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Everything posted by Imp

  1. OOC: Sorry about the delay... I've been busy the past few days... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple]Veil sat on a rock on the beach for a while, facing the sea. The sun was high up in the sky, and the sea seemed to glitter. Veil seemed in a trance, lonely yet slightly calm. Suddenly, she heard what sounded like Toshi's voice; he was yelling to someone. "Toshi?" Veil whispered to herself. "Could it be?" She then got up and walked towards the hills, almost sure of what she heard. "Come on, Izzy! Can't you keep up?" Toshi shouted playfully, turning to Izzy, who was about half a mile behind him. He then turned and headed for the hills, and he saw a girl running in his direction. Suddenly, the girl seemed to spot him, and then she ran faster. Toshi recongized her as Veil, and he ran faster towards her as well. Toshi accidentally knocked her over, but the grass underneath was nice and soft. "You're back, Veil!" Toshi cheered as he lay down next to Veil. "I've missed you so much!!" "So did I!" Veil said in an excited tone. "I thought I'd be lonely forever!" The two laughed and chatted for a while, until Izzy caught up and joined them. Meanwhile, back at the cave, Celestia sat alone, though she knew where everyone was. She smiled when she sensed that Veil and Toshi were together again. "I'm back!" Asunan declared as she returned. She had gone out to check on the city; another mini-war had broken out there, and it was caused by an unknown evil force. "Thinking about Toshi and Veil, are you?" she laughed. "Yeah, they do seem happy... Anyways, while I was in the city, some evil force caused a major fight... I'm guessing it was Maridra again." "Huh," Celestia wondered. "Yes, I feel that way too... even though she was destroyed, she seems to still... be here... Anyways, don't you think we should find Mereduin soon? I think she's getting worried, though she can see us through Maridra's crystal ball..." "Yeah," Asunan replied, "I think seeing your friends is nothing compared to being with them. Oh, and did you hear? Hawk's trying to snatch the Robe... and when he gets to..." "Yeah, I know," Celestia interrupted. "Anyways, we will succeed, don't worry. We'll do it together, with the rest of the group. Anyways, shall we check on the others, even though we know what they're doing? Being with people is always better than seeing them, right?" She winked at Asunan, and they both walked towards another part of the cave, where Arunue, Gaitei, Hiroshi, and Rayne sat, eating and talking. As they entered, Arunue noticed them and gave them a weird look. Celestia and Asunan looked at each other and began to leave them alone--apparently they were talking about personal business. Celestia and Asunan walked deeper into the cave, into a large chamber, where they found a little circle of boulders. They both sat down, nodded to each other, and started to meditate.. this now became a part of their daily rituals. Meanwhile, Mereduin was looking into Maridra's crystal ball again when a raven flew in the door and perched on top of the ball, staring at Mereduin with bright red eyes. Mereduin stared back, but within moments, she was fully paralyzed and fell over as if she were just a corpse... The dark purplish raven cackled softly, flew up, and disappeared into the shadows.[/color]
  2. Hmmm... I usually plan to stay away from guys, but if I did so happen to be with one, here's what I'd look for: [b]I'd accept him if he...[/b] -Didn't cuss too much. This is important. -Didn't try and hug and kiss me too often. -Had a good personality and was generally quite friendly. -Just wanted to be my friend, not specifically my boyfriend or husband. -Felt comfortable around me. -Could make me happy when I felt sad. -Respected me and didn't think I was weird, ugly, mean, etc. [b]I'd turn him down if he...[/b] -Frequently touched me in places where I didn't want to be touched. -Had his focus on getting married and/or having children. -Thinks he has power over me and/or thinks girls are just slaves or things you can push around. -Said bad things about me behind my back. -Frequently calls me his "girlfriend" and puts a slur on that word, or call me "honey", "sweetie", "sexy", etc. -Insults me and really means it. -Sexually abused me. -Did drugs and/or asked me to try some. -Persuaded me to do things I didn't want to do. -Felt uncomfortable about me or didn't respect me. -Cared mostly about himself and just loved to attract girls, even if he looked cute. -Was in a gang or frequently broke the rules/got into trouble. -Loved to look at porn. -Had a girlfriend and turned me down because of that. -Wanted to be with me all the time and not let me have any time by myself. [b]I wouldn't care if he...[/b] -Looked ugly. After all, the inside is what counts. -Was a different race or something. -was tall or short. APPEARANCE DOESN'T MATTER! -did badly in school. I'd just help him. -had any physical or mental disabilities. -Was considered a nerd or weirdo or something by many others. -Wasn't that social. -Dated or was friends with other girls, or had a girlfriend. -Lives far away from me, if I met him on the internet or something. -Asked me out on a date. [b]I would certainly love it if he...[/b] -Shared many interests with me, such as anime, video games, music, etc. -Was accepted by my friends. -If he had a girlfriend, she wouldn't mind if her boyfriend and I were just friends. -Liked to travel. We would certainly go everywhere together! There's more too...
  3. Hmmmm... I'm from San Jose, California, (in the bay area), and I'm 16 and about to enter my Junior year in high school... I don't study a lot like some students do though I get really good grades... Oh, what I do... I'm hoping to be a singer or animator/artist or even astronomer or something... Mostly, I dream, think about how our minds work, hope and pray that I have psychic powers someday, draw, work on my website, draw on the computer, sing, play music, put spells on people... *slaps herself on the head* Oops, shouldn't have said that... Oh, job? I had a job at some amusement park called Great America--I worked at a restaurant there, but I was just washing dishes and stuff. I hated it, so I quit a few weeks ago... ^_^ I'm trying to find a new job, but I'm not that social and I feel sick if I stand up for too long... I don't care where I go to college, even if I have to go out of the state, or even country! I'm looking for a college with art classes as well as science classes, especially psychology and astronomy... I don't like sports at all, but I do like to dance... I want to do something creative with my life... and all the other things I listed above... Yeah, I know I'm weird... Oh, and I lived in California all my life except when I was three to when I was five, when I lived in Singapore... I liked living there! (well, it's not as nice as living on another planet, but anywhere out of this country seems good to me right now...) Whoa, I said too much, so I'll stop there...
