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Finally, a Neopets RPG! (Hopefully a lot of you Neopets fans have been waiting for this...) Hopefully almost everyone who joins has been to Neopets before... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple]Neopia was visited once before by space aliens: a group of mutated Grundos. Now, those aliens are from a different planet, and they're definitely not Grundos... They are robots, and they have been known to spirit away Neopets and turn them into Mutant Pets. The people of Neopia were upset by this, and some were horrified because their pets were missing. In the excitement, the long-forgotten land of Maraqua has been revived by a group of foreign magical Koi sent by the Water Fairies. (Well, one good thing had to happen!) As time went by, Neopets owners who were truly courageous decided to try and stop these mysterious robots and their mutant pets. Can they? The signup for this RPG might be kinda long, but just bear with it... What I need for the signup is: [b][u]Name:[/b][/u] You can choose any name you want, and you can have a nickname. (It should be regular name, not a username like FireDragon or something) [b][u]Age:[/b][/u] You can be any age between 3 and 80. [b][u]Appearence:[/b][/u] What does your character look like? Or post a pic. [b][u]Gender:[/b][/u] Male or female, not both or neither. [b][u]Personality:[/b][/u] What is your personality like? What do you like/don't like to do? Tell me! [b][u]Bio:[/b][/u] Your history, basically. It can be as long or short as you like, and it can include your pets. [b][u]Home:[/b][/u] Where is your Neohome? It can be anywhere in Neopia, even Maraqua! [b][u]Items:[/b][/u] What items do you bring with you for yourself and your pets? This could include things such as toys, food, etc. This is optional; you can buy or find items in the RPG. Pet Signup: You can have 1 to 4 pets. [b][u]Name:[/b][/u] Your pet can have any name. [b][u]Age:[/b][/u] I would recommend posting it in days or months; that's the way it normally is on the site. [b][u]Species:[/b][/u] You can have any kind of pet, even a rare one like a Cybunny or a Draik. [b][u]Color:[/b][/u] You can be a painted or mutant pet if you like. [b][u]Gender:[/b][/u] male or female [b][u]Powers/Abilities:[/b][/u] Your pet(s) doesn't have to have the abilities listed on the site; you can make up your own; just explain what they do, unless they're self-explanatory. Please indicate what element they are (fire, water, earth, air, darkness, or light) Maximum of 5 abilities and powers combined per pet. [b][u]Items/Weapons:[/b][/u] You can have any item that could be equipped (nothing like food or books).[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My signup is: [color=limegreen][u]Name:[/u] Crystal Hesterine [u]Age:[/u] 16 [u]Appearence:[/u] Crystal has medium-lengeth blond hair, light bluish-volet eyes, and wears a white and blue shirt with a blue star on it, purple pants with a dark blue belt, and white shoes with a red stripe. [u]Gender:[/u] female [u]Peronality:[/u] Crystal is quite talkative, and she sometimes likes to be around people. However, she tends to be startled by unusual things such as space aliens or the dark... But her pets don't. [u]Bio:[/u] Crystal didn't hear much about the space aliens coming, and neither did her pets. She had to find out from one of her pets (Sune, her Ixi), who had some psychic powers. (see signup) When she found out, she was glad she lived nowhere near the center of the attack, which was Neopia Central. One day, though, her pets talked her into going down there to save the world. [u]Home:[/u] Terror Mountain [u]Items:[/u] Plenty of different kinds of Chia Pops, a deck full of Battlecards, a few books [u]Pets:[/u] [u]Name:[/u] Sune [u]Age:[/u] 18 months [u]Species:[/u] Ixi [u]Color:[/u][url=http://images.neopets.com/pets/happy/ixi_faerie_baby.gif]Faerie[/url] [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Powers/Abilities:[/u] Psychic Blast (Light), Sun Wave (Light), and Spirit Beam(Dark). She also can use telekinesis and ESP. [u]Weapons/Items:[/u] a Nova and a couple of Silver Fernypoo Battlecards [u]Name:[/u] Tara [u]Age:[/u] 3 years (Crystal's oldest pet) [u]Species:[/u] Peophin [u]Color:[/u] [url=http://images.neopets.com/pets/happy/peophin_halloween_baby.gif]Halloween[/url] [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Powers/Abilities:[/u] Night Vision (Dark), Drain Life (Dark), Moonbeam (Dark), Fiery Gaze (Fire). Her hypnotic powers can do more than take control of the opponent's mind. [u]Weapons/Items:[/u] an Ultranova Wand and an Earth Potion [u]Name:[/u] Draco [u]Age:[/u] 7 months [u]Species:[/u] Eyrie [u]Color:[/u] [url=http://images.neopets.com/pets/happy/eyrie_darigan_baby.gif]Darigan[/url] [u]Gender:[/u] Male [u]Powers/Abilities:[/u] Glare (Dark), Tornado Wave (Air), Flight (Air), Dive (Air), Invisibility (Air) [u]Weapons/Items:[/u] a Gold Spectre Battlecard [u]Name:[/u] Gamma [u]Age:[/u] 3 months [u]Species:[/u] Acara [u]Color:[/u] [url=http://images.neopets.com/pets/happy/acara_robot_baby.gif]Robot[/url] [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Powers/Abilities:[/u] Thunder Tail (Air), Water Breathing (Water), Heal (Water), Thunder Shock (Air), Laser Beam (Light). [u]Weapons/Items:[/u] a bunch of Coltzan's Gems[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You don't need to put URLs in your signup like I did. For powers that are not abilities, you don't need to put an element. Well, post and have fun! :)
[color=blue]While Arunue was exlaining the whole thing to her, Celestia tried to find out who attacked Yusuke... Yusuke was trying to search for whoever attacked him, peaking with revenge. Suddenly, a brief, sharp image came into Celestia's mind, and she stood there confounded for a second. Finally, she commanded, "I definitely felt something that time! Follow me." And with that, Celestia ran in the direction the picture in her mind came from, hoping she was right. As she ran, she held her wand out, ready for anything. "Come on, slowpoke!" Arunue teased. "Can't you run any faster?" Arunue, being a wolf, could run faster than a human, and Shindi could do the same thing in flight. Yusuke could also run fast, being a demon. "You two are starting to ruin my concentration..." Celestia muttered. Slightly embarrassed, she shot a green beam to the ground with her wand, levitating herself telekinetically. The then flew ahead of them to keep up. A few minutes later, a growl was heard. Celestia stopped, and so did Arunue, Yusuke, and Shindi later on. The growl came again, and a voice was heard. "Intruders..." it said. "How dare you trespass my home..." The figure was a cat person, with pitch-black fur and sinister-looking red eyes. "I am Koron, and intruders must be punished..." He closed his eyes and put his hand on his forehead. Seconds later, he opened his eyes, which glowed with an angry red light. Arunue and Shindi were thrown into a swirling blue vortex which led to the outside world. Yusuke was thrown across to another part of the cave. When Arunue and Shindi landed, they found themselves at the edge of the forest, near a lake, quite far from the cave. "Oh great, now where are we?" Arunue wondered. Well, we're quite far from the cave, wherever we are... "Koron must have teleported us from the cave," Shindi said. "But where's Celestia?" she wondered. "Maybe she got transported somewhere else..." Arunue muttered. Suddenly, she got a weird feeling in her head, as if someone was trying to take over her mind... It was only Celestia. "Don't worry," she said, "I'm still in the cave. That spell or whatever it was that Koron put on you didn't affect me for some reason... You must find the entrance to the cave again. Maybe Shindi can search from the sky." "Hmmm, great idea," Arunue relplied. "We'll find you soon." "Don't worry if you get lost; I'll guide you there." Arunue awakened and told Shindi, "That was Celestia. She's still in the cave. Maybe you can search for the entrance from the sky." "OK," Shindi replied. She transformed into her bat form and flew around, searching for the cave again. Meanwhile, Celestia was in the cave, trying to fend off Koron by herself. "Grrr... I don't know why my little curse didn't work on you, but..." "It all makes sense," Celestia muttered to him. "You should know spells like that don't work on those who possess psychic powers." "Hmph. I can deal with you anyway." He charged towards Celestia, his ruby-red eyes glowing in rage. "I hope you know," Celestia said in a sinister tone, "that that gaze won't affect me either. I've been trained to withstand hypnosis..." Her wand and eyes glowed, emitting a telekinetic force that sent the startled Koron flying through the air, crashing into a pile of sharp rocks. Muttering "Simple-minded fool...", she walked towards where Yusuke was, chanting what seemed to be a curse all the way. "Yusuke..." Celestia called, waiting for him to wake up. A few minutes later, slowly but surely, Yusuke woke up. "Celestia, is that you?" he muttered sleepily. But Celestia appeared to not be listening. Instead, she was chanting a spell under her breath... "Hey, what are you..." Yusuke started to say, but suddenly, a warm and happy feeling spread over his body like a soothing bath... "Let's get out of here," Celestia suggested. "Arunue and Shindi are getting worried." She led Yusuke out of the cave without needing any light at all. But as soon as they left the cave, Celestia got ehat seemed to be a bad headache... "What's going on..." she said in agony. She doubled over and fainted a few minutes later.[/color] ***MEANWHILE*** [color=purple]"...That should take care of the human," Zsade muttered. "Now, Koron, I would like the demon back..." "OK, you got it," Koron replied. Within seconds, Yusuke appeared in front of him. "Well done!" Zsade cheered. "Hey, what the... What am I doing back in this cave?" Yusuke shouted. He then got slapped. "I don't want anything else coming out of you!" Zsade shouted.[/color] OOC: Hopefully that will clear things up... And I just edited the rest of my post, including Yusuke in it...
