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Everything posted by Imp

  1. Woodmon? Mushroomon? Something in that family.
  2. Imp


    Hi Torn Soul!!! You AIMed me earlier, remember? Welcome to OB!!! Well, I know how to solve that riddle now, but I'll keep it a secret until somebody else gets it!!! And remember b!E? Can anyone solve THAT?
  3. Anyone collect them? How many do you have? What's your favorite? This is the official Beanoe Baby club!!! I have collected them since I was nine, and I have over 100 of them now. They're sooooo cute! Some are expensive, like the retired ones, but they sell them cheap in other places!!! What's your story with them? :luv:
  4. Actually, my friend's pet died of starvation. She didn't feed her pet.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mr. Maul [/i] [B]I wish I had a sixth sense. And telekenisis. and Esp. and psychic powers. [/B][/QUOTE] Psychic power? You know what? You're a lot like me!!! Coincidentally, a lot of the characters I created have some sort of psychic power. Kinesismon (a Digimon I created) has all three of the things you mentioned!!! Ferati, one of the Fairies of La-La Land, has it too! (except for ESP; I think Masuket has it, sort of) I even wrote a song called "Psychic Power"! What a coincidence! (starts singing her song "Hypnotica") You know what? Hmmm... Hypnotic powers are on my side too... Hee hee hee (continues singing...) Counting 1 2 3 da bee de da bee di Then you'll fall asleep da bee dee da bee di Fall under my spell da bee dee da bee di Then you'll feel so well when you look in my eyes I don't know why da bee dee da bee di... (the song continues echoing through her head) Driavamon, I envy you... :sleep: Oh, and I think I have thirteen senses... My fashion sense. None of my relatives had it, so how did I get it?
  6. Since my personality (sort of) matches my physical appearance, I guess I would vote for both. Personally, I think my face is very ugly. But... hmmm... Anyway, I agree with everybody that said first impressions are important, because they are!!! I heard of this guy in school who tripped and fell in a pile of mud or some other kind of yucky stuff on the first day of school, and nobody even dared to talk to him... Except me. But he's not my boyfriend or anything.
  7. Darn! This sounds like an argument to me!!! When is it ever going to end? I see people that like Neopets and people that hate Neopets... I think I'm the biggest NeoFan of them all, but I just wish this argument would stop...
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai [/i] [B]uh, wow..Nefertimon, are you serious or joking? sorry, i was laughing as i read it, was that a joke or were you serious? sorry, i'm confused...[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue]Uhhh... you mean the whole thing? Well, I speak the truth. That actually is true! This entire world is so magical... to me that is...[/COLOR]
  9. Palmon? (her attack is Poison Ivy)
  10. Ditto for me! My favorite Pokemon are Alakazam, Espeon, and Ninetales, but I voted for Mewtwo because he is most closely related to Alakazam. Here's why I like 'em: Alakazam: It's my best Pokemon in Pokemon Yellow, Silver, Gold, and Crystal! That's all of my games! Espeon: Espeon is just plain cool, but I like the name and the way he looks. Ninetales: She reminds me of myself. I mean, we're both smart and vengeful, and we both do curses if someone bothers us!
  11. OK, they are: Dymanicpunch, Headbutt, Curse, Toxic, Zap Cannon, Rock Smash, Psych Up, Hidden Power, Sunny Day, Snore, Blizzard, Hyper Beam, Icy Wind, Protect, Rain Dance, Endure, Frustration, Iron Tail, Thunder, Return, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Mud Slap, Double Team, Ice Punch, Mega Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Fire Blast, Swagger, Sleep Talk, Swift, Dream Eater, Detect, Rest, Nightmare, Strength, Flash, and... what else? uhhh...
