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Everything posted by Imp

  1. Hmmm... sounds interesting... Which type of character to choose... [color=indigo][u]Name:[/u] Selenine Anders [u]Age:[/u] 16 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Description:[/u] She's about 5'8" and has long, straight black hair and brown eyes. She wears a black shirt with middle-length and flared sleeves and a dark red rose in the middle, as well as a long black skirt with hints of blue, plus black strappy sandals. [u]Bio:[/u] Selenine was born into a family with seven children, and she was one of four born at the same time. She had three sisters and three brothers, but she was always the black sheep. Her siblings were very hyperactive while she was quiet mostly. Her parents were somewhat crazy, and they mostly ignored their kids to do crazy stuff. They especially liked to visit the boys' school across the river... Selenine once visited there, and it was there that she glimpsed a caped figure that reminded her of herself... When Selenine went to school, she was technically possessed by the weird stuff happening there, and her personality changed somewhat. The other kids in school thought she was lucky that none of her family died, but that changed... One day, without warning, Selenine killed both her parents and all of her siblings except one brother named Ty, who was ten years younger than her. Ty eventually went to the school across the river, and Selenine never heard of him ever since... Later, in school, a rumor spread that Selenine was the one behind all the weird stuff happening there... [b][u]Kindred Spirit:[/b][/u] [u]Name:[/u] Mystrica [u]Age:[/u] 91 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Race:[/u] Ghost [u]Description:[/u] Though she is a ghost, she looks sort of witchlike. She's usually seen as a dark blue hooded cape with glowing yellow eyes, but she has another form that will be revealed in the RPG...[/color] Hope the names and bio (especially) were OK...
  2. I originally meant for this to be an RPG with up to 48 characters, but I decided to create a mini-version of it... This is a totally new RPG that has nothing to do with any anime, RPG, movie, etc. And it's not as cute as it sounds. [b][u]The Story:[/b][/u] [i]On the planet of Natali, there was a deserted island surrounded by seven giant rocks. This lost world was known as Desolate Land, or D-Land for short. But at one time, there was civilization there: only a married couple, Neondra--the shy elf--and Maridra--the quiet witch. They finally had a whopping fourteen children--half boys and half girls--who seemed to take sides later in their life... Later, a conflict broke out in the family. Neondra and his daughters oversaw the transformation of their home into a sort of paradise (and not to mention a giant tourist attraction), while Maridra and her sons detested this idea, liking their home the way it was and not wanting company. It was just a debate until Neondra's daughters transformed the rocks around D-Land into their own magical worlds by the power of their imaginations. (described later) Neondra even transformed D-Land itself into a cheery place called Happy Island. Maridra became angry at this and warned her husband (who she divorced then) that a massive fight would break out if he didn't restore the island to normal. Of course, Neondra didn't listen, so the war began... Both sides ruled the eight worlds, and each of their members created strange magical creatures to aid them in their struggle for domination. But a lot of these creatures wanted to make a compromise between the two opposing sides. Who will win, or will that compromise be made?[/i] Now, here are the worlds and their rulers; those rulers might appear at certain times during the RPG... First comes the world, then the good ruler (Neondra's side) and the evil ruler (Maridra's side), then a brief description of the world... [color=blue][u]Happy Island:[/u] Neondra and Maridra. It's a basic island where happiness thrives, unless you're on the nearby Ultra Star, a world of darkness and Maridra's new home... [u]Mt. Masuket:[/u] Masuket and Orbik. An island with a giant mountain that extends past the clouds. It can get very cold there. [u]Curious Cove:[/u] Eurobatt and Kebi. This world is mostly underwater, with sand being its only land... [u]Bounty Land:[/u] Sakura and Gallin. This getaway in the clouds is perfect if you're not afraid of heights; it's a long drop to the sea below... [u]Holy Desert:[/u] Rosetta and Pala. It can get very hot in this desert, and the pyramids make great shelters if they're not volcanoes instead... [u]Chicadi Forest:[/u] Chicadi and Shibe. It's a forest, where it can get humid, and in some parts, there's fog... Lots of plants thrive here. [u]Wisteria Cave:[/u] Ferati and Kinto. It gets very dark in this cave, but it is pretty with its glowing plants... [u]Weather Land:[/u] Crestina and Malik. This area is flat and gets a lot of thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. But there are safe areas.[/color] OK, I'm sorry if it sounds confusing, but I have to worry about 17 characters and you have to worry about one... The character you'll be playing is called a La-La Knight (good) or a member of the Modrod Mafia (evil). They all represent animals and such, and the La-La Knights have three stages: baby, child, and adult. Here's the signup for both: (Age and bio are unnecessary since they are the same for all characters...) La-La Knight: Name: last names are unnecessary Gender: Species: Can be any type of animal, robot, creature, etc. Element: Fire, Water, Earth, Thunder, Wind, Ice, Darkness, Light, or Spirit Baby appearance: Child appearance: Adult appearance: Abilities/attacks: Also divide these into three categories: one for each stage. The ones in the Baby level should be fairly simple... Items: This can include weapons or just some items that you normally carry around with you. This is optional, and maximum is two. Personality: Home: Pick any of the worlds listed above. Modrod Mafia member: Name: last names are unnecessary Gender: Species: any animal, robot, creature, humanoid, etc. Element: Fire, Water, Earth, Thunder, Wind, Ice, Darkness, Light, or Spirit Appearance: Abilities/attacks: Items: This can include weapons or just some items that you normally carry around with you. This is optional, and maximum is two. Personality: Home: Pick any of the worlds listed above. *Note: Just because Modrod Mafia members have only one stage doesn't mean they're any better than the La-La Knights. Now, there are some rules you must consider besides the regular forum rules: 1. No more than one character allowed per world per side. (If there's already a La-La Knight from Wisteria Cave, for example, you can still be from Wisteria Cave as long as you're in the Modrod Mafia.) 2. Unlike in some RPGs, it's OK for two or more players to have the same element. 3. No two characters can be the same species. 4. If you're a La-La Knight, make sure your stages are related. We can't have a cow growing into a turtle then growing into a pig, for example. 5. You can't attack or harm another player (even from the opposite side). I might disable this rule at some point in the game, though... 6. Make sure your abilities go with your element and/or your species. 7. You can play one character per side if you want, if you think you can handle it. 8. You cannot play one of the rulers for various reasons. And they don't dominate everyone, so don't worry about that... Well, if you're confused, here's some examples of characters I might play in this RPG... [color=darkred]La-La Knight [u]Name:[/u] Mnemeth [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Species:[/u] Snake [u]Element:[/u] Spirit [u]Baby appearance:[/u] Basically a pink snake with cute black eyes. [u]Child appearance:[/u] A golden snake about ten feet long with a mini black cape around its neck and red eyes [u]Adult appearance:[/u] Has two forms. In her human form, she's covered with golden scales, a black dress, golden gloves, and a hat, made to conceal the four snakes perched on her head above her golden hair. In her dragon form, she's about 50 feet long with a dragonlike head and a snakelike body, with the same black cape as her previous form and with magenta and black rings on her body. [u]Abilities/attacks:[/u] [b]Baby:[/b] She just has a poisonous bite and can use her tail as a whip... Rolling Attack: Just bends into a hoop and tackles... [b]Child:[/b] Added on is a faint ability to cause paralysis via eye contact and attacks called "Spirit Orbs", fired right from the end of her tail Spirit Orb: Basic elemental orb Tail Laser: speaks for itself [b]Adult:[/b] Ability to switch between human and dragon form. Added on are hypnotic powers, an even more paralyzing glare, and some new attacks... Soul Sphere: A sphere that traps the victim. Rune Storm: Can cause multiple, random effects... More listed in the RPG... [u]Items:[/u] none [u]Personality:[/u] She tends to be very quiet and antisocial. When someone asks a question, she will only reply about 25% of the time. She also has a short temper and is quite sadistic. [u]Home:[/u] Holy Desert[/color] [color=magenta]Modrod Mafia member [u]Name:[/u] Evangeline (don't ask me why I gave her that name) [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Species:[/u] Clown [u]Element:[/u] Darkness [u]Appearance:[/u] She has a slightly deformed face that looks like it's entirely covered in makeup, with triangular eyes and constantly wearing a wide smile. She wears a short, puffy, light green dress with white spots, large hands covered with white gloves, and abnormally big feet covered with black shoes. Her hair is red and braided, and she even has a red clown nose. [u]Abilities/attacks:[/u] She can create certain objects temporarily, and she can use her miming skills to cause illusions. She seems to be able to read minds as well, especially inner memories and characteristics... Knife Rain: speaks for itself Nightmare: Acts out a scene that could be a victim's frightening memory, etc. This attack is aided by her clairvoyance. Polkadot Frenzy: A whirlwind of polka dots that can hypnotize the victim or cause confusion. [u]Items:[/u] a jack-in-the-box and what looks like a cross between a pendulum and a crystal ball... [u]Personality:[/u] She has a good sense of humor but can be quite crazy and noisy, even though she doesn't talk very often. She can really annoy others with her laughter, though... She also doesn't care what people think of her. [u]Home:[/u] Happy Island[/color] Whew, that post took forever... I'll accept a few people, then I'll start the RPG... I'll accept late signups; I'll announce when it's [u]too[/u] late... Well there you have it. Let's make this a fun RPG!
  3. Imp