[color=purple]"...I see... Seto Kaiba has an evil side, and the last time it awakened was during a duel with Yugi... Now, that spirit has reawakened, and it's destined to destroy the world... He even has Kaiba's Egyptian God Card, the one I gave to him... I must get it back before he destroys the entire world..." Tristen and Serenity were out on a "date". Tristen appeared to be caught up in some sort of love spell. "Hey, should we go to the mall or something?" he asked in a romantic tone. "Uhhh... sure..." Serenity answered. She turned away and saw Ishizu, who was sitting down with her hands near her necklace, which, from its glow, meant that she was viewing the future. Serenity stopped walking, and so did Tristen soon after. "Hey Serenity, what's wrong?" he asked. "Hey, isn't that Ishizu? You know, the one who dueled Kaiba in the Battle City finals?" "Ummm... I was too busy thinking about you to notice..." Suddenly, Ishizu woke up from the trance she was in and stood up. "Tristen, Serenity... My Millennium Necklace told me you'de be coming..." "What are you doing here?" Tristen wondered. "It's a long story," Ishizu sighed, "but I'll try to make it short. Tristen, do you remember way back in Duelist Kingdom, when Yugi dueled Kaiba's evil spirit?" "Ummm... oh yeah, that's right..." Tristen remembered. "The spirit lost the duel to Yugi a long time ago, but he's back..." "Hey, how do you know?" Tristen asked. "And what's with that weird glowing necklace?" "It's a Millennium Item that allows me to see into the past as well as the future... Well anyways, Kaiba's evil spirit has taken over him completely, and he plots to take over the world... And it gets worse because he still has Obelisk the Tormenter... I wish I had never given that card to him..." "You [i]gave[/i] him that card?!?" Serenity exclaimed. "But... why?" "Yeah, you could have kept it for yourself... after all, you're a duelist as well..." Tristen sounded confused. "I gave it to him for two reasons. First, I thought that if I gave him that card, Marik would be unable to get his hands on it. Second, it made know difference, because I knew he'd give the card back eventually by losing it in the tournament. But I was wrong for the first time, and now I need that card back more than anything... It must be in the hands of a non-evil person or it will destroy the world... I also sense that my little brother is up to no good. He still has his evil spirit, and he's still planning to take Kaiba's Egyptian God Card as well as Yugi's... I'm sure he'll never get his hands on Slifer the Sky Dragon, but if he gets Obelisk, the evil inside him will grow stronger..." "Wait a minute... If Marik takes Obelisk, won't that make Kaiba's evil spirit weaker?" Tristen asked. "Yes, that is true, but that will only make things worse. The Winged Dragon of Ra is a very powerful monster, and combined with Obelisk the Tormenter, it might be almost unstoppable... And it gets worse with Slifer... I also heard that Marik is using Tea as a mind slave. You better be careful when you see her; don't be surprised if she acts evil. Also, she holds Bakura's Millennium Ring, which is twice as bad. Plus, even though Bakura's evil spirit is gone, he still is alive inside Yugi's Millennium Puzzle..." "What?!?" Tristen and Serenity shouted in unison. "Yes, that is true. Remember when Yugi and Joey got stuck in a fire and the Millennium Puzzle was nearly destroyed? Bakura helped to put the puzzle back together, but he put a piece of his spirit inside one of the pieces... That also means that Bakura is quite likely to discover the secrets of the Pharaoh, unless Yami stops him, which I think he has no problem doing. Yami is still unsure of his past, and he needs help. But don't worry. I can help him with that. Meanwhile, you two have got to work on your dueling skills incase Kaiba or Marik or one of his mind slaves finds you... As a matter of fact, I see Tea coming as a mind slave very shortly..." And with that, Ishizu walked away to talk to Yami. "That was weird..." Tristen mutered. "Hey wait!" Serenity shouted. "Tell me more!" "I will tell you," Ishizu said right before she left, "when the time is right. Oh by the way, you two better take these; they will help you and your decks..." A few cards flew into their hands: Tristen got a Gemini Elf, and Serenity got Polymerization and Cosmo Queen. "Wow, another Polymerization card!" Serenity exclaimed. That means I can add another Fusion monster in my deck! "Hey, Serenity," Tristen complimented. "I think you're catching on!" Meanwhile, while she was walking away, Ishizu saw something else... "Hmmm... I also sense that Mai should be back from the Shadow Realm soon... At least [/i]one[/i] good thing is about to happen..." And with that, she went off to find Yugi.[/color] I hope that was OK for whoever's playing Tristen... (or if nobody is, hope that's OK Anyu; I'm not going to actually RP Tristen and Serenity; I just added them to this post.) I'll post Mai's intro post next, so don't wake her up until then.
Here's some more: [u]Joey:[/u] Whoooo! Woof woof! Goooo Duke! [u]Duke:[/u] Uhhhh... Joey? I think I like you better as a cat. [u]Joey:[/u] Fine. Meeeeow. [u]Duke:[/u] No I mean CHANGE YOUR COSTUME, STUPID!!! *throws dice at Joey* (Maybe he is better off as a dog now...) [u]Noah:[/u] *appears in front of Kaiba* Let's duel! [u]Kaiba:[/u] Think fast! *punches Noah in the head* [u]Kaiba's Stepfather:[/u] Hmmmm... Kaiba's a pretty smart guy... He'd make a great head of my company... As for Noah, he's a virtual nut! In Kaiba's Virtual Pod: [u]Joey:[/u] Yay! We've finally beaten the game! [u]Mokuba:[/u] (still in the princess's costume) Hey Seto! Let's get out of here. [u]Kaiba:[/u] Ummmm... You're not Mokuba, are you? [u]Mokuba:[/u] Of course I'm not. I'm a princess. [u]Kaiba:[/u] Oh, right... [u]Mokuba:[/u] Farewell! *sends home the princess disguised as Mokuba* [u]Kaiba:[/u] Hey where did Mokuba go? *sees a Mystical Elf card on the floor where Mokuba was* What's this elf doing here? [u]Mokuba:[/u] Hehheh. Now I can stay in this pod as long as I want and rule all the virtual people! Thanks, bro, for making my dreams come true.
