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OOC: Oops, man am I late... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=red][i]Rosetta wandered about this strange world, seeing no one but a few fallen angels. She flew over the forest and decided to land. She was not too far from Caytin, Talia, and Kris.[/i] [u]Rosetta:[/u] Hello? Is anyone here? Well, I guess I'm all alone here... [i]Rosetta walks through the forest. Before long, Talia sees her.[/i] [u]Talia:[/u] :eek: Who are you? [u]Rosetta:[/u] Geez, what are you so frightened about? [u]Talia:[/u] Nothing... just deciding whether to stay or leave... [u]Rosetta:[/u] Where are you planning to go? [i]They finally introduce themselves. However, Talia quickly leaves, apparently heading back towards the group.[/i] [u]Rosetta:[/u] What is going on here? [i]Rosetta flies over the forest, eventually coming to an area of the forest that looks burned. Near it is a village. Rosetta ignores it and leaves the forest, coming to a mountain. She lands on top of it. Meanwhile, something comes her way. It's a Fallen![/i] [u]Fallen:[/u] What are you doing here? This is Fallen property! [u]Rosetta:[/u] Er... what exactly do you mean by "fallen?" [u]Fallen:[/u] The dark angels! I'm one! This is my property, don't you get it? [u]Rosetta:[/u] OK, I'll leave... [u]Fallen:[/u] Hold on a second, I'm not done with you... all citizens of this planet must be destroyed! [u]Rosetta:[/u] But I'm... not... a... citizen... of... [u]Fallen:[/u] Nice try. What are you, an elf with wings? [u]Rosetta:[/u] Ummm... not exactly... [i]As soon as Rosetta tries to leave, the Fallen forms a ring of fire around the mountain.[/i] [u]Rosetta:[/u] Do you think fire's gonna stop me? [i]Rosetta flies right through the fire, not even getting burned the slightest bit. She leaves the mountain and flies over the sea. Flying as fast as she can without looking back, she eventually reaches the other side and falls, not onto land, but into water that feels strangely warmer than usual... When Rosetta finally gets up, she finds herself surrounded by warm, red liquid. She swim upward with her eyes closed, finally escaping. She lands on what feels like a big rock. When Rosetta opens her eyes, she finds herself sitting on a cliff. She turns around to find herself at the top of a volcano! On the other side of it is the Fallen, laughing to himself.[/i] [u]Fallen:[/u] Hee hee hee! Who would be stupid enough to jump into that lava? Well, at least she's dead, and that's all that counts! [u]Rosetta:[/u] (to herself) So that's what happened... Hmph, I'm not dead! *gasp* I gotta get out of here! [i]Rosetta jumps off the volcano and lands in the desert. She thinks, "Great, no place to hide." Still, she is in the desert, a place similar to her home. She sits down, exhausted, praying that the Fallen will not find her.[/i][/color]
I hope I'm not too late... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=red][u]Name:[/u] Rosetta [u]Age:[/u] about 14 [u]Race:[/u] fairy, but she looks sort of like an elf [u]Weapons:[/u] a fire ring (it has a fire spirit in it so it probably counts as a "weapon" [u]Spells:[/u] Some of them are... [b]Heat Wave[/b]-basically, it raises the temperature of the surroundings, sometimes, to a pretty high temperature [b]Fireball[/b]-It's all in the name. [b]Star Wave[/b]-It also can be a beam or a shield. Guaranteed to melt almost any ice attack. [b]Burning Laser[/b]-A quick but fairly weak attack. However, it can blind foes. [b]Fiery Gaze[/b]-A lot of things can happen from this spell. The foe may be blinded, hypnotized, paralyzed, or engulfed in flame. [b]Pyro Mote[/b]-Sparks of fire fly all over the place and turn into living fireballs, each capable of launching a fiery attack. [u]Appearence:[/u] She looks like a perfect cross between an elf and a fairy. She is about 5'6" tall and has long, wavy, rose-colored hair. Her eyes are usually the same color as her hair, but when she gets angry, they turn flaming red. She wears a long, fairly elegant, pink dress highlited with streaks of white and rose. On her feet are flaming red flip-flops and gold anklets with rubies on them. That's it, I guess... [u]Description:[/u] Rosetta comes from the faraway planet Natali. She lived there for most of her life with her six sisters: Masuket, Eurobatt, Sakura, Chicadi, Ferati, and Crestina. After all six of them left on seperate journeys, Rosetta finally decided to leave Natali to come here. She came right after the war. Little did she know that the world was about to end...[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope Rosetta's in this RPG!
