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Everything posted by Imp

  1. [color=teal]After Arian spoke, nearly everyone turned to stare at her. Arian looked back sheepishly. "I'd take that as a no?" There was silence for a long while, until someone broke the ice. "Albel has gone." It was Emily, surprisingly, who first spoke. Her tone was nervous, and suddenly people's eyes moved to her, and some weird looks appeared because Emily was floating above the ground, and a red glow was in her eyes. "Albel has... gone," she continued. "...Heh, I just... ummm... know it. He's gone to find... Lily, yes, Lily. ...And, sorry, I... don't know why I'm floating..." Emily sat in confusion for a while, then thought for a bit. As she moved herself into a standing position, she used the force of her mind to put herself back on the ground. [i]Well, that's over, at last,[/i] she thought. [i]I seem to remember some dispute about my... something about me. Maybe it was my powers? I guess they were right about those powers... At least I have something to feel happy about...[/i] Remembering that she couldn't walk, she lowered herself to the ground until she was sitting dowl against the wall of a nearby building. Emily then noticed a few people walking off in different directions, one of which was Arian, another Albel in the distance, and some others... [i]Now how do I know everyone's name?[/i] Emily thought. [i]I've wondered about that for some time, but I know. Have I entered the body and mind of another person? Do I have ESP? Or did someone tell me everyone's name when I woke up; I remember someone speaking to me then...[/i][/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I can't think of anything better to post now...
  2. Two coincidences: 1) One clan was just meant for me, and 2) You happened to mention one of the powers I want for my character. :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[color=indigo] [u]Name:[/u] Kare (simple name, but that's the one she was given...) [u]Nickname:[/u] Kali (means "fantasy", as she heard--she much prefers to be called by that name) [u]Age:[/u] 1765 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Species:[/u] Vampire [u]Clan:[/u] Nyroma [u]Appearance:[/u] Kali has long, straight hair as black as the night sky. This contrasts her indigo eyes and her quite pale skin. She stands about five feet tall and is quite thin. As for her clothes, she wears a soft purple shirt which has sleeves so long that they only reveal her fingers and a loose collar that reveals her shoulders, plus a long skirt that matches her eyes in color, and a pair of sea green sandals. She also has three rings on each finger, each bearing the crest of a different animal engraved in onyx, sapphire, or amethyst. Around her neck is a necklace with a gold ring at the end, with an aqua circle in the center. Occasionally she may be draped in a velvety silver blue cloak. [u]Weapons:[/u] A long crystal blue dagger with a crystal ball at the end--she calls this Oritasu (which typically means "staff of the Sight"). It's mostly used to assist her powers. [u]Powers:[/u] Two basic and self-explanatory ones are telekinesis and mind control (mind control done with a song, her eyes, or Oritasu). But, Kali can also generate "force waves", usually of psychic energy. She can also summon different elemental spirits (which usually come from the rings she has) and perform little hexes to a certain degree. [u]Personality:[/u] Kali usually tends to be calm and distant. She's not that crazy for blood (she usually tends to be clean), but it usually comes to her. She has a tendency to use her powers on random objects, sometimes people. She's something of a cynic but seems to be quite interested, so to speak, in human thought. In fact, she often atempts to read people's minds. She's also quite curious and experimental--she likes to "haunt" little villages with her spells and hypnotize people to do out-of-the-ordinary things. She doesn't have a bad temper, but she can be quite sadistic and vengeful at times. [u]Bio:[/u] Since Kare had no family when she was born and somehow lost her memory when she was ten years old, she has long pondered why she suddenly ended up on some island in the Mediterranean Sea that she never learned the name of. But whatever the reason was, she was "cut off" with the rest of the world, as she never heard much in the way of news. Because she had no identification whatsoever, she had to take a "job" as a thief. She actually became a quite clever one, for she had a quick mind and had keen knowledge of human natureand psychology. Once, she met a vampire who tried to bite her four times, but he kept missing her neck, hitting instead both her hands, her forehead, and somewhere on her chest. Strangely, the result from that (besides anemia) was a slight change in personality, from overly emotional and benign (sort of) to cunning and silent. She started to study magic a little more, but once she fell asleep and woke up completely different... Kare found herself looking different--she was taller, paler, and also had fangs. She had somehow been turned into a vampire overnight... Over the following hundred years, Kare gradually discovered her powers. Once, a few vampires heard her singing somewhere then beckoned her over to some sort of "treehouse", where they said something about a clan, magic, vampires, and Kuroichi. Later, Kare found herself in the Nyroma clan. Some time after that, she found a mysterious sword in a spot of moonlight and picked it up. To make a long story short, Kare kept it and called it Oritasu. She also gave herself a new name: Kali. Kali soon adjusted her abilities to be used with Oritasu. Over the next thousand years or so, she basically had fun putting curses on different villages throughout the country, causing the people there to wage wars on each other, therefore destroying their homes. But, she rarely killed and never turned anyone into a vampire. [u]Other:[/u] Just remember that she never goes by the name Kare anymore.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, hope that was OK...
  3. OOC: And again, I'm late for an RPG... :rolleyes: IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=teal]Emily was unconscious all through the battle and the minutes following it. Finally, when she woke up, she found herself lying on the floor in some sort of building... "Where... am I?" she whispered to herself, feeling weak. "...I feel... well... like... my mind... has... clouded... maybe then..." She then tried to get up but only managed to pull herself into a kneel. She looked down at herself to find herself wearing a greenish shirt and a long blue skirt. She tried to find a mirror, and she finally spotted one at the far corner of the room. She tried to crawl toward it, but her legs would not move that easily. But, she finally managed to reach the mirror (though she had to wriggle there like a worm) and studied herself for a while. And as she stared into her brighter-than-normal eyes, she let out a faint gasp for some unapparent reason. At the same moment, the mirror shattered. Her first instinct then was to jump up to her feet, but she couldn't. "Come on..." she muttered, "gotta... get... up... oh, no use..." She eventually found herself reaching for a door handle aimlessly, hoping to grab it, but her arm was too short. As she concentrated harder on the doorknob, though, it flew right out of the door and into her hand. At this she fell silent and almost cried. A few seconds later, Emily heard voices outside. At this she tried even harder to stand up but with no result. Eventually, she decided to give up and just lie back down to take a break. "This... must be a nightmare..." she muttered, closing her eyes. After a few minutes, she sat up again, and, realizing she was probably disabled, scooted over to the door with much difficulty and pushed the door open, feeling like a little old lady all the while. Sure enough, she saw other people outside, some of which turned to look at her upon hearing the door creak. "Oh," said a boy in the middle of the group, "I guess we missed one..." Then a woman walked up to her and looked at her with concern. "I suppose you're wondering what we're doing here, are you? But you came from the same room we just got out of, so I'm assuming you're one of us... Now, wht is your... never mind. You probably don't have a name..." "...I'll think of one, later..." Emily said quietly. As she looked to her right, some guy walked right up to her. "You just missed the fun," he said, almost in a laugh. "Some bikers attacked us!" "...Without weapons, you fought them?" Emily replied after a pause. "I don't know if I can word this for you," said another boy walking up to Emily, "but I guess the reason we're here is because we're supposed to have some sort of special powers, I guess. Some of us have found them but some have not. But we're just deciding what to do ext and who should be the leader." He then beckoned her to stand up, but of course, she couldn't. "Wish I had some special power to help me walk..." Emily muttered. "But I don't even know my name, who I am, or what..." As emily pondered these thoughts, a lot of group members just walked around lazily, seemign quite bored. Emily, also being bored, decided to recall what she had done in the room, muttering to herself as she went... "Let's see... woke up, voices outside, can't walk, mirror broken, doorknob floated into my hand, people outside, bike fight, special powers... hm... Oh, what could it mean?" And as she looked up at the sky, she tried once again to stand. But instead, she just floated up... When she looked back down, she found herself some six feet off the ground and let out a gasp of surprise...[/color] OOC: Well, I'm sorry for the long post, but that's how most of my first posts go...
