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Game Corner? In R/S, I can't even find a coin case...
[u]Name:[/u] Psybolt [u]Type:[/u] Psychic [u]Power:[/u] 120 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 90% [u]PP:[/u] 10 [u]Effect:[/u] none [u]Name:[/u] Sunray [u]Type:[/u] Light [u]Power:[/u] 40 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 25 [u]Effect:[/u] May lower Sp. Def. [u]Name:[/u] Beep [u]Type:[/u] Normal [u]Power:[/u] --- [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 30 [u]Effect:[/u] Lowers Sp. Atk. [u]Name:[/u] Laser Beam [u]Type:[/u] Light [u]Power:[/u] 60 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 25 [u]Effect:[/u] May cause a burn. [u]Name:[/u] Rainbow Beam [u]Type:[/u] Light [u]Power:[/u] 85 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 10 [u]Effect:[/u] May lower Sp. Def. [u]Name:[/u] Night Wave [u]Type:[/u] Dark [u]Power:[/u] 90 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 10 [u]Effect:[/u] May confuse the opponent. [u]Name:[/u] Cyber Eye [u]Type:[/u] Steel [u]Power:[/u] 75 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 15 [u]Effect:[/u] Focuses on first turn, then fires an attack without fail on the second turn. [u]Name:[/u] Shadow Beam [u]Type:[/u] Ghost [u]Power:[/u] 95 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 10 [u]Effect:[/u] May lower Sp. Def. [u]Name:[/u] Plasma Rod [u]Type:[/u] Poison [u]Power:[/u] 80 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 15 [u]Effect:[/u] May poison the foe. [u]Name:[/u] Needle Storm [u]Type:[/u] Poison [u]Power:[/u] 15 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 95% [u]PP:[/u] 15 [u]Effect:[/u] Attacks for 2-5 turns. [u]Name:[/u] Rage Beam [u]Type:[/u] Dragon [u]Power:[/u] 120 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 90% [u]PP:[/u] 5 [u]Effect:[/u] none
*watches Yu-Gi-Oh! on TV* Hmmm... *talks like a TV commercial* Wouldn't you like to beat some of those duelists you see on TV? Well, get these cards and you might be able to defeat them! Against Bakura: [u]Name:[/u] Magic Trap [u]Type:[/u] Continuous Trap [u]Effect:[/u] Your opponent cannot set Magic Cards on the field. Against Weevil: [u]Name:[/u] Deck Bodyguard [u]Type:[/u] Continuous Magic [u]Effect:[/u] Cards not owned by you cannot be placed in your deck. Against Rare Hunter: [u]Name:[/u] Only the Strong Survive [u]Type:[/u] Normal Magic [u]Effect:[/u] Your opponent must remove any monster cards with an attack and defense power of 1000 or less in his/her hand from play. Against Espa Roba: [u]Name:[/u] Mind Block [u]Type:[/u] Continuous Magic [u]Effect:[/u] All card effects that allow the opponent to look at your hand, deck, or face-down cards on the field are automatically negated. Against Tea and Kaiba: [u]Name:[/u] Divide and Corrode [u]Type:[/u] Normal Trap [u]Effect:[/u] After a Fusion Monster attacks, it is returned to the Fusion Deck, and the monsters that were involved in the fusion are removed from play. Against Yugi and Pegasus: [u]Name:[/u] Fatal Ritual Error [u]Type:[/u] Counter Trap [u]Effect:[/u] When a Ritual Card is activated, it and the monsters used as offerings for the ritual are removed from play. Against Weevil and Pegasus: [u]Name:[/u] Ability Disabler [u]Type:[/u] Continuous Quick-Play Magic [u]Effect:[/u] The effects of all face-up Effect Monsters are automatically negated. You must pay 500 life points every turn this card is in play on your side of the field. Against Mai: [u]Name:[/u] Harpie's Abandoned Pet Dragon [u]Atk/def:[/u] 2500/2000 [u]Level:[/u] 7 [u]Attribute:[/u] Dark [u]Type:[/u] Dragon/Effect [u]Effect:[/u] Gains 300 attack points for every Harpie Lady on the opponent's side of the field. Against Pegasus: [u]Name:[/u] Too Much Cartoons [u]Type:[/u] Quick-Play Magic [u]Effect:[/u] Destroys Toon World. Your opponent loses 1000 life points and also loses 500 life points for every Toon monster on his/her side of the field. Against Weevil: [u]Name:[/u] Bug Spray [u]Type:[/u] Normal Magic [u]Effect:[/u] Destroys every Insect monster on the field, even if they're face-down. Against Bandit Keith: [u]Name:[/u] Factory Blowout [u]Type:[/u] Normal Magic [u]Effect:[/u] Destroys every Machine monster on the field, even if they're face-down. Against Rex Raptor: [u]Name:[/u] Fossilizer [u]Type:[/u] Normal Magic [u]Effect:[/u] Destroys every Dinosaur monster on the field, even if they're face-down. Against Odion: [u]Name:[/u] No Traps Allowed [u]Type:[/u] Normal Magic [u]Effect:[/u] All Trap Cards on the field, in your opponent's hand, or drawn in the next five turns are automatically destroyed. If a trap card drawn is destroyed, your opponent can summon a monster from his/her deck. The deck is then shuffled. Against Yugi, Weevil, and Strings: [u]Name:[/u] Jammed Token Machine [u]Type:[/u] Continuous Trap [u]Effect:[/u] All