  4. OOC: Sorry if this post is long and weird... we'll be in Pollen City by the end of this post... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=blue]After the battle ended, Celia walked out from behind the trees and approached Carmen and Diego. "What do you want?" Carmen asked, casting a dirty look at the old woman. "I just wanted to know if I can perhaps carry on a duty in the name of Shockwave..." She then turned to her Banette, spraying it with Hyper Potion. There was a long and silent pause. "Well," Diego said in a rush, "if you have Pokemon fit for battle, you can finish off where we started..." At this Celia smirked and steeped out a little more, facing Jackie and Trent. Kelsey saw this and walked up towards the scene as well, even though she felt dizzy and weak and was barely able to stand. Trent called back his Torchic, thanking it for a great battle. Rin and Ray watched with wide eyes, and Isaac was preoccupied with trying to catch a Zigzagoon. "Go Banette!" Banette hovered towards the space between Celia, Jackie, and Kelsey. "Go Ralts!" Kelsey declared. "Celia, I'm not going to let you continue with this madness!" "Go Charcoal and Fang!" Jackie announced. "And I'm not going to let you join Team Shockwave! Three against one's unfair, but life's not fair!" At this Celia merely smirked. She knew those other Pokemon would be no match for her Banette. "Banette, use Shadow Ball to knock them all out!" Celia declared. "Ralts, block with Confusion!" Ralts barely managed to shift the ball to the side. A distance away, Rin, Ray, and Isaac shrieked and jumped to the side. "Charcoal, use Ember!" "Banette, retaliate with Psychic!" Banette's attack shattered the flames coming from Charcoal, and it immobilized all three opposing Pokemon, then threw them against random trees. "Finish it off with Night Shade!" Celia concluded. Jackie's Pokemon immediately fainted from the attack, but Kelsey's Ralts managed to hide. "Go Venonat!" Kelsey cried, sending out her new Venonat. "Go Torchic!" Trent declared. "Come on guys," he called to the group. "We could use some help here! That Banette's probably way past level 30!" Suddenly, the other trainers started to help, except Rin, who saw the whole thing as pointless... she knew they were going to lose... "None of my Eevee's attacks would work against a Ghost-type anyways..." she thought. "Venonat, use Disable!" Kelsey cried. Venonat managed to disable Banette's Night Shade attack. "You pest!" Celia shouted. "Banette, use Psychic on them all!" The attack did lots of damage because Banette was at a fairly high level. "Growlithe, use Roar!" Isaac commanded. But before Growlithe could roar, the Psychic attack hit it, making it immediately faint with all the other Pokemon except Rin's Eevee and Kelsey's Ralts, who still hid behind a tree. "Ralts, come out!" Kelsey commanded. But Ralts stayed hidden behind the tree, almost scared to death. Kelsey fell to her knees and groaned. She almost started to cry. Celia smiled and left, beckoning Banette to follow her. "Kelsey, are you OK?" Rin asked, kneeling down next to Kelsey. "Gotta... stop... her..." Kelsey stammered. "This... is... too... much..." "Just calm down..." Rin said in a calm voice. Eevee sat next to her, and Ralts came out of hiding and tapped her on the shoulder. "Why didn't you come out when I told you to?" Kelsey cried, not looking up. Ralts floated a few inches away from her. "Ralts was scared," Rin answered for her. "I think... my Eevee was too... You can't force a Pokemon into battle when it doesn't want to fight, or when it's at an unfair disadvantage. Ralts is a Psychic-type, Banette's a Ghost-type. Plus Banette's at a much higher level. I figured Eevee wouldn't stand a chance, so I decided to protect it from harm. I think you should do the same." "It's not that," Kelsey quickly interrupted, still frustrated. "I... I... whatever. Let's all go to Pollen City and find the Pokemon Center." As she walked on, Rin followed, and so did the other trainers, returning their fainted Pokemon to their Pokeballs. "There's Pollen City!" Kelsey shouted to the group. Everyone cheered, and they immediately rushed to the Pokemon Center to heal their Pokemon. Meanwhile... "...You didn't do a bad job back there..." Carmen stuttered, her eyes wide open with surprise. "Not bad for a plush doll..." Diego commented. Celia gave him a dirty look. "So, am I in?" Celia asked. "Well, considering that you devastated all those Pokemon with a single Banette, I think..." "Hold on a second," called a girl that emerged from the trees. She looked somewhat like a cross between Jessie and Sabrina, except mostly dressed in purple and with long black hair. "My name is Dolly," the girl continued. Carmen and Diego started to laugh, but Dolly silenced them with her glare. "If you don't mind, I'd like to fill up your open Leader's Assistant position. "Pah," Celia replied, "that position is not available to amateurs like you. You have to first prove..." Dolly gave her the same look. "Well?" she asked, turning back to Carmen and Diego. Her indigo eyes met Carmen and Diego's brown ones for a long time. "...Hold on, I'll give the boss a ring..." Carmen stammered as she took out a cell phone and dialed a number. "Hello? Yes, Clifford, your honor, I found someone to be your assistant. Her name's Dolly, and she has a... a... Kadabra, Delcatty, Scyther, Seviper, and... Duskull. Oh, and a pink Drowzee. ...Yes, that's right, a pink Drowzee. Yes. Uh-huh. Oh-kay, I will be seeing you then. Goodbye!" "How did I do?" Dolly asked. "You have been accepted," Carmen answered. "Your Pokemon seem powerful." Celia rolled her eyes, cast Dolly a dirty look, and walked away.[/color]
  5. [color=purple]"Heh, I was going to destroy her because she has someone I know captive..." Celestia muttered. "But oh well. Asunan, shall we finish off Ios instead?" She looked towards Asunan, who nodded. Both of them leapt down from a high ledge and into the scene. Asunan reached into a pocket in her cloak and took out a small bow and an arrow, holding the arrow vertically and closing her eyes. While this happened, Ios started to form a fireball in his hands and aimed it at Toshi, but he briefly stared at Arunue, apparently upset that she destroyed his future ally. As the fireball was about to leave Ios's hands, a force took over his mind and froze him in his steps. "Don't you move," Celestia threatened, keeping her eyes fixed on Ios. "Don't worry, you two; we can handle this," Asunan reassured, opening her eyes and, with her bow, aiming her arrow at Ios's head. "Now, Celestia!" Asunan commanded telepathically to Celestia. "Distract him!" Celestia moved to the left, farther from Asunan. She took out her wand, its end glowing with black fire. She kept it pointed at Ios, who was preparing some sort of orb... "Wait!" Toshi interrupted. "Ummmm... Celestia? Asunan? May I suggest that you should let Arunue kill him instead?" "She already defeated Maridra," Asunan replied, "so I don't want her doing everything. We didn't get to do anything yet." "Asunan's right," Celestia added. "No, it's something about the tattoos..." Toshi interrupted. "Ios cannot be defeated normally... the only way is... The tattoos have a special power that can destroy them, though." Meanwhile, Izzy stood next to Asunan. "I know what you're planning. I'll help distract him too." As he said this, He took out his sword and ran towards Ios. Ios leapt out of the way. He threw the orb he was holding at Celestia, while Celesita blocked with a blast from her glowing wand... Suddenly, an energy orb and a beam of dark fire clashed midair. Celestia and Ios focused their mental energies on their attacks, trying to shift them towards each other. The force started to shift towards Celestia momentarily because Celestia broke her concentration slightly to send another telepathic signal to Asunan... "Now, shoot!" At that point, Celestia turned back to Ios and grinned menacingly. Ios started to grin back, but at that moment, an arrow shot straight into his head, penetrating his skull quite easily. Ios gave a cry of pain--the ends of the arrow were now emerging from opposite sides of his head. He tried to pull it out, but it was no use... With all his attention diverted to the arrow, Celestia fired the two attacks that were between them back to Ios easily, flinging him against the wall. He appeared to faint... Celestia and Asunan smiled at each other and performed a certain secret handshake that was supposed to signify victory. They then turned to the rest of the group. "Um..." Hiroshi muttered, "who are you?" He pointed at the girl next to Celestia. "Oh, this is my old friend Asunan," Celestia replied. "Last time we met, we were fighting Morak and Helios." Toshi and Izzy nodded; they were the only ones who remembered her. Arunue looked down, grumbled, and shook her head. "Look, Ios is waking up!" Arunue shouted. Gaitei and Hiroshi stood by her, ready to attack. Arunue held her arms out, revealing the tattoos. "This is the end for you, Ios," Arunue declared. Meanwhile... "Maridra was destroyed..." said the little girl that was held captive. She turned out to be Mereduin, Celestia's little sister. She looked into a crystal on a table, and it showed Arunue attacking Maridra and making her vanish... "Maridra was destroyed..." she repeated. Then she wore a wide grin. "Maridra was destroyed! Yay! Civilization, here I come!" But before she could exit the room, a sinister voice that sounded like Maridra called to her. "You really don't think you can escape yet!" shouted the voice. And with that, the door slammed shut, and Mereduin was trapped inside. She had no choice but to look into the crystal ball on the table, and in it she saw Veil. She was on a beach, sitting down on a rock, wearing a sad expression on her face. She looked behind her, at the nearby hills. "Toshi..." she whispered. "Everybody... where is everybody?" And Mereduin looked on with deep confusion.[/color]