    Brother Bear

    I thought the theme of the movie was really interesting... Ever since I saw that movie for the first time, I kept wondering what my "totem" was, just like Kenai's was love, Sitka's (sp?) was guidance or something like that, etc. Why is it that I always get some sort of weird inspiration from all movies? I don't know why... But anyways, I really likes the movie as well, and I thought it was paradoxical that Kenai turned into a bear, then in the end, back into a human, then a bear again. I expected him to stay human in the end! And I also thought the moose were funny, especially when they were riding on the back of an elephant or something and one was lying down on his stomach on the back of the elephant and he said to the other moose, "I look like you hunted me." Of course, there were other funny parts... and the part where Koda watched Kenai try to remove himself from the trap he was caught in, and after an hour or so, Kenai finally asked Koda for help and Koda touched this rope with his paw and Kenai was free. That was hilarious! Then there's the part where Kenai first found out that he had become a bear... Oh there are so many... But there were some sad parts too, and I really cried there. There's when Kenai told the other bear about his most exciting moment in life, the one where he he tells Koda that he killed his mother, the part where he kills the bear before he was transformed...
  4. Hmmm... I don't know if there's a single song that totally describes me, but there's a few songs that describe me in my many forms, or moods... Some of them are: "Intuition" by Jewel (Describes my attitude towards life--keep following my intuition!) "So Magical" by ATC (Totally describes the bond I have with the spirits within me...) "Survivor" by Destiny's Child (Describes what I keep saying to the devil after my feelings of depression--She thought I would die, but she's wrong!) These two songs are pretty unbelievable to describe anyone, but they describe me in a way... "Castles in the Sky" by Ian Van Dahl (Describes how I wonder about the magical life--the "castles in the sky") Even weirder: Either "Going Under" or "Tourniquet" by Evanescence (Describes by occasional and extreme feelins of depression, which I call "devil's possesions"...) That's all I can think of for now...
  5. OK, in my visions, there are two kinds of names: 1. The name your parents or guardians give you, AND 2. The name the gods give you, or the name you think best fits your personality or even your destiny. I've pondered this quite a bit. But I don't believe that knowing one's true name will give you power over that person. It just sounds so silly. But, knowing the meaning of that name could mean something. For example, let's experiment with Superman. That would probably be his true name because it describes who he is and what he does. Lots of people know that name, but still nobody has power over him because of that. Only some do because they traced his name (and the name given to him by his parents) bck to where he came from and what his weakness is. So that supports the fact that only when one discovers the meaning of name can one gain access to that person's personality and job. It's quite magical when you discover your true name and what it means, and it's perfectly OK if you tell it to other people as far as I see it... Besides, wouldn't it feel much better if you were called by the name that describes you the most? As for me, I'm still trying to figure out the meaning of my true name... That's the other thing. Names can have a deeper, abstract meaning different from what it translates from... That happens a lot, I've noticed, in some of my stories... And with others too. The name that is first given to you might not even mean anything; it might just be a weird combination of letters or it might not even make sense... For example, my name is Rebecca, which in Hebrew means "peacemaker", but... I'm not a peacemaker--I'm usually a peacebreaker! But that can happen with other people too, so in that case, it can help if one discovers another name that has a deeper, more suitable meaning.
  6. Wow, Box Hoy! Long time no see! I've been so busy until the end of the school year, and I'm finally back! Sure, I'll join this time *notices her name in Box Hoy's sig* Hee hee... :) Now, to choose a character... Celestia or Asunan... Celestia or Asunan... Celestia or Asunan... Hmmm... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple]OK, I've decided on Celestia; you may remeber her from The Dark... But I changed a few things... [u]Description:[/u] She has long, straight black hair with aqua streaks and purple eyes. She wears a black shirt with long, purple sleeves, a long blue skirt with a flower pattern, and high-heeled purple and blue boots. This time her cape is purple and batwing-like with black spikes on the ends. [u]Age:[/u] 17 [u]Techniques:[/u] She still has her psychic powers, and she substituted her magic arrows for an enchanted spike attack fired from the end of her cape. She also takes on the abilities of a black mage, including various powers of darkness she earned from her fallen friend... [u]Background:[/u] In case you don't know, Celestia lives with her sister Mereduin until she was beckoned by a force from the stars... (She was always a stargazer.) That force brought her to her soon-to-be friend Asunan, as well as her sister and the other members of the legendary group, especially Riv and Toshi. After a battle, her best friend Asunan, after turning into the dark angel Ravene, was immediately transported to that other universe. Later, someone kidnapped her sister and she's been trying to find that thief ever since, but for some reason her telepathic call to Mereduin was blocked...[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I don't think I was ever in Realm of Imagination/Reality, but I'll try my best in this RPG...
  7. Hmmm... sounds sort of interesting... *thinks about an element to pick rather than Darkness* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=darkgreen][u]Name:[/u] Creste (no last name) [u]Gender:[/u] female [u]Age:[/u] 3, but she's not a little kid [u]Species:[/u] Moon Fairy, with some flower characteristics [u]Class:[/u] Blue Mage [u]Element:[/u] Earth [u]Description:[/u] She's about a foot tall and has bright, steel blue eyes and long, flowy, silver hair. Her ears look like aqua flowers, and she wears a faded green dress. She also has large, shiny, green and blue wings, purple flower petals around her wrists, and big leaves protruding from below her wings. [u]Info:[/u] Creste was born from a giant moon flower on the nght of a full moon. She lived completely isolated from the world, until the gods told her about the war that was going on. She's still thinking about following the gods' advice, but she's a little worried about exiting the forest into the world around her... In the forest during her short life, she managed to develop some psychic powers and abilities related to those of an illusionist. She has other abilities too... But her downfall is that she hates sunlight...[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hope that was good enough... Oh and Knightumi, I just noticed, you double-posted. Try to combine those posts into one (copy and paste the second post into the first one) before a mod finds out...
