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Everything posted by Imp

  1. One of my other FicPokemon is Myodra. She resembles Charizard except she's purplish in color. Her tail is very long, and it has pink diamond-shaped scales on it. It ends with a flame on the tail, but the flame is blue, not red. Myodra is approximately 20 feet long and weighs about 250 pounds. She is a Dragon/Psychic-type Pokemon, but she can learn Ice, Fire, Water, and Electric attacks as well. She's pretty good at physical attacks too! Of course, Special Attack is her highest stat. Next is Speed, then Attack, then HP, Defense, and Special Defense, which are about the same. Her unevolved form (Emagna) is like a Dragon version of Magikarp. She's just as weak as Magikarp is. The only difference is she can learn Pound instead of Tackle. At level 30, she evolves into either Swordra, Neondra, or Myodra. Hee hee... That's it for that Pokemon. Keep checking back for more!!! ;)
  2. Imp

    Gym Leaders

    How easily did YOU beat the Elite Four? Who was the easiest to beat? Think about it a bit and post your answer here! :) Here's how easily I beat the Elite Four: [U]Yellow:[/U] Bruno was the easiest. I kicked his :butthead: with Butterfree and Alakazam. Vaporeon helped too. [U]Silver:[/U] Koga was the easiest. Magmar beat Forretress, and my psychics beat the rest. :rotflmao: [U]Gold:[/U] Koga was the easiest. My fire Pokemon easily beat Venomoth and Forretress. :flaming: Alakazam was a big help in the battle. [U]Crystal:[/U] Bruno was the easiest. I had a ghost and three psychics on my team, but Feraligatr :frog: creamed Onix. :nono: :stupid: :ball:Well, that's it. The Elite 4 is different in G/S/C. R/B/Y has Lorelei, Bruno, Agatha, and Lance. G/S/C has Will, Koga, Bruno, and Karen. By the way, be sure to visit my other thread (Gym Leaders). It's practically the same as this thread except it's about the gym leaders, not the Elite Four. See ya later!:ball: [color=blue][size=1]I merged your Elite Four thread with this one since it was pretty much the same thing. -Lady K[/color][/size]
  3. Yeah, just flip switch 1, then 2, then 3! :laugh:
  4. Imp

    Ratings please

    I don't really know what to say about both of the teams you asked to be rated. I have a lot of Psychic-type Pokemon on my team. I agree with the idea of adding a Hypno to the first team. I have one in Silver and Crystal! They're slow, but powerful. They don't need physical attacks, however. I have one that knows Psychic, Ice Punch, Hypnosis, and Dream Eater. If you're gonna add a Hypno to your team, it should know the Hypnosis/Dream Eater combo. Hypno is a Hypnosis Pokemon, so duh! :sleep: :therock: :o :tasty: :confused: The second team has quite a few psychics, not that you should get rid of one of them. I have three psychics on my team, but they are Alakazam, Hypno, and Lugia. Xatu is another good Pokemon. If you could put up with the hard work of evolving a Dratini into Dragonair and then Dragonite, I heard Dragonite is a good Pokemon. Tyranitar is, too! These are just rumors, so you don't have to get one. However they are killer teams--both of them are!! :demon:
  5. Yeti? Who's Yeti? Is it a Pokemon or something else? :whoops: Here's another one of my ficPokemon. Her name is Gentu. She's a cat Pokemon. She resembles Nefertimon except she's hot pink and aqua in color. She's a legendary Pokemon but appears very often in the wild. In an episode I made up, Brock falls in love with Gentu, and Gentu carries him to this pretty girl (sorry, Brock; it's not a Nurse Joy or Officer Jenny!) and he falls in love with her. I forgot her name, but she appeared in an earlier episode. She's the trainer with the Azumarill that does a show with using its water gun in a fancy way. I guess Gentu has the ability to make people fall in love. :love: Gentu is a Psychic-type Pokemon and is Pokemon #396. :) I have lots more ficPokemon; keep checking back for more!!
  6. Imp


