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Everything posted by Imp

  1. [color=indigo]Dolly watched Luke and Wildfire walk into the tunnel along with Ziggy. Dolly and her Hypno were having a telepathic conversation about the legendary Pokemon... "Teams Magma and Aqua must have had some affairs with Latias and Latios..." "I know. And what if they try to capture Kyogre and Groudon?" Dolly sounded worried. "They'll never get their hands on those two. They're too powerful." "Just hope they don't get the Red and Blue Orbs..." "We'll stop them." "Right!" Dolly then decided to enter the tunnel. She let Delcatty out of its Pokeball again, deciding it was time that it needed some space to walk around for a while. As the three walked through the tunnel, they kept thinking about what the evil teams might want with Kyogre and Groudon, Dolly and Hypno continuing their conversation... "If the Red and Blue Orbs come together, Kyogre and Groudon will be at peace, but then..." "Then Teams Magma and Aqua will try to capture them." "But they may..." Dolly smirked. "Then they might fight over them." "No they won't. Team Magma will try to get Groudon, while Team Aqua will try to get Kyogre." "I doubt that. They're much too greedy." "You're confusing them with Team Rocket." "But we'll stop them anyway. Right, Hypno?" "Right!" They reached the end of the tunnel and found the facility she had been in before. Now all they had to do was wait for the others to get there... Dolly decided to play with Delcatty for a while. She and Hypno were getting nowhere with figuring out a plan, except to stop Teams Magma and Aqua, obviously.[/color] OOC: Hope that was OK... Naturally, Dolly and Hypno were only talking to each other and Hypno can't really talk... Ohhhh I'm sounding confusing...
  2. Imp

    The Dark

    OOC: Time to get rid of Amarest and Mereduin... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple]Amarest and Mereduin woke up outside the castle, surprised to see Asunan gone. "Where is she?" Mereduin asked, waking Amarest up completely. "Where's Asunan?" "I don't know, she must have disappeared again..." Amarest said with a sigh. Then she became serious... "Well, it seems that Asunan was cheating on us all this time. Bet she went off with Toshi and the others. Well too bad for her. I'm leaving. Mereduin, you cannot come with me." And with that, she ran off, alone. Mereduin stood still, slightly horrified. "Well," she wondered after a while, "those two did sound a little rough... Maybe I should go back to Natali and look for my sister Celestia... she has been gone a very long time..." And with that, she ran off in the opposite direction of Amarest. Meanwhile, Asunan, Toku, and the others were fast asleep; they were asleep until about 7:00... "Wake up, everyone!" the guard shouted. "A big day is ahead of us!" Tr'shiel and Line woke up, rubbing their eyes sleepily. Asunan and Toku jumped out of bed in surprise. "Hey," Tr'shiel asked, "where are Toshi, Riv, and Veil?" "Gone," the guard answered. "They went on a little mission. The king gave them special orders. Meanwhile, the rest of you have another assignment." And with that, the group followed the guard into the main room. "Ah yes, there you are," said the king. "Line, Asunan, Tr'shiel, Toku... you're all here. I've been expecting you." "So, what do you want with us?" Asunan asked the king. "You will see," he answered in a patient tone. "Patience, my dear. Why don't we all have breakfast first?" "Sounds good to me," Toku replied. And with that, they all proceeded to the dining hall.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Sorry, I don't know what kind of mission the king should assign... and sorry I jumped ahead... Why don't you just pretend like you already know what assignment the king gave Toshi, Riv, and Veil, and pretend like they left already?
  3. We need a new Pokemon of the Week. [size=4][color=red]Starmie[/size][/color] Ah yes, one of Misty's first Pokemon; it's a shame she had to get rid of it later on. (in the episode "The Misty Mermaid") Starmie's a pretty cool Pokemon because it's a Water-type that has high Sp. Atk and can learn Thunderbolt. I used a Starmie like that in Gold, and I plan to have one in Ruby when I get it. Moveset: Surf Psychic Thunderbolt Recover *Hydro pump is too inaccurate. Recover is a good move though :) *sounds like a TV advertiser* So catch your Starmie today; it's good for a Water/Psychic-type that can heal itself! If you don't like Alakazam's defense, get a Starmie instead! (Just be sure your Staryu knows Recover before it evolves.)
  4. Imp