  8. Whew, I'm finally back... This sounds like an interesting RPG! [color=navy][u]Name:[/u] Tara Surea [u]Age:[/u] 16 [u]Gender:[/u] female [u]Gems:[/u] Dread/Chaos [u]Abilities:[/u] [b]Dread Gem:[/b] Hex Blast, Spirit Command (like necromancy), Flashback (allows the victim to relive their worst memory) [b]Chaos Gem:[/b] Some fire abilities and summoning fire dragons, Soul Thief, Sadden (can take happiness away for a while), Virus (can cause certain diseases and pains) [u]Oricinu:[/u] Anima [u]Weapons:[/u] [b]No gems:[/b] Ebony Blade [b]One gem:[/b] Mirror of Demise [b]Two gems:[/b] Skull Staff [u]Class:[/u] Black Mage, Thief, Dark Elementalist [u]Description:[/u] Tara is 5'4" and has long, straight, black hair and fiery red eyes. She wears a short black shirt with black lace on the sleeves and bottom, a short black skirt, black fishnets and black boots that go up to her knees. She also wears shiny black and blue gloves and a necklace with a skull on it. She is almost heartless and makes no attempt to be friendly. People from many towns despise and even fear her. She has a very short temper and can hold grudges for a long time. Insults and revenge are also popular with her. [u]Bio:[/u] Tara used to be quite an angel when she was three; she lived happily with her aunt and uncle; her parents died shortly after she was born. Her aunt and uncle were both mages, but sometimes they used magic too often... Tara even got some magical abilities she never knew about. But one day while they were out for a walk, some woman named Namia, who apparently was a close friend of Endela, looked suspiciously at the two mages. "I've been watching you for quite some time," she said slowly to them. "You have been thieves, robbers, gypsies... You two truly are a disgrace to this small and delicate town of Orial. Now as for your niece..." but before she could finish, Namia had chanted some spell that made the two faint then disappear. As far as Tara could tell, they were dead. Tara ran away, and then, later on, when she was 10 or so, she met Rinaro... They only met for a split second, but Tara had sort of a liking for... it. But Tara saw this psychic once that told her about the upcoming tournament in six years, and ever since then, she got together all the skills and abilities she thought she knew and started preparing...[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Darn, hope that bio wasn't too long... So, is Tara in?
  9. [color=indigo]Ametite viewed the burned Geos Village and laughed menacingly. [i]I knew this would happen eventually,[/i] she thought. [i]My little curse worked.[/i] She skimmed over the village, checking to see that everyone in the village was destroyed in the fire. As she looked around, singed corpses lay everywhere, and dilapidated homes and buildings were piled on top, still engulfed in flame. Ametite, knowing that her wish came true, smiled for the first time in a long while, knowing that she finally got her revenge. But a frightening sight astounded her when she was about to leave to explore the rest of the world... A boy. Ametite saw a little boy, and he looked mad. He was quite chubby and was holding a couple of javelinlike spears, one pointed straight at the harpy. "I'm Tuyora, and my father's an excellent hunter," he declared bravely. "I bet it was you who destroyed the village, just as an old prophecy went." "What old prophecy?" Ametite asked with a smirk on her face. "The one my father told me. 'We must destroy every last half-bird or they will destroy us. When one survives our fury, it will bring us bad luck. Unless we stop it, it will call upon its friends from afar and destroy humanity.'" "So you're trying to kill me?" Ametite teased. But Tuyora said nothing, his grip on the spear firm and strong. Then, without warning, he threw it, aiming for Ametite's chest. Seeming to read his move, Ametite dodged it by leaning to her left. Then the other spear came at her, and she swatted it back with her wing. It was painful yet effective. The boy, having grown extremely furious, stared straight at the half-bird and muttered something that sounded like "I'm not afraid of you" in a somewhat nervous tone. Ametite landed next to him, putting her hand on his shoulder, giving him slight chills. Tuyora felt like he was being touched by a devil. He felt her digging her claws into his arm, leaving a purple area on his skin that looked sort of like a snakebite. He kept his furious feelings, getting ready to aim a punch. Ametite smiled. But before Tuyora could extend his arm and pound with his fist, he got a dizzy spell and fainted. Eventually his skin turned blue as he was suffocated to death. "Stubborn little boy," Ametite muttered as she walked away, sad that she had to kill the boy so quickly. She would have loved to let him suffer more. As she took flight, she started to think about the prophecy Tuyora told her but brushed it off, seeing it as complete nonsense. Inside, she had a soft spot for humanity... Ametite flew back to the nest in the forest that she called home. She started to look around for suplies that she could take with her on her journey beyond the forest. As she was looking around, she saw a fairy for the first time. Within moments, the fairy spotted her too. She was holding a map of some sort, but she rolled it up when she saw Ametite. "Hello there!" she greeted happily. "Are you trying to get out of the forest too?" "Yes, I am as a matter of fact," Ametite answered. "Who are you anyways?" "I'm Chi. And you are..." "Ametite. What's that you're holding?" "Oh, it's... nothing important." "Can I see it?" "No! It's just a blank piece of paper anyways, see?" Chi unrolled the paper to reveal a blank sheet. Ametite was confused. "That's weird. I could have sworn there was a map there... I must be seeing things. Well, I guess I could be going now..." "Oh, it's good to have company." "Really? Well... are you sure? I don't know if I can trust you." "Oh, you can. Nothing to worry about. Now let's get out of here." "It will be easier if we fly," Ametite suggested. Chi nodded. And with that, they both flew up into the air, Chi having a bit of difficulty. "Sorry," she said, "My wings are kind of tired. But you can be a lookout!" Ametite nodded and flew up higher as Chi landed, keeping an eye out for her and the way out of the forest. [i]I never thought,[/i] she thought, [i]that anyone would be brave enough to try and be my friend. Chi is pretty nice, nicer than a lot of other people I know...[/i] Ametite always had a good side, and it was first fully expressed when Chi said hello to her. She smiled and flew on, directing Chi to the edge of the forest.[/color]
  10. Imp

