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Everything posted by Imp

  1. Imp

    The Elementals

    Taikura: :confused: *sigh* (stares at her staff) Well, I'm embarrassed. Uh... hi Alqwerik, Lament, Glacien, and VooDoo. My name is Taikura. So what is our goal anyway? We're not just going to sit here and brag about our powers, are we?
  2. Kinesismon: OK, I guess we better get back to the real world. Good thing the digiport is still open! (Mummymon, Sakuyamon, Dratarmon, and Kredion go back to the real world) Sundiatamon: SUPER PSYBLAST!!! (the attack hits Daemon) Kinesismon: Well, here we are fighting Daemon again. Clowmon: Where's Kuzuhamon? Kinesismon: You mean Sakuyamon! She just transformed into Sakuyamon and is unable to Digivolve... ZChaosmon: OK. :idea: Let's all attack Daemon at once. Mummymon, you'll have to Digivolve first. Mummymon: MUMMYMON DIGIVOLVE TO... PHARAOHMON!!! Clowmon: Let's do it. CARD SPELL!!! MagnaAngelicmon: Not that again. (Gallantmon, MegaGargomon, and Kerpymon appear) Rosemon: Kerpymon?! What's she doing here? Clowmon: All right, on the count of 3, let's all use our attacks, 1, 2, ... Daemon: Hmmm... (Daemon appears to have a plan) Kinesismon: WAIT!!! Clowmon: 3!!! (all Digimon except Daemon and Kinesismon prepare their attacks) Kinesismon: STOP!!! DON'T ATTACK!!! (goes out and blocks all the attacks)DON'T ATT... (Kinesismon is hit by the attacks) Daemon: YOU MIND READER!!! (to himself) Darn, I made that shield to block their attacks for nothing? (his shield disappears)
  3. Conformity is very important to me, especially in school. A lot of people tease me and nobody else. Maybe it's because I look weird. I must admit I do like to wear bright colors, which explains why some people think I'm a gangster. I don't even want to be a gangster!!! And they may think my voice sounds weird, my nose is too big (which I think it is), I act like a bunny, etc. :rolleyes: Sheesh, I see stupid people in school everywhere.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]And as I've said a bazillion times...I hate the "u", "ur", "u 2" etc etc...that txt speak. As Flash would say, "it's fine for mobile phones, but not on message boards!"[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, they use it in instant messaging a lot. I have AIM, and I use it a lot! I use these "abbreviations" a lot: y=why wynaut=why not (that's a Pokemon:laugh:!) qt=cutie ru=are you w8=wait brb=be right back bai=goodbye 2=to 4=for o=oh c=see b=be 1=won oic=oh I see g2g: got to go There are many more, but that's what I normally use. When I AIM, my spelling and grammar usually makes little sense! ;)
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJGoten [/i] [B]No matter where you move, there will be things that are stolen or something. No place is perfect..... [/B][/QUOTE] Well, that doesn't apply to me. My house has never been robbed before. NEVER. That's weird, and I thought I was under a curse, but I guess I'm not!
  6. I usually am okay with criticism. I get teased a lot, probably because of me acting like a "Japanese bunny." if They also think I'm a gangster! I'm not a gangster; I'm a Japanese bunny! No, I'm an aqua dragonfly! No! The Aqua Dragon!!! But I thought I said I was a Pegasus Baby! No, I'm no flying horse. Let's see... Hmmm...Anyway, I don't really accept either type of criticism. I'm being called smart by some people and dumb by others. Hmph, I'm a :genius:. Everybody knows that. Nowadays I wouldn't mind good criticism.I
  7. Yeah... I like to draw too! I also looooove to sing! :luv: I wrote 48 songs and created over 300 characters (including Pokemon, Digimon, and La-La Land, a series I created) Some of you have heard of characters like Silphy, Masuket, Sundiatamon, Ferati, Myrna, Kira, etc.
  8. Ooc: Kuzuhamon and Mummymon were traveling with Kinesismon toward the Digi Port Ic: Kinesismon: We're almost there! Sundiatamon: :eek: :faint: It's no use... :faint: (the port starts to close) Kinesismon: (sees the port) :eek: (uses a Psychic Storm to open the port again) SUNDIATAMON! You were supposed to be keeping it open! Sundiatamon: I ran out of power... Kinesismon: Never mind that. Let's get throught that port. (releases Mummymon and Kuzuhamon; all four Digimon go through the portal; then the port closes) Mummymon: OK, where's ZChaosmon and the gang? Kuzuhamon: (her other arm turns yellow, then her head)*gasp* I'm turning yellow! Kinesismon: :eek: You're changing into Sakuyamon! Kuzuhamon: Sakuyamon? :eek:
  9. Well, Cera, I'm soooo glad you signed up as Raya; now I can sign up as Ferati! Name: Ferati Age: she lost count Species: fairy Appearance: tall, has dark blue hair and dark purple eyes; she wears a dark blue'purple dress and purple shoes Items: no real items; she does, however, have a lot of dark and psychic abilities such as telekinesis and the ability to blosk out the sun, making the area really dark Other: Ferati is one of the seven fairies of La-La Land. She is the fairy if the darkness; she lives in Wisteria Cave. She is said to be the second most powerful of the fairies; first is Masuket.
  10. Imp

