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Everything posted by Imp

  1. Did YOU catch any alternate-color Pokemon (e.g. red Gyarados) lately? If so, tell me which one(s)! In Crystal, I have a blue Unown (I). What do you have?
  2. Thanks for rating my Pokemon. Here's what I am planning to change: Yellow: I'm planning to put a Gengar or something on my team, or I can put another Psychic, such as Hypno. Actually, my Nidoking is not really slow; I just need to get him to a higher level so he could use Horn Drill on the Elite Four. Silver: Here I have some high-level Pokemon, but they do have problems. Lugia has a dilemma with his attacks. Should I make him learn Psychic? If so, should he forget Fly? Yeah, I think Meganium should learn Sunny Day, but he might be too slow for that combo. Good thing he has high Defense! Gold: I can never find a TM for Thunder! If I do, I'll teach it to Starmie. Ho-oh's Dragonbreath attack is not that good, so I'll have to teach him another physical attack (my Earthquake TM is already used). Hmm... Crystal: THIS TEAM IS PERFECT!!! I don't think I should change anything, except Gengar and Xatu should have higher levels. Feraligatr cannot learn Thunderpunch, so he'll have to forget Hidden Power and learn Hydro Pump. I don't have any good TMs like Earthquake to teach him though... As for Steelix, I've been trying to find a lot of Calciums and hopefully increase both of his Special stats. That way, he'll be really good against Psychic Pokemon. All: In all the games, Alakazam is just fine. I could make one of them forget Flash and learn Seismic Toss, but not any real physical attacks. This is because Alakazam has a low Attack stat.
  3. I know exactly how it feels to be sad. (cries) Check out the thread I posted on the lounge just now. We're just two sad people, huh? (actually, I feel more guilty than sad)
  4. What are your favorite Pokemon? Just curious. Nothing personal. Just for fun. Here are my favorite Pokemon: 1. Alakazam 2. Espeon 3. Ninetales 4. Misdreavus 5. Vileplume 6. Venomoth 7. Noctowl 8. Chansey 9. Articuno 10. Sunflora 11. Dragonair 12. Mew 13. Pichu 14. Starmie 15. Hypno Note: Mewtwo, Butterfree, and Zapdos are sooo close to being my favorite Pokemon! :bawl:
  5. Imp


    No; Ditto can't breed with Ditto! If you use a Ditto, try breeding it with a male Pokemon. If you do that, the baby might be born with some of the father's attacks! (I did that and got a Magby with Fire Blast!) Or you can not use a Ditto at all! Beware; some pokemon can only breed with certain Pokemon! If you visit the daycare and talk to your Pokemn and the message says "It has no interest in (Pokemon)" or "It's brimming with energy," you will never find an egg. For example, a Vulpix and a Psyduck left in the daycare at the same time will not make an egg. The pokemon have to resemble each other. You can find more information in Pokemon Stadium 2 as well as other places but I don't know what...