  6. OOC: Whoa, this RPG's going slower than I thought... I fno one will post, I will... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As the group continued towards Pollen City, Ray, Jackie, and Kelsey cheered at their new Pokemon. Rin, Isaac, and Trent had battled some Pokemon in the area, but the Pokemon ran away... Suddenly, someone appeared from the bushes... A man and a woman leapt out, the man having spiked blue hair and the woman having wavy red hair. Both wore what looked like metallic Team Rocket uniforms, except with yellow boots and gloves, and a green letter S on the front. They recited their motto, starting with the woman... "Prepare and beware!" "Beware of despair!" "To cast our evil upon every soul!" "To turn the Pokemon world into a black hole!" "To poach Pokemon and hear them cry!" "Better yet, let them die!" "Carmen!" "Diego!" "Team Shockwave, the job is set!" "Surrender all, to our greatest triumph yet!" "Go Shockwave!" the two cheered in unison. "Team Shockwave?!" Jackie muttered. "Who are they? A division of Team Rocket?" "Shut up, little girl," Carmen threatened. "Don't you ever compare us to that puny organization! Say, don't you look like that oaf James, the one which, with Jessie, borrowed lots of money from their boss and never paid it back!" At this Jackie got a furious expression on her face. Charcoal stood by her, eyeing Carmen and Diego with rage in its eyes. Jackie held out a Pokeball, the one containing her new Poochyena. "Stand back everyone," she said. "This is my battle. Go Charcoal!" "Go Eevee!" Carmen declared. "Go Shroomish!" Diego anouced. "Hey!" Jackie shouted. "Two against one's not fair!" "Then try my Torchic!" Trent added, joining the battle. Jackie merely shrugged. "Eevee, use Quick Attack!" Carmen declared. "Torchic, use Ember!" Trent declared. As the battle raged on, Kelsey stared at the two Shockwave members. "My great-grandmother would be perfect for joining this organization... she is truly evil, and her Banette is too..." she thought. Just then, in the middle of the battle, an old woman walked up to Carmen and Diego and whispered something to them. "Give us a minute, will ya?" Diego asked impatiently. "Shroomish, use Stun Spore!" As the battle continued, Kelsey gasped. "Celia!" she whispered loudly. The old woman Celia looked around, and as soon as she spotted Kelsey, she put on an evil smile, and Kelsey glared at her, trying not to appear frightened. Ralts floated by her, its hands on where its hips would be if it had any. Banette stared at Ralts, holding out a pin. As it pointed the pin towards itself, Kelsey glanced at Ralts and fled to the side, falling to the ground the instant the pin entered Banette's body. Banette screeched so loudly that the battlers noticed. Then they shrugged and continued their battle. Kelsey lay on her stomach, her hands behind her head, quivering slightly. Ralts hid behind a tree, and the other trainers were completely confused, though Rin wore an uneasy expression. Celia chuckled and dragged Banette back into the trees to watch the battle, her patience growing thin.[/color]
  7. OOC: Drat! I almost missed the fight! I gotta post more often... :p IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple]"What? I'm not scared," Ios answered. However, there was a hint of nervousness in his voice. "You ARE scared," Celestia threatened. "I sense it. Those tattoos... They have a power hidden inside. That's what you're scared of, the power of... huh?" Celestia stopped short--she noticed something in the cave. "Guys, I'm going into the cave. Anyone who wants to come can. Something's...some[i]one[/i]'s... in there..." As she looked on, the group seemed too focused on Ios. Toshi and Izzy had their swords pointed at him, Arunue stood next to him and stared, and Kieko was in his grasp. Gaitei was watching Arunue closely. Hiroshi was the only one to hear Celestia. "What's the point," Hiroshi replied. "There's nothing in there." "Yes there is," Celestia reassured. "You just looked in the wrong places. Even if you can't sense it, I can, and there's [i]something[/i] happening in there that I'm very curious about, so..." "We can use your help with Ios," Hiroshi said quickly. "No," Celestia said automatically. "You've gone along fine without me, and you can continue to do so. But if you're in trouble, I'll be back in a little while..." And before Hiroshi could shout "No!", Celestia darted into the cave. Even though it was too dark to see, she could use her powers to pinpoint the direction of things. Eventually, she came to a dimly firelit cavern. A girl in a sky blue cloak was fighting what looked like a winged purple dragon. The dragon blew a green flame at the girl, who jumped up to dodge it. Celestia crept closer to the scene, careful to not be seen by the dragon. An arrow and a rune clashed mid-air, and then a blast hit the girl and flung her against the wall. Celestia gasped and grabbed the girl, seized a nearby arrow and quickly put a spell on it (she was not sure if it sould work), and threw it at the dragon, hitting it in the chest. The dragon turned into a human, a woman wearing a simple shirt and skirt and a long, purple and green, hooded cape. It was Maridra, the one who tried to join Uni and Ios! She magically removed her arrow, and as Celestia started out of the cave holding the girl, Maridra followed, not too far behind, even though she could not fly. As the three exited the cave, Ios had dropped Kieko, and Arunue was jumping out of the way of an energy blast coming from Ios. With her mind racing and her heart beating very quickly, Celestia flew up over the cave to a ledge on top of it. Maridra dove out of the cave, trying to grab Celestia's foot, but she failed and tumbled on the ground outside until she almost came to the edge of the ledge. As she looked up she saw Ios; he was trying to attack Arunue. Maridra stood up quickly, put her hands together as if she were praying, muttered something quickly, and flung her hands one by one at Arunue, shooting rune blasts at her which almost hit her two tattoos, burning on her skin and draining her energy slightly. Then she aimed for Toshi and Izzy, hitting them with the same spell and knocking Izzy's sword over the ledge to the ground below. As Izzy leaped over the ledge to grab his blade, what looked like blue vines emerged from the ground and immobilized him. Toshi tried the same thing and met the same fate. Gaitei leapt at Maridra, but she was too quick for him, flipping backwards with her hands out and flinging two green fireballs at him. She then ran over to Ios. "Where's Uni?" she asked. "Uni has disappeared," Ios answered. "But let me ask you this: Why did you just help me?" "...Because... because I felt... it was my... duty..." Maridra stammered, unsure that what she just said was the right answer. Meanwhile, Celestia had her attention on the girl from the cave. "Wake up!" she whispered, shaking the girl as she lay on the ground. Eventually, the girl sat up, looking at Celestia dazedly. Celestia smiled. "Welcome back, Asunan," she said sweetly. "Glad you're back to your old self." "..Celestia?" Asunan said faintly. She shook her head violently, staring at Celestia with dark purple eyes. She smiled broadly and hugged Celestia tightly. "Celestia! Of course it's you! Long time no see!" "I missed you!" Celestia cried. "You're the first real friend I met in a long time! Last time I saw you, you were Ravene, fighting Helios! But... I'm glad we're back together!" The two girls cried happily, embracing each other like good old friends. Maridra watched this reunion and grew angry. Ios was still a little surprised by Maridra's attack on the rest of the group. He kept watch over them; Maridra's spells started to wear off...[/color]
  8. OOC: *puts a curse on Arunue* Eh, just kidding... *removes the curse* Heh, I thought Skitto mentioned in one of his posts something about Uni and Ios... something about another dimension... so I assumed they were still alive... IC: [color=purple]"Having a fight, are we?" Celestia thought; she stood on top of the building like nothing was the matter. "Tiny matter. It's coming..." She gasped. "It's coming!!" she shouted to the group. Some of them jumped up, including Arunue and Izzy. Toshi looked to the edge of the city with a serious look on his face. "You're right, it is," Toshi added. He could feel a dark force approaching the city... one sort of like Shakia but different... All of a sudden, something flew over the city at light speed--it looked like a purple streak. The "streak" flew up, and a flame fell from it and landed at the far edge of the city, spreading quickly. Celestia suddenly got an idea. "...Arunue," she blurted, "You're right, we must destroy Uni and Ios--they have come alive again." She said this very quickly, almost in a panic. "So," she continued, "you all should head over there... I saw them last in a cave beneath the volcano at the far edge of the mountain range... not far from here... Go, now! Hurry! I'll take care of this..." And with that, she flew over to the side of the city where the flame fell and the fire was starting to spread... Toshi had an uneasy feeling about Celestia's plan, but Arunue quickly shouted, "What are we waiting for? Let's move so we can get this done!!" After this, the group shrugged and then ran away from the city, heading past the forest and toward the hills and later the mountains, the volcano, the cave... Meanwhile, Celestia arrived at the site of the fire. "Easy..." she muttered, spotting a lake somewhere near the city. Using her powers, she took some water out of the lake and threw it over the fire, making it vanish instantly. As some of the civilians cheered, Celestia took no time to accept the gratitude and flew off again to catch up with the group. Within minutes she was hovering over the group, too physically weak to run...[/color]
  9. [color=purple]"Um..." Celestia started to say. She had just seen what was happening with the demons. "...S...Someone is... about to join the demons..." she stammered. "He asked what we should [i]do[/i]," Arunue commented, "not what's happening." Celestia apparently didn't hear this. Arunue looked at her and rolled her eyes again. "What demons?" Toshi asked. "You don't mean Morak and the others, do you?" "Either you're getting good at mind-reading," Celestia answered, "or that's the first group of demons you thought of. Yes, of course, I see a... what is this? There's a... looks like a [i]human[/i]... trying to join forces with them. She's convinced that she's not [i]entirely[/i] human, but..." Celestia stopped to think a bit, then muttered, "Hmmm, no, that's not her. Wait... what's this? She has... oh no! I... I didn't think...!!" "What is it?" Izzy questioned. "Oh god! I must find her and..." Celestia then managed to calm herself down and spoke as if she was choosing her words carefully... "Yes, it seems strange that a human is getting involved in this... Oh, I just... I sense a new villain trying to join forces with Uni and Ios... silly idea... and she walked into Morak's lair but wasn't killed like the others... In fact, Morak seemed to [i]know[/i] her..." She stopped again, noticing confusion. "OK," she continued, "there's still two more... sorry, Arunue... there's two more people we must find, but you don't know them... Some of you do, though..." "OK, I'll ask it again, where should we head next?" Izzy repeated. Celestia thought, then answered, "Ah, first, we should remain here, since someone is heading towards the city at this very moment. Someone that is planning to destroy this city... We shall remain here until that someone appears so we can find out who that someone is." "Will you stop speaking in riddles?" Arunue interjected. Celestia gave her a look of displeasure. "Hmmm... you're right, I feel something too..." Toshi commented. "Yep, there's going to be a fire starting here.. a giant one... That will be the signal, and until then, we must wait up..." Celesti added. "I don't see the point," Gaitei interrupted, "of protecting one city to delay our quest." "It won't be a delay," Celestia continued. "We might discover more about this villain..." The rest of the group shrugged. Celestia had already flown to the top of a tall building and looked around.[/color] OOC: Sorry if my posts are getting weird...