    Digimon: A New Evil

    OOC: Virtualmon has no attacks. However, he can create Digimon, but only one at a time. IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=darkred]Clair was about to go home when she had a vision: Galfmon was about to fight Virtualmon. She was angered by what he had said about her, thinking, [i]Karanlik's supposed to be on [/i]my[i] side![/i] Then, he spoke to Galfmon, [i]Galfmon, please listen one more time. Virtualmon can create Digimon, just telling you that. Also, I repeat, I am not your enemy anymore! Trust me! I sort of went through what you went through with becoming good again. I had many conflicts in my mind as well, and finally I decided to turn good. Now, defeat that virtual creep for good![/i] Next to Clair, Dotmon had Digivolved to another ladybug Digimon named Katydidmon. Conomon frowned at them both and hopped away from them. Predicting a happy ending with Karanlik being the hero, Clair told Katydidmon, "I guess we can go home now. I can't wait to see my family again..." "WAIT!" a voice called. It was Gon! Panting, he uttered, "Clair! I'm... so glad to see you. Should we... go home?" "You read my mind," Clair said, blushing. "Yes, we should go home, our family will miss us." "Mom and Dad'll be surprised to see that you've changed..." "I'll explain everything to them. But no big deal. I might even be a little more useful around the house, like I can easily move the big furniture when needed..." "Yeah," Gon laughed. Skitomon laughed with him. "Hey, and who's the ladybug?" "This is Katydidmon, the Fresh form of Kalimon. But don't worry, she's..." "Katydidmon Digivolve to..." "Gypsymon!" "Well," Clair muttered, "that happened soon. Come on, Gon, Skitomon, Gypsymon, let's go home." And with that, she walked up to the closed portal and used her powers to open it. "Here we go," she declared as she jumped in. Gon and the two Digimon followed, leaving an angry Conomon behind. At least she was happy not to be with any humans anymore; even Clair had gone home and she knew Karanlik soon would after he defeated Virtualmon. "Gon!" Gon's mom shouted, shedding tears of happiness and love. She hugged Gon so tightly that he could barely breathe. "Oh my boy, I'm so glad you're back!" Then Gon's dad walked in. "Hey son!" Then he saw Clair standing in the doorway, looking innocent with a hint of sadness. "And who are you? You remind me of my daughter Allison. And by the way, where is she? I miss her..." "I [i]am[/i] Allie!" Clair declared brightly. "I just... changed a little..." She then told the story about how she was kidnapped by Virtualmon and became a half-Digimon. She also told them about how she had turned evil and then good again. "You're a half-Digimon, huh?" said Dad, who knew a little about Digimon. "And who is that little critter? I know Skitomon, but who's the spider-ladybug-thingy?" Gypsymon frowned at thise words. "I'm Gypsymon," Gypsymon declared. "I guess I'm Clair's partner now." "Oh, so your new name is Clair?" Mom asked. "What, you don't like Allie anymore?" "Virtualmon gave me a new name, and I kinda like it," Clair answered. "But most of all, I'm glad to be home." The family talked for a while, (Mom and Dad were surprised when they found out about Clair's powers!) and the sun set on an almost peaceful Real World. It was an almost peaceful Digital World too. The only thing left was the fight betweeen Karanlik and Virtualmon...[/color] OOC: Takuya, time for you to finish this. It's your time to shine.
  11. OK, wish me luck in this RPG... *predicts she won't be accepted* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo][u]Name:[/u] Ametite [u]Age:[/u] 22 [u]Hair:[/u] dark purple [u]Eyes:[/u] dark purple [u]Race:[/u] Half blood, half raven to be exact. [u]Job:[/u] Supposed to be a thief, but acts like a fighter [u]Occupation:[/u] none [u]Weapon:[/u] Her claws, and a necklace with some magic abilities... [u]Abilities:[/u] From numerous days of having to live on her own and fare and hunt for herself (see bio), her claws now secrete a vile poison. She also has many hypnotic abilities and can (sometimes) control people and other beings. She also can screech so loudly that those around her could easily have ear damage, and of course she can fly. Staring at her for too long can cause confusion of paralysis, especially through eye contact. [u]Appearance:[/u] Ametite is about five and a half feet tall. She has long, straight hair and pale and almost ghostly-looking skin. She's quite bony but covers it up with a torn black shirt and indigo skirt that goes down to the middle of her thighs. She takes on the figure of a harpy, having scaly arms and legs and ebony claws on each finger and toe. Stuck onto her arms are surprisingly beautiful indigo and blue wings with a span of about ten feet. She also wears a headband hidden mostly by her hair with a bird's head on it, and she also wears a black pendant in the shape of some sort of knot that is supposed to be a special seal. [u]Personality:[/u] Ametite is highly antisocial and has a fierce temper. It takes her a long time to trust somebody, and she prefers to do things alone. She's also quite stubborn and hated by most because of her bad attitude. Despite the fact that she's half-bird, she's not what you would call a "bird-brain"; she's actually quite clever. But if you make her mad, she'll never forget about it, and she can hold grudges for a very long time. She wishes she could use black magic to put curses on people, but the question of whether she can or not remains unanswered... Also, when irritated, she will most likely fight. [u]Bio:[/u] When Ametite was very young, she and her father lived peacefully in a forest where other half-birds dwelled and lived peacefully. One day, her father decided that the forest was not enough and journeyed out beyond the forest. Once, he saw Valen and cowered away in fear. He saw Valen's spirit become imprisoned in the Dew Prism and had a strong desire to keep it. But as soon as he touched it, he was fiercely cursed by someone, perhaps Valen. The curse's effect made him grow weaker and eventually pass away. Somehow, Ametite knew that her father had died; she said to others that "a little bird told her." It was from then on that she loathed Valen and the Dew Prism. Years later, people from the nearby village of Geos became angered at the fact that the little pet beasts they had were killed and sometimes eaten by the half-bloods in the forest, especially the half-birds. They could not stop them, so they decided to kill them all. Several of all of Ametite's relatives died, and soon all of the half-birds except for Ametite were gone. At this Ametite grew even more angry and swore that she would curse and haunt all the people in Geos Village. But what she was really worried about was how she would take care of herself. As time went by, Ametite learned from the full birds that were still in the forest how to hunt and take care of herself. She even made a few friends... er... acquaintences... to help her defeat Valen and the people in Geos for good. It was through having to put up with their naive and happy attitudes that she got her powers and began using them on those birds for punishment for not doing their job. The birds misbehaves and chickened out all the time, so Ametite had to ostracize them all from the group, leaving only herself. One day, (part of) Ametite's wish came true; Geos Village was burned to a crisp in a deadly fire, and it rained afterwards to prevent the fire from spreading to the forest. Ametite wished the same fate would come to Valen. At first she considered becoming a guard for the Dew Prism, but she never did well in a crowd, and she hated the Dew Prism and Valen anyway. So she stayed far away from the prism and patroled the land, trying to form a plan to teach Valen a lesson...[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: I hope that Ametite's in, but if you reject me, please state why; I would like to know why because then I might be able to improve and join another RPG like this someday. But if I'm in--great! I'll try my best to make good posts and have school not interfere...
  12. Imp

    Digimon: A New Evil

    [color=darkred]Clair overheard what Angel and Karanlik were saying. She turned away from them, folded her arms, and closed her eyes. Meanwhile, Kari and Renamon, who had Digivolved to Kyubimon, went towards the Digidestined. Clair stopped them. "Hey, can I come with you?" "We're going to loook for the Digi..." Kari started. Clair interrupted her. "Yes, I know where you're going. I'll just explain the situation to everyone. Listen, before we go, there's something I want you to tell Karanlik and Angel. Virtualmon is weaker then they think he is. And they also underestimate me. Got that?" "I have no clue what you're talking about," Kari commented. "I can't read minds you know." Clair blushed. "I'll do it then," she declared. Clair walked up to Karanlik and Angel. "Don't want me to go, huh?" Karanlik and Angel exchanged looks, forgetting that Clair could have read both their minds already. "I know that you think that Virtualmon wants to control me, but let me tell you this: he is weaker than you think. I found that out after he transformed me into what I am now. He is, however, an expert at talking people and Digimon into things. He just kidnaps innocent people and Digimon and makes them work for him. He has no real powers of his own, except for levitation. That's it. He's easily overestimated, but now we can see right through his claims." "So you're saying you want to come with us?" Karanlik asked. "Sorry, but..." "Yes, I know you're still not convinced. I wasn't trying to convince you. I'm just giving you that message. But you won't need me anyways; just don't let him talk you into going over to his side. And if you do need me, well... I'll know. I'm going to go home now, back to the real world with Gon and the rest of my family. Kari's going to help the Digidestined home as well." Karanlik and Angel nodded. "So," Clair continued, "let's open the portal. Dark Mind Attack!" There was a tiny black hole in the air, and when the attack hit it, it turned into a portal. Karanlik walked through it, and Angel and Clair stayed behind. As the portal slowly closed, Karanlik said, "Don't worry, I'll be OK!" Angel kept a close eye out for Clair. She had the strong urge to fight her, wishing that she would try to open the portal again. But she didn't. She kept her word and wandered out into the mountains, where the Digidestined were. Kari was already there, helping the Digidestined through the portal to the real world and explaining to them that Karanlik could handle the situation. Impmon and Wormmon stayed behind. Clair watched them, and then, someone tapped her on the shoulder... "Lopmon!" "I brought back this," Lopmon said, holding a Digi Egg in her arms. It was reddish with purple stripes and had a yellow and red charm on it. It reminded Clair a lot of Arukenimon's hat... "Is that Gypsymon's Digi Egg?" she questioned. "Yep," Lopmon replied. "But don't worry; she won't..." She stopped. The Digi Egg was glowing. "It's gonna hatch!" she exclaimed. Sure enough, the egg burst open to reveal a cute little ladybug Digimon named Dotmon. Dotmon squeaked and hopped away a little, stopping and facing the two. "So, do you think you can call a truce with Dotmon? She's free from all evil, as almost all baby Digimon are," Lopmon said innocently. Calir sensed something wrong in the tone of Lopmon's voice. "You're hiding something," Clair muttered, "and I know what. This is not like you. You normally hate humans. You're my enemy." "Errr..." Lopmon mumbled, forgetting that Clair could read minds. "...Right... I... All right, I STILL hate all humans, and this little Digimon here is mine. I'm mad at you because you destroyed my best friend!" "So?" "So, we'll fight for Dotmon! Do you get me there?" "Whoa, take it easy... You're normally not this mad, but if you eventually Digivolve to the menacing Kerpymon, then..." "You're right! Lopmon Digivolve to..." "Turuiemon Digivolve to..." "Antylamon Digivolve to..." "...Kerpymon! Now, we start. Lightning Spear!" "Psychic Storm! I hope you remember, I still pack the power of a Mega." Kerpymon winced as she wat hit by the attack. She looked up, and Clair was no longer there; she had merged with Sakkakumon's spirit again and become Psychomon... "Grrr... Thousand Spears!" Kerpymon shouted, firing the attack at Psychomon, who floated to the left to dodge it. Then, she was absorbed by Psychomon and was forced to De-Digivolve back to Lopmon. "You are no match for me," Psychomon laughed. "I hate to do this, but... Nuclear Explosion!" Lopmon turned back into a helpless Conomon and was released from Psychomon, who turned back into Clair. Sakkakumon's spirit was sent back into the shadows, never to be called upon again. Clair lay there, unconscious, and Dotmon stood by. "Dotty! Dotty!" Dotmon cried, jumping on top of Clair. Clair just barely managed to recover. "...Dotmon?" she whispered, almost unable to speak. She hugged Dotmon and closed her eyes.[/color]
  13. Imp

