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Everything posted by Imp

  1. Imp

    The Elementals

    Ooc: Basically, we have been on a little journey and are at an old hotel or something. We are outside, and Nepenthe and Siren have just been hyonotized by a pink butterfly, which Taikura destroyed. Quatre is now with them (and Orlia), and are about to start the journey again.
  2. Ooc: If you don't like Sailor Luna, how about Sailor Aqua? Ic: Heidi: And I'm ready. I think she's on her way here right now. Sam: Mara will never find us here. Reiana: Yeah, she will never... (someone appears behind her) ???: I'm back. Heidi: (transforms into Sailor Neon) ???: You don't need to transform; I won't hurt you. Neon: I won't be so sure about that, Mara! Sam: Mara?! :wow::eek: Mara: (to herself) Heidi is starting to frighten me. I shouldn't disguise myself if I know Heidi can read minds. Neon: I heard that. Reiana: How did you get here? Mara: That's none of your business! :mad: (attacks Heidi) Neon: Here we go again. (transforms into Super Sailor Neon) Madison: The rest of us must also transform. Sam: Madison! How did you get here? Madison: Same way as Mara did. Sam: :eek: Neon: (fires a sun beam at Mara) Hmmm... I don't think my being a Sailor Scout will last long... Sam: What is it? Is something troubling you? Neon: Yes. Remember at the beginning when I was a small, defenseless, little girl? I wasn't a Sailor Scout then! I don't know why I'm a Sailor Scout now, but I have the feeling it won't last for long... Mara: :faint: Neon: It's now or never! (fires another sun beam with more force, but it comes out dimmer than the last one) Huh? Great. There's not much time. I am losing my powers. (fires sun beam after sun beam at Mara, each one smaller and dimmer than the last) Mara: :blackeye::faint: Sam: Just one more sunbeam, Heidi... just one more... Neon: OK! (fires a tiny, almost invisible sunbeam; Mara is just barely alive but very close to death)(Neon tries to fire another beam but fails) I lost it... (turns back into Heidi) :faint: Sam: :eek: Heidi are you OK? Heidi: ...
  3. Hard: I don't know because I never battled a Level 100 Mantine! :bawl: Medium: 51 Easy: Dragonbreath Here's a few questions about the show: 1. Where did Ash earn his fourth badge? 2. What is A.J.'s best Pokemon? 3. Which Pokemon did Ash trade his Butterfree for? Note: For #1, you should have 3 answers: the badge, the gym leader, and the place where the gym is (example: Saffron City)
  4. Yep, Kuzuhamon is correct! (You spelled her name incorrectly, but I knew who you were talking about!) Yep, her Fresh through Rookie forms are the same as Sakuyamon's--Reremon, Viximon, and Renamon. But then her Champion and Ultimate forms are not Kyubimon and Taomon. And, Kuzuhamon is a Virus, and a Mega! Yes, I was trying to make you think the answer was Kerpymon. And Kuzuhamon's twin is obviously Sakuyamon! Congrats, Masterdramon, for getting the right answer!!! :)
  5. Ooc: Since Madison is now a Sailor Scout, I'm going to name her Sailor Luna. Ic: [I]Sam and Heidi transform[/I] Neon: OK, Mara. (takes out her "staff", which glows brightly) Mara: (shields herself from the bright light) Do that one more time and I'll go blind! Neon: That's just what I want to happen. (lifts Mara's hands off of her eyes, and Atlantis holds them behind her back; meanwhile Neon points her staff at Mara; the staff glows even more brightly) Mara: (shuts her eyes tightly) Now what? Neon: Now... (her eyes light up, forcing Mara's eyes open and staring at the staff) Mara: :eek: (Heidi's staff shines more brightly than the sun, blinding Mara permanently) Atlantis: (she lets go of Mara) Now that Mara's blinded, let's get back to business. Mara: NO! You're the ones who should die! Neon: (her staff is still shining; this time it lands on Mara's head and electrocutes her) Atlantis: (shields her eyes) I guess I'll need some very dark sunglasses for this battle! Neon: No, you're the one who deserves not to exist. (she takes the staff off of Mara's head and puts it on her own) (the staff turns into what looks like a crown, which Heidi takes off and touches to her necklace, which has a sun-shaped orange gem on it) I have never done this before, but I now realized that my staff acts as a talisman; now... (she turns into Super Sailor Neon) Atlantis: (looks at Neon but quickly turns away) Darn, it hurts my eyes to look at you! Neon: Well, Mara, prepare to die.