  10. [color=blue]"I say we take Joy's advice and head towards Pollen City," Kelsey suggested. "After all, it's an easy path... well, I don't know about easy, but... Oh, there are Pokemon along the way for those of you who want to catch some!!" Isaac cast Kelsey a dirty look, and Ralts did the same to Isaac. "Let's go then!" Ray announced. The group then walked on, heading towards Route 202 and eventually Pollen City. Along the way, there were slight conflicts between the Pokemon and the trainers. Some trainers, mainly Kelsey and the boys, had a mini-debate on who should be the leader of the group, until Rin compromised, "We don't need a leader anyways..." The Pokemon started to visit each other at different levels--Squirtle was the most social and Ralts was the least. However, Ralts took a weird liking for Eevee, but she turned away from Charmander because its trainer's brother was in Team Rocket--Ralts and Kelsey had had conflicts with that organization... "Look!" Jackie shouted. "It's a Caterpie!" "Hey, there's a Weedle too!" Rin added. "I see a Rattata!" Trent announced. "Is that a Pidgey?" Ray questioned excitedly. "A Sentret!" Isaac exclaimed. "Sure are a wide variety of Pokemon here..." Kelsey concluded. She herself had just spotted a Wurmple. "Hmmm... should I catch it?" most of the trainers wondered. But then Kelsey monaed softly; her Wurmple had just been caught by a Spearow, which flew off into the sky. But then... "Venonat!" chirped a nearby Venonat. "Oooh, perfect!" Kelsey cheered. "Go Ralts, use Confusion!" The attack was super-effective. "Now go Pokeball!" Venonat didn't escape, so it was caught! A few other trainers tried to catch Pokemon as well while Kelsey's Ralts was battling the Venonat.[/color] OOC: You can be pretty flexible on which Pokemon appear where. Just make it reasonable, i.e. you can't catch Goldeen in the desert or Sunkern in a cave...
  11. OOC: Yeah, I see what you mean... you kill the monster in your post then tell us to continue fighting it... Oh, no offense... IC: [color=navy]"Oh, I'm Ty, Selenine's little brother..." the little boy answered. "I can't believe you hang around with her. She's a murderer! She almost killed me!" Ty thought of something for a moment, then stammered, "I have to leave here now..." He shook with nervousness and ran to the school. "Eh, don't worry, that boy's a scaredy-cat," Selenine said matter-of-factly. "I spared his life just so that he could live in fear... Hehheh, just look at him..." Her voice trailed off. Then she smiled, proud that she was acting like herself again. She then looked at the dead monster, then at Mystrica. Something came to her. She threw Mystrica's cape in the air, then she put her hands together as if she was praying. Looking up at Mystrica, who appeared as a silhouette behind the full moon, she said something softly, not heard by anyone... something with the name Mystrica called her... Quickly loking down and throwing her arms to her sides, she walked on as if nothing happened, then looked towards the group. She noticed someone missing from it... "Where's Yumil?" Lilith wondered. There was no sign of him anywhere. "Eh, he probably went back to the school and had some business to take care of..." Selenine muttered in a way that made it it seem as if she didn't care what happened to him. Sure enough, Yumil was in the school, talking to one of the teachers there. It sounded as if they were having an argument, almost. Later, Mystrica hovered in the moonlight, looking all around, surprised at how Selenine revived her. She said to herself, "It means 'black', not 'evil', so I'm not surprised..." Ebony heard what she was saying but didn't have a clue what she meant. She tapped Selenine's shoulder and pointed behind her. As Selenine looked, she saw the good-as-new Mystrica hovering behind the group. They started to walk towards the mausoleum...[/color]
  12. [color=purple]By the time the sun rose, everyone was awake except for Celestia, who had gone back to sleep because she had her first good dream in a long time. "I figured you would be up all night," Celestia muttered as she got up, looking at Arunue then turning away quickly. She didn't care who knew her; all she cared about was that something needed to be done about this universal problem... As the group started heading out, Shakia had been revived somehow and started to get up slowly. Celestia immediately noticed this and turned back while the others cast weird looks at her. But Celestia pointed to Shakia, and Arunue and Gaitei looked at each other and shrugged. Toshi began walking towards him, ready for anything. But then he stopped--Shakia apparently had not seen them. He began walking towards the city. Gaitei started to snicker slightly. "First, I knocked him out, and now he just..." His voice trailed off as he noticed Celestia using her telekinetic powers to stop Shakia in his tracks, flinging him hard at a tree. "You're not going anywhere," she threatened. "Oh," she quickly said as she turned towards the group, "I did that because he was about to sneak up on Arunue from the back..." She then muttered something to herself, and it sounded negative... Shakia had been knocked out again--he had flown head-first into the tree. The group looked at him as they walked on... As they were walking, Celestia sensed someone she recognized far away in a cave. She started to walk towards the signal, but then she just walked with the group, walking sideways and looking to the group's left... [i]Meanwhile...[/i] "How silly, a pathetic, normal woman seeking to join us! Unimaginable desire!" Uni shouted in the same distant realm. "Of course, Maridra, you can't take one person captive and expect to be like us, foolish wannabe," Ios said to a random universe. Meanwhile, the woman referred to by Ios as "Maridra" apparently heard the brothers' conversation. She was enraged at first, but then she (almost) calmed herself down. "I am NOT a wannabe..." she whispered furiously to herself. "Hmmm. I wonder if I should not concentrate my focus on one individual, but rather hurt everybody and be infinitely many times as happy...?" Far away, a girl living in a cave started to panic, contemplating her previous life for a while...[/color] OOC: Sorry about those confusing parts at the end of my posts so far... they're for a reason...