    Digimon: A New Evil

    [color=darkred]Kalimon found the spirit of Sakkakumon and absorbed it into herself, releasing all the Digidestined to a mountain that was pretty far away from where she was. "I assume Clair doesn't need this anymore. And by the way, I now have all the Digidestined's Digimon's attacks. Psychomon must have recorded all their attacks and acquired them, transferring them to the spirit of Sakkakumon, which I now hold. I won't be easy to beat, Karanlik! Oh, and size doesn't matter; power does! Skull Cross!" Kalimon drew two perpendicular lines with her staff and fired the "beam" at Megidramon X. Megidramon X came back with an Inferno Cross. The two attacks collided and exploded, damaging all Digimon on the battlefield, including Sakuyamon, Imperialdramon, and Beelzemon. "Spirit Strike!" Sakuyamon shouted, hitting Kalimon with the full force of the attack. Imperialdramon and Beelzemon also attacked, making Kalimon De-Digivolve to Arukenimon. Kerpy retaliated against them, acquiring the spirits of VenomMyotismon and Sakkakumon. "Now I hold three spirits!" Kerpymon cackled. "Watch this! Vulcan's Hammer! Thank you, Zudomon." The attack tried to hit Megidramon X, who dodged it. "Inferno Cross!" The attack hit Kerpymon, who got back up again. Meanwhile, Arukenimon was creating an army of DinoBeemon with Spirit Needles. "At this rate, I'm going to go bald soon..." she mumbled. "Thanks, Arukenimon! Now you got even more things to worry about." The three DinoBeemon attacked Sakuyamon, Beelzemon, and Imperialdramon while Kerpymon faced Megidramon X alone. Arukenimon stood by, watching. Meanwhile, Katrina walked through the forest, eventually spotting Clair and Gon. She was sad because Flowamon had died while talking to Kiimon and Leafmon. But she brushed it off soon when she saw Clair. Then she grew mad. "Wait," Flowamon's spirit called. "Clair is no longer our enemy. She has decided to go over to the good side. She's in bad shape, and so is her brother's Digimon partner. Please, help them with your crest!" The healing process started. Back in the battlefield, Arukenimon's insect army had been destroyed. Everyone was now facing Kerpymon, who was very pissed off. "You're all going down! Crimson Lightning!" The attack hit everyone, but it didn't make a dent in Megidramon X. "Inferno Cross!" The well-charged-up attack hit Kerpymon at the weak spot and caused her to De-Digivolve all the way back to Lopmon. All the Digimon looked at her threateningly, except Sakuyamon, who noticed that Arukenimon was gone. "Hey, where's Arukenimon?" she shouted. "Grrr..." Megidramon X muttered. "She must have escaped... that Kerpymon was a destraction..." Everyone De-Digivolved back to their Rookie forms and Megidramon X turned back into Karanlik. "OK, everyone, look for Arukenimon!" Karanlik ordered. An hour later, the group returned with no sign of Arukenimon. "No way!" Karanlik shouted. "Grrr... how could I have been stupid enough to let her..." "I got her!" a voice shouted. It was Clair! She was with Gon and Dragonflymon, and she was using her powers to hold Arukenimon still. Arukenimon hovered in the air, unable to speak or move. Clair released her, and at that moment, she shouted, "I can't believe that you would do such a thing, Clair! Acid Mist!" "Psychic Storm!" The two attacks combined, and they accidentally hit Dragonflymon, who De-Digivolved to his Rookie form, Skitomon. "Grrr..." Gon muttered. "Oh well, bad accident. Clair, you're going to have to do this on your own." "OK!" Clair declared. "Dark Mind Attack!" Arukenimon dodged it. "Spirit Needle!" She created a new Digimon named DarkDragonflymon, who attacked. "Dark Psy Fire!" DarkDragonflymon annouced. The attack hit Clair, but she hardly took any damage because of her slight immunity to psychic attacks. "Psychic Storm!" Meanwhile, everyone else crowded around Lopmon, who was cornered. Karanlik Spirit-evolved to Duskmon. "Join us, or we'll destroy you," Duskmon threatened. Lopmon shivered, not knowing what to say. She eventually nodded briskly, acting as if she had just been under mind control. "I... agree..." she stammered. She couldn't believe she was taking orders from a human. Meanwhile, the fake DarkDragonflymon had been destroyed by Clair, but Arukenimon Digivolved to Kalimon. "Web of Doom!" she announced, trapping Clair. But Clair used her powers to break free. "Dark Mind Attack!" Kalimon struck back with a Skull Cross, but the Dark Mind Attack cut right through it and hit Kalimon, who De-Digivolved all the way back to Gypsymon. Clair walked up to her and said in the same threatening tone as Duskmon, "Join, us, or I'll destroy you." But this time, Gypsymon refused, attacking Clair with a Psywave. Clair was unaffected by the attack. "Then you leave me no choice. Psychic Storm!" The attack hit Gypsymon with full force, turning her into a Digi Egg, which soared off towards where the Digidestined were. She was finally destroyed! "That was too easy," Clair laughed. She then walked over to Lopmon and said, "Now that you're on our side, will you help us join up with the Digidestined and destroy Virtualmon?" Lopmon had to say yes. "Good," Clair declared. "Let's go find those Digidestined!" Karanlik agreed. (He had devolved from Duskmon.) And off they went.[/color]
  14. Wow, an RPG where evil is supposed to triumph! I love it already! [color=indigo][u]Name:[/u] Katami [u]Age:[/u] 24 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Race:[/u] Vampress [u]Bio:[/u] Katami had a sister named Maia, who was an angel on the good side. Her dream was to heal the world with song and music. But Katami got angered by this and threatened to kill her. She always hated the good side and was angered by all their rules. One day, the good side got mad with the mages and opened a portal that would take whoever jumped into it forward in time. While Katami was fighting with Maia, she fell into the portal by accident. [u]Personality:[/u] Katami tends to be a loner, and can get cocky and antisocial. She also has a very fierce temper and prefers to work alone. But she will do anything to finally destroy Maia and the good side. [u]Appearance:[/u] Katami stands about 5'7" and looks sort of more like a cross between a bunny, a harpy, and a werewolf than a vampire. She has long, batlike ears and is covered in dark indigo fur. She has bright yellowish green eyes and long, straight black hair. She wears a long purple dress with a hint of blue and a pitch black cape, and she also has sharp black claws, rabbitlike feet, and black wings with feathers at the ends. [u]Weapons:[/u] none [u]Other Items:[/u] a magic black pendant, a pocketwatch, and a few tiny bottles filled with a mysterious black liquid... [u]Special Traits:[/u] Described in Appearance; she has traits of certain animals and other creatures, and she has some powers of a mage... [u]Powers:[/u] Hypnotic powers and mind control, plus various kinds of black magic (curses, ability to take people's souls away, etc. '"Soul thief" ability is only usable when enemy is weak.) [u]Social Class:[/u] Inexperienced thief and very poor[/color] If Katami doesn't make it, I'll be Maia instead. (see bio)
  15. Imp

