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Everything posted by Imp

  1. Mnemeth: (wakes up) Whoa... it's midday already... Huh?!? (the trees around her have fallen down; the place looks like something hit it) Now who could have done this? (a blue light appears in front of her) Blue light: There is a clearing near the forest right near where you are. Go there; everyone is waiting for you. (the light disappears) Mnemeth: OK, I guess I must go to the clearing... ???: I'm not so sure about that. (a wing sticks out one of the fallen trees) Mnemeth: Whoa, did your nest get destroyed too? ???: Nest? I destroyed this place! Mnemeth: ?!? And... who are you? ???: (leaps out of the tree; she looks like a cross between a griffin, a fairy, and a pink bird...) I'm Pepper, and my mission is to stop fellas like you from reaching your destination! Mnemeth: Excuse me, but I must go. (she walks away towards the clearing and sees Chris and the others) Wow, that thing was right--I am close! (shouting) Hey Chris! I'm here! Hope I didn't miss anything! Chris: (he didn't appear to be listening to what she said) Well, I guess Mnemeth isn't coming, so... Shayleigh: Of course she's coming! I heard her calling to you... (Pepper appears out of the bush) Pepper: *pant pant* Auuugh. That little creep sure is fast... (sees Chris) Hey! Where's Mnemeth? Chris: That's what I was about to say... Mnemeth: Right here! Pepper! What are you doing here? Pepper: :mad: YOU LITTLE CREEP!!! I WAS SENT HERE TO DEST... I mean, uh... Mnemeth: Nope, I heard exactly what you said... You said that you wanted to [i]destroy[/i] me, right? Pepper: I let the cat out of the bag... Mnemeth: Is that a yes? Pepper: Uh... YES!!! (throws a fireballat Mnemeth) What? Where did she go? Huh? Where am I? I... :eek:eek:eek:! :faint: Can't...move... Mnemeth: Yep, you sure made a mistake there... Pepper: What WAS that? Mnemeth: Looking me is not a good thing to do in a fight. (joins Chris and the others) So... did you tell us what we're supposed to do yet? Chris: Nope, you haven't missed a thing...
  2. Deebie: No problem with that. (she waves her hands over Frogfucius) Hopwfully I can bring him back to life... (continues waving her hands over Frogfucius, this time more quickly; fairy dust falls from her hands) It's working! Yaaaaay! (Frogfucius wakes up) Frogfucius: I told you, don't worry about me! Just save the tadpoles! Deebie: But we need your help to do it! Bowyer: No... (he faints and dies) Frogfucius: How so? Deebie: The tadpoles need water! And I suppose you know where they can find some... Hmmm... Show me one of your attacks, Frog. Frogfucius: Don't have none. Deebie: Of course! Spit. Frogfucius: Uhhh... OK. (he tries to spit, but instead, a big spout of water emerges from his mouth) :eek:! I do have an attack! Deebie: And you can use it to revive the tadpoles! Frogfucius: OK! Tadpoles, here I come! Geno: Well, goodbye, Frog... Marry: Hey! Take a look at this! (looks at the dead Bowyer) Geno: What happened to him? Deebie: He's dead. I'm positive he's dead! He's been dead for five minutes! Marry: Only five minutes? (everyone laughs)
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Valen [/i] [B]You forgot Crystal ;) Haha, but yeah, Gold, Silver, and Crystal versions. Right before the first battle with your rival. [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, I'm talking about R/B/Y; your rival doesn't exactly say that in G/S/C... Here's a hint: The person who said that quote is female, and one of her Pokemon is Golbat.
  4. Toad: Well, I say we end this conversation about relatives... Deebie: And split up. Toad: Uh... yeah, split up. Marry: Split up? But what about... Deebie: Toad'll be fine, and so will I. Toad: And I say we head for the castle! Marry: That's where I'm going! Deebie: OK, I guess we won't split up, then... at least not yet. The only question is, where is this castle? Marry: Good question... I don't know... Toad: I know exactly where it is! Follow me! [i]Marry, Toad, and Deebie reach the Boo Mansion.[/i] Deebie: This way! (she points to the right) Marry: No, that way! (he points to the left) Deebie: Right! Marry: Left! Deebie: You're wrong! Marry: No, you are! (Deebie and Marry continue arguing) Toad: Deebie! Marry! You're both wrong! It's [i]that[/i] way! (he points to the mansion) Marry: We have to go [i]through[/i] the mansion? Toad: No, silly, we go [i]around[/i] it. Deebie: Oh, I see. [i]Toad and the others are heading towards Star Road.[/i] Toad: We're almost there! Star Road's over there, so... Huh? (looks more closely at the clouds) Deebie: What? Toad: Star Road is in the clouds, right? (Deebie nods in agreement) Well, I see clouds, but no star! Star Road is supposed to be a star-shaped mesa, but it's not there! Marry: What's a mesa? Toad: It's a flat-topped mountain, I think. Deebie: Great, my big brother trying to use big words... Toad: It's not a big word! It's only four letters long! Marry: Look! Over there! Toad: What the... (in the road's place is a pile of stardust) Oh, I bet Bowser did this... Deebie: Yeah, who else would be strong enough to turn a big old mountain, excuse me, I mean [i]mesa[/i], into a pile of fairy dust? Toad: It's not fairy dust, it's stardust! Marry: Duh! Toad: Well, there's the castle! We made it! Deebie: Thanks, Bro, oops, I mean, [i]cousin[/i]... Marry: Yay! (the three of them approach the castle) Toad: Well, it looks like the same old castle as I remember it to be... nothing strange about it... Marry: Great! Now all we have to do is wait for the others to get here! Deebie: Geez, I wonder how long that'll take? Toad: I don't know...