  4. Sounds kind of cool... *tries to think of a power for her character* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=teal][u]Name:[/u] Emily Fox [u]Experiment:[/u] #3777--Mentalist [u]Age:[/u] 27 [u]Appearance:[/u] Emily is about 4'7" tall and is the complete opposite of muscular and fat. She has long, straight, dark blond hair that goes almost down to her hips. She also has eyes that match her hair in color, and her skin is quite pale. For the most part, she wears a purple shirt with long sleeves and a long, dark blue skirt with green at the bottom. She wears a necklace with a large circular aqua gem but has no shoes. (She'll put those clothes on in my first post in the RPG, of course.) She actually looks quite young for her age... [u]Personality:[/u] Emily is very quiet and is the complete opposite of hyperactive. She doesn't get angry very easily, but she is not afraid to use her powers when necessary. She also tends to have a short attention span and always feels as if she's a ghost from another dimension. She likes to meditate quite often, especially with the hopes of remembering something about her past... She's also very emotional and empathetic, and gets depressed easily. [u]Power:[/u] Telekinesis and telepathy, but those powers can also mix into mind control... [u]History:[/u] Emily has had a depressing life, basically. When she was three, for example, she was unable to walk after a car accident. Two years later, she was kidnapped and abused. Her parents often blamed and punished her for things she didn't do--they even once falsely blamed her for running away from home (she was actually kidnapped) and murdering their neighbor (who actually committed suicide). But the trade-off was that she did very well academically in school. Then, around her 27th birthday, she was watching a magic show when she was called onto the stage as a volunteer. The magician pulled a disappearing act on her, but in reality she was transported to another room. In that room, the magician sat beside her and tried to hypnotize her. After quite a bit of effort, he actually succeeded. But, Emily never woke up... yet.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And there I go again... Most of my characters' powers are either psychic or chaotic... *prays for being accepted*
  5. Wow, a Digimon RPG worth joining! I haven't joined one of these in a long time!! Now, the problem is, which Digimon do I pick...? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=blue][u]Name:[/u] Zuri Takina [u]Age:[/u] 16 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Appearance:[/u] Zuri stands about 5 and a half feet tall and has very pale skin. The color of her eyes and her hair almost perfectly match; they're pretty much a silvery white with streaks of crystal blue here and there. But her hair is straight and flows halfway down her back, and there are slight hints of bangs on the sides. Usually those would blow back in a gust of wind to reveal earrings that look like inch-long amethyst spikes. As for what she wears, that would be a lavender blouse with loose, medium-length sleeves. Below that would be a long, silky, light blue skirt with teal trim at the top. All she would have on her feet are white sandals, but around her neck would be a charm similar to her earrings except with a blue oval on top. That same dot is on a ring on her right hand. [u]Personality:[/u] Zuri tends to be distant and mysterious to those around her. She's not very social, but she's not antisocial either... She actually tends to hide feelings of kindness. Often she can be found reading or deep in meditation--this happens in her free time. Because of that, she tends to be quite calm and intuitive, and spiritual as well. Of course, she's also a firm believer in magic and superstition, and the afterlife, and stuff like that. And as for her Digimon partner... well, Zuri kind of sees her as a kindred spirit or the like. Yet in her weird way, she tends to be a hero sometimes... [u]Bio:[/u] Zuri's parents were kind of crazy, so she thought. They had their own little culture and religion and stuck fast to it, but Zuri got used to that by the time she was 6... Though she lived her life mostly in confusion and isolation from the world around her, she kept getting the impression that there was another world out there where guardian spirits looked after those in need of guidance--she had always hoped she would be one of those people. By the time she turned thirteen, however, she thought that wish merely as a child's imaginary scheme, but she kept her mind open to the possibility. In fact, one time, in school, she made a little ghostlike figure that was supposed to be a dreamcatcher, but it actually served as this "guardian" she dreamed of in the past. Her parents started to cure their craziness, but she still tried to interpret the dream and the "other world" she thought about... [u]Digimon:[/u] Oramon [b][u]Digivolution Chain[/b][/u] [u]Fresh:[/u] Tauntemon [u]Appearance:[/u] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/others/tauntemon.bmp]click here[/url] [u]Attack:[/u] Shadow Spritz [u]In-Training:[/u] Spiramon [u]Appearance:[/u] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/others/oraline.jpg]Click here[/url]--she's on the top right. Her hair is basically crystal blue with dark blue at the bottom. She also has indigo eyes, a crystal blue robe and hat, and the rest of her is white... [u]Attack:[/u] Fool's Charm (she sometimes calls it "Devil's Charm") [u]Rookie:[/u] Oramon [u]Appearance:[/u] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/others/oraline.jpg]Click here[/url]--she's on the bottom left. Her body, I guess you can call it, is white with a blue overcast, and the robe-cape thingy she wears is white. Her eyes are the same color as her previous form, but her hair is now just crystal blue. That's the same color as the big charm around her neck, and the little sphere right near the top of her head. Everything else on her is dark blue. [u]Attack:[/u] Crystal Beam [u]Champion:[/u] Cometramon [u]Appearance:[/u] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/others/zuliarmon.jpg]click here[/url] [u]Attacks:[/u] Neo Blast, Shadow Comet [u]Ultimate:[/u] Libremon [u]Apparance:[/u] Something along the lines of [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/cv179.gif]this[/url], except she's taller and thinner than that of course. She takes on basically the same colors as Oramon and is usually seen covered by her white cape. But inside, she has the same hands as in the picture, and a tattered lavender dress with what looks like a bigger version of Zuri's earring (except blue) under it. She can also be seen holding a thick book with a hard cover of sapphire and emerald. [u]Attacks:[/u] Tome of Quills, Song of the Silent, Plasma Vines [u]Mega:[/u] Necromon [u]Appearance:[/u] Quite simple for a mega... She actually has two forms: one is a bipedal white cat with angel wings, and the other is what looks like a ball covered with a misty blue handkerchief. There's a single indigo eye on the front, and a hand similar to Libremon's sticking out from where the cloth is tied at the base of the eye. [u]Attacks:[/u] Mirror Illusion, Tingle Ball, Five Star Hex, Spirit Command [u]Armor:[/u] Sirenmon [u]Appearance:[/u] Kind of similar to Oramon, except with the blue thingies on Tauntemon's head. Plus, the cape/robe is kind of torn at the end, revealing her feet, which are really just dark purple stars. She also has blue diamonds hanging from around her neck, and she also has Necromon's wings. [u]Attacks:[/u] Tri-Bird, Crystal Aurora, Hypnotic Lullaby [u]Crest:[/u] Wisdom [u]Digivice:[/u] Crystal blue and white[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whew... hope that wasn't too much... hope I'm in...
  6. I love the idea! This sounds like a very fun RPG! I'll definitely join! (I'll try to be active in it... school...) Only problem is, the parents I had in mind for my character are both female... Teen Titans is on Cartoon Network and WB, if you get those channels.