    The Elementals

    ok then I'm light!
  11. Death was taken by Setsuna, Fire was taken by Quatre, Wind was taken by Hiro... sorry, but those who chose the same elements as them are going to have to leave... :bawl:
  12. Masuket: Hmmm... the world is in danger... (tosses the fake crystals into the forest) Well, I don't need these anymore. (finds one of the dried ice missiles she fired at :demon: ) Hey, my missiles look like life crystals! Quatre: Who cares? Le's go find the ones who have the crystals! Alti: And where will we find them? Masuket: Good question. It appears that there are villians that have each of the crystals. Another set of them have fake crystals. That's :demon:. And then there's a set that has no crystals. That's :devil:. So, the question is, where do we find them? (:frog: appears) :frog:: Ribbit. (there is an Earth Crystal around his neck.) Lauren: He has the Earth Crystal! Alti: Now what? :frog:: Ribbit. (fires a flower beam at Lauren; Lauren :faint:s)
  13. Imp

    The Elementals

    Taikura: Come on, boys; aren't you going to transform? (to herself) Geez, boys are slow... Quatre: OK just give us a little time OK? Uthwine: ... Taikura: Great. Now what do we do? Oh, and by the way, who are Geinudo, Alqwerik, Lament, Glacien, and VooDoo? :confuse2: (to herself) I know exactly who they are!
  14. Clowmon: THE PORTAL!!! WAIT FOR US!!! Kinesismon: (tries to open the portal with a Psychic Storm)Come on... (the portal opens again) Sundiatamon: Hurry, let's go before thw portal closes! Kinesismon: WAIT!!! Kuzuhamon, Mummymon, and Dratarmon are still here. We have to find them! OK, I'll go get them. Sundiatamon, you stay here and keep the portal open, OK? Don't worry; I know EXACTLY where they are. (runs off to find them) Sundiatamon: HYPNOTIC BRAINSTORM!!! (the portal opens again) I hope Kinesismon comes back soon. Rosemon: Wair, I'm going into the real world. ZChaosmon and MagnaAgelicmon will need some help fighting Daemon. Clowmon: I'll go too. (Rosemon and Clowmon go through the portal) Sundiatamon: Wait, you mean I'll have to handle the portal myself? Kinesismon: (finds Dratarmon and Mummymon) Hey there. I got some news for you. Daemon is in the real world. Clowmon, Rosemon, ZChaosmon, and MagnaAngelicmon are fighting him. Wait here while I go find Kuzuhamon. Mummymon: How will the portal stay open? Kinesismon: Sundiatamon is holding it open. Be right back. (runs off again) Kuzuhamon: *sigh* Great, now I lost Daemon, and my "friends." At least I got what I wanted, to be left alone... (Kinesismon appears) Kinesismon: Come on, let's go to the real world! Kuzuhamon: Why? Kinesismon: No time to explain. Let's go. (grabs Kuzuhamon and runs off to where Mummymon and Dratarmon are) OK, found Kuzuhamon. Let's go. (they run off again) Mummymon: Wait for us! Kinesismon: Darn, I can't carry all three of you at the same time! :idea: Oh wait... yes, I can! (uses a Psychic Storm, which grabs Mummymon, Dratarmon, and Kuzuhamon like a magic carpet)(to herself) Well, the only way to get there now is to fly... Sundiatamon: Come on... I'm getting tired of trying to keep this portal open... I'm almost out of power... hurry up, Kinesismon...
  15. Hunter: Do you know a boy by the name of Ben Kei? Heidi: Ummm... yeah. He got expelled, I heard. Hunter: Yeah, well... HE'S MY SON!!! And it was because of YOU that he got expelled! Heidi: So, lemme guess... you're going to kill me? Hunter: EXACTLY. Sam: Oh no you don't. You're not killing my best friend. Hunter: We'll see about that. (fires a crystal beam at Sam; she and Sailor Rainbow are trapped in the crystal orb) Heidi: Darn! I wish I were a Sailor Scout! Ummm... wow, that hunter looks like he's made of ice. I wonder... :idea: (finds two sticks and ruvs them together; the sticks catch on fire) All right! Hunter: Ha, what powers do you have? You're not even a Sailor Scout! Heidi: Yeah but at least I'm smarter than all the Sailor Scouts put together! Sailor Rainbow: I don't know about that, Ms. :genius:. Heidi: :genius:? Did I say that? (walks up to Hunter and touches hom with the burning stick) Hunter: :flaming:!!!!!! HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT!!! (melts into a puddle) Heidi: Wow, it's... over. That's funny... I'm no Sailor Scout... Sam: Yeah but at least you saved us, you little :genius:! Now how did you know he was made of ice? Heidi: Hmmm...
  16. Well, here are the lyrics to my song "Aqua" [COLOR=teal]It's like a rainbow Coming up in the sky It's like a fountain Sparkles in the sunshine So now let us wander off We now got wings to fly It's pouring rain a mile away There's a rainbow in the sky But do you know what my favorite color of the rainbow is? At least you gotta try Magenta's first, but there's something else It's blue and green, that's why It's called... *chorus* Aqua The colors of the rainbow, a pretty sight It's called aqua The time, the change, the color of our life So if you love me so Why don't you tell me so I know? It's an aqua promise of steel But let's try to keep it real It's my favorite hue But it means so much to you I know when I care It means going everywhere But do you know what the color of our love should be? At least you gotta know Yellow is first, but there's something else It's blue and green, let's go It's called... (repeat chorus) It's called aqua La la la la la la la Aqua La la la la la la la Ooooooohh... (repeat chorus) It's the rainbow A range of colors, the pure delights It's the rainbow But the best color of all is called... (repeat chorus twice) Rainbows are a pretty sight The color of life It's called aqua Oooooooohh... Aqua La la la la la la la[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And that's it! Cool, huh? ;)
  17. Imp