    Digimon: A New Evil

    OOC: OK, now I'm mad... Just kidding! So now Karanlik's on the good side, huh? IC: [color=darkred]Kalimon finally knocked Piedmon out and rushed over to Psychomon. "Psychomon? Please, speak to me!" Psychomon winced and turned back into Clair, who walked away somberly. Millions of thoughts flooded her head, horrifying thought to make it worse. She fell into a sort of depression. Meanwhile, Kalimon looked up fiercely at Galfmon. The spirit of Sakkakumon floated next to her. She had a deadly anger in her fiery eyes, and she was staring straight at Galfmon. As she stood there, Galfmon laughed. "You are going down too," he declared. "Anger alone won't get you this time." Suddenly, Kalimon stopped, receiving a telepathic message from Clair. "Please help me, Kalimon. You're my only hope. I know what I have to do now, and that's my little secret. But all I can tell you is, don't hurt Galfmon like he hurt me. I can handle it. Take possession of Sakkakumon's spirit for now, and talk things out with Galfmon. I'm sure he'll trust you, but only if you change yourself completely..." "Has Clair gone mad?!" Kalimon thought. "She's supposed to be on my side! Why is she telling me not to hurt Galfmon? She betrayed me, and I don't like being betrayed... She's probably planning to turn to the good side and restore peace to the world with Karanlik and the Digidestined! I can't let that happen! I got business to take care of, but I'll take Clair's word and not touch Galfmon." And with that, she stomped off away from Galfmon, who was confused and turned back into Karanlik. "Clair!" Kalimon shouted, rage in her eyes. Clair looked up sadly; it was Kalimon. "Not now, I don't feel like figh... Fighting?!" Clair paused for a moment to think. "Wait... Kalimon, you heard me wrong. I have not betrayed you; I have other plans! I have some business to take care of in the Real World, and it has nothing to do with Virtualmon! Ohhh, I see you still don't understand. You leave me no choice. Dark Mind Attack!" Kalimon dodged it. "Web of Doom!" Clair dodged it. Clair stood still, praying that she would be okay. She didn't even want to fight in the first place! "Psychic Storm!" she cried, hitting Kalimon with the full force of the attack. Then she called telepathically, "Karanlik!!!" Karanlik received the message. He thought to Clair, "...You're still alive?" "Yes, but I mean no harm!" "What do you want?" "Please, this may sound strange, but... I've decided to return home. Back to the Real World. My family needs me." "I don't trust you." "Karanlik, I'm on your side now! I can't focus on two things at once; I'm fighting Kalimon, who is still with Virtualmon! I just want you to forgive me for what I did to you!" "I still don't trust you." "Karanlik, think!" But as soon as she sent that thought, Clair got hit with the full force of Kalimon's Nightmare Claw attack and was unable to get back up. "And finally," Kalimon announced, "Web of Doom!" "This is the end," Clair thought. "Please, I'm getting so worn out that I can't use my powers..." She closed her eyes and let fate do its job. "Stop it right now!" a boy shouted. A dragonfly Digimon named Dragonflymon (appropriately) blocked Kalimon's attack and swept it away with a giant sweep of his wings. "I'm Gon," announced the boy, "and you are threatening to destroy my little sister! Stop this right now!" Clair sat up, staring at Gon, awe-struck. "Allie, it's you... but you... changed..." Gon walked over to Clair and sat by her. "Remember me, your big bro?" As they spoke, the battle between Dragonflymon and Kalimon raged on. Gon sobbed. "Yes, it's... me..." Clair muttered faintly. She barely had the strength to talk. "I go by... Clair now," she stammered, "and yes, I have... changed..." "Oh Al...Clair, what happened to you?" Gon cried softly. "Nobody can go from being four to being twenty-four in just a few months. What happened?" Clair explained the whole thing to him. "Virtualmon... totally evil Digimon... kidnapped me and... took me to this lab where he... turned me into what I am now... I was so scared and... and the process was painful... Virtualmon said that he turned me into a Digimon-human 'morph', and called me Clair from then on. I even got special powers and everything! And... I guess I was just too fascinated with my powers that I lost control of myself and began to take orders from Virtualmon... He ordered me to destroy the Digidestined and I followed his every command, and he rewarded me, and I was happy for once. But I could not see what is happening at this moment, even though I was practically psychic..." Clair then was unable to talk anymore and lay down again. Gon cried even harder and bent over her. Clair eventually told him the rest telepathically... "And now... I realized that I was just possessed earlier and now I'm free. Now I know what I must do: work together with the other Digidestined and destroy Virtualmon for good." Gon was amazed that Clair could talk to him telepathically and sad that she had to be in this much pain and depression now. Meanwhile... "Web of Doom!" Kalimon declared, knocking the exhausted Dragonflymon to the ground. "You didn't really expect to beat me, did you?" she laughed as she headed for Karanlik. "Web of Doom..." she whispered, and Karanlik was caught in the web. She laughed evilly to herself and kept watch over him, unseen.[/color]
  16. Imp

    The Legend of Riv

    [color=blue]Celestia looked down at herself; she was quite pretty for a griffin and purple in color. She closed her eyes for a second, then opened them again, rising into the sky. "This is great!" she exclaimed. "With this disguise, Rimnil will never notice me! I have a plan." She then landed on the ground and whispered something into Rv's ear. "Ummmm... thanks!" Riv said. Celestia had congratulated him for regaining balance. "And are you sure this plan will work?" he asked. "Positive. I even know that Rimnil still thinks I'm human." She then spread her wings and flew up to the mountain, where Rimnil was waiting. "Rimnil?" Celestia said, trying to make her voice sound low. "Oh, who are you?" Rimnil asked. "I guess someone has put a spell on you that made you forget who I am. I'm Paea, don't you remember?" "Ummmm..." Rimnil muttered. Celestia looked at him innoccently with her bright sapphire eyes. "You sent me on a mission to destroy Riv and the others." "Oh, did I?" "Yes. But I have some bad news." "What?" "Riv and the others have left the desert and have returned to the forest." "WHAT?! Perfect. Just when I had a perfect plan for them they had to run away like chickens?" "Yep. They're scaredy-cats." Celestia smiled at herself; she was thankful that Rimnil can't read minds or detect lies. "But if you want, master, I can lure them back here easily." Rimnil nodded, and Celestia flew off towards the forest, flew down out of Rimnil's sight, then turned back to the desert where the group was. "So, how did it go?" Riv asked. "Great! I had Rimnil completely fooled! And he even thinks we're in the forest now!" Celestia sounded happy. As she looked to her right, she saw a bunch of creatures heading down the mountain toward the forest. Everyone laughed.[/color]
  17. OOC: Sorry I'm late! IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo]Alpha waited in the town of Vanduo, in the little shack she called home. She was in some sort of trance, and she looked like she wa waiting for something. Meanwhile, the mailcarrier was looking at a letter with nothing written on it. He didn't know who to give it to, so he decided to open it to find out who it was for... It said some stuff about a boat that he did not understand. It also said something about a man named Pantrar... Suddenly, Alpha woke up, startled. She just had a vision: "Mail... for me! And there's nothing written on the letter... Oh no! The mailman already opened it! How stupid..." She then used her powers to find out what the letter said... "It is time for you to learn your destiny. Go to the ports and find the ship Hysprona, which is currently being prepared for its departure tomorrow. Locate the vessel's captain, Pantrar, and say to him, 'Rest well, for dawn will bring a new journey, which will require all you ever had, and some that you have yet to see.' He will lead you to a secure location. Once there, wait for the others to arrive. Once they do, Pantrar will explain what comes next." Alpha stayed there a moment and quickly memorized the important points of the letter. "Go to the ports, find Hysprona, others are waiting there for me... Oh darn! I'm going to be late!" And with that, Alpha left. Alpha ran out past the whole town towards the docks, not making any wrong turns at all. She closed her eyes and muttered, "Divine powers, guide me to the ship Hysprona!" She walked on and finally opened her eyes, and sure enough, there it stood, the ship she was looking for. She boarded it right away. Alpha found the captain and said, "Rest well, for dawn will bring a new journey, which will require all you ever had, and some that you have yet to see." "You are coming along too?" he said. "I knew you'd come eventually." Karanlik, Cyrrial, Kayin, Chi, and Crispin were already there. "Hello there, sorry I'm late..." Alpha apologized. "I assume we're all here because it has something to do with a faraway villain. I sense it already... Anyways, I was expecting you all to be here, and again, sorry I'm late..." "It's OK, whoever you are," Karanlik said to her. "Oh, I'm Alpha." Chi watched the sun set and thought, "What does Alpha mean by 'a new villain'? I just don't get it. And what can that villain do? I'll let him have it when we meet him." Alpha giggled at the thought. "Determined, are you?" she asked, then giggled again. Chi gave her a dirty look. "You're freaking me out. So what if you can read my mind?" She had a strong feeling to slap her, but then she decided to just remain calm. "Who would like her anyways?" she thought. Alpha read that thought and just smiled, knowing that she was hated by almost everyone in Vanduo. Kayin, Karanlik, and Cyrrial were talking to each other, trying to figure out why they were here. Chi remained alone in another room, and Alpha sat outside, thinking. "Everyone here has powers greater than that of any magic-user. Kayin holds the power of wind, Karanlik holds the power of darkness, Cyrrial wields the element Plant, and Chi holds the power of water. But I thought... I thought up until now that I was just a regular magic-user! I don't know why I'm supposed to be here... in fact, I see... I see in the future that I will fall before whatever this villain is and nobody will care... Everybody hates me, but who cares? It's great to be alone..." Everybody tried to fight boredom into the night, when Pantrar suggested that everyone go to bed. Kayin, Chi, and Cyrrial were able to get to sleep easily, but Karanlik couldn't get to sleep for some reason... Alpha was still outside, admiring the view of the clear night sky. Her eyes eventually closed by themselves, and she fell asleep. Somehow, then her telekinetic powers activated by themselves, carrying her inside and onto a nearby bed.[/color] OOC: I almost forgot that Alpha can also see into the future sometimes...
  18. Imp

