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Everything posted by Imp

  1. Well, I do feel sorry for you. Now I'm afraid that's going to happen to me! I am a BIG fan of Pokemon, Digimon, Cardcaptors, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Sailor Moon! I guess I'm THE official anime girl!!! Heh, everybody must think I'm a :freak:, huh? I am! Say hello to Taikura, Mrs. Big Nose, Hypnotica, whatever my "micknames" are. Oh well... :( I do feel bad for you. And I envy you; I can't wait to see what your binder looks like! :p Oh, Hypnotica's going a little overboard with the info here... Oh well... (starts singing one of her songs) :sleep:
  2. Imp


    Hee hee hee... If you like Mystic, here's another one you'll like... it's called "My Best Friend". It's a fairly sad song, but I think it's good. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [COLOR=indigo]All the times we've been together They made me cry We are friends in happy weather Lots of sunshine The power of friendship is a very special thing One kiss and one hug, and you're immediately on wings You can fly This is what it means to be a true friend Life goes by But I know we have to say goodbye I can't give you gifts But I can give you this A memory of the times we had before I can't give you cards But I can give you my heart I hope you know that you are my best friend We talk about many things on the phone We AIM and send email So we're not alone The power of love is a thing that lasts forever Even if we say goodbye we will still be together I can't give you gifts But I can give you this A memory of the times we had before I can't give you cards But I can give you my heart I hope you know that you are my best friend It's just so sad that we have to part But you will still be very close to my heart Make new friends but keep the old One is silver, but the other is gold You can fly This is what it means to be a true friend Life goes by But I know we have to say goodbye I can give you gifts But I can give you this A memory of the times we had before I can't give you cards But I can give you my heart I hope you know that you are my best friend Oh I can't give you gifts But I can give you this A memory of the times we had... Oh I can't give you cards But I can give you my heart... I hope you know that you are my best friend I hope you know that you are my best... Friend[/COLOR]
  3. Second battle is: Drowzee vs. Impmon! (these two are nothing like each other!) [COLOR=deeppink][SIZE=1][B][U]Impmon:[/B][/U] I'm ready. By the way, why did they call you Drowzee? You're not drowsy! Oh well. BADA BOOM!!! (a bunch of fireballs hit Drowzee) [B][U]Drowzee:[/B][/U] Drowwwzeee. (he gets back up and aims a Headbutt at Impmon) [B][U]Impmon:[/B][/U] Ha! You think that's going to defeat me? What a wimp. (picks up his toy gun) I wonder if I could Digivolve to... Ah, it's not important. Drowzee's getting creamed!!! So, Drowzee, ready to give up? [B][U]Drowzee:[/B][/U] Drowzee. Droooowwwwzzzzeee. (tries to hypnotize Impmon) [B][U]Impmon:[/B][/U] So that's why they call you Drowzee... (pinches himself) Huh? (jumps out of the way) [B][U]Drowzee:[/B][/U] :confuse2: [B][U]Impmon:[/B][/U] BADA BOOM!!! (a bunch of fireballs hit Drowzee, this time making him almost faint) [B][U]Announcer:[/B][/U] And the winner of this battle