    HUH?! I never heard of that trick, but it sounds cool! :)
  7. Imp


    Yep, Magikarp and Dratini are in the same egg group, so they will make an egg! It's probably not a good idea to breed a Ditto with a female Pokemon, since you can't get any egg moves for the baby. Sometimes the baby can be born with the exact same moves as its parents! For example, I once breeded a female Mr. Mime with a male Hypno, and my Hypno's attacks were Psychic, Hypnosis, Ice Punch, and Dream Eater. The Mr. Mime that hatched out of the egg knew the exact same attacs as Hypno did! Cool! :) :laugh: :toothy: :tasty:
  8. Imp

    Rate My Team

    Nice teams! I have four teams(Yellow, Silver, Gold, and Crystal). I posted them on a thread just incase you want to rate them. It's kinda weird that Alakazam is my best Pokemon in all four of the games. I'm gonna make them forget Flash and learn Strength. Maybe one of them can learn Seismic Toss. In Silver and Crystal, I beat the game. My Pokemon are around level 60, and my highest level Pokemon is a level 74 Alakazam in Crystal. Just incase my thread isn't there anymore, here are my best Pokemon: Yellow: Alakazam (L46) Attacks: Psychic, Ice Punch, Thunderpunch, Recover Zapdos (L50) Attacks: Thundershock, Drill Peck, Thunder, Sky Attack Butterfree (L45) Attacks: Psychic, Sleep Powder, Mega Drain, Solarbeam Vaporeon (L45) Attacks: Surf, Ice Beam, Bite, Haze Pikachu (L45) Attacks: Thunderbolt, Thunder, Flash, Mega Kick Nidoking (L46) Attacks: Bubblebeam, Body Slam, Horn Drill, Fire Blast Silver: Alakazam (L65) Attacks: Psychic, Thunderpunch, Flash, Recover Item: Magnet Hypno (L69) Attacks: Psychic, Hypnosis, Ice Punch, Dream Eater Item: Nevermeltice Misdreavus (L66) Attacks: Confuse Ray, Perish Song, Psychic, Pain Split Item: Focus Band Lugia (L60) Attacks: Aeroblast, Surf, Fly, Hydro Pump Item: Sharp Beak Magmar (L60) Attacks: Strength, Psychic, Flamethrower, Fire Blast Item: Charcoal Meganium (L60) Attacks: Body Slam, Solarbeam, Razor Leaf, Cut Item: Miracle Seed Gold: Alakazam (L57) Attacks: Psychic, Thunderpunch, Flash, Recover Item: Magnet Starmie (L50) Attacks: Surf, Psychic, Zap Cannon, Recover Item: Mystic Water Machamp (L48) Attacks: Vital Throw, Strength, Dig, Cross Chop Item: Black Belt Butterfree (L46) Attacks: Psychic, Sleep Powder, Sunny Day, Solarbeam Item: Miracle Seed Ho-oh (L48) Attacks: Sacred Fire, Fly, Dragonbreath, Fire Blast Item: Sacred Ash Typhlosion (L48) Attacks: Flame Wheel, Rollout, Iron Tail, Cut Item: Charcoal Crystal: Alakazam (L74) Attacks: Psychic, Thunderpunch, Flash, Psybeam Item: Twistedspoon Hypno (L70) Attacks: Psychic, Hypnosis, Ice Punch, Dream Eater Item: Quick Claw Steelix (L68) Attacks: Iron Tail, Strength, Crunch, Earthquake Item: Blackglasses Feraligatr (L65) Attacks: Cut, Ice Punch, Surf, Hydro Pump Item: Mystic Water Xatu (L56) Attacks: Solarbeam, Fly, Psychic, Sunny Day Item: Sharp Beak Gengar (L53) Attacks: Hypnosis, Fire Punch, Dream Eater, Shadow Ball Item: Spell Tag Well, that's it! All the other teams are good, except one team has too many Lugias. Please exchange five of your Lugias for other Pokemon. :) :(