  6. Choose whatever you want. To me, Chikorita isn't so advanced. The first time I played Pokemon Silver, I chose Chikorita. In a later game, I chose Totodile, then Cyndaquil. I'm backwards! :)
  7. [b]Pokémon Crystal[/b] What should I change? Alakazam (L67) Attacks: Psychic, Thunderpunch, Flash, Psybeam Item: Twistedspoon Hypno (L60) Attacks: Psychic, Hypnosis, Ice Punch, Dream Eater Item: Quick Claw Steelix (L58) Attacks: Iron Tail, Strength, Crunch, Earthquake Item: Blackglasses Feraligatr (L56) Attacks: Cut, Ice Punch, Surf, Hidden Power (ground) Item: Mystic Water Xatu (L53) Attacks: Solarbeam, Fly, Psychic, Sunny Day Item: Sharp Beak Gengar (L51) Attacks: Hypnosis, Fire Punch, Dream Eater, Shadow Ball Item: Spell Tag All my Pokemon need to do in order to beat the game is to beat Red. In Gold and Crystal, I have never battled him before. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Pokémon Gold[/b] What should I change? Alakazam (L57) Attacks: Psychic, Thunderpunch, Flash, Recover Item: Magnet Starmie (L50) Attacks: Surf, Psychic, Zap Cannon, Recover Item: Mystic Water Machamp (L46) Attacks: Vital Throw, Strength, Dig, Cross Chop Item: Black Belt Butterfree (L46) Attacks: Sleep Powder, Psychic, Solarbeam, Sunny Day Item: Miracle Seed Ho-oh (L44) Attacks: Sacred Fire, Fly, Dragonbreath, Fire Blast Item: Sacred Ash Typhlosion (L44) Attacks: Cut, Iron Tail, Rollout, Flame Wheel Item: Charcoal All my Pokemon need to do is beat Red. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Pokémon Silver[/b] What should I change? (don't worry if three of my pokemon are Psychic-type; I like that type of Pokemon) Hypno (L69) Attacks: Psychic, Hypnosis, Ice Punch, Dream Eater Item: Nevermeltice Misdreavus (L66) Attacks: Perish Song, Confuse Ray, Psychic, Pain Split Item: Focus Band Alakazam (L65) Attacks: Psychic, Thunderpunch, Flash, Recover Item: Magnet Lugia: (L61) Attacks: Aeroblast, Surf, Fly, Hydro Pump Item: Sharp Beak Magmar (L60) Attacks: Strength, Psychic, Flamethrower, Fire Blast Item: Charcoal Meganium (L60) Attacks: Body Slam, Razor Leaf, Solarbeam, Cut Item: Miracle Seed My Pokemon have already beaten the game, but I'm worried about other battles... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Pokémon Yellow[/b] What should I change? Zapdos (L51) Attacks: Thundershock, Drill Peck, Thunder, Sky Attack Alakazam (L50) Attacks: Psychic, Thunderpunch, Ice Punch, Recover Butterfree (L48) Attacks: Mega Drain, Sleep Powder, Psychic, Solarbeam Nidoking (L46) Attacks: Bubblebeam, Body Slam, Horn Drill, Fire Blast Pikachu (L45) Attacks: Thunderbolt, Thunder, Flash, Mega Kick Vaporeon (L45) Attacks: Surf, Ice Beam, Bite, Haze My Pokemon have beaten the Elite Four, but they lost to my rival. I was soooo close! [color=indigo]All of those threads really should have been in the same thread, so I combined them. If you have multiple teams that you want rated, post them all in the same thread. - Desbreko[/color]
  8. You can't get Mareep until you beat Falkner. Try catching a Bellsprout and trading it for an Onix! Or you can use Gastly; they can put those birdies right to sleep! Or try using your Cyndaquil. You should battle in the Sprout Tower for practice.
  9. DYNAMICPUNCH!! It will work against Rock Pokemon! So what if it doesn't hit all the time?
  10. Here's my rating of your team: Charizard: Take out Ember. It's too weak. Maybe you could teach it Thunderpunch to make it strong against Water Pokemon. Meganium: Good attacks! The only problem is that it won't work against Steel Pokemon... Forretress: Replace Rapid Spin with Defense Curl. That'll double its Rollout power. Lugia: IT SHOULDN"T HAVE FORGOTTEN AEROBLAST!!! Aeroblast is a good attack! Also, Lugia needs an accurate water attack, such as Surf. Lugia is one of those Psychic-type Pokemon that doesn't need any psychic attacks. Ampharos: Zap Cannon is a good attack. Ampharos could, however, learn a Fighting attack such as Dynamicpunch. Lanturn's attacks should be: Rain Dance, Thunder, Spark, and Surf. Yor Pokemon should not be holding balls. Try making them hold berries or move-enhancing items like Magnets, Charcoals, or Mystic Waters. After all, balls can't be used in battle!
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