tokens placed on the field are instantly destroyed. Against Yugi and Arkana: [u]Name:[/u] White Magician [u]Atk/def:[/u] 1500/1100 [u]Level:[/u] 4 [u]Attribute:[/u] Light [u]Type:[/u] Spellcaster/Effect [u]Effect:[/u] Any Dark Magician that attacks this monster or is attacked by this monster is automatically destroyed. Damage calculations do not apply. Against Joey: [u]Name:[/u] End of Daylight Savings Time [u]Type:[/u] Normal Trap [u]Effect:[/u] When Time Wizard is activated, destroy all monsters on the opponent's side of the field. Your opponent loses the amount of life points equal to half the sum of the attack points of all monsters on his/her side of the field. Against Tsunami: [u]Name:[/u] Drought [u]Type:[/u] Field Magic [u]Effect:[/u] Lowers the Atk/Def points of all Water-type monsters by 500. Against Joey: [u]Name:[/u] Weapon Saver [u]Type:[/u] Counter Trap [u]Effect:[/u] When your opponent activates Shield/Sword, the attack and defense points of the monsters on your side of the field are not swapped. Against Yugi, Kaiba, and Marik: [u]Name:[/u] God Destruction [u]Type:[/u] Normal Trap [u]Effect:[/u] When your opponent summons an Egyptian God Card, it is destroyed, and your opponent loses half of his/her life points. Good luck creaming those duelists! :angry3:
OOC: I'll start this in the Real World. IC: [color=deeppink]Rini sat on her bed in her room, bored to death. About once every five minutes, she asked Salamon "What do you want to do?" and Salamon answered "I don't know. What do you want to do?" Then Rini just sighed. About ten minutes later, the phone rang. Then a clicking noise was heard--Rini's mom had answered it. Then, she shouted, "Rini! It's for you!" With a sigh of relief, Rini lazily picked up the phone and said hello. "Hey Rini!" It was Gon, one of her best friends. He was asking about what should be done about the Digidestined and their mission. He seemed to know that Rini was one of those Digidestined, but he told her that she and the others weren't the only ones with Digimon partners... "Chris has a Digimon partner too!" he added. Chris was Gon's older sister. Her partner was a ladybuglike Digimon named Gypsymon. She had been one of the Dark Digimon and was defeated by the D-Reaper. But somehow her egg had been sent back to Chris, and when she hatched, she had almost no memory of what her previous life was like. It was now up to her (and Chris) to figure out who she was and what she did in her past. Gon also had a partner; it was Patamon, and he found him almost the same way as Rini found Salamon. Rini's big sisters were once turned into Digimon by an evil shadowy figure; no one was sure of whether it was a Digimon or not. Now her three sisters (Kiki, Sabrina, and Joy) could Spirit-evolve to their Digimon forms, which were Biyomon (Kiki), Renamon (Sabrina), and Palmon (Joy). They could also Digivolve in those forms. An hour later, Rini, Gon, and Chris came over to Rini's house. (Kiki, Sabrina, and Joy joined them.) They were talking about Digimon and Digidestined for a while, then stared at their Digivices for a while. After a while, though, they decided not to talk about it and just had fun the rest of the day.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Taki Ebina [/i] [B]Can I change my character to Season 1/2 with the same Digivolutions? [/B][/QUOTE] Probably not, unless you want to make your character evil...
[color=royalblue][i]Dango and Ki had just finished playing the Rondo and were sitting around with nothing to do. Then, a little while later, they heard some traces of music coming from the other side of the lake. It sounded like a concert was going on.[/i] [u]Dango:[/u] Is there really something going on there, or is it just my ears ringing? [u]Ki:[/u] Uhhh... I hear it too. [u]Dango:[/u] ...Should we check it out? [u]Ki:[/u] Well, I guess we have nothing else to do... [i]Dango and Ki walk around the lake until they reach the other side. At first, they don't see any big group of instruments, but as they get closer to the source of the music...[/i] [u]Dango:[/u] Hey! Someone's over there... a DJ or something? [i]Dango and Ki see a girl sitting at what looks like a table. A closer look tells them that it might be a piano. They look at each other in confusion.[/i] [u]Ki:[/u] That can't be a piano! Pianos don't make a sound like that! [u]Dango:[/u] Hmm... It's probably a keyboard, I guess. [i]The girl stops playing and looks at Dango and Ki.[/i] [u]???:[/u] Oh, I see I got company... [u]Ki:[/u] Ummm... yeah. [i]The three introduce themselves. The girl playing the keyboard is Masuket.[/i] [u]Vicky:[/u] Well, Masuket... I really like that song you played... [u]Masuket:[/u] Yeah, well, it was nothing. Oh, and I see you two are musicians as well? Well, you're lucky. The instruments you hold are easy to carry and they make good sound too. Mine is fairly heavy and hard to take places. I sometimes have to fly in order to carry it! And, of course, it's often mistaken for a piano... [u]Ki:[/u] That's exactly what I thought... [u]Dango:[/u] So... now what do we do? [u]Masuket:[/u] ...I assume you two are trying to find out about your pasts as well? [u]Ki:[/u] How did you know that? [u]Masuket:[/u] I'm not psychic or anything. I just guessed, that's all. Anyways, Dango, good question. What ARE we going to do? [u]Ki:[/u] ...[/color]