is... [B][U]Drowzee:[/B][/U] (gets back up) Drowzee. (his eyes light up) [B][U]Impmon:[/B][/U] This doesn't look good... (Drowzee evolves into Hypno) :eek: Waahhh! BADA BOOM!!! (a bunch of fireballs aim forHypno) [B][U]Hypno:[/B][/U] Hyyyypnooo. (the fireballs turn around and hit Impmon) [B][U]Impmon:[/B][/U] Aaaahhh! :faint: (gets back up) Pah. Psychic-type. Now I'll show you. IMPMON DIGIVOLVE TO... BEELZEMON!!! [B][U]Hypno:[/B][/U] Hyypnoo?!? :confuse2: [B][U]Beelzemon:[/B][/U] Hahahaha. CHAOS FLARE!!! (the attack is about to hit Hypno) [B][U]Hypno:[/B][/U] Hyyyypnooo. (the attacks hits Beelzemon) [B][U]Beelzemon:[/B][/U] Darn! This battle is going to be harder than I thought! All right, assuming Hypno's slow... (goes behind Hypno and fires 30 bullets from his guns) FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRRREEE! (the attacks hit Hypno) [B][U]Hypno:[/B][/U] :faint: Hyypppnnnooo... (uses his Disable attack, making Beelzemon unable to fire anything from his guns) [B][U]Beelzemon:[/B][/U] FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE FI... Oh wait! No bullets?!? What happened? CHAOS FLARE! (nothing happens) What the... [B][U]Hypno:[/B][/U] :laugh::laugh::laugh: Hyypno! (stares at Beelzemon) [B][U]Announcer:[/B][/U] It looks like all of Beelzemon's attacks are disabled!!! He's in trouble! [B][U]Jeri:[/B][/U] Go Hypno! Beelzemon killed Leomon, so it's time for revenge! :flaming: [B][U]Person sitting next to Jeri:[/B][/U] Shut up. [B][U]Jeri:[/B][/U] Haha! :haha: Beelzemon's losing! :haha: [B][U]Person sitting next to Jeri:[/B][/U] SHUT THE F*** UP!!! :cussing: [B][U]Jeri:[/B][/U] :bawl: You startled me, you cusser! He said the F word! He said the F word! He said the... [B][U]Person sitting next to Jeri:[/B][/U] GRRR! (punches Jeri and starts fighting with her) [B][U]Sabrina:[/B][/U] OK, OK... setle down... Only Hypno and Beelzemon should be fighting... [B][U]Person sitting next to Jeri:[/B][/U] You wanna start something with me?! Huh? Huh? (puts his fists up) [B][U]Jeri:[/B][/U] :bawl::bawl::blackeye: Look out! [B][U]Sabrina:[/B][/U] OK, Hector, stop it or else! [B][U]Hector:[/B][/U] (he was the one sitting next to Jeri) Hey, how did you know my name? And I'd like to find out what "or else" means. Heh. (aims a punch) [B][U]Sabrina:[/B][/U] (watches the battle) Hypno's gonna win... I know it... (sees Hector) OK, THIS is what "or else" means!!! Hmph. (Hector flies out of the arena) Heh. He's just like the Fighting-type Pokemon that walk into my gym. Creamed before he could aim a punch. Same goes for Beelzemon. Hmmm... [B][U]Jeri:[/B][/U] Uhhh... I don't know whether to say thanks or eek! [B][U]Beelzemon:[/B][/U] What is this, a staring contest? Uh... ah...must...defeat...him... [B][U]Hypno:[/B][/U] Hyyypno. Hyyyppppnnnooo... (his pendulum swings back and forth, slowly putting Beelzemon to sleep) [B][U]Beelzemon:[/B][/U] :sleep::sleep::sleep: [B][U]Sabrina:[/B][/U] *giggles* Hee hee hee... I knew that would happen! Beelzemon is brave, but not good enough to beat Hypno. Psychic-type Pokemon are the best! :laugh::bellylol::blulaugh::rotflmao: [B][U]Referee:[/B][/U] 1, 2, 3!!! (Beelzemon is fast asleep) [B][U]Announcer:[/B][/U] And the winner of this battle is... HYPNO!!! (crowd cheers) [B][U]Hector:[/B][/U] (he is outside the arena in the trash can) BOO! BOOOOO!!! [B][U]A person passing by:[/B][/U] Geez, what happened to him? :laugh: [B][U]Hector:[/B][/U] JUST YOU WAIT, SABRINA! JUST YOU WAIT!!! :mad::cussing: That b****. Hah! What a :freak:! [B][U]Sabrina:[/B][/U] I heard that! What a wimp.