  6. Imp

    The Elementals

    (Taikura sees Quatre and waves her arms at him) Taikura: OVER HERE!!! Quatre: Oh. (he lands next to Taikura) So anything happen this morning? Taikura: Oh nothing. Nepenthe and Siren just got hypnotized by a pink butterfly. Quatre: That one? (points to a sleeping butterfly) What happened to it? Taikura: I put it to sleep! I guess that makes me a copybunny! Siren: Copybunny!? :laugh: (everybody laughs)
  7. Heidi: Hmmm... I wonder why Reiana tried to kill you? What's gotten into her lately? Sam: I don't know... :huh: Mara: Well, Reiana, you killed Sam. Now it's your turn to kill Heidi. But don't kill me! I'm your friend! Heidi: :eek: Reiana: ROOAR! (she rushes toward Heidi, who turns into Sailor Neon) Neon: (to herself) I should be dead, like Sam... or I should bring Sam back from the dead... But how? Sam: Hmmm... :confuse2: Neon: Let's see... (takes out her sun wand and spins it around, pointing it toward Reiana) Reiana, I don't know what's gotten into you lately, but it needs to stop! (a cloud of golden dust surrounds Reiana, who turns back into a human) Reiana: Grrr... Huh? I'm myself again! Hey, where's Sam? Heidi: She's dead, and you killed her. Reiana: WHAT?!
  8. Right now, I have 4 As, one A-, and one B. I forgot which classes those grades are in, though... :bawl:
  9. I like the Beatles. The song "Yellow Submarine" is one of my favorites!
  10. Imp

    YOUR music!!

    I call my favorites the trile As, because they all start with A! And I'm going to list my favorite of their songs as well. Alice Deejay- favorite song: "Better Off Alone" ATC- favorite song: "So Magical" Aqua- favorite song: "Candyman" Well, that's it! My actual favorite song is "Look At Us", but it's by Sarina Paris, who is not one of my favorite singers.
  11. Imp

    The Elementals

    Cadet: *wakes up* Hey! Who turned off the lights? Oh. Uses her staff to open the blinds) Ahhh, sunlight. Nepenthe: Well, good morning, Cadet. Siren: That's exactly what I was going to say! Cadet: :laugh: (a pink butterfly flies in the window and lands on Nepenthe's head) Nepenthe: What's this butterfly doing here? Huh? :sleep: Siren: What the... (the butterfly lands on her head, making her fall asleep) Cadet: (the butterfly flies towards her) Oh no you don't. (shoos the butterfly away) Butterfly: HEY! (fires a little psychic wave at Cadet) Cadet: :eek: (ducks to dodge the attack) Looks like we got another enemy here! Right? Uhhh... (looks at Nepenthe and Cadet, who wake up at the same time) Something tells me there's something wrong here... Nepenthe: (opens her eyes) O great butterfly, we wish to help you. Siren: (opens her eyes) We wish to be your helpers. Butterfly: Good. (Nepenthe and Siren walk outside like zombies) Cadet: (follows Nepenthe, Siren, and the butterfly) La dee da la dee dee I am a Japanese bunny... Butterfly: Welcome, Nepenthe and Siren, to... Cadet: My name is Taikura. Let the bunny spirit within me come out and shine its rainbow light. (she turns into Taikura) Butterfly: Oh hi Mrs. Bunny. Taikura: Mrs.? I'm not married! Anyways... (points her staff at the butterfly; Taikura's eyes glow) You know, you're a lot like me, Miss Hypnotica. :bellylol: Butterfly: Hypnotica?! You mean Psybuzz! Taikura: So Psybuzz is your name... Psybuzz: Right! (stares at Taikura and falls asleep) Taikura: Hahahahaha. (points her staff at Nepenthe and Siren, who wake up) Siren and Nepenthe: :confuse2: Taikura: I guess Hyp...er...Psybuzz must have been hit by her own spell! Now, Psybuzz... (Psybuzz opens her eyes) You're on our side. (to herself) As long as I remain in this form.
  12. Masuket: Well, that's one more thing we have in common! (her eyes light up) Huh? (Alti floats up) Alti: What the... I can't fly! What is this? Masuket: :blush: Uh... I guess I have a new power too... Alti: Yeah, I guess. Setsuna: And that must be telekinesis. Hee hee hee... What's next?
