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Everything posted by Imp

  1. [color=purple]Velma put her Seviper back in its Pokeball and headed towards Fort Town. She heard there was a gym there. "If I challenge the gym," she thought, "maybe if I win, I can take over their gym! Hahahaha! Or, I can open a gym back in Wood City! Geez, I'm desperate to reclaim my title as Gym Leader..." A little while after she left, she became face-to-face with an old woman named Celia. "Hey!" Celia shouted, "This is my property! This may not be my real house, but it's my vacation house, so shoo!" But Velma did not move. Celia became angry. "You leave or... Or I'll put a curse on you!" "How?" Velma said with a tone of amusement. She just loved to listen to others complain about her. How stupid, she thought. "Well, grandma," she said, with a babyish tone on the "grandma", "I don't feel any bad luck. Face it, you're just a big old phony." "Not with my Banette here," Celia smirked. "Your what? Oh no!" She saw Banette behind Celia; it had just appeared out of thin air. "OK," Velma demanded, keeping her cool, "let's have a battle. Your Banette vs. my Pokemon." "You'll never beat me! One on one," she declared. "Heh, obvoiusly," Velma commented. "You only got one Pokemon, and you'll never beat five of mine! Go Venonat!" "Venonat!" Venonat said happily. A battle, finally! "Venonat, use... huh?" Venonat was glowing. "Venonat... you're..." "No way!" Celia shouted. Venonat was evolving into Venomoth! "Venomoth," Venomoth chattered, then fell serious. "Ooh, a Venomoth, my favorite!" Velma shouted excitedly. "Venomoth, use Sleep... no... Toxic!" Velma blushed. "I forgot, Banette's Insomnis ability prevents sleep..." Toxic dust came off Venomoth's wings and shot towards Banette, poisoning it badly. "Hah!" Now it'll lose energy rapidly!" "Heh," Celia said, "I knew you'd do that, and you'll pay. You may have won the battle, but you'll lose more. Banette, use Curse!" "Huh? Hahahahaha!" Velma rolled on the floor laughing. "Curse?!" That'll only make it faint! And this is a one-on-one battle! How could you..." A minute later, a tree started to fall over on Velma, who just barely dodged it. "Hey, what is this..." But Celia had gone inside her house. "Hmph, fine then. Run away," she said grumpily. "Venomoth, return." She stomped off towards Fort Town for the gym battle. Surprisingly, she dodged quite a few falling trees and wind gusts and splashes from the river and whirlpools and twisters... Weird...[/color] OOC: Heh, Celia's in my Pokemon Aqua fanfic...
  2. [color=blue]Arunue and Shindi (Shindi was carrying Celestia) headed towards where the cave was and found the entrance. They entered again, proceeding through the darkness the same way as they did before, except with Yusuke missing and Celestia unconscious. They found a light... "Aha!" Arunue shouted, spotting Koron. "I knew you were in here!" Koron stared at her, his eyes glowing again. Arunue just looked at the ground, and Shindi did the same. "Well, you dodged my attack, huh?" Koron said in a menacing tone. "Well guess what?" Arunue and Shindi looked confused. "You see," Koron continued, "your friend with the green stone isn't here!" Arunue and Shindi jumped at those words. Shindi looked down; she was no longer holding Celestia. She gasped. Meanwhile, Arunue was fighting Koron, who was no match for her this time. She defeated him easily with one swipe of her claws. They somehow left him paralyzed... "Hah! Too easy!" Arunue said triumphantly. She looked around and turned into her wolf form, spotting a shadowy creature she recognized. "Zsade!" she shouted to herself. She sneaked up on him, waited a few seconds, and charged, biting him in the leg. "Hey, what are you... OWWW!" He had just been bitten in the neck by Shindi. Zsade brushed the girls off and threw an energy orb at them. Shindi dodged it, but Arunue was hit. She quickly got back up and dashed towards Zsade again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile, Celestia was transported back outside the cave, quite a distance away from it. She was in a clearing, one that none of the group had been in there before. A sign stood nearby that said: "Warning: Wild harpies in this part of the forest." Sure enough, a birdlike creature was circling in the sky just above Celestia. When it spotted her, it dove ddown and landed gracefully beside her. And then... "Oh drat, it's just a human. A human?!?" The harpy took a few steps back, being slightly afraid of humans. She was one of the few harpies who could talk, probably the only one other than her dead father. She looked rather beaten; she had wings that were purple and blue on the outside and black on the inside. She was extremely skinny and even wore some human clothes: just a torn purple shirt and a matching short skirt. She walked toward Celestia after discovering that she was probably dead and bent over to examine her. "...Hello?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly. "Hello? Are you awake?" She rubbed Celestia, hoping to wake her up, but she didn't. "Darn, I hope I'm doing the right thing by waking her up..." she thought. After a few minutes, she picked Celestia up and flew off with her back to her nest. A small group of birds were there: a bluebird, a canary, and a cardinal. All three of them were ten times bigger than normal. "Hello, guys," said the harpy, landing beside the others. "Hello, Ametite!" said the bluebird, whose name was Saphira. (Ametite was the harpy's name.) "I see you've brought a friend! Oh, is she OK?" Saphira went over to Celestia, and the other birds followed. "She's just unconscoius; I noticed she's still breathing..." Ametite sounded slightly embarrassed. "This isn't like you, Ametite," said the canary, who was named Caryan. "You brought a human!" "Yes, I did," Ametite said. "Does it matter? Should I kick you out like I did with that dumb pigeon months back?" There was a tone of impatience in her voice; she was irritated by Caryan's comment. Caryan fell silent, not saying another word. "Ummm... Ametite," said Wing (the cardinal), "I might know how to awaken her." He flew up directly over Celestia and flapped his wings quickly three times. A few feathers floated down, covered with magical dust. The feathers fell on Celestia, who sneezed and woke up. Finally. "Huh? Where am I?" Celestia wondered. "Are you OK?" Wing asked. "Yeah, I am," Celestia answered, deciding not to ask who these birds were. But she sensed that Ametite helped save her life and questioned her. "I sense that you are Ametite, correct? And you are afraid of humans, right?" "...I'm not afraid of them. I just had some past issues with them," Ametite corrected her without any signs of lying. "You see, this forest used to be swarming with harpies like me, but... but humans kept killing every single one of them, thinking they ment bad luck. Now... Now I'm the only one left... And I have developed a hate towards all humans now!" she said boldly to Celestia. "But..." she continued with a soft tone, "something inside me tells me you don't want to harm me, so I have my complete trust in you..." "Thanks, Ametite." "Oh, how'd you know my name? Are you psychic like Saphira here?" Saphira blushed at what Ametite just said and muttered "Awww..." under her breath. "Well, sort of," Celestia replied, also feeling embarrassed. "You see... I hold this... this stone that gives me those powers..." Celestia held out her necklace with the green stone on it. "That's... that's..." Ametite uttered in awe. "That's the Green Stone!" I heard about them... the Stones of Car'e! They're supposed to be really special... wish I had one... too bad there are only four... Well it doesn't matter anyways, because I have special powers even without a stone..." "Like what?" "You'll see. So, anyways, what were you doing there lying on the ground?" "I got out of a cave and my head started to hurt real badly like a..." Suddenly, a funny feeling came over Celestia, like some strange force invading her mind... She started to get a headache again. "Oh great..." she uttered in agony, trying her best to keep the pain away. Her whole body glowed with intense green light, and there was an explosion seconds later. Celestia panted, completely exhausted. "Whew, that was a close one..." she sighed in relief. "Oh! I gotta go back and find Arunue and the others! And... uh-oh, Yusuke has been recaptured... I gotta go, Ametite! Bye!" "Wait!" Ametite stopped her. "Celestia, please do me a favor and... please... can I come with you?" Celestia got a surprised look on her face. "Yeah, I know it sounds sudden, but I think I can be able to help you on your journey. Yes, I know it's dangerous, but... I'll stay until someone kicks me out. Just tell your friends I wanted to come and that I'm not a wraith or an enemy." Celestia laughed at the sound of the word "wraith". "What makes you think that?" Ametite shrugged. "OK..." She tried to pick Celestia up to fly off with her, but Celestia stopped her. "I can sorta fly, don't you worry." And with that, she pointed her wand at the ground, shot a green beam out of it, and flew off. Ametite followed. "Don't worry," Celestia reassured Ametite, "I know where they are."[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Hope that was OK... that was a long post... Hope it's OK to add anopther character... Ametite may not stay forever, but she probably will if you'll let her. Once again, she's not an enemy--I promise.
  3. That's what my fic is all about, except it's centered on [i]two[/i] rookie trainers... (Pokemon Aqua) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, I think Season 6 is just perfect as is, though I wish they'd gotten rid of Ash and Brock and just kept May and Max instead. And a part of me wishes they weren't siblings... They also need LESS OF THE SAME EPISODES!!! Discover a new Pokemon, discover a new place, meet a new person (maybe one Brock falls in love with), Team Rocket tries to steal that Pokemon and succeeds, Ash and friends get it back... BORING. I also wish they would do more with the Gym Leaders like they did with Season 1, like focus on more than the battle... (remember Sabrina? And Blaine? And... Well there were two or three episodes with them in it and the battles were fairly short) I also think they need to make the battles more interesting and make more sense. Like, how can Phanpy be affected by Thunderbolt when dry? (when Ash first caught Phanpy) How can Cyndaquil survive underwater? (Ash vs. Pryce) How can sand conduct fire? (Ash vs. Jasmine) How can Metapod move? (Ash vs. Bugsy) How can... Well there are too many things to list...