In my "How can Pokemon Improve?" thread in the Pokemon section, I said that I would post my fanfic here, and here it is! It starts... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I'm David, and I'm ten years old, ready to become a Pokemon Trainer. Ever since I was little, I always had fun with Pokemon. My mom was a trainer, and she especially loved Grass-type Pokemon. I heard she wants to become a gym leader someday. I especially liked her Bellossom--lively, playful, as well as entertaining... And Weepinbell, Roselia--the pretty and silent one, Tansu, a baby flower Pokemon... [quote][i]*beep* Tansu. A flower Pokemon. Tansu is always curious of the world and loves to bury itself in different kinds of dirt to see if it will grow well in it.[/i][/quote] Tansu... I never cared much for him. He's always seemed to be awfully quiet and just keeps himself buried in the dirt all day... I had a friend, a much older friend, when I was three. His name was Ash, I think. He was thinking of becoming a Pokemon trainer too. After all, our family lived in Pallet Town as well. In fact, we were next-door neighbors! We would go mountain boarding together, talk about Pokemon... I've had a good life so far, and this is where it starts, this time with a career." Rrrrrring! It's the alarm. David woke up at 7:30 sharp, yawning at least five times in bed. "I wish today didn't have to start so early..." he thought. He got ready and went to the living room, where his mom and dad were. "Hey David," his mom said. "Are you excited?" "Yep! I can't wait to get my first Pokemon! I wonder what it will be..." "I heard," David's dad added to the conversation, "that you get to choose one of three new Pokemon. You can choose Alola, a Grass-type; Canlee, a Fire-type; or Finnow, a Water-type. That's quite a choice." "Hmmm..." David muttered to himself. "No, Dad," he declared, "I want something cooler than that. Like maybe a... a... Oh I don't know. None of those three Pokemon sound like my kind." "Oh don't worry about a thing," Mom reassured him. "I'm sure Professor Willow will find the perfect Pokemon for you. She's very skilled at finding the perfect Pokemon for anyone, and I'm sure that you'll get the perfect one. Remember, there's more to those starter Pokemon than meets the eye." "OK..." David nodded in false agreement, still depressed about his three choices of Pokemon. Well, he didn't know much about the Pokemon world anyway, and he only heard of a few Pokemon, like the ones his mom had... "Shammy!" said the Shamisu outside in the garden. [quote][i]*beep* Shamisu. The clover Pokemon. The evolved form of Tansu. This Pokemon is known for its powder attacks and is said to also bring luck to those who own it.[/i][/quote] "Shamisu, huh?" David groaned. "Aren't there any interesting Pokemon around?" The Pokemon he knew (except for Bellossom) didn't appeal to him that much. "Well here we are," Mom said. They were in front of a huge building that looked like a Pokemon Center. A woman was walking outside in it, dressed in a labcoat. "Well good morning! Why so early?" said the woman. "I'm Professor Willow, nice to meet you. And what have we here..." She looked at David. "Lemme guess... a future Pokemon trainer?" "Yes, that's me..." David replied with a sigh of disinterest. "Ah, an unconvinced one, eh? Hmmm... lemme see... David?" "Hey, how'd you know my name?" "A Pokemon trainer named Ash told me about you. He said you'd make a great trainer." "...Ash? Hey, I know him..." "He already got his first Pokemon--I heard from Professor Oak." "Which one is it?" "Curious, are we? Hmmm... Ah!" Willow rushed into another room, fumbling through a big drawer... "Come on, I know it's in here somewhere..." she muttered. "Ah, well, this'll do." "What is that?" asked David, who had found her. "This is the Pokeball containing your first Pokemon. I advise you to open it. I saved a special one for you!" "OK..." David replied, sounding more bored than ever. Like a slave, he did as Willow asked him to and opened the Pokeball. Inside it was... it was a brown chipmunk, sort of. "What is that?" David wondered, sounding a little uplifted. "Here's your Pokedex, go and check," Willow ordered, handing him the device. "Just push that button there and point it at the Pokemon..." [quote][i]*beep* Chiplet. The chipmunk Pokemon. Chiplet is extremely playful and loves to play games with its trainer, usually. Because of this, it's bound to develop a strong bond with the trainer a tad bit more quickly than most other Pokemon.[/i][/quote] "Ummm..." David thought for a moment. "Chip-lett..." Chiplet thought and cocked its head to the side. "Mmmmm..." David thought for a long time. "...I'll take it!" David said at last, with a huge grin on his face. Chiplet leaped onto his shulder, chittering happily. "Wow, Chiplet, you're a good jumper!" David laughed. "Chiplet, I know we'll have many adventures together, just you and me. Are you up for it?" "Chipp!" Chiplet smied and nodded in agreement. And off they went on their Pokemon journey. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK, that sounds like Ash/May's story, but I had to introduce the main character... first things first... Now I have to introduce the OTHER main character, but it's going to get good, I promise. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was a dark and stormy night. There stood a tree, solitary in the park. It was pouring in heavy buckets of rain, dampening everything below. Under the tree lay a little girl, about 3 or so. The girl's name was Kelsey, and she was wandering the city looking for hope, looking for signs of her parents, who got lost in the storm. She waited for hours. Later, a man came, a thin, weird-looking man with glasses and a top hat. Seeing Kelsey, he picked her up and wondered how to get home. "I have an idea," he said to himself. "Go Kadabra!" "Kadabraaa." "Kadabra, let's go home." And the three of them dissapeared into thin air, away from the storm. "I am sorry to inform you," the man, who turned out to be Kelsey's dad, said, "that I saw your mother..." Kelsey slowly opened her eyes, which were flooded with tears. "Is... is she... did she pass away?" she said in a weak voice. "Ah, my little girl, just as psychic as my Kadabra..." Dad muttered with a hint of sympathy for Kelsey and sorrow for her mother, whom he was divorced to. Two years later. Kelsey had no friends, that is, if you don't count a few wild Pokemon here and there. There was a Pidgey, a Rattata, and even a very rare pink Drowzee. (She must have been the first girl to have a Drowzee as a friend!) "See you until then..." she said goodbye o the three Pokemon. As she was walking home, she saw another little girl, as a big smile spread on her face... "My first friend," Kelsey thought. In her time, there were pretty much no little kids to play with in the outskirts of Saffron City. Kelsey ran towards the girl, not even looking back at the Pokemon. She paused behind her. The girl was wearing a yellowish dress and, for some strange reason, was holding a spoon. "Ummm... hi there..." Kelsey muttered to the little girl, sounding worried. She dared not ask why she was holding a spoon; maybe she was pretending to be a Kadabra? "Hi!" the girl said. Kelsey's smile got wider. She started asking questions. "...You seem to like Pokemon..." she blurted excitedly. "Lemme guess... You're favorite Pokemon is... Kadabra? I can't blame you. Kadabra's one of my favorites too, then there's Ralts, and Drowzee, and..." "Psychic-type Pokemon," the girl cut her off. "Ummm... yes. Oh by the way, I'm Kelsey, You are..." There was a long pause. "...Sabrina. My name's Sabrina." "Wow, cool name! It sounds so... mysterious... I wish I had that name..." "My parents named me that for a reason..." Sabrina looked away from Kelsey and held up the spoon she was holding, staring at it. Kelsey watched in suspicion. A few seconds later, the round part of the spoon flopped over as if the handle was made of soft plastic. "...Are you sure you're not an Abra in disguise?" Kelsey asked nervously, also half-astonished. Her cheeks turned red. "Enough talk! Let's play!" Sabrina suggested in a playful tone. Kelsey ended the little trance she was in and giggled, saying, "Sure!" "OK," Sabrina said. "Now first..." She glowed with a familiar blue aura... the same one Kadabra had when it teleported. Kelsey's laugh vanished like an ice cube in hot water. The next thing she knew, she felt a strange force trying to creep into her mind... She uttered a muffled scream... all she heard was what could have been Sabrina saying, "Back to my training..." Kelsey woke up in front of her house, unharmed. Her friendship must have broken, especially wih a girl that could use telekinesis... Five years later. Kelsey, like David, liked Pokemon a lot. Except that she liked all kinds of Pokemon. She once received a Pokeball in the mail, again from Professor Willow. She opened it, and out came... It was a Ralts! Kelsey cheered, and her dad applauded. "Perfect!" he said. I just knew it would at least be a Psychic-type..." "Raaaall!" Ralts cheered, and circled happily around Kelsey's head. Her immediate love had caused Ralts to like Kelsey and be happy too. So therefore she started her Pokemon journey! Three months passed, and Kelsey was only able to cath three Pokemon: Laplume, Cleffypuff, and Renawhite. All new Pokemon! [quote][i]*beep* Laplume. The sprout Pokemon. This Pokemon loves to bask in the sun. The more it sunbathes, the shinier its leaves get, and the more relaxed it becomes. It may cry loudly when it's a cloudy day. *beep* Cleffypuff. The baby Pokemon. Cleffypuff has been known to evolve into one of three Pokemon. This soft and cuddly Pokemon loves to bounce around. *beep* Renawhite. The baby fox Pokemon. This Pokemon is said to be the baby form of a Vulpix. Before that was discovered, scientists thought it was just a single-tailed albino version of a Vulpix.[/i][/quote] All went fairly well at first. Ralts, being Kelsey's best Pokemon, fought many battles and even evolved into Kirlia, then Gardevoir. In fact, Kelsey got so caught up with Gardevoir that she almost forgot about her other Pokemon! She didn't win any badges, but at least she had a god time with Gardevoir. Then, one day, a storm came, and the sky was strangely purple with bluish clouds. Kelsey, having rotten luck, was stuck in it, along with her Gardevoir. The rest happened so quickly... Both of them saw a strange figure in the woods; it looked sort of like a dragon, a pretty one at that... Maybe it was a legendary Pokemon... Kelsey and Gardevoir heard a voice... "I am Qingrila..." And with that, a flash of light blinded them both, and the storm ended. When Kelsey woke up, she saw Gardevoir lying on the floor, seeming unconscious. She rushed her to a nearby Pokemon Center, hoping for the best. She waited, and waited, waiting for a response. "Kelsey," Nurse Joy told Kelsey with a hint of sorrow, "there's something I have to tell you." Outside, the storm raged, almost the same intensity as before. Kelsey began to get worried; she knew something bad was going to happen. "Kelsey," Joy continued, "Your Gardevoir... well..." "Uh-oh," Kelsey thought, her worry growing. "it's... it's... ...it... well..." Joy couldn't find the right words to say. "Tell me!" Kelsey demanded. "...Gardevoir has passed away. There was no way I could cure it. I'm sorry, really... the same thing happened to one of my Chanseys a long time ago..." Kelsey stood there, frozen. She later fainted. Four years later. Through those four years, Kelsey's dad was unable to financially support her, so she lived alone, with her remaining Pokemon... By that time Cleffypuff had evolved into a Cleffa. She spent as much time with them as possible, forming a special bond with them. Later, when her fourteenth birthday arrived, she made a wish--to become a better Pokemon trainer, and to care about her other Pokemon. That seemed to work for a few days. Later, before she left on her next Pokemon journey, she received an egg, a yellow and brown one with a wavy line in the middle. So she started her Pokemon journey, with Cleffa, Laplume, and Renawhite. She soon met David. What adventures are in store for them? Find out next! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, I obviously got carried away... I'll post some more of the story (which also includes the villains) next... I don't know why I readded Sabrina to the story. I guess I decided she was too good a character to give up... I posted a poll, just for fun... Later, Pokemon fans! Yes, the picture below is of Chiplet, David's first Pokemon...
