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Everything posted by Imp

  1. Imp

    Digimon: A New Evil

    [color=dark red]Gypsymon stomped away, full of jealousy. She thought, "How come I can't Digivolve to Mega yet? I can't even Digivolve to Ultimate!" Then, Clair spoke to her... "Don't worry," she said in a comforting tone, "you'll Digivolve to Ultimate quite soon, I expect. But first, you must defeat that group of Patamon over there." "Patamon, huh?" Gypsymon murmured to herself. Then she wandered off towards the woods and saw a group of Patamon playing around and having a good time. "Clair was right, as always," Gypsymon thought as she snuck up on the Patamon. "Gypsymon Digivolve to..." "...Witchmon!!" "Poison Storm!" Witchmon shouted as she fired the attack at the four Patamon there. They winced in pain, one in particular who got hit with the most poison needles. One Patamon rushed over to the injured one and tried to comfort him, while the other two attacked. "Boom Bubble!!" But the attacks didn't make a dent in Witchmon, them being Rookies and her being a Champion. "Thunder Spell!" Witchmon declared. A direct hit for the two Patamon. But then, the last Patamon standing got mad... "Patamon Digivolve to..." "Angemon!!" "Oh great," Witchmon thought to herself," "this is not my lucky day! I need luck! Power! Anything!" Then a voice called to her... something saying "Now!!" to her. She stood in a trance for a while and then... "Fist of Fate!" Angemon shouted as he aimed a punch. Witchmon quickly dodged it. "Thunder Spell!" Angemon dodged it. "Come on," Witchmon thought, "I'm just trying to do my job!" She megan saying that out loud, almost so that Angemon could hear her. Then, Angemon attacked again, scoring a direct hit. But Witchmon did not De-Digivolve; instead, when she glowed, something weird happened... "Witchmon Digivolve to..." "...Arukenimon!!" "Spirit Needle!" Arukenimon shouted as she threw hair everywhere, causing several Kabuterimon and a MegaKabuterimon to appear. She then laughed menacingly, declaring "You'll never defeat me, Angemon! Kabuterimon, attack!" Electric shocks flew everywhere, all hitting Angemon with a full blast. "Spider Thread!" Arukenimon declared at the same time, hitting the three Patamon with the attack, turning them into data that she absorbed. She did the same with Angemon. "Ah yes," Arukenimon said with a sigh of relief, "that was most refreshing. Now I must find Karanlik and the Digidestined before they Digivolve further!" * * * "Interesting," Clair thought. "My prediction was right, as always. Just wait until I join her. Hey, that's an idea! Maybe I should do that!" Then she spoke to Virtualmon aloud. "Hey, Virtualmon, mind if I go out into the Digital World to help out Arukenimon?" "Arukenimon? Don't you mean Witchmon?" Virtualmon asked. "She just Digivolved a few minutes ago." "Your powers are strong, but I can't risk you getting destroyed. You're the most valuable ally I have, you know." "You're so sweet... Anyways, I know I can handle those Digidestined with Arukenimon's help. Will you let me? Please?" "On one condition." Virtualmon then rummaged through a drawer and took something out. "Ah here it is! Clair, this is what I call an Alpha Spire. You should put it on your hat or something. It's been specially designed to amplify your powers." "Thanks," Clair said as she laughed evilly under her breath. "I can feel the power already," she muttered to herself. "Now I know that I will succeed." "Just for a little test, try to throw me across the room without touching me," Virtualmon said, sounding like a teacher giving a pop quiz. Clair gave him a weird look, then smiled and laughed softly. "Piece of cake," she muttered under her breath. Then she focused her mind on him, trying to make him move... At the same time, Virtualmon floated in midair and his body glowed, trying to prevent himself from moving. But within a second, he flew across the room with ease, crashing into the wall. "One second, not bad..." Virtualmon muttered, sounding dizzy. He then shook his head vigorously, getting back up and floating again. "Well, I guess you can go now," he said to Clair, trying to make a smile out of his robotic face. Clair then left the room and went through the portal to the Digital World. * * * Arukenimon walked through the woods, changing into her human form. Suddenly, she heard something that sounded like a blast up ahead, in a clearing. "Psychic Storm!!" Clair shouted, defeating a few Palmon and a new Digimon named Flowamon. This Flowamon belonged to a girl named Katrina, who was sitting nearby, crying. "Now don't cry, little girl," Clair cooed. "Bad things happen. And you just so happened to be in my way." Then, she took out something that was similar to a Digivice, but different. "You see," Clair continued, "I'm (almost) a Digispirited. But I'm kinda half human, half Digimon, you know..." Then she ran away, leaving behind a stranded Katrina. After about a minute of running, Clair halted quickly. She had nearly ran straight into Arukenimon. "Oh there you are," she said to her, happy to see her in person rather than on a screen. Both of them walked through the woods towards the desert, hoping to find the Digidestined there.[/color]
  2. Imp