OOC: Hey, short posts are OK as long as they have some meaning... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=sky blue][i]Mudoramon anxiously looked through the book to see if there was anything else about why she and the others were brought here. At the same time, she was wondering why BlackGatomon had run off searching for BladeGabumon. She definitely seemed to know something about why we were brought here--something that was not found in the book. But then she thought, "Well, if it's [u]not[/u] in the book, then BlackGatomon doesn't know about it either! If she does, it must be in here somewhere..." So Mudoramon kept searching. She heard a crackling noise coming from next to her...[/i] [u]Mudoramon:[/u] Wha... What's that? [u]Blush:[/u] Look what I found! [i]Blush reaches into the bushes and pulls out an egg. It looks like it's about to hatch![/i] [u]Swishmon:[/u] Wow, a Digi Egg! [u]Mudoramon:[/u] This egg looks surprisingly familiar... Yep, this egg contains Dotmon, one of the Legendary Warriors!!! [u]Swishmon:[/u] No kidding? [u]Blush:[/u] Are you positive? [u]Mudoramon:[/u] Of course I am. [i]The egg hatches; it's Dotmon, just as Mudoramon predicted.[/i] [u]Dotmon:[/u] *waves her hand at Mudoramon* Hi!!! [quote][i]Dotmon Type: Micro Virus Attack: Bubble Blow Dotmon is a ladybug--a ladybug that cannot fly. Well, that's OK, since very few Fresh Digimon can fly. Dotmon is no different--she has the trademark Fresh move (Bubble Blow) as well...[/i][/quote] [u]Blush:[/u] Awww... Cutie! *hugs Dotmon* [i]While Blush continues t cuddle Dotmon, Dotmon glows...[/i] [u]Blush:[/u] Ahhhh! *lets go of Dotmon* [i]Dotmon Digivolves to Katydidmon.[/i] [quote][i]Katydidmon Type: Micro Virus Attack: Flying Flame Little is known about Katydidmon, except that she Digivolves from Dotmon and to Gypsymon.[/i][/quote] [u]Blush:[/u] HEY! Nobody Digivolves that fast! [u]Swishmon:[/u] She must have a good reason for it... [u]Katydidmon:[/u] Hee hee hee! [u]Blush:[/u] :all: [u]Mudoramon:[/u] Let's not get excited, OK? She just Digivolved a little early, that's all. [i]Mudoramon goes back to searching the book for info on why she and the others were brought here. She already knew that the reason [u]she[/u] was brought here was because she was one of the twelve Legendary Warriors. But why the others?[/i] [u]Mudoramon:[/u] (to herself) Wait! Part of it is... (to Swishmon and the others) OK, everybody knows that I wasbrought here because of the Legendary Warriors. [u]Swishmon:[/u] So? [u]Mudoramon:[/u] I'm one of them, and so is Dotmon, which is why she hatched. BlackGatomon and Blush were brought here to reunite with their tamers, and Labramon was brought here because of two things: to stop Warx and because his sister was also brought here. [u]Swishmon:[/u] What about me and BladeGabumon? [u]Mudoramon:[/u] Hmmm... I haven't been able to figure that out yet. Maybe you two have something to do with Warx and/or the Devils. [u]Swishmon:[/u] That can't be right! [u]Mudoramon:[/u] :idea: Maybe you, BladeGabumon, and BlackGatomon were brought here to stop the Devils! [u]Blush:[/u] That makes sense... there are three of you and three of them... [u]Swishmon:[/u] What, are you crazy? How am I associated with the devils? [u]Mudoramon:[/u] Well, think about it a little... All throughout the journey, you three have seemed to know something about this world that the rest of us currently do. And that must be related to the devils. Now, I'm not telling you to let out your secret... [u]Swishmon:[/u] Secret? What secret? I don't have a secret! I don't even know how to stop the devils! [u]Mudoramon:[/u] Did I say that you know how to stop all three of the devils? Surely you must know something about [i]one[/i] of them. [u]Blush:[/u] Don't forget; I, Blush, was once a member of the Devil group... [u]Mudoramon:[/u] Which you disbanded. I'm not saying you're a nobody--you might be the key source of info about the devils [u]Blush:[/u] Do I? (to herself) Well, maybe I do... if so, I must have forgotten it, that's all... but... ARRRGH! [i]Blush keeps racking her brain for what happend when she was with the Devils.[/i] [u]Mudoramon:[/u] Don't stress yourself out--I'm sure you know [i]something.[/i] And, Swishmon, I'm sure you do too. Remember, I don't know everything... or, at least, not yet...[/color]
OOC: Let's call the little boy Taike. [color=green][u]Nettle:[/u] Let's split up! Take six or seven soldiers each! (whispers to Taike) Taike, you better hide... [u]Sky:[/u] OK! DEMENTOAL GATE! [i]A few soldiers faint. Nettle and Chaos fight off a few soldiers. Meanwhile, Sumetre emerges to heal the three of them if they get hurt.[/i] [u]Nettle:[/u] LIGHT BLOSSOM! [i]The blossom captures five soldiers, blinding them and poisoning them to a slow death.[/i] [u]Chaos:[/u] Hey no fair! You two killed more soldiers than I did! [u]Sky:[/u] Quit talking and start fighting! [u]Sumetre:[/u] Wow, this is great! Nobody's getting... :eek:! [i]One of the soldiers shoots Taike with a gun.[/i] [u]Sumetre:[/u] I guess I spoke too soon... Taike, are you OK? [i]Sumetre tries to heal him, but fails.[/i] [u]Sumetre:[/u] Oh, I forgot, I need Nettle's help... [u]Soldier:[/u] Shut up, fairy! *grabs her and squeezes her* [i]The tiny Sumetre is getting horribly squeezed by the soldier. Within seconds, Nettle feels the same pain as she does. Those two seem connected in some way... Meanwhile, the blossom kills off the two remaining soldiers, excluding the one holding Sumetre.[/i] [u]Nettle:[/u] ...Mirror wave! [i]Sumetre is released. Meanwhile, vines rise out of the ground and wrap around the last soldier, squeezing him to death.[/i] [u]Nettle:[/u] (telepathically to Sumetre) Spell of the Forest Spirit... [i]A soothing wave of energy flows to Taike, healing him instantly. Then, Sumetre flies back inside Nettle's necklace.[/i] [u]Taike:[/u] Well, all I can say is thanks... [u]Nettle:[/u] Oh, it was nothing... Well, what next? [u]Sky:[/u] We gotta go someplace besides town and the forest... [u]Nettle:[/u] OK, ummm... the mountains? [u]Chaos:[/u] Sounds like a good idea to me![/color]