    The Dark

    OOC: Wasn't Asunan with Amarest and Mereduin? And weren't they in Arrav already? IC: [color=purple]Toshi and the others were nearing the entrance to Arrav when a fireball hit Toshi in the side. Mereduin was running towards him as fast as she could, holding her hand up incase she needed to make anymore fireballs. Toshi winced, the looked at Mereduin. "Hey, what's your problem?" "Why, you're the problem of course!" Mereduin replied, flaring with anger. "Give me back my basket or else!" "Or else what?" Toshi asked in a playful tone. "Or... or you'll get a second helping," Mereduin sneered, holding up a tiny flame. Toshi just avoided her and ran away towards Arrav. "HEY!" Mereduin shouted. "You're not getting away!" She ran to catch up, but Toshi was too fast. Then, suddenly, an arrow fell into the ground before Toshi, whose foot hit it, causing him to trip and fall. Toshi got up grumpily, taking out his sword. But before he could, Amarest took out her sword and fired a dark energy blast at Toshi's hand, causing him to drop the basket. At the same time, Asunan sneaked up behind Toshi and grabbed it. She smirked and beckoned Amarest and Mereduin over. Toshi was getting the impression of Asunan wanting to join the group, but he refused. "Sorry, Asunan," he said in a blunt tone, "I can't let you join after what you did to me. Besides, seven's a crowd. A big one." Veil and Evrunal nodded, and Line just stood there, feeling sort of sorry for the three girls. After all, they [i]were[/i] innocent... "I wasn't planning on joining your group, Toshi," Asunan told him. "I don't like people who steal from my friends." And with that, she ran off with Amarest and Mereduin towards Arrav.[/color]
  5. Whoa... There are too many people in this RPG, but I'll join anyways... Now lemme see if I can pick a character different from Arika's... Got it! Just gotta change her bio and... perfect! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=red][u]Name:[/u] Rosie Cedwell [u]Code Name:[/u] Rosetta [u]Age:[/u] 20 [u]Gender:[/u] female [u]Abilities:[/u] Rosetta has some fire abilities including heat waves and fireballs, and the ability to withstand heat. She also has hypnotic powers and her gaze can paralyze or confuse others... [u]Nationality:[/u] English/Swedish [u]Occupation:[/u] Singer/supermodel [u]Weapons:[/u] She has a fire ring that controls most of her powers, but otherwise her best weapon is herself. [u]Appearance:[/u] Rosetta is about 5'7" tall and has somewhat short, bright red hair in a spiky ponytail and red eyes with hints of orange and pink. She wears a flowig red and pink-patterned shirt and is either seen wearing a long red skirt or shiny red pants with a purple belt. She also wears hot pink flip-flops and has gold bracelets on both her arms. [u]Location:[/u] London (in England, of course) [u]Personality:[/u] Rosetta is sassy, clever, and does everything with style. She likes to toy and play around with people, tricking them into doing what she wants them to. [u]Bio:[/u] Up until the time when she was about 14, Rosiead no special powers and lived in sadness because she was an orphan and had no friends or anything. Nobody wanted her; she was just "not good enough for them," as most people said when they wanted to adopt a child. After all, Rosie did have some defects: she was almost blind and slightly autistic. She lived in the orphanage in London for a very long time. One day, when Rosie was 7, she was at the orphanage, listening to the people's uninterested comments about her. "I'll find someone someday," she thought, crying slightly. "I hope... Oh what if it's pointless? I'm blind, I can't make friends, what do I do?" Then, suddenly, a sinister voice hissed, "I'll take her..." He spoke like a snake would. "She's very interesting..." And the speaker of the voice picked Rosie up and carried her away. But little did she know she was being kidnapped by a demon... Rosie's life with the demon was harsh; he had some fire powers and used them on her whenever she misbehaved or cried. Within a week, she had third-degree burns covering her entire body. She lived this way for three years, and one time, she was hit hard on the head by the demon and fell into a coma. When Rosie awoke, she was 14 years old and looked quite different. Miraculously, she could see again! And she looked different too! It was soon after that that she discovered her talents and special powers. She became excited when she discovered that she could sing really well and had fire powers like the demon that kept her for a while. So then she decided to become a singer and a supermodel as well while she was at it... Soon, she became slightly famous. However, she was sometimes chased by fans, so she just hypnotized them into going away. Soon after that, she earned the nickname Rosetta. After that, she lived independently, for the next 6 years. She performed and practiced her abilities as well (she became an expert at hypnotizing herself!). Somehow, someone found out about her talents and called her... Rosetta thought it was just another fan. She lazily picked up the phone--it was not a fan. "Hello, Rosetta. Is that you? This may come as a shock, but I've been secretly spying on you and saw what you can do. I must say I'm..." And then the voice cut off, and straining was heard, coming from the man that had just spoken to her. "We don't need anymore, we're full." "No... just...one more... please..." The man just barely stammered, "We... need... you... Ro... set... ta..." And then he hung up. Rosetta knew there was trouble, and she had to go find out. However, she was unable to trace the phone call...[/color] I'll send a sample post in a little while, if you still want me to. Hope the signup was good, and I promise to post long, not short, posts and not godmod... hope you let me in...