  9. I actually created 149 Pokemon in all to make the number of Pokemon 400 altogether. A lot of them are either Grass, Water, or Psychic-type. None of them are actually perfect, though. One of the Pokemon I created is Serpenti. He looks more like a Powerpuff Girl than a snake, though. He is a Psychic/Dark-type, and has a crystal blue cape and the same color hat with a pink star on it. His eyes look cute, sort of like the eyes that Jigglypuff has, but they are actually eyelids covering a set of gray eyes with yellowish green pupils. If you look into those eyes, you will automatically become fully paralyzed for a week (you could probably guess that Serpenti can learn Glare). Some of the Pokemon i created evolve from the Pokemon that already exist. Petalbloom evolves from Vileplume, Machu evolves into Machop, Chansecond evolves from Blissey, Nowun evolves fron Unown, Coppy evolves from Ditto, Dreemist evolves from Hypno, Starwee evolves from Starmie, Hatu evolves from Xatu, Flaurela evolves from Tangela, Cheepchi evolves from Togetic, Viceroyal evolves from Venomoth, Marilliza evolves from Azumarill, Dodolo evolves into Doduo, Psyledia evolves from Ledian, Falcry evolves from Fearow, Xylo evolves from Ariados, Chinchai evolves into Chinchou, Clefantasy evolves from Clefable, Tigglykuff evolves from Wigglytuff, and Patacata evolves from Misdreavus. There are too many to list... lol :bawl:
  10. Are you kidding? The Ice Path is not easy to get lost in! Try moving around a bit and moving some boulders around. It's a lot easier to get lost in the Whirl Islands. :laugh:
  11. Of course, Mewtwo can't be found in the wild in G/S/C. There's no Misdreavus in R/B/Y! No Dark Pokemon either!!! Ghost attacks don't work on Psychic Pokemon in R/B/Y. Mewtwo is DEFINITELY easier to beat in G/S/C. You should also use level 100 Pokemon, or 80 is fine. The Mewtwo in R/B/Y is at level 70. It knows Psychic and Recover; I forget which other attacks it knows. You can use Ice Pokemon (preferrably Jynx); if they know Ice attacks, they might freeze Mewtwo. Then he can't battle!!! I was once battling my friend who had a L100 Mewtwo, and I freezed him. Then I beat all the other Pokemon (including a level 100 Mew!), and the only Pokemon my friend had left was the frozen Mewtwo. He had to quit the battle because my level 50 Pikachu just barely had enough Power Points for Thunderbolt, all of which did little damage to Mewtwo. :laugh: He was surprised when I won! My highest level Pokemon was a level 74 Hypno!!!
  12. Your Pokemon are at fairly low levels, so you should be fine right now. I can just about see you as a Pokemon Master later on in the future. Your Pokemon will be like this: Alakazam (L100) Attacks: Psychic, Recover, Seismic Toss, Psybeam Charizard (L100) Attacks: Slash, Dig, Flamethrower, Fire Blast Pikachu (L100) Attacks: Thunder, Body Slam, Thunderbolt, Submission Blastoise (L100) Attacks: Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam Venusaur (L100) Attacks: Solarbeam, Cut, Sleep Powder, Razor Leaf Pidgeot (L100) Attacks: Double Edge, Sky Attack, Fly, Mirror Move :ball: :eek: Geez, I didn't know I could predict things like this!!! :eek: :ball:
  13. I JUST LOOOOOOVE PSYCHIC-TYPE POKEMON!!! In Silver and Crystal, I have three psychics as best Pokemon. I am planning to have a team with just psychics--that would brobably be: Alakazam Hypno Xatu Espeon Mewtwo Lugia Cool, huh? I can't really see why Sabrina is referred to as "The Master of Psychic Pokemon." That's me, not her. Mr. Mime sucks--BIG TIME!!! Ha! You don't need telekinetic powers in order to control psychic Pokemon! (I heard that in the episode "Abra and the Psychic Showdown") Who knows? Maybe I have them, too... (finds a spoon and bends it by just looking at it) Eek!!!
  14. Imp