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. WRONG!!! MegaGargomon and Kerpymon have different Fresh, In-Training, and Rookie forms! Also, MegaGargomon is not a Virus-type and does not look anything like Kerpymon. Here's a hint: [COLOR=royal blue]I am a female Digimon.[/COLOR] Good luck!
  5. [COLOR=deeppink][SIZE=1][U]Viper:[/U] Do you know who once lived in the Atlantis Palace? [U]Heidi:[/U] Of course! I'm the one that killed him! [U]Viper:[/U] Good. He was my son. I was born in a valley like this one only smaller. I was very lonely. My dad Cobra abandoned me by accident. He had two other sons: King and Rattle. We were named after snakes. My mom died two years before I was born. I then began traveling from place two place. I eventually got married to Withia, a beautiful salamander that looked a lot like me. We had one child who looked a little different from us. Because he was an oddball, we decided to named him Hunter, since he seemed so fierce. One day, Hunter said that he didn't want us as parents anymore, so he ran away. He ran to the Atlantis Palace, where he lived for a few years. A few days ago, you killed him. (Heidi looks guilty) But no need to worry. I was so mad at his death (even thought he ran away, deep down inside I still loved him) that I came here and waited for you to find me. I have been seeking revenge for a long time. :bawl: But now... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have attacked you. Sometimes I lose control of myself when I get mad. [U]Heidi:[/U] Of course, doesn't everybody? (everyone laughs) [U]Sam:[/U] Oh, now I feel sorry for Hunter. Too bad he's dead. [U]Viper:[/U] Oh that's okay. You can leave now. I will go my seperate way. [U]Reiana:[/U] Where's Withia? [U]Viper:[/U] Oh, let me finish my story. I got so out of control that when Withia and her sons came into my valley, I accidentally killed them. :bawl: I wish that didn't happen... *sob* [U]Heidi:[/U] It's alright. You can go now. I'm sure you'll find another wife that's just as beautiful as Withia. [U]Viper:[/U] That's hard to do, but thanks anyway. (crawls out of the vallry and leaves) [U]Miko:[/U] Let's go home. [U]Heidi:[/U] Good idea. (they all transform back into people and go home) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[B]At Home[/B]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [U]Heidi:[/U] Hey Sam, wanna sleep over at my house today? [U]Sam:[/U] Sure! (she and Heidi walk into Heidi's house) [U]Heidi:[/U] Hey Mom, is it OK if Sam sleeps over tonight? [U]Mom:[/U] That's fine with me. Sam, you better call your parents to see if they will let you. [U]Sam:[/U] OK. (calls up her parents, who say OK) It's fine with them! [U]Heidi:[/U] Great! Let's go! (they both race up the stairs to Heidi's room) [U]Sam:[/U] Bet I can get there first! [U]Heidi:[/U] (takes a big leap to the highest step) No, I will! :laugh: [U]Sam:[/U] Oh, Heidi... (picks up a pillow and hits Heidi with it) [U]Heidi:[/U] Pillow fight! (picks up another pillow) :laugh::laugh::laugh:[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. Imp