  12. (Yukito starts to fly faster) Masuket: Wait up, Yukito! (flies up to where Yukito is) Quatre: Hey! Wait for us! Setsuna: Where are they going? Yukito: (lands on an iceberg in the grass) Masuket: What is that doing there? Alti: (Quatre and Lauren catch up to Yukito and Masuket) Well, Setsuna, I guess [I]that[/I] is what Yukito was hurrying to... Masuket: (her bracelet glows) Something is not right here... (:smoke: appears) :smoke:: Well what do you know? Visitors. Masuket: Don't tell me you're here to kill us? :smoke:: Of course! (takes out a huge cigar, lights it, takes a big puff of it, and blows all the smoke out of it) Masuket: :faint::drunk::blackeye: (Yukito flaps her wings to blow the smoke away) Quatre: I have an easy way to take care of you. (throws a fire spear at :smoke: ) :smoke:: :flaming: :modrod: *sizzle* (jumps in the water) Ahhhhh... Alti: Not so fast. (hurls a thunderbolt into the water; :smoke: is electrocuted) :smoke:: :faint: (melts in the water; a crystal appears in it) Lauren: HEY! That's the Water Crystal!!! (shoots a water spout into the air) YIPPEE! :smoke:: I'm back... Lauren: Don't tell me that crystal is fake! Setsuna: I'll take care of him. (a dark orb appears around him; a hole is in the orb) Now. Quatre: OK. (shoots a flame into the hole and burns :smoke: up) (:smoke: is a pile of ash) Alti: Yay! Did it again! Quatre: :smoke: didn't stand a chance against us! He didn't harm any of us one bit! Lauren: I'm not sure about that... (looks at Masuket, who has fainted from the smoke) Setsuna: If only one of us besides Masuket had the Power of Life... I can't do anything--I'm Death! Lauren: :confuse2:
  13. It is Gomamon! MarineAngemon appeared in Season 3, but not Preciomon! (Champion: Ikkakumon; Ultimate: Zudomon)
  14. Ooc: I thought you said I was in the RPG too! :bawl: Ic: Chris2: Well, Gon, I can't seem to find... Gon: HUH? (a ring of blue light appears in the computer, and Chris2 enters it) CHRIS!!! Chris2: (he wakes up to find two girls with Digimon) Huh? Veronica: That's funny... who are you? Kimberly: And who is that behind you? Dreammon: It looks like a Tentomon! Chris2: Tentomon?! (he sees Gypsymon behind him) Gypsymon: I'm not Tentomon; I'm Gypsymon! Chris2: :blush: Psymon: Well, first of all, what are we doing here?
  15. Uh... there are two Chrisses, so... how are we going to solve that? Well, I'll be Chris2. Chris2's partner is Gypsymon. (And I'm assuming the Chris with Patamon is the leader, right?)
  16. What are you guys talking about? [URL=http://www.neopets.com]Neopets[/URL] RULES!!! I have six accounts on that site, five of which have four pets! (The sixth account has two.) I think they are: [COLOR=red]Name: sumibelle Pets: Eurobatt (Green Korbat) Ferati (Blue Usul) faeriebunny97 (Red Kacheek) sweethoney324 (yellow Blumaroo)[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]Name: satsumamon Pets: Kinesismon (blue Ixi) Kirasakurati (blue Aisha) Lufresia (green Kougra) Sabrinemon (blue Wocky)[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Name: ruffresia Pets: Celleboodle (green Shoyru) Ellieiyi (red Elephante) Masuket (yellow JubJub) Wettel (blue Bruce)[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Name: cybercandybee Pets: Fermonia (green Quiggle) Luminome (red Chia) Secrestine (christmas Flotsam) Swanmon_kari_ (blue Eyrie)[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]Name: taikura Pets: Sailor_azura (blue Lupe) Sailor_hypnotica (blue Acara) Sailor_neutron (blue Peophin) Sailor_sakuya (blue Gelert)[/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]Name: nirva Pets: Auresia (blue Shoyru) Sumibelle (green Poogle)[/COLOR] Hee hee hee I'm a BIG NeoFan. As you can see, a lot of my pets and usernames are named after the characters I created! For example, Sumibelle, Fermonia, Luminome, Auresia, Wettel, and Lufresia are Pokemon I created. Satsumamon, Kinesismon, and Sabrinemon are Digimon I created. Nirva is a La-La Knight. Eurobatt, Ferati, and Masuket are La-La Fairies. And then there's Swanmon_kari_, Sailor_sakuya, and Ruffresia. Swanmon and Sakuyamon are Digimon I did not create, and Ruffresia is Vileplume's Japanese name. (Vileplume is a Pokemon I did not create.) Hee hee hee...