  13. OOC: OK, I don't think I can wait for Shaman-SkyLord, but he's still in... Have Isaac meet up with us in some way... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=blue]Kelsey looked around. Outside, it started to rain. "Perfect start to an almost clear night..." Kelsey muttered sarcastically. The Pokemon Center was crowded, and Nurse Joy (not another one...) was gathering people together who wished to spend the night... Most of those people were tourists with Pokemon. However, one real trainer walked up to her and asked, "Just wondering, do you have any info about the Aqua League?" Kelsey sort of recognized this girl... she looked sort of like James, the Team Rocket member who held her back slightly in Kanto... Meanwhile, Joy was taken by surprise. "You're here to enter the Aqua League?! Good, we have two participants now, one of which is completely new as a trainer, right?" "Sort of," the girl answered. As soon as she said this, three more trainers walked up to Joy. Two of them asked for information as well; one just seemed to want a place to stay for the night, but he seemed curious about the rest of Aquatissea, since he had not gone too far from Cottonwall... Kelsey decided to join them as well. "Well, since we have a group of five enthusiastic trainers... OK, you five are all Pokemon Trainers, right? This is wonderful! Anyways, the Aqua League will be held in Snow Canyon, and it's very special since it will be the first one since re-opening! You five are lucky! Anyway, there are eight gyms along the way, but you only have to earn four to get into the league. Now, these gyms will not only test your battling skills; there will be certain contests and competitions as well, so be ready for anything! Now, the first gym is in Pollen City. To get there, you have to go east from here. It's a pretty straight path through Rt. 202, but there are other things along the way, as well as many trainers. Everyone's gathering around from miles away to be in this first competition... Give it your best! Now, what you'll need is a Pokedex upgrade. I assume you all got your Pokedexes, right?" The group nodded. "Fine then, let's go!" Joy led the trainers to a room where there was a machine that was supposed to do Pokedex modifications. She took the trainers' Pokedexes and put them in the machine. Within seconds, they had all been upgraded. Kelsey's Ralts tugged Kelsey's arm, trying to tell her something. It spoke for a while in Ralts language, and Kelsey was somehow able to understand what it was saying... "There's another trainer coming? OK..." Just then, the trainers were introducing themselves, and Kelsey joined. "I'm Rin." "I'm Trent." "I'm Ray." "I'm Kelsey." "I'm Jackie." The Pokemon were pleased to meet each other as well, though Ralts was a little curious about the next trainer it sensed...[/color] OOC: That's all I'm gonna post for now; I don't want to go too much further to upset the sixth trainer...
  14. [color=purple]Everyone except Celestia listened to Rayne's story fully except Celestia, who had a vision of her sister for a while and was thus distracted. She sighed after all was said; she could find out the rest by doing a little mind-reading... The group was apparently sharing what happened since all these new changes came to the universes. At least that's what Celestia guessed, because Izzy asked, "So what happened to [i]you[/i] after the fight with Morak?" Celestia's head disappeared from the clouds, and she struggled with finding what to say while she answered, "Not much. Got separated from my friends, sister, stuff like that... ended up on this faraway planet completely depressed... heard a call from Toshi and came here..." She was actually thinking about the vision she had just seen; she saw who she thought were Uni and Ios, in one of their forms, and they had just destroyed this one small universe or realm--it was a fairly unimportant world completely inhabited by animals and creatures... However, some escaped, and they completely transformed, frogs into spiders, rats into elephants, insects into reptiles, and other changes. Btu something in that vision had caught her interest... that destruction had a great impact on a nearby world, a world that many of the group recognized as their home... That world was shrouded in darkness; a certain group of people managed to prevent it from being destroyed. She also saw a tiny, isolated world where only two people existed, and it was there that she noticed a future bond with Uni and Ios, as well as someone she knew... By the time Celestia's thoughts passed, the rest of the group had fallen asleep, and a half-hour later, so did she. [i]Meanwhile...[/i] "That little pest has just been freed from her loneliness..." said the same villainous woman with the crystal ball-thingy. This time, Celestia appeared in it, as well as the legendary group. "You may have gotten lucky, little girl," she shouted, turning to her little captive, "but she has not seen enough to know you are here with me. And here you'll stay, until I decide to destroy you that is. Leave that to the members of the chaotic dimension..." As she was about to walk away, something else appeared in the sphere--a young woman was walking around in a dark cave, looking for something or someone. "WHAT?!" the vilain screamed. "There's no way, hope she doesn't find the others... THIS IS A NIGHTMARE!!! Huh, I see I'll have to visit their realm someday if all else fails..." Far away, Celestia was having a dream about an old friend...[/color]
  15. OOC: Hmmm... I guess I tend to exaggerate smetimes... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` [color=navy]As the group walked outside towards the labyrinth, sure enough, there was lightning being shot all over the place, and the sky was filled with dark purple clouds. A silhouette of a monster was seen far away, and there were random flashes of light and explosions appearing around it. As the group walked closer, Selenine recognized something and headed straight for the monster. Sure enough, Selenine's "ghost" was already out there, fighting the monster. Several spells, runes, and energy blasts flew repeatedly from the ghost's hands, but one time, she stopped and summoned something in the air and threw it to Selenine. It was a weird item--it looked like a purple ax without a handle. But as she held it out horizontally, its blade glowed, and a black, foggy dart shot from it, then another one, one after another. Selenine immediately pointed the weapon at the monster, and the other group members appeared and used all their weapons and powers against it. Nobody was harmed at first... Suddenly, a thunderbolt shot from the monster and struck the ghost, making her eyes (which was all she had for a "body") disappear. All that remained of her was a dark blue cape. Selenine was the first to notice this because the attack made her weapon vanish into thin air. She wandered over to where the ghost was and picked up the cape. Suddenly, dim, mustard-yellow eyes appeared from it. A voice spoke that was the ghost; she said dazedly, "Oh, Katea... You have proven yourself... you may now call me by my name, Mystrica..." In all the confusion, a boy appeared with a cannonlike gun. He was about five, and he became wide-eyed when he saw Selenine. He stepped back, apparently afraid of her. Selenine managed to hear her footsteps before Mystrica's eyes disappeared again, and she stammered, "...Ty?" She then remembered that her little brother went to this school. She just shook her head and turned back to the fallen ghost. She kept wondering, "Why does she call me by the name 'Katea'? My name's Selenine! But strangely, I think she's referring to me... Eh, whatever." By this time, the others, and Ty as well, were fighting the monster, not noticing that Mystrica was hit.[/color]
  16. Whew, this RPG is finally started!! In your first post, I want you to head over to Seaport Village (a town on the northern coast of Aquatissea) and into the Pokemon Center... That's where the group will (coincidentially) meet, and where we can start the journey!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=blue]It was 7 o'clock in the evening, and Kelsey was at home with her dad. Her dad was an early-retired magician; he quit because his magic tricks often failed and he was somewhat affected by Kelsey's curse. "It's going to be a long journey ahead," Dad muttered. "Heh, I know you'll do well with that Ralts there. Ralts is really a good Pokemon to have around, isn't it?" "Yeah, besides the fact that we don't do well in battles and such. Let's face it, I'm a lousy Pokemon trainer," Kelsey said gravely. "Ah, but isn't a Pokemon battle with your great-grandmother the only way to uplift the curse?" "Oh really?!?" Kelsey shouted, completely surprised. "How come you never told me that?!" "Oh, I thought I did..." "No you didn't! Wow, I gotta try... no." "What's the matter, Kelsey?" "I can't try to earn badges in Kanto again..." "Didn't the Aqua League just open?" "The what?" Kelsey asked with enthusiasm. "The Aqua League, in the not-so-far-away continent of Aquatissea! I never told you that the league re-opened after many lears?" "No." Dad slapped his forehead. "My my, I guess I ought to tell you things more often..." he said, almost talking to himself. "Where is it?" Kelsey rushed. "Where do I go?" "If I remember correctly, you're supposed to go to Seaport Village, since you already have a Pokemon..." "Where's that?" "Right near Breezy Island, where your mom used to live. Now I have some good news and some bad news," Dad lectured, winking at Kelsey. "The good news is, my Kadabra can teleport you there, to save a long trip. Now the bad news is, and this is not so bad, but Kadabra can't teleport you to Seaport Village because he's never been there before... But, he [i]can[/i] teleport you to Breezy Island. We were there, remember? Well, you were quite young... Anways, are you ready?" "This is cool!" Kelsey cheered. A moment later, she held onto Ralts, and Kadabra teleported them somewhere... Kelsey and Ralts found themselves in a residential area on Breezy Island. "We must be here," Kelsey said to Ralts. As they walked around, Ralts tugged Kelsey's arm and pointed over to the beach. There was a large building there. "What is that?" Kelsey wondered as she walked towards the building. There was a sign on it that read: "Underwater Shuttle: The fastest way to Seaport Village is through this underwater tunnel!" Kesely cheered, and she and Ralts walked into the building. Kelsey paid for a ticket, and then she walked down a flight of stairs, which lead to wat looked like a subway station. A trainlike vehicle was waiting there. There were a few people on it, and most of them were quiet. As the door closed behind her as she entered, the lights turned off. People were surprised by this. Kelsey looked outside and saw that the lights at the station were also off. "Power outage..." she groaned. Suddenly, sparks shot out from the sides of the train, and without warning, it zipped off at about a hundred miles per hour, flinging Kelsey into the back of the train. Other people were holding onto their seats, so they were safe. "You would think I'm used to bad luck by now..." Klsey murmured as the train continued. Suddenly, it crashed into a wall, and the doors burst open. Even though the lights were out, Kelsey knew that she had reached the end of the line. She and Ralts left the building to find themselves in Seaport Village. The two cheered and rushed for the Pokemon Center, their first stop.[/color] OOC: Note: Depending on where you come from, you can reach Seaport Village in various ways...