  13. Mara: OK Reiana, I'll get you! (sees Heidi) Hee hee hee, I found you... Heidi: Oh you were the one that Reiana was after. Mara: WHERE IS SHE??? Heidi: I think they are in the valley. It's down that way. (points to the right) Mara: Thanks. (runs off to find Reiana) Heidi: Great, now what? Huh? Sam's home is back. Don't worry Sam... Heh. I gotta go find her! I know where she is. (goes over to where Sam and Reiana are) Reiana: Hi! Heidi: Is that Madison? I heard your mom talking about her once. Madison: Yup that's me! Sam: Well, now what? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Mara: Hello? (she is in the valley) Is anyone there? (sees nobody) DARN! Heidi sent me in the wrong direction! :mad:
  14. All right, here's your fox battle! This one is: RENAWHITE VS. REREMON! Renawhite is a Pokemon I created. So is Hottails. I added them to this battle because Renamon has more evolutions than Ninetales does. I do, however, have a picture of them. Note: I also created an evolved form of Hypno, but she didn't appear in the last battle because I figured Hypno can beat Beelzemon anyways. And her name is Dreemist. :whoops: Anyways, here's the fox battle: [COLOR=deeppink][SIZE=1][B][U]Announcer:[/B][/U] This might be the first battle between babies!!! [B][U]Renawhite:[/B][/U] Reeeenaa! (uses her Flamethrower on Reremon) [B][U]Reremon:[/B][/U] Eeeeeekkkk! :faint: *sizzle* [B][U]Referee:[/B][/U] 1, 2, ... [B][U]Reremon:[/B][/U] No wait! REREMON DIGIVOLVE TO... VIXIMON!!! [B][U]Viximon:[/B][/U] I'll take care of this. BUBBLE BLOW!!! (a few pink bubbles head for Renawhite) [B][U]Renawhite:[/B][/U] White! (shoots another Flamethrower at Viximon, also melting the bubbles):bash: [B][U]Viximon:[/B][/U] :flaming::faint::blackeye: [B][U]Referee:[/B][/U] 1, 2, ... [B][U]Viximon:[/B][/U] Hold your horses--I mean your foxes! :laugh: VIXIMON DIGIVOLVE TO... RENAMON!!! [B][U]Renawhite:[/B][/U] Renawa! (shoots another flamethrower at Renamon) [B][U]Renamon:[/B][/U] That won't work. DIAMOND STORM!!! (a storm of diamonds head for Renawhite, but they are melted by the fire) What the... :eek:! :faint: I can't lose to a [I]baby[/I] fox!!! :mad: [B][U]Rika:[/B][/U] Grrr... Renamon's losing! To a baby white fox!!! I won't let this happen! (sees Blaine, who is sitting next to her) Aha! You must be Renawhite's tamer, huh? You're gonna get it for beating Renamon! [B][U]Blaine:[/B][/U] You mean [I]trainer[/I], not tamer. [B][U]Rika:[/B][/U] Whatever. :grumble: [B][U]Renamon:[/B][/U] RENAMON DIGIVOLVE TO... KYUBIMON!!! [B][U]Renawhite:[/B][/U] Renny renny rennywhite! (shoots a flamethrower at Kyubimon) [B][U]Kyubimon:[/B][/U] :flaming: DRAGON WHEEL!!! (cuts through Renawhite's Flamethrower and hits her) [B][U]Renawhite:[/B][/U] Rennyyy... :faint: (her body glows) [B][U]Kyubimon:[/B][/U] Huh? (Renawhite evolves into Vulpix) [B][U]Vulpix:[/B][/U] Vul! (shoots a flamethrower at Kyubimon) :flaming: [B][U]Kyubimon:[/B][/U] Not that again. DRAGON WHEEL!!! (Vulpix is hit) [B][U]Vulpix:[/B][/U] Vuuulll... :faint: [B][U]Blaine:[/B][/U] Here, catch this! (throws a Fire Stone at Vulpix)(Vulpix starts to evolve) [B][U]Kyubimon:[/B][/U] :haha: Wimp. Huh? (Vulpix evolves into Ninetales) [B][U]Ninetales:[/B][/U] Nine! (uses her Quick Attack on Kyubimon) [B][U]Kyubimon:[/B][/U] Urrrgh! (tries to tackle Ninetales, but steps on one of Ninetales's tails instead) Uhhh... [B][U]Ninetales:[/B][/U] NIIIIINE! (her eyes glow red) (fires a fire blast at Kyubimon) [B][U]Kyubimon:[/B][/U] NOOOOO! :faint: KYUBIMON DIGIVOLVE TO... TAOMON!!! [B][U]Ninetales:[/B][/U] NINE! (fires a Fire Blast at Taomon) [B][U]Taomon:[/B][/U] TALISMAN OF LIGHT! (the attacks collide and explode) :faint: [B][U]Blaine:[/B][/U] Way to