  5. OOC: So everyone excpet Mnemeth has already left town? IC: Chris: Geez, a lot of people are leaving town. They sure are ambitious! Mnemeth: Yep, you got that right... Chris: I just can't believe that the other knights are taking so long to get here... What's the matter with them... Mnemeth: I have no clue... Well, I'd better leave too... But I'm probably not going into the forest...it's cold outside, and I don't like the cold very much... (looks down at herself) Well, on the other hand, at least I got some clothing to keep me warm... OK, I'm heading for the forest! (she goes outside and heads toward the forest) Oh, great. There's a thunderstorm going on right near the forest. Well... (enters the forest) Hmmm... Looks fine to me... (looks around a bit and bumps into Ken) Ken: Hey, watch where you're going! Mnemeth: Ken! What a coincidence! Hey! What's that you got there? Ken: You mean this? (holds up the red flower) It has Chris's scent... Mnemeth: It does? Let me see it. (Ken hands the flower to Mnemeth) Hmmm... (sticks her tongue out at the flower) Ken: Don't eat it! Mnemeth: Eat it? What are you talking about? Don't forget I'm part snake! Anyways, you were right, I guess... But how do I know... I don't pay as much attention to scents as you do... Ken: You're right... (looks to the west--he doesn't see a sunset anywhere) Hmmm... the sun has gone down... Mnemeth: So it has. Ken: Well, I don't know about you, but I gotta catch up on some sleep here. Haven't gotten very much lately... Mnemeth: The opposite goes for me... Well, see you in the morning. Ken: Bye. (he leaves) Mnemeth: (a thunderbolt hits a tree near where Mnemeth is; it starts raining heavily) Uh-oh, the storm has hit! Ken: (from a distance) I kinda knew this would happen... Great, now what do I do? Well, I guess I'll find a tree to sleep under... Mnemeth: NO! The lightning might hit the tree! Ken: Since when did you start worrying about me, huh? Mnemeth: I just... don't like to see anyone get hurt... Ken: Yeah, I guess... (thinks for a moment; a thunderbolt strikes the ground right next to Mnemeth) Mnemeth: :eek:! That was close! Well, I think you should be fine--after all, you're a forest spirit, and we're in the forest... Ken: You're totally right! See ya later! (he leaves) Mnemeth: *sigh* Now how am I going to protect myself from the storm? Uhhh... :idea: Using a little magic won't hurt, right? (she sits down under a nearby tree and forms a shield of dark energy around her) This oughta do. I'm protected on all sides... (a thunderbolt strikes Mnemeth from above but just hits her shield) :eek:! Whoa, that was a close one! I hope this doesn't go on forever... It shouldn't. The storm will eventually die down... :sleep:
  6. Deebie: Wheeee! (she slides down the banister) Toad: Deebie! Next thing you know, you'll be wishing you could fly! Deebie: Weeeee! Yay! Toad: What are you so excited about? Deebie: WEEEEEE!!! :rotflmao: Toad: Well, WHEEEEEE!!! I'll join you! (they start dancing around; Taod spins Deebie around) Deebie: Weeeee! (lets go of Toad's hand) Toad: Deebie! (Deebie pins around out of control and flies out the door) Well, there she goes... Deebie: :eek:! (runs back into Toad's house) Bowser alert! Bowser alert! Bowser... Toad: Bowser? You saw Bowser? Deebie: Yes, I sure did! :nervous: Toad: Now don't be scared; be brave, like Mario and Luigi were... Deebie: I'm too scared! (hugs Toad tightly) Toad: You're squeezing me too tightly... What'll happen if... :eek: (Toad and Deebie fall to the floor) Deebie: Pinned ya! Toad: Actually, it's the opposite. :rotflmao: Deebie: Yep, I say we must join Mario and Luigi in this quest! Toad: Now that's more like my little cousin! I... Deebie: Little?! I'm a big girl now! Toad: :laugh: Yep! I'm not even much older than you are! If you're joining Mario and the others, then... SO AM I!!! Deebie: There's Mario! (points to Marry) Race you there! Toad: Not that again... (gets to where Marry is before Deebie does) Deebie: Aw, not fair! You beat me to it! Marry: What is all this foolishness? Toad? Is that you? My dad told me about you! Deebie: You even know him, Mario! Marry: I'm not Mario; I'm his son, Marry! Toad: Son?!? I'm Deebie's [i]cousin[/i]! Everyone: :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
  7. Well, Curse's type is unknown, and it does one of two things: -When used by a Ghost-type Pokemon: The user cuts its HP in half, and the opponent takes damage each turn after that. That effect ends when the opponent faints or switches out. -When not used by a Ghost Pokemon: The user loses speed and gains attack and defense. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here's a question about the game; I've seen questions like this one in Pokemon Stadium 2... In the game, who said, "He's wrong! Pokemon are for fighting!"