  4. I just edited my post... Can you include me? Pleeeeeease? You said that Earth was not the proper element for that siren's attack... Maybe Water is a better element? Or does Spirit count as an element?
  5. Ok... it said in my bio that Mori killed herself after her mother died... so... Anyways, Mori is a special ghost. She can be seen by humans. So I don't know why you think that a ghost would be hard to contact in this case... So, with that said, Mori will be alive at the beginning of the RPG at least. So I'll be a main character.
  6. [color=purple]"Go Seviper!!" Velma shouted. She was in a Pokemon battle in Wood City, against a trainer named Ericson. "Use Poison Tail!" Seviper lashed its tail at Ericson's Electrike, who dodged it. "Impressive," Velma said, "but can you get past this? Seviper, use... Sludge Bomb!" "Electrike, dodge... no!!!" Electrike was hit and poisoned! "No! Electrike... Are you OK? Come back now..." Ericson then looked at Velma; his eyes flared with anger. "Look what you did to my sweet Electrike! I'll never forgive you for this! Electrike, please rest... don't worry..." Ericson dashed towards Velma, who didn't move. "Haiiiii..." He jumped and looked like he was ready to fire a punch. Velma laughed so hard that she fell over and Ericson missed. Velma pulled herself together. "Darn, how stupid are you? You lose a Pokemon battle and then try to get into a fist fight with me? How naive!" At those words, Ericson became even more angry. He dashed towards Velma again, and then... Thinking quickly, Velma said, "You should pay less attention to me and more to your 'sweet' Electrike." She said the word "sweet" in a babyish tone that made Ericson feel even more angry. "Ah, I just love seeing other people flare up..." she thought to herself. Seviper shook its head in a strange way that probably indicated laughter. "Oh no!" Ericson shouted. Electrike had fainted. "I'll show you, Vel... huh?" Velma and Seviper had left. "Oh great..." Ericson grumbled as he rushed Electrike to a Pokemon Center.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Sorry that was such a short post; well, I gotta start somewhere, and I just don't feel that much like typing today...
  7. Imp

    Anime Worlds

    OOC: Joey's hot? I agree! :love2: He can do stupid things sometimes, but overall, he's super cool! IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=orange]"Don't worry, Naito," Cado said telepathically to Naito, "I'll protect you, no matter what!" Naito smiled as she wandered back to the city. There she saw Erika and Joey and a few other people. "Heeeey!" Naito shouted. "Wow am I glad to see you again!" Joey just turned away and muttered, "Oh great, it's the psychic freak..." "Get over it, man!" Naito patted Joey on the back, making Joey shiver slightly. "Egh, you're creeping me out... Hey!" Joey noticed Cado right away. "Who's that? It can't be an unknown duel monster that escaped from a card, could it?" "This is Cado," Naito said, introducing Cado, who was, actually, a Pokemon. "Now don't be surprised when she..." "Hello, Joey," Cado thought to Joey. "Wha... Hey, how can [i]she[/i] read minds? You two are creeping me out even more!" "Oh, please," Naito rolled her eyes, her patience running low. "Enough with the immaturity already." "Immaturity?!?" "OK, break it up, you two..." Amanda jumped in the middle of his brother and Naito. Cado stod next to Naito, blushing and trying to pretend that nothing ever happened. "Amanda's right..." Yugi added, as if Amanda had stolen the words from his mouth. "Anyways, you two," Kaiba blurted with the same impatient tone as Naito's, "you better not touch my girl, and whoever does will pay..." Naito tried to stop herself from giggling, wondering why a serious guy like Kaiba could act this way towards a girl. She had heard about him on the news, about how he could run a company as a boy. She was quite impressed with him. Erika listened to their conversation and started to laugh in amusement. "You better shut up as well," Kaiba snapped, grabbing Erika by the neck. He shook her for a while, then put her down. "Nobody makes fun of our love..." he muttered to himself. He then grumpily grabbed Amanda and stomped away like an angry gorilla. Naito shrugged as they left and hung out with Joey, Yugi, and Erika for the rest of the day.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hope that was OK...
  8. I'll do a short post... [color=purple]Yugi, Joey, and Tea were still laughing about Tristen's affair with Serenity. Suddenly... "Yugi. I have been expecting you." Yugi turned around. "Ishizu!" he exclaimed. "What are you doing here?" "I came to tell you something," she said in a sorrowful tone. "You must find Kaiba. His evil side has completely broken through, and he plans to kidnap Mokuba and put the whole world in danger!" Yugi gasped and looked at Yami. "But that's not all," Ishizu continued. "Bakura is sill alive; he lives inside... your puzzle." "But how..." "Remember when you almost lost your puzzle in a fire? When Bakura helped to put your puzzle back together, his evil spirit put a piece of himelf inside a piece of your puzzle. Now, he is wandering its chambers and is trying to figure out your secret..." She them turned to Yami. "Yami, you must find Bakura and destroy him before he finds out anything more..." "Oh don't worry about that. There are several traps inside there which will consume him forever..." "Yes, he's aware of that. But he still has help from my brother, Marik..." "What?" "And that's not all Marik is up to. He's occasionally trying to take over Duke's mind and set up an unbeatable Dungeon Dice Monsters game using him... He must be found and stopped..." "Darn, isn't anything good going to ever happen?" Tea wondered. "Ever since Duelist Kingdom, it's gotten worse and worse..." "There is one good thing," Ishizu replied. "Mai has managed to come back from the shadow realm." Everyone cheered at those words. "And," Ishizu continued, "she has managed to gain a new power similar to that of a Millennium Item... She can summon Duel Monsters and other cards as if bringing them to life, without entering a duel." "But how can..." Tristen wondered. Ishizu cut him off. "It apears that the long hours in the Shadow Realm has done something to her, like making an error in restoring her mind... She may have a hidden millennium item, even... there seem to be duplicates of the millennium items going around, and new ones were created... I once passed by a boy with a Millennium Treasure Chest. That item allowed him to wish for virtually anything he wanted, as long as it could fit into that chest." "Wow, that's quite amazing..." Yugi wondered. "But then," he thought to Yami, "then it's possible for someone to posess even more of those items, and possibly turn evil... oh I don't like the sound of this..." "We have nothing to worry about," Yami reassured him. "As long as we believe in each other and the heart of the cards, there's nothing we can't do or put an end to." "Yugi," Ishizu said, interrupting his conversation with Yami, "always believe in yourself and the heart of the cards. You'll need that belief more than ever..." But before she left, Mai was soaring towards the group on her dragon... "Hey guys," she said excitedly. "Betcha didn't expect me back so soon!"[/color]
  9. I will still be allowing signups for this RPG, so feel free to join! Nobody can be too late! For those who did join, have fun! That's the only rule I have here! (well, except for no godmodding and good post content...) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=limegreen]"Well, now what should we do?" Crystal asked anxiously to her pets. "I want an Evil Fuzzle!" Gamma said excitedly. "Now now, you know how scary those things can be... And they possess evil spirits too," Tara said in an evil tone. "If you keep one for too long, they might possess you..." "I WILL have an Evil Fuzzle!" Gamma complained. Tara stared at her with a calm and spooky expression on her face. "You will not have an Evil Fuzzle..." Tara said in a hypnotic tone, her eyes glowing like fire. "You will get a good Petpet..." She repeated those words over and over again. "OK, break it up, you two," Crystal demanded. "Tara, I don't know whether to thank you or scold you... Gamma, Tara's right about Evil Fuzzles, just so you know..." "I... know..." Gamma said, looking and sounding like a zombie. "Well, Draco, where to?" Crystal continued. "Let's go to Mystery Island!" Draco declared as he pulled out an issue of the Neopian Times. "It says here that there have been reports of Evil Fuzzles controled by the aliens invading the island..." He looked at Gamma, who just stood there, looking petrified. "Erm... we must stop them. And, Tara, should I suggest returning Gamma to her normal state?" "My pleasure," Tara muttered as she put a hoof on Gamma's head and hummed softly to herself while closing her eyes. She walked away, and Gamma sprang up, lookig confused for a second. "Who, what, where, why..." Gamma uttered in panic. She eventually calmed down. "So, Draco, where are we going?" "Mystery Island." "All right," Crystal declared, "let's go!" Crystal picked up Gamma and climbed on top of the massive Eyrie. Draco flapped his wings, and within seconds, they had left the ground. Tara soon followed on foot and swam the rest of the way when they got to the edge of the land. "Hey, where's Sune?" Crystal wondered when they were halfway there. "Ah, she'll catch up," Draco muttered. "She probably sensed us leaving, and she [i]can[/i] fly..." Crystl shrugged, and Draco and Tara continued swimming/flying on, eventually reaching Mystery island. An Ixi there was fighting off a group of ten Evil Fuzzles by shooting beams of psychic energy at them. "Sune?" Crystal wondered in awe. She stood there sonfounded for a minute, wondering how Sune could have reached the island before them. "You'll never get past me..." Sune thought out loud. When she was young, she permanently lost her voice, making it impossible for her to talk. But later, she was able to talk telepathically. "Your strategy is too obvious. There's nothing I can't predict..." A few fuzzles fizzled andfell into the ocean. A couple of others were lying on the ground, completely psyched out. "Wow, no point in staying here," Draco said. "Sune's eliminating every one of them..." He watched the last Evil Fuzzle flying everywhere and crashing onto the ground. Sune was flying back to Crystal, saying, "Well that was too easy. Their feeble minds are no match for my powers... Now, let's head towards the Lost Desert." Draco grumbled and started to fly in the other direction towards the desert. Tara and Sune followed.[/color]
  10. It's OK if you don't have any, though it would have helped to put "none" under Powers/Abilities... [b]I will start this RPG now![/b] Ohkami, I said that your pets can have no more than 5 powers/abilities [i]combined.[/i] Telekinesis, ESP... they each count as a power... You just need to fix that, then you're all set! (Isn't it weird that your pets have almost identical powers to Sune and Tara's...?) Arika, I still need your pets' powers/abilities... You pets don't need to have any though. Just a note to all: You don't need to use the pets you actually have on the site. You can make up your own, like I did. You can also make up abilities (yes, I did that too...) Just wanted to point that out to some of you...