go, Ninetales. :evil3: [B][U]Rika:[/B][/U] Ok, what trick are you trying to pull this time, Mr. Baldy? (furiously pulls Blaine's wig off) [B][U]Blaine:[/B][/U] :eek::eek::eek: [B][U]Rika:[/B][/U] (sadly watches the battle) Taomon needs help. She's losing! (runs down to the battlefield, which takes forever because she is sitting in the back)(trips over a fat lady's leg) [B][U]Fat lady:[/B][/U] Watch where you're going!!! :mad: [B][U]Rika:[/B][/U] OK, sorry! [B][U]Fat lady:[/B][/U] I'm not finished with you. (grabs Rika by her wrists, but she glows blue and floats away towards Taomon) [B][U]Taomon:[/B][/U] Rika, where are you? (De-Digivolves to Renamon) [B][U]Rika:[/B][/U] RENAMON!!! (she and Renamon Biomerge to Sakuyamon) [B][U]Ninetales:[/B][/U] Nine! (shoots a Fire Blast at Sakuyamon) [B][U]Sakuyamon:[/B][/U] SPIRIT STRIKE!!! (the attack flies past the fire and hits Hottails) Huh? (gets hit by the fire blast) Darn, missed! [B][U]Ninetales:[/B][/U] :faint: (evolves into Hottails) [B][U]Sakuyamon:[/B][/U] Now what? [B][U]Hottails:[/B][/U] Hottail! (uses her Agility attack) [B][U]Sakuyamon:[/B][/U] Where did she go? (Hottails uses Quick Attack and hits Sakuyamon) [B][U]Hottails:[/B][/U] (uses her Double Team) Hot tails! Hot tails! (thirty Hottails surround Sakuyamon) [B][U]Sakuyamon:[/B][/U] :confuse2::confuse2::confuse2: [B][U]Rika:[/B][/U] Renamon, why are we losing? What is wrong with you these days? [B][U]Blaine:[/B][/U] :worried: Darn! (shouting) Hottails!!! You're gonna lose if you keep this up! [B][U]Rika:[/B][/U] Lose? But... Hottails is winning... Come on, Renamon, let's show Hottails who's weak! [B][U]Hottails:[/B][/U] Hottails! (shoots a Flamethrower at Sakuyamon) [B][U]Sakuyamon:[/B][/U] SPIRIT STRIKE!!! (the attack hits four of the Hottails, none of which are the real Hottails) It's now or never! [B][U]Blaine:[/B][/U] :worried: [B][U]Sakuyamon:[/B][/U] *sigh* (looks at the thirty Hottails surrounding her) Hottails, you have gone too far. I will not let you win this battle. I know you are quick, but... [B][U]Rika:[/B][/U] Wait a minute... :idea: (a shield surrounds Sakuyamon, and it expands outward) Now it's just a matter of time! [B][U]Blaine:[/B][/U] :worried: Uh-oh... [B][U]Hottails:[/B][/U] :worried: (the Hottails disappear one by one) [B][U]Sakuyamon:[/B][/U] Darn, you mean this shield won't go out any further? (looks at the Hottails) Well, it's time to use a little psychic power here. SPIRIT STRIKE!!! [B][U]Baline:[/B][/U] Oh darn, Sakuyamon must have ESP! (the attack hits Hottails) [B][U]Hottails:[/B][/U] Hott... :faint: [B][U]Referee:[/B][/U] 1, 2, 3! (Hotails lies still) [B][U]Announcer:[/B][/U] And the winner of this battle is... SAKUYAMON!!! (the crowd cheers) [B][U]Rika:[/B][/U] (they De-Digivolve back to Rika and Renamon) *sigh* What a relief. [B][U]Blaine:[/B][/U] I knew it I knew it I knew it! I knew Hottails would lose... [B][U]Renamon:[/B][/U] But [I]why[/I] did she lose? Everyone here seems to have ESP these days... Blaine knowing Hottails would lose, me knowing which Hottails was the real one... [B][U]Rika:[/B][/U] ...And me knowing... The fat lady's name is Charlene! [B][U]Charlene:[/B][/U] Hey! How did you know my name? [B][U]Blaine:[/B][/U] Yeah, it is weird! :laugh::bellylol::blulaugh::rotflmao: (everyone laughs)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. I keep seeing a lot of people in misery that's it's sooo depressing to me... geez, now I have a very long list of people relying on my prayers... Well, I do feel sorry for you. When I read your post, I cried so much!!! Really, I did! :bawl: I can feel what you feel, and I feel bad. So you must, right? But cheer up--I heard that bad things can turn out to be good!