    The Elementals

    Cadet: La dee da la dee dee I am a Japanese bunny... La dee da la dee dee I am a Japanese bunny... My name is Taikura. Let the bunny spirit within me come out and shine its rainbow light. (turns into Taikura) Taikura: Hmmm... (sees Uthwine) Uh... who are you? Uthwine: Don't worry, little bunny, I'm not your enemy. Taikura: Oh. (runs away on her own) Uthwine: What a strange bunny. Taikura: (is practicing her attacks) Ahhh, this looks like a peaceful place... zap zap zappity zap the light sparks from my staff... they sure look pretty... *sigh* life is good. Really good. Ahhh...
  18. Imp

    The Elementals

    ok I'll either change my element to wind or light.
  19. :demon:: Hahahaha. If I keep creating these fake crystals, I can fool them completely! Especially Masuket! Now she has two fake crystals! I wonder where the real ones are... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Masuket: OK now where to? (:demon: appears) :demon:: Looking for this? (holds up the Life Crystal) Masuket: Hmph. That one's a fake. :demon:: Of course. :blush: Well, you're going to die before you get it! (if fires a thunderbolt at Masuketif ; Masuket :faint:s) Quatre: Masuket are you OK? Lauren: Why is :demon: after Masuket and not the rest of us? Alti: Maybe he thinks the crystals Masuket has are real. Or one of them is. Quatre: Nah I bet he knows they are fake. (a flame appears and burns :demon: ) :demon:: (faints and bets up again) Alright, Masuket, prepare to die. (fires another thunderbolt at Masuket) Masuket: (faints) Why... are... you... attacking... me?... OK, :demon:, take these! (gives him the fake crystals) :demon:: I'm not falling for that. Those crystals are fake. Masuket: THEN WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING ME AND NOT ANYONE ELSE??? (uses the power of life to heal herself) (a cold breeze sorrounds :demon: ) What's the matter? Are you cold? Alti: *shiver* We are! :nervous: Masuket: :whoops: (the breeze stops) Sorry. (shoots a few icicles at :demon:; he is frozen solid)Whew, at least he isn't fiery like :devil: was! OK, now let's find those crystals! :demon:: Wait... (starts zapping the ice; it is slowly melting...)I
  20. Ooc: Are you ignoring my posts? Dratarmon was free already, Blanko! What portal, Schratn? And I thought Daemon was being followed by Kinesismon (or vice-versa)! Ic: Daemon: So, Kinesismon, you have the Spirit Stone. Hmmm... Kinesismon: If you think you're going to steal it from me, that's not going to happen. Daemon: You're the one who stole it from me! Kinesismon: I didn't steal it; it suddenly appeared... Daemon: (attacks Kinesismon) GIVE ME THE STONE!!! Kinesismon: :faint: if The stone... where is the... DAEMON!!! You have it! Daemon: :haha:! (runs away again) Kinesismon: Oh no you don't. PSYCHIC STORM!!! (the attack hits Daemon and stops him from running away) Daemon: :mad: Now what? Kinesismon: (prepares another Psychic Storm) Now, I'll take that stone back. :smirk: (Daemon is hit again) Alright. (picks up the stone) Now I'll go back to where my friends are. (goes back to where Clowmon, Sundiatamon, and ZChaosmon are) Clowmon: Welcome back, Kinesismon. Where to next? Sundiatamon: Let me guess... to find Daemon? Kinesismon: Nope, we stay right here. Daemon is after us. I found the Spirit stone, and he wants it. Alright, everybody, stay in your mega or magna forms! He's coming!!! Clowmon: (uses Card Spell to create Sakuyamon, Gallantmon, and MegaGargomon) I'm ready. Sundiatamon: (to Clowmon) I wonder where MagnaAngelicmon, Dratarmon, Kuzuhamon, and Mummymon are... Clowmon: I have no clue. Maybe Kinesismon would know... Sundiatamon: (to herself) Yeah, she seems to know everything. Kinesismon: MagnaAngelicmon is with Daemon. Mummymon and Kuzuhamon are talking about Dratarmon and how he helped us. Dratarmon is with them too. *gasp* Uh-oh; Daemon's here!
  21. Imp