  8. OOC: Rosetta (one of the Fairies from La-La Land; she's in my sig) will be in this post, and only in this post in this thread. She justs helps Mnemeth get to the castle. IC: Rosetta: You're leaving? Mnemeth: Yep. Rosetta: But we need you here! Especially since a lot of the fairies are away as well... Sakura and Ferati are waiting for a battle, Crestina is already in a battle, Eurobatt is thinking about joining a battle, Chicadi is on a vacation in a foreign planet, Masuket is returning from a vacation... I can't have anyone else gone! Mnemeth: Who cares? Even though you and Eurobatt are the only [i]fairies[/i] here, there are still plenty of knights here! 23 of them, to be exact, excluding me. Rosetta: OK... And good luck. I heard bad news from Crestina and Masuket so far... so I hope you do well... I'll miss you... Mnemeth: Same here. Bye! (she leaves and heads toward the castle where everyone else is) Wait for me! (she opens the door to the castle and walks inside) Whoa, I guess just about the whole group's here! Shayleigh: Yeah... Chris: Well, we're getting a lot of weird beings here--first a forest spirit, then a... uhhh... whatchamacallit? (looks strangely at Mnemeth) You're not quite human, so... Mnemeth: :blush: Whatever. Chris: So, uhhh... where are you from? Mnemeth: La-La Land. Chris: La-La Land, huh? Mnemeth: Yep. As a matter of fact, I'm actually one of the La-La Knights, the protec... Chris: Another knight? All right! Mnemeth: Uhhh... That rhymes! (everyone laughs) Mnemeth: :blush:
  9. Tryout post: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple][font=century gothic] Naomi sat there, waiting. The evil Maridra had been trying to conquer La-La Land and was now roaming about the planet Natali, exactly where Naomi was. Maridra decided to land near the Starway Forest. The setting was a giant clearing. This was not like any other forest; it was dim, bleak, and was engulfed in a soft violet aura. Maridra, loving the darkness, saw Naomi sitting on a small rock near a few trees. She silently floated over to her, still covered in the robe she wore. That garment totally covered her from head to toe--only half of her face was visible. She gently put her left hand on Naomi's left shoulder, closed her eyes, and chhanted something that was barely audible to Naomi. "Kata`ai, wati, tai pi tali sami... kata`ai, wati, tai pi tali sami..." (translation: "Darkness, spirit, engulf the soul within...")The chant continued on as the talisman on Maridra's headband started to glow. Each little gem on it--the star, the four eyes, the three moons--they all shone their light. Naomi became surrounded by an aura that glowed with the same light as the talisman did--silvery blue. Naomi turned around and saw the sinister sorceress trying to set a trap for her. Suddenly, Naomi leaped into the air, turning the aura bright green. "KYOTAI!!!" she called as a glowing yellow dragon appeared from a giant bubble flower. (The bubble flowers looked like regular flowers except with a bubble in the center). As soon as the dragon appeared, the aura turned silvery blue again, and Maridra glowed the same color. After Maridra had finished slowly putting her hands together, as if she were praying, the aura turned into fire and was about to burn her inside-out. However, the dragon saved her by swallowing her whole. The dragon vanished, and Naomi fell to the ground, saved from the burning aura. She just didn't feel like fighting, so she quiclky glanced angrily at Maridra, and her eyes glowed for a second. As she was walking away, Maridra was just standing there, apparently thinking about something... Naomi sat down and wondered what time it was. She was guessing maybe 4 AM. She was talking to herself about what the time could possibly be (how silly!). As quiclky as it happened, a small, chubby owl flew out from the forest and landed on the ground just to the left of Naomi. He said, "Well, last time I checked, it was around 7 or so. "AM?" Naomi replied. Said the owl, "No, PM!" And he flew hurriedly back into the forest. Naomi realized that the sun had just set and that the night was far from ending. She looked back at the giant bubble flower, wondering where her dragon went. Apparently, she didn't know that the dragon had vanished while saving Naomi from the fire. She decided that this was no time to be playing around and changed her decision about not wanting to fight. She stared back at Maridra, who stood there, not moving a muscle. Naomi walked up to her, rather slowly and cautiously incase she was going to be attacked. About three seconds later, Maridra snapped her fingers, and the owl flew out from the forest again, this time, landing on Maridra's left shoulder. The chubby brown owl was actually under control of Maridra, and Maridra was the one that sent him to tell Naomi the time. Maridra snapped her fingers again, this time making the owl disappear. Naomi decided to attack her, so she danced around, shouting "Mari kya sa kya!" ("Fight fire with fire!") as she danced. Maridra saw this and cast the spell she used at the beginning of the battle, except she pointed at Naomi instead of actually touching her. Naomi had predicted that Maridra was going to do that, so she quickly surrounded herself with a bright blue fire orb that just barely fit her while she was standing up. Naomi's orb had formed just before the aura did, and she just stood still with her hands at her sides. Maridra, assuming that she was still able to perform the spell, put her hands together again, but this time, the aura sizzled and disappeared. Surprised, Maridra pointed her left hand straight up, and it faintly glowed with a pale green aura. Although Naomi did not know it, Maridra was surrounded by an invisible shield. Naomi attacked by clapping her hands