  6. [color=green][u]Name:[/u] Chicadi [u]Age:[/u] 15 [u]Species:[/u] Fairy [u]Weapon:[/u] A katana-like sword [u]Region:[/u] Forests of Isis [u]Description:[/u] Chicadi is about 4'3" tall and has long, straight, greenish hair and green eyes. She wears a short-sleeved lime green shirt and baggy dark green pants, and also greenish-gray boots and an oversized green jacket (sleeves are usually rolled halfway up her arms). Her wings are large and butterflylike; they are pink and green in color. [u]Bio:[/u] Chicadi lived in the forest all her life in peace and harmony, though she occasinally protected the people and animals from enemies. The rest of her history is boring and/or unknown, except that one day she met Inferna and lived in fear of her for the rest of her life...[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hope more people join; this might be an interesting RPG! (Chicadi is on the good side.)
  7. Oooohhh... And RPG for elves only? Cool! (Wonder why no one else joined yet...) I'm guessing that if I'm a Star Elf, I can be someone else other than Inwe... in fact can I make one up? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo][u]Name:[/u] Alvador "Ava" Serren [u]Race:[/u] Star Elf [u]Age:[/u] 365 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Appearance:[/u] Ava is about 5'2" tall. She has long, silvery white hair and almost clear eyes. Also, she wears a green shirt with a matching skirt with a yellow belt, and short brown boots. She'd sometimes seen draped in a purple hooded cape. [u]Ability:[/u] Being a star elf, she is able to use some magic, in her case mostly dark magic. For example, she can block out all light, shrouding everything in darkness within a certain area, and use some hypnotic abilities. (hope that's not too much) [u]Personality:[/u] Ava tends to be calm and quiet, and she tends to drift off into space frequently, not remembering what she was supposed to do. She's also very curious, always exploring the land and making observations. Her goal is to find out about just what happens in the world, even outside Dor Edhellen. She's also quite serious; she's not a happy, giggly person. She usually can keep a straight face in funny incidents. When she meets a bully, she would just walk away, muttering "Stupid fool" or something. And in the face of an enemy... she'd use her magic powers on them. *evil grin* [u]Weapon:[/u] a dark sword and a mini staff [u]Biography:[/u] Ava has wandered around Dor Edhellen for years, trying to figutre out what everything in the world she knew could mean. She's always identified herself as sort of a philosopher, always finding out things and making philosophocal theories. She was always good at that. Occasionally she would protect the land from villains; she was getting skilled at that as well. Basically, her life was a circle of reasoning until the enemy returned... When it did return, Ava was astonished; she found one town set on fire, and there were jewel elves running around frantically, desperately trying to save themselves. She kept thinking, "Why is this happening? Could it be the work of the enemy? If so, how can I stop this... My magic cannot put out flames... Well now I know. Now I know that the enemy can use some fire abilities. Another part of my theory. To stop the enemy, I must learn... water... Or wind, an excellent force to blow away fire. Either way, I must stop this evil force..." She eventualy told everyone of what she had just learned; they were taken by surprise. "Burned to the ground, has it?" one elf replied. "What will happen to the rest of us?" After the fire in the town died down, Ava went back down the mountain. She journeyed to many places: the forest, the lakes around the place, the caves in the mountains, the faraway desert... She found that many strange things have happened; one lake was frozen, there was a cave-in in one of the caves, there were numerous quicksand pits in the desert... "Evil must have done this," she thought, and continued her journey. [/color] I'll send you my sample RPG post in a little while... hope my signup was OK... I hope more people join becuase otherwise there would be too few--only two of us!
  8. [color=blue]Trish, Heather, Duncan, Gerald, and Tara all headed over to the briefing room for their next assignment. But on the way there... WHOOSH! A 3-foot high tornado hit Gerald in the side. The tornado backed up and transformed into a boy. "Scared ya, huh?" said the boy. "I'm Stephen, but you can call me Whirlwind. I'll spin ya out!" Meanwhile, Trish was thinking about what weather condition was the most dangerous for tornadoes. Heather was preparing a little earthquake. Gerald was cursing under his breath, mad about that whirlwind guy taking him by surprise. His body glowed a little with a red light, an easy way to tell if he was angry. Tara asked Stephen a few questions: "So, tornado boy, are you supposed to be a villain or something? Cause if you are, you're a lousy one at that." An air blast hit Tara in the face. "Hmph," Stephen said. "I'm no villain. I'm a troublemaker." "Same thing, except on a different level," Tara said with a bored tone. "You know what? You're not as strong as you look. We better just leave you here. Come on, guys, let's go and find ourselves a [i]real[/i] mission." Everyone went with Tara's idea and left Stephen there to pout and mutter insults under his breath, especially about Tara... Meanwhile, the group headed over towards the briefing room and saw the general there. "You got two assignments," said the general. "The first is: There's been a few mysterious murders and kidnaps in the west part of town, in the anusement park. They say the entire park was blacked out, and there was no light at all... Well hopefully with Gerald's help, you two can see what's in the shadows... just hope your light doesn't get put out; that's all you have to worry about... Anyways, the second assignment is for you to give your team a name." "A name?" Duncan wondered, thinking of possible names. "I'll have to think about this..." "No," Heather corrected him, "we'll think of a name together!" "Though I must admit Tara might not give any good ideas..." Gerald muttered. Tara looked away from Gerald, wondering why she ever joined this team. Oh well, she decided to stay in for now...[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Did we already come up with a team name? I don't think so... Hmmm...
  9. Imp