    The Elementals

    [COLOR=deeppink][SIZE=1][U]Taikura:[/U] Uhhh... Uthwine, I think you missed one. ( monster bigger than the others appears from behind a wall) [U]Uthwine:[/U] Grrr... (tries to fire into a star into the monster's mouth, but he whacks it away with the club he is holding) [U]Taikura:[/U] OK, my turn! (points her staff toward the monster's single eye [geez, this one really [I]is[/I] different fron the others!], and it glows very brightly) [U]Monster:[/U] ARRRGH! (he appears to be blinded by the light) [U]Taikura:[/U] And now... (closes her eyes and spins around slowly; a ring of light begins to form around her) (wishes she could speak Orenyan more fluently) Ummm... Orabia lo mia, ...(stutters) kiara sai sami pi lucia ota sa vita katani! (translation: Oracles of light, emerge from within and shower me with your power!) (the ring grows bigger and bigger until it shoots off and swirls around the monster) [U]Uthwine:[/U] Hmph. What is she doing; she's not the Spirit elemental like me! :rolleyes: [U]Taikura:[/U] Whew. I gotta work on that spell. (the ring closes in on the monster, killing him slowly but surely) I hope that's all of them! [U]Orlia:[/U] I think it is. Good thing you didn't leave! [U]Taikura:[/U] I guess, but I think Uthwine would have covered for me if I weren't there. (looks at Uthwine) Maybe she's right... I'm acting a little--what's the word--spirit-like. My element is supposed to be Light! :confused: My spell was light, but it sounded like something that Uthwine would do. [U]Uthwine:[/U] If I knew what you were saying, yes. But I don't know every language. [U]Taikura:[/U] I barely knew what I was saying either! :laugh: [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. Houndoom's egg moves are: Rage, Counter, Beat Up, Pursuit, Fire Spin, Reversal, and Spite. Am I right? Here's a question: In Pokemon Yellow, at what level does Pikachu learn Light Screen? Good luck!
  8. PRECIOMON IS CORRECT!!! :excited: He [I]never[/I] appeared in the show! OK, here is another; I hope this one has only one answer... I am a Mega-level Virus-type Digimon. I have a "twin" who looks sort of like me only in a different color. My Fresh, In-Training, and Rookie forms are the same as my twin's, but my Champion and Ultimate forms are not. OK, that's a long question, but...
  9. I can't decide whether to post this in the Pokemon or Digimon forums, so I posted it here! I tried to post this in the Battle Arena, then the Adventure Arena, but it was unsuccessful in both of those places. :bawl: Just add to the list: First up, Meowth vs. Gatomon!!! [COLOR=deeppink][SIZE=1][B][U]Announcer:[/B][/U] Let's get this battle started!!! [B][U]Meowth:[/B][/U] WHO'S THERE? Hey, that cat looks a bit like me! [B][U]Announcer:[/B][/U] Wow, a talking Meowth? (crowd oohs and ahhs) [B][U]Gatomon:[/B][/U] LIGHTNING PAW!!! [B][U]Meowth:[/B][/U] Thank you. Thank you. Thank... (Gatomon's attack hits Meowth) MEOWTH! [B][U]Gatomon:[/B][/U] Wow, that was easy. [B][U]Announcer:[/B][/U] And the winner of this battle is... (Meowth evolves into Persian) [B][U]Persian:[/B][/U] Mewwwwww! [B][U]Gatomon:[/B][/U] I bet Persian is just as wimpy as Meowth is! LIGHTNING PAW!!! (Persian leaps into the air, dodging the attack) Whoa, Persian's got good agility... [B][U]Kari:[/B][/U] *pant* *pant* GATOMON! Sorry I'm late. (the Digi Egg of Light pops out of Kari's Digivice) Oops, I dropped something. Hey! Isn't this the Digi Egg of Light? (Jessie and James appear in their hot-air balloon) [B][U]James:[/B][/U] Well, look at that! An egg! It might hatch into a powerful Pokemon! [B][U]Kari:[/B][/U] It's a DIGI EGG! [B][U]Jessie:[/B][/U] Whatever. (the balloon lands; Jessie runs over to Kari and steals the Digi Egg) [B][U]Kari:[/B][/U] HEY! THAT'S MY DIGI EGG!:flaming: [B][U]Jessie:[/B][/U] (leaps into the balloon with the Digi Egg) Prepare for trouble. [B][U]James:[/B][/U] And make it double. (Jessie and James say their motto) [B][U]Jessie:[/B][/U] Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light! [B][U]James:[/B][/U] Surrender now, or prepare to fight! [B][U]Persian:[/B][/U] Meow. [B][U]Wobbuffet:[/B][/U] Wobba fett! [B][U]Jessie:[/B][/U] GET BACK IN YOUR :ball:, YOU BIG BLUE BLOB!!! (Persian uses his Faint Attack on Gatomon; Gatomon faints) [B][U]Kari:[/B][/U] GATOMON! (Kari's Digivice glows) I bet Angewomon can handle this. [B][U]Gatomon:[/B][/U] GATOMON DIGIVOLVE TO... [B][U]Jessie:[/B][/U]Acidentally drops the Digi Egg)Oh no! I dropped the egg! (the Digi Egg lands on Persian's tail; at that very moment, Persian's tail fidgets, sending the egg flying toward Gatomon) [B][U]Kari: Look out, Gatomon! (the egg circles around Gatomon) [B][U]Nefertimon:[/B][/U] NEFERTIMON!!! [B][U]Kari:[/B][/U] Nefertimon?! (Persian uses his Headbutt attack on Nefertimon) [B][U]Nefertimon:[/B][/U] (flies up to dodge the attack) ROSETTA STONE!!! (Persian falls over and struggles to get up)(Nefertimon walks up close to Persian)(Persian sits up and growls at Nefertimon) Nice kitty. Nice kitty... (scratches Persian in the face) [B][U]Persian:[/B][/U] MEOWWWW! (winces) :faint::blackeye: [B][U]Referee:[/B][/U] 1, 2, 3! (Persian lies still) [B][U]Announcer:[/B][/U] And the winner of this battle is... NEFERTIMON!!! (crowd cheers)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. Imp