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B]I guess I can tell [i]one[/i] of my secrets... I talk to myself. My conversations usually go "I wonder why... but then maybe... but that would mean... so that means... oh, I get it now." I think better aloud. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=royal blue]Hey, I do the same thing! I also sing to myself. The secret I'm about to tell... I've been thinking I shouldn't tell it, but since I told it in one of my songs as well as one of my posts, I'll tell! This may seem weird, but I strongly believe in it. The reason I talk to myself these days... Well, I'm really not talking to myself. I am talking to my bunny... or at least its spirit. I don't know why, but that bunny spirit lives inside of me because she cannot survive on her own unless she is put inside the body of a bunny--but not just any bunny. It has to be just the right bunny or she'll die. I think it is my destiny to find that bunny. I found out her name is Taikura. Because of that, I called her the Japanese bunny because her name sounded sort of Japanese. Later she told me that she had a last name, which is Minatoko. Hmmm... I mentioned her in my song "Japanese Bunny". I know Taikura is special, and she means everything to me. She cannot die at this point as long as I'm alive, but I do understand that she must leave me and enter the body of a real bunny. Then, something truly magical might happen; I'm not sure what... OK, that was weird and sort of unbelievable. T_T Oh well. I have another secret, but I promised to God (I don't mean the Christian God!!!) that I would never tell it. And I'll keep that promise, thank you.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=limegreen][SIZE=1][U]Neon:[/U] Not fair! Sam does not have to marry you if she doesn't want to, you big demented serpent! [U]Hunter:[/U] (furiously slashed a sword at /neon, but she dodges it, and the sword hits Reiana, Miko, and Atlantis) [U]Atlantis:[/U] (turns back into Sam) Well, so much for that... [U]Neon:[/U] (fires two light orbs; one at Hunter, and the other at Viper) I won't let you get away with this!!! :flaming: [U]Viper:[/U] (he dodged the attack) (rushes behind Neon and tries to attack Sam, Reiana, and Miko with his claws while Neon is fighting Hunter) Now, you better prepare to die! (Reiana, Sam, ans Miko back up until they hit a wall) Hahahahaha! You'll never escape! (slashes his claws at the three cornered girls) [U]Reiana, Miko, and Sam:[/U] :eek: [U]Neon:[/U] (she just finished trapping Hunter with a light orb) Reiana, Miko, and Sam are in trouble! (jumps out in front of Viper and grabs him by the arms) Sorry, Viper, you're not hurting my friends! (fires a light orb at Viper, attempting to trap him like she did with Hunter) [U]Viper:[/U] :eek: (just barely dodges the attack, making the orb hit Reiana, Miko, and Sam, who are trapped) [U]Sam:[/U] (she manages to turn back into Atlantis) Darn! Viper sure is fast! (tries to use a water blast to make a hole in the orb but fails) Darn, this shield is hard to break through... I hope Neon sees us... [U]Neon:[/U] Darn! Trying to do two things at once! Huh? (Hunter and Viper attack her from both sides) (thinking) I need Atlantis's help. But if I release her now, Viper and Hunter will kill me for sure! And if I don't, I'll have to fight both of them at the same time! And if I put up a shield to protect myself, then Atlantis, Reiana, and Miko will be attacked! [U]Hunter:[/U] Hahahaha. Decisions, decisions. [U]Neon:[/U] :eek: There's not much time! I gotta think of something and fast!!! :bawl: (Viper and Hunter are about five feet away from her)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [COLOR=sky blue][SIZE=1] [U]Quatre:[/U] FIRE!!! (tries to shoot a fireball at :evil3: but fails) What the... [U]Lauren:[/U] :evil3: has the Fire Crystal, so you can't attack! [U]Quatre:[/U] Darn! But neither can Masuket. [U]Masuket:[/U] Wrong. (fires ten ice bullets at :evil3:) [U]:evil3::[/U] EEEE! (he is frozen solid) [U]Alti:[/U] Ice is just the solid form of water. (an electric wave hits :evil3:, easily electrocuting him) [U]:evil3::[/U] :faint: (turns into a puddle of water with the Fire Crystal in it) [U]Quatre:[/U] Hey! (picks up the crystal) Got it! Well, Masuket, we are the first two to get our crystals. Now let's find the other five! [U]Masuket:[/U] I'm with you. [U]Quatre:[/U] What's puzzling me is, you have the Life Crystal, right? (Masuket nods) Then how come you were able to use your powers and I wasn't? [U]Alti:[/U] Because :evil3: had the Fire Crystal at the time. [U]Lauren:[/U] Now that you have it, you can use your powers now. [U]Quatre:[/U] Cool! (fires a little flame into the sky) Yipee![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. Kerpymon is incorrect. I tols you already, Terriermon and Lopmon are both Rookies, and they do not have the same name! Here's another hint: My twin is a Data-type.