    The Dark

    [color=purple]Asunan, meanwhile, was in the outskirts of Arrav already. It was cloudy there, and it looked like it was about to rain. She and her best friends Amarest and Mereduin were just hanging out, tired out from their journey from far away. The three of them loved to travel, and they were ready for any enemies that came their way. Amarest was very skilled with a sword and could fire energy blasts from it, and Mereduin could throw little fireballs. The three also worked together; they could have been superheroes of some town if they wanted to. Asunan sat down on a nearby rock. "I'm famished," she said with a sigh. "What does famished mean?" Mereduin asked. Her vocabulary wasn't that good. "It means really tired and hungry," Asunan answered. "What, is that what you are?" she continued. "Yep," Mereduin sighed. "I'm not!" Amarest said boldly. She was not the least bit tired. "If you're not tired," Mereduin muttered, "could you do us a favor and fetch us some food?" "Alright..." Amarest muttered as she ran off. Suddenly, Asunan spotted three men walking towards them, also looking for Arrav. "There it is! We're here!" one of them shouted. "Yes, Evrunal, we are," another added. Then they spotted the two girls. "Hey," the third man said to them, "aren't you going to Arrav?" "We are," Asunan replied, "but we're kind of tired right now, and we're just taking a break." And with that, the men introduced themselves: Toshi, Veil, and Evrunal. "We better get going," Toshi suggested, and the three men left towards Arrav. "I'm back!" Amarest exclaimed as she returned with a few berries she found in a nearby tree. "That's it?" Mereduin wondered. "Nothing else?" "Nothing else..." Amarest sighed and gave Asunan a few berries. After they ate, the decided to enter the town and look around. But before they went in, someone stole the little picnic basket Mereduin always carried around with her.[/color] I'll enter Arrav later... in my next post maybe...
  10. Don't worry, Outlaw; you're not alone... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=blue][u]Name:[/u] Tara Senna [u]Age:[/u] 22 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Hunter Name:[/u] Doom [u]Ability:[/u] She has hypnotic powers and an intimidating/paralyzing gaze. She also fires what she calls "hex blasts", which can do all sorts of awful things... [u]Personality:[/u] Goth and loner. Tara is antisocial and usually doesn't like to be around people, but she does tend to have a soft side for people who have special powers. She's also quite clever and loves to torment and toy with her enemies. [u]Appearance:[/u]Tara is about 5 feet tall. She has long, straight black hair and purple eyes with hints of red and magenta. She wears a short black and purple shirt with a skull on it, a black and blue skirt, black boots, and a black and silver belt. She also wears a necklace with a green star on it, which she can't use her hex blasts without. (It glows when she uses them.) [u]Bio:[/u] Tara was a happy girl when she was five or so, but she grew bitter once most of her family mysteriously died one day. From then on, her personality entirely changed; one can say her heart turned cold. She wasn't evil, though she seemed like it. It was through her hatred of the world that she inherited her abilities. [u]Secret Crush:[/u] No one. She never gets attracted to guys. [u]Favored Weapon:[/u] Herself.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yeah, Tara is a weird character, but oh well... Hope she's in.
  11. Ooh I'll sign up! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=skyblue][u]Name:[/u] Masuket [u]Race:[/u] Snow angel, but looks more like a fairy [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Skills:[/u] Ice abilities such as being able to freeze stuff, withstand subzero temperatures, etc. Masuket also has a weaker form of ESP. [u]Bio:[/u] Surprisingly, Masuket has some family relationship with the gods Seto and Drakos, from many generations back. Her family was not evil except for Maridra, her mother. Her mother still wanders around with her menagerie of monsters, but Masuket got separated from her six sisters and seven brothers and decided to live with a group of angels from then on. Her mission is now to stop Drakos beforeher mother can strengthen him... [u]Appearance:[/u] Masuket has long, silvery pale blue hair and cold, crystal blue eyes. She wears a fairly long, shiny, bluish purple dress and blue shoes that can turn into ice skates. (cool huh?) Her wings are blue with streaks of silver. She's about 5'6" tall, and she also wears a thick blue bracelet with white markings on it. She can't use her psychic powers without it.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hope Masuket's in! I might also post something about Maridra during the RPG, but not very much...
  12. Imp