    The Elementals

    Taikura: (thinking) I don't belong here. I don't belong with any of them--not Uthwine, not Siren, not Glacien... not anybody. :bawl: (starts talking) THAT'S IT!!! If everybody's picking on me, I'll just have to leave! Oh, but I can't leave now. Not when we're on our way... Uthwine: Maybe you should just leave. You're no help to the group anyway. Siren: Definitely not. If I had it my way, I would kill you, you stupid little bunny! :cussing: Glacien: I'm afraid Uthwine and Siren are right. Taikura: :bawl::bawl: OK, everybody that wants me to leave, raise your hand!!! (just about everybody raises their hand) :bawl::bawl::bawl: OK, I'm leaving!!! (runs away) Uthwine: What a crybaby. Anyway, let's get back to business.
  11. Ooc: Let's call this girl Amy, and the monster Viper (he is not a snake, but...) Ic: Amy: HELP! Go away, you big monster!!! Huh? (sees Reiana and Heidi) Who are you? Heidi: Arf! (We're your friends!) (she runs around the monster, trying to confuse him) Viper: OK, Heidi, I'll get you! (tries to punch Heidi, but she is too fast) Sam: HOWL!!! (I'm coming, Heidi and Reiana!) (she jumps down to where Reiana, Heidi, Viper, and Amy are) Miko: ROAR!!! (Me too!) Sam: Woof woof woof!!! (Now that Heidi has Viper confused, let's get him!)
  12. Heidi: reeow (So, we are both animals now... Sam, I'm getting tired. Can we go to sleep now?) Sam: arf *yawn* (Sure. :sleep: ) (Heidi and Sam are both asleep)
  13. Imp

    The Elementals

    Taikura: Why are you acting as if I am your enemy? I'm not!!! I hope you're not insulting me! Siren: What if we are? Uthwine: Though I would agree that you are one of the weaker members of the group. Taikura: Weak?! Ha! I'm not going to attack you; you know that. However, I didn't see either of you doing anything to Lizardeth! Uthwine: You shouldn't waste such time on wimps. Taikura: Well, still, I'm sure that Lizardeth is planning revenge on me. I feel him getting stronger. But you don't need to help me... this will be a great time to prove that I am powerful enough to be in this group! So what if Light is not one of the main elements? Neither is Spirit! Uthwine, you are in the group, and so am I! Uthwine: Are you kidding? I doubt that little lizard is ever going to come back. Taikura: Lizard? You mean dragon!!! (sees a dragon flying overhead) Lizardeth: Hahahahaha. I'm back!!! Siren: Well, maybe you were right... This time. Lizardeth: Hey, are those friends of yours? Taikura: Of course they are!!! Siren and Uthwine: (sarcastically) Yeah right. Lizardeth: Hah! I guess I'll have to get them out of my way first!!! (hurls two golden fireballs; one at Siren and the other at Uthwine; they fly toward them faster than the speed of light and knock them against the trees) Siren and Uthwine: :faint: Uthwine: NO! (turns back into Nepenthe) Taikura: HEY DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH SIREN AND UTHWINE,... I mean Nepenthe. Lizardeth: Hmph. Now I'll kill you too! Taikura: Not so fast. (points her staff at the sun; a glowing energy sphere surrounds Taikura):haha: (Lizardeth hurls another fireball at Taikura but she is protected by the shield) Siren: (to herself) Nice reflexes. Taikura: Is that your best shot? Take this! (her staff glows even brighter; a sun beam appears and heads for Lizardeth) Lizardeth: (tires to prepare a fireball but is hit by the sun beam) Taikura: Oops, too slow. :laugh: Well, Lizardeth, any last words? Lizardeth: STUPID BUNNY! Taikura: "Stupid bunny." What an idiot. (her staff glows yet even brighter and blinds Lizardeth) Lizardeth: (shields his eyes) Grrr! My eyes are very sensitive to bright light! Taikura: Yep, just as I predicted. (fires another sun beam at Lizardeth and sends him flying toward the sun) Well, I guess that's the end of him. Siren! Nepenthe! Are you guys OK? (her shield splits in two and surrounds Siren and Nepenthe) You should be now. (the shield has healed Siren and Nepenthe) Nepenthe: (to herself) You have proven herself, Taikura. I guess I was wrong. (to Taikura) Hmph. You got away with it, but you're still a wimp. Taikura: HEY! :mad:
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Blanko_el-miez [/i] [B]well when i was captureing... i ran into entei and quickly used that attack gengar can do to make pokemon unable to run away....MEAN LOOK....and so it wouldent run away...then i put it so sleep with hypnosis...( or was it sleep powder..hmm)....then threw ONE FAST BALL and got it..... i used the fast ball cause..i learned from the tv show fast balls were for pokemon the were most likely to run away...right away.. i dont know how i did it but i did....i caught my suicune in a similer way [/B][/QUOTE] Well, actually, I did that exact same thing once. My gengar used Mean Look on Raikou. However, then Raikou used Roar. So next time I see Raikou, Gengar will use Hypnosis, not Mean Look. It's more effective.
  15. The reason I am double posting is so that this thread could be seen without going back to the threads from the beginning. Anyway, here is one of the Pokemon I created; her name is Welter. Type: Grass/Poison As I said in my earlier post, Welter has a HUGE family. :wow: She is actually related to Oddish and Bellsprout. She would be in the Digimon Look-Alike group because she reminds me of a baby Lillymon... Anyway, the pic is below.
  16. Imp