[color=sky blue][i]Cerberumon and Warx are fighting now. BlackGatomon and the others watch from afar.[/i] [u]Warx:[/u] *grabs Cerberumon, who is trapped* Won't escape, huh? [u]Cerberumon:[/u] But why... [u]Warx:[/u] SILENCE!!! [u]Tallamon:[/u] NO! Stop fighting! Grrr... I'll stay in my advanced forms from now on... here goes! TALLAMON DIGIVOLVE TO... [u]Zuliarmon:[/u] ZULIARMON DIGIVOLVE TO... MUDORAMON!!! [quote][i]Mudoramon Type: Angel Vaccine Attacks: Oracle of Light, Sword Rain At this point, Mudoramon looks surprisingly elflike. She is also always seen holding a book--because of that, some say she is related to Bokomon. The other thing is, she also uses that book in her Oracle of Light attack![/i][/quote] [u]Cerberumon:[/u] What, are you joking? We can't stop fighting! All he deserves to do is die! [u]Warx:[/u] WHAT?!? Again? [u]Mudoramon:[/u] Oh well... SWORD RAIN!!! [i]The attack causes Warx to let go of Cerberumon.[/i] [u]Cerberumon:[/u] Now you're in trouble. [u]Warx:[/u] :angry3: Think again. [u]Mudoramon:[/u] I wouldn't say that if... [u]Cerberumon:[/u] Mudoramon, I can handle this. [u]Mudoramon:[/u] OK... [i]Mudoramon goes over to where BlackGatomon is.[/i] [u]BlackGatomon:[/u] Is Cerberumon crazy? He'll get killed out there! [u]Mudoramon:[/u] It only seems that way. "If you want something done, do it yourself." [u]BlackGatomon:[/u] OK... [u]Blush:[/u] Hey, does that book say anything about the devils? [u]Mudoramon:[/u] OK... I'm looking... [u]Blush:[/u] How about why we were sent here? Why are we in trouble? Why... [u]Mudoramon:[/u] Please, one question at a time! Well, anyway... *scans through the index of the book* Devimon... Devimon... where's Dev... There! Page 589, huh? Here goes... Yes, here we go! *reads* Yadda yadda yadda... they feed on Digivolution energy... not armor energy... ummm... Aha! The way to stop them is to go to the Digital World, Digivolve there, then go back to the Real World to cream them! [u]Blush:[/u] That makes sense... [u]Mudoramon:[/u] *turns to another page* And looky here... Page 16, the start of how the Digimon came to be. It says here that the Digital World was created not too long after the Real World did. At first, there was just a... [u]Blush:[/u] Can you please skip ahead to the part about why we're here? [u]Mudoramon:[/u] Ok, OK, let me find it... Well, it says that... You know that the Digital World has six layers, right? [u]Blush:[/u] Uh-huh. Warx told me that. [u]Mudoramon:[/u] Yep, he was right. Well, one of the layers was barren until not too long ago, when the twelve Legendary Warriors turned it into a world similar to the second layer, a layer where the Digimon live in peace. The new layer was almost the same as that; new Digimon hatched and grew up. However, not all of them were good; three of them, that level's worst enemies, were the three Devils. They frightened a lot of the Digimon away until the Legendary Warriors scared them in the one spot--the Shadow Portal. That's halfway between the Real and Digital worlds. After a while, humans began living in the new level as well! Shortly after that, the Legendary Warriors were turned into eggs, hidden underneath stone tablets with pictures of them on them. [u]Blush:[/u] Who were the legendary warriors? [u]Mudoramon:[/u] They were Violetmon, Sailormon, Zeldamon, Chimeridramon, Litermon, Atlantismon, SunFairymon, Clowmon, Sundiatamon, Circemon, Sakuyamon, and Kinesismon, all of which were Megas. As far as I know, they're still eggs, but now they're scattered throughout the Digital World, every one of them. [u]Blush:[/u] Hey, what's that map for? [u]Mudoramon:[/u] This is a secret page. It tells where the legendary warriors currently are. Notice that every dot says "Egg" because they're all... [u]Blush:[/u] No way! [u]Mudoramon:[/u] What? [u]Blush:[/u] How come you're on this map? [u]Mudoramon:[/u] ...I am?!? That can't be right... I'm no Legendary Warrior... wait a minute... or maybe I am... bu that can't be! Wait a sec... One, two, three... *continues counting the eggs* ...nine, ten, eleven, ...and then there's me. Wait, that can't be right! *recounts them* That can't be! Still eleven! I guess... I am a Legendary Warrior! Question is, which one? Hmmm... Anyway, continuing along with the story, the Devils thought the Digital World was boring, so they went to the Real World instead. Now, here they are, waiting to destroy everything... [u]Blush:[/u] Whoa... whoever wrote this book knows more than Warx does about this! By the way, who did write this book? [u]Mudoramon:[/u] Ah, good question. This seems to be a magic book--every time something important happens, it is automatically recorded in this book... But... why? [u]Blush:[/u] Hmmm... sounds weird to me... [u]Mudoramon:[/u] The other weird thing is, it is actually written in every language--it automatically converts to the language the reader knows best. [u]Blush:[/u] ...Then how come you're in posession of it? [u]Mudoramon:[/u] *sigh* My guess is... *reads* In order to reach the Ultimate stage, the Legendary Warriors needed a crest. And here's a key... *gasp* ...It says that I have the Crest of Wisdom! [u]Blush:[/u] That explains it... [u]Mudoramon:[/u] In order to reach the Mega stage, they needed to Spirit Digivolve. What's a Spirit, you ask? The Digidestined, who were the Legendary Warriors' tamers, used those spirits to turn into Digimon. It seems that the ultimate Digimon used those same Spirits to reach their Mega level. What's more, two Hybrids (humans turned into Digimon) and two Megas could fuse into one Digimon by DNA Digivolving. Those six legendary Digimon were Irismon, Saphiramon, Leteimon, Crystalmon, Auroramon, and Alphamon. Oh, and here's their Digivolution charts... *scans through the chart* Whoa! It says here that I Digivolve to Zeldamon! Then I DNA Digivolve with Sakuyamon to Leteimon... Weird... [u]Blush:[/u] *sweatdrop* OK... [u]Mudoramon:[/u] Anyway... *flips to the back of the book* Here's the part about us. We were brought to this world because... *reads* because... uhhh... DARN!!! It's not in here! You know what that means--nobody found that out yet! [u]Blush:[/u] Darn is right... [u]Mudoramon:[/u] Well, I guess we're gonna have to figure that out by ourselves... [u]Blush:[/u] Got that right.[/color]
You should have told me that after my second-to-last post...
[color=green][u]Nettle:[/u] (whispers) Light blossom [i]A glowing flower appears in front of the soldiers. Toxic dust emerges from it and scatters all over the soldiers. One by one, the soldiers begin to faint. After that, the flower disappears.[/i] [u]Nettle:[/u] Let's go! [i]Sky, Nettle, and Chaos leave the town and head for the forest again.[/i] [u]Sky:[/u] What are we going back here for? [u]Nettle:[/u] There are no soldiers here. [u]Chaos:[/u] Good.[/color] OOC: Darn, that was one of the shortest posts I've ever done in an RPG...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BigCajones [/i] [B]Damn someone replied before me, anyways I haven't played it in ages, but this is what I think. He wants a rematch, he nearly caught a Pokemon (could of been Abra?) and he has been training one of his Pokemon, which I can't remember right now. Someone still try and answer: What Pokemon do you have to trade to evolve and name the item you use if it needs an item. [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, you left out something! He calls about something else! Hint: He calls about some event happening in Goldenrod City, but what is it?