I DEFINITELY agree with the fact about needing better villains for the show. Maybe there could be a team dedicated to the destruction of [i]all[/i] Pokemon, not to steal them. Those would be trainers that don't care about Pokemon whatsoever. That would be cool... MWAHAHA! Yes, Season 6 shows improvement, and I especially enjoy the sad episodes and the ones with my favorite Pokemon in them. (Ninetales, Alakazam, Espeon, Gardevoir, Hypno, Misdreavus, Dragonair...) In season 6 the episode "A Poached Ego" (which was on today) made me cry... Jessie and James releasing Arbok and Weezing, whom they had and loved for so long... :bawl: Oh well, I heard they'll get [spoiler]Cacnea[/spoiler] and [spoiler]Seviper[/spoiler] as their newest Pokemon, and Wobbuffet and Meowth are a hoot! And James still has Victreebel... I think... I hope... They should make the games 3d or something. My idea of a perfect game would be for Game Cube or something, and where the gameplay is 3d rather than those boring graphics in the previous games. And the battles could be like the ones in Pokemon Stadium, and... Well I have a lot of ideas. (hint hint) However, I've heard good reviews of Pokemon Pinball, especially the R/S version. "Whether you would first hug Pikachu or wring his little neck, Pokemon Pinball is truly a fun game." (Sort of a quote from the Electronic Gaming Monthly magazine) Basically, for the games, Pokemon and Pokemon Stadium would look really good when combined.
Bakura's last name is Ryou. You're almost right. Now here's my second character: [u]Name:[/u] Mai Valentine [u]Age:[/u] about 18 [u]Millennium Item:[/u] none [u]Appearence:[/u] Long curly blond hair, purple eyes that look like Yugi's, wearing a white laced shirt, a purple skirt and high-heeled bots (i think) [u]Bio:[/u] Mai is a loner, basically. Her goal was to become a great duelist--without the help of any friends. (Though she did have a secret liking for Joey.) She was also trapped in the Shadow Realm by Marik once, but someone got her back from it... Gotta go post!
OOC: Wow, I see a joining opportunity... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=orange]"I play Roulette Spider!" Joey shouted. He was in the middle of a duel with Espa Roba, who was about to lose. "Nooo!" Roba cried. "Don't destroy my Jinzo!" But the spider did destroy Jinzo, ending the duel. After the duel, Joey walked back to his freinds. "Well how'd ya like that?" he asked triumphantly. "I kicked Espa's psycho butt!" "Good job, Joey," Yugi congratulated him. Erika did the same thing. "Yeah, I guess that little cat girl was wrong," Joey boasted. "And Psycho there was a fraud! Haha!" Darren stood there, confused. "What little cat girl? I think I've seen her before..." "Just some dope named Naito," Joey replied. "She seems to be just as psycho as that Roba fraud." Suddenly, someone came running towards them... "Hi Joey. Well, I guess my prediction was wrong; psychic powers don't always work, you know... Hey congratulations for winning the duel!" Joey turned around to find out who was speaking to him. It was Naito! "Hey, how'd you know I won the duel?" "Not only did I know you won the duel, I saw the whole thing, and I think you know how. But that's my little secret." Naito giggled, leaving Joey confused. "So you're Naito, huh?" Erika asked. "I see you've already made friends with Yugi and Joey here... "Friends?!" Joey blurted. "She's more psycho than Roba!" "You mean psych[i]ic[/i]," Naito corrected him. "See what I mean?" Joey muttered. Just then, a strange voice called from afar; people were screaming everywhere... "Gardie dee..." it said. "C-C-Cado?!?" Naito stuttered, surprised. "Dee!" Cado came rushing towards Naito and gave her a hug.[/color] OOC: Remember Cado from a couple of my posts back? IC:[color=orange] "Cado! I never expected to see you again!" "I've been looking for you too..." "Cado? Was that you? Heh. You prefer telepathy now, huh?" "I guess you can say that," Cado thought to Naito. "Come with me," she commanded. "Hay wait up!" Darren shouted. "Why are you following me?" Naito wondered. "I... happen to be going this way too. I have things to do..." "Uh-huh," Naito said sarcastically.[/color] Hope that was OK, Maximillion...
[color=blue]Celestia watched and listened to the conversation Shindi and Arunue were having about swords. She sighed, not even having a sword. "I guess Arunue's right," she thought. "We must start training, though I've done enough of that before I got here..." She then looked at Yusuki. "You better start training too," she said to him. He growled softly, indicating that he was still a little tired. A few seconds later, he got up and ran into a clearing a few yards away from the camp. Celestia shrugged and walked toward the other side of the campsite. Not knowing what else to do, she pointed her wand at a tree, and it glowed, along with the tree. Later, the tree shook, and most of the leaves fell off it. "Not good enough," Celestia thought. "Anyone could remove leaves from trees; they're so light..." Meanwhile, Shindi and Arunue were having a little sword fight, just for fun. "Ha!" Arunue shouted with a cocky tone. "You can't beat me with that little dagger of yours!" They both laughed, seeming to be having fun. Meanwhile, Celestia decided to check on Yusuke. She looked in the nearby clearing, and... Yusuke was gone! But where? Celestia just shrugged, hoping that he would come back soon. Still, something inside her told her that wasn't going to happen... In fact, she sensed a dark force... "Arunue! Shindi!" Celestia shouted so abruptly that they almost dropped their swords. "Yusuki's missing!" "Yeah, and I'm sure he'll come back," Shindi assured her. "Don't be such a worrywart." "Hmmm..." Celestia began to worry. If you want something done, do it yourself. She headed out into the clearing where Yusuki once was, trying to find him. "Alright, holy spirits..." she whispered to herself, "guide me... Show me the way, the way to the carrier of the Blue Stone..." Celestia closed her eyes and walked on. "Haha! I won again! You gotta work on your strategy," Arunue teased, proud of her talent. "Hey, Celestia! Did you see..." But Celestia was not there. "Oh great, not her too," Shindi whined. "I told her not to worry about Yusuke's absence..." She then turned to Arunue. "Arunue, I think we should follow them." They both ran into the forest, hoping to find the human and the demon. "Yusuke! I hope you're OK..." Arunue was starting to get worried too. Suddenly, she spotted a dark figure with a hooded cape... "Celestia! There you are!" Arunue shouted in relief. "You know, it's wise to stick with the group so that... Ummm... why are you walking with your eyes closed?" But Celestia was in sch a deep trance that she could not hear her. "I think we should follow her," Shindi whispered to Arunue. Arunue nodded, and they followed. A few minutes later, Celestia started to walk faster, starting to run. She opened her eyes--a sign that Yusuke was somewhere nearby. "Wait up," Shindi panted, more skilled at flying than running. Arunue thought the same thing. A few seconds later, Celestia stopped dead, and Arunue and Shindi accidentally bumped into her, almost knocking her over. Celestia was standing at the edge of a hole, possibly an opening to a cave. "Well, you two," she muttered, "we must go down there. I sense that Yusuke is somewhere inside it." And with that, she jumped into the hole. It was about a sixty-foot drop, but she landed gracefully, floating in the air about a foot off the ground before she landed. Arunue and Shindi soon followed. It was pitch black inside the cave; the only light was from the above entrance. Luckily, neither of the three needed a light to guide them through the cave. Shindi, being a vampire, could see in the dark, Celestia used her intuition to tell where to go, and Arunue held on to the two of them, careful with every step she took. As they went further and further into the cave, they began to hear a faint cry. All three of them stopped short. "He's close, [i]really[/i] close," Celestia declared, sounding determined. "I feel his presence as we speak."[/color]
[color=orange]"Wow, that was delicious. Thank you," Kari said after the group left the deli. "Well," she continued with a sigh, "I guess Gatomon and I will have to go now..." "Already?!?" Naito exclaimed. "Yes, already. Don't worry, Naito. We'll see each other again sometime, right?" "Right!" Gatomon replied. Kari then reached into her pocket and took out a weird-looking egg with feet. She also took out what looked like a hand-held computer. She held it up and ointed it at Gatomon and threw the egg high in the air. Gatomon glowed. "GATOMON ARMOR DIGIVOLVE TO..." Gatomon began to morph into a larger cat and grew wings, looking like a sphinx. "...NEFERTIMON!!" The Digivolution was complete. "Wow! She evolved!" Naito complimented in amazement. "Yeah, she likes that," Kari replied. She then got on Nefertimon's back, and Nefertimon flew off with Kari, who waved goodbye. Naito waved back with tears in her eyes. "Oh, Robert..." "Hey Naito," Robert said almost abruptly, "I think Espy and I will have to leave too." "What?!?" "Espy and I have a long journey ahead of us. We want to become the world's greatest Pokemon Masters!!!" "Pokemon Masters?" Naito sounded confused, then brushed it off. She smiled and said, "Good luck!" They said their goodbyes, and off Robert went. "Well, Psybuzz, what do we do now?" Naito asked Psybuzz cheerfully. But, before she took three more steps, she fell right into what seemed to be a bottomless trap hole. Psybuzz turned around to try and save her. Her eyes glowed, and she tried to do a psychic attack, hoping to get Naito out of the hole. But Naito was falling too fast, maybe faster than the speed of light. Oh well... THUD. Naito was in a daze when she woke up. That was a hard fall! When she got up and looked around, she was in the middle of a big city, right next to a big building. A helicopter was flying overhead. The place was crowded; there must have been 50 people on the block. Quite a few of them were holding cards, but