  7. [color=purple]"It's decided," Celestia, Riv, and Asunan said at once. Then, they said three different things at the same time... "We find the rest of the group," said Asunan. "We travel to Yggradisil," said Riv. "We wait for Toshi to come back from Yggradisil," said Celestia. "That's impossible!" all three blurteed in unison again. "No it's not!" they all retaliated, each looking at a different group member. Celestia stared at Asunan, Asunan at Riv, and Riv at Celestia. "We have to make some sort of compromise," Celestia commented under her breath, while Riv and Asunan were arguing, "or someone has to suffer..." "Hey!" Asunan blurted. "Why don't we do all three?" After this, there was a long silence. "...In what order?" Riv asked in an uninterested tone. "Well," Asunan strained her mind to come up with a solution, "we... could find the group first, then go..." "Oh, so you have to be first!" Riv interrupted. "Break it up!" Celestia nearly shouted, almost having to use her powers to separate the two. "Consider this: why don't we..." She paused to look at Riv, and instanty knew what he was thinking. "No, Riv, I'm not trying to be selfish, I hope... OK. I just noticed something in Yggradisil; I found out from Toshi. There's a way out of Yggradisil, but I don't know how dangerous it is. Plus, if he leaves, he'll leave the book unprotected." At this point, Riv was about to interrupt when Celestia stared at him as if she wanted to continue. "I know, that was your consideration all along. My mistake. So, I sympathize with Riv; we must all travel to Yggradisil together. Hawk won't leave unless he finds the book. Toshi won't leave the book unprotected. So, there's no way to get either of them out of there. I think we should contact everyone else instead of physically searching for them..." With this she winked at Asunan. "We can tell them all to meet at Yggradisil, and there we can stop Hawk once and for all." "But," Asunan asked, "how will we get to Yggradisil?" She had a tone of worry in her voice. "Probably," Riv commented, "the same way, roughly, as Hawk sent Toshi there. Sadly, I think the only way there is to be nonexistent." He said this almost with a tone of hope and triumph. "Oh, you just want to be with Rein," Celestia joked. "No, I sort of buy it," Asunan realized. "Oh, you just want to be with Katea," Celestia joked. But, somehow, saying that name sparked something in her mind. [i]Asunan,[/i] Celestia thought, [i]show me... everything you know about when you went to Krii. Everything about what you and Katea did there, and Riv too... Replay it in your mind![/i] Celestia saw it all--Riv's frustration blowing up the island, Asunan and Katea embracing each other after years of separation, Katea sacrificing herself to help Asunan, so she thought... "I think," Riv sugested, "that Rein and Katea are both in Yggradisil at this moment! All we have to do is contact them somehow, and Toshi as well, so they can both help us get there!" "We just have to be nonexistent for a while..." Celestia said with a heavy sigh. "everyone will..."[/color]
  8. OOC: Just a warning: I may not be able to post often because of school, but I'll try. IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple]"No, Asunan," Celestia explained, "you DO exist here. Maybe you just... saw visions of Yggradisil. You weren't actually [i]there[/i], were you?" Asunan shook her head. "Then that explains it," Celestia continued. "It surely is possible for us to see visions of these places. We did see Toshi, didn't we?" Asunan started to nod, but she noticed a sad, empty feeling from afar. "Rein..." "Oh..." Celestia realized. Both of them frowned and looked down. "Wait, Asunan! Behind you!" Celestia declared. Asunan turned around to find Riv standing there some twenty feet away from them, walking toward them. Riv didn't seem that happy, though. "Hey there, Celestia, Asunan..." Riv greeted without much excitement. "Don't worry, we know the news," Asunan reassured. "But at least he exists!" "Sort of," Celestia added. "Oh, quit being blunt!" Asunan whispered sharply to Celestia. Celestia merely sighed. "We've had many casualties," Celestia said calmly, "and we're at the point where we should save our worries and sadness for later, if not never." "Hey," Asunan said brightly, "I quickly got over the loss of one of my friends! You met Katea once, didn't you?" Riv shrugged, but the name sort of rang a bell. "Oh," Celestia added, changing the subject, "we just found out, Toshi and Hawk are both in Yggradisil somewhere. Toshi's guarding this book that is a history of time." "And Hawk," Asunan added, "well, he just arrived there and seems to be looking for something. I can't quite figure out what yet..." Celestia giggled. "What are you giggling about?" Asunan shouted. "I bet you don't know either!" "He's most likely looking for the thing Toshi's guarding," Celestia answered. "Remember, he's the leader of the Dark. Asunan, you can't rely solely on intuition--logic accounts for the rest of fate." Asunan blushed. The three started to walk somewhere, to nowhere in particular. Skyscrapers passed them by in a fairly populated city, and the group was passing by a large fountain in the center of the road, with a hidden statue in the center. Some of the group glimpsed at the fountain for a second, then turned away immediately. But Riv turned back to it when he thought he saw Rein in there. "Just an illusion, or his ghost," Celestia reassured. "A mere memory," Asunan added. She knew perfectly well that ghosts were just memories and hallucinations, and could not physically affect the real world in any way. Riv slowly turned away from the fountain and walked on with Celestia and Asunan. "Wasn't Mereduin with you?" Riv suddenly asked, trying to overcome his sadness. "She's near her home," Celestia answered, "and mine... Symoni's with her." "You know?" Asunan suggested. "Shouldn't our next mission be to find the rest of the group, then travel to Yggradisil together?" "Two things," Riv answered before Celestia could say anything. "First of all, isn't Yggradisil only accessible for those who don't exist? And second, how are we going to find the rest of the group?" "We know where to find them, as always," Celestia reassured him. "And third, we should probably focus on how to get to Yggradisil first, or how to get Hawk out of there and confront him one last time. Or, we can find a way to make Toshi exist again, even though that might be impossible..." Again, the group fell deep in thought, including Riv.[/color] OOC: *checks length of post* All right, I won't go on though I would like to... but that would make my post very long!
  9. [color=darkred]"Well, I sure love endings like this," Tara said, pleased with herself. She knelt down beside Ark and examined him closely. "One final touch." Tara held her hand over Ark's chest, a final hex blast waiting to emerge. Her left hand almost involuntarily gripped her mirror, which moved over towards Ark's head. As the blast was fired, Ark sprung up, narrowly missing it and causing Tara's mirror to fly right out of her hand. Tara managed to leap backwards and catch it; she then turned back to Ark. Ark looked fairly confused, though he still felt pretty drowsy and weak. [i]Athene, Ryojin, Aura, where are you?[/i] Ark thought. "Again, I will ask you," Ark nearly shouted, "who are you?" "If you really want to know, Tara, then. Not that it's any of your business," Tara introduced in her usual playful yet sinister tone. "But enough about me. Stop looking at me. Instead, why don't you take a look at yourself?" With that, Tara covered her face with her mirror. Ark looked at it and saw his own confused expression. Soon, some force caused him to look at it longer, and he stepped back until he hit a tree, sitting down and closing his eyes. Tara put down her mirror and eyed the angel closely. "No glow..." she muttered. "I say, I must have underestimated you, you have more willpower than I expected. But, like they say, you snooze, you lose." And with that, she walked away, extinguishing the fire with a snap of her fingers. [i]I would kill him if I wanted to,[/i] Tara thought as she walked through the forest, [i]but not yet. Death will only end his suffering. That's the last thing I want. Stay here and rot, Ark, and let my curse be with you always.[/i][/color] OOC: Normally, the effect of Tara's mirror is mind control, but I just changed that to regular sleep in this case. I don't want to godmod.