    The Legend of Riv

    OOC: Who's Lex? IC: [color=blue]The group walked towards Mount Kivanri, and all was going well, except that the group was getting fairly hungry. Suddenly, Celestia stopped, closing her eyes as if she was trying to listen to something. The rest of the group stopped as well. "What are you stopping for?" Riv asked her. "I sense something..." Celestia muttered and stood still for a minute. She finally said, "Danger is headed this way. It's not Rimnli, but is'a not good... This way. Follow me." "Wait," Riv interrupted. "This isn't the way to Mount Kivanri!" "Come on, this could be more important!" Ki shouted. "Come to think of it, I feel that something bad's going to happen as well..." The group walked on, following Celestia. Suddenly, something rustled in a nearby tree. Celestia opened her eyes (she was walking with her eyes closed) and told the others, "Be alert, everyone. Riv, you especially." Riv stood still, his sword out and ready. Lex spotted something in a bush: it was a strange creature holding a wooden club. Kioto looked at Lex and pointed in another direction: there were more of those creatures there, probably about ten of them altogether. Suddenly, while Ki and Riv were unaware, the creatures with clubs attacked them. But Riv was too fast; he slashed his blade at two of the creatures, who instantly fell to the ground. Ki and Kioto did the same with their swords. Celestia used her powers to throw some of the creatures against trees, and she also hit some of them with their own clubs. She laughed with a "this is too easy" tone and watched the three swordsmen lash at the other creatures, deciding not to butt in. Soon, all of the creatures had fainted. "Well that was easy," Kioto said with a sigh of relief. The group continued on, tired and hungry now... The day was almost over.[/color]
  3. *points to the thread "Journey of the Jewels"* Yes, apparently he does. Yes, this RPG has started, and it seems to be a takeoff on the RPG "The Dark". I don't mind that, though.
  4. Imp

    The Dark

    OOC: Darn, I missed the fight! IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` [color=purple]When Toshi and the others woke up the next morning, they were taken by surprise. The castle had been wrecked, and certain things had been stolen. There were dead bodies lying everywhere in the castle, some with arrows stuck into them. Asunan recognized the arrows as she looked around--they were Amarest's... "Amarest? Celestia? Mereduin?" Asunan called, assuming that the three of them had fought off a gang of demons overnight. She was shocked; she found all three of them lying on the carpet covered with blood. "Noooo!" Asunan cried, sobbing over what she first thought were three dead girls. But then, a realization came over her... "They're not dead, they're just sleeping..." she thought, breathing a sigh of relief. Sure enough, Celestia woke up... "Oh, Asunan, there you are," she muttered sleepily. "It's kind of early in the morning, don't you think? We're so tired from fighting all night... Must get back to sleep..." "Well, if you're going back to sleep, you can at least try to not look dead," Asunan said, still sobbing slightly. "Can't...get...up..." Mereduin murmured, getting up slightly. Amarest woke up too, still tired like the other two. "Well I can't carry you," Asunan muttered, sounding slightly grumpy. "Can you, Celestia?" "Maybe... if I can concentrate hard enough..." Celestia sighed, closing her eyes then opening them again, her eyes and a little wand that she held glowing. She pointed her wand at Amarest and Mereduin, as well as herself, and just barely managed to levitate them telekinetically. She carried them into a naearby bedroom and placed them on the bed, all three of them falling asleep instantly. "Remember," Asunan reminded them as she left the room, "tonight, Riv, me, and the others are going to rally up allies from the North, and you three can stay here and protect the castle while we're gone." And with that, she left the room and joined Toshi and the others on their next quest.[/color]
  5. Imp

    Digimon: A New Evil

    [color=dark red]Witchmon watched Kari, Matt, and the Digimon leave through the portal in disgust. She thought to herself, "Darn, they're getting away!" She tried to jump in the portal after them, but it closed too quickly. "Darn!" she shouted and looked back as the digital field disappeared behind her. Kokomon, Kyubimon, and Hoodmon had gone through the portal as well, leaving her and Karanlik behind. "Yes, they have gone," Karanlik sighed as the portal started to vanish. Then, something weird happened... The portal mysteriously glowed and started opening again! Taken by surprise, Karanlik and Witchmon looked at each other then jumped into the portal together. At first, they were spinning around in a vortex of nothingness. * * * "Hee hee hee," Clair laughed evilly as she stared at the computer screen. "Witchmon and Karanlik are going to the Digital World too, but I might as well give them a break. Now let's see, where should I put them? The forest? The lake? The mountains? The ocean? Hmmm..." Then she closed her eyes and pressed her fingers to her head. Seconds later... * * * Karanlik ended up in the forest, and Witchmon came out on the beach. "Hmm... Clair must have opened the portal again..." Witchmon thought as she De-Digivolved back to Gypsymon. "Hey where's Karanlik? ...Oh well. I'll find him later. I'm getting hungry--data hungry," she smirked and giggled to herself. She then walked off in search of Digimon. * * * Meanwhile, Karanlik wandered around in the forest, not spotting Witchmon or anyone else he recognized. Suddenly, he saw... "Hello there," a girl called to him. It was Angel! "I see that the Digidestined have escaped. Don't worry, I'll find them... I hope..." Then someone spoke to her telepathically: "Angel, the Digidestined are in the desert, not too far from where you are. Witchmon--er--Gypsymon is on the beach; I put her there for a purpose... Anyways, you need to find the Digidestined before they find new ways to Digivolve! Now go; I'll lead you in the right direction." "Karanlik, did you hear that?" Angel said in an unsure tone. "What?" Karanlik wondered. "And why were you standing there like you were thinking about something?" "That was Clair," Angel muttered. "She wants us to follow the Digidestined, who are in the desert. Gypsymon's by the ocean. Anyways, we need to follow Clair's instructions very carefully now to get to the desert... otherwise the Digidestined will find new ways to Digivolve. We can't let that happen!" And with that, she and Karanlik headed towards the desert, Clair telling them where to go all the way.[/color]
  6. [color=indigo][size=1]It was a foggy day in the twin peaks of Golwen Edhellen. Ava wandered around at the base of the mountains, talking to some jewel elves in Aeglirmir Edhellen, which was close by. "And then there's a mysterious force in the forests of Tauron Edhellen, still to be discovered in the swamp region. We shall find it someday, but that's beside my point. I better get going now. Good day to you all!" And with that, Ava headed over to Golvad Ithilmir, where she was supposed to meet the others. As she passed by, some strange creatures passed her by; they looked a lot like crosses between gnomes and elves, except uglier, and they smelled like sludge. Ava had a tendency to pass them by, but instead, ignoring the smell, she bent down and said hello to them. The creatures just looked at her and began talking in some nonsense language Ava couldn't understand. "Why, who are you fellows?" Ava asked, not sensing the slightest bit of evil in the creatures. "I wish not to harm you; I just wish to know more about you and why you are here." At this the creatures growled and bared their rotten yellow teeth. Ava flinched, then spoke again. "There's no need to be afraid, but if you want me to leave, I will," Ava said and started to walk away. The creatures quickly calmed down. "Interesting..." Ava thought. Then she saw a small town... "There it is. The land of Golvad Ithilmir. My quest begins here. I feel like something big is about to happen..." Ava walked through town and saw a group of elves that were planning a meeting. "Oh darn I'm late," she thought. All five of them were there: Galdor, Inwe, Aranel, Orophin, Tathar. Hiding her embarrassment and staying calm, Ava joined the group and sat down. "You're late," Galdor muttered. "Yes, I know," Ava commented. "I was just talking to some of the Jewel Elves about the rare incidents in the forests of Tauron Edhellen... Did you hear about that?" And after the group gossipped for a while, they got to the point. "All right," Galdor declared. "Now that everyone's here," he sid as he looked around, "let's start this meeting!"[/color][/size]
  7. Imp