together, pointing them at Maridra. The orb split in half and turned into blazing red arrows, which shot at Maridra st the speed of light. Maridra did not take any damage from the attack because of the shield, but she was hit, and she was pushed back and slammed against a tree. But she was still surrounded by her shield. After Maridra's shield hit the tree, it disappeared. Naomi had a humorous feeling that day. She giggled softly and said "Pop quiz! You ready?" Maridra nodded and smiled. Naomi was trying to think of a question while Maridra pointed slightly at the sky with her left hand and moved her hand around in a circle. Only one circle was needed for this attack. Within seconds, a small ring of glowing red energy formed, and as Maridraused her hand to direct it in between herself and Naomi, it grew bigger and brighter. Out of it emerged a ten-pointed star, making the ring look like a sun. The ring spun around, starting to close itself around Naomi. Quiclky, Naomi crossed her fingers and quickly blurted, "Ugh... gotta think of something... What is the name of the fire attack I just used?" A glowing red number 10 appeared above Naomi's head, which Maridra suddenly realized was a timer. Maridra was startled by this, and the ring tried to close around Naomi but shattered. Right before the timer got to 0, Maridra nervously said, "Kyate?" At this, Naomi smirked at her. The number disappeared, and a small, yellow, brightly shining orb appeared in front of Maridra. Naomi pointed at the orb with her middle finger, and turned it so that her palm was facing up. A green aura appeard around the orb as it exploded, doing serious damage to Maridra. The explosion caused a cloud of poisonous green dust to surround Maridra. Maridra was lying down on her right side, her hands together. Naomi just giggled and said, "Nope, that's Kyat[i]a[/i]. You were one letter off!" Thinking Maridra was dead, (which she wasn't), she flew away, hoping to never return to that clearing again; it gave even her the creeps![/color][/font]
  10. Finally, I can put Naomi in this RPG! She has waaaay too many special powers to be in the battle arena (she would instantly be accused of godmodding), and I finally found an RPG for her to join! [color=purple][font=century gothic]Name: Naomi Panieko (she's in my sig) Background: Naomi has been living in the World of Nothingness, a world very far away from the two universes. However, she managed to find her way here by using her powers... though it took a while. Attitude: Naomi is very moody and calm, but she can be very aggressive at times, especially when teased or attacked. She also has a good sense of humor. Age: 14 Eye color: purple Hair color: indigo Skin color: so pale it's almost white Height: 4'11" Weight: 88 lbs Clothing: She wears something different every day, but in this RPG, she'll be wearing a white shirt with a rainbow butterfly on it. She wears a fairly tight black sweater on top of it, but the sleeves come down only to her elbows. She also wears black pants and black sandals. Also, she wears a necklace--it's metallic green in color with a rainbow butterfly charm on it. Element: Light (if I have to choose only one, that would be it) Special abilities and strengths: Naomi is like a combination of all elements; she can create objects, but it requires quite a bit of energy to do it. Her trademark is her various set of psychic ablities, such as telekinesis and ESP, plus she can paralyze her enemies, sometimes permanently. She also has hypnotic powers and some healing powers. Of course, she can't do everything, but she can do a lot of things. She can easily win a battle against anyone that does not use magic. Weaknesses: Naomi is almost helpless when she loses her powers. If she can't use magic, she can't fight. If she should turn evil, her powers are greatly weakened until she turns good again. After transforming into a copy of her opponent, she can't use her own powers; only those of who she turned into. Transformations: Dement: This is Naomi's most powerful morph. She closes her eyes all through the transformation. Here's how it goes: She forms nine orbs of all different elements (fire, water, earth, ice, thunder, light, darkness, air, and spirit) and keeps chanting, "All elements matrix merge." She usually says that five or so times. Then, the orbs move above her head and fuse together. Naomi points at the gigantic orb, and a wide blue laser hits the orb and pulls it back inside of her. Slowly but surely, she begins transforming--her hair turns purple, her eyes become rainbow colored, and she gets surrounded by a purple cloak. Slowly, she says "Chi...mer..a... de...mennnnt." As soon as the final t sound is heard, an aura of pink light energy surrounds her and slowly moves inside of her. A purple and pink hat is placed on her head, and her hair gets streaked with pink. Her necklace turns itself into a dragonfly, her eyes open, and the transformation is complete. Split: (this morph looks kinda stupid, oh well) Naomi sits down, closes her eyes, and holds up three fingers. An orb appears on each finger, and they turn into tiny heads. One is the head of a bunny, the other of an angel, the third of a fox. They turn into beams and surround Naomi. After that, Naomi has dissapeared, and in her place are an angel (Naitoma), a fox (Sereina), and a bunny (Taikura). All three of them together still have Naomi's traits and powers, but each one is different. Copy: Naomi waves her hand in a circular motion at the enemy, and her entire body glows. A faded copy of the enemy exits the enemy and swirls around Naomi. After that, Naomi finds herself a copy of the enemy! She can't use her own attacks in that form; only her enemy's attacks. That is actually one of her weaknesses... Weapons: none Special