  10. OOC: I agree with you. Arunue, you don't have to leave if you don't want to. We're not forcing you to. Please, stay--you play a very important role in this RPG! Gee, it's hard to post something in this situation when I only control three minor characters... Yaaayy, I finally get the point of Yggradisil... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple]"Toshi's gone..." Celestia said casually, in a somber way. Next to her, Asunan looked down at the windowsill with a lonely expression on her face. "Without him," Celestia continued, "what will become of us?" "If he's dead," Asunan answered, "we can try and contact him with the power of necro..." "That won't work," Celestia interrupted. "That would only work if he still had an ounce of existence in him, which he doesn't. There's a difference between dead and nonexistent." Asunan muttered a confused "Oh." There was a pause. "So then," Celestia added, changing the subject, "what do we do now?" "Shouldn't we be keeping in touch with your sister?" Asunan suggested. Celestia nodded. "Good idea." Back in the forest, Mereduin and Symoni sat against two trees that were a foot apart, tired and bored at the same time. The only thing that woke the two of them up was the start of the telepathic conversation... [i]Hey there Mereduin.[/i] The first signal came from Celestia. [i]Symoni, are you and Mereduin all right?[/i] Next was Asunan. Thoughts were exchanged for a few more moments. It turned out that all four of them were OK yet fairly lonesome because of the group's separation. [i]You two know what to do if you need us,[/i] Celestia reminded Mereduin and Symoni. [i]Of course,[/i] Mereduin thought, winking at Symoni reassuringly. Symoni slowly nodded. [i]Right...[/i] Celestia and Asunan walked out of the hotel they were in and enjoyed the fresh morning breeze and the stunningly beautiful sunrise. As the two walked in the direction of the sun, Asunan seemed to get a certain reminding thought in her mind... "Yggradisil..." she said aloud. "What about it?" Celestia wondered. "Wait..." Asunan moved into a deeper state of thought. "Let me speed up your thinking for you," Celestia suggested. Within less than a second of thought probing, she continued, "M-hm, Hawk's there, I know that. Wait... I think I know..." "Me too!" Asunan declared, sounding excited. The two jumped up and faced each other. "Hawk doesn't really exist, right?" Celestia said, sounding as excited as Asunan. "Yeah, that's true..." "And," "Wait," Asunan stopped her. "When I transformed, do you remember? I think I told you... when Katea die... er... disappeared, she transformed me somehow... For a moment, I think I saw in another world, a world full of strange people who didn't know names or who people were. It was like... I didn't exist, like I had..." "Stop right there!" Celestia interrupted. "Didn't exist? Didn't exist? You see?" At this point, she was jumping up and down with her hands on Asunan's shoulders. "Just think about it, Hawk doesn't exist, you didn't exist at the time, Toshi doesn't exist because Hawk got rid of him..." "Of course," Asunan added. "Yggradisil is the place of non-existent beings! Why didn't we know that before?" "You weren't there." "I wasn't?!" "I don't think you can cease to exist then start existing again. Just like the fact that you can't come back from the dead. Once you're gone, you're gone." "Or..." Asunan started thinking deeply again. "Or, do I not exist? Am I just a copy in this world? Am I not... here?" "What are you talking about? You exist; you can be sensed without use of the sixth sense, you breathe, you eat, for heaven's sake, you're alive and existent in this realm! Just like me!" "Then how come... How come we could see Hawk? How come we could be touched by Hawk? How could Hawk affect this world if he doesn't exist?" "Hm..." Celestia started to think as deeply as Asunan did before. "Good question," they said in unison. "Darn, I can't think this through," Celestia grumbled. "My mind's just racing about, and... well..." Asunan stood there with her arms folded and thoughts jumbled or interfering with each other.[/color] OOC: I could go on and on, but I'll post that later...
  11. OOC: That sucks... I was hoping Arunue would be here to the end at least... *counts how many characters were not mentioned since everyone separated* IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple]As Mereduin skipped towards her house, she saw that her mom wasn't home. At this she frowned, then shrugged, then walked towards the forest with a disappointed expression on her face. She wished someone could be with her at the moment, especially her sister. [i]Celestia, where are you?[/i] she thought. [i]I know you can hear me! Answer me![/i] Five minutes passed. [i]Come on, I'm lonely! Very lonely![/i] Another five minutes passed. [i]Please, this can't be like when Maridra had me captive and I couldn't contact you![/i] Three minutes passed, and Mereduin started to cry, giving up. "Where is everybody?" she said out loud. But she didn't even realize that she was walking into the forest. In fact, she almost bumped into someone, and the moment that happened, she smiled broadly. "Symoni?" Meanwhile, Celestia and Asunan walked through the jungle, which grew darker and darker, with scattered lights all over the place. "These lights sure are bright..." Celestia complained. "Sure doesn't feel like a dream, though we technically are in the dream world..." Asunan commented. Suddenly, all grew dark. The two tried to look around, but they didn't see anything. "If we can't rely on our eyes to see..." Celestia muttered. She and Asunan closed their eyes in unison, then grew still, silencing their voices and thoughts. They soon found out that they were in some sort of room, a dark room, sort of like a temple. There was a chair at the far end, and nothing else. "Where are we?" Asunan wondered. "That's a wonderful question," said a voice from the chair. Both girls sensed something else--someone was in the chair, and he got up and walked towards them. Suddenly, red lights turned on. "Recognize me?" said the voice as Celestia and Asunan opened their eyes. "Hawk!" they shouted together. But the next thing they knew, the total darkness came again, and the floor of the room seemed to drop out from below them, causing them to fall through a bottomless pit. "Have a nice fall," Hawk called from above. Finally, Celestia and Asunan stopped falling only to find themselves lying on a bed in a hotel room. They both opened their eyes and got up. "Well, I guess this [i]was[/i] a dream," Asunan realized. "But it was weird," Celestia added. "Hawk was there. We never saw him before in a dream, did we? So how can we... wait, Mereduin?" A vision came to Celestia then--Mereduin was back near her home, and she had just found Symoni. "Mereduin?" Asunan asked. "I just got this thought--she's in the forest..." "Mystic Star Forest, the one near my home," Celestia interrupted. "It's on the planet Natali. Symoni's with her." The two got up and looked outside the window to find out that the sun had just come up.[/color] OOC: Hawk only appeared in the dream; I'm completely aware that he's actualy in Yggradisil...
  12. [color=darkred]Inside the tree, Tara was taken by surprise when Athene came out of nowhere and saved Ark, defeating the demon at the same time. [i]That wasn't part of my plan!![/i] she thought, getting a look of fury on her face. [i]I need to separate those two somehow...[/i] Careful to not be seen by Athene and Ark, Tara leapt out of the tree to the side, then ran behind the trees until she reached a narrow path, extending her compact javelin as she went. With a combination of the javelin's fire spear and a hex blast, a black fire erupted in a ring around Ark and Athene, enclosing them within the clearing. The fire steadily grew until it was about twenty feet tall. Tara stood outside the ring, facing the two inside. She put away her javelin and held out her mirror, just in case the two escaped.[/color] OOC: Wish I had time to post more...
  13. [color=blue]At first, Masuket had weird thoughts at Tusco's stare, but them she just smiled, knowing that similar things had happened before to her. "I thought I noticed," Masuket started to say, "A figure with black wings such as yours, wandering in a canyon. I was just about to head down there when I saw you and decided to head somewhere else instead." She looked at Tusco but was careful not to stare much, as was her normal instinct. There was a pause, within which Tusco wore a confused expression. Ituile walked past and noticed the two, but she just smiled and continued walking. "...And why do you say this?" Tusco finally asked. Masuket merely shrugged and cast a sideways glance at her bracelet, which still had no glow. "I sense no evil within you," Masuket continued, ignoring what Tusco said earlier, "so therefore that puts us on the same side. Though I remember your ancestors, I gather that you must be quite independent from them. Thus I wonder about what you wanted in terms of the divine disruption. All I have is a score to settle with the storm brothers, or maybe a curiosity, I guess I should say, about the legend of Rain and Thunder... This I heard of all my life..." "...Is this a question?" Tusco wondered. "Yes, I just have slight vocabulary problems. To be simple, what's your... objective?" Masuket didn't think she worded the question correctly, and she laughed inside her head at what she just said. She sighed as she awaited a response.[/color] OOC: Yeah, I know that post was weird...