    The Dark

    OOC: Hey, any of you wanna join Skitto's RPG (The Legend of Riv"? It's very similar to this one! IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple]Asunan waited and waited for the king to return. Finally, a very grumpy king was stomping into the room, but when he saw Toshi and the others, he smiled welcomingly. "Sorry I was late," he said in deep apology. "I've been having trouble with our army. They have been..." While the king was talking, a strange feeling came over Asunan, as if something was trying to invade her mind... "Not to worry," a voice inside her head said, "it's me, Celestia. I've got bad news. The attackers are invading Krii. I see wounded soldiers in the castle there, am I right? The attackers are the cause of that. You should keep your guard up, and we're coming to help." "...Asunan? Are you paying attention?" the king asked. "I said, Krii is being attacked and..." "Yes, I know. Celestia told me." "Oh, you mean from that little clan called the Star Warriors?" "You know her?" "Not really." "So, are we supposed to stop the invaders?" "How amazing! You read my mind!" "Well, I can read minds, true..." Asunan blushed. "Let's move it, guys!" And with that, the group rushed outside to find out what was happening to the soldiers. Celestia's group was already at the site, fighting off the enemies. Toshi's group joined later, and the mini-war began... Little did they know that the attackers were only part of a giant army...[/color]
  8. Imp

    Digimon: A New Evil

    OOC: I think I'll give Witchmon another attack... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=dark red]Gypsymon wandered around; she had lost Karanlik. "Oh darn, where is he?" she wondered. She decided to ask someone, but she didn't know who to ask. Then she thought... "Virtualmon!!" Gypsymon thought out loud. She started to run towards the portal to the Shadow World, almost tripping on her eight legs. She finally came to a large tree in the park with a hole in it. She stuck her head inside the hole and watched... "Gypsymon," said Virtualmon, who appeared on a screen in the tree hole. "My best ally, what do you want?" "I need to know where Duskmon is." "Hang on. Clair, please locate Duskmon for me." A girl that looked sort of like a blue Arukenimon in her human form was sitting down at a desk with a computer on it. There, she searched for a Digispirited that had Spirit-Evolved to the Warrior of Darkness. "Aha!" she declared with an evil grin on her face. "Duskmon is in the basketball courts in the park. There's a huge battle going on there, and we are losing. Gypsymon you better Digivolve fast, to Ultimate if you can." "I'm on it!" Gypsymon said with a bow to Virtualmon. "And don't worry," Clair added, "I'll help you if you are losing. You know that I can use my powers through this computer screen..." She laughed evilly, and Gypsymon took her head out of the tree, the screen turning off at the same time. She started heading over to the courts. Sure enough, as Clair has seen, threr was a giant Digital Field in the courts, and it sounded like a battle was going on in there. Gypsymon smirked and decided to join in... "Gypsymon Digivolve to..." "...Witchmon!!" "Poison Storm!!" Witchmon shouted as she entered the field. The attack barely missed Kyubimon. "And there's more where that came from!" "Who are you?" Succubimon asked. "I'm Witchmon, and I'm on your side. Virtualmon told me you needed backup. Clair's also backing us up. I heard she can use her attacks from far away." "How so?" "No clue... I'm not even sure of what kinds of attacks she knows... After all, she IS half Digimon, but I might imagine her powers are similar to mine... Well enough talk and let's fight! Thunder Spell!" The attack hit Guilmon, who had attacked Duskmon (who absorbed the attack). "Pyro Sphere!" Guilmon shouted. The attack was headed right for Witchmon while she was trying to attack Kyubimon! But then something strange happened. A blue fog hovered in the air for a split second, and Guilmon's attack was stopped in midair. Instead, it was redirected to Kyubimon. "Hey that's not fair!" Kari shouted. "Where did that come from anyways?" "Witchmon, is this a trick?" Duskmon asked. But Witchmon was dumbfounded. Who stopped Guilmon's attack? Surely it was none of the Digimon present... or at least that's what everyone except Witchmon thought.[/color] OOC: Spoiler: [spoiler]Clair stopped Guilmon's attack![/spoiler]
  9. Imp