not any ordinary cards. The backs of then were red with a black vortex on them, and on the front were various pictures with descriptions underneath them, and some of them had numbers underneath that. Naito snuck a peek at one of them; it was yellow with a picture of a man with purple armor and a pointed hat, holding a long greenish silver wand. She read its description: "The ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense." What did that mean? Underneath the description, Naito saw two numbers: 2500 and 2100, labled "ATK" and "DEF". At the top was what she guessed was the card's name: "Dark Magician". "Hey! You! It's rude to look over someone's shoulder you know!" the guy holding the card shouted. Naito jumped in surprise and turned around. The guy had reddish brown spiked hair with yellow tips. He wore a black shirt and blue jeans, and he had a chain around his neck with a charm that looked like a giant pyramid with an eye on it. "Hello," the guy said. "My name is Yugi. Who are you?" "N-Naito," Naito said, quivering in fear. "I-I'm sorry for what happened..." "Don't worry about it. It seems that everybody wants to get their hands on my Dark Magician... Hey, are you, by any chance, a duelist?" "A what?" Suddenly, a boy with medium-length blond hair ran towards Yugi and Naito, shouting, "Hey! Yugi! I've been looking all over for ya!" "Hey there, Joey," Yugi replied. "Joey?" Naito wondered. "Oh hi there. I'm Naito by the way." "Hey! Did the cat lady ask you for a duel?" Joey asked. "You mean like with swords? I don't have one..." Naito sounded confused. "No, with cards," Yugi explained. "I guess you're not a duelist..." "No, I'm not... I don't even really know what a duelist is... And I've never seen a Dark Magician before..." "Oh he's my favorite card. We share a bond together, if you know what I mean." "Of course I do! I actually have a little pet dragonfly named Psybuzz! And lots of other animal friends too!" "Psybuzz?" "Ummm... she's a Pokemon, but I suppose you don't even know what Pokemon are..." "No, I'm afraid I don't." "Hey! What's with the chit-chat?" Joey interrupted. "Let's go find someone to duel!" "OK!" Naito replied excitedly. "I can't wait so see what a duel looks like!" Yugi, Joey, and Naito walked around for a bit and came across a large crowd gathered around an open space with two people and two monsters: a dinosaur and a robotlike monster. "And now, Jinzo, attack and take out the rest of his life points!" one of the two people in the open space declared. "Noooo!" the second person cried. "Not my Twin-Headed King Rex!" "Oh yes, your Twin-Headed King Rex. Just as I predicted." "Nooooo..." "Well, you lost. So hand over your locator card and your rarest monster." "Oh... OK." "What's going on?" Naito asked. "Someone just lost a duel to that guy," Yugi answered. "OK!" the winner of the duel shouted. "Who's next? You! Blondie! Want a go?" "OK!" Joey replied excitedly. "Watch out," a nearby man warned. "That guy has ESP!" "ESP?!?" Naito shouted excitedly. "No way!" She rushed over to the guy he was talking about. He had blue hair and wore a pink shirt with a jagged red stripe. "Hi, who are you?" she asked excitedly. "Hmph." the boy said. "I'm Espa Roba, and I see all." "Cooooool!" Naito shouted jubilantly. "Watch out, Joey, you don't stand a chance against psychic power! I know, 'cause I have it myself!" "...You do?" Espa wondered. "Yyyyes! I do!" Naito declared proudly. Joey got a sweatdrop. "Oh great," he muttered to himself. "She's more out of control than I am..." "Yay!" Naito danced around with joy. "Well, Jo-ey, you're not gonna beat a psychic! I gotta work on my psychic powers! Catch ya later!" And off she ran. "What a weird little girl," Joey muttered. "Well, Roba," he declared, "let's duel!!" Meanwhile, Naito ran off to the park, where she stared at a rock. She concentrated, and the rock was levitated. "Yaaaay!" Naito shouted excitedly. "That's telekinesis! All right!" Naito sighed, wondering how much sugar she had today.[/color]
[color=blue]We last saw Celestia in a graveyard, and she vanished into thin air. Now... Celestia heard something... maybe a voice in her head. She opened her eyes and looked up; there were dark clouds in the sky. "Oh great," she thought to herself. "I hope a storm's not coming..." Then she stopped short; her heart almost skipped a beat. She heard more voices... people talking? Celestia thought for a moment; were those voices friendly or not? She listened some more... "Did you see what happened?" "How come Arunue passed out and we didn't?" "Oh, Arunue, are you OK?" "I smell a human..." "Celestia's STILL not here..." At the sound of her name, Celestia jumped in surprise. Was someone looking for her? By then, she was sure it was a trap. She decided to approach with caution. She took one step toward the voices, then another, trembling with worry every second. She took out her wand and held it out, just incase. The end of it glowed, and Celestia chanted something under her breath. She began to come into a clearing in the forest... "I knew it!" "There she is!" "Finally!" Celestia gasped and took a few steps back, her wand glowing more intensely. "...Who are you?" Celestia stuttered, half scared to death. There were two demonlike creatures and a vampire in the clearing. All of them introduced themselves and told her about the old man and the stones. While they talked, Celestia looked at her own stone, a green one, on a necklace she wore. She stared at it for a long time, wondering what it could all mean... "Hey, what happened to Arunue?" Celestia wondered. "Dark clouds..." Yusuki muttered lazily. The whole group except Celestia was getting tired. "Yawwwnnn... How come you're not tired?" Shindi wondered. "Hmmm... I don't know..." Celestia replied in her usual distant tone. She didn't hear Shindi ask, "What's wrong?" or hear Yusuki snore a little. He was fast asleep. "OK, I guess we'll start our journey tomorrow, if only I could get to sleep... I got too many things on my mind..." Shindi muttered to herself, sounding quite worried. A few seconds later, Celestia pointed her wand at her, which glowed and shot a soft blue beam of fog at Shindi. She immediately grew a little more relaxed and slowly fell asleep. But Celestia stayed up and tried to revive Arunue, who still seemed to be unconscious. Well, at least she was breathing... An hour later, the moon emerged from behind the clouds and glowed brightly in the sky. The soothing light caused Celestia to fall asleep as well, almost completely ignoring Arunue.[/color]
This includes every part of Pokemon-- the anime, the games, the trading card game... But mostly the anime and the games. Basically, how do you think Pokemon can improve in those areas, since it's losing popularity? Here's what I think: -[b]Game variety.[/b] This is the biggest one. OK, they started out with Pokemon Red/Blue, then Yellow, then Gold/Silver, then Crystal, and now Ruby/Sapphire. The gameplay for them is almost the same! I red an article on Ruby/Sapphire and they said that all the Pokemon games had virtually the same gameplay and stuff. They said that all that happened was that they added more features and new Pokemon. BORING. I say we need a new improvement on Pokemon. Maybe they should make one for Game Cube or something where the play is 3D and not flat. And the battles could be like those of Pokemon Stadium. And there should be a feature like the special Pikachu in Yellow, except for all Pokemon. You know, where they can follow you around and stuff. That would be cool! -[b]Better shows.[/b] OK here's what this issue is. The first season of Pokemon, in my opinion, was the best one of all. The new characters were introduced, Pikachu was cuter, and funnier things happened, like Ash being absent-minded at times. And the gym leaders were much better designed than they were later on. The gym leaders from Johto and Hoenn, well, didn't have that much spark to me. But I liked Blaine and Sabrina and Erika and Lt. Surge in Season 1. They're the coolest! In Season 2, I liked the idea of defferent ways to earn badges! Season 2 was good! But at Season 3, that's when it started dying. The shows began t get a tad bit broing, even though there were some particularly interesting ones (such as the Quagsire/Blue Moon Falls episode). And it got worse during Seasons 4 and 5, even though some episodes were good (like the one with Ninetales and its illusions and the one with Sakura and Espeon and the Tin Tower/Ho-oh/Eusine episode) Also I think they need new villains. Team Rocket is getting kinda old, don't you think? And I'm sure everyone has the motto memorized by now... Actually, I like the villains in the episode when Larvitar returned to its mother. You know, the group of Pokemon Poachers where two members kept reminding the boss that he was a genius, and how he made everything rhyme. That was hilarious! Well, I guess the anime is beginning to improve in Season 6 (Pokemon Advanced), with the addition of May and Max, and Teams Magma/Aqua. And, fgun new Pokemon! -[b]Pikachu.[/b] Even though I think that Pikachu is one of the cutest Pokemon around (don't you agree?), I think he's getting to be a little old and "too cute" (sorta like a Pokemon version of Shirley Temple). Well, I think the anime needs either for Pikachu to return to its Pokeball or for a new Pikachu trainer (in other words, get rid of Ash). Of course, that's only my opinion. -[b]New main character(s).[/b] This goes for both the anime and the games. I think in the anime they ned a new main character, since Ash is getting kinda old. (and so is Brock, sort of) I think that when they make a new season, they need to start out fresh. (check out my fic which I will post soon!) Also, the same goes for the games. It's cool that in Crystal, you got your choice of gender. But the main characters, in my opinion, have the same "theme". They look kinda similar, if you ask me. I think we need some variety in character choice in the games. (Who knows? Maybe you can be Misty or Morty or even Sabrina!) Well, that's all I have to say. What do you think Pokemon needs to change?