[u]Name:[/u] White Skull Dragon [u]Atk/def:[/u] 3600/3000 [u]Level:[/u] 9 [u]Attribute:[/u] Light [u]Type:[/u] Dragon/Fusion [u]Effect:[/u] Summoned Skull + Blue Eyes White Dragon [u]Name:[/u] Spirit Elf [u]Atk/Def:[/u] 2800/2800 [u]Level:[/u] 8 [u]Attribute:[/u] Light [u]Type:[/u] Spellcaster/Fusion/Effect [u]Effect:[/u] Mystical Elf + Dark Elf. While this monster is face-up on the field, flip a coin at each of your Standby phases. If heads, you gain 800 life points. If tails, you lose 800 life points. [u]Name:[/u] Purple Eyes Gray Dragon [u]Atk/def:[/u] 3600/3500 [u]Level:[/u] 9 [u]Attribute:[/u] Dark [u]Type:[/u] Dragon/Fusion/Effect [u]Effect:[/u] Red Eyes Black Dragon + Blue Eyes White Dragon. This monster gains 300 attack points for every Red Eyes Black Dragon or Blue Eyes White Dragon in either player's graveyard. [u]Name:[/u] Red Eyes Ultimate Dragon [u]Atk/def:[/u] 4000/3500 [u]Level:[/u] 10 [u]Attribute:[/u] Dark [u]Type:[/u] Dragon/Fusion [u]Effect:[/u] Red Eyes Black Dragon + Red Eyes Black Dragon + Red Eyes Black Dragon [u]Name:[/u] Man-Eating Kuriboh [u]Atk/Def:[/u] 1000/1000 [u]Level:[/u] 3 [u]Attribute:[/u] Earth [u]Type:[/u] Fiend/Fusion/Effect [u]Effect:[/u] Kuriboh + Man-Eater Bug. As long as this monster is face-up, it reappears on the field when destroyed. You may pay 1000 life point per turn to destroy a monster on the field while this monster is face-up on the field.
Acttually, in G/S/C, you can trade Dragonair for Dodrio, not Rhydon. (or at least in Crystal you can)
What do you mean it's a bad RPG? I think it's just fine! How about we make it an adventure? We can travel through Morados and stop evil and... Well, we could make it interesting by having somebody kidnap the princess, and we try to find her and get her back to the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=darkblue][u]Name:[/u] Alpha [u]Occupation:[/u] Mage/Sorceress [u]Weapon:[/u] A staff that sort of looks like a purple cane. [u]Side:[/u] Sometimes she's good, and sometimes she's evil. No one knows really. [u]Appearance:[/u] Long dark blue hair and violet eyes. She wears a white shirt, dark blue pants, black boots, and a long purple jacket. She is sometimes seen wearing a hooded blue cape. [u]Personality:[/u] Alpha is not very good at making friends or helping others, but she is willing to fight evil forces and protect her brother. [u]Bio:[/u] Alpha is Kotarom's twin sister. As soon as she and Kotarom grew up, Kotarom became jealous of the princess and decided one day to kidnap her and use her as a slave and start his own dark kingdom in which he would be king. He also offered Alpha to be his queen, but she seemed unsure of that decision. Alpha wandered around, unaware of what she should do. Being a queen would be a great honor, but she didn't want evil to take over the world. She never got within a hundred feet of the princess because she was afraid of the princess thinking she was evil. For a while, Alpha secretly protected the land of Morados, but she never dared to lay a finger on her twin brother. Thinking Kotarom would be mad at her if she turned good, Alpha also decided to secretly kill the king's wife. She sneaked into the castle, put the queen to sleep, took her outside, and, after a while, as if her brother were controlling her, killed her with a single curse. Then she put her back in bed to make the king think that the queen was sick and died in her sleep. Now, she wanders around, protecting Morados as well as gathering recruits for Kotarom's new kingdom. Can she hang on as being evil and good at the same time, or will she convert to one side only? If so, which one?[/color] I'll also sign up for Kotarom: [color=purple][u]Name:[/u] Kotarom [u]Occupation:[/u] Evil mage/sorcerer [u]Weapon:[/u] A green staff with a blue orb at the end. [u]Side:[/u] Evil [u]Appearance:[/u] Short, dark blue hair and violet eyes. He wears a white shirt, gray pants, and dark blue boots. He's often wearing a black cloak. [u]Personality:[/u] Like Alpha, his sister, Kotarom is not good at making friends or helping others. He's actually on the mean side and is very selfish and bossy. He thinks he's a good leader, so therefore he long desires to be king... [u]Bio:[/u] coming soon...[/color] Sakura kid told me to leave the bio blank for now, so I'll post it later.