    The Legend of Riv

    OOC: Wow, this sure is similar to the RPG "The Dark"! And my character was mentioned in that RPG! What a coincidence! IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=blue]Celestia wandered about on a starry night through the hills, on her way to Krii. She looked up at the stars without looking ahead, but her intuition prevented her from bumping into anything. A while later, she just closed her eyes and looked straight ahead. "This is it, the castle..." she muttered as she opened her eyes and walked slowly towards the castle, in search of the king. On the way, she spotted Riv. "Oh, there is Riv, the famous swordsman..." Celestia thought. Suddenly, Riv spotted her... "Hey, you're in my way, so..." he said hurriedly. There was a boy walking with him. "Hello there Riv," Celestia said, expressionless. "You want to stop Rimnil before it destroys the rest of the kingdom, am I right? May I ask you a favor?" Riv stood there, amazed that Celestia knew what his plans were. "Don't worry," Celestia reassured him, "mind reading is pretty much involuntary to me at this point..." "Mind reading, huh?" Riv wondered. "Well anyways, what favor do you want to ask?" "May I join your group?" Celestia asked, a brief smile appearing on her face. "Sure!" Riv replied cheerfully. "Yeah, you might be of great use to us," Kioto added. And with that, the three of them wandered off in search of Rimnil.[/color] OOC: Sorry my post was so short; I'm kinda tired and want to do something else...
  10. [color=blue]Tara got really mad for some strange reason all of a sudden. She fired about ten hex blasts at the Joker, then stared right at him, her eyes lighting up with fire. Duncan joined too, his density increasing rapidly every second... Three things happened at once. The Joker held his hand up really quickly and put it down again. Another flash came. Tara's gaze paralyzed the Joker, but the light temporarily blinded her. Phase pounded Joker to the ground by beating his fists nearly at the speed of light, and a palm tree landed on them both. "Stupid hex blast..." Duncan muttered to himself. But Tara paid no attention to Duncan's comment. She squinted and tried to see, helping Duncan up. Another tree fell on Joker, who winced in pain. There was another flash, but Duncan and Tara closed their eyes quickly. Duncan tried to jump on the Joker, but he found that Joker had escaped from the two trees on him and threw one at Tara, who got hit in the stomach. Tara rolled over, got up, and stared at Joker again. "So..." she said in a sinister tone, "Joker, are you through yet?" "No," Joker said menacingly and stared back. "You should be," Tara sneered. She then chanted... "Joker, lose your power. You will fall defeated..." She waved her hands near her face slowly, still staring right at Joker. Then she clapped her hands once and stood back. Joker was in a daze. Duncan poked him, and in an explosion of light, Joker fainted, covered with ash and a little blood. "Did we get him?" Duncan asked in a hopeful tone. "He should be good as dead," Tara sneered, putting on an evil smile. "Ah, I just love tormenting people..." Duncan looked at her with a weird look, then rushed over to Gerald, Trish, and Heather. The sky was still dark. Trish got up, still crying. "He's dead, I know it..." she cried. "He won't move!" "It's useless..." Heather sighed. "Don't worry," Duncan declared, "it's Phase to the rescue!" He poked Gerald, who winced and tried to sit up but failed, falling back in pain. Tara sat down beside him, expressionless. "He needs a doctor," Duncan shouted, sounding upset. "I'll carry him..." He picked up Gerald, who was covered in blood. With a muffled groan, he walked off with him. Tara and the twins followed. It was nighttime outside the anusement park. "That explains why it was dark after they defeated Joker," Trish said to Heather. Heather nodded in agreement. To their surprise, there was a hospital across the street! Will Gerald survive or will he not?[/color]
  11. Imp