    Hated Music

    I like punk. What I don't like is rap. Most rap songs don't have much of a tune to them, but then there are some rap songs that do. One of my favorite songs is a rap song!!! (I like almost every song sung by Eve) hee hee hee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh great, now I can't get the song "Who's That Girl?" out of my head...
  22. Heidi: Wow, that was a weird day. Sam: It seems that every school day is weird. Heidi: (sees Nati walking out) *gasp* Nati! You were sent to the principal's office too! What happened? Why did you get sent to him? Are you in trouble? What will the consequences be? Why did you do what you did? (asks a zillion more questions) Nati: Whoa, slow down! :confused: There's no time to explain, except I got in trouble for glowing. (walks away) Heidi: Glowing? Hmm... well, she is a sailor scout... I wish I were a Sailor Scout... Well, goodbye, Sam. Sam: Bye. Heidi: (five hours later, at bedtime) (sits in her bed and looks at the stars throught her window) Being a Sailor Scout sounds like the greatest gift there is. But what kinds of powers do I have? None! Oh well... Almost all of my friends are Sailor Scouts, including my best friend Sam! I feel so lonely, like I never want to be her friend again... Star light star bright, first star I see tonight... I wish I may, I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight... I wish, simply, as the one thing I want over anything else in this magical world is... To become a Sailor Scout. (sings a lullaby which puts herself to sleep) :sleep:
  23. Masuket: *sigh* Well, that's over. (a shiny object appears in front of her) What is this? Is this the Life Crystal? :excited: I hope it's not another fake!!! (looks at the crystal closely) Hmm... Alti: (runs over to see what has happened) Is that the :devil: I saw earlier? Masuket: :devil:? He looks like a snowman!!! :laugh: Quatre: Yeah, thanks to you. Hey, is that the Life Crystal?!? Masuket: I don't know; it might be fake... I have a fake one right here. (takes out the decoy) Lauren: Hmm... (examines the two crystals closely) I don't know. (hands the crystals back to Masuket) The question is, how do we find out if they are real. Masuket: Leave that to me. Be right back. (flies past the forest into the plains) Aurora (the ice bunny), come to me. I summon you and all the powers of life!!! (nothing happens) Hmmm... either I summoned the wrong thing or the crystal is fake. Which one? :confuse2: (flies back to the volcano) (to herself) I just don't get it...
  24. Sundiatamon: (looks behind her) Where's Kuzuhamon? Dont' tell me she disappeared again! Kinesismon: It appears she has gone with Mummymon to... to help save Dratarmon from Daemon? Clowmon: I thought he was our enemy! Kinesismon: Not anymore. Follow me. ZChaosmon: Oh great. Not again. MagnaAngelicmon: Look! Over there! (sees Dratarmon; he is about to die) Daemon: Never, and I repeat, NEVER insult my power! You shall be sestroyed! Clowmon: (uses her Card Spell attack to create a Sakuyamon, MegaGargomon, and Gallantmon) So, Daemon, we finally found