    The Dark

    [color=purple]Ravene looked at the oncoming deathlords. She decided to have a little fun. "Helios," she chuckled, "you are using deathlords to conquer us? That is so stupid of you, and I'll show you why!" She then closed her eyes and then opened them again; they had a sinisterlight inside of them. Ravene used this light to command the remaining deathlords to her side. "Hahahaha!" she cackled at Helios. "You call yourself a master of death? Well guess what? So am I, and I will take you down. All deathlords, prepare to attack!" She snapped her fingers, and the deathlords all charged at Helios as a group. Toshi, Riv, and the others wondered what had happened but continued on fighting, this time against Helios. Celestia held up her Ectoplasmic Transformer and threw it back to Mereduin, who put it back in her basket. "Thanks, Mereduin," Celestia said sweetly as she faced Helios with the others. Amarest stood by her, her rainbow sword out and ready. But Mereduin was cowering in fear... "Asunan, what happened to you?" she cried. Ravene ignored her. Mereduin thought to herself, "I don't get it. Asunan's our friend! Why would she turn out to be a master of death?" "Mereduin," Ravene told her telepathically, "I can still read minds, so I heard that." Mereduin blushed. "Now," thought Ravene, "male yourself useful and fight!" Mereduin shook her head. "No way, I'm too scared! I don't have Amarest's bravery or your power!" Ravene shrugged. "If you want something done, do it yourself," she muttered. "No way," Celestia thought to her. "We're in this together. And so are Tr'shiel, Line, Toshi, Riv, Veil, Amarest, even Mereduin." Both of them waited for Helios to make a move. He attacked with another ghost. Ravene was prepared. She formed a circle of dark energy around her and fused it into her sword. A beam shot out of it, cutting right through the ghost and heading straight for Helios. Helios blocked with a fire wall. Everyone else was fighting him; Toshi and Riv were preparing a united sword-beam attack. The fight continues on forever...[/color]
  19. Imp

    The Legend of Riv

    [color=blue]As the group was heading up the mountain, Celestia decided to talk to Riv. "I've been noticing," she said, "that you haven't gotten Lemaria to work yet. I also know you've been trying to keep balance withing yourself, but balance is not what you think it is. You don't need to have physical balance; you need to have balance within. That's my advice to you for the day." Riv thought about what Celestia had just said. "Balance within myself?" he thought. "What does she mean? Could that have been what the wisemen were talking about?" "Yes, it is," Celestia told him telepathically. "Find balance in your personality, in your soul, in your mind..." Riv was confused, but he thought about it. Meanwhile, a monkey hid in a nearby bush. Celestia ordered the group to stop as they neared the corner, still unseen by the monkey. "Hey, what's that for?" Kioto asked. "One of Rimnil's messengers is around the corner, spying on us. We must be careful and not let him see us. Once he does, he will tell Rimnil. He's behind that bush there. Let's attack!" The group nodded. Riv immediately crept among some small trees until he came to a bush. He took out Lemaria and stabbed at the bush, hoping to hit whatever was behind it. The monkey got startled and started to run away towards Rimnil. "Oh no you don't," Celestia warned, using her powers to stop the monkey in its tracks. The monkey froze and fell to the ground, unable to move or speak. "Now that that's over," Ki suggested, "let's get going!" Rimnil was pacing around at the top of the mountain. Suddenly, one of his messengers appeared. "Rimnil, I have some bad news," he announced. "Riv and the others... I can't ind them anywhere. I just sent someone to find them, but he has not returned..." "WHAT?!" Rimnil exclaimed. "You need to do a better job! Now go find them!" He then said to himself, "Grrr... They must still be at the base of the mountain, but where is the question..."[/color]
  20. Darn, I know what character to use for this RPG, but her element is Darkness and that's taken... OK, time for Plan B. Ummm... what is Plan B? Well, I could always use my element and RP myself... Hey! I've never done that before! I'll try to limit my powers... [color=indigo][u]Name:[/u] Alpha [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Age:[/u] 15 [u]Appearance:[/u] 5'2", long straight red hair, violet eyes, wears a medium-sleeved purple shirt, a black skirt, black gloves and black boots [u]Personality:[/u] Even though her real name is Naomi, she insists on being called by her nickname, Alpha, all the time. She also is a loner and is somewhat antisocial and seems dark and mysterious to others. She likes to threaten people, and when someone insults or hurts her in any way, she would try to put a curse on them, if she can. [u]Element:[/u] Psychic [u]Powers:[/u] Alpha can use telekinesis and can read minds. She also can fire blasts of psychic energy (she's famous for that) and has some hypnotic powers. She's immune to almost any other psychic attacks, and she can also detect invisible people.[/color] Hope I'm in, and hope the signup's OK... (especially the Powers section)
  21. This sounds like it could be a cool RPG! [color=magenta][u]Real Name:[/u] Kiki Adouine [u]Spy Name:[/u] Psy Star [u]Age:[/u] 16 [u]Position:[/u] ETG [u]Weapon:[/u] A small but quite powerful laser [u]Talents:[/u] Talking people into things or controlling them, good with a computer [u]Power:[/u] Telekinesis [u]Appearance:[/u] Kiki is about 5'2" and has long straight black hair with magenta streaks and violet eyes. She wears a black, long-sleeved shirt with a magenta and aqua star on it and a fairly long, black skirt with aqua on the rim. She also wears black tights and black boots. [u]Personality:[/u] Kiki tends to be a loner and is also sassy, superstitious, and somewhat antisocial. [u]Other Info:[/u] Many people think she's a witch, probably because she threatens to put spells on people sometimes. But she doesn't mind that at all...[/color] I hope Kiki's in, and I hope her signup's OK...
  22. Imp