  17. I just created three legendary birds: Fermonia, Luminome, and Auresia. Fermonia is Grass/Flying, Luminome is Fire/Flying, and Auresia is Water/Flying. Fermonia is a green eagle, Luminome is a red hummingbird, and Auresia is a blue swan. Fermonia is the symbol for Pokemon Lime, Luminome is the symbol for Pokemon Scarlet, and Auresia is the symbol for Pokemon Teal. (If you don't know what I mean by symbol, Lugia is the symbol for Pokemon Silver, Blastoise is the symbol for Pokemon Blue... It's the Pokemon who's picture is on the Game Pak.) More coming soon; sorry I don't have pics this time! :bawl:
  18. They're the same: 1014 pounds!!! *duh*
  19. What a coincidence! I very strongly believe in witchcraft and the entire world of magic. Probably more than all of you combined. All my prayers, songs, (except fot "The Real World") characters, and senses (:eek:!) have something to do with magic. I guess you could say I am a very spiritual and superstitious person. You know what I believe? I believe that in the... WAIT! Oh my gosh, I made a promise to the gods that I would not tell that secret! And I'm going to keep it, thank you. Anyways, my whole life is a world of magic and mystery. I believe there are two universes: the Natural and the Supernatural. In this Supernatural Universe, there are many planets, a lot of them twins of the places in the Natural Universe. Earth's twin is a planet called K-12. It is smaller, and it's moon (Galadra) is bigger, but it has a lot of Earth's features. There are some differences, like instead of people, ther are fairies and other magical creatures, but the fairies' main language is English, and Orenyan, which is spoken by the citizens of Orenya, a planet on the other side of the Milky Way. K-12 used to be a planet called Gala, but it was hit by an asteroid and turnes into K-12. Gala was Orenya's twin planet. No, Orenya did not turn into Earth; it never changed into anything! Well, even so, I'm a BIG believer in witchcraft, and some of my ttwelve senses can prove that.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by calumon_luver [/i] [B]But there is this one "spirit" thing, that is the same feeling evertime is comes. But other spirits feel different, this one spirit comes and is friendly with me or something, its this feeling that I know its her/him..its strange...[/B][/QUOTE] Hmmm... my sixth sense is similar to that and a lot of yours. The future thingy applied to me a lot of times, such as: P.E. Class, when my teacher was about to give a push-up test. She said: "The number of push-ups you will need to do to pass the test is..." Then I muttered to myself "Don't say 20!" and the teacher said "20 push-ups." :eek:! I must be psychic! When I was at my dad's house, watching the second-to-last World Series game, you know, the Giants vs, the Angels. I was cheering the Giants, but all through the game, even while the score was 5 to nothing in the Giants' favor, I had this strange feeling that the Angels would win... I even told my dad about it! Sure enough, the Angels won! :eek: Monday morning, while I was going to school. On the way, I felt as if I had forgotten something. It kept bothering me on the way to me first class. By the end of 2nd period (I don't have a first), I had figured I didn't forget anything. Then, after lunch, before 6th period, I got the feeling again. When I walked into the classroom, the teacher asked us to take out our homework, which was due today. It was a long-term assignment which was assigned the Tuesday before. I thought it was due next Monday! When the teacher found out I didn't do my homework, I had to go to Tutorial (before 2nd period) for a week, including Halloween! (That was the Thursday after the incident.) Well, I did forget something--my homework! :eek: Playing cards. My dad, my stepmom, and I were playing Rummy, and my stepmom went before me. I stared at her cards and chanted "Eight of diamonds! Eight of Diamonds! Eight of diamonds!" to myself, hoping she would put down that card. Sure enough, out of 8 cards, she put down the eight of diamonds! I guess that required a different kind of psychic power than the other three, but I don't know how I was able to force my stepmom to put the card I wanted down! Do I have some sort of hypnotic power that lets me do that or something? I know that only happened once, but I'm sure it will happen again because similar things happened in later games. :eek:! Listening to the radio. The DJ announced that they were going to play five Halloween-related songs, and they already played the first four. predicted (and said) that they were going to play the song "Monster Mash" and they did! Hmmm... Well, that required a tiny bit of logic, but it still haunts me... That is only one of my sixth senses. I probably have a seventh sense, and that is the ability to ward off bad dreams. Surprisingly, I have never had a bad dream since I was 8, and I am 14 now! All of my dreams are either weird or happy. Hmmm... And then... I have an eighth sense. I can talk to my spirit. I believe everyone has a spirit; it is sort of like a conscience but it can't exactly tell from right or wrong. It's more like an imaginary friend, but it exists. I discovered mine somewhere this August, while I was at the fair. Her name is Taikura, the Japanese bunny. I later discovered her last name, which is Minatoko. She currently lives inside my heart, but she must enter the body of a real bunny. And it must be the right bunny--if she enters the wrong one, she will die! Anyways, I talk to her everyday. Weird... A ninth sense? Geez, how many do I have? This is more like a power than a sense, but I'll say it anyways. I don't know how to describe it, but maybe I will in this scenario: In my fifth period class, there was a boy that sat behind me, and he was always calling me a gangster. He also calledme stupid, but doesn't everybody? I am NOT a gangster, and I'm definitely not stupid! Well, I got good grades, isn't that saying enough? :genius: Anyways, I guess my overwhelming intelligence might be another of my special powers, but that's another story. Anyways, he kept on teasing and fingering me, and I fingered him back. My teacher moved him, but it didn't help. I told my mom about it, and put a curse on him, although I didn't think it would work. Just for fun. Well, it turns out that a few days later, the boy got caught teasing, and he also got in trouble for sexual harassment. He got kicked out of my class! There's another mean boy in that same class, but my teacher moved me away from him and that solved the problem. But anyways, that was a coincidence... I thought I can only do good things to people, not bad things... And my tenth sense was described above ( :genius: ), but that one is also more of a power than a sense. But I do have an eleventh sense: When I hear a song, I can figure out how to play it just by hearing it! I can't even read music! But I have done that with quitre a few songs lately. And my twelfth sense is probably also a power; my overwhelming creativity. I mean, look, I created 149 Pokemon, over 120 Digimon, an made up the La-La Land series, which has seven fairies, 24 Knights, 7 villians, over 20 Pets, and the Fairies' and Villians' tow parents, Neondra and Maridra. Also, I wrote 48 songs, but there are a lot more (possibly over 100) that sort of sucked. Now how did I create that many things? :huh: Those are the only senses I can think of, but I'm sure there are more...