    Oh, that unevolved form of Wobbuffet is cute! It reminds me of a Pokemon I created. Her name is Patacata (she is always female, like Miltank). She is the evolved form of Misdreavus, and looks sort of like her except she has a body, plus a green necklace instead of a red one. She's SOOOOOOO cute!!! :tasty: Too bad I don't have a picture of her :( I do, however, have a picture of another Pokemon I created; her name is Chiiblue. I have a picture of her; the link is below this message. Altogether I created 149 Pokemon. Cool, huh? By the way, SS, the unevolved form of Quagsire is Wooper. He looks like that Wobbuffet form with fishbones sticking out of his head. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oops! Forgot the picture. Here it is: [IMG]http://C:\Documents and Settings\Rebecca\My Documents\ My Pictures\Blue.bmp[/IMG] [color=indigo]Combined your double post... If you want to add something, use the edit button down in the bottom-right corner of the post... That's what it's for! And you can't link to something on your hard drive. If you want to show a picture but it's not on the web, you can attach it to your post. - Desbreko[/color]
  15. Nah, I don't want you to do any cheats. I did that before and my game was deleted. Also, Mewtwo can't be found in G/S/C. Only R/B/Y. I defeated Mewtwo in Yellow with these Pokemon: Hypno, Butterfree, Dodrio, Pikachu, Dewgong, and Seadra. However, the Pokemon I think you should use are as follows: Use a lot of Psychic Pokemon. Mewtwo's psychic attacks won't affect them. Just make sure they know non-psychic attacks. Ghost Pokemon are NOT a good choice, since the only Ghost Pokemon in R/B/Y are Gasly, Haunter, and Gengar. All of them are Poison-type, and Poison Pokemon are weak against psychic attacks. Also, Ghost attacks do not affect Psychic Pokemon. They do in G/S/C, however. Some good Pokemon to use are Alakazam, Starmie, and Hypno. Make sure Hypno knows Hypnosis. Also make sure Starmie knows a powerful water attack such as Hydro Pump. Exeggutor with a grass attack (and Hypnosis or Sleep Powder) will also work. Don't use Slowbro though. Good luck!
  16. I once heard my friend talking about that episode. She also said that the glow in Porygon's eyes hurts your eyes if you are sitting too close to the TV. The part about the explosion does sound dangerous, but when I watch TV, I sit about twenty feet or so from the screen. I don't know whether it'll do any damage when I see it.
  17. Imp


