's husband. [b]Ringo:[/b] Yamiko and Lupin's eight-year-old son. [b]Suzette:[/b] Yamiko and Remy's five-year-old daughter. [b]Warren:[/b] Another of Lupin's old friends. Oddly, he's now a police officer. [b]Yamiko:[/b] My main character, so that you know who "I" is in my RPG posts. An *asterisk next to the name indicates a dead person whose memories have been absorbed by Yamiko.[/color][/size]
  25. Imp


    OOC: We were supposed to meet Alex and Ally in the field, not go off by ourselves... Hmm, now to expand on the last two paragraphs of Lupin's bio. IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo][size=1]Tap... tap... tap... tap... Although voices sounded from beyond the locked door to the basement, Lupin took special care to be as quiet as possible--otherwise he might disturb the ritual that was taking place. Yet slowly, carefully, he was able to pick the lock and open the door, hardly making a sound. He peered inside the doorway, waited until everyone either had their eyes closed or were focused on the high priest/priestess, so to speak, of this ceremony, and slipped through the doorway... After that, he inched along the edge of the room, careful to remain hidden in the darkness so that the ceremony would not be interrupted by someone spotting him. If he was to be spotted, it was best to wait until he was safely inside the ceremonial circle--for his friend Merlin used to say that any magical circle can be weakened by an outside distraction. Inside distractions... well they were a different matter. Anyway, Lupin waited until when a short meditation took place in the ritual, then walked right up to the edge of the circle, tracing a doorway into it. Upon entry, he visualised the door closing behind him... And all was well. Although everyone had to acknowledge his presence in the ritual from that point on, the participants' ability to keep their mind steered the ritual toward success... Or not. When the incantation in the end that was supposed to open the gate to NightMare didn't work, Lupin backed away from the circle, standing there almost in shock. He began to suspect that he had been the reason why the ceremony didn't work... that he had ruined it after all. Needless to say, he left the basement the first chance he got... As soon as he left the school, Lupin headed for Merlin's house, so as to inform him of the bad news. [i]'Tis the downside of living the kind of life I lead,[/i] he thought. [i]Surely I disrupted the magic of the ritual by sneaking into the circle, or perhaps even by tainting the sacred space with my own aura. I wonder if the latter is even possible, but... really, I'm beginning to regret ever trying to enter that basement...[/i] As Lupin turned a corner, his train of thought vanished at the sight of a familiar-looking man. [i]Bobby?[/i] Lupin recognised him indeed--this Bobby person was from that same sort of mafia he himself had been in. He had been a sort of boss, one who kept praising him for his sneaking and thieving skills, but also kept nagging him to work out and eat more, and criticising him for not carrying a gun. Overall... he was kind of annoying. But now he was just... Trouble, that's what Bobby was. Lupin knew it right when Bobby took out a handgun and pointed it at him. What followed was Lupin narrowly dodging two or three gunshots, while moving around Bobby in the hopes of distracting him. During one such dodge, he had to duck right inbetween Bobby's legs--while doing so he grabbed one leg and nearly tripped him. This startled Bobby a bit as he regained is balance, and it caused him to loosen his grip on his gun enough so that Lupin could snatch it right out of his hand. Then he ran away with it. "Stop thief!" Bobby called after him, half as a joke and half as an angry remark. From then on it was a chase--although at one point Lupin hid in a narrow space between two buildings and Bobby ran all the way around the block before finding him, only to discover that his gun had been emptied in the process. The chase continued, and for a while it seemed that Lupin was losing Bobby... that is, until he turned into an alley. As he ran through this alley, he began to feel weary all of a sudden. Okay, that was sort of normal--he usually felt that way when he was low on energy. But then it got worse and he began to feel dizzy, and after a short while he couldn't run anymore, and instead fell to his knees. Then it wasn't too long before fell forward and collapsed... ~ ~ ~ When Lupin regained consciousness, he found himself in a field, and the sky had become fairly cloudy all of a sudden, when it had been clear moments before. [i]What? What happened? If this is a trick by the...[/i] Then Lupin remembered something Kelsey, his girlfriend, had told him--something she heard from the great-grandmother who supposedly cast a curse upon her. [i]"When one enters the NightMare at the stroke of midnight, one enters the Gate, a field underneath a cloudy sky, which leads to..."[/i] and that's where both Kelsey and her greatgrandmum stopped. So... did that mean that Lupin had somehow found his way into NightMare? As Lupin looked around, he noticed that there were five other people there, all of who had participated in the ceremony intended to enter NightMare. Now, somehow, everyone from there had been transported here. But not everyone had arrived yet--Lupin thought he remembered six other people in that ritual. One of the girls was missing... But, the twins who had led the ritual had arrived, as did the hyper-looking girl in the pink shirt, the preppy-looking boy who didn't seem to be interested in the content of the ritual, and the boy who looked to be the youngest, quietest, and most involved in the ritual (besides the twins) as well. The last boy reminded him a bit of his friend Merlin, as he seemed to have that spiritual air about him. Lupin also noticed something weird about his left hand... upon closer inspection, somehow a ring appeared on his index finger. The ring looked to be made of amethyst and silver, with a moon design and a seven-pointed star inscribed on it, and several tiny glass spheres infused around the edge. This was clearly not an ordinary ring, judging by how it suddenly appeared on his finger and how it fit his finger perfectly. But it went beyond that... for he sensed a sort of spitirual power emanating from the ring, as if it was ready to restore energy to his body as well as his spirit whenever he felt weak or tired. Whenever he felt weak or tired... well, he certainly felt a bit weakened, shaky even, probably due to all the running he had just done. Chases like that always took a lot out of him, however calm and un-panicky he tried to remain. Anyway, at that point everybody except Sage was gathered together and talking to one another; Sage was in a different patch of grass by himself and was looking at a book of some sort. Yup, that definitely reminded him of Merlin, who was a bookworm as well. "So, I take it we ended up in the land of Nightmare after all," Lupin commented, speaking primarily to Sage but so that the others could hear as well. Then Lupin spoke in a quieter voice, so only Sage could hear. "By the way, might I ask what sort of a book you're looking at?"[/color][/size]
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