  14. [color=darkred]Two lines of demons headed for the forest. The leaders of both spoke to each other and gave each other signals. The two lines of demons headed for the forest to assist Baelnaga, but Tara stayed behind, standing some hundred feet away from the forest, facing it. With a snap of her fingers and a subtle point towards the forest, a black glow briefly appeared above the forest. Soon after, the sound of snapping branches was heard in the forest. Some of the trees caught on fire, the flames spreading quicklly throughout the forest. "Dammit!" Ark cursed under his breath. "I thought I just put out that fire!" Baelnaga stood opposite him, appearing to glow in front of the forest fire, looking at him with a sinister smile before striking. Meanwhile, Tara started to walk into the forest, trying to locate the battlesite. She watched the newly started battle from inside a tree, where she could be kept hidden by Ark. [i]I don't need those demon slaves to do my bidding,[/i] she thought. [i]After all, help just makes one weak, and I'm not going to go there. I'll let those demons battle their hearts out while I come up with a plan.[/i] And with that, she leapt out of the tree, sneaking behind the trees surrounding the small clearing where the battle took place. Groups of demons rushed into the battlesite while Ark fended them off. [i]Ark's alone,[/i] Tara thought. [i]A perfect opportunity.[/i] She then reached for the little rod she had and held it out, shaking it until it grew longer, giving itself a stafflike appearance. She then looked to her right and saw that one of the demons wielded a sword. This she fired a hex blast at, which sent the sword flying towards her. When Tara caught the sword, she hurled it into a large tree on the far side of the battlefield. Using her now fiery staff, she threw a bolt of fire at the sword, which started to melt. With the help of a carefully prepared hex blast, the melted metal pressed against the tree and started to harden, transforming into a perfectly flat and smooth sheet of metal that covered most of one side of the tree trunk. Tara snuck over to tree with the metal on it and crept to the front of it, carefully checking to see that Ark was surrounded by so many demons that he could not see her. She stood in front of the metal panel on the tree and looked at it--she saw her reflection. At this, she smiled and headed back over to the other side of the battlefield, climbed back into the same tree she was in before, and morphing her staff back into a six-inch rod. Then she waited for the right moment to strike. In the clearing, demons fell by Ark's side. Baelnaga was hidden amongst the remaining demons, making his way over to Ark, halberd extended.[/color] OOC: Yeah, still a self-centered post...
  15. OOC: *applauds* Very nice post, Skitto! (OK, I'm overacting...) Skitto didn't name the animal; he gave summer a new name. I think it's a perfectly OK name. IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple]At precisely the moment when Hawk's fallen orb shattered, beams of light shot out from all directions within the cell, traveling to different parts of the universe at speeds greatly exceeding that of its substance. Some beams were grouped together--there was one group of three, two couples, and two beams were alone. In the center of the room was a beam of darkness--this was Hawk--which headed straight for Yggradisil. Hawk seemed oblivious to the directions the beams of light were heading; every bit of him was focused on his own destination. However, at one point, he took note Arunue's whereabouts, for it was her he would have to destroy in order to get the Robe. [i]I must isolate her,[/i] Hawk thought, [i]...at some point. I'll let her cry with her friends for a while, then I'll destroy her when she least expects it. Meanwhile, I have some other business to attend to.[/i] One of the couples of light beams did a strange thing--both beams separated into red and blue beams, one per beam. The red beams darted towards a small, rocky planet while the blue beams darted upward, shortly disappearing into pinwheel-shaped portals. One of the isolated beams, meanwhile, headed for a big, bright aqua star. Orbiting it were three planets, and nearby the system was a small, red star with another planet orbiting it. The beam reached that last planet, which was called Natali, and landed in the center of a village near a forest. When the beam landed, it morphed to take on a human shape, eventually materializing into the soul Hawk imprisoned into the beam. Eventually, Mereduin emerged from the light, surrounded by a glittery sparkle of the remains of the light. All around her, people stared, speechless, confused. After noticing this, Mereduin just blushed, and there was a long silence. "Aren't you the one in the cottage near the forest?" a man suddenly blurted out. [i]The cottage near the forest?[/i] Mereduin thought. [i]...Are they talking about where I live? But the only people who would know that are in the village of...[/i] "...Yes," Mereduin slowly answered. "...Am I in Wallydee, just to be curious?" "No other," the same man answered. Wallydee was the village near Mereduin's home. [i]I haven;t been here in a long time![/i] Mereduin thought. She immediately smiled and started skipping towards her home. But as soon as she left the vilage, she started to think about Celestia, then Asunan, then the rest of the group. "Where are my friends?" she asked quietly to herself as she then walked, feeling sad at that time. On a small, faraway rocky planet, the two red beams from before hit a building in a fairly large city. The building turned out to be a hotel, and the red beams entered, turning into a blob of red light as it entered the lobby. At the counter, the blob morphed, and a cute-looking cat's head jutted out of it and spoke. "May I have a room for thirteen?" "Thirteen?!" exclaimed the clerk. "...I'll eventually need..." said the cat, "I would like to reserve four rooms for three, plus a single room. I'll need one room for two right now, though. I'd like to reserve the others for, oh, about a month or so." "OK, do you have enough money for..." As soon as the clerk spoke, several coins made of a strange purple gem flew out of the red blob and landed on the counter. The clerk just muttered a faint "Oh." After a pause, she asked, "OK, for whom should the rooms be?" The cat then told the clerk a list of names, correcting some spelling mistakes. "No, that one's easy--just take the word 'celestial' and drop the L!" The clerk nervously gave the cat a key. "The rooms you reserved are rooms 514 to 517 on the fifth floor, and room 601 on the top floor. Sorry, that's the closest single room to the others..." With that, the cat head sank back into the blob, which turned back into a beam with a key on the end. As soon as it reached the door with a number 106, which was on the first floor, it threw the key into the lock and opened the door to the hotel room. The beam separated into two, and the door slammed and locked behind them. The two beams turned into orbs of red light on the two beds, and they eventually morphed into the sleeping bodies of Celestia and Asunan. Meanwhile, in another world, which was a jungle with many different types of animals, mostly hybrid animals like fish dragons and humanlike creatures such as mermaids and harpies. But the interesting things in the jungle were two glowing blue spheres, which landed in a giant bird's nest and morphed into Celestia and Asunan, but these two were wide awake. As soon as they realized where they were, they looked at each other and hopped out of the nest, taking a look around. "Where are we?" Asunan asked, seeming in a panic. Celestia seemed confused. "Not any place I recognize," Celestia answered. She and Asunan started walking around until they found themselves in the dark part of the jungle, where no light shone from above the canopy of trees. This didn't worry the two, but what interested them was a tree with some sort of screen on it. On it were Celestia and Asunan, but the two were asleep in a hotel room. The two looked at each other, shrugged, then turned back to the tree. "Is that us?" Celestia asked. "But..." Asunan stammered, "we're here! How can we be there?" "Unless..." Celestia muttered, "unless... we're in the world of dreams! This whole jungle must be a dream, and the real us are in there." "But then, why were we put here?" "Everyone has dreams," Celestia grumbled. Asunan giggled. "Yeah, and only little kids have dreams like this!" "Unless Hawk wanted us here. I remember, once I had a vision of a region that was quite similar to the jungle we're in, but it was... I think it was... the entrance to Hawk's lair." "How can that be?" Asunan wondered. "Hawk's in Yggradisil; he can't be waiting for us in his lair!" "But he..." However, as soon as Asunan's words sank further into Celestia's mind, there was silence. The two stopped, trying to figure out the situation.[/color] OOC: I hope the others will post soon, because only Box Hoy, Skitto, and I posted recently... I'm anxious to find out where the others are, excluding Riv, Yeix/Rein, Arunue, Veil, and Rayne, of course...