  21. Sorry, G/S/B, you got #1 wrong. I'm talking about the [B]show[/B], not the game. I'll give a hint: Not only is the gym leader's Pokemon dangerous, the gym leader also is! Oh, and Morty is the Ecruteak Gym leader. The Fog Badge was Ash's [B]sixteenth[/B] badge, since he earned all the badges in Kanto and the Orange Islands first.
  22. OK, you guys can do another, and be sure to include me. I will be in the RPG but I'm away, remember? So I might not join until very late in the RPG.
  23. Ooc: It might seem abrupt, but I'm going to end this RPG. After all, Mara is dead, right? Maybe somebody can make up an ending for Reiana and Miko, but I'll do Sam and Heidi for now... Ic: Reiana: OK Mara; time for you to die. Aqua (Madison): Yeah! (fires a bubblebeam at Mara) Mara: :faint: Aqua: Is she...dead? Reiana: Uh... I think she is. Aqua: Huh? (turns back into Madison and tries to transform but fails) Madison: Help! Reiana: I can't transform either, and neither can Sam or Miko. Madison: Or Heidi. Reiana: OK. (sees Heidi, Sam, and Miko, who are abput to leave) Madison: Hey, wait for us! (Reiana and Madison catch up to them; they are headed for the Atlantis Palace) Mom: Hey, how's it going? Sam: Guess what? Mara is dead! Mom: And so she is. She was such an evil person anyway. *gasp* What happened to Heidi?! (looks at Sam, who is carrying Heidi) Sam: She fainted again. Is she going to be OK? (Heidi starts glowing) Huh? (Heidi floats out of Sam's arms and stands up) Reiana: Heidi, ...h-h-h-h-how d-d-did you come back? :eek: (a passing bird transforms itself into a beautiful pink swan and flies around Heidi) Swan: My name is Hetha. I have something for you. (flies around Heidi even faster; Heidi starts transforming into Sailor Neon again, but she looks different from before) Sam: :wow: Hetha: O Miss Sailor Neon, I... (turns into a pink cloud which enters the new charm on Neon's necklace; the charm changes into a tiny pink swan) Neon: How did you... Hetha: (talks telepathically to Neon) From now on we can read each other's thoughts, just like the sailor scouts do. That is the only way we can communicate. Neon: (talks telepathically to Hetha) Thanks, Hetha. I will keep you right here. But what about Sam... Hetha: Sam must go. Back to the Atlantis Palace. Neon: She may no longer be a Sailor Scout, but she is still... Hetha and Neon: Princess Atlantis. Sam: Princess what? (she heard Heidi say "Princess Atlantis" out loud) Neon: Atlantis. You must return to that place. Sam: But... Heidi... I can't leave you. You are my best friend! :bawl: Neon: (hugs Sam) I must go. Hetha is calling me. I don't know where yet, but I hope my parents will be OK without me. Hetha must be calling me for another journey or something... but whatever it is, I cannot turn her down. (stares at the firendship bracelet Sam gave her a long time ago) Sam, I will keep this as a symbol of our friendship. I will never forget you, and you will never forget me. We may not see each other again, but even if we are not together for real, we are still together in our hearts. *sigh* And we must also learn to say... goodbye. Goodbye, Sam, and I hope to see you again! Sam: Goodbye, Heidi... (Neon flies off) (she recalls the words Heidi said before leaving) (thinking) We are still together in our hearts... Heidi, I will never forget you and all the things you meant to me. (looks at her bracelet) This is a symbol of our friendship, and as long as neither of us takes it off, we will be together, forever, in our hearts. [COLOR=red][SIZE=4]THE END[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. Can I sign up as three people? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=deeppink]Name: Veronica Fables (Veronica) Age: 14 Grade: 9 Description: quiet, doesn't make friends easily Phys. Description: 5'2", long, straight, light purple/aqua hair, same color long-sleeve shirt and pants, and white shoes, and... oh, I forgot: soft purple eyes that match her hair Background: I am an only child, and I like it. My mom originally had 4 children, but all of them except me died of serious deformities right at birth. One had an arm growing out of her head, another had a head that was so tiny you had to look through a microscope to see it, and the third had no mouth, eyes, or nose. Luckily, I am not deformed in any way, or at least I don't think so... except I have trouble making friends. Digimon: Dreammon Digivolutions: Milkymon-Kinemon-Dreammon-Umbermon-Driavamon-Clowmon Attacks: Milkymon: Bubble Blow Kinemon: Slap Dreammon: Star Spear, Psywave Umbermon: Psyblast, Reflect Shield Driavamon: Sleep Wave, Dria Wave Clowmon: Moonbeam, Super Psyblast, Card Spell[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=limegreen]Name: Kimberly Katana (Kimberly) Age: 14 Grade: 9 Description: energetic, superstitious, friendly Phys. Description: long, straight, black hair, brown eyes, a red shirt and blue jeans; white and blue shoes Background: I am also an only child, but my parents are divorced. I live with my mom. My family is making a lot of money, and I visit my dad often. My parents are thinking of being remarried; my mom really regrets divorcing. My best friend died two years ago, and ever since then, my personality is almost the exact opposite of what it was before. In the past, I was a bratty, selfish, loud, and lazy. Now I am a little quiet, friendly, moody, depressed, and maybe a little spiritual if you ask me. Is that saying enough? Digimon: Psymon Digivolutions: Kimonomon-Sakuramon-Psymon-Hermon-Merlimon-Sundiatamon Attacks: Kimonomon: Bubble Blow Sakuramon: Slap Psymon: Star Spear, Psywave Hermon: Psyblast, Speed Ball Merlimon: Psychopath, Magic Wings Sundiatamon: Hypnotic Brainstorm, Super Psyblast, Ancient Spell[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=sky blue] Name: Chris Monokai (Chris) Age: 8 Grade: 3 Description: smart, selfish, competitive Phys. Description: 4'5", short, black hair, green eyes with a hint of blue, a dark green shirt and black pants; white shoes Background: I was adopted when I was six. I live with my mom, my dad, my crazy aunt, my grandmother, and by big brother. My family calls my big brother Hiroshima, which is his real name, but his friends and I call him Gon. He is also a Digimon Tamer. I don't know why my partner is a girl, though... Same story with Mike, one of my best firends. Anyway, I like bugs, playing video games, and visiting the park. My friends and I hang out there. Anyway, I am new to the world of Digimon. I started becoming a DigiFan about a month ago. I have been watching the other Tamers such as Veronica and Kimberly save the world. *drools* I love Wizard Digimon. They're the coolest! And now I have one of my own! That's Kinesismon, Arukenimon's Mega! She always stays in that form, and I like it that way. Digimon: Gypsymon Digivolutions: Gypsymon-Tarantillamon-Arukenimon-Spidermon or Kinesismon Attacks: Gypsymon: Party Time, Bee Bomb Tarantillamon: Needle Spray, Psywave Arukenimon: Spirit Needle, Spider Thread Spidermon: Web Missile, Octa Kick Kinesismon: Dark Mind Attack, Psychic Storm [B]Note: Arukenimon Digivolves to Spidermon with regular Digivolution, while she Digivolves to Kinesismon with Warp Digivolution.[/B][/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also, here are some things that are true for all of the people I described above: 1. Their Digimon's In-Training, Rookie, and Champion forms are achieved by regular Digivolution. The Ultimate forms are achieved by Matrix Digivolving with a Crest, and you may have to Biomerge. The Mega form can be achieved by either Warp Digivolution (weaker), Biomerging (normal), or Biomerging with a Hybrid Digimon (stronger). 2. They all can Spirit Evolve, either to Exodiamon (Veronica), Epicmon (Kimberly), or Chronomon (Chris). 3. Their Digivices are all D-Powers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: You can either pick 0, 1, 2, or 3 of the people I listed above for this RPG. If I were to choose 2, I would pick Veronica and Chris, and if I were to pick only one, I would choose Chris.
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