  20. Heidi: (turnsinto Sailor Neon) Reiana! Viper! What are you doing here? (Sam turns into Sailor Atlantis) Viper: Aha! There you are! (points to Atlantis) Atlantis: What do you want with me? Viper: I want to KILL YOU, that's what! Neon: Oh, it's Atlantis business. Probably about Hunter! (to herself) Geez, Veiper has gone mad! :bluesweat: Miko: What did you say about Reiana? Viper: Mara wants her, and you too! Miko: :eek: Viper: That's right. (casts out two nets; one for Atlantis, and one for Reiana and Miko) Atlantis: What... Huh? (turns back into Sam) Neon: (to herself) That's weird; Viper's after everyone except me!!! (to Viper) Hey! I demand you to release Sam, Reiana, and Miko at once! Viper: Hahahahaha. (Reiana and Miko disappear and reappear near where Mara is) I think they should go first. Now for Sam... Neon: Hmph. (fires a sun beam at Viper) I think you got a problem. Viper: You can't defeat me alone! Neon: Oh yes I can! Sam: I'm afraid Viper might be right, but there's no one here except you, me, and Viper! Neon: Well I gotta at least try! (points her finger up, making a bright green staff) (point the staff at Viper) You just don't know what to expect from me, huh? Viper: (shields his eyes from the brightness of the staff) I guess I don't... Sam: :wow: Neon: And now... (glows very brightly and swings her staff around) Revenge time. Viper: Ha! (holds the net up and punches it with Sam still inside) Sam: :eek: :blackeye: :faint: Neon: LEAVE SAM ALONE!!! (spins around and flies directly over Viper) (Viper is still punching away) I SAID, LEAVE HER ALONE!!! Well, I guess actions speak louder than words. (glows even brighter and spins around even faster, sending a twirling beam of light down towards Viper) Viper: OW OW OW OW OW! :flaming: (he is still holding onto Sam) Sam: (to herself) Oh Heidi... I always knew you were a good friend, and now... *sigh* (tries to turn back into Atlantis but fails) Darn... I guess it's all up to you now. Go for it! Neon: Thanks Sam. OK, Viper... (points her staff at Sam, making her float up into the air and out of Viper's grip) Sam, I don't want you to get hit bythis next attack. (taps her staffon the ground, sending out a wave of lightenergy in all directions) Viper: What is this?! (gets electrocuted) NOW YOU'LL GET IT!!! (fires a big laser beam at Neon; she tries to dodge it but gets hit) Neon: :faint: Sam: (tries to turn into Atlantis but fails) Why can't I transform? It might be the only way to save Heidi... Viper: OK, prepare to die, you two. (takes out a gun and shoots a few bullets at Sam) Neon: :eek: Sam! Are you all right? (gets up again and fires another sun beam at Viper) Viper: Not that again. (dodges the attack and fires a laser at Neon) Neon: :eek:! (dodges the laser) Now what? Viper: ELECTRO BLAST!!! (a thunderbolt heads for Neon in all directions) Neon: (surrounds herself with a light orb) Hope that works... Sam: :faint: Hurry, Heidi... Neon: Sam, I'm doing this for you. Viper keeps getting stronger and stronger as the battle continues. In return, I am getting more and more different kinds of powers. Oh Sam... We are alone with Viper, and with you not being able to transform... I wished to be a Sailor Scout and here I am out fighting this salamander, surrounded by a light orb... I guess it is my destiny to be here. No one, and I mean no one, does anything harmful to my friends! After I'm done here, I'm going out to find Reiana and Miko. From now on, there's no fooling around.