***My dinosaur is actually a Pokemon I created, but it won't even be one in this RPG. Ooh can I be a fairy? And is it OK if my dinosaur has a slightly different personality than its owner? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=green][u]Name:[/u] Chicadi [u]Race:[/u] Fairy/Mage/Warrior [u]Age:[/u] 16, but she looks younger than that [u]Hair:[/u] Fairly long, straight, and slightly green in color [u]Eyes:[/u] Green [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Clothing:[/u] Neon green shirt, baggy teal pants, dark green boots, and a long green jacket [u]Personality:[/u] (slightly different than dinosaur) Chicadi likes to help those in trouble, especially her dinosaur. She's quite clever and very energetic. Of course, she can get quite overprotective. She doesn't have the best memory in the owrld, though... [u]Items:[/u] A few bottles and some ingredients for making potions... [u]Weapons:[/u] She has a katana, but otherwise her weapons could be her potions, herself, and, of course, her dinosaur. [u]Description:[/u] Of course, if Chicadi's part fairy, she must have wings right? Yeah, that's true, she kind of looks like a pink/green butterfly from behind... And she's about 4 and a half feet tall. [u]Dinosaur:[/u] Stegosaurus [u]Dino's name:[/u] Ivy (it says Loatifir in the pic, but I'm changing her name to Ivy) [u]Dino's Gender:[/u] Female [u]Dino's age:[/u] 3 years, believe it or not [u]Description:[/u] see pic; Ivy's the one in the top right corner of the pic [u]Dino's Personality:[/u] (slightly different from Chicadi's) Ivy is energetic and playful, though she whines a lot and can be pretty much a big baby a lot of the time. She has a one-track mind and is not that smart either. However, she just loves being with Chicadi all the time. The two are just best friends. Ivy will do anything to protect Chicadi.[/color] Here's the pic... Just ignore all the Pokemon stuff; Ivy is NOT a Pokemon in this RPG. She's the one in the top right corner, with the name "Loatifir" next to it.
DARN!!! What do mean my element can't be Psychic??? :bawl: I wanted that element soooooo badly... Oh, and Oekakiotaku, you can't be the same element as someone else, so you can't be thunder... And you're instrument can't be a microphone, because that's taken. I'll bring back someone I haven't used in an RPG for a long time... (you said I can make up elements right?) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=royalblue][u]Name:[/u] Masuket [u]Age:[/u] 16 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Nickname:[/u] none [u]Element:[/u] Ice [u]Weapon:[/u] A bracelet, which is not what you might call a weapon, but she can't use her powers without it [u]Instrument:[/u] Keyboard[/color] I think that's it, except for the fact that Masuket can fly... OK NOW that's it. Hope I'm included in this RPG...
Good idea! I'll also sign up as a howler! (just hope I can handle both jobs...) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo][u]Name:[/u] Duplicula [u]Age:[/u] 15 [u]Timeline:[/u] Present [u]Weapons:[/u] On his hands he has a cannon and what looks like a pincer. [u]Spells:[/u] Duplicula can copy almost any object or attack by capturing it in his pincerlike device, then sending it out by using his cannon. (Of course, he might or might not rrturn the original object.) However, he has no spells of his own. [u]Bio/Personality:[/u] Duplicula is almost completely obsessed with his copy-machine ability and uses it almost five times a day. He likes to do hit-and-run attacks and confuse his opponents with his ability. However, he does not work well with a group, and he is very selfish. Duplicula was born on La-La Land, and he had six brothers and seven sisters. He was born as a human, but when he got his powers, he was transformed into some sort of strange machine. His sisters wanted to protect La-La Land, while he and his brothers wanted to destroy it. His biggest rival was one of his sisters, whose name was Ferati. They had a big fight, and, eventually, the protectors of La-La Land won. After this, Duplicula fled to another planet--the one where the Howlers lived. Jin saw him and wanted to recruit him as a new Howler. Duplicula accepted; he would take any job that would involve destroying the world.[/color]
Another mistake made throughout the entire show is that the amount of life points each player has when the duel begins is different from in the card game. In the show, the duelists start out with 2000LP (Duelist Kingdom) or 4000LP (Battle City). In the actual card game (and in the other games, including WWE) each player starts out with 8000LP.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Masterdramon [/i] [B]I just realized that the what may be the best way to defeat the guy is Ouija Board (or Exodia, but in this case, the time limit to stop you will help, considering how slow your opponent's deck seems). [/B][/QUOTE] ...You mean Destiny Board. Yep, that will be a great thing to use against a life point-gaining deck. Just make sure that when you activate it, you don't have any other Magic/Trap cards on the field. I've seen plenty of foolish duelists making that mistake.
Is Hydro Cannon a R/S move, or do you mean Hydro Pump? Hydro Pump's accuracy is 80. In Yellow, you can trade a Golduck for a Rhydon. But I'm not sure about R/B... I know you can't trade for a Rhydon in G/S/C. Q: List the Elite 4 (and their Pokemon) in Yellow. *You don't have to include levels, and you don't have to list the champion's Pokemon.*
OK then I guess Salamon's DNA form will have to be Silphymon, which Digivolves to Valkyrimon.
[u]Name:[/u] Math Menace [u]Atk/def:[/u] 0/0 [u]Level:[/u] 1 [u]Attribute:[/u] Dark [u]Type:[/u] Machine/Effect [u]Effect:[/u] Can copy the sum of the attack power of all face-up monsters on the field. You must pay the amount of life points equal to this monster's attack points after this effect is activated. (for example, if Math Menace has 4500 attack points after its effect is activated, you lose 4500 life points) [u]Name:[/u] Mirror of Confusion [u]Atk/def:[/u] 300/300 [u]Level:[/u] 1 [u]Attribute:[/u] Light [u]Type:[/u] Spellcaster/Effect [u]Effect:[/u] Flip: If not destroyed by a monster after it is flipped, this monster destroys itself. Then, swap the atk/def points of every monster on the field and change their battle position (keep them face-up). Face-down monsters are not affected by this monster's effect. [u]Name:[/u] Evil Charity [u]Type:[/u] Normal Magic [u]Effect:[/u] Your opponent draws three cards. Two of all the cards in his/her new hand are randomly selected and sent to the Graveyard.