    Digimon: A New Evil

    [color=darkred]Gypsymon continued to wander around town. She came across no Digimon after DarkPalmon, making her restless. "Why are there no Digimon here?" she muttered grumpily. "I need someone other than DarkPalmon to attack..." Suddenly, a ball of Fractal Code had appeared next to Kari's house, and a shadowy figure emerged from it... "Gypsymon!" the shadowy figure whispered loudly to her. "It's just me, Duskmon. I've found one of the Digidestined, and she has friends too. Will you help me attack them?" "Oh, it's you," Gypsymon whispered back. "Nah, their Digimon might be able to Digivolve to Champion by now, and I still can't... And they outnumber us three to two. We should find a Digidestined that is alone, or find a new ally." With that, Duskmon turned back into Karanlik. "I sort of agree," he said somberly. "But I kind of wish I could beat someone up now..." "I know how you feel," Gypsymon added. Karanlik and Gypsymon went into town and into a nearby park. There they saw a boy with a birdlike Digimon... "What is that?" Karanlik asked as he pulled out his Digivice... [quote][i]Warblemon. A Rookie-level birdlike Digimon. His attacks are a combination of air and fire, and he has amazing air speed.[/i][/quote] "I heard of him," Gypsymon said to herself. "That's Falco, one of the Digidestined I heard about..." Karanlik heard her. "Should we attack now while his guard is down?" he asked, trying his best to keep quiet and hidden behind a tree." "Yeah, now!" Gypsymon declared. And with that, both of them dashed out of the tree and attacked... "Execute!" Karanlik shouted. A ring of Fractal Code appeared around him. "Spirit Evolution!!" His body morphed, and bits of armor appeared on him, and he was completely surrounded by fractal code. Then he turned into an evil-looking Digimon. "...Duskmon!!!" "Deadly Gaze!!" Duskmon shouted as he stared straight at Warblemon with all eyes fixed on him. Warblemon flew up and dodged the attack. "Psywave!!" Gypsymon shouted as she fired the psy blast, which hit Warblemon as he dodged Duskmon's attack. But then... "Jet Ray!!!" Warblemon shouted as he fired the attack towards Duskmon, who absorbed it without damage. He tried again on Gypsymon, who was hit. Gypsymon tried to get up, wthinking about how unfairly strong Duskmon was compared to her... Suddenly, she glowed. "Gypsymon Digivolve to..." She spun around a few times, and she glowed and morphed to another evil-looking Digimon... "...Witchmon!!!" "Poison Storm!!!" Witchmon shouted as the attack hit Warblemon, causing him to faint. At the same time, Duskmon reached over and snatched Falco's Digivice. "Noooo! That's mine!!!" Falco cried. "Give it back!!!" He sounded furious. "It's ours now," Witchmon chuckled as she picked up Warblemon and ran off with Duskmon. Warblemon wriggled around in Witchmon's arms and disappeared into a cloud of data, which Witchmon "secretly" absorbed. She laughed to herself as she ran.[/color]
  12. Both of you are in! It's kinda weird that Impmon is on the good side... An unknown side, huh? OK...
  13. Welcome to the good/evil Digimnon RPG!! I'll start my foirst post off with the brginning of the story as told from the evil side... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=dark red]It was dark inside the Shadow World, which separated the Real and Digital Worlds. There lived a virus Digimon named Virtualmon, the cause of this new evil force. He lived in darkness during the age of the Digispirited (Season 4). He was not used to change; he didn't like the idea of spirit evolution and the idea that evil always lost... He was lazy and held back with the evil Digimon forces before, but... noew he wasn't going to hold back. He was going to conquer the Real World and destroy the humans for good. Then the Digital world would take over, and everyone would fall under Virtualmon's control. Then digital life could prosper and evil could arise, for the Digital World would be destroyed along with the Real World, and the worlsd would be in darkness! "I must order new Digimon to attack the Real World. I must not fail this time..." Virtualmon said in a squeaky voice. "Clair! Karanlik! You must start your conquest! Gypsymon, you go with them! StarPhantomon, you stay here." [quote][i]StarPhantomon [u]Type:[/u] Ghost Virus [u]Side:[/u] Evil [u]Attacks:[/u] ??? Not much is known about StarPhantomon at this point, except that he wanders the Shadow World and destroys everyone who dares to trespass it.[/i][/quote] Gypsymon and Karanlik exited the Shadow World and entered the Real World, both going their separate directions. Gypsymon walked down the streets, looking completely innocent but ready to strike at any moment. She seemed to be the only Digimon around so far, but she had to keep an eye out for the Digidestined; they were close by. She was no match for the Digidestined alone, but maybe if she Digivolved... Gypsymon tried not to think about Digivolving; she was slightly bored and didn't feel like a battle. After walking around for a while, Gypgymon finally found a Digimon. It was Palmon! But it was no ordinary Palmon; it was blue instead of green and had a yellow flower. "Hi, I'm DarkPalmon, and I have no patience for Digimon like you." Gypsymon looked at her with a "this doesn't make sense" look. She asked, "Are you a good or a bad Digimon?" "Such bad questions are pointless," replied DarkPalmon with a sigh. She talked like a cross between a robot and a zombie. "Ah, I see," Gypsymon realized. "Yep, this whole world is pointless, the Digidestined are pointless especially..." "Yes, they sure are." "They shall be destroyed." "Do you have any food?" "Why are you changing topics so quickly? Are you autistic or something?" "At least I talk to people." "You're a weird little Digimon." "So are you." "Why... thank you." "You're welcome." "Wanna help me take over the world?" "Pointless." "Wanna save the world?" "Pointless." "You're not making any sense." "Neither are you." "I'm making perfect sense! Gypsymon shouted as she stomped off away from DarkPalmon. Suddenly... "DARK POISON IVY!!" DarkPalmon declared. The attack trapped Gypsymon. "Come, be my friend." "No way!" And she fired a Psywave at DarkPalmon, who fainted. Gypsymon ran away and decided to explore the rest of town.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, now it's your turn. Have fun!
  14. It will be a Pichu with Thundershock, Charm, and Reversal. Q: Which of these moves can Banette NOT learn by leveling up? a) Faint Attack b) Will-O-Wisp c) Screech d) Astonish
  15. You guys don't need to turn evil; it was just a suggestion. Arika, consider your spot reserved. I'll start the RPG as soon as you sign up and after any changes are made to any other signups, if any are wanted. Or tomorrow night. Whatever comes first. EDIT: I'm starting the RPG now!!
  16. [color=blue]It was completely dark in the park, but there were some lights coming from the flashing guns held by the murderers. A scream was heard, and Tara and Duncan looked at each other in surprise. Sudenly, the flashes were getting closer and closer... "Duck!" Duncan shouted. "Don't worry about me." The density of Duncan's body started to change, and within seconds, the flash got even closer. Tara and Duncan saw the outlines of two men, both with guns. One of the men tried to shoot Duncan, but the bullet went right through Duncan's body without pain. Tara fired a hex blast at the other man's gun, which backfired and shot the man instead. Duncan then increasd his density rapidly and punched the other man in the face, making him faint. "That takes care of them," Duncan said as he and Tara walked on. As they wealked, a group of boys passed by, asking, "Hey man, who's your girlfriend there?" "Yuck, I'm not his girlfriend!" "Definitely not..." Duncan stammered, sounding embarrassed. Duncan and Tara then heard the frightening hum of a chainsaw. They looked at each other and smirked. "This one's easy," they both thought. Duncan, whose density was still high, sped around close to where the noise came from. Tara fired hex blasts in a few places, careful not to hit Duncan with them. "Here, this'll help a little..." Tara's eyes glowed, allowing them to see a little bit. Within seconds, Duncan spotted the man with the saw... BAM. Two things happened at once: The saw got Duncan, but its holder was knocked out by a kick between the legs. Tara's hex blast caused the saw to land on its holder's foot. Tara stared at the man for a while, amused. "Come on, we gotta go," Duncan declared as he grabbed Tara and ran off in search of any other enemies, preferably the main one and not his henchmen.[/color]
  17. Imp