  17. OOC: Why am I always late for these RPGs nowadays? IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple]In a completely different part of the universe, Celestia woke up on a small planet somewhere, the same one she stayed on ever since she was transported there from another universe. Immediately, several thoughts descovered this and flooded her mind instantly. The thoughts were mostly sad memories of her friends, of her family, and of her adventures since she ran away from home. Feelings of loneliness and depression came as well, and all of these combined made Celestia cry slightly. She desperately tried to clear her mind and calm herself down, but it was no use. The happiest memory she could think of was her times with her sister, but as she tried to picture her, she failed. This made Celestia cry even harder. She looked towards a dark red star, almost thinking of ending her life. But a few minutes later, Celestia heard a voice in her head. She closed her eyes and listened some more. "Celestia! ...It's me, Toshi! You remember me, right? Well, I'm here with Riv--who used to be Riv--and everyone else... We're on another quest, so wherever you are, please come." Celestia froze at this. At first she could not believe it that Toshi and the others were still alive. Then she smiled and looked around at the sky. "How am I going to get there?" she thought. She got up and walked around, noticing something nearby. All the time she looked up at the stars, thinking about when she did that same thing before, right before she met her first real friends. Suddenly, she fell into a hole which seemed bottomless. But she smiled and looked down--she was falling right into a wormhole! What seemed like all the universes spun around her for a while, and then there was nothing, then... The next thing Celestia knew, she was in some sort of mini-city, on top of a short building. She got up and walked to the edge, and looking down, she saw Toshi and the others walking along, talking amongst themselves. "Who should we find first?" Kieko asked. "I don't know," Toshi answered. "I tried to contact Celestia, but I don't know if she'll come..." he began to trail off. He noticed some confused faces and quickly muttered, "Oh well, um... never mind." But as soon as he said this, Rayne pointed to a spot ahead of the group. A girl had apparently jumped from a building and landed on the ground gracefully. Rayne looked confused, but Toshi looked surprised. "Whoa, that was fast..." Toshi muttered. "Toshi. Long time, no see," Celestia greeted. "And--wait, don't tell me--Kieko, Rayne, and Ri--oh sorry... Izzy." "What happened?" Izzy asked. "Eh, long and depressing story..." Celestia answered in a sad tone. "Hm... I think we have a couple more to find..." "Then let's go," Kieko suggested. [i]Meanwhile...[/i] "Don't cry, little girl, your mew mama's got you," said a sinister-looking woman. She turned away from the girl she was holding and looked at a crystal ball that was on a shelf. Through it she saw who she thought were Uni and Ios, but their appearances changed all the time in that orb, so she was not sure. "One day, I shall travel to that dimension," she thought. While the woman was thinking about that, the girl broke free of her grip and tried to free herself from a magic rope tied around her hands and mouth. She wriggled her hands a bit, but that made the rope catch on fire. The girl ran around wildly, and it was after this that the woman noticed her, pointed at her, whispered, "Kami ti telu..." and then watched the girl as she walked towards her and fell to the floor. "I should try contacting her again... maybe she'll answer..." the girl thought. "...No signal... No signal... No signal... No signal... DRAT!!!" "Hehheh, you feeble-minded mouse," the woman sneered, "desperately calling for help, begging like a dog and weak as a kitten... Your girlfriend isn't the only one that can sense your thoughts." She then turned away again. "Soon," she thought, "that girl will act as bait for the supposed heroes... soon, we will meet face to face... soon, the infinities will fall, and the forces of chaos shall join..."[/color]
  18. Whoa! We got more than enough people here! I think I'm gonna start this RPG right away!! (Well, amybe tonight or tomorrow, since I don't have time now...) Sephiroth, you can have Torchic as your first Pokemon if you want--it's not evolved or legendary. (Plus, I would recommend it, since Growlithe's now taken.) Ohkami, you're in; you just need to get that bio done soon. As a matter of fact, everyone's in!! I hope everyone that signed up will post often, because this is a large group now (yes, 6 is large). This will be a fairly long RPG, and don't worry--I'll tell you what the gym leaders are and how to get to certain cities in the RPG as we go. Oh, another thing: Keep in mind that we're all in a group, so... OK, that's all the announcements I'm making now. [b] NO MORE SIGNUPS!!![/b] We have enough people already. Oh, and here's my signup--I almost forgot! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` [color=blue][u]Name:[/u] Kelsey Fables [u]Age:[/u] 15 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Appearance:[/u] Kelsey's about 5'7" and has shoulder-length, straight, reddish brown hair grayish brown eyes. She wears a faded tie-dye shirt, long black pants, black shoes, and a shiny navy blue jacket. She also wears glasses and an aqua blue hat. [u]Personality:[/u] Kelsey has some split personalities. She usually has her head in the clouds and doesn't care about the personalities of her friends or her Pokemon. She is more drawn towards Pokemon rather than other people for friends, and she can sometimes act like a know-it-all or talk too much at a time. Other than that, she tends to act tough when in danger, though she can cry easily. [u]Pokemon:[/u] Ralts [u]Bio:[/u] Celia, Kelsey's great-grandmother, was asked to raise Kelsey when she was born, since she had no grandparents and her parents were too busy. She was a Pokemon trainer with a single Banette. However, on Kelsey's first visit, Celia refused to take care of her, and eventually she ordered her Banette to put a curse on her. Her parents soon decided to take her away. Kelsey was born and lived in Saffron City, all the way in Kanto. Her mother died when she was 3, and she had no friends there. (She tried to make friends with this kid named Sabrina, but--that failed.) A bunch of her "friends" were Pokemon--there was a Rattata, a Pidgey, a Butterfree, and a very rare pink Drowzee. Not one of them eventually became the Pokemon she would start her journey with, though. Eventually, when she was 10, she got a Ralts from Professor Willow, the Pokemon Professor in Aquatissea. She tried getting badges in Kanto, but the curse prevented her from doing so. She eventually decided that she didn't want to be a Pokemon trainer, to make matters short, and for five whole years she did nothing about it. But when the Aqua League reopened, Kelsey finally regained hope and decided to try her luck at it.[/color]
  19. [color=indigo]Yumil followed the group, deciding not to speak. Suddenly, Selenine walked up to him. "You know something?" she asked him. "I was wondering, back at school, I overheard a few girls talking about seeing the same ghost over and over again in their dreams. They say it's a copy of their inner selves, I think... I have one, that caped figure that follows me around... Do you think that perhaps you have one too, and he is causing all those murders? If so, you're completely right about not doing it." At this Yumil thought for a moment. He looked up at the caped figure above the group, then back to Selenine, then in the direction of the boys' school. "I still think it's a good idea to go to my school," he announced to the group. The girls looked at him, then began talking amongst themselves. "I think Yumil's right," Selenine added. "He obviously thinks that something--or someone--is there that can help us. I think it's important for us to find out. Besides, we got him and the ghost (she pointed to the caped figure above her) to protect us." After Selenine said this, she muttered something to herself; it was the first time she shouted to a group, and the first time she agreed with anyone. The rest of the girls chatted again, then Ebony spoke to everyone. "You better be right," she said in a hopeful tone. "Well, Wynne's fine, so I think they're both right. Still, we must be careful..." Lilith added. A few girls heard this and nodded. Zeta, however, just shook her head, apparently thinking Yumil's idea was crazy. But then again, she felt a feeling of curiosity inside of her that wanted to find out what Yumil's plan was, so she finally agreed. As the group reached the boys' school, they saw many goblins run out of the school, and they heard someone scream. Selenine and the ghost were having a conversation about something when the ghost heard the scream and darted into the school without warning. Selenine uttered an instinctive "No!" and then shook her head and looked toward the school again. Yumil walked ahead of the group, apparently not caring about what happened. "Don't worry, this happens all the time," he sighed. "Come on in."[/color] OOC: I won't post much more since I sense much annoyance among you... sorry if I RP'd some characters incorrectly...