    The Dark

    You want a girl character? I'll be one! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[color=purple] [u]Age:[/u] 22 [u]Name:[/u] Ally "Asunan" Karia [u]Special Characteristics:[/u] Asunan has ESP, and she also is a very skilled archer, though she does have a sword. [u]Description:[/u] Asunan is about 5 feet tall. She has short black hair tied in a ponytail and with streaks of purple and pink, purple eyes with a hint of pink, and wears a short yellow shirt and purple shorts. She also wears black shoes, and the arrows ahe carries are green and blue in color, shot from a glowing purple bow. She carries her bright blue-handled sword in a black hilt with a pink crystal on it on a belt worn on her hips. [u]Background:[/u] Asunan lived quite far from where Toshi lived most of her life, until she moved into the city and met him once. But they were never friends or anything. Asunan was mostly interested in training alone, with her own separate group of warriors. They called themselves the "Star Knights," an independent and almost unknown clan. Asunan's dream for quite a while was to become the leader of her group, but she enjoyed being co-leader.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hope Asunan's in!
  13. OOC: Hey Arika! Our characters are totally similar! They both have psychic powers! Cool, huh? IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo]Dolly watched everyone fighting Team Magma. She felt left out because she didn't have anyone to battle. "Hypno," she said, "are you ready for a battle when a member comes? A member is about to come now, I think..." Hypno smiled and nodded. Sure enough, a Team Magma member walked up to Dolly... "Hey, nice Hypno," the member said. "Can I have it?" Dolly giggled. "No." "Aw, come on." "Hee hee! Nope." "Give it to me, you psychic freak!" At those words Dolly laughed harder. "You got the psychic part right!" "Go Flareon!" the member commanded. "Go Hypno!" "Flareon, use Flame Wheel!" "Stop it with your Psychic attack!" Success. Just as Flareon's Flame Wheel was about to hit Hypno, it was thrown back by a Psychic attack... "Good, Hypno!" "Grrrr... OK then, use Double Team!" Many Flareon copies appeared around Hypno. "Hypno, just use Meditate!" Hypno sit still and closed its eyes. "Flareon, use Swift!" "Now, Hypno! Mega Punch!" Flareon's swift attack hit Hypno at the same time that Hypno's Thunderounch hit Flareon. Both fell and got up again. "Flareon, use Double-Edge!" Dolly smirked. "Do it, Hypno." Hypno's Hypnosis! As Flareon charged, Hypno looked right into its eyes, swinging its pendulum at the same time. Flareon stopped and began to get drowsy. "Grrr... Flaroen, WAKE UP!!" No use. Flareon was in a deep sleep by then. "Flareon, return. Go, Magcargo!" "Hypno, return. Go, Misdreavus!" "Misss!" "Go, use Psywave!" "Magcargo, use Defense Curl!" Magcargo seemed to block the attack, but it did take some damage. "Good, now use Rollout!" (Magcargo should be able to learn Rollout.) "Misdreavus, dodge it!" Misdreavus floated up and dodged Magcargo's attack. "Rollout again!" "Use Psychic to stop the attack!" Success. A Psychic attack was enough to stop Magcargo's Rollout. "Magcargo, use Flamethrower!" "Dodge, and use Mean Look!" Misdreavus's hair got burned, but the Mean Look was successful. "Hee hee. Now, Misdreavus, use Perish Song!" "Misss..." Misdreavus sang its Perish Song. It won't be long before the fall of Magcargo... "Magcargo, return!" Nope. Magcargo would not return. "Grrr..." "Misdreavus, return! Go, Delcatty!" Delcatty purred as it entered the battle. "Delcatty, use Attract!" It worked! Magcargo became infatuated! "Magcargo, use Rollout!" Magcargo started to use Rollout, but as it went on, it slowed down, fearing that Delcatty would get hurt. Delcatty did its best to act cute, innocent, and timid. Then, Magcargo stopped, blushing. "No! Magcargo, what are you doing?" "Maggg..." ("I love you, Delcatty...") Magcargo made a motion like it was about to kiss Delcatty. But then, the whole room flashed black for a second, then Magcargo fainted. "Wha...?" "Hee hee!" Dolly said. "That's what Perish Song'll do to you! Now all you got is a sleeping Flareon!" "Grrr... Go, Flareon..." "Flare..." Flareon was still asleep. "Delcatty, return. Go, Hypno!" "Hypnoo..." "Use Dream Eater!" "No! Flareon, wake up!" But Flareon would not wake up, and the Dream Eater attack was successful. As Flareon lost energy, Hypno gained energy. "Now use Psychic!" Hypno's attack completely overwhelmed Flareon, making it faint in its sleep. "Flareon... No..." "Now use Psychic on the Team Magma geek," Dolly said with a smirk on her face. The Magma member flew out of the facility and across the sea. "Well, Hypno," Dolly said with a sigh of relief, "that takes care of him..." "Hypnoo!" ("What should we do about Kyogre and Groudon?") "I don't know, we'd better ask Rorohiko, though I have a hunch that we're on to something here... With Latias and Latios's help, we should be able to find the other legendary Pokemon."[/color]
  14. OOC: Sorry about that... I'm trying to keep it secret... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple]Dolly looked around; there was no one there. She thought she saw Rorohiko there, but it was just a mirage. "Maybe he's outside," she said as she took the elevator back up to the platform. But halfway there, the elevator got jammed... "Oh great..." Dolly muttered, swearing under her breath. "Power outage." She waited five minutes, hoping for the power to come back. But it didn't. At this Dolly really started to become mad. She banged her fist against the wall, hoping to get the elevator to move or at least drop down back to the facility. But it wouldn't budge. "THAT'S IT!!!" she shouted. The rescue phone was busted too. Suddenly, Dolly got an idea: "Go Magmar!" Magmar appeared outside its Pokeball. "Mag." "All right, Magmar," Dolly commanded, "use Thunderpunch!" Magmar fired a Thunderpunch at the wall. The whole elevator was static for a while, then it went black again. "Darn!" Dolly muttered, sounding frustrated. "Plan B... Magmar, return. Go, Hypno!" Hypno appeared from its Pokeball. "Hypnoooo." "All right, Hypno," Dolly commanded, "use Psychic!" Hypno used its Psychic attack to lift the elevator to the platform. It opened the door as well. "Yay, finally!" Dolly cheered, sounding excited. "Thanks, Hypno!" She and Hypno exited the elevator and walked onto the platform, where she met Rorohiko and the others. "Hi, I'm Dolly," she said nervously to everyone. They all introduced themselves as well. "Hey," Rorohiko asked Dolly, "how did you go up the elevator when the power was out?" "Hypno helped," Dolly replied with a giggle. "Psychic powers are so useful sometimes... wish I had them..." Hypno laughed at Dolly's words. ("You might, but I don't know...") "Uhhh..." Luke wondered, "does anyone know when the power will come on? I've been waiting to get to the facility..." And they all waited.[/color] OOC: No psychic stoff, huh? Hope it's OK if done by a Pokemon... Hypno to be exact...
  15. Imp