OOC: Is it OK if I just call the Labramon FLabramon and MLabramon? FLabramon is the female Labramon. That way, nobody has to bother with color tags... IC: [color=sky blue][u]Tallamon:[/u] I saw her somewhere around here... [u]Blush:[/u] Where? [u]FLabramon:[/u] *sniff sniff* Yep, she was here all right! [u]Swishmon:[/u] That's strange... she must have left. [u]Tallamon:[/u] Hey, I know! Labramon can follow her scent! [u]MLabramon:[/u] Good idea! [i]After a few days, the group finally finds BlackGatomon. They are at a house that looks like it was hit by a tornado.[/i] [u]Tallamon:[/u] BlackGatomon! [u]Blush:[/u] BladeGabumon! There you are! [u]BlackGatomon:[/u] :bawl: [u]Blush:[/u] What's wrong? [u]BlackGatomon:[/u] Well... [i]BlackGatomon's first instinct was to make the group go away, but she finally decided to tell them...[/i] [u]BlackGatomon:[/u] Well, I was wandering around when I just came to this place... But it wasn't messed up like now... This place is my home! Anyways, I was just about to enter it when Devimon appeared! He just tore down this place! The people in it were about to flee, but Devimon grabbed them and flew off with them. I Armor-Digivolved to Nefertimon and followed them, but all he led me to was NeoDevimon and IceDevimon. They clobbered me! I immediately turned back into BlackGatomon and ran for my life! I ended up here again, and that's it... Devimon still has them trapped; I have to find a way to free them... [u]Tallamon:[/u] That sounds terrible! [u]MLabramon:[/u] But how are we going to get them back? [u]FLabramon:[/u] Yeah, ww can't stop all three devils on our own! [u]Tallamon:[/u] AHA! I have an idea! All we have to do is go to the Digital World and Digivolve there! The Devils can't track us down while we're there! [u]Blush:[/u] We're in the Real World? All this time I thought we were in the Digital World! [u]BlackGatomon:[/u] Well, duh--humans don't live in the Digital World! [u]BladeGabumon:[/u] So, how do we get to the Digital World? [u]Swishmon:[/u] It's easy! All we have do do is find a Digi-port and... [u]Blush:[/u] How are we gonna find one? [u]Tallamon:[/u] It's always where you'd least expect it... [u]FLabramon:[/u] If we go where we least expect it, then we are expecting it, so we have to look in the place where we would normally most expect it, which means that's not the place where you would least expect it, and... [u]BlackGatomon:[/u] What exactly are you trying to say? [u]FLabramon:[/u] OH, I'm confused! :confuse2:[/color]
[color=sky blue][i]Tallamon got a little suspicious and decided to find BlkackGatomon. She turned invisible and left the cave. Nobody saw her leave. Tallamon didn't see anyone, but she heard what sounded like Gatomon talking to BladeGabumon.[/i] [u]BlackGatomon:[/u] So, you say you want me to show the others how to stop Devimon, huh? I'll show you! BLACKGATOMON ARMOR DIGIVOLVE TO... NEFERTIMON!!! [i]A black Nefertimon appeared.[/i] [u]BladeGabumon:[/u] We have to armpr Digivolve? [u]Tallamon:[/u] I can't do that! What am I gonna do? [u]Nefertimon:[/u] Stay as a Rookie, I guess... Hey wait a minute, who are you? *looks around and sees nobody but BladeGabumon* You know, you sound a lot like Tallamon... [u]Tallamon:[/u] You know what? That might actually be a good idea! Meanwhile, why don't you turn back into BlackGatomon, just incase someone sees you? [u]Nefertimon:[/u] OK... *turns back into BlackGatomon* [i]Tallamon heads back into the cave and tells Blush and the Labramon about BlackGatomon's plan.[/i] [u]Both Labramon:[/u] But we can't Armor Digivolve! [u]Blush:[/u] Neither can I! [u]Swishmon:[/u] I don't think I can either... [u]Tallamon:[/u] Well, I got news for you... neither can I! [u]Blush:[/u] You mean Gatomon's gonna have to do this by herself? [u]Tallamon:[/u] She'll still have us to help. Don't forget, we're still Digimon.[/color]
[color=purple][i]Birdramon was in need for adventure, so Magemon and Deleriummon flew on her over the forest. They were looking for something to do.[/i] [u]Deleriummon:[/u] Well, do you see anything interesting yet? [u]Magemon:[/u] Nope, nothing... [u]Birdramon:[/u] Well, my wings are getting tired, so let's take a little break, OK? [u]Magemon:[/u] Yeah, I'm getting a little tired of standing up... [i]Birdramon lands on top of a nearby hill. They are very close to the mountains.[/i] [u]Birdramon:[/u] Well, now what are we going to do? [u]Deleriummon:[/u] Will you PLEASE stop asking that? I'm getting tired of that, not to mention I'm bored to death... [u]Birdramon:[/u] Yeah, me too. [u]Magemon:[/u] Look! Over there! [i]What Magemon sees is a castle on top of a mountain. The castle is black and a little creepy-looking.[/i] [u]Deleriummon:[/u] What is that? [u]Birdramon:[/u] I don't know, but it looks a little creepy, don't you think? [u]Magemon:[/u] Let's check it out! [u]Birdramon:[/u] OK... [i]Magemon, Birdramon, and Deleriummon arrive at the castle and enter it. They are walking down a seemingly endless hall...[/i] [u]Birdramon:[/u] Now it's REALLY creepy... [u]Magemon:[/u] Hey! What's that? [i]Magemon immediately spots a picture of a Devimon on the wall. As he, Deleriummon, and Birdramon walk down the hall, they see pictures of MarineDevimon, NeoDevimon, IceDevimon; basically, everything that ends in Devimon and their ancestors. When they finally reach the end of the hall, they see a giant picture of Devimon on the wall.[/i] [u]Deleriummon:[/u] Whoa... don't tell me this is... [u]Magemon:[/u] Yes, it is. The Dark Castle! [u]Birdramon:[/u] So that means... :worried: [u]???:[/u] Who's there? [u]Everyone:[/u] DEVIMON!!![/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by black cat 2 [/i] [B]my parents are divorced so i have two names on here black cat and black cat 2. thats a problem i have my parents are divorced and not alot of people i know have divorced parents so they can't help me. it't so cofusing most of the time because they have joint custody of me, my brother and my sister. i [/B][/QUOTE] My parents are also divorced! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hmmm... *sigh* This may seem weird, but my problem is that I don't have any problems... My life is almost perfect... [i]too[/i] perfect. There's just no challenge in my life; everything's so easy. I don't know why... You think having problems is hard, but what's worse than that is not having any problems at all! Well, actually, I do have some... but they're very minor and easy to deal with...