  11. Ooooh... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple][u]Name:[/u] Velma [u]Age:[/u] 21 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Description:[/u] Velma looks sort of like Jessie, except with shorter purplish-black hair that stays down, bright green eyes, wears a short blue and green shirt, a purple skirt, and her gloves are a little shorter. She is sometimes seen with a rose in the little pocket in her shirt. [u]Bio:[/u] In most of her life, Velma has lived in the faraway continent of Aquatissea. She was the gym leader of Teal City there, and she has always liked Poison-type Pokemon. But later, Koga took over her gym (how sad!), and she fled to the region of Pleasant. Now, she hopes to reclaim her title of Gym Leader. [u]Starter Pokemon:[/u] (OK if I have more than one if I'm an ex-gym leader, right?) Gloom, Dustox, Venonat, Ekans, and Seviper [u]Occupation:[/u] Used to be a Gym Leader, but is now a Trainer[/color] Hope Velma's in... hope ex-gym leaders are OK... Jolteon, not Jolten... no offense
  12. ...I'm confused. You said in the last post that I could be both... Mori's mom DID get attacked by a ghost, as I said in my bio. So she's not technically a ghost... well she is; she just doesn't attack people. And I do get what you mean about main character.
  13. Hmmm... Should I be a ghost or a main character? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=sky blue][u]Name:[/u] Morikarea (Mori for short) [u]Age:[/u] ummm... [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Appearance:[/u] Mori is about 6 feet tall, has pale blue skin, deep blue eyes, and long wavy white hair. She wears a lavender shirt with short pink sleeves, a long, slightly torn aqua skirt, and no shoes. [u]Location:[/u] the outskirts of Miami [u]Personality:[/u] Mori is very quiet and tends to just stare at people when she meets them. She also always seems emotionless and will not laugh or smile even when someone tells the funniest joke in the world. (She'd probably be good at playing Poker because of that!) Even though she technically is a ghost, she tends to act humanlike most of the time and doesn't attack people. [u]Bio:[/u] Mori's life is a mystery at this point; only she knows (part of) what went on in her life--er--afterlife. She has always wondered whether she's alive or dead, and if she is dead, she doesn't remember anything about her life. When she heard about the ghosts attacking people, she started to see dead people all over the place (actually, ghosts, but same thing...) and could talk to them as well--telepathically. She asks them if they had seen her when she was alive, and she only managed to learn one thing: In either her life or afterlife, her mother was attacked by a gang of ghosts, or, at least that's what Mori heard. The thought of her mother dying made Mori want to kill herself as well, which she probably did. Whatever it was, Mori has woken up with absolutely no memory of her past life. [b]Mori is a ghost.[/b][/color] I hope Mori's in... sorry if her bio's kinda confusing...
  14. Hee hee... This is only my second RPG about cute fuzzy creatures... Well, all of you are in so far! (Geez, there are 6 Zafaras here... Hmmm... I see Zafara lovers and I don't blame ya!) Blanko, Arika, and Ohkami, just be sure to post your pets' powers and items and you're all set! I will start this RPG in about a few days, but I will still be accepting new joiners when it starts!
  15. OOC: OK, I'll deliver the message later--I'm waiting for intelligent posts, no offense... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple]"And now, Harpy Lady Sisters, attack Dave's life points directly!!" "Noooooo!" Dave cried as his life points crept away from him, causing him to lose the duel. "Ha! That should teach you the meaning of girl power, twerp!" Mai shouted as she left. "That was too easy," she thought as she went. "I need more of a challenge!" "Then a challenge you shall have..." a mysterious voice called from afar. "About time," Mai said in a relieved tone. "Give me all you got!" "A challenge you will get... but first I must tell you something..." the voice continued. "Blah, blah, blah. I came to duel, not to talk." "Feisty one, huh? OK, follow my voice and we shall have our duel." Mai, thinking it was all a trap, walked away in search of anouther opponent. "Sorry, whoever you are," she thought as she walked on. "I'm not as dumb as Joey. I'm not falling for your trap." Suddenly, a trap hole appeared below Mai, who fell into it! "What the..." Mai wondered as she hit the bottom of the hole. "You cannot run away. I have a rare power: the power to make Duel Monsters cards come to life. Think of it as a Shadow Game, but without the evil magic." "Huh... Go Harpie Lady!" She held up her Harpie Lady card, and a Harpie Lady appeared out of it! "Now I can do that too...?" Mai wondered in confusion, staring at the monster she just let out of its card. Suddenly, a thunderbolt erupted from the center of the street and hit the sky like a bullet. Thousands of Kuribohs came raining down and exploded when they hit the ground. "Run!" "Get out of there!" "Hide!" People were shouting everywhere, fleeing the city by the thousands. A few of them soon spotted Mai's Harpie Lady. "Hey, don't think this is funny," one of the people shouted angrily. "Your little Kuriboh scheme is a cheap trick! Just because you have the power to summon Duel Monsters to this world without a duel doesn't mean you can send Kuribohs everywhere to blow up this city!" "It wasn't me; it was... it was... a voice..." The group of people laughed. "Ha ha! A voice," a man said in a babyish tone. "A voice! We should turn you in to the police!" But before they could say any more, Mai was off on her Harpie's Pet Dragon...[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry the post had to be so short; I have to leave... Hope that wasn't too off-topic... (but I won't tell you who set those Kuribohs off!)
  16. Hey thanks for that compliment! Yes, you can call me Alpha anytime you want. (I like that name...) Yes, I agree... Chiplet is cute... He's DEFINITELY an improvement on old Pikachu... (Spoiler: [spoiler]David will get a Pikachu too, but it won't stay as a Pikachu for very long...[/spoiler]) Continuing on with the story... this is before David and Kelsey met now... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=blue]"Chip! Chip!" Chiplet chattered excitedly. However, the chitters vanished when his stomach growled. "Hehheh, getting hungry, aren't you?" David wondered. He was getting a little hungry himself. He and Chiplet were at David's house, ready to start their Pokemon journey. "Getting ready to leave, huh?" his mom asked. "Well, you two better have lunch first, then you can head off on your way! Lunch passed quickly; David and Chiplet tried to eat fast so that they could get started on their journey earlier. "Now don't choke..." Mom said in slight worry. "Oh, by the way, David, your dad told me to give you this..." She handed David an egg, a yellow and black one with a jagged line separating the two colors. "Wow, cool!" David exclaimed. "I can't wait to see what's inside it!" And with that, he ran out the door, having already received his Pokedex and Pokeballs. Too bad he forgot to ask for a Pokenav... Since David lived on an island (Olito Island), his first mission was to cross the sea to get to the continent of Aquatissea. "Well, gee, Chiplet," David wondered, "where do we go?" "Chiiip..." They stopped short. They were standing in front of a ship with the name "S.S. Erle" on it. "That's it!" David shouted excitedly. "That's the one!" And with that, he started to hurry onto the boat, and... "We don't have a ticket..." David cried in despair. "Now what do we do?" "Chipppp..." "WAIT!!!" Mom shouted, panting when she reached David. "Wait, you...forgot... this..." She handed him a little slip of paper and knelt down on the floor, exhausted. "Better hurry," she continued, "the ship will leave soon..." "Thanks, Mom," David said and left for the boat. Showing the ticket as they boarded, David and Chiplet got on the S.S. Erle, immediately rushing up the stairs for an ocean view. As they went, they passed a lounge, a swimming pool, and a dining hall. "Wow, this ship sure is fancy," David said in awe. Then he reached the top of the stairs. "Ah, sea breeze..." "Chip!" Within seconds, the boat set off across the sea. Meanwhile, Kelsey was in the middle of the woods, wandering around with no clue as to which way to go. Her Pokemon staggered behind, exhausted. "Well, I guess we should take a rest..." Kelsey suggested, also kind of tired. "This egg is getting pretty heavy, almost too heavy to carry around... What kind of Pokemon is in it anyway? A Snorlax?" "Plumie..." Laplume was getting worried about something. It was crying slightly, appearing frightened. "What's wrong, Laplume?" Kelsey wondered. Then she looked up at the sky; it was getting dark and cloudy, and the wind was starting to get worse... "Oh great, a storm," Kelsey moaned. "OK, Laplume, nothing to worry about..." "Renny..." "Cleffaaaa..." "You guys are worried too? Oh, you're tired and hungry too? ...Well, I guess the same goes for me, but complaining won't get us anywhere..." At that moment, it started to rain. However, there was hardly any shelter in the burnt region of the woods that Kelsey and her Pokemon were in. The three Pokemon tried desperately to find shelter, Laplume crying