    Here's how to catch them: Lugia: Go to Whirl Islands, and enter the northeast island. Go up and to the right, go to the ladder, walk along to the next ladder, and then you will need to surf. Go right and down the waterfall, then go left, then up, and you will enter another cave. That is Lugia's Chamber. Surf up and you will find Lugia. NOTE: Be sure to bring an Escape Rope or a Pokemon that knows Dig! I went down there without bringing either, and I couldn't escape! Everywhere I went was a dead end! :bawl: I had to fight Lugia and lose to him in order to escape! I saved there too! NOTE: You will need a Silver Wing and a Pokemon with Flash in order to find your way through the cave and battle Lugia. If Lugia doesn't appear in the chamber, get a Silver Wing. Ho-oh: Go to the Tin Tower. Then go up all the way to the top. Ho-oh will be waiting on the roof. NOTE: You will need a Rainbow Wing in order to get past the first floor of the tower. NOTE: I don't know the way through the mazes in the Tin Tower, so you will have to figure that out yourself! :) I hope this advice helps you. Don't forget to bring lots of balls!
  18. Oh. That's weird--I caught a Lapras with a friend ball, and Lapras can't evolve by tameness... :(
  19. NOT FAIR!!! I LIKE THOSE PSYCHIC POKEMON!!! It's just that the moves you taight your Pokemon are not the best thing. Psychics can actually beat Dark Pokemon sometimes. For example, if you have an Alakazam that knows Thunderpunch, it could easily KO a Murkrow. A Pokemon like Hypno could beat Umbreon by putting it to sleep and then using a non-psychic attack such as Ice Punch. No wonder I could easily beat Karen with three Psychics on my team! :laugh:
  20. :rolleyes: I can't believe how lucky your brother got! I was once battling a wild level 13 Yanma. I got it down to 1HP and put it to sleep. Then I used a Friend ball on it, and it didn't work. I used two more friend balls, and they didn't work either! That was really unlucky! I once caught a wild Lapras using a Friend Ball. I also caught Unown and Zubat that way. :bawl: Why do I have to be the unlucky cat...
  21. Just to let you know, Surf's power is 95, and Hydro Pump's power is 120.
  22. Another opinion: Either Espeon or Mewtwo should learn some other attacks--you don't want to have two Pokemon with the same attacks. However, Mew is perfect--you shouldn't change that one! Just to let you know, two of my Pokemon teams have three Psychics on it, so don't worry if you have four. Psychic-type Pokemon are the best!!!
  23. Just to let you know, in Yellow, my Alakazam forgot Flash and learned Seismic Toss. Oops! I mean Crystal, not Yellow. [size=1][COLOR=deeppink]Combined your posts. Next time you want to add something, hit the edit button.[/COLOR][/size]
  24. Imp