attacks: (these are only a few of them) Friendly Gaze: Not as friendly as it sounds. Naomi smiles and tries to make the opponent stare at her, but if the opponent looks into her eyes at the time, he/she becomes paralyzed, sometimes permanently... Energy Wave: An almost invisible and slowly-moving wave of energy torments the opponent and may hypnotize it. Thunder Motes: This is such a cute attack--A bunch of thunderbolts hit the ground and turn into cute little thunderbolt-shaped critters with an electric attack. These little guys disappear after battle. The downfall of this attack is that the thunderbolts don't always obey their master... Elemental Orb: An orb of a chosen element forms close to Naomi and can be used as an attack. Only one of these orbs can be present at a time. Disable: The name says it all--one of the opponent's attacks becomes temporarily unusable. Only one attack may be disabled at a time. Light Spell: A light orb surrounds Naomi, protecting her from incoming attacks. Then, the orb turns into a bunch of light spears, which are fired at the opponent. The spears that hit the opponent turn into stars, which surround Naomi and heal her, depending on how many stars there are. This attack can also be used on someone else--for example, the orb can surround one of Naomi's allies, and hit the opponent, then it can heal another one of Naomi's allies. The attack can also be used as a sacrifice--she can hit herself in order to protect a friend. Even Steven: That's a weird name for an attack... Anyways, in this attack, a dense blue orb appears in the center of the battlefield, and it explodes to hit everybody on the battlefield with equal damage. Naomi can control how much damage is inflicted, and there is almost no way to protect yourself from the attack. Everybody is hit--even Naomi herself! It's powerful, but this attack is usually used as a last resort. Sacrificial Attack: The name says it all. This attack is sort of like Even Steven except it only damages two characters--Naomi and an opponent. Naomi hits herself with a blue energy beam, and an orb comes out of her necklace and hits the opponent with the same amount of damage that she took. This attack always hits and never fails, but it isn't used very often because Naomi has to sacrifice herself to hurt her opponent. Killer Joke: I'm not exactly sure of what happens in this attack, but the opponent will susally die laughing from it. The downfall of this attack is, it may affect her allies as well as her opponents. Pop Quiz: This is a quite interesting attack... First, Naomi specifies the amount of damage. Then, she asks a question to the opponent, and if the answer is incorrect, the opponent takes the amount of damage specified. If the answer is correct, the opponent takes the negative amount of damage inflicted (in other words, the opponent is healed with that amount). There is good news and bad news about this attack: The good news is, since Naomi has ESP, she can usually tell if the opponent's answer will be correct or incorrect. The bad news is, after splitting (see Transformations), Sereina uses that attack, and she's not the one that has ESP (that's Naitoma). She usually ends up asking the easy questions, and her opponent usually gets them right. Mystery Weapon: Naomi creates a random object and fires a sort of attack with it. The attack depends on the item. For example, let's say the object is a candle. In that case, the candle acts like a stick of dynamite; it explodes! Cool, huh? Light Ring: This might be the most powerful attack that Naomi has after splitting! It is mainly used by Taikura, and a chant is required to use it. If I remember correctly, it is "Orabia la maia, kiara sai sami ti lucia ota sa vita katani!" which translates to "Oracles of light, emerge from within and shower me with your power!" A ring of light energy forms around Naomi, and then she must say the chant. Then, the ring flies off her and surrounds the opponent, slowly bringing it to death. The better the chant is spoken, the more damage the attack does. This may not be a one-hit KO move because of that. And it mainly works on the weaker enemies but can do decent damage to the stronger opponents.[/color][/font] [color=deeppink]Well, that's basically it. I hope Naomi's included in this RPG![/color]
  11. Imp

    DIgital Destiny

    OOC: Is everybody in the same group now or what? And, by the way, in case you don't know, Kinesismon is Arukenimon's Mega; she Digivolved right when Imperialdramon died, and while Driavamon, Merlimon, and Mudoramon were asleep. Of course, Arukenimon was asleep too... IC: Driavamon: :eek:! (wakes up abruptly) Whoa... That wasn't a good dream! *sigh* Nighty night. Piximon: (he sits down in front of Driavamon) Oh, I didn't know you were asleep... Driavamon: Piximon! What are you doing here? Piximon: I came to tell you about something. You know that Digimon you saw the other day, running past you? Driavamon: Imperialdramon! I think I was the only one to see him, and boy am I glad I'm not fighting him this very minute... He was in my dream... Piximon: Well, I came to tell you that Imperialdra... Arukenimon: (talking in her sleep) He's dead. Driavamon: What the... Arukenimon: Imperialdramon is dead... :sleep: Piximon: Uhhh... Yeah, I came to tell you that. Driavamon: That Imperialdramon is dead? Piximon: Yep. (flies away) (to himself) That's weird. How did Arukenimon know that Imperialdramon was dead? Driavamon: Imperialdramon is dead, huh? Time to go back to sleep. At least I won't be having any bad dreams about him... :sleep: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[i]Next morning[/i] [i]A Minomon drops out of the tree next to where Mudoramon is.