  20. There's not much of a story to this except those presented by the joiners of this RPG, but... This RPG may seem like "Pokemon: Back in Kanto" but it's smaller and NOT in Kanto... It's more like a variation of a Pokemon fanfic I once posted here, except with no new Pokemon... [i]Quite a while after Ash and his friends started their journey in Hoenn, a new continent announced its recontinuation of their own Pokemon League. This continent was called Aquatissea, a continent directly south of Kanto and across the ocean. In the past, hardly anyone lived on this giant, mostly Pokemon-inhabited island. However, there was one major city on the east side of the continent: Cottonwall City. The people that lived in this city were mostly Pokemon trainers, and one time, a competition was announced--a competition to see who the strongest trainer was--their Pokemon League. There was a winner: a little boy named Seth. He and his Pokemon were as closely bound as a mother to her child. The competition was held in the faraway Snow Canyon, which was near the north side of the continent. But soon, Pokemon League officials from Kanto landed in Seaport Village, a town on the northern coast of Aquatissea. They wanted to take control of the Pokemon League in Aquatissea through Breezy Island, an island not far south of Cinnabar Island and quite close to Aquatissea. They even built a cable car between the two islands since they were so close, plus an underwater tunnel leading from Breezy Island to Seaport Village. In the following years, Aquatissea had grown into a place with many cities and tourist attractions. Lots of Pokemon habitats were destroyed, though some were preserved because Pokemon of unusual colors were also found there. To make a long and boring story short, the new citizens of Aquatissea were mostly tourists and hardly any trainers, so the Pokemon League was cancelled. This made trainers like Seth angry. He got together a group of twelve trainers of different level Pokemon, and he ordered eight of them to go to different cities to convince people to bring back the lost Pokemon League. The other four stayed with Seth and negotiated with the many police officers in Snow Canyon. Also making a long story short, Seth finally convinced the Pokemon League officials of Kanto to reopen the Pokemon League in Aquatissea, which was later called the Aqua League. He dubbed his eight messengers as gym leaders. In the next year, trainers immigrated from other continents, but no new trainers from Aquatissea came to challenge the gym leaders...yet.[/i] Whew, that was fairly long... So anyways, all of us will be the new trainers from Aquatissea that are the "guinea pigs" for the Aqua League and its new gym leaders. (I'll explain in the RPG which cities to go to and which gym leaders to face first, and how to get to places.) But the gym leaders are different. Not only do they battle, but they also hold certain games and competitions for badges. But again, I'll explain what they are in the RPG. Now, just like the Pokemon series with Ash and his friends, we'll be traveling in [b]one group[/b], so I'll only accept about four people in this RPG. You don't necessarily have to be a regular Pokemon trainer; you can be a breeder, coordinator, elemental trainer (like Misty), etc. Now, here's the signup. [b]Name:[/b] and/or nickname [b]Age:[/b] must be 10 or older [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] picture or description [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Pokemon:[/b] You can only have one as a starter. No evolved Pokemon, and no legendaries. (You can have more than one only if you join late.) [b]Bio:[/b] Try to be creative in this area. *Note: I'm going to change this around a bit: Even though there are eight gyms, [b]you only need four to participate in the Aqua League.[/b] For the other four gyms, you can lose the competitions, not participate, etc. Keep in mind that it is possible for two or more people to earn a badge at the same time. I'll post my signup right before I start this RPG.
  21. OOC: Jacobian, please delete the one-sentence post before mine before Arcadia or someone finds out... Double-posting is not OK, just to clarify things... no offense... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=green]On a moonlit night, in the tranquility of the forest, Creste awoke from her bed, which was a large blue flower, and looked up at the sky. Upon seeing a shooting star, she began to make a wish--for the end of this fight she heard about. She then heaved a long sigh, thinking for a while. After about ten minutes, she flew above the trees and looked around. She saw nothing but forest for miles. She then picked a random direction and flew there, nervous about her first moment out of the forest. Creste soon came upon a range of hills in her flight. She shivered slightly and then flew over them, excited and worried, almost scared. She heard battle cries and clashes of swords and other weapons, and looking down, she saw an angel and a demon fighting each other. Never having seen such violence in her life, she gasped and stared, completely frozen except for her frantically beating wings. The angel took out a glowing sword and swumg it at the demon, hitting him with a blaze of light. But then the demon struck back, his eyes burning and his fists clenched. The angel backed up, flying into the sky and almost bumping into Creste. Noticing her, he warned, "Little girl, you don't have to watch--run away!" But Creste said nothing and backed away from the angel. Meanwhile, the demon yelled and jumped at the angel, punching him square in the chest with a fist of fire. The angel darted towards the ground, landing on his head. The demon landed on top of him, grinning menacingly. He looked up and saw Creste, then gave a great roar. Creste shivered even more. As the demon tried to deliver the same flamed punch as he had done to the angel, Creste quickly flew up to dodge it. She then looked up, found the almost full moon, and reached out as if she was trying to touch it. The image of the moon glowed in front of her, and then, as she turned back to the demon, what was now in her hand was a blue energy orb. As the demon suddenly sprouted batlike wings and charged, Creste shot the orb at him, sending him back to the ground. Creste then landed, picking a few blades of grass and concealing them in her hands. Even though her expression was still full of worry, she walked up to the demon and opened her hands, scattering what was now shiny black fairydust which landed on the demon like powder. As the demon tried to get up again, he winced and doubled over, rolling around on the grass-covered hillside with a silent Creste watching. His breathing became labored, and eventually, he stopped moving and his eyes remained open for several moments. What now lay before Creste was a freshly dead body. Creste stood there for a moment, then quickly flew off again, now anxious to explore this fighting world some more and a little more confident in her abilities.[/color]
  22. OOC: Whoa... This RPG is going faster than I thought! I'm completely lost... IC: [color=navy]After a few hours of silence and comtemplation passed, Selenine finally moved and walked away from the graveyard. However, she was still partiallly in a trance. As she walked, she noticed a shadow behind her. She spun around, looking back--the caped figure she saw before had followed her. "Who are you?" Selenine asked, "and why are you following me?" "The first question is not important at this moment, but the second question... I am here because I can help you. Strange things are happening here, and you have no special powers as I recall. You do need protection and I can assist you." At this Selenine stood there, embarrassed. "Huh, I [i]wish[/i] I had some powers... Perhaps I will when I learn my true name." "Oh, I already know what your true name is," the figure said, "but I will not tell you until you are ready. You must remember that those who know your true name have power over you." Selenine and the ghost walked on, and eventually they reached a dilapidated house. The lights flickered on and off in the house, and a few people talked and screamed inside. Eventually, a girl walked out; she was carrying someone on her back. A few other girls followed, and all of them started running suddenly. A boy soon followed; he was the only one to notice Selenine. Selenine looked from the boy to the girls and shrugged. To her right, the group of girls had stopped. She could hear them talking for a while. She caught a few phrases, like "where should we go?" and "to the school" and "take Vanessa" and "Yumil will..." as well as other things, but the girls were talking rather rapidly, as if they were in an emergency. Selenine crept closer, and the ghost followed, both as quiet as a still lake. One of the girls noticed Selenine and thought she was stalking them, trying to hurt them, so she frantically told the other girls to flee. This action took Selenine by surprise, and she followed them, staying in the trees to (hopefully) avoid being seen. As the girls started to run, so did Selenine. But apparently, the girls heard her panting and rustling through the trees, so the picked up speed. So did Selenine and the ghost following her. Eventually, a blond-haired girl turned to her and asked, "Why are you following us?" At this point, Yumil ran towards the scene to see what was happening. He was about to go back to the house when Selenine emerged from the trees. Yumil's marionettes jumped out from behind him, thinking Selenine was an intruder. They also noticed the ghost. There was silence. Yumil's hand was close to the handle of his sword, and his marionettes had their knives out. The girls just stared, and Wynne managed to open her eyes, wondering what Selenine was doing there. Suddenly, someone broke the ice... "I just came from the graveyard," Selenine said in an unnaturally worried tone. "I just... noticed you and was curious. I do not... wish to harm you..." She felt uncomfortable and stupid saying the last seven words. Behind her, the ghost faintly pointed a large, gray hand at the girls, aparently preparing to strike with something if they attacked Selenine. "Just to be curious, where are you going...?" Selenine stammered, feeling as if someone else was speaking for her. "To the hospital, I guess," one of the girls replied. "Oh by the way I'm Lilith..." one of the girls finally interrupted. Some of the other girls started to introduce themselves as well. "We don't have time," Zeta interjected. "We must get going." "...Can I come?" Selenine asked in the same weird tone. "As long as that ghost doesn't attack us, you can..." Naomi answered. Then the girls walked along, followed by Yumil. Lastly came the ghost, who flew above the group, keeping watch over Selenine. For some reason, she didn't trust any of the members of the group. She kept her hand out, ready if anything should go wrong.[/color] OOC: Hope I didn't interfere with your original intentions...