Oh cool! Let's see... should I be Tea or Mai? Hmmm... maybe... maybe I'll paly two or three characters, if that's OK with you. I'll start with one... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [u]Name:[/u] Ishizu Ishtar [u]Age:[/u] A little older than Marik [u]Millennium Item:[/u] necklace (let's say she got it back from Yugi somehow) *You probably should know what she looks like by now. [u]Bio:[/u] She's Marik's brother, as you know, and she forsees the day when the pharaoh returns... Well, as you know, she can see into the past AND the future... that especially helps in a duel! She's also the one that gave Kaiba one of the Egyptian God Cards, Obelisk the Tormenter. [u]Best Duel Monster:[/u] (I just put this in for fun; Marik's is probably Ra) ummm... let's say Soul of Purity and Light and/or another fairy monster like Injection Fairy Lily ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I might also be Mai and/or Pegasus if no one claims them.
Wow! Sounds fun! Now, the only problem is choosing which character of mine to use... (darn, I wish I could choose 2 characters, one good and one evil...) Well... Oh what the heck. I'll be a space alien!! (I think space travel via magic could have been possible back then...) Hope my bio's not too long... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo][u]Name:[/u] Sundira Lemente (a.k.a. Sunny) [u]Age:[/u] 24, but she looks/acts like she's 14 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Side:[/u] Good, although her family is evil ([i]not[/i] a descendent) [u]Appearance:[/u] She looks like she does in the pic, except with smaller, more triangular eyes, bigger feet, and more innocent-looking and cute and less dorky [u]Bio:[/u] Sunny comes from a faraway planet called K-12. She was raised by her family, who kept telling her that evil will eventually triumph over the good side, and that pain and suffering is the ultimate goal of the family. Sunny's family was very religious and bossy towards her. Sunny pretended to stick with their traditions, but she secretly acted on the good side. The rest of her family had a big rival; another family with the last name of Merelda. That family was much smaller than Sunny's; it only consisted of a woman and her daughter. The daughter's name was Satsuma, who, surprisingly, became Sunny's best friend. The fact that they were friends was kept secret to her family. Later, Sunny's family adopted a little girl named Fortuna on one condition: that Sunny would have to take care of her. Sunny accepted. Throughout her life, Sunny took Fortuna to school everyday and picked her up, and while Fortuna was in school, Sunny's mom would homeschool her children and other relatives. However, her teachings were more like that of a magic school, more precisely, black magic. Sunny would always get carried away when practicing spells and blow up the house, after which her kother would get mad. Sunny got in trouble a lot... A while ago, Sunny got tired of her family and set off with Satsuma to find the planet Earth, which was in the other universe. Fortuna tagged along. However, in the middle of their journey, they lost Satsuma on the planet of Orenya. However, Sunny and Fortuna made it to Earth and lived there for a while. Then, later on, a weird message called to them from afar... It was a message from the land of Zanga... [u]Weapons:[/u] Just a staff. [u]Powers/Attacks:[/u] (Yeah, they may seem Digimonlike; Sunny used to be a Digimon I created...) [b]Hypnotic Brainstorm[/b] - Or at least that's what she calls that attack. It's actually sort of like a wave of psychic energy that does a lot of damage and may overwhelm or confuse the opponent. [b]Nova Eruption[/b] - An invisible beam is hurled at the ground, and a giant beam erupts from it, basically. (This is the attack Sunny used to blow up her house.) *Requires a [i]lot[/i] of energy to use. [b]Dark Magic Beam[/b] - A basic attack that may stun or even paralyze the opponent. [b]Soul Thief[/b] - It is because of this power that Sunny is sometimes considered evil. Sunny can take energy from a weak-minded opponent and transfer it to her, but it only works if the opponent is really exhausted and too weak to fight back. [b]Fly[/b] - Well, Sunny may not have wings, but she can use her staff like a broomstick to ride on and fly. (Kind of sounds like something from Harry Potter, right?) She can still use her powers while flying. *Note: All of her attacks (except Soul Thief) cannot be used without her staff. Therefore, Sunny is powerless without it![/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunny's attacks are not all-powerful; like I said; practically all of them have drawbacks! I hope Sunny's in... And here's her pic, more or less.
OOC: Hey, how'd you know I was coming? You must be psychic! (Just like my character...) IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=blue]It was a dark and cloudy night on the planet of Natali, on the island of Na'ishte. The island was big, as big as an island called Australia on a planet called Earth. A 10-year old girl named Mereduin was inside her house, looking at a map of Earth, staring at the continent of Australia... Soon, her mom came. "Why Mereduin," she said in a mellow tone, "you're looking at a map of the faraway planet Earth. That planet very far away, in the other universe. It's said to be Natali's twin. "Strange," Mereduin added in a bored tone, "I thought a planet called Venus was Earth's true twin." "Oh my smart girl," Mom said with joy, "she knows everything there is to know about the Natural Universe..." "Mom..." Mereduin cut her off, "quit embarrassing me..." Mom ignored her. "One day, she'll be the greatest astronomer in the world..." Mereduin got a look of suspicion and fury on her face. "That's it..." she whispered to herself... then all at once, her anger peaked... "ENDIOS!" Mereduin shouted. Out of her hand came a blue fireball which scorched her mom's head. "Hey, MEREDUIN," Mom talked back, "No magic in this house. You know that, right?" "Celestia doesn't." "Celestia? Hmmm..." "She uses her psychic powers all the time here, and she never gets in trouble..." "But she's gone..." Mom cried suddenly. "She's gone! Oh, my poor baby..." Mom sobbed. Mereduin, being in a bad mood, ignored her and went outside. "Mereduin! Not you too!" Mom cried even harder. "Relax, Mom. I'm just going to take a walk." "That's the same thing Celestia said when she disappeared..." Mom cried as her daughter left the house. As Mereduin walked across the field, she, like her sister, was completely unaware of what was around her, as if she was in the same trance as she was when she disappeared. A while later, she bumped right into a tree. "Owww... not my day," Mereduin muttered, and walked on. But she had only gotten a few feet when the ground collapsed beneath her and she fell into the center of the planet... The image suddenly vanished, and Celestia opened her eyes and ahook her head lightly. "Bad dream," she muttered under her breath. When she looked around her, she was in a cemetary, a huge one. Thousands of tombstones surrounded her in every direction, and the sky above was as red as the devil... Arunue, Yusuki, and Shindi waited... And waited. [i]And waited.[/i] And waited more... "I don't get it," Shindi whined, "I thought for sure that human was going to be here..." "Maybe she got lost," Yusuki suggested. "Well, whatever," Arunue grew imaptient. There was no use waiting around. They had to go. It was getting close to midnight already. "The holder of the green stone is named Celestia," Shindi read on the slip of paper, apparently memorizing what Celestia looked like. She completely ignored what Arunue said. "It says here that she's often in a trance and doesn't like being around people. No wonder we haven't found her yet... I bet she's completely ignoring what the old man said... Hmmm..." "Oh don't worry about that," Yusuki said. "We'll find her soon... hopefully." "Oh let's just leave already," Arunue almost shouted. "It's obvious that Celestia just doesn't care about this mission, so let's just leave without her. If she's as psychic as she claims she is, she'd know where we are if she decides to join us late..." The rest of the group stared at Arunue for a long time. Arunue's impartience peaked. "Fine. Then I'm leaving by myself. Maybe I don't need you two. The girl with the green stone just won't come, so it's pointless to wait forever. Goodbye." And she left. Yusuki and Shindi stared for a long time. "Hey wait up," they said in unison and followed. The three of them left on their journey without Celestia. Celestia stood in the center of the graveyard for a long time, and she grew worried. She began to pray... "Orabime la maia, kiara sai sari ti lusia tei sa toubi kani..." She chanted those words three times, and all of a sudden, a light surrounded her, engulfing her, answering her prayer. Then, when the light vanished, the graveyard was left empty, with not a soul around, not even Celestia. Where had she gone? Was her prayer [i]really[/i] answered? If so, how?[/color]