    Pets Gone Wild

    HumanoidTyphoon, if you're from Freddion, your pet must be a cat, dog, or bird. So I would suggest changing your hometown to Gyren. Remember: Freddion: Cats, dogs, birds Sorella: Aquatic animals Gyren: Non-aquatic animals that are not cats, dogs, or birds But other than that, both of you are in! I'll start this RPG as soon as we get a couple more joiners...
  16. OOC: Even though Dolly arrives at the facility in a short (very short!) time, this won't be a very short post... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple]The Mossdeep mailman was out on a cloudy day, but he seemed happy to be delivering the mail. He was carrying the mail for Dolly, Liza, and Tate (the three lived together), whistling as he walked. But then it started to rain--heavily, suddenly. The mailman was taken by surprise. He was so surprised, in fact, that he dropped the mail, which shriveled up and got soaking wet, tinting the puddle it was in black. The mailman ran and hid for cover. No mail for Dolly... (Oh no! The letter asking her to come to the research lab was gone!) Dolly looked outside, and she got a confused look on her face; it was pouring outside, and there was a pile of soaking-wet paper just outside her house. "Dolly, what is it?" Liza and Tate said together. "It's strange..." Dolly started to say. Then, she had a short dream of a giant, blue, sharklike figure appearing out of the ocean... "Kyogre!" she exclaimed. "Kyogre?" exclaimed the twins. "It can't be Kyogre," Liza reassured Dolly. "Or could it?" Tate wondered. "Maybe she can predict the future after all and..." "And maybe," Liza cut her off, "maybe it [i]was[/i] Kyogre!" "Exactly my thinking, as usual!" Liza blurted. "Uhhh..." Dolly said, sounding embarrassed, "I don't have ESP, you know..." Her face turned red. "But my sister does..." she thought to herself. "Uhhh... excuse me," she said to the twins, "I think I have to go. You know, for a little walk... no... teleport!" "You can't teleport, you're not a Pokemon!" said the twins in unison. "Or can she?" Liza thought. "OK..." Dolly muttered, closing her eyes. She pictured in her mind an underground building, an official-looking one that looked like a research lab. She focused on that thought for a long time and..." "Need some help?" said a familiar voice. "Grrr... YOU'RE RUINING MY CONCENTRATION!!" Dolly shouted. "Huh?" She saw Sabrina standing in front of her. "Oh, it's you..." "I'm impressed, you almost had it," Sabrina giggled. "After all, you [i]are[/i] my little sister..." "Who didn't become obsessed with telekinesis and turn everybody into dolls," Dolly muttered. Sabrina blushed. "Let's not bring up childhood memories..." she said and teleported Dolly to the lab. "Huh?" Dolly found herself in front of the lab. "I'm here... Great, I was going to get here without the help of my sis... that selfish..." "I heard that," Sabrins said telepathically to her. "Now she talks to me in my head... oh well. Hello?" Dolly shouted as she looked around. "The coast is clear," she thought to herself. She then proceeded through the elevator and saw Rorohiko in the underground building.[/color]
  17. [color=blue][b]A[/b]lpha, my new nickname! [b]B[/b]unnies! They're so cute and magical... [b]C[/b]ats. I have two of them. [b]D[/b]igimon and Pokemon, the two fields in which I created the most characters! [b]E[/b]verything, almost. [b]F[/b]airies!! [b]G[/b]ardevoir, my favorite Pokemon. [b]H[/b]ypnotica, my new mind spirit! [b]I[/b]ntuition, [b]I[/b]magination, and [b]I[/b]nspiration! [b]J[/b]apan. Anime country! [b]K[/b]atami, my "twin sister" who lives on another planet. [b]L[/b]ife, or better yet, eternal life... [b]M[/b]usic. I make it. Or Maia, which is my other name. [b]N[/b]ecromancers. They're the reason I can talk to the dead, and that's what my twin "sister" is... [b]O[/b]takuboards!! [b]P[/b]sychic power. I wished for it five times, and I'm sure I have it by now... [b]Q[/b]uidditch! (Actually, I wish I could fly.) [b]R[/b]esurrection. I am a resurrection of a light spirit named Maia. [b]S[/b]pirit. I am truly in connection with my spirits and other spirits. [b]T[/b]elekinesis, because I may have it someday! [b]U[/b]mber. 'Cause I like the dark. [b]V[/b]ampire, which is what Katami was/is... (see K) [b]W[/b]inter. It's dark then, which I like. [b]X[/b]-men. Especially Storm and Jean Grey! [b]Y[/b]u-Gi-Oh! I have a really good deck and love the anime! [b]Z[/b]ero, which is the number of dark spirits that will successfully invade my mind.[/color]
  18. My resolutions are: *sigh* 1. Be more mentally aware, so that dark spirits cannot invade my mind and take over it. 2. Be more calm and tell less. Many people don't believe in psychic powers because they are thinking about the phony fortunetellers, which is not what I mean. Psychic power will only form in the presence of belief... so I gotta make people believe, and I know just the song and characters to do it. 3. Do more to achieve my dreams, not just wish for them. Perform rituals, sing songs, draw, etc. 4. Be kinder to my friends and more bitter to my enemies. (don't be gullible!!!) There are others too...
  19. [color=indigo][u]Name:[/u] Dolly [u]Age:[/u] 16 [u]Hometown:[/u] Mossdeep City [u]Starter Pokemon:[/u] Delcatty [u]Other Pokemon:[/u] Hypno, Magmar, Altaria, Misdreavus, Scizor [u]Appearance:[/u] Dolly has long, straight, black hair with two pink barettes shaped like pink stars, dark bluish purple eyes, a long-sleeved purple and white shirt, a purplish skirt that goes down to just above her knees, purple and white boots (looks kind of like Sabrina) [u]Personality:[/u] Dolly is quite friendly but a little shy. She is very loving towards her Pokemon, even though she tends to treat them like dolls. She also gets embarrassed when she hears about her family. [u]Other:[/u] Dolly is Sabrina's little sister but lives in Mossdeep City near Liza and Tate. She chose Delcatty as her starter Pokemon but really likes all her Pokemon and likes to alternate them out of their Pokeballs.[/color] Too bad I can't post a bio... Well, I gave part of it away in "other", is that OK?
  20. OOC: Introductory posts first, so here goes... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=sky blue]Selenine played her ocarina, bringing a dead squirrle back to life with its healing powers. But halfway through the song, a voice spoke to her telepathically... "Selenine. I've been searching for you..." Selenine was taken by surprise. Ignoring the squirrel, who sat up weakly, she thought to the voice, "What do you want? I'm kind of busy here..." "Escape from the forest now. Your destiny awaits..." "Escape from the forest?! No way! My destiny lies in this forest, unless..." Selenine thought for a moment about how she sometimes came outside the forest to entertain people. "Maybe that [i]is[/i] where my destiny lies..." And with that, she walked out of the forest, playing her ocarina all the way. As soon as she emerged, she saw a few other people playing musical instruments as well. One man nearby was playing his guitar. She walked up to him. "Hi, what's your name?" she asked, startling him. "Uhhh... James. And you better give me some money as an apology for startling me..." He stood up and faced Selenine, looking slightly annoyed. Selenine just stared at him and put her hand up, seeming to be chanting a spell. Within seconds, she ran away quickly. James forgot what he was just doing and continued playing his guitar. Then, he found a coin at his feet and picked it up. He examined it closely; it was a quite expensive coin. He wondered, "Where did I get this?" Then he shrugged and continued to play. *** Meanwhile, Selenine was running away from James quickly, giggling softly to herself while doing so. She soon stopped when she no longer saw him and looked around. She found herself in the middle of a bazaar. Shops crowded the streets, all with people shouting to people to buy their goods. A woman from a nearby bread shop pulled her over, bragging about how good her bargains were. A nearby woman in the same shop did the same to a nearby boy. But Selenine turned the woman around and stared straight into her eyes. Then, she chanted, "Pull over customers not. Wait for a buyer." The woman began to get sleepy, until Selenine finally clapped her hands, startling the woman. Selenine then did the same iwth the other woman, who instantly let the boy go. Selenine smiled and walked away, proud of herself and at the same time dissatisfied. "What weak-minded fools to be dealing with," she muttered to herself. "Ah well, it pays to get a little practice." Suddenly, the boy that had been grabbed by the woman rushed up to her, shouting, "Hey! Thanks for saving me! How'd you do that anyway?" "It's called hypnosis," Selenine said coolly to the boy, "and it's very effective against those dopes." The boy nodded and went off to find his mother. Meanwhile, Selenine continued to look around at the shops, keeping alert for any grabby people.[/color]