    The Dark

    [color=purple]Asunan waited for the king's return. Meanwhile, she decided to explore the castle; she wasn't looking for anything in particular. She went down all the halls on the first floor and found everything as boring as she had expected. But then she spotted a tower with no guard... "I think I'll look around there," Asunan thought as she ascended the steps that led up the tower. There were a few bedrooms at the top, one of which contained two familiar girls and a few others... "Mereduin! Amarest! What are you doing here?" Asunan shouted as she looked around the room. She saw some other girls she faintly recognized. "Asunan, don't you remember?" Amarest asked. "These are former members of the Star Warrior clan. Of course, the good news is, we're planning to rejoin! Would you like to come along with us?" Asunan looked around; the other girls did look familiar. There was Letei, the knight that wished she were a fairy; Maina, the animal tamer and lover (she had a dog in her lap); and the longlost leader, Chiruni, a shapeshifter with a sword. Then there was a girl with purple clothing and a cape that Asunan did not recognize. "Oh this is Celestia, my sister," Mereduin introduced. Celestia just stared at Asunan. "You're a telepath like me..." Celestia said telepathically to Asunan. "I can say the same for you..." Asunan thought right back. "You're like a version of me without a sword." Letei, Maina, and Chiruni gathered in their own mini-group and talked for a while. Asunan and Celestia became embarrassed by what they were talking about; both were able to read minds. "They want to ban me..." Asunan thought. Chiruni walked up to Asunan and Celestia. She cleared her throat and declared, "Asunan, Mereduin, Amarest... I'm sorry to say this, but you three are going to have to form your own group... Don't worry, we'll keep the star spirit within us. We just can't handle you three anymore, and you always seem to wander off without us. So, without further ado, I officially ban you from the Star Warrior clan." Amarest muttered "What?!" under her breath. Then Chiruni continued, "Celestia, I know you want to join as well, but you can't either, since you are Mereuin's sister..." "I wasn't planning on joining," Celestia interrupted, "if Asunan was banned. The two of us are alike in several ways..." Then she turned to Asunan. "Hey, can I join your group?" "Can I?" Amarest asked. "As long as Celestia's joining, me too!" Mereduin added excitedly. "Sure!!" Asunan replied jubilantly. Finally, back together again! "But..." she continued, with sorrow in her voice, "there is one problem. You see, I'm already on a mission with Toshi and the others, so..." "No problem," Celestia said without sadness. "Just contact me if you need us. The three of us will stay together. We can convince the North to join the forces of Arrav." "Hey, how'd you know about the king's plan?" "Same as how you would know." And with that, Celestia, Mereduin, and Amarest left the tower, walked down the steps, and exited the castle, heading North. Asunan also went down the tower, but she did not leave the castle. She still had to wait for the king's decision...[/color]
  18. Wow, I'm surprised at how many people have signed up so far! I'll probably get this started tomorrow. Also, for those who are about to sign up, we need MORE Digispirited and Digimon and hardly any more Digidestined; there are too many already. I also need more villains. My character is: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=darkred][b][u]Digimon:[/b][/u] [u]Name:[/u] Gypsymon [u]Description:[/u] Gypsymon basically looks like a purple ladybug with eight legs and stands upright. She also wears a dark blue skirt that goes down to ther knees. (will describe Digivolutions in RPG) [u]Digivolutions:[/u] [b]Fresh:[/b] Dotmon (Ladybug Digimon) [b]In-Training:[/b] Katydidmon (Ladybug Digimon) [b]Rookie:[/b] Gypsymon (Spider Digimon) [b]Champion:[/b] Witchmon (Witch Digimon) [b]Ultimate:[/b] Arukenimon (Insect Queen Digimon) [b]Mega:[/b] Kalimon (Devil Digimon) [u]Personality:[/u] Gypsymon has a sassy personality, and she likes to talk others into doing what she wants them to. With that, one of her future forms has a hypnotic attack. She also loves Insect Digimon and would never hurt them, even if they were evil. Besides all that, Gypsymon is basically a party girl. She just loves to party and have fun. Of course, sometimes, her kind of fun is toying with others. In a battle, she would toy with her enemies a lot. She also likes to surprise people, especially heroes. (watch out Digidestined!) [u]Bio:[/u] The only "bio" she has is when Davis, Yolei, Cody, T.K, and Kari were still the Digidestined, and she was Arukenimon. She tried to destroy the Digital World with Mummymon using Control Spires but failed. When she was reborn as Dotmon, she felt vengeance towards the Digidestined and wanted to destroy them for good. She's always had a soft side, but it was never expressed. When she was Katydidmon, she started forming a gang of evil Digidestined and Digimon. There was BlackGatomon, Renumon, DemiDevimon, DarkToyAgumon, and many others. She was actually secretly working for Virtualmon. He and Katydidmon worked together to do an experiment with mixing human and Digimon data. They finally succeeded in creating something. That something was a girl named Clair, who looked like and had the composure of a human but was partially made of data and had attacks like a Digimon. She would use her powers (she had psychic powers and attacks) to locate the Digidestined and send evil Digimon to attack them. When Katydidmon finally Digivolved to Gypsymon, she began to wonder about her future and her past. She remembered that in her past she was Arukenimon and had tried to destroy the Digidestined. But this time she was sure that she could succeed. She decided to start by traveling to the Real World... [u]Side:[/u] Evil[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I might also play Clair, since we don't have enough villains at the time (thank you, Takuya!)... Other than that, see you all tomorrow!
  19. OOC: I think he means that phattmasterdj has to fix [i]his[/i] post. IC: [color=skyblue]It was snowing in the city of Balifor. Masuket was alone, in the outskirts of the city, skating gracefully across a pool of ice. Suddenly, her bracelet glowed. She sensed someone coming to find her... Meanwhile, Whity and Kanjii were walking towards Balifor; it was a long way there; they had to go over the mountains to get there. Fortunately, Whity was able to fly, so he carried Kanjii over the mountains. When they came closer to the town, they noticed that the city was covered in snow. "Well, there [i]is[/i] a snow angel living there..." Kanjii muttered to himself. "Come on, Whity, let's go." And with that, they headed towards the city. It was snowing and cold there. "Brrrr, we better find Masuket soon before we freeze to death..." Whity stuttered as they walked around the city. Nobody was outside; the place appeared to be deserted. A mild blizzard was blowing over the city, making everything harder to see. But there was a speck of blue in one area, in the outskirts of the city... "What's that?" Kanjii asked Whity, pointing to the blue speck. Whity smiled. "That must be Masuket right there," he replied and flew over to the blue speck, which, sure enough, was Masuket. "Hey wait up," Kanjii asked, running towards Whity and Masuket, slipping and falling on the ice. Then someone helped him up... "...You are Kanjii, are you not? You are the savior in this situation..." "Yes, I know," Kanjii replied. Whity listened to the conversation they were having. "So, Masuket," he asked, "just what [i]do[/i] we need to do?" Masuket just closed her eyes, her bracelet flashing every second. Whity wondered what she was doing. "Gods above, tell me..." Masuket was in a meditiationlike state, asking the gods about the story of the destruction of Percantia. Within a minute, she opened her eyes and told Whity and Kanjii everything... "...It's sad, really... The god Drakos has taken over and made the other gods of Percantia obey his orders and take over the land. The remaining gods called upon us to stop Drakos's evil... but I'm worried... There's a force out there planning to strengthen Drakos's forces drastically. That force is my mother..." Her voice trailed off into silence upon saying the word "mother". She paused to think for a moment, having memories of her mother and all the cruael things she did to her family and Percantia. She thought about how she still wanders this world now, trying to strengthen Drakos... "We must stop him," Masuket declared in a weak tone, growing angrier and more determined with each second. "We must stop Drakos before my mother can strengthen him!"[/color]
  20. Imp