[color=orange]"Hmmm... this restaurant is closed," Robert mentioned in despair. His stomach rumbled. "Hee hee... Guess you're hungry!" Naito laughed. Then, she felt her own stomach runmble. Later, the same thing happened to Espy and Psybuzz. "OK... scratch that. I guess we're [i]all[/i] hungry," Naito and Robert said in unison. "Hey, what's the day today?" Roberty wondered." "May 22." "No, I mean the [i]day[/i]. Of the week." "Oh. Its a... Sunday." "No wonder..." Robert groaned. "Espeeee..." "Don't worry, you two," Naito added reassuringly, "we're sure to find something, won't we?" She looked at Psybuzz. "Psy-y!" Psybuzz nodded in agreement. Naito, Robert, and their two Pokemon continued to wander around town. "Hey Naito," Robert wondered, "did you notice that..." "What?" "Did you notice that we're the only two people here with Pokemon friends? Or even..." Then Robert stopped short. He saw a girl walking by with a white cat walking on two legs. "Hey! I guess I spoke to soon! That girl has a Meowth!" "Ummm..." Naito replied in confusion. "What's a Meowth?" "A Pokemon." "Oh, you mean like Psybuzz and Espy?" "Hey, how'd you know Espy was a Pokemon?" "Intuition." "Oh whatever. Hey you!" Robert shouted to the girl with the cat. "Like your Meowth there! Really pretty!" "Why thank you!" The cat turned around and giggled. "Wow, you can talk?" Robert replied in astonishment. The only Meowth he'd ever heard talk was evil... "Hee hee! She's no Meowth. Her name's Gatomon," the girl said. "By the way, I'm Kari. Who are you?" "Robert." "Kari?!? No way!" Naito exclaimed. "You mean... you're really Kari? Oh, I know you! You and Gatomon saved the world together, didn't you?" "Yep, that's right. Right, Gatomon?" "Yep!" Robert's stomach growled again. "Oh, you must be hungry," Kari noticed. "I just saw a neat restaurant down that a way." "Thanks, Kari!" Robert and Naito replied together. They started heading down the street. "Hey wait!" Kari shouted. "Can I come with you? We haven't eaten either!" She and Gatomon rushed top catch up. Naito and Robert were standing at the door to a nearby diner. "Hey there slowpoke, " Naito teased. "We were just about to ask you to come along, right?" She looked at Robert with a sweet look Robert had an uneasy feeling about. "What's the matter, are you in love, Naito?" "No. Hey, how'd you know my name?" "I saw you hanging around with a strange-looking woman once." "What strange woman?!" Naito inquired with a tone of fury in her voice. "Umm... you know... she had white skin and green hair in a weird hairdo like this..." Kari arranged her arms so that her elbows were behind her head, her wrists rested on her head, and her hands pointed downward, forming a C. "And," she continued, "she had a long white dress with these really long green sleeves, and what looked like a red... thingy... stuck in her chest, and..." "Wait a sec," Naito interrupted, "I think you mean Cado. Yeah, she does look kinda weird. I can't tell if she's human or not. "She can't be. I've seen women who had really small waists, but never one you can fit one hand around!" Robert listened to the girls' conversation, and a big fat sweatdrop ran down the back of his head. "I hate to interrupt you, girls," Robert slurred, "but that sorta sounds like a Pokemon I saw before... no offense, it could've been my imagination..." "Oh robert, you and your Pokemon..." Naito mocked. "You must know every Pokemon there is in the universe... How many are there, 500?" Naito had a lot of sarcasm and babyish tones in her voice. "Ummm..." Robert stuttered, more sweatdrops running down his neck, "a-actually, th-there are... m-more than 500," Robert sighed, then spoke more clearly, sounding like a know-it-all, "Yes, there are. That one you two were describing happens to be a Pokemon named Gardevoir. There, are you happy now?" "So that's what it was..." Naito whispered to herself. "I knew there had to be some reason Cado spoke like, 'Gardie... dee...' Hmmm..." "Excuse me," a waiter interrupted. "How many? Three? OK, right this way please." Now all of them had sweatdrops running down their heads. "Oh, and I see we got some cute little critters here too," the waiter continued. "Let's see, a dragonfly, two cats... Oh, absolutely adorable!" Now the two girls' and the boy's sweatdrops got bigger, and the Poke/Digimon got them too. Help! Sweatdrop season is coming!![/color] :sweat::sweat::sweat::sweat::sweat:
"Tis not the rating that maters; tis the story that truly makes the difference." -Alpha Oh well, I'm 15 and a half, close enough. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=sky blue][u]Name:[/u] Laura Sentren (a.k.a. Aurora) [u]Species:[/u] Mystic [u]Power:[/u] Mostly celestial powers, especially regarding moonlight, starlight, and various weatherlike illusions. (She never goes anywhere without her ether staff!) She can also read minds and see things far away (kinda like X-ray vision) [u]Personality:[/u] Aurora is fairly social and likes to be around people. She sometimes sees herself as sort of a superhero--always saving people that are in trouble. She's glad to do it too. However, she's fairly stubborn and sometimes tends to get frustrated easily... [u]Other Info:[/u] A few months ago, Aurora just called herself Laura, and she was basically a happy, go-lucky party/rave girl. That is, until the apocalypse came one day... That's where she got her powers and called herself Aurora for the rest of her life. That event has changed her slightly; she seems more mystical now then she used to be, and not to mention, she looks more beautiful and sexually appealing... [u]Weakness:[/u] She's powerless without her staff.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, I'm sorry if the signup was kinda long; I usually tend to get carried away with signups and posts... (And, yes, I have used Aurora before in an RPG, about the apocalypse...)
Yaaaaay! A good-sounding Digimon RPG! I'll join, for sure!! *Can I be a hybrid [i]and[/i] have a Digimon partner? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=royal blue][u]Name:[/u] Zuri Takina [u]Age:[/u] 15 [u]Digivolution:[/u] Normal and Spirit (is that OK?) [u]Digimon:[/u] (+ attacks and Digivolutions) [b]Fresh:[/b] Tauntemon - Bubble Blow [b]In-Training:[/b] Spiromon - Shadow Attack [b]Rookie:[/b] Oramon - Crystal Beam [b]Champion:[/b] Cometramon - Shadow Comet, Night Ray [b]Ultimate:[/b] Sirenmon - Dark Melody, Psycho Illusions [b]Mega:[/b] Mudoramon - Oracle of Light, Shadow Runes, Ancient Scroll [b]Hybrid:[/b] Libramon - Book of Spellcraft, Thousand Dark Spells, Oracle of Darkness [b]Biomerged Form (Magna):[/b] Necromon - Materialization, Draining Hex, Engulfing Silence, Spirits' Command[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For more details, refer to the "Fic Digimon Discussion" thread in the Digimon section. It should be the second-to-last post, right before Gatomon*s Power's long fic post. I hope Zuri's included... I'll describe Tauntemon's Digivolutions further in the RPG. Yes, the whole line are practically Ghost Digimon...
[color=orange]"Psyyyyy! Saiiiiiii! Saaaaaaiiiii!" Psybuzz squealed loudly at a weird-looking nearby orange cat person. Within second, the cat yawned and opened her eyes. It's Naito! "Nothing like some nice music to wake a kitty up..." Naito yawned. Psybuzz was squealing at her excitedly, meaning that there was a big day ahead of them. Then she pointed in a seemingly random direction and nodded. "What is it, Psy?" Naito wondered lazily. "Do you see something?" She slowly looked in the direction Psybuzz was pointing. "Oh, get out of here. It's just a tree." Psybuzz just shook her head and continued tp point and shout. "Come on, you can't... wait." Naito stopped dead silent. She saw something blue beyond the tree. She got up frantically and rushed out of the park with Psybuzz zooming along right behind her. Psybuzz raced toward a little boy with a weird-looking purple cat next to him. "Hey! You there! With the purple cat! Hello there!" "Hi, my name's Robert! Who are you, miss cat?" "Ummm... I'm Naito, not Miss Cat." "Psyyyyyy." Psybuzz giggled. "Fiiiiii!" said the purple cat. It had big navy blue eyes, a tail shaped like a Y, and a red dot on its forehead. "Cool, huh?" Robert giggled. "Meet Espy. I guess he really likes you!" "Espy, huh? Cool name!" Naito replied. "The gem on its head is so pretty," Naito continued, and then her voice transformed into curiosity, "but... why is it staring at me like that?" She petted Espy. "Ohh, his fur is so soft!" Espy's fur stuck up as Naito petted his back, as if she sent chills up his spine. "Oh, Espy tends to look inside the head of every person--or cat--he meets," Robert replied nervously. "He can read minds?" Naito blurted, sounding a tad bit surprised. "Oh sure," Robert added, sounding like someone bragging about their favorite pet. "That's why I call him Espy!" "Naito forced a giggle. "He has ESP..." Naito muttered under breath. "No wonder Psybuzz has a crush on him..." "Psyyy-yy..." Psybuzz shook her head in disagreement. (No way, I don't have a crush on Espy! Eww gross!) "Hey Naito!" Robert suggested to Naito, "I'm starving. Could we, like, go to get something to eat, together?" "Ummm... sure!" Naito smiled. Her first date![/color] OOC: OK, that was kinda sick... :blush: And isn't it surprising that Espy is very closely related to the Pokemon Espeon? Hmmm... :twitch:
Hey you guys! Feeling a little creative today? Drew any pictures of cool characters you created today? Show'em! Here's an example: [b][color=deeppink]Cottontail Candy[/b][/color] Wheeee! Isn't she cute? Talk about a sweet tooth! I think I once entered her in Fighting Foodons contest where you can create your own Foodon, but I think I entered too late... (picture link below) OK! Now it's your turn!