If you wanna talk about what you think would be a perfect Pokemon, post it in Flipmodesquad's thread. (Pokemon: If you created a perfect one, what would it be and what would it look like?) Lunarlani, I like the idea of posting rarity scales! *thinks about rarity scales for her own FicPokemon* And, I'll post two of my FicPokemon here... Introducing two of the best Ghost Pokemon in the game! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple][u]Name:[/u] Harmonique [u]Pokedex #:[/u] 188 [u]Type:[/u] Witch Pokemon (Ghost/Dark) [u]Height:[/u] 2'1" [u]Weight:[/u] 1 lb [u]Stats:[/u] (highest is 200; Blissey's HP would be 200) [b]HP:[/b] 71 [b]Attack:[/b] 78 [b]Defense:[/b] 47 [b]Sp. Atk:[/b] 92 [b]Sp. Def:[/b] 76 [b]Speed:[/b] 91 [u]Starting Attacks:[/u] Psywave, Screech [u]Level-Up Attacks:[/u] [b]Mean Look[/b]--level 8 [b]Curse[/b]--level 12 [b]Confuse Ray[/b]--level 18 [b]Shadow Ball[/b]--level 22 [b]Psybeam[/b]--level 25 [b]Pain Split[/b]--level 30 [b]Night Wave[/b]--level 33 (made-up attack) [b]Shadow Beam[/b]--level 38 (made-up attack) [b]Perish Song[/b]--level 41 [b]Psychic[/b]--level 48 [u]Evolves from:[/u] Misdreavus (L30 if female) [u]Evolves to:[/u] nobody [u]Rarity:[/u] 68[/color] *Night wave is a Dark-type attack that does 90 damage and may confuse the opponent.* *Shadow Beam is a Ghost-type attack that does 95 damage and may lower Sp. Def.* [color=blue][u]Name:[/u] Telegon [u]Pokedex #:[/u] 189 [u]Type:[/u] Wizard Pokemon (Ghost/Psychic) [u]Height:[/u] 3'2" [u]Weight:[/u] 4 lbs [u]Stats:[/u] [b]HP:[/b] 78 [b]Attack:[/b] 68 [b]Defense:[/b] 51 [b]Sp. Atk:[/b] 93 [b]Sp. Def:[/b] 75 [b]Speed:[/b] 90 [u]Starting Attacks:[/u] Psywave, Screech [u]Level-Up Attacks:[/u] [b]Mean Look[/b]--level 8 [b]Curse[/b]--level 12 [b]Confuse Ray[/b]--level 18 [b]Shadow Ball[/b]--level 22 [b]Psybeam[/b]--level 25 [b]Pain Split[/b]--level 30 [b]Calm Mind[/b]--level 33 [b]Psychic[/b]--level 38 [b]Shadow Beam[/b]--level 41 [b]Destiny Bond[/b]--level 48 [u]Evolves From:[/u] Misdreavus (L30 if male) [u]Evolves to:[/u] nobody [u]Rarity:[/u] 68[/color] More coming soon!
[color=orange][i]Harike and Palu were looking for their beasts. They found the crowd of beasts, and amongst them were Electrica and Hypnotica![/i] [u]Harike:[/u] HEY! Electrica!!! Over here! [u]Palu:[/u] SHHHHH!!! [u]Electrica:[/u] (to himself) Oh no, Harike's here... [i]Hypnotica pretends she never met Harike and Palu.[/i] [u]Harike:[/u] Aren't you happy to see me? *runs into the crowd* [u]Palu:[/u] Harike, don't... [i]It was too late. Gryffon, the mind-reading wolf, bit Harike on the leg and shook him viciously.[/i] [u]Palu:[/u] Harike, no! [i]Electrica thunderbolts Gryffon, allowing Harike to escape and run for his life.[/i] [u]Gryffon:[/u] *WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING ME?!?* [u]Electrica:[/u] Hmmm... [u]Hypnotica:[/u] *...Those kids... They're not our masters. They'll never be. As a matter of fact, we actually hate them. Well, we hate all humans, so...* [u]Electrica:[/u] Hypnotica, we're not... [u]Meowza:[/u] *Whaaaat?!? Electrica can talk like a human!* [u]Gara:[/u] *That must mean that he is owned my that little boy over there!* [u]Mikon:[/u] *Let's get him!* [i]All the beasts (except Hypnotica, of course) stare at Electrica in suspicion. Suddenly, Laydee, Mikon, Gara, and Meowza charge at Electrica and scratch him savagely. Hypnotica, however, comes to his rescue...[/i] [u]Hypnotica:[/u] *Even though he's owned by a human, Electrica's one of my best friends! You're not getting away with this!* [i]Hypnotica grabs Electrica and pulls him out of the way. She then fires a psywave at the other beasts, including Gryffon. All of them except Gryffon faint.[/i] [u]Gryffon:[/u] *Ah, so you got psychic powers too, huh? Well well, it's too bad you're a...* [u]Hypnotica:[/u] *Just shut up, OK? I don't have time to deal with fools like you. Besides, you were owned by a human before, right? You're too unwild to be in this group! Go back to your human friend! That way, you'll make all our lives a little easier. This clan is for wild beasts, not filthy, human-owned beasts like you!