    The Dark

    OOC: Time to join up again... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` [color=purple]Asunan was still in the castle, wondering where Toku went. Wasn't she supposed to teleport with him? She thought for a moment, then finished packing. She didn't have to pack much; just a little leftover food. But the problem was, how was she going to get to where the group was? Asunan sat down in a nearby chair and started to think and concentrate. By using her extrasensory powers, she was fortunately able to pinpoint their location; they were at the entrance to the palace of Krii, and they were just about to enter without her. Wishing she could teleport, she began to think frantically... "The group will enter the castle in about five minutes. Then, they will take a look around and look for the king. Then, they will warn the king about the oncoming attackers. Then, they will leave and head north, towards Razzaria and the countries around it. I shall wait there." And with that, she exited the castle and ran off towards Krii. There were several Creatures along the way, but Asunan was running so fast that she managed to bypass them easily. After a little while, she found the gate and rushed into the castle. There, she stopped for a moment to catch her breath, and then she tried to figure out where the group went, closing her eyes as she thought. "Hmmm... Toshi and the others are about to see the king. But the king appears to not be where he's supposed to be... He's in his room. I must tell the others and then fetch him..." Asunan hurried off to find the group. They were in the main hall, waiting for the king to arrive. Riv and Toku were pacing around the room, wondering why the king took so long. Veil and Toshi were sitting down and waiting patiently. "Hello guys," Asunan said, interrupting the quietness in the room. "Waiting for the king, are you? Well, he's in his room loafing around, believe it or not. I'll go get him..." "Asunan, how did you get here so fast?" Toku asked. "By the way, sorry about the teleportation thingy... gotta work on that..." "No biggie," Asunan reassured him. "I ran all the way here..." she said as she headed up the stairs in the main tower toward the king's room. On the way, she met a guard. "No one may pass here," stated the guard. "I demand that you leave this tower." "I need the king to come down here," Asunan demanded. "We need to tell him something." "We? Who's 'we'?" "There are others waiting for him too." "I'll go get him then." Asunan waited silently for the guard to return with the king. The king finally arrived, appearing to be in a grumpy mood. "What do you want?" he asked in a bored tone. "Come this way," Asunan replied. She directed the king to the main hall, where Veil, Toshi, Riv, and Toku were. "Visitors, have we?" the king asked in a curious manner. The grumpy expression dissapeared like a flame being blown out. "Welcome, visitors! Now what is your business here?" the king asked Toshi. "We've come," Toshi declared, "to warn you about something." "Arrav is about to be attacked," Veil added, "and we need your army's help, at whatever cost." "Except death, of course," Riv continued. "We will aslo convince armies from the North to join us," Toku added. "Then, hopefully, we can stop the attacking forces and save the country," Asunan finished. "OK, well... I think I may be able to help you..." said the king in an uncertain voice. He went into another room for a few minutes, probably to talk to the army. "Well, all we can do now is wait," Asunan suggested. "Personally, I think the army will join us, but at a cost..." Then she drifted off into silence.[/color]
  21. OK I'll sign up. Why not? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=blue][u]Name:[/u] Celestia [u]Age:[/u] 15 [u]Height:[/u] 5'2" [u]Powers:[/u] Telekinesis and ESP. She can also cast a few dark spells with her wand... [u]Description:[/u] Long, wavy black hair with tints of aqua, aqua/violet eyes, and very pale skin (it's almost white). She wears a white tank top with a shiny purplish blue jacket over it with pants of the same color. She wears a blue skirt with a flower pattern over her pants; the skirt goes down to just below her knees. She is sometimes seen wearing a black hooded cape. She also carries a wand that looks like a mini-staff and two magic arrows. [u]Background:[/u] Celestia ived peacefully with her sister Mereduin and her parents until that fateful day... Celestia would always be looking at the stars at night, almost in a state of meditation. That's actually where she got her powers from. One day, she just wandered off while looking at the stars. She was in a complete trance; she didn't know where she was going. Mereduin tried to stop her and tell her to come back, but it was no use; Celestia could not hear her. She remained in that trance for hours, and when she got quite a distance away from home, she was mysteriously teleported to the base of Mt. Kivanri. Too bad she didn't know a great enemy lived on the mountain...[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'll have a second character if not enough people sign up, if that's OK. I'll post it later.