[/i] Minomon: WAKE UP, SLEEPYHEADS!!! (climbs back up the tree) Mudoramon: :eek:! OK, that was an annoying wake up call... (everybody wakes up) Driavamon: Yay, no nightmares... Well, Arukenimon, good thing you told me that... Huh? (looks closely at Arukenimon and shakes her head violently, trying to wake herself up; then she looks again) Huh? You're turning blue! Mudoramon: You sure that's Arukenimon? Driavamon: It can't be her... She looks...different... Merlimon: Of course it is! Kinesismon: Huh? What are you talking about? (looks at herself) Oh, I must have Digivolved in my sleep... I have some very good news for you. Driavamon, you were telling me the other day about seeing Imperialdramon, right? Well, ...he's dead! Gallantmon defeated him! [quote][i]Kinesismon Type: Wizard Virus Attacks: Dark Mind Attack, Psychic Storm Kinesismon is one of Arukenimon's Megas. She is often referred to as "The Psychic Queen", which makes sense in various ways. She has some pretty good psychic attacks, and in addition to that, she has ESP... that's something she uses a lot.[/i][/quote] Driavamon: Of course he's dead. You told me just a while ago. You told me in your sleep. Kinesismon: ..When I was still Arukenimon? Hmmm... that's weird... Mudoramon: One thing I'm wondering about is, what happened to Frosty, Guilmon, and everyone else? If they... Kinesismon: It seems that our group separated and went in different directions... it looks like Guilmon's group accomplished a lot of things, like defeating Imperialdramon, but Frosty's group isn't doing too well... Merlimon: Do you think we should join Guilmon's group? Kinesismon: Hmmm... good question. I was just thinking about that a while ago, and the decision is unknown... Driavamon: Let's take a vote! Who wants to join Guilmon's group? Kinesismon: That won't work. I'm sure all of us are confused about what to do... even I'm not sure... Merlimon: Well, we can't stay here, and we don't know where to go, so what do we do? Kinesismon: There's only one thing we can do. We have to find Myotismon and the others before they find Frosty's group! Mudoramon: Yeah, Frosty and the others don't even know that Doumon's group is planning an ambush of some sort... Are you sure about this? Kinesismon: Positive. But we have to be prepared--prepared to Digivolve. Myotismon and his group will probably Digivolve before they attack. Driavamon: But how? Kinesismon: The time will come. Mudoramon: Easy for you to say--you're already a Mega! Merlimon: (to herself) The time will come... I can just about feel myself Digivolving... Hmmm... (for a second, a pair of glass slippers appear on her feet, but they disappear quickly) *gasp* Maybe... Mudoramon: What is it? (Merlimon stands there, speechless) Kinesismon: I think her Digivolution time has come... Merlimon: Yes it has! MERLIMON DIGIVOLVE TO... SUNDIATAMON!!! [quote][i]Sundiatamon Type: Wizard Data Attacks: Hypnotic Brainstorm, Super Psyblast, Ancient Spell Sundiatamon is possibly the most powerful Wizard Digimon there is. The only problem with her is, she gets scared and depressed easily. She's very likely to run away from some big scary Digimon like MaloMyotismon, and because of that, she earned the nickname "Scaredy-Bunny".[/i][/quote] Mudoramon: You Digivolved too? I wonder when my time will come... Driavamon: Mine too... Sundiatamon: I guess you'll just have to wait... Kinesismon: Just don't leave the group. It's easy to get lost here, but don't worry. I know exactly where Doumon and the others are. Sundiatamon: I hope so, because I sure don't want to get lost...
  12. Imp

    The Elementals

    Taikura: We're leaving RIGHT NOW!!! (drags Kain out of bed) Now let's go. (they continue on their journey) OOC: I just hate it when RPGs just disappear like this when they're not even over yet... At least I have a pic of Taikura now... staff and all. Forgive me if the pic does not match how I said she looked in the Recruitment forum... I changed the way she looks over time, and I got rid of her sword.
  13. Close but no cigar. You got three of those attacks right, so one of them is incorrect. Here's a hint: Elekid's fourth attack is a special attack, but not an electric attack.
  14. Imp

    DIgital Destiny

    Tarantillamon: :eek:! Outnumbered by Ultimates! Zuliarmon: We're falling behind the other groups, and now's our chance to catch up! Let's Digivolve again! ZULIARMON MATRIX DIGIVOLVE TO... MUDORAMON!!! [quote][i]Mudoramon Type: Angel Vaccine Attacks: Oracle of Light, Sword Rain A book? You call that a weapon? It seems bizarre to use a book to attack! Mudoramon is [u]not[/u] related to Bokomon, even though she carries a book with her everywhere she goes.[/i][/quote] Hermon: Good idea! HERMON MATRIX DIGIVOLVE TO... MERLIMON!!! [quote][i]Merlimon Type: Wizard Data Attacks: Psychopath, Magic Wings Like Umbermon, Merlimon prefers not to be in this form. There's not much to say about her because of that.[/i][/quote] Tarantillamon: I almost hate to do ths in front of Mummymon, but... TARANTILLAMON MATRIX DIGIVOLVE TO... ARUKENIMON!!! OOC: Well what do you know? Tarantillamon's Ultimate form is Arukenimon. What a coincidence! Didn't she already appear in this RPG? IC: Umbermon: Hahahahahah! Now behold my hypnotic powers! Myotismon: Yeah, like that could happen. Umbermon: Want me to prove it? UMBERMON MATRIX DIGIVOLVE TO... DRIAVAMON!!! [quote][i]Driavamon Type: Angel Vaccine Attacks: Sleep Wave, Dria Wave A hypnotic angel? Yep, that's Driavamon. Her specialty in battle is to put her opponents to sleep, then slowly defeat them with a Dria Wave.