* [u]Gryffon:[/u] *WHY YOU LITTLE...* [u]Hypnotica:[/u] *Ah, stubborn, eh? I can fix that.* [u]Meowza:[/u] (to herself) Hypnotica's right. Gryffon has betrayed us all... [u]Palu:[/u] (to herself) I wish I knew what Hypnotica was saying... [i]Hypnotica begins to hypnotize Gryffon. He's dozy for a while, until Electrica arrives...[/i] [u]Electrica:[/u] You'll pay for this, Gryffon! *prepares a thunderbolt* [u]Hypnotica:[/u] *No, don't! You'll...* [i]Too late. Electrica fires a thunderbolt at Gryffon, doing serious damage to him, but also waking him up. Hypnotica hits herself on the head and nods in embarrassment.[/i] [u]Gryffon:[/u] *YOU LITTLE RAT!!!* [i]Gryffon tackles the already tired out Electrica and leaves him almost unconscious. He also tries to charge Hypnotica, but her telekinetic powers stop him.[/i] [u]Gryffon:[/u] *YOU LITTLE TWERP!! When I read your mind, you didn't even have that power!!!* [i]Hypnotica is stunned by what she just did to Gryffon. But then she just smiles evilly and uses telekinesis to control Gryffon and bounce him all over the place.[/i] [u]Hypnotica:[/u] (to herself) Wow, this is fun! I guess that taought him a lesson! *Gryffon keeps bouncing away* Wow, Gryffon would be great on a basketball team, being the basketball, that is. [i]When Hypnotica feels that Gryffon is completely airsick and too worn out to fight back, she finally puts him down. Gryffon lies there, motionless.[/i] [u]Palu:[/u] Wow, Hypnotica! You saved us again! [u]Electrica:[/u] Why... can't... I be... the hero...:faint: [u]Harike:[/u] Are you OK, Electrica? You better take a rest! Well, maybe you can be the hero next time. (to himself) Just hope Hypnotica doesn't psyche us out first... [u]Hypnotica:[/u] I agree. *sits down* I think I need a rest too... [u]Palu:[/u] Yeah, I guess gaining a new ability takes a lot of energy... [u]Harike:[/u] Hmph. [i]And so, Harike, Palu, Electrica, and Hypnotica continue their journey. But, does it occur to you that the two are liking each other less and less...?[/i][/color]
I hope you know that in Season 1, there were no DNA Digivolutions... Does my Ultimate form still need to be a DNA Digivolution if I'm from Season 1? In that case: [b]Good Digidestined Season 1 (Female)[/b] [u]Name:[/u] Rini Renora [u]Age:[/u] 13 [u]Crest:[/u] Light, unless it can be something else [u]Digimon:[/u] Salamon [u]Digivolutions:[/u] Salamon-Gatomon-Angewomon-Ophanimon [u]Continent:[/u] China [u]Personality:[/u] Rini is usually friendly and likes to cheer her friends up (Shouldn't she have the crest of Happiness?). She gets scared fairly easily and frequently hides behind her Digimon partner, but she really loves her Digimon a lot. She also isn't a good leader. [u]Bio:[/u] Rini was living in peace for a very long time with her three older sisters, Kiki, Sabrina, and Joy. Her sisters sometimes made fun of her and teased her around, but Rini thought it was funny. When she first heard of Digimon, she instantly became a big fan of it, her favorite Digimon, coincidentially, being Gatomon. She even had a lifesize Gatomon doll in her room and got mad at anyone who seemed to want to take it away from her. Then, a few weeks later, Rini heard that the Digital World was in danger. An evil Digimon (it looked too shadowy for Rini to see who it was) came to her house and knocked on the door. Kiki, Sabrina, and Joy answered it together, and soon, they were taken outside and kidnapped. Rini followed them through a portal--the portal to the Digital World! Rini hid and watched as her big sisters were tied up. Soon after that, the shadowy figure turned her sisters into Digimon! They were Renamon, Palmon, and Biyomon, except in a different color. It took a while for Rini to figure out that they were dark Digimon, and were slaves of this shadowy Digimon. Rini tried to run home, but the portal was closed. However, something appeared behind her--it was Salamon! Rini was so happy to see her, and soon after, the two were partners. Rini knew (hoped is a better word for it) that Salamon would protect her from any harm this mysterious evil Digimon caused.