    OK, let's get back on topic. So, now that everybody knows how to breed Pokemon, let's talk about what Pokemon we breeded! We could say what moves they know, what their parents are, etc. Here are some of mine: Jumpluff Toxic Attract Leech Seed Double Team Parents: Jumpluff and Ditto Jumpluff Mega Drain Giga Drain Sleep Powder Leech Seed Parents: Jumpluff and Exeggutor Jumpluff Mega Drain Sunny Day Synthesis Solarbeam Parents: Jumpluff and Meganium Mareep Thundershock Thunderbolt Thunder Flash Parents: Flaaffy and Pikachu Cleffa Charm Attract Return Sweet Kiss Parents: Clefable and Togetic Cleffa Charm Defense Curl Rollout Headbutt Parents: Clefable and Wigglytuff There are many more; those are just a few.
  17. Not fair! Oh well... look at all the people here that have over 10 alternate-color Pokemon. Heh. I don't have a Game Shark, so... Anyway, I just resterted Gold and captured the red Gyarados. Also in Silver I saw a silver Voltorb, but it Selfdestructed before I could capture it... :bawl:
  18. Yeah, I agree. Once, one of my classmates cursed at the teacher and was kicked out of that class. Well, at least he doesn't tease me anymore!!! ^_^
  19. OK, I'll start. Here's a question: What was the first Pokemon that Ash released? Good luck! ;) I will post a hint every time someone answers incorrectly. But I agree with G/S/B Master. This quiz will be EASY.
  20. WRONG AGAIN!!! Here's another hint: I am a male Digimon.
  21. Ooc: Lauren already summoned Yukito in my previous post! Ic: Ghost: YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!!! (Yukito carries him to the top of a nearby mountain) Darn! She took me to a cold place! Masuket: Bye-bye, ghost! (a shiny object appears in front of Masuket) Oh no, not again. Another fake Life Crystal. Well, there's another one to add to my collection. Lauren: Great job, Yukito. Now, let's do some crystal-finding. Masuket: (her bracelet glows) *gasp* I think that means someone's trying to ambush us... :worried:
  22. Imp

    The Elementals

    Taikura: (laughs about how weak Lizardeth is) What a wimp. (sees Alqwerik) Oh, hi... don't worry; you didn't miss a thing! All we're doing now is just sitting around, not really accomplishing anything... (to herself) Well, except for fighting Lizardeth. Uthwine: Sitting around accomplishing nothing? Get real, Taikura. Taikura: I just got real! We have not accomplished anything! We don't even know what our goal is! Glacien: (sarcastically) Yeah right.
  23. Sorry, Seraphimon is INCORRECT!!! Here's a hint: Not only did I not appear in Seasons 1 or 2, I didn't appear in any season!!! Hope this hint helps. I'll keep giving hints until somebody gets the correct answer. ;)
  24. I like it. I say you should make it all the way to the finals with that wonderful poem. ;)
  25. If I were the teacher, I would be sort of offended, because I am kind of sensitive to those swearing words. :cussing: So, I'd say that it was wrong. But I didn't have any of those experiences before. I guess I must be an :angel:. *sigh* Almost. I never :cussing:.
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