[/i][/quote] Driavamon: Sleep wave. (Myotismon falls asleep) Let's split this battle up, OK? I'll fight Myotismon here. Merlimon, you go get Antylamon. Mudoramon, I guess you'll have to take on Doumon. And Arukenimon, you'll have to... :blush: *giggle* fight Mummymon? Heh, what a coincidence! Arukenimon: OK... Mummymon: :love2: Arukenimon: Will you please shut up? *sigh* All right, as usual... SPIRIT NEEDLE!!! (Beetlemon and MegaKabuterimon appear) I'm in a thunder mood today. Merlimon: PSYCHOPATH! (Antylamon faints) Wow, that was easy! :wow: :box: Antylamon: Too... slow... Doumon: I'll show you! TALISMAN... Mudoramon: Oh no you don't. ORACLE OF LIGHT!!! (the attack hits Doumon) I don't think so, Taomon. Doumon: It's DOUMON, not Taomon! I'm nothing like Taomon! Mudoramon: You look just like Taomon, except in a different color. Doumon: :mad: [I]The battle continues, and the evil Digimon flee. Meanwhile, Mudoramon and the others travel along, apparently not knowing where they're heading...[/I] Merlimon: Hey! This reminds me of a song! (sings) We're in a mixed-up journey... Don't know where we want to be... We just explore all the lands and we hope we're not... Arukenimon: OK, let's face it, your singing sucks, you're not Melodiamon, so will you SHUT UP? Merlimon: O...K...:all: Arukenimon: (to herself) Come to think of it, we [i]are[/i] in a mixed-up journey... We have absolutely no clue where we're headed! In that case, why am I leading? What reason is there to be a leader here? Basically, we're lost! Driavamon: The sun is setting. Mudoramon: Yeah, so? Driavamon: Uhhh... Merlimon: Time to take a break? Driavamon: Heh, you read my mind! Arukenimon: :blush: Mudoramon: But I agree with you. I'm getting really tired of walking here. Arukenimon: Well, duh--you've been walking barefoot all day long! Merlimon: Easy for you to say--you're the only one out of all of us that is actually wearing shoes... Arukenimon: :bellylol: Mudoramon: And easy for you to say--you can fly and I can't... Arukenimon: But... Mudoramon: I was talking to Merlimon. Arukenimon: My bad. You could have also said that to Driavamon... (looks at Driavamon, who is asleep) OK, that's weird--since when does she fall asleep that fast? Merlimon: Can't you use any common sense? It's late, and all of us are a bit worn out here... (lies down next to Driavamon and Mudoramon, who is about to fall asleep) Arukenimon: Worn out? Not in the least! *sigh* Well, as Trailmon always says, if you can't wake them, join them. (lies down next to Driavamon) But I do have to admit it's kind of cold out here, and there are no blankets around... Oh well. :sleep:
  15. Imp

    DIgital Destiny

    OOC: EEK! I've been gone for two whole weeks, and look at how many new posts there are! What has happened here? IC: Tallamon: We're lost... Gypsymon: And as far as I can see, we're... Batmon: Doomed! Finally, some good little Digimon to eat for lunch. I bet their data tastes good! :evil3: BATMON DIGIVOLVE TO... SUPERMON!!! OOC: I don't post quotes about evil Digimon, sorry. Remember Batmon, the bat thingy that was in Gypsymon's pic? IC: Tallamon: Let's do it, guys. Psymon: We're girls! Tallamon: Whatever. TALLAMON DIGIVOLVE TO... ZULIARMON!!! [quote][i]Zuliarmon Type: Ghost Vaccine Attacks: Neo Blast, Laser Comet Zuliarmon likes to remain seethrough, and she hates bright sunlight and hot weather. Her attacks are still ghostly![/i][/quote] Dreammon: OK, OK... DREAMMON DIGIVOLVE TO... UMBERMON!!! [quote][i]Umbermon Type: Pixie Vaccine Attacks: Psyblast, Reflect Shield Umbermon doesn't like to stay in this form, so there's not very much to say about her...[/i][/quote] Psymon: Wait for me! PSYMON DIGIVOLVE TO... HERMON!!! [quote][i]Hermon Type: Wizard Data Attacks: Psyblast, Speed Ball Hermon is very smart and speedy, and her attacks are speedy as well! (or at least one of them is...)[/i][/quote] Gypsymon: I'll teach you a lesson! GYPSYMON DIGIVOLVE TO... TARANTILLAMON!!! [quote][i]Tarantillamon Type: Insectoid Virus Attacks: Needle Spray, Psywave Tarantillamon loves to party! She'll dance with anyone! She even dances while attacking![/i][/quote] Supermon: (Digivolves to Myotismon) I got some helpers... (Mummymon, Doumon, and Antylamon appear) Doumon: Now you're in trouble. Umbermon: :worried:
  16. But you know what? As far as I believe, your own religion is the best kind because it fits you the most. But if you're not really creative, you might have to take whatever religions there are... Well, I have a religion of my own, and I call it Neonism. I can't tell you very much about it, though... [color=deeppink][spoiler]I believe in everybody! Everybody from God to Allah, and others too! But mainly, my religion consists of the goddess Zulia (heh I named a Digimon after her), her daughter (Seana) and her son (Patea), and their three daughters: Lutria, Biora, and Nautica.[/spoiler]OK, well, maybe I did...[/color]
  17. Imp


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wargreymon [/i] [B]If the father is the ditto,will the resulting pokemon have transform? [/B][/QUOTE] Nope. No Pokemon other than Ditto can learn Transform. There is no TM for it, and no Pokemon have it as an Egg move, so the only way to get another Pokemon to "learn" Transform is to use Metronome or Mimic.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Katana [/i] [B][color=royalblue]Fire Blast (TM 35[?])[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=red]Actually, that's TM 38. And the answer to that question is: Pichu L5 Thundershock (its starting move) Charm (starting move) Mud-Slap (TM move that Pichu can learn; taken from Quilava)[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=limegreen]Since LK posted a question regarding baby Pokemon, I'll post one too![/color] [color=deeppink]What baby Pokemon will result from the following Pokemon, and what moves will it have? Electabuzz L30 (female) Thunderpunch Leer Quick Attack Light Screen Alakazam L65 (male) Psychic Thunderpunch Headbutt Recover[/color] Not that level is important, but I posted it just for the fun of it.