Attack Changes: *In C/V, Solarbeam and Sunny Day are Light-type attacks.* *In C/V, electric attacks are super-effective against Steel Pokemon.* *In C/V, Psychic attacks do half their usual damage to Dark Pokemon.* *In C/V, Ghost attacks are super effective against Dark Pokemon.* *In C/V, Dark attacks are good against Grass, Psychic, Dragon, Steel, and Light-types, but bad against Water, Fighting, Ground, Ghost, and Dark-types. Bug attacks are good against Dark, but Rock attack are weak against Dark.* Made-up Type: Light Good against: Water, Fighting, Ground, Ghost, Dark Bad against: Grass, Psychic, Dragon, Steel, Light *Rock attacks are good against light, but Bug attacks are weak against light.* Key: ---=attack does no damage ???=varied power !!!=one-hit KO [u]Name:[/u] Flowerbeam [u]Type:[/u] Grass [u]Power:[/u] 120 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 10 [u]Effect:[/u] Charges up on 1st turn, then strikes on the next. [u]Name:[/u] Flash Attack [u]Type:[/u] Light [u]Power:[/u] 60 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 20 [u]Effect:[/u] same as Faint Attack [u]Name:[/u] Flashback [u]Type:[/u] Light [u]Power:[/u] !!! [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 5 [u]Effect:[/u] Opponent will be KO'd five turns later. If dodged by Dig, Fly, or dive, this move KO's the user, unless dodged. If dodged, the attack waits another five turns to strike. [u]Name:[/u] Hot Spot [u]Type:[/u] Fire [u]Power:[/u] !!! [u]Accuracy:[/u] 10% [u]PP:[/u] 5 [u]Effect:[/u] In one-on-one battles, this move KO's the opponent and the next Pokemon in the opponent's roster. In two-on-two battles, this attack KO's both of the opponent's Pokemon. [u]Name:[/u] Colorversion [u]Type:[/u] ??? [u]Power:[/u] ??? [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 15 [u]Effect:[/u] Like Magnitude, except it attacks with a random element. [u]Name:[/u] Moonbeam [u]Type:[/u] Dark [u]Power:[/u] 120 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 10 [u]Effect:[/u] Dark-type version of Solarbeam. Becomes a one-turn attack when using Storm Clouds, and halves power when using Sunny Day. [u]Name:[/u] Storm Clouds [u]Type:[/u] Dark [u]Power:[/u] --- [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 5 [u]Effect:[/u] Changes the weather. Powers up Dark attacks and halves the power of Light attacks. Thunder won't miss when this move is used. [u]Name:[/u] Tank Attack [u]Type:[/u] Steel [u]Power:[/u] 30 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 90% [u]PP:[/u] 20 [u]Effect:[/u] same as Rollout/Ice Ball [u]Name:[/u] Freeze Dry [u]Type:[/u] Ice [u]Power:[/u] --- [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 25 [u]Effect:[/u] Sharply lowers the opponent's speed and may cause freezing. [u]Name:[/u] Heat Wave [u]Type:[/u] Fire [u]Power:[/u] --- [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 25 [u]Effect:[/u] Lowers speed and causes a burn. May make the opponent flinch. [u]Name:[/u] Heartbreak [u]Type:[/u] Normal [u]Power:[/u] 180 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]PP:[/u] 10 [u]Effect:[/u] Only works on an infatuated Pokemon. If it hits, the target is not infatuated anymore. [u]Name:[/u] Fairydust [u]Type:[/u] Normal [u]Power:[/u] --- [u]Accuracy:[/u] 100% [u]Effect:[/u] Any Pokemon on the battlefield can recover half its HP. [u]Name:[/u] Fireworks [u]Type:[/u] Fire [u]Power:[/u] ??? [u]Accuracy:[/u] 95% [u]Effect:[/u] Strikes for 2-5 turns with varied power. [u]Name:[/u] Snowball [u]Type:[/u] Ice [u]Power:[/u] 20 [u]Accuracy:[/u] 95% [u]Effect:[/u] Strikes for 2-5 turns and is likely to get a critical hit. More coming soon...
*waits for Altron Gundam to ask a question* OK, I'm getting impatient... Q: When Yugi dueled Mai, what two cards did he draw before drawing the Black Luster Ritual card?
OOC: Vicky's right... *hugs Hypnotica* IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=orange][i]Harike and Palu head away from the city to do a little exploring. They come across a valley and jump down inside it.[/i] [u]Harike:[/u] Look out below!!! *lands with a thud* Wow, I think I just broke my... [u]Palu:[/u] Don't even say the word. [u]Hypnotica:[/u] Oh come on Harike. *lands next to Harike* It wasn't that bad a fall. [u]Harike:[/u] Easy for you to say. [u]Electrica:[/u] Why are we going in here? This place is deserted! [u]Palu:[/u] And it's getting cold out here... :nervous: [u]Harike:[/u] Maybe walking around will keep us warm. [i]Just around the bend, a group of wild beasts are hanging out and playing with each other.[/i] [u]Harike:[/u] Wow, are those... [u]Palu:[/u] Shhhhh! *grabs Harike and hides behind a rock* [i]Hypnotica and Electrica continue watching the group of beasts. They start walking towars it. One of the beasts, a wolf, walks over to them and greets Electrica. He gives Hypnotica an "I hate humans" look. In order to make the other beasts think that they're not owned by humans, Hypnotica and Electrica meow instead of talking like humans. Hypnotica explains to the group that she just found some human clothes and put them on because she was cold. A group of cats near the center of the crowd greet them and welcome them into the group.[/i][/color] OOC: From now till the end of this post, everything that is said will be translated from animal talk. IC: [color=orange][i]The cat tribe's leader was Meowza. Next to her were her friends Mikon, Gara, and Laydee. Everyone else was asleep.[/i] [u]Laydee:[/u] Hey! Look! Two cats have come to join us! Oh, cats rule! *the wolves stare at her* Eheh, sorry... [u]Gara:[/u] Hmm... Who are you? *they introduce themselves* Hmmm... [u]Mikon:[/u] Are you wild like us? *Electrica and Hypnotica say yes, although they know that's not true.