  16. [color=purple]Asunan panicked as soon as Veil spoke. [i]Toshi! Arunue![/i] Asunan sent a telepathic message to the two as a warning. [i]Hawk, as Toshi knows, is trying to bring the whole group into one place. And...[/i] Asunan stopped when she realized that Hawk could be sensing her thoughts at that moment. She kept sensing this as she tried to close her mind to him. [i]I'll always know,[/i] said a voice in Asunan's head that was identified as Hawk. [i]You can't hide your plans. You can't succeed. Your friends, I shall call them, cannot succeed. Their mere existence makes them weak.[/i] As soon as that voice silenced itself, ideas rushed in, straining Asunan's mind even more. Her only thought was a command: to close her mind to everything, to control the thoughts that run through it, to let karma do its work for Hawk... Toshi grew slightly worried but didn't show it. A voice came into his head to, but it was Asunan instead of Hawk... [i]Don't... figure... the... solution... in... your... head... Hawk... will... know...[/i] Toshi paid no attention to the voice, though he wasn't trying to figure out a plan, nor was he going anywhere; he didn't realize that he had stopped. Arunue stood next to him, looking impatient and confused. "Earth to Toshi!" she nearly yelled. Toshi pretended not to hear her. He kept sensing more things, this time sensing Asunan's troubled state of mind and Hawk's increasing amusement. [i]Pathetic,[/i] Hawk thought, at the same time fighting the group. [i]One of the group's trying to block my senses... Just pathetic. Like covering your ears tightly during a shrill noise and still being able to hear it no matter how hard you try not to...[/i] Being quite godly, he was easily able to think at ease and fight and control his copies at the same time. This clearly gave him the advantage, as he thought.[/color] OOC: Just thought I could describe Hawk further... I feel like describing characters today...
  17. OOC: Usually, I join other characters by the third post... should I break the tradition or not... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=blue]Masuket looked around to find out that the walls of the room were still solid. Before the frozen floor caused her to slip, she briefly tried to balance herself on her left heel. As soon as she did that, she jumped up, her shoes sprouting ice skate blades before they hit the ground. She then gave a slight push with her foot, causing her to glide towards the wall. She was not challenged by balance, for she did this many times before. Nervous and confident thoughts clouded her mind as she drew closer to the wall. Just in case, she kept her hands out to catch herself. But the second she touched the wall, the wall turned back into fog, and a sharp gust of wind pushed Masuket towards the center of the room, where the sphere-enclosed crystal hovered midair. Thinking quickly, Masuket ducked, sliding right under the crystal. As soon as she did this, the crystal fell behind her, crashing on the ground and shattering. The room grew nearly dark, though the fog lit up the room slightly with its faint luminescence. Masuket sighed with relief, whereupon she bent down and picked up a piece of the crystal. She thought that it would come in handy later on. She also kept the blue sphere that had been on the bottom of the crystal; it felt like a ball of glass. Then, she looked at the wall, assuming she could just pass right through it. With a push, she glided on her left foot towards a space between the pillars, a wall of purple fog, preparing for a jump prior to emerging from the cylindrical room. To her amazement, when Masuket passed through the fog with a jump (her skates morphed back to regular shoes), she found herself in a townlike place, with all windows dark except one. Nobody was seen, except someone exiting the lit building. Masuket started to walk towards the light, feeling nervous and curious at the same time. Normally, she wouldn't be walking towards people, but the exception was if she was bored or felt curious for a change. She glanced at her bracelet to find that it had stopped glowing--this filled her with more relief. After a few moments, she stopped walking upon being about a hundred feet away from the dimly lit building, whereupon she stopped to sort out her thoughts and to clam her opposite feelings.[/color] OOC: OK, I did a combination of both...
  18. OOC: I'll delete this post if my character's not approved, but until then... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=darkred][i]Peace? Love? Respect? Friendship?[/i] Tara thought. [i]Weakness. Total weakness--and greed. True happiness is for the strong, the ruthless, the brave, the independent! Fools who believe that love is the way to true happiness, that peace will solve anything... They are just that--complete idiots. Friendship is relying on someone so that together, you may be protected from harm. But it makes people weak, pitifully weak. People who possess power can tear apart the weaklings and grow stronger by themselves. The human nature of being social is just a weakness that must be overcome. Destruction comes before there can be rebirth. Pain comes before there is healing. Darkness comes before light. Suffering comes before happiness. If people really want to be happy, they can be happy in their graves. Happy people only make this world boring. Happy people become teachers, so the students they teach are spoonfed with information about life. Poisoned! They then have no ability to find things out on their own, so those who do figure it out themselves are pure, holy! The angels don't seem to understand that. Perhaps I shall make them happy by killing them. Afterlife is a place where happiness thrives, and the real world has an overwhelmingly high human population. To the what I guess I should call saving of them, a war shall be waged, thousands shall end their lives, be tortured until they learn all there is to learn about pain, that is, if they want to. Simple-minded humans! Yes! And stupid angels that protect those pitiful creatures! In order to achieve true happiness, I must give them my tough love, emphasis on the tough. The war rages on, and I must take my place.[/i] As Tara thought this, she sat in a circular chamber in a dark cave, with a pool of lava in the middle, on a giant black rock. Tara then closed her eyes for about five seconds to clear her mind, then got up and started walking out the cavern. She saw a tunnel on the right that led to a fairly lit chamber, so she went there. A faint purple light illuminated the new path before her, and itgot slightly brighter as she got closer. When she got there, though, the light wasn't that bright. The cavern was covered in some sort of violet gemstone, and a fairly chubby man stood at the far end, collecting pieces of the gem walls. Tara smirked--a lone person who was probably weakened by sticking with friends. [i]Those who are used to being with friends are weak when they're alone, and there are many times when someone has to be alone. That is when the darkness can feed on those individuals' souls and haunt them forever,[/i] Tara thought as she slowly and quietly walked toward the man. [i]The master of the demons told me only to destroy the strong, but the strong are usually acquainted with the weak, and those who know this man will be truly depressed when they hear about his departure from the living world.[/i] Tara stopped when she was about two feet away from the man, who still didn't notice her, as if Tara was a ghost. Tara reached out her hand until it hovered a few inches above the man's right shoulder, and then there was a pause. To the man's horrific surprise, Tara suddenly grasped the man's shoulder tightly, digging her sharp, clawlike nails through his skin. The man gave a cry of pain, panic quickly welling up inside of him. He turned around, freeing himself from Tara's grip, only to meet the gaze of her fiery red eyes. "Holy hell!" the man stammered. Tara laughed in her head, but she actually remained still, not even smiling. [i]Truly,[/i] she thought, [i]this man knows a little about the wonders of hell. Holy hell, what an expression of such sinister wisdom.[/i] Tara looked down,her lips finally moving. The man heard something like "Sure, sure, kori, kiara--diri, telvi..." but it meant absolutely nothing to him. Tara, still looking down, took out her mirror and held it up so that it covered her face. The mirror began to take on a strange black glow. The man looked at it and at forst saw his reflection, but the image warped slowly into the face of a wraith, then a full skeleton. The skeleton image's eye holes filled with a green light, which appeared to suck the man into them like a black hole. Outside the image, the man remained there, seeming paralyzed and spaced out. Tara slowly put the mirror away--the mirror lost its glow then. Tara's calm yet relentless mood and the man's fear and social preference yielded a viruslike quirk in the man's mind, making him temporarily obedient until death, like a battery-operated remote control. With a snap of Tara's fingers and a mental command, the man sprinted out the cavern and towards the exit of the cave. [i]Exercise, you fool,[/i] Tara thought. [i]You just might lose some of that body fat of yours, another result of greediness.[/i] After waiting a few moments, Tara followed the man's path out of the cave; she was relieved to discover that the sky was dark and cloudy due to her hatred of sunlight. She shrugged and walked around across the plains surrounding a city, pretending to look happy and innocent. In fact, she nearly skipped in place of walking.[/color] OOC: Heh, this is my new typical first post--fun and character-defining, biding my time, usually very long, not much dialogue, usually a fight with a minor character, doesn't include any of the other main characters...