    Digimon: A New Evil

    OOC: I wonder what happened to the people who RP'd the Digidestined? Oh well, I guess I'll take over them until they return... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=darkred]"You're going down!" Kerpymon and Kalimon shouted together. "Nightmare Claw!" "Shadow Cross!" The two Digimon fired their new attacks at Sakuyamon, who was turned into data. "Sakuyamon, noooo!" Kari shouted. "You'll pay for this!" "Yes, they will," Honru declared. "Wizardmon, time to Digivolve!" "Wizardmon Digivolve to..." "Phantomon Digivolve to..." "Piedmon!!!" "Trump Sword!" Piedmon announced. Kalimon just laughed. "Dark Spirits' Command!" Sakuyamon was brought back to life, except on the evil side this time. Meanwhile, Kerpymon was busy trying to get Kari to surrender. "OK, Kari, hand over your Digivice." "No, I won't!" Kari retorted. "Yes you will," Kerpymon demanded, "or I shall banish you to the Shadow World!" At this Kari stood still, and Kerpymon took her Digivice... "Spirit Strike!" Sakuyamon shouted as she fired the attack at Piedmon. "Skull's Curse!" Kalimon declared back at Piedmon. Both attacks hit him with full force. "Sakuyamon, don't attack Piedmon!!" Kari shouted. But Kerpymon shut her up. "Another word from you and I'll destroy this thing!" She held up the Digivice threateningly. Meanwhile, Piedmon fell from the force of the two blows driven to him, and he De-Digivolved back to Magemon. Meanwhile, Maria wandered around in what seemed like a dark and wet cave. "Where am I?" she thought, in somewhat of a panic. Gomamon looked around curiously, checking the place out. Then, what looked like a red Kyubimon appeared out of nowhere... "Welcome visitors. I am Zorramon, and I have been sent here by you-know-who to accompany you." "Who do you mean by you-know-who?" Maria said in an angry tone. She thought Zorramon was an enemy. "And what do you want?" "...You don't know Psychomon? I want many things from you..." Zorramon cooed in an evil tone. Duke found himself in a soccer field, but there was no one there. He looked at Guilmon and wondered where everyone was. Then... "We are Yingamon..." "and Yangamon!" two cute little Digimon similar to Veemon and wearing athletic outfits introduced. "Wanna play with us?" Yingamon asked in a squeaky voice, holding up a soccer ball. "Yeah," said Yangamon, "play with us!" So the two of them started to play. Yingamon and Yangamon versus Duke and Guilmon. They played for a while, and Yingamon and Yangamon were winning... Matt ended up in what looked like a deserted amusement park. It was dark and foggy, and there were rides all around, none of which were operating. It looked kind of spooky, like a haunted house... While Matt and Hoodmon were looking around, something moved in the shadows, startling them both. Then they heard some music in the distance and followed it... it led them to a door, which they decided to enter. Balloons were all over the room they entered, and there were tables with cakes on them. However, there was no one there... Kantro wandered around on a snowy mountain, cold and seeking warmth. Then he Spirit-evolved to Agunimon and felt better. He also saw a purple bunny Digimon approaching. The Digimon was sad-looking and had stars on her ears. "Whoa, who are you?" Agunimon asked. "I'm Psymon, and I'm cold and lost..." the Digimon cried softly. "Well that's just too bad, 'cause I'm not helping you," Agunimon sneered. Psymon then got an angry look on her face and attacked... "Mega Psyblast!" What a powerpack! Psychomon sat alone, a distance away from the fight. She was in a deep trance, focusing only on controlling the envorinments the Digidestined were in. "Maria, Duke, Matt, Kantro... They're all mine." She laughed evilly to herself, knwoing that it would end soon for them.[/color]
  23. OK, time for a villain. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo][u]Name:[/u] Kaida Vendetta [u]Age:[/u] 18 [u]Side:[/u] Vendetta [u]Rank:[/u] Leader [u]Weapon:[/u] Javelin of Ice [u]Description:[/u] Kaida looks a little like a girl. He has fairly long, sort of spiky black hair and crystal blue eyes. He wears a white shirt, a long black jacket with light blue on the ends, pants that match his jacket, and white shoes. [u]Personality:[/u] Kaida is a sadist and laughs in the face of danger and pain. He likes ordering his followers to do terrible things, even when they don't want to do them. But usually he likes to do things himself and lets his members to anything they want. [u]Bio:[/u] As a child, Kaida had a lot of dreams and mightmares involving beasts with magical powers. He imagined dragons, people that looked somewhat like animals, and even full animals in weird colors. One in particular he pictured was an evil-looking, dark violet cobra with eyes all over its body and a tail shaped like a needle. He feared this beast and saw mirages of it all the time. He lived in pain, in fear, in worry that the beasts would come alive someday. But later on, when he was 12, Kaida had a dream about becoming the beast he feared for so long. He awoke with complete silence, deep in thought. Then, he got an evil smile on his face and decided to search for the beast he really thought existed. Then he heard about it--the Gold Dragon. He heard it was guarded by 8 guardians, and he decided to tell his friends about it. Kaida studied in his secret lab on how to find the beast when a voice came... "Kaida, if you really want to look for the beast and destroy it, I can help you. Come with me." Kaida took the voice's command and followed it. But he was completely in a trance as he was led right up to the Gold Dragon and knocked down by the guards... Whwn Kaida woke up, he freaked out; he had become the beast he feared all his life! When he was turned back into a human, he told his friends about it and learned that they also had the power to turn into beasts. Then he had an idea: time to steal the spirit of the Gold Dragon. It was a long and hard battle, and some of his friends did not make it alive, but Kaida and some friends survived and took control of the Gold Dragon. They called themselves the Vendetta council, named after Kaida, the leader of the group. Together, they would defeat the Kaishos, whom Kaida's friends heard about soon after. [u]Beast Name:[/u] Sare (pronounced SAH-ray) [u]Description:[/u] see attachment (Yep, it's a total transformation.) [u]Signature Attack:[/u] Multiple Gaze This attack can do a bunch of different things depending on the opponent and number of eyes looked upon (up to 14): hypnotize, paralyze, blind, or even slowly kill.[/color]
  24. Imp

    Digimon: A New Evil

    OOC: Takuya, I'm sorry I'm late replying to your PM, but I finally answered your questions. IC: [color=darkred]Kalimon looked at herself and wondered what had happened. She looked more like VenomMyotismon than herself. She then looked at Kerpymon, who resembled Lucemon a little. The two looked at each other in a panic, wondering who could have done this to them. Then, what looked like a blue, single-eyed, winged Sakkakumon flew towards them. Kalimon took a guess at what that Digimon was... "Clair? Is that you in there?" Kalimon questioned. "Hahahaha," Clair answered. "I have taken on a new name. I am Psychomon, and I have summoned the power of three fallen Digimon with Lucemon's help. Now, we can conquer the Digital World and destroy the Digidestined for good!" Soon, Psychomon sensed something again... "Kari is coming. And she brought the Digidestined with her." Kalimon and Kerpymon followed her to where the Digidestined were, all having high spirits and great confidence. "Who's that?" Honru asked as she saw the shadows of three Digimon approaching. She looked at Wizardmon and shrugged. "Over there!" shouted Kari, who had led the group, followed by a confused Taomon. Everyone's Digimon Digivolved to Mega, and the battle began when all three Digimon were spotted... Then, something strange happened. All the Digidestined except Kari and Honru were transported inside Psychomon. "Where are we?" Dinobeemon asked as he De-Digivolved back to Wormmon. Everyone else De-Digivolved and were transported into different chambers. Everyone was alone, except Impmon and Wormmon, who were together. (Psychomon couldn't bear the thought of those two being destroyed separately.) "Why have you betrayed us?" Kalimon asked as she was attacked by both of her opponent Digimon. "It's a long story, no time to explain," Honru replied, wearing a menacing smirk on his face. Only Kerymon, Psychomon (she had red Honru's mind), and the Digidestined knew what that reason was...[/color]
  25. Imp

    The Dark

    [color=purple]Asunan, Line, Riv, Mereduin, and Amarest got up soon after. "Be careful, eveyone!" Asunan shouted to everyone. "Helios is our new enemy!" Everyone took out their swords (except Mereduin and Celestia; they don't have swords) and pointed them at Helios. "Luceus is right," Riv declared. "This [i]is[/i] our destiny!" "Right," Toshi continued. "It is our fate to destroy the Death Lord for good!" "Even if it requires a sacrifice," Asunan announced. She looked sadly at the other Star Warriors. Then she looked at the rest of the group. She was worried and determined at the same time. Helios absorbed a few more souls, then attacked by firing one at the group. Celestia tried to stop the attack but failed for some strange reason. "Celestia!" Mereduin shouted. "You need this I suppose!" She then took what looked like a crystal ball out of her basket and threw it to Celestia. Celestia didn't know what it was until Asunan told her telepathically... "It's an Ectoplasmic Transformer. It will let you use your powers against a ghost." Celestia nodded and held the ball up. The ball grew foggy, and the ghost halted. But then something went wrong. The ghost flew past Celestia and entered Asunan's body... Asunan transformed at that moment. She looked like a dark angel, dressed all in black, holding a sword of darkness. Ravene. "I am Ravene," the transformed Asunan declared, "and I rise from the darkness to engulf you in the evil within your heart..." Helios had an "I have no clue what you're talking about" look on his face. Ravene laughed. "I mean, darkness and evil are not the same thing. Darkness, in my case, is still on the good side, and I am still fighting you, you hell-bound pest!" She then closed her eyes and waited for the right time to make her move.[/color]
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