* [u]Meowza:[/u] Good. *sigh* It's too bad, really. Lately, a lot of humans have been kidnapping us and using us in battle... The good thing is, at least, some of those beasts have special powers, while not a single one of us do... [i]Hypnotica and Electrica look at each other in surprise.[/i] [u]Meowza:[/u] ...Except me. I managed to escape from this buy named Gordon... He was so mean to me that I gave up trust for all humans forever! Don't yu agree with me? [u]Hypnotica:[/u] Uhhh... Yes, we do. We... We were abandoned too. We used to be owned by these two people named Ray and Mya... They were mean to us too... [u]Electrica:[/u] (thinking) Nice lie! [u]Meowza:[/u] Oh, I see. [u]???:[/u] NOW WAIT JUST A SECOND! [i]A giant wolf appears in front of the group.[/i] [u]Mikon:[/u] Gryffon! What are you doing here? [u]Gryffon:[/u] These two are big fat liars! *points to Electrica and Hypnotica* [u]Laydee:[/u] ...They are? [u]Gara:[/u] How can you tell? [u]Gryffon:[/u] I was abandoned by a person named Dario. I have lived alone ever since, eventually gaining the ability to read minds! [i]Hypnotica stares at Gryffon in anger.[/i] [u]Gryffon:[/u] You, Hypnotica, are not... [u]Hypnotica:[/u] THAT'S IT!!! (to herself) That guy is not revealing our secret! [i]Electrica hits Gryffon with a thunderbolt, which knocks him out cold.[/i] [u]Meowza:[/u] You... you have... [u]Electrica:[/u] Yep, that's right! We have special powers too! Hypnotica can... [u]Hypnotica:[/u] OK, that's enough. Don't embarrass me. [u]Gara:[/u] What [i]can[/i] you do? [u]Hypnotica:[/u] I don't think you'll want to find out. :smirk: [u]Electrica:[/u] Hey! Look at me! Whoohoo! Yeah! *shppts thunderbolts in the sky* [u]Hypnotica:[/u] (to herself) Heh. Showoff. Well, at least he showed that psychic freak who's boss... Gee, sometimes I wish I could read minds like that... Hmmm...[/color]
OOC: I think it's time to add a new character to this RPG... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=blue][i]Meteo and Kabito were trying to run from Buu and Cell, while Falco and Cado hopelessly tried to fight them. ...Were they insane or something?[/i] [u]Falco:[/u] You'll never take over the universe, Buu!! [u]Cado:[/u] *He's right...* (stares at Cell) [i]The battle continued on... thunder flashes, energy missiles, psywaves, fireballs, and a giant cloud of dust filled the battlefield. When the smoke finally cleared, Buu and Cell stood there, looking confused. Falco and Cado were nowhere to be seen. A few seconds later, however, Falco went back to his group and retreated. Cado, however, went in the opposite direction...[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/color] [color=green][i]Meanwhile, a pale green, bunnylike creature wandered around at the base of the mountain, not too far from where Cado was. A few moments later, he was being chased by a golden, winged horselike creature with a black ring around his neck. The bunny ran as fast as it can, then turned into a bigger bunny with guns on his hands. He began shooting at the horse desperately, but his opponent was too powerful. The horse shot a bunch of stars at the bunny, who dodged them instantly. The horse tackled him though, turning him back into the smaller bunny. The bunny then ran for his life, eventually bumping into Cado.[/i][/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[color=blue] [u]???:[/u] Oops, sorry; I didn't mean to bump into you, but I'm being chased by a... [u]Cado:[/u] *Not to worry. It's all...* [i]Cado sees the bunny and recognozes him right away. He's a Digimon![/i] [u]Cado:[/u] *T...Terriermon?* [u]Terriermon:[/u] Yup, that's me! [u]Cado:[/u] *What's the big hurry?* [u]Terriermon:[/u] That Pegasusmon back there's been following and attacking me... [u]Cado:[/u] *Silly bunny! Why don't you just fight him?* [u]Terriermon:[/u] OK! Momenti! TERRIERMON DIGIVOLVE TO... [url=http://www.theotaku.com/digimon/digidex/pictures/gargo2.jpg]GARGOMON[/url]!!! [i]It's the big bunny with the guns again! Gargomon runs after Pegasusmon and starts attacking right away.[/i] [u]Gargomon:[/u] POWER PUMMEL!!! [i]Gargomon fires straight at Pegasusmon's neck, where that ring is. It instantly pops off, and Pegasusmon looks around, confused.[/i] [u]Gargomon:[/u] ...Oh I didn't know you were a good guy. [u]Pegasusmon:[/u] Huh? How... how did I get here? Why... Why is there a Gargomon standing near me like he's about to attack me? *instantly turns back into a [url=http://theotaku.com/digimon/digidex/pictures/pata3d.jpg]Patamon[/url]* [u]Cado:[/u] *Wow, a Patamon!* [u]Patamon:[/u] Hi there! [u]Cado:[/u] *Are you the one who's been attacking Terriermon? [u]Patamon:[/u] Huh? I wouldn't hurt anybody! [u]Cado:[/u] (thinking) He must've been controlled by Marik... [u]Patamon:[/u] I'm no enemy! I'm just... lost, that's all. [u]Terriermon:[/u] I'm looking for my brother, Lopmon. [u]Patamon:[/u] And I'm looking for Papamon! [u]Cado:[/u] *Who's Papamon? (thinks for a moment) Oh you mean Bokomon and Neemon!* [u]Patamon:[/u] Papamon gone... [u]Cado:[/u] Now don't you worry; we'll find Lopmon and... Papamon, OK? [u]Terriermon:[/u] Momenti! [i]And so, Cado, Terriermon, and Patamon continue their journey, this time without Falco or anyone else.[/i][/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Yes that's right; I'm leaving the group... :( EDIT: What happened with the links I posted? Somehow you get redirected to a porn site... :confuse2: How did that happen... :butthead: