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Everything posted by Imp

  1. Heh, I'm in one Pokemon RPG already, and now I'm joining another one! And I see two people here from the other RPG I'm in... [color=navy][u]Name:[/u] Ari Hakuremu [u]Age:[/u] 11 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Region:[/u] Sinnoh [u]Bio:[/u] Ari had a very close relationship with her older brother Gon for most of her life. They often enjoyed going on walks together, exploring together, or even playing video games together. However, Ari would almost always get creamed by Gon in a video game--not because she wasn't good, but because Gon was better. Anyways, the two spent most of their time together outside, so as to not make Ari feel like a loser. She was treated a little bit more like a little princess, because Gon often showed her around town while carying her piggyback. ...But then there was the exception that Ari lived the last four years of her life alone with her parents, because when Gon turned ten he went off on his Pokemon journey, receiving Chimchar as a starter. About two years later, Ari received a Pokemon as well--a Cherubi--but she never went off on her own journey. Instead, she decided to take the safe route by joining one particular Pokemon Academy when she was eleven... meaning now she's a total beginner at the academy. [u]Description:[/u] Ari is about four and a half feet tall, her skin a pale yellowish tan. She's neither muscular, fat, nor bony--petite would best describe it. Her hair goes just below her shoulders and is straight and black, though its seems to be dark blue at certain times... Her eyes are dark--the color is not certain though. She wears a deep blue long-sleeved shirt that obviously looks too small for her, so small that another black shirt can be seen underneath it. She also wears dark gray pants, black shoes, a belt that matches her shirt in colour, and of course her favourite little hat, also that same blue colour, and her favourite little black gloves (she had been wearing those two things ever since she was little). Ari also wears glasses. [u]Pokemon:[/u] Cherubi [u]Attacks:[/u] Tackle, Sweet Scent, Leech Seed, Magical Leaf [u]Tokens:[/u] 100[/color]
  2. OOC: Alright, I'm glad people posted in this group! *Note: There will be one more person appearing in the group--someone else who PM'd me for a position. Since we're only a group of four while Group A has five... Anyways, Garmeil's character will be joining us at some point along our journey--I'll try to make that place be Pollen Village or some Pokemon Centre along the way. [b]BeatlesFan53:[/b] ...You posted the same thing twice. You might want to delete one of those before a mod yells at you... And what Tiffany said in your post was not perfect, but it was fine anyways. IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo]Mizuki and Tyke. Eri and Munch. Brendan and Mudkip. Tiffany and Mystrica. This group of trainers and Pokemon was now heading east along a slightly curvy path through bunches of trees and grass. Their ultimate destination was Pollen Village, where the first gym would be. It seemed weird, especially to Tiffany and Brendan, that a gym leader would be using baby Pokemon. [i]After all,[/i] Tiffany thought, [i]baby Pokemon are too often not the strongest Pokemon around--though I do admit that they are often obnoxiously cute. Too cute for me, if I may say... though I suspect the other two girls here might not mind them. In fact, I think I might pass on this first gym... if possible, I'd rather not waste time on a bunch of babies. And I'm beginning to think Mystrica would agree.[/i] Tiffany glanced at the Misdreavus resting on her shoulder. The first thing she saw was one of Mystrica's neck orbs, whose brilliant crimson colour glistened in the light of the sun. The little bodiless ghost huddled very close to Tiffany--it looked like she was trying to bury her face in Tiffany's hair. After a while, it got mildly irritating... "Whatcha trying to do, Mystrica?" Tiffany asked her new Pokemon. "Miss miss..." Mystrica pointed a lock of her hair towards the sky, then shook her head more deeply into Tiffany's hair. Tiffany looked up to see what Mystrica was talking about--then she saw that the sky was cloudless and the sun was shining brightly. It was nearly noon. "I think I know what you mean," Tiffany commented. "Sometimes I get a little crabby myself on hot and sunny days like this. If that's me, I can't imagine how [i]you[/i] must feel..." Tiffany looked about to see if there were any shady trees to wals under. There were a few here and there along the path to the right, but those trees were not in a straight line that would have been easy to walk under, and a few of the trees had Spinarak webs or bug Pokemon hanging from them. One tree had a hole in it, through which the back of a sleeping Hoothoot could be seen. "...It's a good thing it's not [i]overwhelmingly[/i] hot," Tiffany groaned, "but it's a little warm... and this sun is just beating on us. Whaddaya say, Mystrica? Wanna go back in your Pokeball?" Mystrica just muttered a short reply and tapped the Pokeball that was still in Tiffany's left hand--then she went inside. [i]I kind of wish I had a Pokeball to go inside...[/i] Tiffany thought as she looked around at the group and the trees. [i]Hmm... I wonder if anyone is going to try and catch some of these Pokemon? What do we have here? Weedle... eww... Pidgey... boring... Rattata... even boring-er... What's that? A sleeping Hoothoot? I kind of wish it had been a Murkrow... I dunno... should I... nah, I'm sure there'll be plenty more Hoothoot at night if and when I want one.[/i] Just then, something ran across the path in front of the group, startling most of its occupants (except Brendan, who was talking to his brother via his Pokevice). It looked like a round pink rabbit, with big pointy ears and huge feet. "Hop-see. Hop hop hop..." The Pokemon stopped in front of the tree the sleeping Hoothoot was in. Mizuki, Tiffany and Eri stopped to get a good look at it. "What in the world is that?" Eri asked. "Hmm!" Mizuki asked, sounding mildly excited. "Is this one of those Pokemon that can only be found in Nazumi?" "It sure is," Tiffany answered. "Professor Willow told me about it just before you got to the lab. It's a Hopsie. She said it's kind of careless--I almost expected it to bump into that tree over there." "Shhh!" Eri whispered while looking at the Hopsie. "It might have heard you!" The Hopsie didn't seem to become angry, but it did notice the group at the point, and turned around to stare at them for a while.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Yaay, we're finally on the way to Pollen Village! I'll leave it up to the next few posters to decide what to do with the Hopsie or the sleeping Hoothoot. You can catch them if you want (or any other wild Pokemon you think might appear here, for that matter)--just remember you only have two Pokeballs. Obviously Tiffany's not interested in either of those two Pokemon...
  3. All right, before I make my next post, I have one announcement to make. It turns out that a couple of people have PM'd me asking to sign up for this RPG. I accepted one of them into the RPG, and the other might end up being a gym leader or a member of Team Shockwave. Besides, we have five people in Group A and only four in Group B, so there's room for one more. So that means [b]garmeil[/b] will be joining Group B. However, I still have to wait for a signup... EDIT: Where's the rest of Group A...? I'm still the last one who posted there...
  4. OOC: Very good posts, both of you! We certainly have an interesting bunch of trainers in this group! ~It's been over a week since I last posted, so I think we should just continue this RPG. 2007 Digital Boy still has time to catch up though. For now, I will just assume that Eri somehow showed up at the lab. IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After a little while, which mostly consisted of chat amongst the trainers-to-be and with Professor Willow, there were four people plus the professor gathered around the front of the lab. First was a shy-looking teenage boy with white hair, who was currently talking with Willow about a Lapras he needed to deposit for his brother. The second was a red-haired girl who seemed to be in a very good mood and not nervous at all. The third was a determined-looking girl who had purple hair and a matching purple and black outfit. The fourth was a young woman who was clearly the oldest in the group, dressed mostly in black, and had a backpack that looked like a Honchkrow. A few moments after Eri arrived and Brendan got his brother's Lapras safely deposited, Professor Willow made an announcement to the four trainers-to-be. "Hello, the four of you who are about to become Pokemon Trainers." Before long, all four trainers-to-be focused their attention on what Willow had to say. "Well, I know you probably know it already, but I am Professor Willow." Willow nearly blushed when she said the word "professor". "...And as you can probably tell, I spend far more time working on a computer than talking to people in person." By that time, there was silence. Even the noise from the people on the main street seemed far away. "Well, let's get started, then," Willow continued, sounding a little more confident this time. "Now, as you all know, I have invited you to go on a journey--a Pokemon journey. I must say this would be a great opportunity to see all sorts of places and Pokemon as well. Nazumi has been a home of almost every kind of Pokemon in existence, plus a few that are not even known in other regions yet. You may think of this as a sort of vacation as well as an adventure. And, it gives you an opportunity to experience what it truly means to be a Pokemon Trainer. You will get to keep Pokemon, catch Pokemon, battle Pokemon... and make your way up to the newly restarted Nazumi League! ...But I suppose I already said that on Pokemon Virtual...?" Willow was beginning to get nervous and ran out of things to say about the journey. So, rather than looking dumb and blanking out, she simply changed the subject. "Well, I'm sure whatever else I should say will come to me in due time," Willow continued, sounding a little more confident this time. "In the meantime, I think it's time for the moment you have all been waiting for." Willow winked, then turned around to pick up a small box. Soon enough, the group of trainers-to-be saw it: a black box with a Pokeball design on it. Willow opened this box and took a Pokeball out of it. This she handed to the boy she had just talked to a while before. "Oh look, there goes Mr. Special," Tiffany muttered under her breath. "So we start with Brendan Stone," Willow declared. "Brendan, I know I've said this before, but you could be of great value to the group with what you know of Pokemon already. Still, that does not mean I favour you--or any of you--above everyone else here. Now, about your first Pokemon... I think you'll be very happy with it. This Pokemon's easy to raise--or at least that's what a certain other professor told me." Brendan put on a brief smile as he received the Pokeball. "Who will be next..." Willow muttered as she scanned the row of trainers-to-be. She stopped at the girl with the purple hair. "Ah, and here is Eri Nanasawa--from Lavender Town, quite appropriately. I'll have you know that my family lived very close to Lavender Town. ...But anyway, you seem to have such a good heart and fighting spirit that I just have to give you this little Pokemon. Well, on the other hand, 'little' isn't exactly the word to describe it. In fact, you'll find that this Pokemon will become especially big when it evolves." Eri giggled as she accepted the Pokeball--what sort of "big Pokemon" could Willow have meant? "Next up is Mizuki Tsujimoto, a mechanic from Fuchsia City." Willow gestured to the red-haired girl. "...Actually, it is my brother who is the mechanic," Mizuki clarified. Willow merely shrugged as she handed Mizuki a Pokeball. "Ah, based on my experience, this Pokemon I am giving you is a really fun one to be around. Not the easiest to tame, but not the hardest either. And most certainly one of the most enjoyable." "Well, that's good to know!" Mizuki grinned as she took the Pokeball. She couldn't wait to find out what was inside. "And lastly, we have Tiffany Elderwood, from Jubilife City. So, how does it feel to be the oldest in the group? Most beginning trainers I see are in their early teens--yet in one more year you will cease to be a teenager." "I would have been a trainer for a year now had my parents not thought I was some sort of ghost," Tiffany remarked. "Which is a rather interesting idea..." "...And I see you are a Honchkrow fan. Well then, I think you'd like this Pokemon I'm giving you. There is no more perfect master of the darkness that this Pokemon can become. And I think a Dusk Stone will help you a lot on your journey." [i]A Dusk Stone![/i] Tiffany thought as she jumped up and down, taking the last Pokeball from Professor Willow. [i]That's exactly how Murkrow becomes Honchkrow! Now I'm certain of it--I'm certain of it! Hehheh...[/i] "All right, now before you open your Pokeballs..." Professor Willow announced, staring for a moment at Mizuki who was just about to toss her Pokeball into the air. "...if you open them now, you won't hear a thing I say afterward. Besides, I have more things to give you and more things to say about the Nazumi League." Willow reached into the box once more and took out a few more Pokeballs. She handed two of them to everyone. "Whoa, we get more than one Pokemon...?" Eri wondered. "No, these are empty," Willow corrected. "These are for you to capture other Pokemon with. Speaking of which, for those of you who don't know already, you have to weaken a Pokemon before capturing it. I will not go into all the boring details at this point... but anyways." The next things Willow handed out were a bunch of square devices. They looked sort of like Pokedexes, except they were all different colours. They had a small Pokeball design on the front and seemed to be able to fold out and reveal other things. "Heh, I'm sorry if there's a colour bias..." Willow apologised. "I made them different colours so they don't all look the same, so they can be told apart... Now, I suppose you're all wondering what these devices are. I know some of you may think they're Pokedexes. If you thought that, you're correct, but not completely. These devices are simply called Pokevices. ...Didn't know what else to call them. Anyways, a Pokevice can identify any Pokemon you see, but it also contains special information on any Pokemon you catch, keeps a record of which badges you earn, has a map of the region, and can even be used to contact other people, like a telephone. But enough about the Pokevices. Now a word--or rather several--about the Nazumi League. I suppose most of you are aware of Pokemon gyms in your home regions. There are eight gyms each in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh. But Nazumi is a bigger region--so big that it is divided into the subregions of Okawa--that's the one we're in now--and Mire. Okawa has eight gyms while Mire has four--so Nazumi has twelve gyms in all. Some of the group members' jaws dropped when Willow said this. "Now don't worry... you don't have to earn all twelve badges in order to get into the Nazumi League. First of all, chances are that you won't be entering Mire until much later on in your journey. After all, another Pokemon professor--Professor Maple--sort of presides over that region. Secondly, you are in a group of four, so it doesn't make any sense for all of you to earn twelve badges. So I have officially lowered the badge requirement for the League down to four. You may earn more than four badges, of course, if you want--but four is the minimum requirement. However, for this group's purposes... as a group, you have to earn badges from at least eight different gyms. This means that if all four of you earn badges from the same four gyms, you are not yet ready to enter the League until somebody earns badges from another four gyms. So you get to choose at which level of training your Pokemon skills will be tested--to a certain extent." "Well," Professor Willow concluded, "I don't want to drone on and on here. If you have questions at all about your Pokemon, the Pokevices, or the Nazumi League, you all have me registered in the phone feature of your Pokevices. Or, you may ask me now. But one last thing: a hint. There is a Pokemon gym in Pollen Village, which is due east of here. The route there is pretty easy--it consists of mostly grassland and a few tree clusters. The gym itself is run by a woman named Mary Elle, who specializes in baby Pokemon--and runs the local daycare. Other than that, that is all, and I will bid you farewell on your Pokemon Journey. This means that you are all officially Pokemon Trainers." ~ ~ ~ [color=indigo]Tiffany did take a curious glance at her little black Pokevice, but not for long. For she was eager to see her new Murkrow. So for quite a while, she stared at the Pokeball in her hands, brimming with excitement... [i]Oh, how exciting... Gee, I wonder if I should give it a nickname? Let's see, Icarus if male, Persephone if female... Yesss, Icarus or Persephone. That's perfect! Those are very good Honchkrow names, especially.[/i] Finally, Tiffany took a deep breath and prepared to release the Pokemon. "All right, Icarus or Persephone, come on out!" Tiffany released the Pokemon in such a way that a Murkrow that came out of it would land gracefully on her shoulder. Then she closed her eyes, heard the sound of a Pokeball opening, and waited for a pair of little crow feet to grasp her shoulder... ...But five seconds after opening the ball, Tiffany neither felt anything on her shoulder nor heard the flapping of wings next to her. What was this? Was the Pokeball empty? Out of suspicion of this, Tiffany opened her eyes and looked over her left shoulder... Tiffany quickly turned her head around, looking as if she had just seen a ghost. And actually, she did see a ghost--for the Pokemon she had released from the Pokeball was not a Murkrow as she had anticipated all those months... it was a Misdreavus. "Miss..." the little floating head said to Tiffany, as if to greet her. But Tiffany didn't answer--she looked the other way, her gaze falling halfway on Professor Willow and halfway on the street beyond. "I...I...I... take that back..." Tiffany stammered, this time bowing her head. "Persephone and Icarus are... reserved for when I get a Murkrow... which I'll have to... catch myself. In... stead... I'll name you... Mystrica... yess, nice Mis... dreavus name..." "Not what you expected, eh?" Willow asked Tiffany, sounding a bit amused with herself. "But you do know that Murkrow isn't the only Pokemon that can evolve with a Dusk Stone, correct? Mind you, I was very tempted to give you a Murkrow as a starter. However, something compelled me not to. Besides, I think you'll come to really like that Misdreavus of yours--especially when she reaches her advanced form." For a while, Tiffany stared at the other objects Willow gave her, two of which were empty Pokeballs. Upon seeing these, she calmed down quite a bit--perhaps Tiffany was suppsed to prove herself worthy of having a Murkrow instead of just being given one for free. So at that point she made a small wish that she would catch a Murkrow during this journey she was about to embark on. After that wish was done, Tiffany finally thought about the starting Pokemon she did receive. She didn't get Murkrow, but Misdreavus wasn't bad at all. If anything, she was really thankful she didn't get something boring like Rattata or any of the starters the other professors gave out. [i]Besides, I must admit Willow was right about that last thing she mentioned. I must admit, Mismagius is a really cool Pokemon too. It bewitches my soul to a most enchanting extreme![/i] And with that, Tiffany straightened up and turned to face her new Misdreavus. Then she gave her a wink. "Sorry about that," Tiffany apologised, unable to stop herself from smiling. "I think our journey will be simply extraordinary, Mystrica." Tiffany then looked at her Pokevice. "Let's see what this might have to say about you." When Tiffany pressed on the centre of the Pokeball design, the top part flipped up to reveal a screen, and the bottom part flipped sideways to reveal another screen. Underneath the design was a tiny screen that looked as if it could only display text, and a bunch of buttons. Anyways, while Tiffany was looking at the Pokevice, Mystrica flew around to the other side to check out what she was doing. When she flew close enough to it, a picture of her showed up on the top screen of the Pokevice. The tiny screen in the centre read "Misdreavus", and soon the Pokevice itself spoke... [i]"Misdreavus, the screech Pokemon. Misdreavus is a ghostly prankster that specializes in scaring people at night. After doing so, it converts the victim's fear into energy using the orbs on its neck."[/i] After that was done, the screen on the left displayed a bunch of stats: "Mystrica Species: Misdreavus Gender: Female Type: Ghost Level: 5 Location: Party Ability: Levitate Attacks: Psywave" As time went by, Tiffany 's grief over not getting Murkrow faded--perhaps she was even grateful that she got Misdreavus as a starter instead.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: All right, now is the time to get to know your Pokemon, check out your Pokevice... By the way, you can be a little creative on how exactly your Pokevice works--they don't have to all look the same as Tiffany's. ...I am hoping to post again within the next few days in order to start traveling. I also hope 2007 Digital Boy will get a post in before I do, but no pressure.
  5. OOC: ~Your post was fine, Stephanie. It wasn't nearly as short and boring as some posts I saw when I started this RPG on another site. ~It's been a week since the last post, so I think we should just continue this RPG. Premonition and White still have time to catch up though. For now, I will just assume that Ethan and Junior somehow showed up at the lab. IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After a little while, which mostly consisted of chat amongst the trainers-to-be and with Professor Willow, there were five people plus the professor gathered around the front of the lab. One of them was a rather cute and peppy-looking teenage girl who wore mostly black and pink. The second was a boy roughly the same age as the first, and had blond hair that looked sort of similar to hers as well. Then there was a slightly younger boy with black hair, who didn't look nearly as peppy or excited as the three blondes. Yes, three--then there was a very young boy who happened to be dressed like a ninja. He was perhaps the peppiest of them all, and on top of that was his excitement about the journey. And the last trainer-to-be was a girl who was just a little older than the ninja boy, one who had blue hair and had a Piplup on her shirt. She wasn't that peppy either, but she was grinning and shaking with excitement about her first Pokemon. Professor Willow smiled too--for she was beginning to be overwhelmed by all the excitement that was going on. In fact, she could hardly bear it much longer... so she made an announcement. "Um... attention?" It took a little while for all five trainers-to-be to exit their dream worlds and focus their attention. "Well, I know you probably know it already, but for those who just arrived a few seconds ago, I am Professor Willow." Willow nearly blushed when she said the word "professor". "...And as you can probably tell, I spend far more time working on a computer than talking to people in person." By that time, there was silence. Even the noise from the people on the main street seemed far away. "Well, let's get started, then," Willow continued, sounding a little more confident this time. "Now, as you all know, I have invited you to go on a journey--a Pokemon journey. I must say this would be a great opportunity to see all sorts of places and Pokemon as well. Nazumi has been a home of almost every kind of Pokemon in existence, plus a few that are not even known in other regions yet. You may think of this as a sort of vacation as well as an adventure. And, it gives you an opportunity to experience what it truly means to be a Pokemon Trainer. You will get to keep Pokemon, catch Pokemon, battle Pokemon... and make your way up to the newly restarted Nazumi League! ...But I suppose I already said that on Pokemon Virtual...?" Willow was beginning to see a few impatient faces in the group. "...Anyways, before I say too much more, I will now give you something you are all excited about--am I right? Seven letters, starts with a P?" "...Pokemon?" the youngest boy in the group asked. "Well, aren't you the clever one..." Willow replied with a sheepish giggle. "...Junior Calypso, is that right? All the way from Hoenn. Nice place, with all the Contest Halls..." Willow's voice trailed off as she turned around to pick up a small box. Soon enough, the group of trainers-to-be saw it: a black box with a Pokeball design on it. Willow opened this box and took a Pokeball out of it. This she handed to Junior. "Why does he have to be first..." one of the other boys muttered under his breath. "This Pokeball contains, of course, your first Pokemon," Willow continued. "Well, Junior, I heard you're a big fan of Fighting Pokemon. Fighting is a very interesting type indeed--plain, yet interesting. And not to mention powerful. I can only hope you'll become an expert with fighting Pokemon. ...But anyhow, let's see how you do with this Pokemon as a starter." Junior had a half-excited, half-confused look on his face as he took the Pokeball from the professor. "Who will be next..." Willow muttered as she scanned the row of trainers-to-be. She stopped at the girl with pink streaks in her blond hair. "Ah, Aja Lumni, the lovely lady from Goldenrod City. Well, it so happens that your first Pokemon is the same type as Junior's, but it is a very different Pokemon indeed. I think you'll have fun with it--provided you don't try to pet it after it runs." Aja took the Pokeball, smiling and blushing because of the comment Willow made about her appearance and her Pokemon. "Well," Willow continued, "I suppose I will be doing this in a boy-girl-boy-girl-boy fashion. That having been said..." Willow turned to the confident-looking young man with the green jacket. "Ethan Hurley. You're from Cerulean City and love Fire Pokemon. Interesting... Anyways, I will give you a huge hint on your starter Pokemon: it's Fire-type." Ethan's face lit up when Willow mentioned his Pokemon being Fire-type. However, although he knew the type, he didn't know [i]which[/i] Fire-type. Growlithe? Slugma? Houndoom? Or even Cyndaquil, his favourite Pokemon? Whatever it was, Ethan was rather eager to open the Pokeball that was now in his hands... "Fourth on our list is a girl by the name of Orbie Yukimori," Willow announced, turning to the girl with the blue hair and the Piplup on her shirt. "Well, Orbie is an interesting name, as is Yukimori..." "Well of course you would remember," Orbie mentioned, "because you gave my sister her first Pokemon as well." "Yes, well... anyways, I've already told you that your starter will not be a Snowbite or a Poochyena," Willow said as she handed Orbie a Pokeball. "I will also tell you that it won't be a Piplup either." [i]Pssh... if I give out Piplup as well, I might as well change my name to Rowan.[/i] "Not a Piplup...?" Orbie muttered somberly as she looked at her Pokeball. However, she wasn't devastated by the fact that she didn't get a Piplup--there was room left to wonder what the starter might be after all! "And lastly," Willow continued, "we have this young fellow." Willow pointed to the black-haired boy that didn't seem as energetic as the others. "You must be Ryan Spades. Had a bit of an interesting love affair quite a while back, I gather. Well, for your trouble I have reserved a special Pokemon for you. This Pokemon I am giving you is one that is rather uncommon, and was once considered legendary, even. Now, this Pokemon might be a bit tougher to raise than normal, but I'm sure you will be able to handle it in due time." Ryan didn't smile nor say a word when Willow handed him the Pokeball. A part of him even thought Willow was being too nice. [i]"Once considered legendary"? "Tougher to raise than normal"?[/i] "All right, now before you open your Pokeballs..." Professor Willow announced, staring for a moment at Aja who was just about to toss her Pokeball into the air. "...if you open them now, you won't hear a thing I say afterward. Besides, I have more things to give you and more things to say about the Nazumi League." Willow reached into the box once more and took out a few more Pokeballs. She handed two of them to everyone. "Whoa, we get more than one Pokemon...?" Orbie wondered. "No, these are empty," Willow corrected. "These are for you to capture other Pokemon with. Speaking of which, for those of you who don't know already, you have to weaken a Pokemon before capturing it. I will not go into all the boring details at this point... but anyways." The next things Willow handed out were a bunch of square devices. They looked sort of like Pokedexes, except they were all different colours. They had a small Pokeball design on the front and seemed to be able to fold out and reveal other things. "Heh, I'm sorry if there's a colour bias..." Willow apologised. "I made them different colours so they don't all look the same, so they can be told apart... Now, I suppose you're all wondering what these devices are. I know some of you may think they're Pokedexes. If you thought that, you're correct, but not completely. These devices are simply called Pokevices. ...Didn't know what else to call them. Anyways, a Pokevice can identify any Pokemon you see, but it also contains special information on any Pokemon you catch, keeps a record of which badges you earn, has a map of the region, and can even be used to contact other people, like a telephone. But enough about the Pokevices. Now a word--or rather several--about the Nazumi League. I suppose most of you are aware of Pokemon gyms in your home regions. There are eight gyms each in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh. But Nazumi is a bigger region--so big that it is divided into the subregions of Okawa--that's the one we're in now--and Mire. Okawa has eight gyms while Mire has four--so Nazumi has twelve gyms in all. Some of the group members' jaws dropped when Willow said this. "Now don't worry... you don't have to earn all twelve badges in order to get into the Nazumi League. First of all, chances are that you won't be entering Mire until much later on in your journey. After all, another Pokemon professor--Professor Maple--sort of presides over that region. Secondly, you are in a group of five, so it doesn't make any sense for all of you to earn twelve badges. So I have officially lowered the badge requirement for the League down to four. You may earn more than four badges, of course, if you want--but four is the minimum requirement. However, for this group's purposes... as a group, you have to earn badges from at least eight different gyms. This means that if all five of you earn badges from the same four gyms, you are not yet ready to enter the League until somebody earns badges from another four gyms. So you get to choose at which level of training your Pokemon skills will be tested--to a certain extent." "Well," Professor Willow concluded, "I don't want to drone on and on here. If you have questions at all about your Pokemon, the Pokevices, or the Nazumi League, you all have me registered in the phone feature of your Pokevices. Or, you may ask me now. But one last thing: a hint. There is a Pokemon gym in Pollen Village, which is due east of here. The route there is pretty easy--it consists of mostly grassland and a few tree clusters. The gym itself is run by a woman named Mary Elle, who specializes in baby Pokemon--and runs the local daycare. Other than that, that is all, and I will bid you farewell on your Pokemon Journey. This means that you are all officially Pokemon Trainers." ~ ~ ~ [color=royalblue]Although there was that one small nagging thought at the back of Orbie's head, constantly reminding her that she would not be getting Piplup as a starter, Orbie felt fairly enthusiastic about which Pokemon was inside the Pokeball she was now holding. But before she opened the Pokeball, she took a look at the little blue device in her hand. Curious, she pressed the button in the middle of the Pokeball design... CLICK! The top half of the Pokeball design flipped upward to reveal a screen. The bottom half flipped sideways to reveal another screen. Beneath the design was a very tiny screen that looked as if it could only display a line of text, and a set of buttons. Orbie also noticed a little stylus sitting in a slot on the side of the Pokevice. It was a cute little stylus--it looked like a miniature pen with a tiny Piplup on the top. [i]I guess she knows I like Piplup![/i] Orbie thought. [i]Oh, speaking of Pokemon...[/i] Orbie still had yet to find out what her starter Pokemon was. So she looked at the Pokeball in her hand for a while, excited yet not quite sure what to do... [i]How do I open this thing anyways?[/i] Orbie remembered other trainers opening Pokeballs--they did so by either tossing them into the air or pressing some button Orbie couldn't find. [i]I suppose I should try tossing it...[/i] Orbie tossed the Pokeball about a foot into the air. Not quite sure she had done it right, she expected to catch the ball in the hand she just threw with. But, before that happened, the ball stopped midair, flipped around, and opened. The red, laser-like energy inside of it formed a sort of shape, which materialized into a black and white creature. This creature--this Pokemon--landed in Orbie's arms. "Ohh--it's soft!" The furry lump Orbie was holding looked like a little cat that had black and white fur, little black and white paws, and a fluffy white tail. "Patta," the cat Pokemon said as it looked at Orbie with its adorable green eyes. "Aww..." Orbie couldn't help but say. "...But what kind of Pokemon is it? What's its name?" Orbie glimpsed one of the other trainers pointing their Pokevice at a Pokemon, so she figured she could do the same. So Orbie pointed her own Pokevice at her new Pokemon. When it did, the screen on the left side of the device remained blank, but the top screen showed a picture of the Pokemon. The tiny screen in the middle showed the Pokemon's name: Patacata. Seconds later, the Pokevice began to speak: [i]"Patacata, the black kitten Pokemon. Patacata can make good pets, but are often known to cause bad luck and misfortune to strangers or people they don't like. Aside from this mysterious ability, Patacata hasn't been recognised for any other mysterious powers... and is thus classified as a Normal-type."[/i] A while later, the screen on the left finally came on. When it did, it showed a list of information on Orbie's new Patacata. "Patacata Species: Patacata Gender: Female Type: Normal Level: 5 Location: Party Ability: Bad Luck Attacks: Tackle, Sharpen, Fury Swipes" Orbie looked puzzled when she saw some of the information--and then remembered that she could ask Professor Willow about it. Well, of course she would know everything about a device she designed herself... "Um..." Orbie muttered while looking at Willow. She did not know whether to address her as Willow, Professor, Vi, or... "Yes, a question, perhaps?" Willow inquired. "Oh, yes, um..." Orbie showed Willow the screen on her Pokevice. "What does this mean? It doesn't look like Patacata is currently at a party..." "Ha ha ha, 'Party' just means you are carrying the Pokemon with you. It's not that important at this point, but it doesn't mean she's out partying. Though she may be celebrating the arrival of her new trainer in her mind." "Ehheh... oh, oopsie. Oh, and another thing. What does this 'bad luck' ability mean?" "Oh, that ability doesn't do that much--at least not enough to a point where you will notice anything. But it doesn't mean your Patacata has bad luck--though her opponents might." Orbie was deeply embarrassed to be asking all these questions--it really was hard being the member of the group that knew the least about Pokemon. Indeed, she was definitely a newbie in the Pokemon world, and had apparently received a Pokemon that reflected that... [i]But at least it's cute,[/i] Orbie concluded.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: All right, now is the time to get to know your Pokemon, check out your Pokevice... By the way, you can be a little creative on how exactly your Pokevice works--they don't have to all look the same as Orbie's. Yes, you can even have a stylus on yours that has your favourite Pokemon on it--though that is optional. ...I am hoping to post again within the next few days in order to start traveling. I also hope Premonition and White will get their posts in before I do, but no pressure.
  6. [quote name='BeatlesFan53']Looks like we're gonna have our hands full writing if we plan to go on the whoooole map. [/QUOTE] Chances are we won't get through every single area in Nazumi... especially since most RPGs don't finish anyway. I have my hopes up, but... Anyways, it's been over a week since I last posted, so I'm not going to wait for anyone else to post... Professor Willow will now start giving out starter Pokemon. NOTE: Willow also gives out Pokevices to all of us, which are explained in my most recent post. I will say in advance that you can pick the colour of your Pokevice when you receive it. I completely forgot to include that little preference in the signup...
  7. NOTE: Make sure you know you're in Group B before posting here, because Group A members aren't allowed here for now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --[i][b]In Professor Willow's lab--[/b][/i] Professor Willow sat in her usual spot in her small laboratory--on an office chair which faced a shelf topped with keyboards and papers, and three large computer screens on the wall. At this point, the screen in the middle showed a Pokemon box, with all sorts of Pokemon icons in it. Willow was dragging these different Pokemon about, and occasionally moving one to a box on the right screen. As she clicked on each one of the Pokemon, the left screen popped up an info chart on the Pokemon, showing the species and level and such. The screen switched off and on a few times, displaying stats of a Turtwig, Sentret, Hoothoot, Diglett... and a little pink bunny Pokemon that was native to Nazumi. Then when an Altaria showed up, Willow dragged its icon over to the right screen--meaning she was going to take it with her when she exited the lab--which would be very soon. So soon, in fact, that a few moments later the computer screens were switched off, and Professor Willow was putting Pokeballs in her pocket as she walked out the door. It would be a matter of time before the small group of trainers she got together online would meet here in person... * * * * * * * [color=indigo][i]Why am I in a pink Drifloon blimp anyway?[/i] Tiffany wondered as she sat in the blimp. [i]Drifloon are normally purple... and shiny ones are yellow.[/i] The blimp, which was indeed in the shape of a pink Drifloon, was flying over the ocean. Breezy Island could be seen in the distance--which meant it was nearing its destination. About an hour ago, Tiffany had headed over to the Valley Windworks, where the blimps took off and landed. While she was waiting for the blimp, she saw a little girl with short blue hair that she had seen a few times before in Jubilife City. For some strange reason, the girl had stuck in Tiffany's mind--not that she would care about her anyways. She had found younger kids hard to trust ever since her unfair treatment by her parents. Little kids always seemed to get more attention than their older counterparts, more love, more luxuries... whereas the older ones got ignored. Perhaps this was because the older kids were seen as being "tougher" and "better off by themselves"... Well, this was exactly what Tiffany had become over the years, or at least compared to her own younger siblings. Anyways, another group of people she had come to not trust easily were young men. This had probably come from her older brother Ty, who also seemed to get a lot of attention from his parents. Perhaps this was because one's first child is the most special to a parent because he or she is seen as an accomplishment. True, the oldest child also had the most responsibilities, but his or her efforts were rewarded with attention and love. So there we have it. The oldest child, the younger children... and then there's the child that's a few years older than the young ones, and a few months younger than the oldest one. With all the attenion on the extremes, there's no time left for the middle child, who thus gets neglected and ignored. This was the setup Tiffany lived with, and this is what she saw most families as. Yes, there were lots of things going through Tiffany's mind during the blimp trip. She occasionally wondered what Ty was up to at the moment--but this she quickly pushed out of her mind. Then she thought about what the other trainers in her group would be like, and hoped she would be able to deal with any young kids or older boys in the group. For a brief moment, she imagined a group of five, consisting of herself, two younger girls, one younger girl, and one older guy. The two girls had Meowth and Eevee as starters, the little boy had Bulbasaur, the older guy had Murkrow, and Tiffany had Magikarp. That would be a total nightmare if that happened... Anyways, then Tiffany got to thinking about what starter she would receive. [i]It's got to be Murkrow,[/i] Tiffany hoped. [i]Murkrow is my favourite Pokemon of all time--or at least the pre-evolved form of my favourite Pokemon of all time. And even if I don't get Murkrow as a starter, I certainly hope I'll catch a Murkrow early on, and that my starter won't be something like a Magikarp, or Grimer, or Caterpie, or Rattata, or Pichu, or... any Pokemon I just don't like. But I sincerely hope I get a Murkrow. I've been thinking about it every night, and every time I see or hear of a Murkrow. (And I have seen quite a few Murkrow while walking through Eterna Forest that one night... if only I had the means to capture one of them.) I've told about my favourite Pokemon many times on Pokemon Virtual, and even have it in my signature there. So I'm [/i]positive[i] Professor Willow knows about it. Oh please, fulfill my wish and give me a Murkrow... and perhaps a Dusk Stone to go with it...[/i] Finally, the blimp landed on the beach next to Seaport City. When it did, Tiffany sprange from her seat and skipped out the door. "Bye-bye," she said to the pilot as she left. The beach was a beautiful and relaxing place. There were people soaking up the sun while lying on cuddly beach towels... kids of all ages splashing around in the water, occasionally with a water Pokemon... a few Pokemon trainers playing catch with their Pokemon on the beach... Poochyena, Shinx, Beautifly... Yet, Tiffany hardly took the time to notice this as she headed into the city. [i]I will have plenty of time to sightsee after I get my Murkrow. I'll show it all over the place, treat it with the best care possible... Heh, all the love I've had bottled up all these years. Wheee![/i] The streets of Seaport City were a little crowded, bu this also made them more lively. Shops selling everything from merchandise to Pokeballs to electronics to Pokemon eggs (one vendor had shelves of eggs painted white with question marks on them--"Mystery Eggs! You just never know what you'll get!"). More people walking about with Pokemon--including a little pink rabbit Pokemon that was unheard of outside of Nazumi. Kiosks on the sidewalks which sponsored all sort of games and contests. Yet still, Tiffany didn't spend much time admiring all this--all she looked at was the little piece of paper that showed a small map of Seaport City. On the map was an arrow that led through the streets to Professor Willow's lab. Finally, Tiffany turned a corner onto a street that was less crowded than the others. On the right side of the street were a bunch of office buildings, and there was a building on the left that looked empty. Between that building and the one past which she turned was a smaller building that as partially hidden by an overgrowth of trees. It was rather appropriate that one of those trees was a willow tree--this was because of the sign in front of the building (which was the exact same colour of the blimp Orbie arrived in) that said "Pokemon Laboratory" on it. Behind it, partially hidden by the eaves, was a smaller sign that read "Vi Willow: Pokemon Professor". This sign was next to a door--on the other side of the door was Professor Willow herself, sitting on a box. "Hello, Professor," Tiffany greeted as she walked toward the lab. "Why hello there," Willow replied. "You sound rather enthusiastic." "Indeed. I'm Tiffany Elderwood--from that group on Pokemon Virtual." "Ah yes... Tiffany, the Honchkrow lover." "Heh heh heh... yes, you saw that in my siggy, didn't you?" Tiffany giggled. "Indeed I did. I'm sure you will be very pleased with your first Pokemon. Please make yourself as comfortable as possible while we wait for the other three trainers to arrive." "Wait--we're technically not trainers yet," Tiffany contested. "We don't even have any Pokemon or Pokedexes yet." "Perhaps I look too far into the future sometimes," Willow casually noted. "Now, at this point I cannot tell you which Pokemon you'll be starting with, but you may ask me any questions you may have about the journey, or about Pokemon in general." "...Just one question." Tiffany did think of one last thing to say before daydreaming about her new Murkrow. "I glimpsed a Pokemon on the way here--one I never saw before. It looked like a little pink rabbit." "Beep! Hopsie, the Little Bunny Pokemon." Willow tried to imitate Professor Oak's voice as much as possible. "Hopsie do not often act as clever as they can be, and frequently get so careless as to bump into trees while walking. Its specialty attacks are Tickle and Amnesia." Now that the question was answered in that creative way, all there was left to do was wait...[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/pokems/hopsie.gif][color=blue]A picture of Hopsie[/color][/url], just for the heck of it. Besides, those Pokemon appear all over the place in Nazumi--just like Bidoof does in Sinnoh. (It is very rare that I mention a new Pokemon to appear in Nazumi--most of the time we'll encounter existing ones.) *OK, the first thing you need to do is get to Professor Willow's lab in Seaport City, Okawa. It doesn't matter how you get there--you don't have to go in a Drifloon blimp like my character did. Just make sure that your character doesn't have any Pokemon yet. If you have time left over, you may look around Seaport City for a while. Seaport City is a popular and lively place, so there's lots to do... *(You don't have to make your posts as long as mine was--I just got a little carried away this time...)
  8. NOTE: Make sure you know which group you're in (if you're not sure, check the Underground thread) before posting here. This is for Group A only. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --[b][i]In Professor Willow's lab--[/b][/i] Professor Willow sat in her usual spot in her small laboratory--on an office chair which faced a shelf topped with keyboards and papers, and three large computer screens on the wall. At this point, the screen in the middle showed a Pokemon box, with all sorts of Pokemon icons in it. Willow was dragging these different Pokemon about, and occasionally moving one to a box on the right screen. As she clicked on each one of the Pokemon, the left screen popped up an info chart on the Pokemon, showing the species and level and such. The screen switched off and on a few times, displaying stats of a Turtwig, Sentret, Hoothoot, Diglett... and a little pink bunny Pokemon that was native to Nazumi. Then when an Altaria showed up, Willow dragged its icon over to the right screen--meaning she was going to take it with her when she exited the lab--which would be very soon. So soon, in fact, that a few moments later the computer screens were switched off, and Professor Willow was putting Pokeballs in her pocket as she walked out the door. It would be a matter of time before the small group of trainers she got together online would meet here in person... * * * * * * * [color=royalblue]The words Mr. and Mrs. Yukimori said were still fresh in Orbie's mind as she sat there in the blimp. [i]"Good luck on your journey," Dad said to her. "Hey Orbie, maybe you'll get an ice Pokemon too," Mum commented. "I don't have a clue what I'm getting!" Orbie answered. [/i]But it sort of would be cool if I got a Piplup... but would she give out the same Pokemon that Professor Rowan does?[i] "And maybe you'll meet Crystal along the way," Dad continued. "Unless she knows about Nazumi... I doubt it." Orbie mainly said this because she didn't really care much for her sister.[/i] The blimp Orbie was riding in was shaped like a Drifloon--except it was sky blue in colour. It had departed from the Valley Windworks near Floaroma Town back in Sinnoh about forty minutes ago, and was due to land on the shores of Nazumi very soon. During the flight, Orbie kept imagining what Pokemon she could possily end up with. For a while she imagined herself with a Piplup--but quickly extinguished that hope. Then she pictured Bidoof--which was cute, furry, fun... Stunky, which would be ugly and smelly... Magikarp, which would be a pain to train... Machop, which would be, um, fun to practice martial arts with... But wait a minute, then there was the possibility that Orbie would get a Nazumi Pokemon, just like Crystal did. Orbie couldn't imagine what sorts of new Pokemon were found here in Nazumi, or varieties of existing ones... wouldn't it be neat to have a pre-evolved form of the Heracross she saw once in a tree? Orbie really didn't know too much about Pokemon training, but she did know about a large handful of Pokemon in general, because she saw many of them back in various parts of Sinnoh. The beach was a warm welcome into this continent of Nazumi, and Orbie knew it the second she stepped out of the blimp. She saw a few people on the beach--swimming in the water, eating popsicles while lying on towels, and playing with their Pokemon. For a while, Orbie's eyes focused on a small grey dog Pokemon she had never seen before. She listened for what the boy it was playing with called it--but all she could make out was something like "moochy anna". Moochyanna was a weird name for a Pokemon... Anyways, past the beach were some buildings and sidewalks that signified a city. "Well here you are," the pilot said to Orbie. "Welcome to Seaport City!" "Thanks," Orbie greeted as she turned away from the blimp. When she did, the pilot saw her backpack. "So you like Piplup?" the pilot asked. "I've never seen them in the wild here in Nazumi, but they're available as starter Pokemon in Sinnoh. Sure you don't want me to get you one from Professor Rowan? Nah, just kidding, kid." As Orbie walked through the streets of Seaport City, she saw lots of shops, many of which were based on Pokemon. Also there were various kiosks which either held merchandise, games, or even Pokemon for sale. One booth was selling a bunch of Pokemon eggs which were painted white and had question marks on them. ("Mystery Eggs! You just never know which Pokemon you'll get!") There were other shops that sold various items for beginning trainers, such as Pokeballs, healing items, maps, and field guides. Every street held a new surprise, and Orbie just kept looking around, in awe at all that there was. Orbie turned past a large building onto a street that was less crowded than the others. On the right side of the street were a bunch of office buildings, and there was a building on the left that looked empty. Between that building and the one past which she turned was a smaller building that as partially hidden by an overgrowth of trees. It was rather appropriate that one of those trees was a willow tree--this was because of the sign in front of the building (which was the exact same colour of the blimp Orbie arrived in) that said "Pokemon Laboratory" on it. Behind it, partially hidden by the eaves, was a smaller sign that read "Vi Willow: Pokemon Professor". This sign was next to a door--on the other side of the door was Professor Willow herself, sitting on a box. "Hello," Willow greeted. "Were you by any chance looking for me?" "...Oh, yes," Orbie replied. "I'm Orbie Yukimori--we, um, talked on Pokemon Virtual?" "Ah, so you are. You do sound like her. Not that I would have known how your voice sounded online--but rather from your manner of speaking." "...Does it really make that much of a difference..." Orbie muttered, pronouncing each word very carefully. "I can presume you are excited about getting a Pokemon, then?" "Oh, of course!" Orbie answered. "I keep wondering which Pokemon I'll get..." "That's for me to know and you to find out soon. Though I assure that you won't get Snowbite like your sister did." "Though I don't know... even that Moochyanna I saw on the beach a while ago would be neat." Willow didn't respond. "...Moochyanna? The gray... dog... thing?" Orbie couldn't believe a Pokemon Professor could not know about a Pokemon. "Ha ha, you mean Poochyena. And no, you won't be getting it either. Poochyena's too plain for you--it's a pretty common Pokemon in its homeland of Hoenn. Anyways, once we have the other four here, we can start handing out Pokemon." And so Willow and Orbie waited, right in front of the lab, precisely where the other trainers were supposed to meet.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: OK, the first thing you need to do is get to Professor Willow's lab in Seaport City, Okawa. It doesn't matter how you get there--you don't have to go in a Drifloon blimp like my character did. Just make sure that your character doesn't have any Pokemon yet. If you have time left over, you may look around Seaport City for a while. Seaport City is a popular and lively place, so there's lots to do... *(You don't have to make posts as long as mine--I just got a little carried away this time...)
  9. Yes, we are, tomorrow in fact. Unfortunately, I am running out of the time I have today, so I can't start the RPG today unless I'm awake enough to start it late tonight. But, I have decided on a few things: [b]-We will be traveling in two groups.[/b] Yes, the vote was decided... we have a group of five and a group of four. That makes things so much easier... Anyways, the two groups are: [u]Group A[/u] Aja Lumni w/ Electrike (Squiggles) Ethan Hurley w/ Chimchar (Premonition) Ryan Spades w/ Dratini (Lionheart) Junior Calypso w/ Magnemite (White) Orbie Yukimori w/ Patacata (Nefertimon) [u]Group B[/u] Mizuki Tsujimoto w/ Growlithe (Sakazaki) Eri Nanasawa w/ Munchlax (2007Digital Boy) Brendan Stone w/ Mudkip (BeatlesFan53) Tiffany Elderwood w/ Misdreavus (Nefertimon) I tried to separate any two characters who had a similar personality or starting Pokemon... and put together characters that might fit tigether in a group. Also, when I start the RPG, I will be putting each group in a separate thread--so only post in your group! And of course remember to refer to this thread for any notes on the RPG or to ask questions about it, and to the signup thread to check on other people's characters. [b]-I have a map of Nazumi![/b] You don't need to study this map or anything--it'll just make a nice reference so you can see where the group's headed to. Also, Nazumi is too big for only one map, so I made two maps--one for each subregion of Nazumi, Okawa and Mire. Mire is to the northeast of Okawa. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/okawamap.png]Okawa[/url] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/miremap.png]Mire[/url] *Note: Professor Willow's lab is in Seaport City, which is on the northern coast of Okawa. [b]-My Signups[/b] I will now post my two signups in the signup thread. I will be playing two trainers in this RPG--one per group. (One of those trainers has a made-up Pokemon...) Finally, the RPG will start tomorrow--this time, I promise that!
  10. Ha ha, this character is from a Harry Potter fanfic I'm planning to write, but I've used her mother in a Digimon RPG once before. I might have her mother appear in the Digital World once in a while, if that's OK. All she has is a Tsukaimon and she's not a Digidestined. And since we don't know what our made-up Digimon look like, I included pictures of them. [color=darkred][u]Name:[/u] Kiki Adouine [u]Age:[/u] 11 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Appearance:[/u] Kiki looks younger than she really is. She's about four feet tall, and she has short, wavy blond hair in pigtails, and amber eyes that perfectly match her mother's. She normally wears a white shirt with a black cat on it, a black sweater, a short black skirt, gray stockings, and black shoes. [u]Crest:[/u] Depth (meaning there's a deeper meaning behind things) [u]Digivice Colour:[/u] Black and purple [u]Digimon 1[/u] [b]In-Training:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/pokems/maryuchi.gif]Draguchimon[/url] [Mini Fireball] [b]Rookie:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/pokems/psiad.gif]StarPiximon[/url] [Psy Blast, Pixie Leaves] [b]Champion:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/pokems/aquasu.gif]Nemurimon[/url] [Hypnotic Wave, Chloro Blast] [b]Ultimate:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/pokems/samakura.gif]Sakuramon[/url] [Flower Blade, Petal Storm] [b]Mega:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/pokems/auresia.gif]Fetherbymon[/url] [Light Streak, Enlightenment] [b]Sun:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/pokems/isix.gif]SunPhoenixmon[/url] [Solar Flare, Phoenix Song, Fire Streak] [b]Moon:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/pokems/luciel.gif]IceAngemon[/url] [Gentle Frost] [b]Matrix:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/pokems/saiyanma.gif]Dragonflymon[/url] [Magic Fire, Silver Tornado] [b]Galactic:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/pokems/auroracle.gif]Oraclemon[/url] [Aurora Cannon] [u]Digimon 2[/u] [b]In-Training:[/b] Tsumemon [Nail Scratch] [b]Rookie:[/b] Keramon [Crazy Giggle] [b]Champion:[/b] Wizardmon [Electro Squall, Magical Game] [b]Ultimate:[/b] Phantomon [Shadow Scythe] [b]Mega:[/b] Piedmon [Trump Sword] [b]Sun:[/b] Seraphimon [Strike of the Seven Stars] [b]Moon:[/b] Mercurymon [Dark Reflection, Mirror Offset] [b]Matrix:[/b] AncientWisemon [Elder Sign] [b]Galactic:[/b] MedievalGallantmon [Laser of Wyvern] [u]Digimon 3[/u] [b]In-Training:[/b] Gummymon [Bubble Blow] [b]Rookie:[/b] Terriermon [Terrier Tornado] [b]Champion:[/b] Gatomon [Lightning Paw, Cat's Eye Hypnotism] [b]Ultimate:[/b] Nefertimon [Queen's Paw, Cat's Eye Beam, Rosetta Stone] [b]Mega:[/b] HippoGryphomon [Sonic Voice, Heat Wave] [b]Sun:[/b] Ophanimon [Sefirot Crystals, Eden's Javelin] [b]Moon:[/b] Zephyrmon [Hurricane Gale, Plasma Pods] [b]Matrix:[/b] Magnadramon [Holy Fire, Dragon Fire] [b]Galactic:[/b] AncientSphinxmon [Necro Eclipse, Dark Blast] [u]Digimon 4[/u] [b]In-Training:[/b] Yaamon [Rolling Black] [b]Rookie:[/b] Tsukaimon [Purple Fog, Friendly Fire] [b]Champion:[/b] Witchmon [Poison Storm] [b]Ultimate:[/b] Bastemon [Vampire Dance, Helter Skelter] [b]Mega:[/b] Crusadermon [Spiral Masquerade, Scarlet Tempest, Fist of Athena] [b]Sun:[/b] Ranamon [Draining Rain, Dark Vapour] [b]Moon:[/b] Lilithmon [Phantom Pain, Nazar Nail, Darkness Love] [b]Matrix:[/b] Sakuyamon [Talisman Sphere, Spirit Strike, Amethyst Wind] [b]Galactic:[/b] Rosemon [Thorn Whip, Rose Spear][/color] *Note: The made-up Digimon line is actually composed of Pokemon I created... I just turned them into Digimon for a while.
  11. I love this game!!! I did two of these in the last version, and now I'm doing a third! Now I have 525 songs on my MP3 player--let's see what we can come up with: [color=indigo][size=1]1. [b]Aurora[/b] - Ordinary World This is a pretty interesting song of the techno genre. And, I think this song came up in one of the last versions of this 15-song thing I did... here we go again. >.< Anyways, I heard of quite a few versions of this song--the best one is the original, definitely. 2. [b]The Beatles[/b] - Come Together Okay, I like the Beatles, but this isn't one of my favourite songs of theirs... Still, it's pretty neat, considering all the lyrics seem to be random... 3. [b]Cher[/b] - All or Nothing I have four of Cher's songs one my MP3 player, and this is my least favourite... Still, it's a slightly-better-than-okay song. This song was from in the more recent era, perhaps somewhere in the 80's or 90's. 4. [b]The Chipmunks[/b] - The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late) I always loved hearing this song on the radio around Christmas-time. Anyways, the Chipmunks are so cute, and I still can't fathom how they did those high voices back in the 50's where pitch-altering technology didn't exist... Anyways, the first CD I ever got was the Chipmunks' Greatest Hits album, which is where this song came from. 5. [b]Enya[/b] - Caribbean Blue Ah yes, Enya, the woman who really got me into New Age music. The songs are always relaxing (well, "Orinoco Flow" isn't very relaxing, but...) and full of good tunes. In fact, when I was doing the essay part of my English Placement Test for college, I wrote an essay about her and how she influenced me. 6. [b]Jessica Simpson[/b] - A Little Bit Yes, I do like a few pop songs too... though it's not my favourite genre. I liked this song for quite a while, ever since I was in middle school, even though it's never been a favourite for me. 7. [b]Daft Punk[/b] - One More Time Okay, so now we get into a song I loved back in middle school, but don't care as much for because it's kind of repetitive. Still, it has that nice experimental quality that is typical of Daft Punk. 8. [b]Siria[/b] - Endless Summer Siria sounds a lot like Cascada for some odd reason. Anyways, this is one of those Euro Dance songs I heard on an internet radio station then spent months searching for on iTunes. 9. [b]Chris Spheeris[/b] - Eros This song reminds me more of a desert than of a god of love... Still, now we get into the more folk-ish part of my interest in New Age music. Again, out of the four sings of his I have on my MP3 player, this one's my least favourite, but I still pretty much like it. "Dancing with the Muse" is a lot better. 10. [b]Green Day[/b] - Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) I heard this song quite a few times in my dance class... Anyways, I heard Green Day was a punk band, but this song doesn't sound like punk to me... Which is also strange because this is the only one of Green Day's songs I like so far. 11. [b]Celtic Woman[/b] - The Sky and the Dawn and the Sun Enya may have got me [i]initially[/i] interested in New Age music, but I really didn't start liking it till I heard of Celtic Woman. The songs are so awesome, their voices so lovely... This song is no exception. And, I just heard this song in one of their concerts just thirty days ago. 12. [b]Jennifer Lopez[/b] - Play Hee hee, it's a song about asking a DJ to play one's favourite song--and then getting irritated and angry at the DJ for not playing it. I also joke about an F word that was obviously censored out of this song. ("I've asked you three times... play my _____ song!") 13. [b]Blu Cantrell[/b] - Hit 'Em Up Style Out of all the twisted love songs about how to get back at a cheating boyfriend, this is my favourite. Anyways, I sang this song at a karaoke show once. 14. [b]DJ Tiesto[/b] - Adagio for Strings A nice techno twist on a classical song. The tune repeats throughout the song, but it's still pretty good anyways. 15. [b]Village People[/b] - YMCA I loved this song ever since I was in fifth grade, when we did a dance to this song in a play we had to do. Later on, I saw the Village People in concert, in which they instructed the audience on the arm movements of the chorus of this song before performing it...[/color][/size] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As you can see, I listen to a wide variety of music... let's see, we have some techno, pop, classic rock, disco, and new age... and a funny song by the Chipmunks. Yep, that's variety!
  12. Hmmm... I might be interested in signing up, but before that, I have a question. Okay, I'm familiar with the Fresh-Mega line of a Digimon, but what are the Sun/Moon/Matrix/Galactic forms for? Judging by your signup, I'd say those are the real Digimon we have, but if that's so, that means we have five Digimon in all, which is not right...
  13. Welcome to the discussion thread for the Nazumi League! Here's where I will be posting stuff about Nazumi, such as the areas and gym leaders, and also for sorting out issues in the RPG. Well, speaking of issues, we have an issue now. The issue? We have eight people in this RPG, inclusing me! That's way more people than I initially expected, and seems a little big for a group to me... So therefore, one idea I had was to split up the group into two groups, and run two separate RPG's. They'd pretty much be the same storyline, except there'll be different characters. I'm pretty sure that type of thing is allowed... Which means more work on my part because I'd be playing two different characters, but that's fine with me. But, the question is, is it fine with you? To have two groups instead of one? It's really up to you--I don't care too much either way. And so you don't have to do one-word posts, you can just vote in the poll. [center][size=3][b][u]--THE CONTINENT OF NAZUMI--[/b][/u][/size][/center] As you may or may not know, Nazumi is divided into two sub-continents: Okawa and Mire. Okawa has eight gym leaders while Mire has only four. We'll be starting in a place called Seaport City, which is as the name indicates a city facing the ocean to the north, and the mountains to the south. That's also the city where Professor Willow's lab is. The first thing we will be doing in the RPG is going there to meet in front of the lab. Professor Willow already sent an email to all of our trainers informing them of this meeting place. Other than that, I'll let you be creative as to what else is in Seaport City--besides an obvious beach on the north side of town. Before this RPG starts I will provide a map of Nazumi--or rather separate maps of Okawa and Mire. Those maps are almost done but I have to still proofread them to make sure they're still accurate... Other than that, feel free to post any questions or comments you may have about the RPG here.
  14. Ay ay ay, seven signups? When I did this RPG on another site, it was perfect because two out of the six signups were rejected because of n00bs that didn't follow the rules. But now seven non-n00bs signed up for this RPG. [b][u]2007DigitalBoy:[/u] [color=blue]Accepted[/color][/b] [i]Eri Nanasawa w/ Munchlax[/i] Hooray for Munchlax! (Still trying to catch one in Diamond.) [b][u]White:[/u] [color=blue]Accepted[/color][/b] [i]Junior Calypso w/ Magnemite[/i] Ha ha, interesting character. Bring on the ninjas! [b][u]BeatlesFan53:[/u] [color=blue]Accepted[/color][/b] [i]Brendan Stone w/ Mudkip[/i] At first I thought about rejecting you because of an incredibly short Personality, but since you said you'd reveal more of it in the RPG, I suppose I'll have to take your word for it. (And besides, I hate rejecting people...) Often times people post more things about their character as an RPG progresses. And besides, the idea about having a father in Team Shockwave is interesting... [b][u]Sakazaki:[/u] [color=blue]Accepted[/b][/color] [i]Mizuki Tsujimoto w/ Growlithe[/i] A mechanic eh? So is one of the gym leaders in Nazumi. But Miki won't know that until later. ~_^ [b][u]Premonition:[/u] [color=blue]Accepted[/b][/color] [i]Ethan Hurley w/ Chimchar[/i] Ha ha, imagine Joey Wheeler in Pokemon world. However, one little correction: Ethan couldn't have been training hard with his Chimchar because he doesn't even have Chimchar yet. Surely eliminating that last dinky little paragraph of your History can't hurt you... And I suppose you really like Chimchar, especially if you don't have to pick one of the mainstream starter Pokemon as a starter. [b][u]Squiggles:[/u] [color=blue]Accepted[/b][/color] [i]Aja Lumni w/ Electrike[/i] I don't think your character being fairly similar to Sakazaki's character is a valid reason for me not to accept you. Nobody's [i]exactly[/i] the same, after all. [b][u]Lionheart:[/u] [color=blue]Accepted[/b][/color] [i]Ryan Spades w/ Charmander[/i] You have a very interesting character there. Breaking up really is hard to do... and when it happens, it's no fun... [b][size=3]SIGNUPS ARE NOW CLOSED.[/size][/b] [size=1](With the exception of a certain someone who PM'd me for a special position. You know who you are.)[/size] However, there is something I need to discuss with you seven in the Underground thread before I can start this RPG--or even post my character's signup. I know I can discuss the problem in this thread, but as there will be stuff to cover about Nazumi anyways... See you in the Underground, and thanks for signing up! **Oh, and if you want to change your character or starter, you still may as the RPG hasn't started yet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My signups: [color=royalblue][u]Name:[/u] Orbie Yukimori [u]Age:[/u] 12 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Appearance:[/u] Orbie is about 4'7" tall. She has hair that is fairly short and light blue in colour--a nice compliment to the milky peach colour of her skin. And her deep blue eyes go pretty well with the few little freckles on her nose. As for what she wears... One thing is a shirt that is white and has a light blue outline of a Piplup on the front, and sleeves that go down to her elbows and have light blue stripes. Below that she wears a short aqua skirt with a little bow on the front, and some jeans underneath that. She also wears little blue boots that have a few stars on the sides. She keeps all her belongings in a backpack that matches her skirt in colour and has a Piplup design on it--except this one is in full colour. [u]Personality:[/u] It can be pretty hard to tell Orbie is twelve years old rather than fourteen--this is based on both her appearance and her overall personality. She tends to be rather polite with people--even criminals--but she blushes when the person she's talking to seems odd or funny to her. Aside from that, she can also be a careful person--she doesn't like to take risks or do dangerous things. She can tolerate a little bit of competition, but not to where it gets fierce. Now, as for her attitude toward Pokemon... Orbie does like Pokemon, of all sizes and types (well, except maybe Muk), and Piplup is her tentative favourite Pokemon. But she does look down a little on ice Pokemon, as that's her older sister's favourite type of Pokemon and she doesn't like her older sister that much. But anyways, since Orbie gets bored very easily, getting a Pokemon for herself might cure that... not to mention being in a group with other trainers. [u]History:[/u] Orbie's family lives in Jubilife City (Sinnoh). Her parents weren't that involved with Pokemon, but they did have jobs in the technological field. Also Orbie had an older sister named Crystal. Anyways, often times while Crystal went over to places like the library and the Pokemon Centre to learn a little bit about Pokemon, Orbie went with her mum to the TV station, looking at what was new in TV and all the pretty pictures of Pokemon that were dressed up by their trainers. She also remembered getting a Piplup mask from a man there--this she would sometimes wear on her head while acting like a Piplup where she went. Orbie really got to like Piplup a lot, and even got to meet one up close while visiting Professor Rowan's lab one day. Times change when one gets older... and the Yukimori sisters were no exception. True, their parents still lived in Jubilife City... but soon enough Crystal went off on her own Pokemon Journey. What was rather peculiar was that Crystal received a Pokemon in a package from someone called Professor Willow, who lived in a faraway continent called Nazumi. The Pokemon itself was one most of Sinnoh had never heard about: this ice crystal Pokemon named Snowbite. Anyways, in the few months prior to Crystal's journey, both she and Orbie spent a lot of time on Pokemon Virtual--though they often argued over who got to use the computer at certain times. Crystal ended up getting more time on there because "she was older". But the good thing was that Orbie could go on Pokemon Virtual anytime after Crystal left. And it's a good thing that happened, for a couple of years later, Orbie read this notice on Pokemon Virtual that told of a group Pokemon journey in Nazumi, whose members would all receive a Pokemon from Professor Willow. Ooh... did that mean they would all be getting more unheard-of Pokemon from him/her/whatever? Orbie travelled to Nazumi in anticipation of that very question... [u]Starter:[/u] Patacata [u]Other:[/u] Orbie doesn't know too much about Pokemon at all--all she knows is that Pokemon can use attacks and can be captured by Pokeballs. [b][u]Patacata:[/b][/u] [u]Element:[/u] Normal [u]Appearance:[/u] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/pokems/patacata.gif]click here[/url] [u]Attacks:[/u] starts with Scratch/Sharpen; later learns Copycat, Fake Tears, Swift, Assist, Pounce (a 2-turn physical Dark attack) [u]Ability:[/u] Bad Luck--reduces the foe's critical hit rate [u]Other:[/u] Patacata evolves to Felinx at level 20. [b][u]Felinx:[/b][/u] [u]Element:[/u] Normal/Dark [u]Appearance:[/u] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/pokems/felinx.gif]click here[/url] [u]Attacks:[/u] learns Bite upon evolution; later learns Curse, Pounce (a 2-turn physical Dark attack), Slash, Thief, Shadow Claw, Moonbeam (a Dark-type version of Solarbeam) [u]Ability:[/u] Bad Luck--reduces the foe's critical hit rate [u]Other:[/u] In this RPG I'll make it so that Curse has a slightly different non-Ghost effect, and another special effect for Dark-type Pokemon. (Non-Ghost effect: Sacrifice 1/2 HP to maximize Special Attack. Dark effect: Like Toxic except it goes away when the victim switches out.)[/color] ~ ~ ~ [color=indigo][u]Name:[/u] Tiffany Elderwood [u]Age:[/u] 19 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Appearance[/u]: Tiffany is of a pretty average height and a pretty average weight--if around 5'3" and 110 pounds is just around normal. Her curly black hair may sometimes make her skin look white, though it obvoiusly has a light peach tint to it. That hair falls down about to her shoulders, though it is a little shorter in front and a little longer in the back. Her eyes are a deep brown in colour and are surrounded by eyelashes that always look like they have a little bit of mascara on them... Surely, a man might be interested in Tiffany's rather slim figure--that is, if she ever showed it. Tiffany's favourite outfit consists of a long skirt which is a deep blue at the top and fades into black on the bottom, where it ends in a rim of black lace; a black blouse that is made out of a velvet-ish material and has large sleeves that look a little bit like wings when Tiffany holds her arms out, and which has a purple ribbon tied around it just above the waist; a pair of black boots whose heels are only a half inch high, and a purse that is in the shape of a Honchkrow, her favourite Pokemon. [u]Personality:[/u] Tiffany is pretty much a people person. ...But that's not always a good thing. It is true that she can be exciting person and likes to talk to people about various random topics, and even has a pretty good sense of humour in that. But other than that, she could easily be seen as the mischievous little lady in black, and could easily not be seen as a nice person. She doesn't exactly hurt people physically or directly--but rather hints at a person's flaws or casually makes a negative remark. She is also one to taunt or threaten people, and her version of a grudge is just giving whoever bothers her more attention (to the point where she becomes annoying). But she does try to keep her "evil acts" to a minimum, as she did know about karma. Besides, she always feels ready to accept any depression or other ill fate that would await her should she sin in any way. As far as Pokemon go... Tiffany's favourite Pokemon types are Dark and Ghost, and the occasional Poison. She does like Pokemon battles, but she knows how carried away she might get in a competition and thus prefers not to compete. This is especially the case since she gets embarrassed very easily. But, she remains true to herself and open to new possibilities. She is also aware very much of the presence of the supernatural and knew quite a bit about the subject thanks to Emillie. [u]History:[/u] Tiffany was born into a rather large family which lived in the bustling world of Jubilife City in Sinnoh. She had two parents, three brothers, and three sisters, and she was the second-oldest out of all her siblings. (First was her older brother Ty, but that's a different story.) Most of the family consisted of rather social and outgoing people--Tiffany chose that as a stereotype for them because she didn't really know her family members all too well. In fact, the only person she did know fairly well was some old woman named Emillie who offered to look after her for days at a time. And she may have even liked her--Emillie was the adventurous sort of person, and even had a Haunter that she kept with her on her travels. There were several times when Emillie would take Tiffany out to see the world, whether it was to explore the caves within Mt. Coronet, look for Pokemon in the Eterna Forest, admire all the flowers in Floaroma Town... all the while telling little Tiffany various things about Pokemon and life in general. Unfortunately, such childhood memories were such Tiffany seldom looked at as she grew older. This she especially refused to do after Emillie died and she stayed back at home all the time. She didn't care at all for her siblings, so she spent the majority of her time in her room, reading one of the books she inherited from Emillie. These were books on lots of different topics--some were about Pokemon, some were novels, some were collections of short and funny stories, and some were about various philosophical and spiritual topics, such as the origin of the world and paranormal matters and whether the chicken or the egg came first. (That last one was five hundred pages long! ...But that's beside the point... -.-) But in Tifany's teenage years, she had quite a bit of fun tormenting her little sister in the night, often times by cutting up her toys or whispering strange words in her ear while she slept. Occasionally she did this same thing with her other siblings as well, though for some reason she steered clear of Ty. Maybe it was because Ty wasn't worth tormenting, or was just too boring, or was older than her... But the best part was that her siblings often blamed the problems they suffered on each other rather than Tiffany. Sometimes being in a big family helps... But sometimes it doesn't. For one day, when Tiffany was about eighteen years old, her parents gave all her siblings a Pokemon. Ah yes, Pichu, Starly, Bidoof, Piplup, Chingling, Shinx... But, Tiffany got no Pokemon. She had secretly wanted a Murkrow, as that was the pre-evolved form of her favourite Pokemon at the time, but she didn't even get any other kind of Pokemon, whereas her siblings all got exactly the Pokemon they wanted. When Tiffany asked why she didn't get a Pokemon as well, she got a reply of "Oh, sorry, were you here? Do I know you?" from her parents. Tiffany often read and spent a lot of time on the computer in her time alone. She especially liked to join online forums, since there she could talk to people she didn't hate. And she was really happy in those times, times when she could look into her own interests. For example, she had quite an affinity for the supernatural, as well as Pokemon. Her favourite Pokemon was Honchkrow. She really liked Dark-type Pokemon especially, as it went for her affinity for the darker side of many supernatural matters. What was more, she also learned about a journey through a newly discovered region called Nazumi on this website called Pokemon Virtual. Oh, how exciting! She would be getting a Pokemon at last! After all, her parents wouldn't let her have a Pokemon because "they didn't trust her". But, there was still one more thing to do about that restrictive family... Okay, so now Tiffany had parents that didn't know she was around, siblings that didn't care too much for her, and no Emillie. Her only choice left was to escape--to run away, in a way. That is precisely what she did, wishing the worst of luck for her younger siblings (again, she didn't bother mentioning Ty), and even placing plastic bags over their heads and such. The usual mischief... Tiffany ran all the way to Floaroma Town, where she boarded a blimp headed straight for Nazumi. It would be only a day or so later that she does get a Pokemon--only it would not be a Murkrow. [u]Starter:[/u] Misdreavus [u]Other:[/u] Not much else...[/color]
  15. OOC: I'm not out of this RPG yet! IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=darkslategray][size=1]It was a rainy late afternoon, a few hours too early to be heading for the Drigg Sondra had heard so much about. She was now pacing about the bedroom of her apartment, and in fact had just woken up. She was still wearing the whole Christmas-elf-ish outfit--the red skirt and the bright green blouse on top. Strangely, that was one of her favourite outfits, as it looked to be a rather pretty shade of gray to her, and was quite comfortable as well. Sondra glanced around the room, first at the raindrop-covered window looking out on the front gates of Highgate and the two guards standing near its entrance. Then she looked to her bedside table, where her sunglasses lay in front of a digital clock which told her it was 7:04 PM. And finally she looked to the bathroom door--and went inside of it. A while later, Sondra was standing in front of the sink, a black towel draped over her shoulders, and another black towel in her hands. This black towel she now used to dry her now black hair, for she had just re-dyed it as she needed to do once every five or so days. Anyways, while she was still holding the towel against the back of her head, she went out the door and walked over to her computer to wake it up. When she did, she found that she had her email program open, and that there was a new message in her inbox. "But I just checked my email this morning..." The email had no name to indicate the sender--this was rather suspicious. Sondra had received a few emails like these in the past--all of them had been from other "Nicodemons", as she sometimes called them so as to try to be funny. So that having been said, she opened the email... [quote][size=1][color=royalblue]Dear Sondra, You may or may not be aware of the train known as Drigg carying something of the Augustines' possession to Buckingham Palace. Well, the plan that Deacon had planned out for us involved using a case of plutonium to blow up the train. But Deacon is Deacon, which doesn't necessarily mean we are. Plus, blowing up the train would just attract the media men, right? Now, I am writing to you just in case you are unaware of this. And it might be in your interest to know that Drigg is currently stopped at the station in Sellafield, which as I was told is only a short bus ride away from Highgate. Sincerely, Your Secret Helper P.S. The last train out of Highgate leaves at 7:30.[/size][/color][/quote] [i]7:30?[/i] Sondra thought. She glanced back at the clock to see it was 7:18. There was still hair to dry, shoes to put on... A few minutes later, Sondra was walking along the alley that led to the street, across which the entrance to the cemetery now stood. By that time, she was still wearing the same clothes as before, with the addition of a dark grey cloak just in case her clothes underneath happened to be a bright colour, and a blue umbrella. Yay, now instead of looking like a Christmas elf, she looked a little more businesswoman-like. Only she also wore her purple sunglasses, so as to dim any bright streetlights and the little bit of sun that was left in the sky. Speaking of sun, even though it was still raining, the sun could be clearly seen. In fact, it made the city take on an orange glow, and the raindrops glisten like little drops of gold. It was a beautiful sight to behold during such a downpour--though to Sondra the raindrops looked a lot more silver than gold, and the sky a dark gray rather than a dark orange, and the small strip of sky white rather than blue. And what would Sondra care about beauty anyways--if it didn't give her so much as a good feeling? "'Ello," the bus driver greeted Sondra as she went to sit down. There were two other people in the bus--one man sitting in front of her and reading a newspaper, and one teenage girl chatting on her mobile phone. Nobody important. And the best part was, Sondra didn't look as old as she normally did at this point, and didn't look that suspicious or showy either. And Sondra was especially thankful that her fangs didn't look like fangs, so that nobody could tell she was a vampire even if she opened her mouth. She didn't know what would happen if some human did know, but she would not take any chances--for she was one to expect the worst possible outcome. On the way to the station, Sondra kept eyeing the newspaper-reading man sitting in front of her, and glanced at the girl, who couldn't see her and was occupied with her conversation. Then she looked back at the man in front of her, and leaned a bit closer to him while he turned a page. Then, she slowly raised her hands and placed them near his head. Then Sondra took a quick glance at the other girl--who was still occupied with the phone. Now sure she was not watching, Sondra relaxed herself a bit as she ran her hand around the man's head for a while, just barely close enough to access his aura. This continued until the man had to get off the bus... Finally, Sondra arrived at the train station. A few minutes later she was sitting at a bench facing the platform at which Drigg was resting. She felt refreshed and ready for action, having drained a little bit of energy out of the newspaper-reading man on the bus along the way. However, it was still early--a quick glance at her watch told her it was nearly eight o'clock. So by that time, all the lights in the station were out, and Sondra was disguised by darkness. For the sun had just set, revealing a small bit of deep blue sky amongst the heavenly blanket of clouds. But one could not possibly call anything heavenly in this crucial minute.[/color][/size] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: When I started typing this post, I automatically put Sondra on Drigg. But then I read more posts and realized that Drigg wouldn't leave till midnight, so that was a cause for re-writing... So the boarding will happen next post, when it gets a little closer to midnight.
  16. I first of all think that if the Adventure Square didn't exist here, I would have stopped coming here ever since the individual anime sections of OB disappeared. That is where I am the most often, and that is where I was originally introduced to online RPGs--and learned most of its do's and don'ts the hard way. I think I first came here because of something on theOtaku where you could create a Digimon, but it said that in order to do that you had to be an OB member and have 200 posts there. Then I got interested in OB, talking in the Pokemon and Digimon sections a lot... And I'm still here because this gives me a place to experiment with characters that are now present in stories I'm planning to write--it helps with their development. (A lot of those characters even [i]originated[/i] in the RPGs here.) And plus, I'm here because I've been here for the longest time of any forum I've joined (the other two are dedicated to Pokemon, to make up for the lost Pokemon subforum here), and once I get attached to something, it's hard for me to give it up...
  17. [i]For quite some time in the Pokemon World there existed a Pokemon forum website. This forum was called "Pokemon Virtual", and it was a place where trainers all across the land could talk about their Pokemon as well as their experiences as a trainer. In the span of a few years, this forum grew quite popular (by the way, it originated about a year after Ash Ketchum started his Pokemon journey, just for a time reference), and it really eased interaction among trainers worldwide. But this forum also led to something else... Quite a while after Ash and his friends started their journey in Hoenn, a new continent announced its recontinuation of their own Pokemon League. This continent was called Nazumi, a continent directly south of Kanto and across the ocean. In the past, hardly anyone lived on this giant, mostly Pokemon-inhabited island. However, there was one major city near the centre of the continent: Cottonwall City. The people that lived in this city were mostly Pokemon trainers, and one time, a competition was announced--a competition to see who the strongest trainer was--their Pokemon League. There was a winner: a little boy named David. He and his Pokemon were as closely bound as a mother to her child. The competition was held in the faraway Snow Canyon, which was near the northwest side of the continent. In the following years, Nazumi had grown into a place with many cities and tourist attractions. Lots of Pokemon habitats were destroyed, though some were preserved because Pokemon of unusual colors were also found there. To make a long and boring story short, the new citizens of Nazumi were mostly tourists and trainers who were not interested in competition, so the Nazumi League was cancelled. This made trainers like David angry. He got together a group of twelve trainers of different level Pokemon, and he ordered them to go to different cities to convince people to bring back the lost Pokemon League. Also making a long story short, David and the twelve messengers finally convinced the Pokemon League officials of Kanto to reopen the Nazumi League. He dubbed his twelve messengers as gym leaders. This only happened but a month or so ago, so no new trainers came to challenge the new Nazumi League... yet. However, the Nazumi League did draw some unfavourable faces as well: a new evil organization called Team Shockwave. This team originated in Kanto and was much smaller than Team Rocket, but its methods of capturing (and harming) Pokemon were much more fearsome. Anyways, Team Shockwave moved its base to a location in the middle of Nazumi. From then on, they didn't cause widespread fear throughout the region, but they devastated the lives of a few unfortunate trainers. Let's get back to Pokemon Virtual. In the forum, one member was also a Pokemon professor--Professor Willow. She, like Oak, Elm, and Birch, included giving Pokemon to beginning trainers in her duties. However, she was unique in that she gave trainers a very broad choice in starter Pokemon. She gave out all sorts of Pokemon as starters, so long as they were basic (not evolved) and non-legendary. Also, she was known for designing "Pokevices" (which are like Pokedexes) with many interesting and useful features. Anyways, one day Professor Willow decided to gather together five beginning trainers to enter the new Nazumi League. It didn't matter where they came from--the only qualification was an acceptance of working in a group. The group would be encouraged to stick together, and to hopefully prevail together in the upcoming competition. And this brings us to the start of this RPG.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A few notes about the RPG: -[b]Pokemon.[/b] Professor Willow will give everyone a starter Pokemon which you get to choose in your signup. Here are some do's and don'ts about picking your starter: --Don't pick an evolved Pokemon, even if it evolves from a baby Pokemon. Sorry, Pikachu can't be a starter. --Do pick a made-up Pokemon if you want--they're allowed. But do see the made-up Pokemon clause below. --Don't pick more than one Pokemon. --Don't make your Pokemon shiny or give it any special abilities or attacks. --Don't pick Forbidden Pokemon (see note below) as starters. -[b]List of Forbidden Pokemon:[/b] Onix, Lickitung, Rhyhorn, Tangela, Kangaskhan, Scyther, Pinsir, Tauros, Magikarp, Lapras, Ditto, Porygon, Aerodactyl, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, Mew, Girafarig, Gligar, Qwilfish, Shuckle, Delibird, Skarmory, Stantler, Smeargle, Miltank, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-oh, Celebi, Nosepass, Sableye, Mawile, Wailmer, Torkoal, Zangoose, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Feebas, Castform, Kecleon, Tropius, Absol, Wynaut, Relicanth, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Latias, Latios, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys, Spiritomb, Carnivine, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Dialga, Palkia, Heatran, Regigigas, Giratina, Cresselia, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus *Note: If you really want one of these Pokemon, you can catch it later on in the RPG--you just can't pick it as a starter. -[b]Made-Up Pokemon.[/b] Yes, you can make up Pokemon! However, I've seen many RPGs where you don't really know very much about a made-up Pokemon besides its name and attacks. So therefore, if you want to use made-up Pokemon you must have them approved. To approve a Pokemon, use the form below. Fill out the form then either PM it to me or include it in your signup. I'll keep a list of all the approved Pokemon. Oh, and also, you cannot have more than two made-up Pokemon. (I'm a pretty easy person, so if you fill out the Made-Up Pokemon form correctly, there's a very high chance your Pokemon will be accepted.) -[b]Journey Notes:[/b] We will be traveling in a group, basically, to take on the new Nazumi League. As a result, I'll probably only accept four or five other people in this RPG, but no pressure. And don't worry too much about Nazumi and the League--I'll inform you on the gym leaders and how to get to certain cities. Also, even though there are twelve gym leaders, you don't have to face them all. How many badges you do have to earn depends on the size of the group... Now for the two forms: [b][u]Trainer Signup Form:[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] First, last, nicknames--include whatever you want. [b]Age:[/b] You don't have to be 10. [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] A picture or a detailed description will do. [b]Personality:[/b] This is especially important in this type of RPG, so provide whatever details you feel are necessary. [b]History:[/b] This isn't as important as Personality, but it will help with character development. It can be as short as a few sentences long, but remember that you're a member of Pokemon Virtual, and that you do not have any Pokemon yet. [b]Starter:[/b] Pick your starting Pokemon according to the guidelines above. [b]Other:[/b] Anything else you think people should know about your character. You just can't have any special powers or anything--except understading what Pokemon say is pretty common with any Pokemon RPG trainer. [b][u]Made-Up Pokemon Form:[/b][/u] (Optional) [b]Name:[/b] For structural purposes, this must be between 3 and 10 letters long. [b]Element:[/b] Fire, Water, Ice, etc. No more than 2 elements please. [b]Appearance:[/b] A picture or detailed description will do. [b]Attacks:[/b] List a few attacks it can learn. Just make sure that in the RPG, you don't have it learn any really powerful moves later on. You can also make up up to two attacks, as long as they're not all-powerful and you say what they do. [b]Ability:[/b] Only list one. You can make one up so long as it doesn't make the Pokemon near invincible. [b]Other:[/b] Anything else about the Pokemon: its strengths and weaknesses, special abilities it has, evolution, etc. **As for my role in this RPG, I'll play both Professor Willow and a trainer in the group. However, the two don't know each other nearly as closely as Gary and Professor Oak do--in other words, she doesn't show favouritism. [b][u]Approved Made-Up Pokemon:[/b][/u] None so far [b][u]Approved Members:[/b][/u] None other than myself **My Signups: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=blue][u]Name:[/u] Vi Willow (a.k.a. Professor Willow) [u]Age:[/u] 26 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Appearance:[/u] Professor Willow is 5'8" tall. She has light almond-coloured skin, dark brown eyes that almost look purple, and black hair tied in a loose ponytail that falls down to her hips--though in front it is shorter and falls near her face. For the most part, all one would see her wearing is a white trenchcoat (with a hint of a black shirt underneath), black boots, and a white hat. She also wears glasses. [u]Personality:[/u] Willow is quite passionate about her work. She likes adventure and new opportunities, and she especially likes "treasure hunts", especially for Pokemon to capture. Overall she's pretty diligent in the work she does and likes, and if she procrastinates on things, it's a sure sign that she sees them as pointless or uninteresting. She's also eager to learn about new things--if there's something in her way she needs to know about, she studies the matter till she pretty much knows it. But as a side effect of this, she tends to be pedantic and often corrects people who have the facts wrong (though not too harshly). Meanness is something she tries not to use, and one couldn't possibly call her greedy. Rather, she's dedicated to helping people out, and she often does things for people without asking for much of a reward. The only condition is that she has to enjoy whatever she does for that person. [u]History:[/u] Vi (Willow) was born in Lavender Town, and she had two sisters--one older, one younger. The older one was Sabrina's mother, and the younger one was a cheery, outgoing girl named Mai. The mother often referred to the three sisters as "the magical gradient" because the three had different levels of special powers. Well, for Sabrina's mother those were obvious--she had various psychic powers. Vi, on the other hand, had no such abilities at all. Mai was somewhere in the middle--she just had certain mental characteristics that weren't really "powers" but were out of the ordinary anyways. Of all the family, Vi was the first to show a strong interest in Pokemon. Ever since she was around 8 years old, she was very interested in Pokemon, and as time went by she grew much more familiar with it, even though she never became a trainer. She occasionally attended Pokemon workshops but never became fully enrolled in any Pokemon academy--most things she just found out on her own. Her dream was to become a Pokemon researcher--perhaps even a professor. Vi's goal came sooner than she thought. Over the course of several years, she journeyed across various continents to explore the many Pokemon that inhabited those lands. When she got more experienced in this field (and pretty quickly so), she started discovering Pokemon that hadn't even been discovered yet! Years later, she talked to Professors Oak, Ivy, Birch, and Elm about the new Pokemon she discovered, as well as many of her other studies. She also said that she wanted to be a Pokemon professor like them, but none of them really trusted her experience that much as they had no proof of it. But luckily, some factor in a job as a teacher in a Pokemon academy got Vi the title of Pokemon Professor. (These progresses would take too long to explain.) She wanted to follow the tree tradition of the other professors and thus gaver herself the name Willow. (Willow is not her real last name.) [u]Starter:[/u] N/A--she's not in the group. She has several Pokemon back at her lab, which she usually takes care of for other trainers or gives to starting trainers. [u]Other:[/u]Because Willow has very little lab space, she found another way to store Pokemon that will be revealed later...[/color] **I'll decide on a trainer later, after I see some of your signups. Also then will I post one or two things about the region of Nazumi. [size=1](I think one reason the last version of this thread died was because my character was too weird... I shall not pick her again this time--and besides, now she has a special ability that would disqualify her anyways.)[/size]
  18. THANK YOU ALLAMORPH!!! Yes, I still want to be in this RPG. In fact, I think I might know enough to make sense of the newest posts that are made in the RPG. Obviously I still don't know what to post yet, but at least now we all know Sondra (my character) still exists. **Oh, and about that one post I made in the RPG... At first I thought about deleting it, but I think I'll just cut out the part involving Drigg. That way I still have an introduction post in there.
  19. I have a long list of away messages on AIM. Let's look through them... "Oops! Suminda has transformed into her Mime Form and can't talk at this moment!" "Awww, you made Suminda cry! Don't worry--that means she's either very happy, proud, relieved, sad, etc." "Oooh, you are in BIG trouble--you might have done something to offend Suminda. She went away to put a curse on you, a curse that will only be removed if you apologize and mean it..." "Suminda is meditating now and doesn't want anyone bothering her." "Suminda's gone away to pray for you! Just sit back and enjoy the blessing..." "Suminda's having one of her special spirit talks! If you listen carefully, you might catch some of her wisdom..." Obviously I use different ones for different occasions. Suminda is my pen name.
  20. Okay, so my first name is Rebecca. Not bad--it's an easy name to pronounce, but some people have spelled it differently, the most common way being with two B's and one C. So often times when I tell people my name when they're writing it down, I say "One B, two C's" after that. Fortunately, nobody calls me Becky or some other variation. (And I have a stepsister named Becky.) However, there have been quite a few people who have mistakenly called me Rachel. Rachel?!? That's not even close! Maybe those people had ESP and could tell I have a niece named Rachel... yet still... But then my last name is a real problem: Uppal. Its original Indian pronunciation is OO-pull, but I just pronounce it "UP-pull". And of course I always have to spell it out for people, and during roll call in school, the teacher mispronounces my last name 85% of the time, and stumbles on it another 10% of the time. And then there's the funny variation my classmates came up with: Apple. Yeah... Rebecca Apple. Very funny... ...And then there's the stupid mistake the government made in misspelling my middle name when I registered to vote. It's "Jeanne", not "Seanne"... and I have no clue how to correct that. Yes, my name has a few problems here and there... though it's not as bad as my mum, whose last name is Kramp.
  21. [quote name='Kazuwa Nomura][COLOR=HotPink][B] What is my favorite song by Iron Maiden? The Trooper. For God's sake, it's my theme song almost. And what else makes them awesome? They have a song devoted to the number 666.[/B'][/COLOR][/quote] Ah yes, Iron Maiden, the first and only metal band I like. [size=1](Their songs "The Number of the Beast", "Run to the Hills", "Fear of the Dark", and "The Fugitive" rock, literally.)[/size] [quote name='Muad'Dib']My dad was a Beatles nut and so am I, and I always shall be. My favorite song I suppose would be I Am the Walrus, because it's manages to be so trippy and so enjoyable.[/quote] And what about "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds"? Anyways, the Beatles are one of my favourites too. Why has nobody mentioned the Rolling Stones yet? I'm honestly surprised. Another one of my favourites, especially with that all-awesome song "Paint It Black". I've heard some very good things about Pink Floyd, but so far I never found any of their songs that I'm all too crazy about... I dunno, "Money" is sort of neat, but... I'm sure there are more when I think of them.
  22. Yes, I am in a musical group (can't really call it a band because no instruments other than a possible keyboard are present). The name? Suminda. Number of members? One. Genre of music? Techno and new age. Types of songs? Tune is the most important element, though they often come with meaningful and complex lyrics. Songs are often on a spiritual or comical topic, and are on average four minutes long. Instruments used? Keyboard and/or electronic music software. Where found? My Space, Soundclick, and Garage Band, by searching for Alpha-Saitori. (I only recently changed the name to Suminda, so...)
  23. Erm... what's a Howler (besides the obnoxious red envelopes in the Harry Potter series)...??? Made-up Pokemon are not allowed... (drat) Hmm, now for a character I've never RP'd before... Hey, mind if I go as a pair of Rockets, sort of like Jessie and James? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=darkred][b]Name:[/b] Carmen Akasaki [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Side:[/b] Team Rocket [b]Likes:[/b] Insulting or threatening people, torturing Pokemon, competition, revenge [b]Dislikes:[/b] Getting dirty, waiting, planning things out, being embarassed, boys [b]Personality Quirks:[/b] Carmen tends to be rash and often jumps to conclusions. She doesn't cry upon losing but rather gives her opponent a vengeful look, and then tries to either avoid the person or find some way to beat them, even if it requires cheating. [b]Appearance:[/b] Carmen is about 5'3" tall, with ple tan skin, brown eyes, and roughly styled black hair with hot pink streaks in it. She wears a black shirt with short red sleeves and a large red R on the front, a black skirt with some pink streaks in it like her hair, fishnets, and black boots that go up to her knees and have several chains hanging from them. [b]Pokemon Team:[/b] (Pokemon name, Nickname(if any)Gender and Level(Power)) Skitty (Pufflet)--Female, level 72 Pachirisu (Filbert)--Male, level 38 Milotic (Venus)--Female, level 35 Mismagius (Sorciere)--Female, level 58[/color] [color=royalblue][b]Name:[/b] Diego Peterburg [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Side:[/b] Team Rocket [b]Likes:[/b] Coming up with brilliant evil plans, insulting people, stealing Pokemon, riding motorcycles, fooling people [b]Dislikes:[/b] Girls, helping people, losing, being humiliated, competition, paperwork, being bossed around [b]Personality Quirks:[/b] Diego usually doesn't show much emotion, other than obsession and a feeling of power. He prefers to plan things out rather than take things as they come, and he's quite patient and calm. He sometimes pays a little too much attention to detail as well. [b]Appearance:[/b] Diego is about 5'6" tall, with pale skin and blind hair in a spiked mohawk. His bright blue eyes are normally covered with triangular sunglasses. He wears a light blue T-shirt with a black vest over it, and gloves that look like Ash's except black and with red R's on them. He also wears faded, slightly baggy jeans that are torn at the knees, and white shoes with blue laces. [b]Pokemon Team:[/b] Gallade (Metablade)--Male, level 47 Noctowl (Frau Nacht)--Female, level 47 Togetic (Moocher)--Male, level 47 Roserade (Sam)--Male, level 47[/color] [color=green][b][u]For Both[/b][/u] [b]Relationship Quirks:[/b] Carmen and Diego are not in any sort of relationship--in fact, the only thing that holds them together as a pair is their job in Team Rocket. Sure, they may occasionally agree on some little things, but for the most part they greatly differ in their strategy and personality. That doesn't mean they get into many arguments (except when they're not doing their job), but... [b]Background:[/b] Carmen got her starts as a trainer, and Skitty was her first Pokemon. She initially had a goal to be both a coordinator and be in the Hoenn League (she grew up in Hoenn), but shortly before she got her fourth badge, she heard about Team Rocket who was recruiting at the time. Finally, some job to earn her money and let her crazy dark side show as well! Diego, on the other hand, took the more scholarly approach at first. He too started out as a trainer, but as he got Togepi as his first Pokemon, he wasn't too excited about a Pokemon adventure. (And besides, he didn't like traveling too much.) So instead he attended the Pokemon Academy in Kanto. However, he was frequently bullied by his classmates there, and as a result didn't attend very many classes. He did well on all the tests because he knew the material, but he never went up in his education level... So of course he dropped out and decided to join Team Rcket instead to "take revenge on those silly children". But, when he joined, his boss gave him a "present"--a girl to work with. That girl was Carmen. Carmen and Diego didn't really argue too much, even when they first met, but they never got too attached to each other either. They never went up very far in rank in Team Rocket, but they never sunk so low in rank that the boss got angry with them. They were balanced, pretty much... Carmen and Diego did get some assignments from Kane, their boss, but Kane was pretty easygoing and didn't work them very hard. So therefore, the couple started their own fun little pastime of taking Pokemon and experimenting them in various and often cruel ways. Or, they killed Pokemon and examined them more closely. So this little side activity made the two a bit more independent than the rest of Team Rocket. In fact, more of their paycheck came from telling researchers what they found from their experiments than from what the Team Rocket bosses told them to do. Also on the side, Carmen and Diego travelled together to earn some badges and catch some Pokemon. Pretty soon they had four Pokemon each, and the same seven badges from the same gyms in Kanto. And then they got a message informing them of a new Elite Four challenge, which brings us to the present...[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yes, in Diamond I do have a Pachirisu named Filbert and a Hoothoot named Frau Nacht and a Roselia named Sam--so I put them in here and levelled them up quite a bit. And Metablade is the name of a Pokemon I recently created...
  24. Ohh, how I wish my internet was working within the past few weeks... The problem's fixed now--now I can post here whenever I like--but this RPG already progressed way too far for me to understand anything that's going on. I [i]wished[/i] I could be in this RPG, but I am sad to say that it probably won't even work out. Nobody seems to know I'm even here anyway, so... I suppose I'll have to quit the RPG, if that's all right with everyone. Yes, and if I quit, you can all ignore that one pointless post I made in the RPG.
  25. OOC: Yay, after two weeks of no internet I am finally able to post in this RPG!!! I did say in the Underground that I was sort of confused as to what was going on here, but now I at least get the bit about the poison-carrying train heading to Buckingham Palace. And I will say it again: Sondra is in the [b]Nicodemus[/b] clan, not the Augustine. Read my signup for proof. IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=darkslateblue][size=1]"...Here I float, a silent being People like you are all around You see me An apparition in the darkness..." Sondra stood amongst the graves of Highgate, as she often did during the night. Even if she had to be someplace during the daytime, she still often came here to rest under a willow tree along the way. Such is what she would have been doing at this point as to avoid the sun's brightness, but today that brightness was most pleasantly obscured by an array of oncoming storm clouds. As a result, Sondra was instead walking around the place, feeling long grass brush against her skirt (which happened to be coloured a poppy red) and the usual old brown shoes she wore. The long-sleeved blouse she wore that day was a bright green in colour, so a passerby might have thought she looked like a christmas elf. Not that Sondra would know, as she was unable to distinguish between colours. It is true that Sondra would not normally be out and about in the daytime, but she had just heard from a messenger near the cemetery about a train called Drigg heading to Buckingham Palace, carrying a bunch of toxic materials and, supposedly, a foursome of Augustine vampires. Ever since she had heard about this, she kept thinking about the damage that could be caused to the city from this incident. She knew that the Augustine were set on settling a score with humanity, so she4 figured this sort of act was rather typical. Still, it was rather unsettling to know about an attack of such a measure. What was more unsettling was Sondra's thoughts about what she could do to stop this train. She'd have Drigg itself and four Augustine members against her--not a good reason to take a shot at it. But then, what [i]could[/i] she do about this problem? In the moments afterward, Sondra sat against a willow tree, contemplating this issue.[/color][/size] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: I know that post might have seemed flat and that I may be getting ahead of things...
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