loudly as usual. To add to the trouble, it was starting to get cold as well. Renawhite shook vigorously, trying hard not to get wet. Being a Fire-type, she hated rain. Cleffa was curled up in a ball, shivering slightly. Their gloom lifted slightly when a group of Psyduck came passing by and, being dumb and careless, crashed right into a tree. Laplume laughed, then began to cry again. Kelsey imagined what it must be like to be pregnant and have three babies already, because that's what Kelsey felt like; she still had to take care of the egg. "All right, you three," Kelsey said with a gentle tone, picking all three Pokemon up. "Let's get to safety here..." She searched for the biggest tree she could find and hid under it with her Pokemon, hoping that the rain would end soon... Even in the shelter of the tree, the Pokemon still seemed kinda sad. "You're still hungry, aren't you..." Kelsey said with a hint of sorrow. "Yes, that's true for me as well, but I'm used to these kind of things by now..." She remembered Celia, her great grandmother. She was rich and lived in a mansion, but she refused to take care of Kelsey. In fact, she hated her ever since she was a little kid. She always disliked her family members who tried to follow her footsteps. She was also a Pokemon trainer; she especially liked Psychic-type Pokemon, though her only Pokemon was a Banette. Of course, she could only handle one Pokemon. She lived in vengeance and dislike for Kelsey and her dad, but especially Kelsey. (That's actually how Banette got attracted to her when it was a Shuppet.) Later on, when her Shuppet finally evolved into Banette, she kept ordering it to put curses on Kelsey, which usually helped her temporarily feel better. With these memories, Kelsey and her Pokemon fell asleep, into a sleep full of nighmares and dark memories... "Yes, I may look old, but I still have enough hate in me to deatroy the whole world of Pokemon!!" "Ban!" "Uh-huh," said a woman named Carmen. "Whatcha got there, a demented plush doll?" "This here's my Banette," said the old woman. It was Celia! "I have no clue what a Banette is, but you're out! How can Diego and I expect an old duff like you to do anything wrong?" Carmen saw Banette and looked at it for a while. "And what a ptiful Pokemon. I thought you were too old to play with dolls!" Banette was sticking a pin into itself; maybe it was trying to put another curse on Kelsey... It shrieked in pain. Carmen paused for a moment, then laughed until her belly ached. "[i]That's[/i] what that thing does? It sticks pins into itself and cries in pain? Is that what it does?! What is this, a joke? Look, Celia, you gotta find yourself a better Pokemon, not one that just keeps comitting suicide..." She continued to laugh under her breath. Celia walked away, insulted. "How dare she make a fool out of me," she thought. "No, Banette, save all your curses for Kelsey... I just hope that Carmen lady gets taught a lesson later on..." "Come on, Diego, let's move it," Carmen suggested, still giggling. "Whatever you say, Carmen," Diego replied. They began to say their motto, starting with Carmen... "Prepare and beware!" "Beware of despair!" "To cast our evil upon every soul!" "To turn the Pokemon world into a black hole!" "To poach Pokemon and hear them cry!" "Better yet, let them die!" "Carmen!" "Diego!" "Team Shockwave, the job is set!" "Surrender all, to our greatest triumph yet!" "Go Shockwave!!" they shouted together. And off they went. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EDIT: Next chapter... "Ah, here it is!" David exclaimed. Chiplet climbed on top of his head and cooed excitedly. Seaport Village was ahead! Then, suddenly, a man holding an egg shoved through the crowd... "Excuse me..." "Don't make me drop the egg now..." "Ah, there you are," he said when he saw David. "Miles Goy, are you not?" "No, my name's David..." "Oh, so sorry!" "Nice egg, though!" David looked at the egg; it was blue with a white dot on it.Then, he felt something inside his backpack... "The egg!" David shouted, taken by surprise. "You have an egg too? That's amazing!" said the man. Meanwhile, David took the egg out of his backpack and held it while it started to crack... "Piiii!" the new Pokemon said. It was a Pichu! "Wow, what is it?" David asked excitedly. He took out his Pokedex, which explained what Pichu was: the pre-evolved form of Pikachu. "Wow, this thing's going to be a Pikachu? Cool!" "Attention all!" said the captain suddenly into a mike. "This ship is about to dock at Seaport Village. We hope you enjoyed this trip and have a nice day!" David ran off the boat excitedly, Chiplet chittering happily, still sitting on his head. "Chiiiplet!" Seaport Village. A nice and somewhat luxurious beach resort. When David got off the boat, he could see tons of people on the beach, playing in the water and having a good time. Some of their Pokemon were there as well! "Come on, Chiplet, let's go to the beach!" "Chiiip!" "Hold it!" shouted a lifeguard. "There's a fee to get on this beach!" "A fee?" David exclaimed. "But I have no money..." he cried and walked away. Little did he know he had some money in his backpack... Meanwhile, Kelsey and her Pokemon were making their way through the woods, starved and exhausted. Her Pokemon fainted, except Renawhite, who managed to have enough strength to take a look around. Then the little fox cheered at the sight of Seaport village--finally, civilization! Suddenly, Cleffa burst into tears. Laplume was too weak to cry. Kelsey was too tired to calm Cleffa down, so Renawhite did. Finally, five minutes later, Kelsey and her Pokemon were able to stand up; they cheered at the sight of Seaport Village. But Kelsey then sighed and said, "We were just here three days ago... Oh well. Let's go..." They proceeded on their way to the town. David, Chiplet, and Pichu wandered around town, seeing what was there. He saw lots of restaurants, one of which he entered. He and his Pokemon ate, then left without paying. (That should have made the waiters mad!) Then, he reachedinside his backpack to get something, and he found... "MONEY!!!" he exclaimed. "Money money money money money! I have money! And lots of it too!" David danced around for a while, and so did his Pokemon. The three then continued walking around. Suddenly, he saw a girl with three Pokemon following behind her. All four of them walked like zombies, their faces expressionless or sad. The girl than shook her head violently and noticed David, almost bumping into him. "Sorry..." she said. "I had no clue where I was going... you see, we've been wandering in the woods for so long and ended up here after a week..." "Geez," said David, "where did you come from?" "Here," said the girl. "I've been wandering around in circles..." "What's your name anyways?" "Kelsey." "I'm David." "And this is Cleffa, and Laplume, and Renawhite." "And this is Chiplet, and Pichu." "And this is my egg!" Kelsey held out her egg, which was not even close to hatching. "It's really heavy to carry..." David held the egg for a while; it was heavier than Chiplet. "Wow," said David, "that egg's heavy! What'll it hatch into, an Onix?" Kelsey giggled. "Hey," David demanded, "since you have Pokemon too, how about we battle? Bet you're starting out too." "Sort of." "Then let's battle!" David demanded. "Oh, I really can't accept now," Kelsey apologized, "because my pokemon and I are all really hungry and tired and in no shape to battle... sorry about that..." "That's OK..." David reassured her. "Chiiiip!" "Piiiii!" "Chiplet! Pichu!" David cried. What happened to them? Did they disappear into thin air? "No use grabbing those zombie Pokemon. They'll just die of hunger. But I think the others need a little encouragement..." said a sinister voice. "Prepare and beware!" "Beware of despair!" "To cast our evil upon every soul!" "To turn the Pokemon world into a black hole!" "To poach Pokemon and hear them cry!" "Better yet, let them die!" "Carmen!" "Diego!" "Team Shockwave, the job is set!" "Surrender all, to our greatest triumph yet!" "Go Shockwave!!" "Team Shockwave! I heard about them..." Kelsey thought. "My great-grandmother tried to join up with them a few times... I'm surprised she isn't in yet, with her truly evil Pokemon..." "Why Kelsey..." Carmen said in a babyish tone. "Aren't you the great-granddaughter of the trainer of that pin-sticking twerp?" Kelsey said nothing. "And aren't you the one who has a serious case of bad luck?" Diego asked in that same tone as Carmen. Kelsey still said nothing and stared right at them, trying hard not to say anything. Diego looked for Pichu and Chiplet; he finally found them! They were held in a pool full of water, and strange objucts were on Pichu's cheeks, causing it to use Thundershock in the pool, shocking them both. Pichu did this over and over again. Even Chiplet was affected. "Pichu! Chiplet!" David cried, thinking furiously of what to do. Those were his only two Pokemon, and Kelsey's Pokemon were in no condition to save them... Kelsey tried hard not to scream or say anything, but she couldn't hold it anymore... "Noooooooo!" Kelsey shouted, screaming so loudly that everyone in the town must have heard her. She then fell over, unable to stop herself from screaming, holding her head like a Psyduck would... Strangely, the cage containing the pool burst open, and the pool shattered as if it were made if glass. Chiplet and Pichu lay on the ground, panting heavily. The objects on Pichu's cheeks had been removed. Carmen and Diego stood by, astonished. "Such cruelty to Pokemon will not be allowed..." Kelsey muttered, just barely managing to stand up. Renawhite stood by her, ready to fight. "If it's a fight you want," said Diego, "then it's a fight you'll get. I don't know what weird form of telekineses you did, but it won't scare me!" "Huh?" Kelsey wondered. She stood there dumbfounded for a moment, thinking about wht Diego had just said. Finally, she said to Diego in a nervous tone, "Uhhh... you must be mistaken... I can't use..." "Oh just be quiet an let's battle." Diego grew impatient. Carmen joined. "Go Eevee!" "Go Toadma!" [quote][i]*beep* Toadma. The mushroom Pokemon. Toadma is related to Shroomish except it's poisonous. Toadma is said to have evolved from the mushrooms on a Paras's back.