you. Dratarmon: Help...me... *cough* Sundiatamon: I gotta be careful with this... (waves her staff around a bit) Uh... uh... :worried: Kinesismon: (whispers something in Sundiatamon's ear) Sundiatamon: :eek: Not so loud! HYPNOTIC BRAINSTORM!!! (Dratarmon is free and Daemon faints) Daemon: INFIDELS!!! Sakuyamon: SPIRIT STRIKE!!! Mega Gargomon: GARGO MISSILE!!! Gallantmon: LIGHTNING JOUST!!! (the threee attacks combine and hit Daemon) MagnaAngelicmon: Same old strategy, huh? (Daemon faintly gets up and runs away) Daemon: You haven't won yet... (Daemon disappears) Clowmon: Way to go, Kinesismon. (looks around; Kinesismon is gone) Where did Kinesismon go? Kuzuhamon: I think she's following Daemon... Kinesismon: (to herself) Daemon can't escape from me. He's too slow. :haha: I gotta make sure he can't see me, though... (her hat starts to fall off; as she puts it back on, she feels a hard object in it)What is this? (looks at the object closely) Could it be? YES, it is!!! The Spirit Stone!!! (Daemon turns around) Uh-oh, I think he saw me.
  25. Kinesismon: Right this way. Clowmon: Are you sure this is the right way to go? Kinesismon: I don't care as long as we see ZChaosmon and Lillymon and MagnaAngelicmon again! Sundiatamon: THERE THEY ARE!!! or... there he is. Where's Lillymon and MagnaAngelicmon? Clowmon: What is going on here? Sundiatamon: Do you know where Daemon and Mummymon are? ZChaosmon: Uh... I haven't seen them anywhere. Kuzuhamon: We've been dealing with Dratarmon here. Clowmon: Dratarmon? Kinesismon: Kuzuhamon? ZChaosmon? Can you do us a favor? We're looking for Daemon. He's the one that wants the stones. As soon as we can find Gabrielle and Lillymon, we can go find him. ZChaosmon: The question is, where [I]is[/I] Lillymon? Kinesismon: Well, she's apparently trapped in this hole that Kimeramon made. :confuse2: Sundiatamon: You're not making any sense. MagnaAngelicmon: *pant* Come quick! Lillymon is in trouble! Clowmon: ... Let's go! Mummymon: Give me the earth stone! Lillymon: I don't have it! Mummymon: Then WHO DOES??? Kinesismon: (hits herself on the head) What was I thinking? I thought Lillymon was still trapped... :whoops: Anyway, Mummymon, Lillymon's right. She doesn't have the stone. Mummymon: We'll see about that. (attempts to attack Kinesismon) Kinesismon: DARK MIND ATTACK!!! (Lillymon is free) Sorry, Mummymon, you'll have to be gone for good this time. (attacks Mummymon again; this time he dies; Kinesismon absorbs his data) Clowmon: What are you doing? You were supposed to ask where Daemon is! Kinesismon: I already know where he is! :rolleyes: ZChaosmon: You did? Then, TAKE US THERE!!! Kinesismon: OK. I was waiting for the whole group to arrive. So lets all Digivolve to our highest possible level! Lillymon: LILLYMON BIOMERGE TO... ROSEMON!!! Kinesismon: OK, that was quick. MagnaAngelicmon: So where is Daemon? Kinesismon: Just follow me. Sundiatamon: (her ears twitch)Uh, Kinesismon... I think someone is foll... Kinesismon: Yes, I know. Someone is following us, and I bet it's Dratarmon...
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