Nope, everyone else is right. Wiccans are not devil-worshippers. If they were, well, they would lose their powers and such. Bad things happen to people who worship (or even believe in) devils, as well as those who do curses or black magic. And it DOES exist, as long as you believe. Anything exists as long as you believe. I've never seemed Charmed before, but my mother is Wiccan, so... Well I sort of am too; I follow most of the beliefs and such. It's basically a religion, just like Christianity and Buddhism, or at least that's what I believe. Yeah, these threads are kind of pointless; everyone has their own beliefs, but expressing those beliefs is OK... And also, Wiccans don't dress differently or anything else; if they did, the real witches would laugh at them. Also they would laugh at someone who put a curse on somebody. Also, Wiccans believe in a lot of different goddesses and CAN do magic. (Uh... yes, I can too... *looks embarrassed*) :blush: They're basically healers; many in the medical field. And those beliefs existed a long time ago... way back in England's early days, back in the Renaissance times or even earlier... Too bad a lot of them were burned in the Salem Witch Trials... How dare those men! (Cowards... They're afraid I'll put a spell on them!) :devil::demon::flaming::evil2: Nope! None of those! Only :angel:s!
WOW!! No way! If you have the Green stone, you can read minds?! Cool! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[color=blue] [u]Name:[/u] Celestia Arandon [u]Age:[/u] 15 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Race/Stone:[/u] Human, green stone, mind reading and... psychic powers? [u]Description:[/u] Long, wavy black hair with tints of aqua, aqua/violet eyes, and very pale skin (it's almost white). She wears a white tank top with a shiny purplish blue jacket over it with pants of the same color. She wears a blue skirt with a flower pattern over her pants; the skirt goes down to just below her knees. She's about 5'8" and is sometimes seen wearing a black hooded cape. [u]Special Weapons/abilities:[/u] Celestia has a couple of magical arrows with shiny blue heads (which she doesn't use very much) and a wand consisting of a crystal aqua sphere with shiny blue stiff metal "ribbons" wrapped around part of it (about a foot and a half long). It looks kinda like a mini-staff. Her special abilities include various psychic powers (of course) including ESP, some hypnotic powers and good intuition, and a weird form of telekinesis... She can also cast a few dark spells with her wand. [u]Bio:[/u] Celestia was born on a faraway planet called Natali. She was raised by mages and had a little sister named Mereduin, who looked a little like Little Red Riding Hood. Celestia always prefered night to day, and would sometimes just gaze at the stars for a while, almost in a state of meditation. It is said that this is where she got her psychic powers from. One day, she just wandered off in a trance while looking at the stars, and she ended up far away in a place she did not recognize. According to legend, Celestia remained in that trance for hours, standing perfectly still, and eventually, with a giant flash, she vanished into thin air. When she finally awoke, she found herself in a forest, surrounded by strange creatures and demons. Was she teleported or something? Nobody knows.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope Celestia makes it; she's one of my favorite characters!
Can I have a "pet" or something if my abilities include controlling Pokemon/Digimon/other monsters? I hope so... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=orange][u]Name:[/u] Naito [u]Age:[/u] 10 [u]Description:[/u] Naito basically has an (almost) human head. She has medium-length orangish blond hair, big, catlike eyes with orange on the outside and green on the inside, and tiny whiskers. She also has amber-colored cat ears and a little pink nose. She wears an orange shirt and a puffy white skirt with pink on the inside. Her arms are covered with amber fur, and she has cat paws instead of hands. Her legs are also coated with amber fur, with paws instead of feet and no shoes. She also has a fairly long, puffy orange tail underneath her skirt. Oh, and she wears a pink bowtie on her head. [u]Breed:[/u] cat person [u]Gifts:[/u] Naito can control Pokemon and Digimon. She has some control over spirit energies, especially psychic energy. She can use telekinesis and has some hypnotic powers. And she can attract the opposite sex quite easily... [u]Bio:[/u] Naito was the daughter of a human and a cat. (Is that even possible?) However, she was abandoned at birth, and was then raised by Pokemon, especially the cat-types. Some Gatomons helped too. Some say her best caretaker was a big flying cat Digimon, but that's just a legend. Now she's a monster lover, and she has lots of monster friends. *Naito might switch between "pets". She could meet and say goodbye to them as the story goes on... (I made up most of her companions, but I'll describe them as they go...) The one she has at the beginning is a Pokemon, a dragonfly named Psybuzz. Her special powers include psychic powers, beam and powder attacks, and of course she can fly.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope Naito and Psybuzz are in. Oh, and I also have a picture of Psybuzz...
Look up, fellow Neopets owners! I will soon be starting a Neopets RPG on this site! Look for it in the Adventure Arena in a week or so, and I hope you can make it! Anyways, I love Neopets! It's one of the best sites I've been on! However, I did get a little carried away with my accounts... I have six of them, five of which have four pets (the sixth one has 2). It's a bummer trying to feed and take care of them all... So The one I use now (the one with 2 pets) is Nirva, but my accounts are: [u]Name:[/u] sumibelle [u]Pets:[/u] Eurobatt, Ferati, faeriebunny97, sweethoney324 [u]Name:[/u] satsumamon [u]Pets:[/u] Kinesismon, Kirasakurati, Lufresia, Sabrinemon [u]Name:[/u] ruffresia [u]Pets:[/u] Celleboodle, Ellieiyi, Masuket, Wettel [u]Name:[/u] cybercandybee [u]pets:[/u] Fermonia, Luminome, Secrestine, Swanmon_kari_ [u]Name:[/u] taikura [u]Pets:[/u] Sailor_azura, Sailor_hypnotica, Sailor_neutron, Sailor_sakuya [u]Name:[/u] nirva [u]Pets:[/u] Auresia, Sumibelle Isn't that weird? One of my usernames is the same name as one of my pets! You may recognize a few of my pets' names; a lot of them are named after characters I've used in RPGs on this site before... As for me, I'm not that fond of the RPGs on Neopets; I just like to travel around with them and stuff... I have neat user lookups too! Well, like I said, I made a HUGE mistake of having so many accounts... Nirva's the one I use the most, unfortunately... And Auresia is my best pet! Check her out!
[color=blue]Kiya looked around, then at Nirva. "Well, I guess that leaves us..." she said quietly to her. She half-wished she had gone with Hazel instead. A few moments later, Nirva patted her on the shoulder. "Aw, come on, Kiya. Let's go find something to eat." She looked at Kiya with a slight bit of worry. "...I found a little cup to put things in!" "...OK, fine," Kiya finally responded. "Let's go!" And off they went, talking to each other excitedly and chasing each other around while walking. Kiya shouted, "Oh come on, Nirva, let's fly!" They flew around, having a mini-game of "air tag". When they were all tired out, they found themself among a few tall trees. It was fairly dark because the leaves of one of the trees were blocking the sun. "Whoa, it's kind of creepy in here, don't you think?" Kiya wondered. Nirva thought a moment. "Ummm... maybe this will help!" she replied cheerfully. She sat down and centered herself for a moment until her halo glowed. A few seconds later, a beam shot out of it, as if it came from a quite powerful flashlight. "Is that better?" Nirva questioned. "Wow, cool! I can see where we're going now!" Kiya replied in relief. "But..." Her voice began to have a tint of worry. "...But are you sure we'll find some food over here?" "Well, I dunno," Nirva said in confusion, "I just picked a direction and went that way without even thinking about it... oh darn, what's the word I'm thinking of..." "I don't know what you're talking about..." Kiya sighed. Her stomach rumbled; she was really hungry by now. Nirva also began to worry. The two of them wandered around for a while until they had to rest. "We've been walking around for hours," Kiya complained, "and we haven't found anything yet... I bet Zaf and Hazel found something by now..." Nirva didn't know what to say, afraid that Kiya would be mad at her. Her feelings were kind of hurt by now, and she wanted to apologize for leading her through this empty forest... She kept guiding Kiya through the dark foliage, letting her know that everything would be OK. Kiya was really worn out by then, and the same almost went for Nirva as well. There was no one around, and no food around either. Soon after, things got worse: the sun started to set. "Oh darn," moaned Nirva, "now it's getting dark..." "No kidding," Kiya groaned. "Now it'll be harder to see than it already is..." "Yep, that's the bad news," Nirva said calmly. But then, she put on a sudden grin and blurted, "But the good news is, look what I found!" She pointed to a shrub with dozens of delicious-looking pink berries on it. Kiya cheered, and both of them started gathering and eating the berries. "These sure are yummy," they both said in unison. They ate more of the berries happily and fell asleep peacefully soon after.[/color]