  22. This is a new Digimon RPG with a special feature: You can be a villain! The story goes... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This story takes place directly after Season 4. Ophanimon, Seraphimon, and Cherubimon guarded the Digital World, and the whole world lived in peace. The Digidestined (Takuya, Koji, Kouichi [sp?], Tommy, J.P., and Zoe) were all back at home, safe an sound. Lucemon has been defeated and turned back into an egg. He was on the good side now. But what happened to his evil data remains a mystery. The Legendary Warriors' spirits were locked away in a shrine guarded by the angels. All was good. But then there was Lucemon's evil data... Nope, the Digital World was not finished yet. The evil data was fused into a group of Digi Eggs and Digimon, and who knows what would happen to them when they turned evil... But, they might be the key to the Digital World's destruction, as Lucemon once wished... The angels knew nothing about this, except for Ophanimon, who feared that Lucemon's evil would return... She called some new Digidestined over as well as some ally Digimon. However, there were also evil Digidestined that were caled by a new evil Digimon named Virtualmon, who lived in a new region between the Real and Digital worlds called the Shadow World. What a competition! Will the Digital World be taken over by evil or will it stay in a peaceful state? Will the world be destroyed or not? All those questions will hopefully be answered... Some Digi-Eggs and Digivices flew into the Real World (that is where the RPG starts), so who will find them? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, here's the signup, though it may be a bit confusing... You can be a Digimon Tamer (have a Digimon partner and have a Crest), Digispirited (can Spirit-evolve only), or a Digimon (no tamer). Here are the signups for each: [b][u]Digimon Tamer:[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Description:[/b] What does your character look like? [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Digimon:[/b] Can be made up (rookie level) [b]Digivolutions:[/b] Fresh - Mega [b]Crest:[/b] Can be any virtue (courage, peace, intelligence, etc.) [b]Bio:[/b] your character's biography [b]Side:[/b] good or evil [b][u]Digispirited:[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Description:[/b] What does your character look like? [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Spirit Evolution:[/b] Your normal Spirit-Evolution [b]Beast Spirit Evolution:[/b] [b]Fusion Evolution:[/b] when your Normal/Beast Spirits fuse together [b]Element:[/b] Your Spirits will be of this element (can be any element, including ones not listed in S4) [b]Bio:[/b] your character's biography [b]Side:[/b] good or evil [b][u]Digimon:[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Must end with "mon", obviously, and must be a Rookie [b]Description:[/b] What does the Digimon look like? Optional for non-fic Digimon [b]Digivolutions:[/b] Fresh - Mega [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Bio:[/b] This is optional if you are a Digimon. [b]Side:[/b] good or evil ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Rules:[/b] 1. No godmodding, of course. No invincible Digimon. 2. You can't have a Digimon partner and be able to Spirit-evolve. 3. No Biomerging allowed. 4. No Digivolutions past Mega. 5. No two Crests or Elements may be the same. 6. No one can have the same Digimon or Spirit evolution as someone else. 7. Have fun! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'll post my signup later. PM me if you have any questions. Overall, have fun playing a villain or a hero! It's your choice!
  23. [u]Codename:[/u] Vibra [u]Age:[/u] 17 [u]Gender:[/u] female [u]Height:[/u] 5'4" [u]Weight:[/u] 97 lbs. [u]Animal DNA Donors:[/u] Dragonfly, snake, fox [u]Special Abilities:[/u] Flight, hypnotic poewers, good speed (from dragonfly) Has fangs and a venomous bite, able to sense things from motions in the ground (from snake) Good wits and cleverness (from fox) [u]Personality:[/u] Her dragonfly DNA has caused her to be fairly hyper. She talks and thinks really fast, and she tends to giggle a lot for fun. She just loves to dart around happily for fun. But she can become calm easily, but only when she senses something in the ground. [u]Faction:[/u] The Organization
  24. I'll join! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=orange][u]Name:[/u] Maia [u]Age:[/u] 15 [u]Description:[/u] Maia is about 5'6" tall. She has long, curly, red hair and reddish orange eyes. She wears a long, long-sleeved yellow and white dress in a patchlike pattern. Her wings are golden and birdlike. [u]Gender:[/u] female [u]Element/Direction/Race:[/u] Earth/Light, North of both worlds, Siren/Angel [u]Special Ability:[/u] Helaing powers involving music, and hypnotic powers. [u]Biography:[/u] Maia was said to be born through a special process of divine intervention, when a wizard from the North met an angel from the other world. From them came two babies: Maia and Katami. Even though they were twins, Maia and Katami were entirely different elements and races and lived in different parts of the other world. Katami was a devil from the South, and Maia was an angel from the North. Both were spellcasters from the North in the other world. However, Katami, who earned the nickname Kra, had turned evil and looked for Maia for several years... However, their mother put a Unity Spell on them, meaning that Maia would not die until Katami did. This had frustrated Katami, turning her evil. Why did her mother have to be on Maia's side?[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hope Maia's in!
  25. OK, I just lengthened my personality and bio, so I hope I'm in now. I am SO looking forward to this RPG; it sounds fun! I may end up not getting things at first, but I'll catch on soon...
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