    Unowns are cool. I created an evolved form of Unown; its name is Nowun. There are 26 different kinds of them, just like Unown, but they can learn Pstchic, Metronome, Future Sight, and other moves besides Hidden Power.
  25. Imp

    Gym Leaders

    Were the gym leaders you battled hard or easy? What Pokemon did you use to beat them? Did you lose to any of them? Here are my experiences with the gym leaders: Difficulty scale: :laugh: so easy I died laughing :bellylol: sort of easy :p so-so :nope: sort of hard :faint: so hard I almost fainted Yellow: Brock: :;laugh: Easy. I just used my Butterfree and it defeated Geodude and Onix with Confusion. Misty: :;laugh: This one was easy because in yellow, you start out with Pikachu, which is good against water Pokemon. I didn't even need Bellsprout or Oddish! Lt. Surge: :;laugh: This was so easy I can't believe it! Lt. Surge only has a Raichu, and I beat it easily with a Diglett. One Dig and it fainted! Erika: :;bellylol: I don't know why I didn't use Charmeleon, but I did use Golbat! He KO'd all three Pokemon by using Leech Life. Koga: :;faint: Actually, Koga was hard to beat. Especially Venomoth. I lost once to him. On the second try, Pikachu barely beat his Venomoth with a Quick Attack. Sabrina: :;faint: Hard, very hard. Abra was an easy opponent, but Kadabra KOd four of my Pokemon with a Psychic attack. Vaporeon beat him but then lost to Alakazam. Then all my Pokemon fainted. On the second try, Golbat barely beat Alakazam by using Confuse Ray and then Wing Attack. Weird--Golbat is a Poison-type! Blaine: :;bellylol: Easy; I just used my Vaporeon. Giovanni: :P Butterfree and Vaporeon did fairly well in the battle, and my Nidoking did okay against Nidoqueen. All three Pokemon worked together to defeat him. Silver: Falkner: :P My Geodude beat him pretty easily. Bugsy: :;bellylol: Again, my Geodude did all the work. Whitney: :;faint: Five of my Pokemon lost to Miltank, but Geodude barely beat her and only had 3HP left! I definitely needed a Pokemon Center after that battle! Morty: :;bellylol: Pretty easy--Kadabra and Drowzee were good against Morty's ghosts. Chuck: :;laugh: I beat him so easily with Hypno that I rolled on the floor laughing! Jasmine: :;nope: Hard. I lost to her on the first try, but my Gyarados beat her later. Pryce: :;bellylol: Magmar and Kadabra were good there--Gyarados beat Piloswine like he was nothing! Clair: :;nope: Clair was pretty hard, but when Kadabra beat Kingdra, my spirits lifted. Lt. Surge: :;laugh: Easy--electric attacks didn't affect my Graveler! Sabrina: :;laugh: Sabrina was surprisingly easy to beat--my Lugia KO'd all three of her Pokemon with an Aeroblast. Erika: :;laugh: My Magmar beat all her Pokemon so easily that I can't really describe the battle. Janine: :;laugh: Easy, easy, easy. Janine's Pokemon's levels were in the 30s! Blaine: :;bellylol: I didn't have Gyarados with me, but Lugia did perfectly well. Graveler was good too. Blue: :;faint: Dang, Blue is hard to beat! I lost to him once! My Pokemon had to work together to beat him. Misty: :;laugh: I didn't find Misty after a while, but when I did, I creamed her Pokemon with my Meganium! Kadabra helped as well. Gold: Falkner: :bellylol: I used my Pidgey, and he beat Falkner's Pidgeotto quite easily! Bugsy: :laugh: Good thing I chose Cyndaquil! Cyndaquil beat all of Bugsy's Pokemon easily. Whitney: :faint: Same problem as Silver. I lost to Whitney twice, but on the third try, I beat her with my Machop. Morty: :bellylol: I couldn't use my Machop, so Kadabra had to finish the battle all by himself. Chuck: :bellylol: Chuck was easy; Pidgeotto beat his Poliwrath because Poliwrath's Dynamicpunch kept missing. I didn't even have to use Kadabra! Jasmine: :faint: Jasmine was HARD! After losing to her, I evolved my Machop. That worked--Machoke beat Steelix on the second try! Pryce: :bellylol: Easy--Quilava and Kadabra beat him easily. Clair: :faint: I lost to Clair three times! After that, I beat her with my Butterfree. Lt. Surge: :laugh: Golem beat him easily. Sabrina: :nope: Sabrina was hard to beat! Four of my Pokemon lost to Espeon, but Ho-oh and Alakazam beat her other two Pokemon. Erika: :laugh: Grass Pokemon were no match for my Typhlosion! Alakazam also helped. Janine: :laugh: Silver was right--Janine is easy to beat! It's so easy I can't describe the battle! Misty: :bellylol: Even though I had two fire Pokemon, Misty was easy. Butterfree starred in this battle. Blaine: :bellylol: I had to fight fire with fire against Magmar (I used Typhlosion) when my Starmie fainted, but Starmie beat his other two Pokemon. Brock: :laugh: Starmie, Alakazam, and Butterfree beat all of Brock's rocky Pokemon with a single attack. Blue: :nope: Blue was hard! I lost to him but beat him the same way Silver did. Crystal: Falkner: :P In the middle of the battle, Onix disobeyed my orders, so I had to beat Pidgeotto with my Totodile. Bugsy: :P Onix still wasn't listening. Hoothoot and Spinarak managed to defeat Scyther. Whitney: :P I was really surprised by this battle! Gastly beat both of her Pokemon, even though the battle with Miltank took forever. Morty: :laugh: The Alakazam I got in a trade was a big help in this battle. Gengar didn't even have a chance to use Shadow Ball! Chuck: :bellylol: WHAT?! Alakazam lost to Poliwrath? That's impossible! How can a Psychic lose to a Fighter? Even though Alakazam fainted, Drowzee and Gastly beat Chuck's Pokemon easily. They both evolved right after the battle, quite amazingly. Jasmine: :bellylol: Would you look at that? I got Gold's Ho-oh in a trade to use temporarily during the battle, but I didn't need him! Steelix and Feraligatr beat all three Pokemon easily! Pryce: :bellylol: Alakazam and Feraligatr were good against all three Pokemon; no wonder I won so easily! Clair: :P My Pokemon had to work together to beat Clair's Dragons; Feraligatr and Hypno both knew Ice Punch! Lt. Surge: :laugh: You should have seen the look on Lt. Surge's face when my Steelix came out! Sabrina: :P This battle was so-so; Steelix didn't do too well, but Hypno beat her first two Pokemon quite easily. I even used my Alakazam against her Alakazam, and mine won! They were at the exact same level too! Erika: :laugh: Erika was easy--I just used Xatu and all was well. Janine: :laugh: Easy--I used a different Pokemon every time one of Janine's Pokemon fainted. Blaine: :laugh: My Feraligatr squashed Blaine's fiery Pokemon like little bugs! Brock: :P My Xatu used Solarbeam to KO Brock's first three Pokemon but then lost to Kabutops. Alakazam had to finish the battle. Misty: :bellylol: Misty was easy--Xatu's Solarbeam and Alakazam's Thunderpunch did the trick. Blue: :nope: Blue was hard to beat, but we came through. Steelix almost beat Pidgeot but then got hit by a Whirlwind. My Feraligatr popped out, and just barely beat him. Then he lost to Alakazam. My Alakazam just barely beat Blue's Alakazam, but then lost to Gyarados. Hypno came out and beat Gyarados. Then she beat Arcanine and Rhydon. I switched to Xatu and beat Exeggutor with him. The battle was over, and we completed our record of never losing to a single gym leader. The ONLY battle I ever lost in Crystal (besides the Battle Tower; I lost there many times) was to Karen, the fourth member of the Elite Four.
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