*faints* I can't last for a day without daydreaming! Not only am I in a totally different place in my dreams, I'm not myself! I'm someone totally different! For example, once I was a little girl (around age 8), another time, I was a boy... And I'm in a different place every day. Frequently my daydreams include anime characters or characters I created. They go on adventures and everything! That's also how I create most of my characters! Anyway, another place in my mind visualizes an empty place; in the ocean on some other planet with no living things on it... The clouds are blue, and the planet is covered with them. There is hardly any land where I am on that planet. I have no clue where it is, though... I'm stil trying to figure it out, and it's been two years already...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt [/i] [B][color=red][b]fighting is for "stupid poopy-heads". There are always alternatives to fighting.[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] In that case, I'm a stupid poopy-head... or I used to be...
[color=purple][i]Magemon and the others woke up and left the beach house they were in.[/i] [u]Nettlemon:[/u] Well, now what do we do? [u]Biyomon:[/u] Good question... [u]Magemon:[/u] ... [u]*finds a few surfboards in the house* Hey! I got an idea! Let's go surfing! [u]Nettlemon:[/u] OK! [u]Magemon:[/u] Uhhh... I'm not very good at it, but... [u]Biyomon:[/u] *flies out to sea with her surfboard and places it on the water* Cowabunga! [u]Nettlemon:[/u] Hey, that sounds like fun! It's a nice day too! [u]Magemon:[/u] *sigh* I'm just not the water type... [i]Magemon spots a shadowy thing swimming in the ocean.[/i] [u]Magemon:[/u] Huh? What is that? [i]The shadow glows and seems to transform into what looks like an overgrown squid.[/i] [u]Magemon:[/u] Huh?!? [u]???:[/u] Well well well, what have we here? [i]The Digimon rises to thew surface of the water. It's Calamarimon!!![/i] [u]Magemon:[/u] I knew it. I did smell something fishy... [u]Calamarimon:[/u] What are you, stunned by my beauty? [u]Magemon:[/u] Beauty? Ha! At least you're no more beautiful than Nettlemon over there is! [u]Calamarimon:[/u] Well, cutie pie, that's all gonna change in a minute. ACID INK!!! [i]The attack hits Nettlemon.[/i] [u]Nettlemon:[/u] HEY! What did you... *turns around* Well what do you know? It's Calamarimon! [u]Calamarimon:[/u] Hahahaha! How do you feel now, sugar? [u]Nettlemon:[/u] :mad: LIGHT BLOSSOM!!! [u]Calamarimon:[/u] TITANIC TEMPEST!!! [i]Calamarimon's attack cuts right through Nettlemon's. It then hits Nettlemon, knocking her underwater.[/i] [u]Magemon:[/u] Ha, you wanna know something? [u]Calamarimon:[/u] What? [u]Magemon:[/u] (to Biyomon) You better get out of the water... (to Calamarimon) :smirk: Water conducts electricity. STATIC WAVE!!! [i]The attack goes right through the water and hits Calamarimon.[/i] [u]Calamarimon:[/u] :faint: It's not over yet, sugar pie... *Flings one of her tentacles at Magemon* [u]Magemon:[/u] *falls in the water* Great, now I'm all wet... [u]Calamarimon:[/u] You better believe it! TITANIC TEMPEST!!! [i]The attack heads straight for Magemon. Meanwhile, Nettlemon is underwater; she's glowing...[/i] [u]Nettlemon:[/u] Wow... what's happening to me? ...I'm Digivolving! NETTLEMON DIGIVOLVE TO... DELERIUMMON!!! [quote][i]Deleriummon Type: Holy Angel Virus Attacks: Sleep Wave, Oracle of Darkness Another inappropriately named Digimon?!? Can anyone say that Deleriummon is delerius? Anyway, Deleriummon is possibly the ugliest and most evil of the Nymphmon line. She is one of the two "hypnotic angel" Digimon (the other is Driavamon); both of them have the trademark Sleep Wave attack. Nobody's quite sure of what her other attack does, though...[/i][/quote] [u]Deleriummon:[/u] *rises out of the water* Now who's the beautiful one, sugar pie? [u]Calamarimon:[/u] :mad: Quit mocking me!!! We have a battle to finish! ACID INK!!! [u]Deleriummon:[/u] ORACLE OF DARKNESS!!! [i]Deleriummon's attack cuts right through Calamarimon's. It then hits Calamarimon.[/i] [u]Deleriummon:[/u] What's the matter, too weak to fight? This battle is about to be over. SLEEP WAVE!!! [u]Calamarimon:[/u] You'll pay for this, sugar piiiieee... :sleep: [u]Deleriummon:[/u] All right, Magemon, it's your turn. [u]Magemon:[/u] OK! STATIC WAVE!!! *Calamarimon faints and is flung up in the air* Biyomon? [u]Biyomon:[/u] All right! BIYOMON DIGIVOLVE TO... BIRDRAMON!!! Bye-bye, you little squid! METEOR WING!!! [i]Calamarimon is hurled into the sky, well away from Birdramon and the group.[/i] [u]Magemon:[/u] That was great, you guys. [u]Birdramon:[/u] We're girls... [u]Magemon:[/u] Whatever. *sigh* I hope we're going to get to do something besides battle! [u]Deleriummon:[/u] Got that right. :o[/color]
Gaming Pokemon: If you could make a perfect one what would it be and look like?