  21. Hey you guys! Welcome to an RPG about pets! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=blue]In the villages of Freddion, Gyren, and Sorella, people lived happily with their pets. The residents of Freddion basically all had cats and dogs, birds, and the sort. The residents of Sorella lived near the ocean and had mostly aquatic pets. The residents of Gyren, however, had reptiles, mammals other than cats and dogs, and some even had bugs as pets! All three villages communicated well with each other and helped each other out. However, one day, a solar eclipse came and fell upon all three villages. A demon appeared, probably the master of hell itself. A sinister glow came about him, and almost all the pets saw it. They all fainted. However, when the pets woke up and the eclipse ended, they had become totally different and had special powers as well... Meanwhile, the three villages were all confused. A bunch of monsters sent by the demon has supposedly come and brainwashed all the people there, causing the villages to fight with one another. But hopefully, they will someday be at peace again and focus on the real enemies, the monsters...[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yeah, I know it's a pretty basic plot, but just bear with me... I haven't seen a pet or pet monster RPG in a long time except for Monster Rancher, Pokemon, and Digimon... Anyways, the signup for this RPG is: [u]Owner:[/u] [b]Name:[/b] first and last; you may also have a nickname [b]Age:[/b] 3-100 years [b]Gender:[/u] male or female [b]Hometown:[/b] Freddion, Gyren, or Sorella, depending on which kind of pet you have. (refer to first paragraph of the story) [b]Personality:[/b] What's your personality like? What do you like/don't like? [b]Appearance:[/b] What does your character look like? Or post a pic. [b]Bio:[/b] your character's story. Be sure to include anything that happened before after the eclipse, including any changes made to you and/or your pet. Your pet could have had his/her name changed after the eclipse of you wanted! You must also include what your pet was like before the eclipse. [u]Pet:[/u] [b]Name:[/b] your pet can have any name [b]Age:[/b] How old is your pet? Make sure it makes sense with the type of animal you have (for example, no 100-year-old cats please) [b]Gender:[/b] male or female [b]Species:[/b] Your pet can be any animal that exists on this planet (no dragons, chimeras, etc.) [b]Personality:[/b] What's your pet's attitude like? [b]Appearance:[/b] what your pet looks like, or post a pic. Your pet doesn't have to actually look like whatever animal it is; note that the pets were mutated by the demon. [b]Element:[/b] Most pets were classified into elements (fire, water, ice, thunder, wind, earth, darkness, light, spirit), but this is optional. [b]Abilities/Powers:[/b] The eclipse has given all pets who saw the demon special powers. What are they? Please, don't godmod in this area. Well, here's an example of a signup, which will be my signup for this RPG: [color=purple]Owner: [u]Name:[/u] Palu Yanao [u]Age:[/u] 5 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Hometown:[/u] Freddion [u]Personality:[/u] Palu is slightly shy and gets nervous around demons or animals that look demonlike (unfortunately, her pet fits that description!). However, she loves to play with her pet. [u]Appearance:[/u] Palu is about 3'2" tall and has short, light brown hair in pigtails and hazel eyes. She wears a short pink and white dress with a purple bow, and she has a pink bow on her head and pale blue socks and white shoes. [u]Bio:[/u] Before the eclipse came, Palu was extremely happy with her pet cat, Violet. Violet was a gray cat with violet eyes, which were unusual for a cat. She lived with her mother and twin brother, whose name was Harike. Harike also had a cat named Bubu, an orange cat with brown eyes. Palu and Harike had so much fun together with their pets until... that day, when the eclipse came and changed their pets forever... Bubu turned into a green electric cat named Electrica, and Viloet... well you'll see. However, then something tragic happened. Harike was kidnapped by one of the demon's henchmen and never seen again... Now it's up to Palu to save him! Pet: [u]Name:[/u] Violet, but her name was chnaged to Hypnotica after the eclipse [u]Age:[/u] 3 human years [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Species:[/u] Cat [u]Personality:[/u] Quite sadly, Hypnotica's personality has greatly changed since the eclipse. (Before, she was shy and quiet.) She's now quite serious and not afraid of anything. She also likes to toy with people and animals and tease them for her won amusement. She likes to stare at people as if trying to hypnotize them. [u]Appearance:[/u] Even though Hypnotica is technically a cat, the eclipse has caused her to stand on two legs and made her look slightly humanlike. Her fur is violet in color, and she has big, bright green eyes. She also wears human clothes: a short greenish shirt and baggy bluish pants. She also wears a dark purple and green hat and holds a pendulum. [u]Element:[/u] could be Spirit [u]Abilities/Special Powers:[/u] hypnotic powers (hence her name), telekinesis, and some dark and psychic energy blasts and waves[/color] OK, now it's your turn. Have fun! (That's the only rule besides the basic rules of this forum.) This is my 800th post! Yay!
  22. *cries* I want to be Darkness... Oh can I make up some prophets? Cause we're running out of the ones I like... [color=sky blue][u]Name:[/u] Samantha "Selenine" Andra [u]Age:[/u] 21 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Race:[/u] Sprite [u]Occupation:[/u] Dancer, hypnotist [u]Weapon:[/u] Pixie Wand (only given to specific sprites), Ocarina of Light (has some healing and hypnotic abilities) [u]Prophet:[/u] Bright, Water, and Plant [u]Skills:[/u] Hypnotic powers, healing powers, and the ability to create water, light, and plant motes that come to life and attack [u]Hometown:[/u] None; she lives in the forest by a river. [u]Bio:[/u] Selenine was born and raised in a small log cabin in the forest, raised by nymphs. There she befriended a lot of nearby forest animals. Even though she could not talk to them, she seemed to eventually gain some telepathic connection with them... She eventually could sometimes do that with people. She got almost all her powers from her friendship with the animals, and she got her hypnotic powers from a magical ocarina given to her by her grandmother. However, nobody knows exactly how that happened. A few years later, she finally appeared to the public occasionally and loved to perform for people. (See occupation.) [u]Regular Appearance:[/u] Selenine is about 4'7" tall and has straight, shoulder-length, blond hair with a hint of green and green eyes. She wears a white shirt with an aqua star on it, greenish pants, and a long, light blue jacket with sleeves that are almost too long and with frills on the end. She also wears white shoes. [u]Prophet appearance:[/u] Her hair is greener with yellow streaks, and her eyes are swirled with blue and yellow. She wears a light green, short-sleeved dress that goes down to just below her knees and has dark green trim, aqua strappy sandals, and a necklace with a deep blue sun on it. She is sometimes seen wearing the same jacket as before, except it's made of yarn and slightly see-through. She also has pale blue fairy wings. (Is that OK, if I remember sprites correctly?)[/color] Hope Selenine's in!
  23. Imp