  21. Imp

    The Elementals

    [COLOR=limegreen][SIZE=1][U]Chris:[/U] There they are! (all the other boys walk into the room where the girls are) [U]Nepenthe:[/U] :eek: Eek! You woke me up! (looks around to see that Cadet is awake too) Hmmm... what's gotten into her? [U]Cadet:[/U] I wonder... (tries to recall the battle with the monster as well as the battle with Lizardeth) Why did... (recalls the time when she was running away and Orlia didn't want her to go) :bawl: Why didn't she want me to go? Is it really because of what happened with Lizardeth? (turns around and sees VooDoo, Chris, and the other boys)Oh, I didn't know you were here! [U]Nepenthe:[/U] Hi, don't worry if Cadet is not here. I think she went outside... (sees Cadet's staff on the bed next to hers) Why did Cadet leave her staff? Oh well... (tries to go back to sleep) [U]Cadet:[/U] I'm not outside, Nepenthe! :twitch: But I do agree, it is getting late. According to my sense of time, it is 12:49 A.M. [U]VooDoo:[/U] (turns back into Quatre) It's almost 1! [U]Chris:[/U] I guess we better go. (they go back to their romand go to sleep) [U]Cadet:[/U] I wonder... (looks at the bed across from her; Lauren is in it) Oh Lauren... Why do I even deserve to be here? (looks at Siren, who is in the bed next to Lauren's) And Siren... Why did she and Nepenthe want me to leave? (turns around and smiles at Nepenthe) (thinking) You will always mean everything to me. I don't know about those boys, but... (falls asleep) :sleep:[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. [COLOR=liomegreen][SIZE=1][U]Masuket:[/U] Wait a sec. (her bracelet glows again) If I'm right, someone is attacking from underground... He's headed straight for me! :eek: (flies up) Well, now he can't do anything. :evil3:: (attacks Masuket from underground) Huh? :huh: HEY! How did you know I was coming, you little psychic? [U]Masuket:[/U] Psychic? Heh. Who do you think I am, Ferati? And why did you attack me and no one else? :evil3:: Because you have the Life Crystal, and I want it! [U]Masuket:[/U] I don't have any crystals! Thay're all fake! :evil3:: I can tell if a crystal is fake. Yours isn't. [U]Masuket:[/U] (takes out a crystal that shines more brightly than the other two) This one? :evil3:: Yes, that one! (reaches out his hand to grab the crystal, but Masuket teleports away) [U]Masuket:[/U] Pssst! Over here, Mr. Mole! :laugh: :evil3:: OK. Hey, who are your friends there? Nooo way, you and I are having a battle, one on one. Just you and me. [U]Quatre:[/U] (shoots a fireball at :evil3: ) You're not getting that crystal! [U]Lauren:[/U] (shoots a water blast at :evil3: ) All you deserve to do is die! [U]Alti:[/U] (electrocutes :evil3: ) I'm afraid Lauren is right. [U]Setsuna:[/U] (shoots a beam of dark energy at :evil3: ) [U]Quatre:[/U] Who are you? [U]Setsuna:[/U] I am Setsuna, but don't worry. I am not your enemy. [U]Lauren:[/U] Oh so you're one of us? [U]Masuket:[/U] Oh, hi Setsuna! I met you before! Yep, everyone, she is one of us. The element Death! [U]Alti:[/U] Death? [U]Setsuna:[/U] That's right. (fires another beam at :evil3:, which makes him faint) :evil3:: :faint: Darn! :grumble::cussing: [U]Masuket:[/U] OK, I know you said the B word, Moley. :evil3:: And I'll say it again! B**** B**** B**** B**** B****! [U]Masuket:[/U] That's it! (shoots an ice bullet at :evil3:, who is frozen solid) That's what you get for cussing! And as you probably know, I'm not a dog. :rotflmao::blulaugh::laugh::bellylol: [U]Quatre:[/U] :laugh: You're not a dog. :blulaugh: Hahahaha! :laugh: [U]Masuket:[/U] Look, :evil3: has the Fire Crystal! [U]Quatre:[/U] He does?! [U]Alti:[/U] Well, that's 2 down and 5 to go. [U]Quatre:[/U] OK, :evil3:, let's get ready to rumble. :flaming: [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. [COLOR=deeppink][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Rebecca Uppal [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Weight:[/B] 75 lbs (hee hee I'm light!) [B]Height:[/B] 5'2" [B]Eyes:[/B] brown [B]Hair:[/B] brown [B]Occupation:[/B] Anime girl, singer, and bunny! lol [B]Interests:[/B] Anime, drawing, singing, dancing, video games, internet, I like to read when I have time to :babble: [B]Favorite Anime:[/B] Pokemon, Digimon, Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Cardcaptors [B]Other:[/B]Geez... there's a lot of things I can say. Forgive me if this is long... I loooove anime. My favorite Pokemon is Alakazam. I also created about 150 Pokemon. Some of them are Gentu, Dreemist, and Myodra. My favorite Digimon is Kazemon. I also created over 100 Digimon. Some of them are Clowmon, Sailormon, and Kinesismon. I also created my own anime series, which is La-La Land! I haven't made up the storyline yet; I have been basically working on the characters. There are 24 La-La Critters, 7 La-La Fairies, 7 La-La Bosses, and over 20 La-La Pets. Some of the Critters are Kira, Nirva, Myrna, Mnemeth, Fila, Woogle, Fatta, Neirda, Vader, Lolli, Shugon, Chika, and Try. The Fairies are Masuket, Ferati, Sakura, Chicadi, Rosetta, Eurobatt, and Crestina. The La-La Bosses are Mr. Puffy, Mr. Moley, Mr. Nova, Mr. Tane, Mr. Phoenix, Mr. Crabby, and Mr. Proton. Some of the Pets are Pekitty, Kamina, Pachibi, Deebie, Peneko, Shufly, Jujubee, Keniki, Flutterbee, Nemia, Candywa, Fylbio, and Sukablu. Also, everybody at school (well, almost!) thinks I'm a :freak:. Maybe that's because I have a big nose. I basically look sort of like a Hypno but more like an actual girl! (Hee hee... If I were a Hypno... Hehehehe... I call myself Hypnotica sometimes!) I also wear glasses, and because of that, I basically think I look like either a nerd or a wizard. And they think I'm a bunny, and so do I! I also wrote 48 songs. Some of them are "Space Aliens", "Dream", "Hypnotica", (hee hee that's me!) "Dragonfly", "Japanese Bunny", (hee hee that's also me!) and "The Aqua Dragon". I loove dragons, penguins, bunnies, cats, dragonflies, butterflies, and :eek:SPIDERS!!!:eek: Hee hee hee... most girls hate spiders! (Maybe that's why Arukenimon is my third favorite Digimon!) But I think they're cool! It's suicide to kill any of my favorite animals!!! Anyway, I am a freak and I know it. I haven't scanned in a picture of me yet, but I will soon! Mwahahaha. :D:D:D Whew... I sure created a lot of things... :bluesweat: Oh my god. Others may think I'm a :genius:. A genius? Ha! I got A's in all my classes except Science! My science teacher makes me feel dumb inside!!! I must have a D or something in his class! He doesn't know how to be a teacher! But I am totally impressed with myself... I mean, me being smart and pretty funny... my dad says I have a good sense of humor. :laugh: My paents are divorced, and I think I'm more like my dad than my mom. We are good at almost the same things!!! For example, playing card games. Heh, the two of us like to cream my stepmom at games like Rummy and Poker!!! Hee hee hee... :genius: When my dad taught me how to play Bridge, he said as we were playing that I once made a really smart move by leading a tump on this certain trick... Heh. Anyway... (looks at the thing she just wrote) :wow::eek: Well, I might have accidentally written a whole essay about myself!!! :bluesweat: I should have posted this in the Live Journals/BLogs thread!!! Well, gotta go!!! See ya!!! (notices everyone staring at her as if she were a freak) Ehheheh... *sweatdrop*[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. I would spend ALL my money on stuff. Then, I will give all my stuff (including my money) to all the homeless people. Hey, it's better to give than to receive, right? Then I'd do a loooong meditation, thinking over the things I've done with my life. And then... I'll lay down and die of starvation. :p
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