Imp replied to Flipmodesquad's topic in Noosphere
Awwww! Suphtie is sooooo cute!!! A normal/ground-type, huh? Cool! (I want one...) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yeah, I just heard about that Pikablu-is-Marill thing, so I changed my Pikablu's name to Puka. -
They are: Magnemite, Magneton, Voltorb, Electrode, Staryu, Starmie, Porygon, Porygon2, Unown, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-oh, Mewtwo, Mew, Celebi, and Ditto! Here's a question: If you register Camper Todd's phone number, what does he call you about? (there are three of them)
[color=purple][i]Magemon, Biyomon, and Nettlemon arrive at the beach. The sun has just gone down.[/i] [u]Biyomon:[/u] Aw, we missed it! [u]Nettlemon:[/u] Yeah, because you were walking so slowly... [u]Biyomon:[/u] Don't blame me! I have shorter legs than you two do, and I'm too tired to fly... *yawn* Speaking of tired, I'm getting a little sleepy... [u]Nettlemon:[/u] Me too... [u]Magemon:[/u] Well, I guess that leaves me out... Oh well. [u]Biyomon:[/u] We gotta find a place to sleep! [u]Nettlemon:[/u] OK... Over there! *points to an abandoned beach house* [u]Magemon:[/u] OK, let's go inside. *they approach the house* [u]Biyomon:[/u] I don't know about this place... it seems to give me the creeps... [u]Magemon:[/u] Don't worry about a thing. *he tries to open the door but fails* [u]Nettlemon:[/u] Great, it's locked... [u]Biyomon:[/u] Maybe you gotta push harder... *tackles the door; it swings open* [i]They go inside. It's a mess in there! Piles of paper, broken surfboards, little pieces of glass, and cobwebs are scattered throughout the place.[/i] [u]Biyomon:[/u] This place is a mess! [u]Nettlemon:[/u] You got that right... [u]Magemon:[/u] Well, this is all we have, so we gotta make the best out of it... *opens a drawer and takes out several pillows and sheets* Hey! Look what I found! [u]Biyomon:[/u] All right! [u]Nettlemon:[/u] *grabs a pillow* This one's mine! [u]Biyomon:[/u] *grabs a pillow* I got this one! [u]Nettlemon:[/u] Mine's better. [u]Biyomon:[/u] Wanna prove it? *hits Nettlemon's pillow with hers* [u]Nettlemon:[/u] Uh-oh, PILLOW FIGHT!!! [u]Magemon:[/u] OK... [i]Magemon grabs a pillow, lies down a few feet away from the others, and falls asleep.[/i] [u]Biyomon:[/u] *looks at Magemon* Heh, I thought he wasn't tired! [u]Nettlemon:[/u] Let's face it, we've all had a rough day. *lies down* [u]Biyomon:[/u] I still don't like this place, but... *lies down next to Magemon* Good night. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [u]Devimon:[/u] Grrr... I can't believe those two goons overpowered me! Hmph. Nobody messes with the devil. NOBODY!!! Well, on the other hand, those black sweeties didn't even try to fight me, so I'll find them first... :smirk:[/color]
[color=skyblue][i]Of course there was a ghost following the devils--the ghost was Tallamon![/i] [u]Tallamon:[/u] (to herself) Maybe if I follow the Devimon, I can figure out what their plan is to take over this world... :smirk: Their plan is about to backfire. [u]Swishmon:[/u] HEY! Let us go! [u]BlackAgumon:[/u] Grrr... BURNING CLAW!!! [i]The attack cannot be fired bacause BlackAgumon's arms cannot move. Devimon is holding him tightly.[/i] [u]BlackAgumon:[/u] :mad: [i]The devils land on the other side of the forest. Meanwhile...[/i] [u]NeoDevimon:[/u] Well, if you're not gonna join me... *shows himself* Then I'll make you join! [i]NeoDevimon grabs BlackGatomon and Blush, knocks them unconscious, and flies off to where the other devils are. Tallamon is there, although she can't be seen.[/i] [u]Devimon:[/u] *opens a portal; it looks more like a hole in the ground* Well, here's a place for you to stay for while while we come up with a plan! [i]The devils throw the other Digimon (except themselves and Tallamon) into the portal. The portal is sealed, but has not disappeared.[/i] [u]NeoDevimon:[/u] So, what's this plan to take over the world? [u]Devimon:[/u] Well, first we... [i]The devils huddle together to discuss their plan. Tallamon, who is still invisible, tries to hear what they're saying, but they seem to be talking in a different language. Meanwhile, in the portal, Swishmon and the others wake up.[/i] [u]Swishmon:[/u] Where are we? [u]Blush:[/u] I don't know, but I wanna go home! [u]BlackGatomon:[/u] Are you saying we have to find our humans? We have other things to do now! [i]Tallamon gives up on listening to the devils, so she becomes visible again, opens the portal, and beckons the others out of it.[/i] [u]Swishmon:[/u] Are you crazy? We'll... [u]Tallamon:[/u] SSSSHHH! Let's be quiet, OK?[/u] [i]Swishmon and the others leave the portal and sneak past the devils, who are too caught up in making theor plans to notice them. They find a little cave in the forest, where they decide to hide.[/i] [u]Blush:[/u] It's dark in here! I can't see a thing! [/color][color=deeppink][u]Labramon:[/u] Neither can I![/color] [color=royalblue][u]Labramon:[/u] Same here.[/color][color=skyblue] [i]Tallamon's necklace glows brightly enough to see in the cave. Meanwhile, BlackAgumon uses a nearby rock to seal the entrance. They all sense that the devils are coming, hoping that they won;t find them in their little cave. Meanwhile...[/i] [u]IceDevimon:[/u] Great! We lost them! [u]Devimon:[/u] Now now, keep looking... [i]The devils pass the cave, as if they didn't see it.[/i] [u]NeoDevimon:[/u] Grrr... I can't believe those little runts ran away! [i]The devils fly into the sky to find Blush and the others. They are now well away from where they are.[/i] [u]Tallamon:[/u] Whew, that was a close one! Those devils almost found us![/color] [color=royalblue][u]Labramon:[/u] Got that right![/color]:bluesweat