    Anime Worlds

    OOC: Again, I'm not really in the mood for a long post... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=orange]Joey soon entered the house too and saw Seshuri. "Hey, who's there?" he shouted in surprise. "I'm Seshuri, and you are Joey, right? Kaiba told me about you." "You gotta be kidding me!" "Kaiba said many bad things about you, like how you are a cowardly dog in disguise and that you don't have a brain..." "DON'T HAVE A BRAIN?!? AND WHO ARE YOU CALLING A PUPPY DOG?" He punched Seshuri in the chest. Seshuri winced and recovered slowly a few seconds later. "Oh yeah, Kaiba also told me that you tend to punch people when they say bad things." "Uhhh... What's wrong with that?" "Well, it's very rude," Seshuri said in a cross tone. "Enough," said a voice. A boy wearing a long white jacket appeared from another room. "Kaiba?" Seshuri said, astonished. "Hey, how'd you get here so fast?" "You didn't hear me sneaking up on you. I'm better than I thought," Kaiba said pleasingly to himself. Then he turned to Joey. "All right, you little lap dog," he teased, "you better stop punching my girl, OK?" Joey snickered at the words "my girl", but tried not to make a sound. Seconds later, everyone else except Naito entered the room. ~~~~~~~~~~ Naito walked away from the mansionlike house, thinking to herself, "Ah well, I'm getting tired of this Duel Monsters thing anyways." Suddenly, she met a pink cat with a lovely long and fluffy tail. The cat purred, excited to see Naito, as if she were an old friend. "Purridelly!" Naito exclaimed. She hugged the cat and petted her softly. "Purrrrrri!" Purridelly cooed, happy and relaxed. Both of them were getting tired, so they looked around for a place to sleep, Naito petting Purridelly all the way.[/color] Hope that was OK, splitting from the group... Don't worry; Naito didn't go too far yet...
  24. I know a perfect character for this RPG!! I just noticed. There are only six elements listed. What's the seventh? [color=green][u]Name:[/u] Nettle [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Age:[/u] 15 [u]Elememt:[/u] Earth [u]Race:[/u] Elf [u]Normal Description:[/u] Nettle is about 5 feet tall. She has long, straight, pale green and silver hair, sea green eyes, and long ears that stick out at the sides of her head. She wears a knee-length light green dress with a blue waistband and short sleeves. [u]Guardian Description:[/u] Same as normal, except she wears a long, faded green dress with long sleeves, light blue strappy sandals, and a ring on her left ring finger with a green gem on it shaped like a butterfly. She also wears a necklace that contains her guardian spirit. [u]Guardian Spirit:[/u] A green forest pixie named Sumetre. [u]Weapon:[/u] Her main weapon is a magic sword that can shoot beams and stuff from it. (You'll see in the RPG.) Her ring and guardian spirit can sort of be used as "weapons".[/color] I hope Nettle's included!
  25. Imp

    Anime Worlds

    OOC: I wonder if this is what you thought was going to appear on the street... Probably not. IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=orange]"Look," Darren said with a serious tone. He pointed to the left, toward a dark figure with a black cape. A robotic creature stood by him. "What's that guy doing here?" Yugi wondered. "Why is there a Jinzo standing next to him?" Joey wondered. (He's referring to the robot.) The caped figure helf up a boy with blue hair and a pink shirt. Espa Roba! "Espa Roba!" Naito exclaimed. "What are youing here?" "He... he cought... me... beat me in a duel and took my Jinzo..." Espa muttered, sounding in pain. "He's now trying to take my mind... Good thing he doesn't have... a Millennium Item..." And with that, he fainted. The caped figure left with Jinzo and Espa, and Naito, Darren, Yugi, Joey, and Erika followed. Yugi thought, "I hope that guy's not a Rare Hunter... and I hope Roba's right about him not having a Millennium Item..."[/color] OOC: Sorry that was such a short post... Well at least we found out what Darren was looking for...
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