  23. [color=navy]Tara walked through the forest on the night of a full moon; she was happy to be away from the public. She was confident that there would be no werewolves around... All around, she occasionally saw glowing eyes, but that didn't seem to bother her. To test things out, she muttered something and placed her hand on the trunk of a nearby tree. She closed her eyes then opened them again, and as she walked away, the tree gave way and fell over. She then smiled, thinking she was well-prepared for anything that would come her way. But a few minutes later, the moonlight falling on the forest started to dim... Tara shrugged, thinking it was just a cloud blocking the moon or the trees getting thicker. She once came across an angry wolf, but it magically became paralyzed and fell over, wincing in pain. As she walked on, something caught her attention: the light coming from above started to turn purplish... As Tara looked up, the moon has taken on a mauvish glow... "Lunar eclipse..." she thought as she walked on. But then she heard a shout from above. She looked up and saw the shadow of a man on the moon. For a moment she stood there, confused, but then the shadow grew bigger and nearly landed on top of her. But instead, it snatched her and enclosed her in some sort of bag. Then, she was carried away... Tara did not scream; instead, she boiled over with rage. But then, something weird happened: the bag she was in caught on fire, and Tara was surprised by this. A hole was quickly burned in the bag, and she managed to jump through it, though she was burned slightly. The shadowy figure stood by her, never speaking. Tara winced and stared at the floor, also silent. Later, a hand was placed on her head, which was tilted up, enabling her to see the faint outline of a large man about twice her height. Finally the man spoke... "Will you come with me?" At this Tara stared at the man in disbelief, thinking she was going to be kidnapped or something. But then the man picked her up and floated off... He headed across the sea to a desolate island... "You are truly fit for this competition," the man mentioned to her in a weird, complimentary tone. "I could see it in your eyes..." "What competition?" Tara asked coldly. "One held by Rinaro, this evil..." "I know who he is," Tara interupted. "Anyways," the man continued, "It's a fighting tournament with a 50,000 gold prize." "I don't fight," Tara muttered, "and I don't need money." "You will get a special gem as a prize as well, just like the Light and Holy Gems you may have heard of, except... different." He wanted to say "weaker" instead of "different", but he figured that that would shift Tara's interests away from entering. Tara said nothing; she thought of this one weird stone she saw once and kept, but then she just shook her head. "I suppose," the man broke the ice, "that you do have certain powers that will help you in this competition... you are aware of those? What if I told you they will grow stronger with two of these gems?" "Two?" Tara wondered. "There's two?" "The gems of Dread and Chaos await..." said the man as he floated off towards the horizon... "Wait a minute..." Tara thought, "The tournament, of course! I remember, that psychic once told me! I guess she was right! She said... what was it? Oh, it was, 'In six years, you will be beckoned by one of my minions to a great and somewhat dangerous tournament. Win this tournament, and a gem awaits you--a special one like the Light and Holy gems... Go beyond that, and you shall earn a second, and then, a new power is in your hands... I see a dark, catlike creature with your eyes and aura...' Hm... What does it all mean? That was awfully vague... The catlike creature can't be Rinaro; he, she... OK, it, is not a cat. That I know. But wait, what if Rinaro has other forms...? That can't be true, the cat must be a girl like me... Hm..." Tara spent the next few minutes trying to sort it all out, but she didn't succeed...
  24. [color=indigo]Selenine walked into the school and looked around. Before she went to school, she had been scared to death all the time by the weird things happening all over the place. Now, she walked down a long hall, feeling warm and welcome. At the end of a narrow corridor, there was a door--the one that Selenine was supposed to go into. The walls were swarming sith spiders and it was very cold, but Selenine just continued walking, opening the door and going inside. Selenine groaned when she entered the room--the last student who stayed there had decorated the room completely so that is was the least spookiest room in the whole building. The walls were painted bright pink, the windows had drapes that had glowing pink happy faces on them, and the bed was almost fit for a queen and also pink in color. Selenine was outraged that she happened to get such an unusual and unnatural room that was her least favorite color--pink. The first thing she did when she got in the room was that she grabbed the drapes, tore them off, and threw them out the window. Then she turned off all the lights and sat on the bed, staring out the window. Luckily, she had a good view of the graveyard below. A while later, Selenine walked out her room and outside the building. About a hundred girls were outside, some of them seeming scared and/or worried. One girl she passed by muttered something about "walking dolls and bloody halls and killings all the time". The girl looked at her and smirked, expecting her to scream, but Selenine instead put an evil smile on her face. "This place seems marvelously interesting," she thought. "It will be fun living amongst classmates who spend 50% of their lives shivering in fear..." Selenine decided to go for a short walk--there was time. She started along the River of Darkness, and eventually, she crossed it and turned left at the boys' school. She soon came upon another graveyard, one that was bigger and darker, and foggy. Selenine smiled and walked through it, careful not to step on any graves... There was a dilapidated stone statue in the center, and it was bathed in moonlight and covered with blood. Selenine merely smirked and walked across the other side, but before she could take another three steps... "Katea... alas... we are acquainted..." called a voice. This was followed by a strange chanting, and the fog began to stir, creating a mini tornado, which eventually glowed. Out of this fog emerged a dark, caped figure. Then it spoke... "I seek you, Katea... A call from a world far away, it is I who comes to your service..." Selenine froze, but she did not panic. "Who are you?" she asked boldly. "That is none of your concern..." said the figure. "Question is, who are you?" The figure said in a tone that made it seem as if it were asking Selenine to dive more deeply into herself, to disvover who she [i]really[/i] was... "Selenine," the girl answered. "Who's Katea?" she asked without a pause. "You will find out..." called the ghostly figure. A raven circled her head and eventually perched on it, stretching out its wings and screeching loudly. Both it and the ghost vanished in a swirl of fog. Selenine stood there, rooted to the ground, slightly confused.[/color]
  25. [quote]Asunan, Merudian, and Celestia are the members of the StarKnights if I'm correct.[/quote] Heh, actually it's Mereduin... The true members were actually Asunan, Amarest (who only appeared briefly), and this other girl I forgot the name of... Celestia and Mereduin joined after they met Asunan. But whatever... I can't wait till this RPG starts, and I hope it won't be as confusing as the other RPGs...
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