OOC: Wow, I'm the only Zeruian in this RPG... IC: [color=green][font=century gothic][i]Nettle was in the forest, as usual. She could hear someone fighting; Lotoewian soldiers were on the planet Zeru.[/i] [u]Nettle:[/u] What is going on here? Soldiers are all over the place! I hope they're not Lotoewian... *takes a good look at the soldiers* :eek:! They are! [i]Sure enough, a group of seven Lotoewian soldiers were headed Nettle's way. They seemed to know that Nettle was their enemy... The soldiers were Malik, Kebi, Kinto, Shibe, Gallin, Orbik, and Pala.[/i] [u]Malik:[/u] Hey, look you guys! *he points to Nettle* [u]Kebi:[/u] That's funny... I thought all the Zeruians were cuddled up inside their homes... [u]Shibe:[/u] What's she doing out? [u]Orbik:[/u] (whispers to Kinto) Do you think we should call it a day? Ummm... a week? You know, I'm tired, I'm bored, and man am I hungry! [u]Kinto:[/u] *grabs Orbik by the collar* Yeah, hungry for battle! [u]Gallin:[/u] OK, quit fighting, you two! This is no time to think about food! We got a war to win! [u]Nettle:[/u] You know, you are some of the goofiest soldiers I've ever met. [u]Pala:[/u] ... [u]Kinto:[/u] Well? *stares at Pala* What are you waiting for? *stares deeper* ATTACK HER AT ONCE! [u]Shibe:[/u] Yes, sir! *takes out his sword and points it at Nettle* [i]Nettle grabs her necklace and opens it. Out flies Sumetre, the little forest pixie. Meanwhile, the seven soldiers all take out their weapons and charge at Nettle. Nettle pauses for a moment, then eventually fires an attack...[/i] [u]Nettle:[/u] *puts her hands out in front of her* (whispers) Mirror wave... [i]The attack sends a wave of energy in all directions, also hitting the tree in which Sky and Chaos are hiding again. Sky and Chaos, who happened to fall asleep again, wake up and jump out of the tree. Meanwhile, the wave causes the soldiers' weapons to turn around and point at them. The weapons fire at their owners.[/i] [u]Kebi:[/u] What? *he is killed by his own gun; the others' weapons kill their owners* :faint: [i]The weapons drop to the ground. Sky and Chaos, who missed most of the battle, emerged from behind the tree and saw Nettle standing next top seven dead soldiers.[/i] [u]Sky:[/u] What happened? :worried: [u]Chaos:[/u] Oh shut up. They're Lotoewian soldiers. Why else would a Zeruian be the cause of this? [i]Nettle blushes; this was actually the first time she actually killed someone before.[/i] [u]Nettle:[/u] What are you two doing here? [u]Sky:[/u] Well, we heard that the war has already moved here, and... [u]Chaos:[/u] We came to... we came to...help Zeru out? [u]Nettle:[/u] Well, that's a good idea... [u]Sky:[/u] Who are you anyway? [i]Chaos, Nettle, and Sky introduce themselves. Then they go into town, where they see yet even more Lotoewian soldiers.[/i] [u]Sumetre:[/u] Oh no, more soldiers? *flies back into Nettle's necklace and shuts herself up in it* [u]Nettle:[/u] *giggles* Scared, huh? [u]Sky:[/u] They're all over the place! [u]Chaos:[/u] Now what do we do? [u]Nettle:[/u] I don't know. I just wish this war never started! :bawl:[/color][/font]
[color=purple][i]Magemon continued to try to calm Birdramon down. After being hit ten times, he finally managed to calm her down.[/i] [u]Birdramon:[/u] *sigh* What happened... [u]Magemon:[/u] What happened? You were attacking us! [u]Birdramon:[/u] I was? [u]Nymphmon:[/u] Of course you were! And you burned up half of this forest! [u]Birdramon:[/u] I can't do that! I'm just a little Biyomon who... *looks down at herself* ...Digivolved? Well, that explains everything... *turns back into Biyomon* [u]Nymphmon:[/u] Awww! Isn't she cute? [u]Magemon:[/u] Yeah but something was definitely wrong with her. She could have been under control of an evil Digimon or something. [u]Nymphmon:[/u] You must be joking. There aren't any evil... *sees a shadowy figure pass by; it looks like the shadow of a Devimon* Devimon?!? :faint: [u]Magemon:[/u] Oh, cheer up... We'll defeat any evil Digimon that dares to come near us. They won't even know what hit them! [u]Biyomon:[/u] I'm scared... If I leave, I might lose control again... [u]Magemon:[/u] Don't feel bad. You can come with us! [u]Biyomon:[/u] Really? Oh thanks... *hugs Magemon* Thanks so much! [u]Magemon:[/u] OK, OK... you can stop the cuddling now... [u]Nymphmon:[/u] :laugh: [u]Magemon:[/u] Hmph. It's not funny... :laugh: Or maybe it is! [u]Biyomon:[/u] :laugh: [i]Nymphmon was right about seeing an evil Digimon--Devimon appears![/i] [u]Devimon:[/u] What's all the giggle about? [u]Nymphmon:[/u] Huh? :eek:!!! *grabs Magemon and Biyomon and runs away from Devimon* Come on, I just remembered that there's a parade in town today![/u] [u]Devimon:[/u] Fools... I'm gonna rain on [i]their[/i] parade! :smirk: [i] Ten minutes later, Nymphmon, Magemon, and Biyomon are out of the forest; they arrive at what looks like a deserted town.[/i] [u]Magemon:[/u] So, you were saying? [u]Nymphmon:[/u] Uhhh... I'm positive it was here! I... [u]Magemon:[/u] What kind of a trick is this? [u]Biyomon:[/u] Do you think an evil Digimon did it? [u]Magemon:[/u] Well, if it really [i]is[/i] Devimon, we'll just Digivolve and clobber him, right? Biyomon, you can Digivolve, right? [u]Biyomon:[/u] But what if I lose control again? [u]Magemon:[/u] That can't happen as long as you're with us! [u]Devimon:[/u] Oh, so you think you can stop me, huh? [u]Magemon:[/u] *points his staff at Devimon* Yes, I think I can stop you. [u]Devimon:[/u] :o [u]Magemon:[/u] STATIC WAVE!!! [i]The attack startles Devimon; Devimon appears to be paralyzed...