  19. Yep, Reremon is the right answer!!! If you think about it a bit, she [I]does[/I] look a bit like Kapurimon...
  20. Name: Deebie (DEEBIE, not Debbie) Species: Mushroom! Relation: Toad's cousin Bio: After a big long vacation in La-La Land, Deebie has returned to spend time with her cousin Toad. And did I mention that Yoshi is her best friend? Yes, she visited him too! Description: Deebie looks a lot like Toad, except with bigger eyes, longer feet, and a dress that looks a lot like Peach's except it's purple and had a blue gem on it (as opposed to a green one). Of course she has no hair--duh, she's a mushroom! Primary attacks: (since Toad had none, I'm just going to make these up completely) Star Beam and Secret Powder (that's a healing attack, does that count?) I hope Deebie is included in this RPG!
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Monkeys_revenge [/i] [B]How do you delet this? [/B][/QUOTE] At the bottom of your post, click "edit". Then, near the top of the page, there should be a box that says "Delete?". Check it, then click "Save Changes." It's deleted!
  22. I agree with you all the way! The evolved forms of Eevee (I call them "Eevolutions") are soooo cool! My favorite is Espeon, but I like them all, including Eevee itself! Eevee: CUUUTE!!! Eevee is sooooo cute! :love2: And, in one episode, en Eevee beat Team Rocket's Pokemon when Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon didn't! That's a perfect example of Pokemon underestimation! Vaporeon: Vaporeon is so cool! It's one of the few Pokemon that can turn invisible, or in this case, melt into water and disappear! I just love how Vaporeon uses that Acid Armor Attack! I had a Vaporeon in my old Yellow game, and it was a good Pokemon against the Elite Four!!! Jolteon: Jolteon is my least favorite Eevolution, but he's cool in his own ways. How many other Pokemon can turn its fur into needles and shoot it at its opponent? Uhhh... None, I think. But Jolteon can! How shocking! Flareon: Flareon is so not cool. But that doesn't mean I hate him! Of course Flareon isn't cool--he's [COLOR=red]HOT!!![/COLOR] Hot is definitely a better word for him, since he's a Fire-type. I think he's the Eevolution that looks the most like Eevee. Just look at the two of them--they look so similar! Espeon: Oooooo, Espeon's my favorite Eevolution, not to mention my second favorite Pokemon. Just like the reviews say, Espeon is like a mini-Mewtwo in some ways. Espeon looks pretty cool too--another reason why he's my favorite!!! I have an Espeon in Gold, and he's my second best Pokemon! (Of course, first is Alakazam.) To tell you the truth, probably the reason I like Alakazam better than Espeon is that he's my best Pokemon in all of my games, plus he resembles Mewtwo better. Oh well, Espeon is pretty hard to get because you have to tame an Eevee to get one... I wish Espeon and Umbreon evolve from Eevee using a Stone... Umbreon: I just love the way Umbreon looks, especially in Pokemon Stadium 2! That black fur with a hint of dark blue, those yellow rings on its ears and tail, those glaring red eyes... Umbreon is just plain old cool!
  23. [QUOTE][B][color=indigo]Um...you're supposed to ask a question after you answer one. - Desbreko[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, that's not necessarily true. I've seen a lot of people post answers but not questions.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Beelzebumon [/i] [B]The answer is: Nyromon (SP?), Gatomon's baby form. I know it was in the show, but think about it: the first time was a flashback, and the second was a dream sequence. The third time was from a fairly recent episode, and not everyone has seen it. In Adventure, it was never actually there, was it? Okay, that's weak, but after that, I got nothin'. Someone else try. [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, the answer is [I]not[/I] Nyaromon. You guys were wrong all along! Guess again! Here's a hint: My relatives appeared in Season 3, and only Season 3!
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SaiyanPrincessX [/i] [B]Actually I love cats too. I used to have five but my dad gave away 3 of them around September(2 kittens & thier mother). I was at school at the time.:flaming: I have two left though.^_^ [/B][/QUOTE] Hey, I :love: cats too! I have two of them! One of them even won a pet contest at my school for being the shyest pet! *sigh* Well, Rain, you're right... it does take a while for someone to be noticed... the weird thing is, some members who just joined recently are on a lot of these lists... :( And then there are some members who are just left out. People just ignore them and/or pretend they aren't there. But I guess it depends on your personality, I guess... Some people are more "visible" than others. I guess everything can be explained with these final words: [SIZE=4][B][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=orange]Y[/COLOR][COLOR=dark-blue]o[/COLOR][COLOR=red]u[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]a[/COLOR][COLOR=dark red]r[/COLOR][COLOR=firebrick]e[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna]w[/COLOR][COLOR=chocolate]h[/COLOR][COLOR=sandy brown]o[/COLOR] [COLOR=burlywood]y[/COLOR][COLOR=silver]o[/COLOR][COLOR=skyblue]u[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]a[/COLOR][COLOR=blue]r[/COLOR][COLOR=darkblue]e[/COLOR].[/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
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