  19. Imp


    OOC: Normally, I don't join RPGs that have more than six people in it already, but SilverCyclone recommended me and I can't help it... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo][u]Name:[/u] Tara Surea [u]Race:[/u] Demon [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Appearance:[/u] Kind of like [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/others/starknights.png][b]this picture[/b][/url] (the character in the middle), except five feet tall, all black clothing, red highlights in her hair instead of blue, shorter boots with higher heels, no cape, bright red eyes, and black fishnet tights. She also has a necklace with red spikes and a skull on it. She can sometimes be seen with 8-foot-long black and red bat wings. Occasional scars or cuts can be found on parts of her skin. [u]Weapons:[/u] [b]Flame Javelin[/b]--A short black wand that acts as a flamethrower but can extend into a javelin with fire abilities. One of those is said to make the weapon resemble a fiery pitchfork... [b]Mirror of Sorrow[/b]--A pitch-black mirror which can light up and sometimes take over the victim's mind. Tara sometimes uses this on herself to help herself sleep or meditate, or to search for a hidden thought in her mind. An incantation goes with this; whoever says it during use can control the victim's mind if used properly. [u]Abilities:[/u] [b]Hex Blast[/b]--Can be used on different levels... It can be used as a basic curse for the misfortune of the victim. It can bewitch objects and control them to a certain extent, almost like telekinesis. It can cause certain diseases or deformities at different levels, then death at the strongest level. Power and effect depends on the pain felt by the user, independent on who or what caused it. The higher the pain and energy levels, the better, and only one effect per use. [b]Depress[/b]--Again available at different levels... This ability can cause the victim to relive its worst nightmare or memory. It can also take feelings of happiness or confidence away at certain levels. At a high level, the victim can forget things such as memories or friends, or long-term memories at the highest level. Level and effect depends on mood, as well as complexity and strength of the mind and spirit, for both the user and the victim. Again, only one effect per use.[/color] Well, I hope those abilities aren't too powerful, though they are detailed... I used this character before in RPG's, but she was different every time with appearance, weapons, abilities, even last name... (No offense, but the signup could use more like personality and bio...)
  20. OOC: To answer your question, Asunan found out about Hawk's intentions basically through psychic power, if that's not too general... (I thought I mentioned that ability at the beginning of The Dark... oh well) Same way that Celestia found out. This post will be short because I only have five minutes or so... IC: [color=purple]"You will change," Celestia said in a quite determined tone, "or you will be destroyed. Beings with intentions like yours always fail unless they change or cease to exist. Sorry; that's how fate works; you're just going to have to live with it. And..." Celestia stopped short. Hawk was about to attack her out of anger, but Mereduin jumped in front. A spear hit Mereduin, upon which Celestia gasped in horror as she grabbed her sister and jumped backward to avoid a second strike. Garren still stood staring at Hawk, and Veil and Symoni stood next to each other, pondering what to do. Hawk stood there laughing.[/color] OOC: Sorry for being so short...
  21. [color=blue]The silence remained in the room in which Masuket stood. Masuket looked around, worry slowly arising in a part of her that commanded her to run away. But she didn't--she was curious as to the wonders of this room. Silence remained for the next minute or so. All of a sudden, a purple fog swirled slightly behind all the pillars. The streaks of fog spun around the circumference of the room, eventually forming a misty purple wall. A whole bunch of different thoughts raced through Masuket's head, telling her to do completely different things. One told her to leave the room since the wall was made of fog, another told her to destroy the room, and yet another told her to stay where she was. After quickly eliminating the thought of destruction, her decision seesawed between the remaining two. Before she could panic, she looked at her bracelet to find that same piercingly bright white light. She then looked up at the hole in the center of the wall, looking at it occasionally. Wall, bracelet, hole. Wall, bracelet, hole. Masuket's sight shifted between the three; she wished she had some psychic power she heard of that allowed someone to see everything at once, as well as through things and at things at a far distance. Eventually, she closed her eyes and paid attention to the room she was in--the fog, the hole, and her bracelet, especially. No sound came from the room--all Masuket could hear was her own breathing. She didn't feel anything different, but she didn't dare open her eyes. She started waving her hands around in all directions, almost involuntarily. Then she could feel things getting colder, and she opened her eyes at last. However, all she could see was a swirl of snow--she had created a blizzard inside the room. There was sound then, but only the whistle of the wind. When Masuket slowly put her hands down, the blizzard started to calm. Masuket calmed the storm in a certain way, so that no snow fell upon the floor. She looked around and saw that the wall around the room had turned into solid rock. She looked at her bracelet to find that the glow had not faded. She looked at the hole in the center of the ceiling and... What looked like a giant shimmering diamond floated out of the hole and down, hovering a few feet above Masuket's head. As soon as Masuket started to feel drowsy from staring at the blue dot at the bottom of the crystal, she stepped back and looked down slightly. But as soon as her foot left the small circle in the center of the room, the whole room grew completely dark except for the brightly shining crystal the, surprisingly, did not light up the rest of the room--only itself. The other light came from Masuket's bracelet, which still glowed brightly. Masuket looked back at the crystal. One of the sides of the crystal reflected an image of the markings on one of the pillars. Strangely, the writing was legible to her--it read (letters translated) "pi sundira dale walino tshu". Masuket thought about this for a moment then realized the sentence translated to "The curse will be cast now." Masuket put on a confused expression. She then looked at another side of the crystal, which showed her reflection. She quickly looked to another face of the prism, and at this she was taken by surprise. On that panel was the image of a thunderbolt and a shadowy figure standing in front of it. Masuket spun around to find that no one was there, then stared back at the thunderbolt/shadow image with confusion. After a few moments, the same song from before echoed once again, and the crystal spun around slowly, looking like a diamond version of a disco ball. Masuket listened closely to the song and tried to figure out what it meant. The meaning was different this time--she didn't hear about a mountain being mentioned--instead, the song seemed to be talking about the gods... Again, many thoughts filled Masuket's head. One told her to keep listening to the song, another told her to inspect the crystal further, and another told her to attack the crystal. Yet another told her to leave, but she knew she couldn't because there was no way out. This time, Masuket had a particularly hard time deciding what to do... Eventually, she decided to obey the listening thought and the inspecting thought at the same time. As she listened to the song, which seemed to rant on about gods and stars and prophecies and spells, she walked around the crystal to view the other sides of it. Some showed nothing, some showed her reflection, but one showed the same thunderbolt/shadow image as before. As she was walking around, the crystal shone even more brightly and shot what looked like mini-swords of light out of it. At this, Masuket formed a ball of light in front of her, which sprouted a wall of thunder that blocked the little knives. Still holding the ball steady, her right hand moved slowly up and down with a motion similar to an ocean wave. The same motion occured in an actual wave of water, which attempted to wash over the crystal but was repelled. Soon, the water was morphed into a sphere that surrounded the crystal--this gave Masuket an idea. Her eyes glowed with a soft blue light, and a faint blue glow appeared around her. All around her, the air grew colder and colder until the water on the ground and surrounding the crystal started to freeze. Soon, the whole floor was covered in ice, and a sphere of ice enclosed the floating crystal. Nothing seemed to happen after that, though Masuket's bracelet kept on glowing...[/color]
  22. OOC: Hmmm... I kind of feel like I don't belong in this RPG... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=blue]It was quite nice above the dark teal clouds that evening. The sun was preparing to sink below the horizon, leaving behind a trail of green, yellow, and pink light, all in brilliant neon colors, like search lights in a city. The fairylike creature Masuket managed to float above the mist with hardly any movement in the wongs that morphed from petal-like sashes on her back. She gazed in the direction of the lights as if she was hypnotized. What she didn't notice was that to her left stood a mountain that greatly breached the altitude of the clouds below. There seemed to be a large house made of a grayish blue stone, with rectangular pillars covering the sides. When the lights nearly blended in with the dark sapphire sky, Masuket's head shifted to the left as if a force from the mountain brought it there. Upon the sight of the building atop the mountain, Masuket came out of her relaxing trance and slowly glided towards it, picking up speed a little as she went. She decided to take things easy that day, not deciding to immerse herself in the clouds and emerge below them only to risk being struck by lightning or large chunks of hail. As Masuket approached the building on the peak of the mountain, a faint yet alluring song rang out towards her so that she could barely hear it. This immediately reminded her of a siren, so she had to be careful and aware in case there were dangers in the presence of possible civilization. However, when she cast a sideways look at the bracelet on her right wrist, she saw that the white runelike inscriptions embedded on it were faded and barely visible, indicating that no perils awaited her. Around her, the sky grew dimmer, and stars started to turn on in the sky like microscopic light bulbs. Masuket's destination was still visible, though no light shone through the gaps between the pillars of the mysterious dwelling. Moments later, as she landed on the cool rocks on the summit, the singing increased in volume, so that words could at times be identified. But they could not be deciphered, however--they seemed to be in a different language. Masuket could tell this because she heard the word "amasu", which, she learned, meant "mountain" in some language or another and was part of what her name meant. One of her first thoughts was that the song was about her, but she heard no "kete"--the other half of her name, meaning "cold" or "icy". As these thoughts buzzed around in her mind, she found herself standing behind one of the pillars. By that time, the sky was nearly pitch black, but a glow came from the full moon in the direction where the set sun had been. As the singing continued, Masuket emerged from behind the pillar todiscover a room with no walls around it--the only "walls" were the pillars surrounding the whole area. The room was built in a perfect circle, and the cone-shaped ceiling lay on the pillars, about fifty feet from the ground. The room was four times that length in diameter. To Masuket's astonishment, the room was deserted. As she stepped onto the flat floor of the room, it glowed, in a soothing bluish purple blend of colors. She then looked up and saw what looked like the sky above, except painted on the ceiling. At the very center of it was a hole--this inspired queries inside Masuket's train of thought. She continued walking then stopped in the very center, which was marked by a small yellow dot. At this point, to her surprise, the singing stopped. Silence spread as quickly as a forest fire--the song didn't even linger in Masuket's head. She then tried to remain calm, though she didn't even bother to close her eyes. A faint ring was heard off to the right--Masuket looked there and raised her right arm only to find that the markings on her bracelet glowed with a piercing white light. This worried her briefly, but then she merely shook her head, ready for any incoming danger, if there was any.[/color] OOC: Don't have time to post much more...
  23. [color=purple]Asunan seemed in a panic when she approached Arunue and Toshi. Since she had ESP just like Celestia, she could sense trouble, and she knew what that trouble was... When she saw Arunue and Toshi, she said hurriedly to them, "Kieko, Rayne, and I headed to Krii to see what Riv was up to, but on the way, we were attacked by Hawk, but the copy was destroyed. However, Hawk's planning to attack the group! You may follow Kieko and Rayne if you like, but just be aware that the group might be in trouble!" She then paused for a moment, then sighed with relief--she was counting on Celestia to warn the group. Toshi and Arunue looked at each other, wondering what to do. "You two can continue on," Asunan suggested. "The group should be just fine. If only three of us defeated Hawk's copy, I'm sure more than that will be enough, even if the copy is a little stronger this time..." "Much stronger," Toshi added. "In fact, he's only limiting his power to whatever amount this universe can withstand. ...Maybe we should all..." "I know," Asunan interrupted. "But don't say it--Hawk might hear." Toshi and Arunue headed towards the direction Asunan pointed them towards, and Asunan ran back towards the group. Back in the group, Garren sat down, fairly disappointed. Veil and Symnoni sat against trees and were fairly bored. Mereduin was lazily inspecting her basket, just to reming herself what was in it, and Celestia stood up at the far end of the trees, seeming worried. [i]Hawk is coming,[/i] she thought. "...Hawk is coming!" she then said out loud, making Veil and Symoni jump up abruptly--it was quiet before. Garren and Mereduin seemed confused. "Where is he?" Mereduin asked in a panicked tone. "He's coming from his dimension and will be appearing quite soon. Let's be alert," Celestia answered. "Wil we be OK without Toshi and Arunue?" Veil asked. "We should be," Symoni assumed. "We were OK after a past battle with Hawk." A shapeless figure that looked like a rugged black cloak ran towards the group, so smothly that it looked like it was floating. Another Hawk copy. But, sure enough, as soon as Hawk neared the group, a blade narrowly missed him, then shot back and struck him in the side. He was then flung sideways against a tree and immobilized, fiery threads tied him to a tree, which caught on fire. As the flames started to creep toward Hawk, the group stood in front of him in a half-circle, wearing confident smirks on their faces.[/color]
  24. OOC: If you all look carefully at my last post, Asunan went with Kieko and Rayne, not Celestia. Could you edit that please? Also, Asunan knew that the wolf was Hawk--I said that too. Celestia was back with the group--she was sitting on a rock when I last left her... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple]Asunan started to get depressed as she watched Kieko and Rayne, and then she looked at the heap of dust that was once a copy of Hawk. She felt more and more uncomfortable with the other two and decided to leave. "Rayne, Kieko, I decided that I'm going to leave you two alone; I'm sorry if I caused any trouble. I'm sure you know how to get to Krii, but Riv left and went to the hills beyond the forest. Yeix... or Rein... is there too, and they appear to be having an argument. Well, I'm going back to the group. Farewell." Kieko watched as Asunan walked back towards where the rest of the group was. As Asunan went, she thought about Hawk. [i]He knows,[/i] she thought. [i]He knows part of our plan somehow. There must be some way to close our minds to him so that he can't figure us out...[/i] Back at the group, Celestia thought the same thing. [i]Hawk will destroy anyone that comes into his dimension,[/i] she thought. [i]He's pretty much a god, one that was supposed to represent balance but instead stands for chaos. There must be way, not to destroy him, but to calm him down and bring him back to his senses. Hawk, if you're hearing my thoughts, know that you can't achieve balance by destroying everything--by destroying, you destroy the balance.[/i] Toshi looked up at where Celestia was sitting and then turned back to Veil, then looked off into space. "I sense that Hawk might be waiting for us to come to him, if he already knows of the plan. Is there a way to drive him out of his dimension, or must he stay there? Is there a way to seal that dimension so that he can't rule from there? Or is there a way to end his destruction and instead have him restore balance to this world? Is there a way to change him by contacting his creators? Yeah, that might be an idea!" Toshi said all this not to Veil, but sort of to himself. Then he turned back to Veil the instant he sensed worry. "Veil, it'll change, I promise," he reassured, holding Veil close to him. Near him, Symoni and Mereduin started to wake up, though they just lay there in a state of half-sleep.[/color]
  25. Heh, I almost forgot about Legend of Riv... probably because the RPG was started by Skitto instead of Box Hoy. Anyway, I agree with Kieko--that would make a great prologue to the story. But the question is, should it be placed before or after The Dark? I'm thinking before because Riv is learning how to control his sword and stuff, and it seems like his first big mission. But I'm also thinking after because some of the characters in it (mainly Celestia) already knew him at the start of the RPG and not at the beginning of The Dark, unless I could edit that. Speaking of editing, I just edited my most recent post in Legend of Riv, even though it's an old thread. I agree--we should continue that thread. Then that'll explain what happens to Rimnil. If Skitto modifies his last post in it (because it's fairly confusing with the sudden appearance of Tr'shiel), we should be fine! That'll piece things together! Maybe some of us that weren't in that RPG could control the other characters in it, like Ki, who I believe was controlled by Sammich. Thanks, Skitto, for noticing that thread and finding it! Those are my thoughts so far; I think the Realm of Infinite is going quite well, though I can sense some disputes... I feel like the weird and bossy person in these RPG's...
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