[/i] [u]Magemon:[/u] There, that should shut you up for a while! [i]Meanwhile...[/i] [u]BlackTerriermon:[/u] Oh man, I thought there was gonna be a parade here! [u]BlackGuilmon:[/u] Me too! :bawl: [u]BlackTerrriermon:[/u] Look, it's... Devimon! [i]BlackTerriermon sees Devimon being attacked by Magemon. Devimon falls down, unable to move.[/i] [u]BlackTerriermon:[/u] Yeah! Fight fight fight fight fight!!! [u]Magemon:[/u] Whoa, a black Terriermon! And a Guilmon! Wow, I'm seeing black! [u]BlackGuilmon:[/u] Don't hurt us... we're not with Devimon... [u]Magemon:[/u] Oh OK... [u]BlackGuilmon:[/u] Do you know where the parade went? [u]Magemon:[/u] *sigh* There is no parade... [i]Devimon slowly starts to get up. The effect of Magemon's attack begins to wear off.[/i] [u]Devimon:[/u] DEATH CLAW!!! *the attack hits Nymphmon* [u]Magemon:[/u] :eek:! Nymphmon! Are you OK? [i]As Magemon helps Nymphmon up, Nymphmon glows...[/i] [u]Magemon:[/u] Huh? [u]Nymphmon:[/u] NYMPHMON DIGIVOLVE TO... NETTLEMON!!! [quote][i]Nettlemon Type: Angel Virus Attacks: Light Blossom, Flower Bubble Nettlemon looks almost exactly like Nymphmon, doesn't she? At this point, her attacks become more defensive and more wavelike. She also is more calm than her earlier form, but that could change...[/i][/quote] [u]Nettlemon:[/u] LIGHT BLOSSOM!!! *a gigantic flower beam hits Devimon* [u]Devimon:[/u] *flies away* You won't win next time... [i]Devimon is gone.[/i] [u]Magemon:[/u] That was weird... why did Devimon just fly away? [u]Nettlemon:[/u] I guess he doesn't like flowers... [u]Biyomon:[/u] Or bright light! [u]BlackTerriermon:[/u] This place gives me the creeps. Do you think we should go back to where Renumon is? [u]BlackGuilmon:[/u] Sounds good to me! Let's go. [i]BlackTerrirmon and BlackGuilmon are gone.[/i] [u]Magemon:[/u] Well, this has been a weird day... [u]Nettlemon:[/u] You got that right... [u]Biyomon:[/u] Hey! The sun's going down! [u]Nettlemon:[/u] Yes, isn't the sunset beautiful? [u]Magemon:[/u] Yeah, whatever. Let's go. [u]Nettlemon:[/u] Where to? [u]Magemon:[/u] Uhhh... That's a good question. [u]Biyomon:[/u] :o[/color]
[color=skyblue][font=century gothic][i]BlackGatomon was now well away from the group. Zuliarmon's first instinct was to follow her, but she stayed with the group.[/i] [u]Kolibrymon:[/u] Well, someone left the group, and two of you just joined the group... *looks at Zuliarmon and Lupedramon* [u]Zuliarmon:[/u] Yeah, I bet BlackGatomon's just a fraidy-cat. However, something tells me that she ran away for a good reason... She could know something that we don't. [u]Kolibrymon:[/u] Then how come you're not following her? [u]Zuliarmon:[/u] :bluesweat It's not a good idea to follow a black cat... [u]Kolibrymon:[/u] (to himself) Zuliarmon's hiding something from us... but what? [u]Mushroomon:[/u] What? You're not going to have a conversation in the middle of a battle, are you? [u]Zuliarmon:[/u] BlackGatomon was right... This [i]is[/i] fight day... I've been in a couple fights myself! Well, those battles were really easy... [i]Lupedramon is out fighting Yasyamon. Neither of them seems to be winning.[/i] [u]Zuliarmon:[/u] OK, Yasyamon, playtime's over. *appears next to Yasyamon* [u]Yasyamon:[/u] What, you think you can stop me? I'm just toying with Lupedramon here! [u]Lupedramon:[/u] Go away, will you? I don't need any help! [u]Zuliarmon:[/u] Fine. *sits down at a safe distance and watches the battle* (to herself) This oughta be interesting... [u]Kolibrymon:[/u] What, is that guy crazy? He's gonna get beat! [u]Lupedramon:[/u] LEAVE ME ALONE! YOU'RE BREAKING MY CONCENTRATION! [u]Kolibrymon:[/u] (to himself) That guy's got issues.[/color][/font]
[color=sky blue][font=century gothic][i]The sun sets.[/i] [u]Zuliarmon:[/u] *yawn* Nighttime. Time to wake up! [i]Zuliarmon flies over the forest and sees a fire.[/i] [u]Zuliarmon:[/u] What's this fire doing here? I gotta put it out--and fast! [i]Zuliarmon quickly flies back to the river and finds the canoe she was riding in earlier. She fills it with water, flies back to where the fire is, and sprinkles the water over the still small fire.[/i] [u]Zuliarmon:[/u] Luckily this fire didn't spread too quickly... [i]Within minutes, the fire goes out.[/i] [u]BlackGatomon:[/u] Huh? The fire went out! *sees Zuliarmon* Huh? *walks over to Zuliarmon* Are you the one who... [u]Zuliarmon:[/u] :eek:! *turns her back to BlackGatomon* Black cat alert! [u]BlackGatomon:[/u] OK... [u]Kolibrymon:[/u] What's going on here? And who are you? [u]Zuliarmon:[/u] Zuliarmon, nothing more and nothing less... [i]The three Digimon introduce themselves, apparently not knowing what they're doing.[/i] [u]Kolibrymon:[/u] *he glows for a short time* I hope you're not with those Devidramon... [u]Zuliarmon:[/u] Relax. I'm not. [u]BlackGatomon:[/u] Well, if you're on the good side, then... [u]Zuliarmon:[/u] That means I can come with you? [u]Kolibrymon:[/u] Uhhh...[/color][/font]
Knowing the future, huh? For a while, I had absolutely no clue what would happen with my future. then, I had a perfect vision of my future. Now, I keep having very realistic dreams about what could be my future, and with all the personalities I have, the road through my future is very confusing... Destiny, huh? It seems that every day, I think I have a different destiny--one day it's this and one day it's that. Weird, huh?
Yep, Horsea and Starmie! Your turn, and same goes for whoever answera the other part of G/S/B's question!