[/i][/quote] "Fine. Make it two against one. Go Renawhite!" Kelsey shouted. "Renny!" "All right, Renawhite. Use Ember!" "Rennnn..." Embers flew out and hit Toadma. A direct hit. "Eevee," Carmen commanded, "use Headbutt!" "Vriii!" Eevee charged towards Renawhite. "Renawhite, dodge it!" "Oh no you don't," said Diego. "Toadma, use Sleep Powder! The Sleep Powder worked! Renawhite fell asleep! Then Eevee finished its Headbutt attack, making Renawhite unable to battle. "All right," Carmen teased. "Nice foxy." She grabbed Renawhite by the tail and hung her there. "Well take your Renawhite now." Kelsey couldn't stop herself from shouting, "NO! NOT RENAWHITE!!!" Suddenly, Renawhite was dropped, and Carmen and Diego flew through the air as if someone threw them up into it. "Huh?" David wondered. "Shockwave's gone! By the way, who is Team Shockwave?" But there was no answer from Kelsey; she had fainted. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Next chapter! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ David ran of for a while and came back with some berries. "Hey, I found these berries in the woods, and they look good! There's enough for all of us!" And as they ate, David spotted something... "A Butterfree!" David exclaimed. "I wanna catch it!" "Hold on," Kelsey interrupted. "Look at its neck." Sure enough, there was a yellow ribbon tied around its neck. "Oh, this Butterfree must belong to someone already..." David sighed in despair. "Hmmm..." Kelsey said to herself. "It's very rare to see a Butterfree here... They're only found in Kanto and Johto..." Butterfree started chittering about something. "What's it saying?" David asked. Kelsey shrugged. "Let's find out." "So, Butterfree," Kelsey asked, "what are you trying to say?" "Free! Feree!" "...You came all the way from Kanto? That's a pretty amazing trip..." Butterfree continued telling Kelsey a little story. It once belonged to a trainer named Ash Ketchum, who raised it for more than two months all the way from a Caterpie. But one day, as Ash was on his way to Saffron City, he saw a flock of Butterfree getting ready for mating season. Butterfree was disliked at first, because a pink Butterfree had turned it down. But by saving the flock from Team Rocket, the pink Butterfree fell in love with Ash's Butterfree. And then, Ash and his Butterfree said their goodbyes, the the two Butterfrees flew off. It's been more than two years, and Butterfree never saw Ash again... "That's a pretty sad story..." Kelsey said with a sigh. "You must be worried about Ash by now... I wonder where he is now..." "Hey, I know!" Davis shouted. "Butterfree, you can come along with us, and maybe we can help you find Ash! With Kelsey's intuition, I know we'll find him!" Kelsey blushed at those words. "Hey, it's not like I'm psychic or anything..." Laplume, who had evolved into Oddish, jumped up and down, telling something to Kelsey. "Oddish! Odd!" "No, Oddish," Kelsey replied. "Just because I can tell what you Pokemon are saying, doesn't mean I'm psychic..." "Oddish! Oddy!" "NO! What did I tell you, I'M NOT PSYCHIC!!! Though I do have a feeling that watever Pokemon hatches out of this egg will be... Hey, I wonder if it will be a Drowzee..." "Anyways, Butterfree, would you like to come along with us for a while?" "Freeee!" (That meant yes.) "David, I'll let you handle this." "OK!" David declared. "Pokeball go!" The Pokeball landed on Butterfree, who was turned into a ball of red energy. The energy went into the Pokeball, which wiggled for a few moments then stood still. "Yay!" David shouted. "I got a Butterfree!" "Just remember," Kelsey said, "you won't be keeping it for very long." "Yeah I know that," David replied. Kelsey and David walked around for a moment and came to a strange robot. "What is that?" David wondered. He pressed a button on the robot, causing the screen on it to become lit. "Welcome to the Pokemon Battle Simulator," the robot said. "This is the gate to a virtual yet realistic place where you can battle a simulated trainer to get a badge. These are special badges: they're called "Elemental Badges", because each represents a different element of Pokemon. If you win all 18 bettles in each of these Battle Simulators, you will be able to compete in the Aqua League. Please note that you do not have to do this; you may also enter the events held by the eight Gym Leaders here. The first is in Pollen City, just east of here. If you win eight of their badges, you can enter Mt. Mystic, whish is west of here, across the treacherous sea. There are lots of rare Pokemon and challenges there. If you win the 18 badges here, you may challenge the Elite 4. Now, whoever wishes to battle here, please put your Pokedex in this slot. One trainer at a time please." David inserted his Pikedex into the slot. There was a beep, and the robot spoke again. "David, age 10, first Pokemon, status: 0 badges. Enter here. A door opened. "Kelsey," David asked, "aren't you going too?" "No," Kelsey replied, "I think I'm gonna challenge the Gym Leaders." And with that, David entered. He was automatically transported to a virtual battlefield. The computer inside it said, "Please choose a Pokemon type to battle." "Uhhh..." David thought for a moment. "...I choose Fighting!" "Next," the computer continued, "choose your Pokemon to send into battle." "I choose..." David declared, "all my Pokemon!" Then the computer beeped, and the field changed. The floor turned orange, and a few rocks rose from the battlefield, and a punching bag hanging from the ceiling in the center. "Fighting field ready," the computer said with a beep. A trainer appeared: he was a blackbelt. "Name: Yuko. Ready for battle." "Go Makuhita!" Yuko shouted. "Go Chiplet!" David shouted. The computer was the referee; it declared, "Makuhita vs. Chiplet. Begin!" "Makuhita, use Focus Energy!" Makuhita concentrated and glowed slightly red. "Go Chiplet, use Quick Attack!" "Makuhita, use Arm Thrust!" It missed due to Chiplet's speed. "Now, Chiplet, use Tackle!" A direct hit! "Makuhita!" "Aku..." "Makuhits is unable to battle," the computer announced. "Chiplet is the winner. Now begin Round 2. David, please recall your Pokemon and pick a new one." "Oh I get it," David thought. "There are three battles, and whoever wins two out of three wins the match!" "Go Tekkite!" Yuko shouted. "Tekkite?" David took out his Pokedex. [quote][i]*beep* Tekkite. The fighter Pokemon. Tekkite not only has amazing speed and power, but it can also use the glider on its back to fly.[/i][/quote] "Oooh, I know which Pokemon to choose. Go Pichu!" "Pi...cha!" Pichu appeared and danced around, excited about its first battle. "Tekkite, use Mach Punch!" "Tek." The punch hit Pichu right on the spot! "No, Pichu..." Pichu got up slowly. "Good. Now use Thundershock!" "Tekkite, fly up and dodge it!" Tekkite glided towards the ceiling, dodging Pichu's attack. "Now use Tackle in the air!" "Pichu, thundershock again!" Tekkite's Tackle hit first, but it did take some damage from the thundershock. Being a Flying-type, it was weak against electricity. "No Tekkite!" "No, Pichu!" The smoke cleared from the explosion that resulted from the attacks, and both Pokemon were lying on the ground, exhausted. Said the computer, "Both Pokemon have fainted. Round 2 is a draw." "A draw?!" David exlaimed. "Third battle, begin," the computer said with a beep. "Go Makuhita!" "Another one? Go Butterfree!" "Freee!" "Butterfree, use Stun Spore!" "Makuhita, dodge it..." Nope. Makuhita could not dodge it. Instead, it became paralyzed. "No, Makuhita... Use Mega Punch!" But Makuhita was too paralyzed to move. "Butterfree, use Confusion!" That did a lot of damage because of the type advantage. Makuhita instantly fainted from paralysis and confusion. "Makuhita is unable to battle," the computer declared. "Butterfree wins. David has won the match and is entitled to a Fighting Chip." "A Fighting Chip?" David questioned. "It's a badge, only computer-style," the computer replied. David exited the robot and showed Kelsey the badge he got. "It's a Fighting Chip! I can't wait to get the other 17!" "Well, congratulations," Kelsey congratulated David. "We should get going now though. Let's head to Pollen City, where I can earn a badge for once!" And with they, they headed off towards Pollen City; Kelsey was eager to get her first badge there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][size=4]Chapter 5[/size][/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ David and Kelsey were walking through the woods on their way to Pollen City while a wormlike caterpillar Pokemon that looked similar to Caterpie came out. "Aggg!" it said, trembling slightly of fear of things bigger than itself. "Hey, what kind of Pokemon is that? I want one!" David shouted. The Pokemon began to get mad and shot a flame from its mouth at David. David was scorched, and he fainted. "Nice one..." he mumbled dizzily. Kelsey looked at him, getting a sweatdrop on the back of her head. "OK..." she muttered. David got up, shaking himself violently. "Well, you're a Fire-type, huh? Let's see just what kind of Pokemon you are." With that, he took out his Pokedex... [quote][i]*beep* Agnite. The caterpillar Pokemon. Agnite is closely related to Caterpie but can also use Fire attacks. Approach with caution; it has a tendency to shoot flames at people and Pokemon that are bigger than itself.[/i][/quote] "Oh great, now he tells me," David mumbled. "All right, Agnite, time for a battle! Go Chiplet!" "Chiiip!" "Chiplet, use Quick Attack!" Chiplet sped around. Agnite tried using Ember, but the attack missed due to Chiplet's speed. Meanwhile, Chiplet charged at Agnite with a powerful tackle... "Now, Pokeball, go!" David threw the Pokeball at Agnite and waited. And waited. The Pokeball wiggled and stopped. "Yes!! I caught Agnite!" David shouteed, proud of himself. "Look, Kelsey, I got more Pokemon than you!" David teased. Kelsey frowned. Then, her egg wriggled around inside her backpack... "Heh. Actually, David," she said, "we have an equal number of Pokemon. Let's see... It'll be a... Drowzee, right?" Kelsey took out the egg, which was even heavier. It wriggled around furiously then burst open. Sure enough... "Drowzee." "Huh?" Kelsey muttered. "Yay!" Dan shouted. "Kelsey, you're amazing! How did you know it was going to be a Drowzee? You must be psychic!" Kelsey blushed and patted Drowzee on the head, happy that she finally got a new Pokemon. It was her first one in a long time. Kelsey put all her Pokemon inside their Pokeballs except Renawhite, who refused to go inside. On the way to Pollen City, Kelsey fought against a trainer as practice for the upcoming gym battle... "Go Spearow! Use Agility!" "Renawhite, use Ember!" The attack was right on target and made Spearow faint. "Yay!" Kelsey shouted, hugging Renawhite. Then, Renawhite began to glow. Kelsey put Renawhite down and... Renawhite evolved into Vulpix!! "Vul!" Vulpix cooed. Kelsey hugged and congratulated Vulpix for evolving. As she and David walked on, they finaly saw... "Pollen City!" David shouted excitedly. "Finally!" Pollen City was hom eto many houses with huge gardens with a wide variety of flowers. Some trees even had berries in them! Even the Pokemon Center was decorated with foliage. David and Kelsey entered the Pokemon Center to get their Pokemon checked and healed. Everyone was doing fine. After that, the first thing they did was check out the gym... The gym looked like a baby's room, decorated with shapes, baby bottles and pacifiers, and cute pictures of baby Pokemon. It looked the same on the inside, and there were toys scattered around. As David and Kelsey looked to the right, they saw a room full of baby Pokemon having a good time. Then they almost bumped into a woman wearing a cute yellow dress and an apron. She had short black hair and was carrying a baby bottle and a Cleffa. "Hello there," she said in a singsongy tone. "Are you here to visit our adorable baby Pokemon? Cute, aren't they?" "Actually," Kelsey replied, "I'm here for a battle with the Gym Leader. "Well," said the woman, "you've come to the right place! I'm Mary Elle, and I'm the leader of this gym, believe it or not!" "You are, huh? I thought so," Kelsey said and shrugged. "Let me guess... you train baby Pokemon?" "How'd you guess?" Mary Elle questioned. "You are so good at guessing games!" She then led them into the battlefield, which was also decorated with bottles and rocking horses and balloons and stuff... There was also a statue of a Cleffypuff. "Well, whoever you are..." "Kelsey." "Well, Kelsey," Mary Elle announced, "let the battle begin! My daughter will be the referee." A little girl appeared in the referee's stand, holding two flags: a red one and a green one. "This is an all-on-all battle! No time limit! Begin!" "Go Pichu!" Mary Elle announced. A Pichu appeared on the battlefield. "Wow, Mary Elle has a Pichu, like me!" David thought. "Go Drowzee!" Kelsey shouted. Drowzee appeared. "Pichu, use Thundershock!" "Picha!" "Drowzee, use Confusion!" "Drowzee." Drowzee sent the Thundershock flying back towards Pichu, who got hit with its own attack. "Now that's what I call a taste of your own medicine!" "Pichu, use Quick Attack!" The quick Pichu darted around the slow Drowzee, confusing it. "Drowzee, just close your eyes!" Kelsey commanded. There was no sense chasing after Pichu. She also thought, "And then it'll use Pound when ready!" Drowzee seemed to receive that thought... When Pichu attacked, Drowzee used Pound on it. Pichu fainted. "Pichu is unable to battle. Drowzee wins!" "Wow, was that me talking telepathically to Drowzee?" Kelsey wondered. "Impossible," Kelsey thought as she rubbed it off and continued the battle. "Go Puffly!" [quote][i]*beep* Puffly. The infatuation Pokemon. Puffly can easily infatuate its opponents with the help of its adorable looks. This Pokemon is said to be the pre-evolved form of a Skitty.[/i][/quote] "Puffwi!" Puffly squeaked. "Puffly, use Attract!" Mary Elle commanded. "That won't work," Kelsey thought. "My Drowzee is a girl!" Sure enough, the "love spell" failed. "No... use Sing!" "Quick, Drowzee! Use Hypnosis!" But the Sing attack was too quick; Drowzee fell asleep. "Hee hee! Drowzee's drowsy! Time for bed!" Mary Elle said in a babyish tone. "Drowzee is unable to battle! Puffly wins!" "Oh well," Kelsey muttered as she called back Drowzee, "it was just a baby anyways... Anyways, go Cleffa!" Cleffa appeared. "Cleffa, use Sing!" Cleffa sang this time, making Puffly fall asleep. "Puffly is unable to battle. Cleffa wins!" Mary sighed. "Puffly return. Go Cleffa!" "You have one too?" Kelsey blurted. "Yep, sure do! Cleffa, use Charm!" "Cleffa," Kelsey announced, "use Charm right back!" The two Cleffas charmed all they could, both of them fainting from overcuteness. "Both Cleffa are unable to battle. It's a draw!" "Well then I guess that was a tie," Mary Elle said. "Now... go Igglybuff!" "Go, Vulpix!" "Igglybuff, use Doubleslap!" Igglybuff began to slap Vulpix around. Vulpix took damage but still recovered. "Vulpix, use Ember!" Vulpix shot embers out of its mouth, hitting Igglybuff. Igglybuff almost fainted but got up. "Igglybuff, use Sing!" "Vulpix, use Roar!" Vulpix roared, sending Igglybuff back into its Pokeball. Then, Mary Elle sent out a Chinchai. [quote][i]*beep* Chinchai. The spark Pokemon. This is the evolved form of Chinchou. Chinchai loves to swim around freely in little tidepools. You can tell if a tidepool is occupied by a Chinchai if there are sparks flying from it.[/i][/quote] "Vulpix, return!" Kelsey commanded. "Go Oddish!" "Odd!" "Go, use Absorb!" "Chinchai, use Water Gun!" Oddish got hit by the Water Gun, then sighed, seeming refreshed. "Heh, you know Water attacks won;t work on my Oddish," Kelsey bragged. "Go, use Poison Powder!" The powder successfully poisoned Chinchai. "Oh no!" Mary Elle shouted. "My Chinchai!" Chinchai was wincing in pain, feeling dizzy and sick. It eventually fainted. "Chinchai is unable to battle! Oddish wins!" "Go Pattybee!" Mary Elle shouted. Her final Pokemon. [quote][i]*beep* Pattybee. The bug egg Pokemon. Pattybee may be an egg, but it does have good defense. Pattybee is one of the few bugs that people who normally fear bugs aren't afraid of because they think it looks cute and harmless.[/i][/quote] "Every Pokemon Mary Elle has is so cute!" Kelsey said in a pleased tone. "But they're not better than mine! Go, Oddish, use Absorb!" No effect. "Pattybee, use Stun Spore!" Oddish became paralyzed! "No, Oddish!" Kelsey shouted. Oddish tried to stand up, but it wouldn't move. "Oddish is unable to battle! Pattybee is the winner!" "All right then," Kelsey announced. "Go Vulpix!" "Vul!" "Vulpix, use Ember again!" The attack was super effective, but Pattybee just barely managed to stand up. "Pattybee, use Tackle!" "Vulpix, use Quick Attack!" The two Pokemon hit each other with their attack, but Vulpix took more damage due to Pattybee' shell. "Pattybee, use Stun Spore!" It seemed to work on Vulpix... "Come on, Kelsey, think..." Kelsey thought. "That's it!" She then spoke to Vulpix. "Vulpix, use Ember quickly! Then hold your breath!" Vulpix used Ember, which made Pattybee faint. Vulpix held its breath, but the stun spore lingered in the air for a long time. Vulpix couldn't hold its breath any longer... It breathed in again, inhaling some of the Stun Spore. "Vulpix!" "That's it!" Mary Elle declared. "Abigail, turn on the fan please." (Abigail was the referee.) "Yes, Mama," Abigail said with a sigh. She turned the fan on, blowing the Stun Spore away. "I think you won that one," Mary Elle said to Kelsey. "You're a really great trainer, you know. And your Pokemon are so cute! And with that, I gladly give you the Star Badge!" Mary Elle gave Kelsey the badge. Kelsey cheered and shouted, "Yay! I got a Star Badge!" She and David then walked out of the gym, deciding to take a break, go to the Pokemon Center, and explore more of Pollen City before heading on. There was the nearby Wood Tower, for example, which held lots of baby Pokemon... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [size=4][b]Chapter 6[/size][/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kelsey and David wandered around in the Wood Tower, David having caught a Retron before entering. [quote][i]*beep* Retron. The star Pokemon. Retron is a Psychic-type Pokemon that is somewhat similar to Ralts. This Pokemon is innocent-looking, but if its head vibrates while looking at you, it means that it's about t use its psychic attacks on you...[/i][/quote] "All right!" I just love my new Retron!" David shouted. "Shhhh!" Kelsey silenced him. "You'll scare all of the baby Pokemon!" "It's getting late," David noticed. The sun had just set. "Great," Kelsey muttered. "I hope some baby Pokemon go without bedtimes..." She and David looked around, but the entire tower was deserted. Not a single Pokemon was around. They walked around, their heads spinning, walking like zombies. Soon, they snapped out of it. "I dunno, should we try upstairs?" David suggested. "I don't think we'll find anything there..." "Aw come on, it's worth a try! Then again... what if they're all Ghost Pokemon?" "Ghosts don't scare me. And besides, the only ghost Pokemon there are in this region are Misdreavus..." "Misdreavus? What's a Misdreavus?" "It's a mischievous Pokemon that likes to play tricks on people. Sometimes it will scream just to scare people." "Oh great, now I'm scared..." "Don't be a chicken, David." "What if I am...?" And with that, he ran out the tower and turned his back to it. Chiplet followed. Meanwhile, Kelsey was exploring the tower. But as soon as she reached the second floor, someone grabbed her by the collar. Kelsey tried to stop herself from being afraid; it was probably just a Misdreavus. But it wasn't... "Come here, you," a voice said. It then snatched Drowzee, who was outside its Pokeball, and ran away. "Oh no you don't!" Kelsey shouted. "Go Vulpix!" "Vul!" "Vulpix," Kelsey commanded, "use Ember!" Vulpix tried to fire the Ember attack, but it ran into an invisible wall... "Grrr..." Kelsey growled, trying to come up with a plan. David was sitting outside when something came up behind him... "Aaaahhh! A ghost!" he shouted, running away. Chiplet pointed to the "ghost"; it was Carmen! "You!" David shouted. "You're the last person I expected to see!" "Me too," Diego added, appearing before him. There was a pause, then Chilet began scratching Diego's face furiously, covering his face so that he couldn't see. Diego ran in all directions, bumping into trees and running all over the place. Meanwhile, David focused on Carmen. "Go Agnite!" he shouted. "Ember attack!" The attack worked! Carmen was soon running around as fast as Diego was, on fire. Meanwhile... Agnite soon acted strange: it spat red string into the air, forming what looked like a ruby red suit of armor in the air above him. Then the "armor" landed on it, and Agnite glowed... It started morphing into a slender green bug, covered in a translucent, bright red shell. It evolved into Rubidon!! [quote][i]*beep* Rubidon. The fire sac Pokemon. The evolved form of Agnite. Rubidon's hard, ruby red shell protects it even from a fall of over 300 feet. This is also due to its lightweight, changing body. Of course, this Pokemon can still use powerful Fire attacks.[/i][/quote] "Yay!" David shouted. "I got a Rubidon! Too bad none of Kelsey's Pokemon evolved in a while. Too bad she hasn't caught one yet..." Suddenly... "Go, Pokeball!" Kelsey was fighting a Misdreavus with her Oddish, who put Misdreavus to sleep with Sleep Powder. The Pokeball hit Misdreavus and trapped it inside. It wriggled around for a moment, Kelsey staring at it the whole time. Then, the wriggling stopped, and Pokeball remained still. Then, Kelsey declared, "Yes! I caught a Misdreavus!!" She picked up the Pokeball and rushed down the tower to where David was. A sweatdrop ran down her head as she watched Carmen and Diego running around in a panic, Carmen on fire and Diego with a Chiplet on his face. Somehow, both of them ran off in the same direction, far away from the Wood Tower. Chiplet soon came running back, happy to see David again. "Chip! Chip!" it chittered, climbing on top of David's shoulder again. Drowzee was also returned later on. "So, Kelsey," David wondered, "where to?" "According to the map," Kelsey answered, "we should be heading to Forest Town for the next Gym Battle, but there's another Poke Robot thingy on the way..." "Another one? Cool! I can earn another badge! Hmmm... which type should I choose..." "I don't care what you choose, I know you'll win!!" "Thanks, Kelsey." "Whatever. Let's go!!" And off they went towards Forest Town. What will happen next? Meanwhile... Carmen sighed as she sat down, finally not on fire anymore. David was laughing his head off, covered in scratch marks. "Grrr... What's so funny?" Carmen snapped. She took out a mirror and looked at herself... She screamed. "Nooooo! My beutiful hair... It's... singed!!!" She then looked down at herself. "Aaaack! My clothes are burned too! Ohhh... I've been running around half-naked for a mile... How embarrassing..." She blushed, and both of them laughed.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ More coming soon! Here's Retron, the Pokemon that David just caught!
  17. Wow, Takuya, that idea would be supercool! I was thinking of doing that with a new Digimon game, but I think it'll work for Pokemon as well! Another idea is to have an online Pokemon RPG game. It can have the same graphics and gameplay, but you can battle and trade Pokemon with other trainers online. Cool, huh? And you can do Pokemon Contests with them, two-on-two battles, Real Time battles...
  18. I just made MAJOR changes to my Pokedex; I must have added/changed about 50 Pokemon or more... And, I added DRATINI!!! Yay! For those Seviper fans, I had to get rid of Seviper... :( But I did create a pokemon similar to it! Aspring, Pokemon #100! And, of course, its evolved form, Tantalisk. I also added some cool attacks: [u]Name:[/u] Copy [u]Type:[/u] Normal [u]Power:[/u] ??? [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 15 [u]Effect:[/u] chooses one of opponent's attacks to use against it [u]Name:[/u] Silverbeam [u]Type:[/u] Bug [u]Power:[/u] 80 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 15 [u]Effect:[/u] none [u]Name:[/u] Petal Storm [u]Type:[/u] Grass [u]Power:[/u] 100 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 10 [u]Effect:[/u] may trap opponent [u]Name:[/u] Laminate [u]Type:[/u] Poison [u]Power:[/u] --- [u]Accuracy:[/u] 80% [u]PP:[/u] 10 [u]Effect:[/u] traps opponent/sharply lowers Speed [u]Name:[/u] Dark Beam [u]Type:[/u] Ghost [u]Power:[/u] !!! [u]Accuracy:[/u] 30% [u]PP:[/u] 5 [u]Effect:[/u] one-hit KO move [u]Name:[/u] Glass Ball [u]Type:[/u] Rock [u]Power:[/u] 70 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 15 [u]Effect:[/u] likely to get a critical hit [u]Name:[/u] Feather Dust [u]Type:[/u] Flying [u]Power:[/u] 30 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 10 [u]Effect:[/u] may cause flinching [u]Name:[/u] Secretpoison [u]Type:[/u] Poison [u]Power:[/u] 20 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100 [u]PP:[/u] 10 [u]Effect:[/u] can cause any visible status [u]Name:[/u] Ice Pick [u]Type:[/u] Ice [u]Power:[/u] 65 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 95 [u]PP:[/u] 15 [u]Effect:[/u] likely to get a critical hit [u]Name:[/u] Crystal Wave [u]Type:[/u] Ice [u]Power:[/u] 90 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 10 [u]Effect:[/u] may lower Sp. Def. [u]Name:[/u] Night Ray [u]Type:[/u] Ghost [u]Power:[/u] 60 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 20 [u]Effect:[/u] none [u]Name:[/u] Pain Swap [u]Type:[/u] Normal [u]Power:[/u] --- [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 25 [u]Effect:[/u] switches HP with partner [u]Name:[/u] Imitate [u]Type:[/u] Normal [u]Power:[/u] ??? [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 10 [u]Effect:[/u] uses one of partner's attacks [u]Name:[/u] Star Beam [u]Type:[/u] Normal [u]Power:[/u] 80 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 15 [u]Effect:[/u] none [u]Name:[/u] Shootingstar [u]Type:[/u] Normal [u]Power:[/u] 25 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 95% [u]PP:[/u] 25 [u]Effect:[/u] attacks 2-3 turns I'll post more stuff later... Oh, and the picture below is of Phyton, Pokemon #206 in my Pokedex: [quote][i]Phyton. The plankton Pokemon. Phyton is the smallest known Pokemon, only 3 inches long. It makes a good pet and is easy to take care of due to its small size and docile nature.[/i][/quote]
  19. Though it is true, that wind can be very effective against most other elements, I like one that can be a lot of different things, and it wasn't on the poll... My favorite element is Spirit! (Yes, that is an element; I've seen it many times.) Or, more specifically, Psychic! (But, Spirit is closer.) I like that element for a lot of reasons, some of which are hard to put into words... -It can combine the powers of darkness and light. -A lot of spells and powers go with it. (yay!) -Powers of that element can do a lot of weird and cool things, such as drain life, lay curses, heal, create silence (which can be frightening!), or even do stuff with dreams, and many more... -Psychic power goes with that element! -It's very effective in battle, for the characters I use in RPGs/battles are often that element. And a lot of other reasons...
  20. Quote by maladjusted: "Scientifically, men are smarter in the fields of math and science." Hmmmm... then how come I'm smarter than most of the boys in my school in that field? And I'm a girl... Quote also by maladjusted: "Men are physically stronger." I agree. But who cares--females make that up for looks and less body odor. (And I make up for it with my psychic powers! Tee hee hee!) It's quite weird (and stupid) that men, throughout history, have severely discriminated against women. They made them slaves, gave them no rights at all, made them "a man's property"...THAT'S JUST CRAZY!!! I wonder how the men would feel if the women discriminated against them... :demon: Arrgh... Sometimes men would kill people just because they were female! That definitely happened in the Salem Witch Trials, which happened a long time ago. Mainly because they thought that women were witches. (What's wrong with that? Putting spells on people is perfectly OK, as long as they're not curses!) I feel sorry for those women back then, and I'm glad I wasn't alive back then... (eek! I have witch written all over me!) Even now, there's still some discrimination against women, and virtually none agaist men. How unfair! Well, other points about males and females: -Overall, males tend to get better grades in school than females do. (most of the best students in classes are male) -Most important positions, such as president, are taken only by a male. -Discrimination against females is mostly due to the fact that males are physically stronger than females. -Females generally have less body odor than males do. -Females sing better than males. -Because females are the ones that give birth, the males sometimes rape them so that they can get them pregnant and stuck with a baby. That can be emotionally hurtful. That's probably why 97% of rapists are male. -Females are generally better than males as far as looks go. -A lot of people worldwide have stated that "all men are created equal". What about women? -Some of the best leaders in the world have been female. Well, there are a lot more than that... anyone wanna add on to the list?
  21. A FEW questions?!? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[size=1] [color=purple][u]Name:[/u] Rebecca [u]Backwards:[/u] Acceber (wow it's actually pronounceable!) [u]Date of Birth:[/u] 4/25/88 [u]Sign:[/u] Taurus (Ha! Bet ya thought I was a pisces or something!) [u]Nicknames:[/u] Dragonfly, Maia, Alpha (Alpha's my favorite!) [u]Occupation:[/u] Student [u]Height:[/u] about 5'2" [u]Weight:[/u] 85 lbs. [u]Hair Color:[/u] Brown, with a hint of red [u]Eye color:[/u] dark brown [u]Born in:[/u] California [u]Live in:[/u] California [u]Age:[/u] 15 [u]Screen Names:[/u] StarFlowerPixie (AOL), DarkStarChimera (Yahoo), MysticalRaven (AOL, coming soon) [u]E-mail:[/u] [email]nefertimon@mindspring.com[/email], [email]darkstarchimera@yahoo.com[/email] [u]Stands for:[/u] What used to be my favorite Digimon (now it's Sakuyamon!) [u]Gangster name:[/u] I'm not a gangster!! (though other people think I am...) [u]Diary Name:[/u] ??? [u]Pets:[/u] 2 cats [u]Candles on BD cake:[/u] 15? [u]Piercings:[/u] none [u]Tattoos:[/u] none [u]Shoe Size:[/u] 6 (3 in European/Child sizes) [u]Handedness:[/u] right [u]Wearing right now:[/u] a shiny blue/purple striped shirt and black velvet pants, also a green heart-shaped necklace, glasses, and a pink watch [u]Hearing:[/u] The voices in my head... [u]Feeling:[/u] I feel the powers within me... [u]Eating/drinking:[/u] Nothing, though I had tea a while ago [u]In Love:[/u] No [u]Told "I Love You":[/u] no one except my parents and my spirits (if you know what I mean) [u]Been In Love With:[/u] no one [u]Kissed:[/u] nobody, if you mean on the lips [u]Kissed Same Sex?[/u] no [u]Dated:[/u] no one [u]What I look for:[/u] Maturity and appreciation for me (positive attitude) [u]First thing I notice:[/u] Aura (hee hee) [u]Type I go For:[/u] The mature type [u]Have A boyfriend:[/u] no [u]Have A Crush:[/u] no [u]Believe in Love at First Sight:[/u] yes, definitely [u]Remember First Love:[/u] yes, before I decided to be a loner [u]First Person I Kissed:[/u] no one [u]Believe in Fate:[/u] DEFINITELY [u]Believe in Soul Mates:[/u] yes [u]Believe I'll Find Mine:[/u] yes, though it's a girl and we're not meant to be in love [u]Song Written About Me:[/u] "So Magical" (by ATC) And a few more... [u]Embarrassing CD:[/u] my own CD (yes, I do have one coming soon: Planet K-12: Bunny Luv) one song's about psychic power, which I ALWAYS feel embarrassed about... [u]Best CD:[/u] It's a toss up between Ace of Base and ATC... And, of course, my CD [u]Songs I Hate:[/u] Any rap song with a lot of cussing/girl abuse/drugs/rated R stuff and not much of a melody [u]Sing in the Shower:[/u] YES [u]Reminds Me of Special Someone:[/u] A song I wrote called "Dark and Light" (will post lyrics in Poetry/FanFiction section)[/color] *sigh* There's so many questions I wish were on there, but I'm not telling you what. :devil: -Alpha
  22. Once, my mom was mixing sugar in water by heating it over a stove; it was meant to be food for the hummingbirds that lived around our house. But she forgot about it when she put it on the stove, and two hours later, the smoke detector went off and smoke filled the house. We discovered that the pot we were using was full of carbon which we had a hard time getting out! (Yes, a VERY hard time.) We finally got rid of the smoke by opening the windows and turning the fan on, but my mom said she "burned up the house".
  23. *points to my sig* *sigh* My friends and family call me all sorts of names, and sometimes, I give myself nicknames! Called by family: Boo, Bicku By friends: Becka, Maia, Dragonfly, DJ Alpha By myself: Alpha, Maia (sometimes Vixen, Taikura, and Hypnotica, though those are also characters I created) According to my sig, Alpha's my favorite nickname! (I like it so much I'm RPing myself in an RPG here and having the nickname Alpha!) *sigh* I gave myself that nickname after wishing for psychic power... *looks embarrassed* :blush::p
  24. Ooh! Sounds supercool! I'll RP the character that's most like myself... And has almost identical personality and powers too! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo][u]Name:[/u] none, but calls herself Alpha [u]Age:[/u] 15, maybe [u]Class:[/u] Wizard (I'm surprised there are no other wizards so far!) [u]Description:[/u] She has long, straight, dark blue hair, indigo eyes, and is about 6 feet tall. She wears a short-sleeved blue shirt and a medium-length black skirt. She wears long black gloves with big aqua "gemstones" that glow when using her powers, and knee-height boots that look similar to them. She also wears a fiarly tall, dark blue witch's hat with the same type of gemstone on it in two coils around the hat, ending at the point. She also wears a black cape and has a green heart-shaped necklace. [u]Bio:[/u] Not much is known about Alpha; legend has it that she just suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Because of this, many people thought she was a goddess or something; she was born as almost an adult rather than a baby. And she could almost master her special powers. Throughout her life, she has lived underground, deep in a state of what seemed like meditation. Some say she actually lived in a different dimension. She was said to be a "spirit behind her creations"; from Alpha's mind came forth a few magical creatures that lived on another planet, some of which contained traces of Alpha's powers. But, when she was about 14 years old, she decided to finally come into the real world and test out what she could do. When she finally discovered her powers, she earned the nickname Alpha, and she was called the "Queen of Psychic Power". But later on, she escaped to Twinpeak Mountain, where she lived for the rest of her life. [u]Starting Point:[/u] Twinpeak Mountain [u]Primary Spell:[/u] A psychic blast, which is her most powerful attack. [u]Secondary Weapon:[/u] A staff, with the same gemstone on it as in the description (It's more like a primary weapon, but I had to put a spell in there) [u]Items:[/u] a 20 Dran Coin, bincholon, and a couple of mints (is that OK?) [u]Spells:[/u] (Can I have more than one if I'm a wizard?) Psy Fire - A fireball attack combined with psychic energy. (Fire) Song of the Siren - Has some healing and hypnotic effects. (Water?) Glare - May paralyze or stun the opponent. Also can overwhelm weak-minded opponents. Alpha also can use telekinesis and has some hypnotic powers. *Note: Psy Fire actually is not as strong as her primary spell. [/color] Hope my signup's OK... Alpha's not invincible; she has her weak points, like her lousy physical strength and defense...
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][size=1]I have just recently picked up playing Dungeons & Dragons. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Wow, so have I! I played it once before and had a supercool character! Too bad it ended after a day or so because most of the characters died... I had really good stats, starting with an intelligence of 22 and a wisdom of 19. For one of my abilities, when you rolled a die you could add as much as 10 points to it with the modifiers and levels. (Cool, huh?) Oh well, I'm planning of starting a similar and simpler RPG and using the same character--stay tuned! In my school, we have a Game Club, and in it, we play a lot of video games and to a lot of RPGs. I really have fun in that club; we do all sorts of things! (Too bad the first two RPGs we did had to end early...) The other members of the club are kinda crazy and immature, though, and that's the reason one of the RPGs had to end early--too much chaos. Oh well... I fell in love with RPG gaming, and it all started here on this site. (hee hee!) Yeah, I've been in a lot of RPGs here before... (I'm in about three now!) I like to use a lot of characters that I used in the RPGs at the Game Club. (I once roleplayed a girl named Celestia in an RPG in the club, and I also am using her here in an RPG!) I'm even thinking of making up my own RPG to use in the Game Club, some sort of pet monster-like RPG. I'll post a simpler version of it here soon so you guys can join!! -RPG-aholic
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