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OOC: Wow, how I love (fairly) slow-moving RPG's... Almost ten days pass and I don't have to read two pages of posts. IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo]"That Tokomon just Digivolved to... Patamon," Merlin said to himself. "Hey, Patamon! I heard that one of the old Digidestined--TK, I think his name was?--had a Patamon as his partner." "Really?" Tsumemon asked, sounding a little excited. "Yes, I read about them once in an old newspaper I found once. I love digging up those things, for they have the most interesting news about what happened around fifty years ago," Merlin replied. "I heard about them as well," Aesera commented. "I wonder how similar or different our quest will be to theirs...?" "I hope it's very different," Patamon blurted. "I would certainly like a surprise!" "Only fate will tell," Merlin concluded, for after that was a long silence between the four of them. Tsumemon nodded after that, but as he closed his eyes while doing so, he felt a sensation, as if he was being lifted into a space full of sworling data. Energies were spinning around him, and outside he felt bathed in light... And in fact, to Patamon and the two tamers he seemed to be glowing. It was a few seconds later that they all realized what was happening... "Tsumemon Digivolve to..." What looked like a small, dark blue, leafless tree with creepy orange eyes appeared in Tsumemon's place. "...Keramon!" "Hey wait a minute," Merlin noticed as he looked up the information on the new Digimon. "Keramon--and Patamon as well--are both Rookie-level Digimon. I personally haven't seen any Rookie-level Digimon before, at least none I recognized. Is it just me, or have you..." "I never saw any either," Aesera commented. "I'm starting to think that all the Digimon in the Real World are just babies... Other Digimon like Salamon, Guilmon, Agumon, Mushroomon... I've read about them, but I've never seen them in real life." "I wonder if the Digimon there are... afraid to Digivolve?" Merlin guessed. "Why would they not want to get past baby form?" "Either they don't want to or..." Aesera paused at this point when she said this, "...they can't, for some reason or another. "But what could that reason be?" Merlin asked slowly, speaking more to the sky than to Aesera or the two Digimon. Keramon looked at the sky as well, and another long silence followed between the four.[/color]
OOC: All right, finally it started! IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo]Watihala was on the journey west to answer a particular call for help she had received a while past. She had started this journey in the small yet beautiful desert near the eastern side of the land, and ever since that night she had been holding onto the legs of a phoenix made of dark energy--one she had created with one of her more intricate spells. After all, her raven friend Persephone was not big or strong enough to carry Wati all that distance. It was late morning now--the journey had taken a little longer because Watihala needed to rest occasionally. Hanging for six hours was nigh impossible--or painful at least. Persephone was still there, though; she followed Wati along, for the phoenix had been made to nearly match the raven's flight speed. But she was often the cause for breaks too, mostly because she was hungry. Now, Persephone and the phoenix carrying Watihala were flying over the forest, meaning they were very close to their destination: a cave where the druid Ronyo dwelled. It was Ronyo who had called for the other druids' help, as the vampires were becoming more numerous and were beginning to develop rather suspicious plans. It was quite unfortunate that vampires had to drink the blood of living beings to sustain their own; they were quite the bane of predatorhood. At least tigers weren't that vicious and rarely attacked people; the vampires were quite the opposite--in fact, people were their main target. Not even creatures like elephants, which would certainly have more blood, seemed to satisfy them--no, there was something about the more civilized, intelligent beings that made them the vampires' most common victims. Watihala's left arm was aching from holding on to the phoenix's leg, so she switched to her right arm instead. She looked at her now free left arm and saw the cut that was still bleeding a little. Watihala had made this herself a few hours before, just to quench her slight craving for blood. For the past few years, in fact, she had only tasted her own blood, for she had not the heart to impose that burden on others. Anyways, at this point Wati licked the cut again before it healed, smiling slightly afterward. This smile vanished and became a frown of regret afterwards though. As the destination grew closer, Watihala began to feel a little worried. Would the other druids find out that she was half-vampire? If they did, would they turn against her? Who was she really--a friend or foe? [i]Friend,[/i] Wati quickly answered, though she was slightly unsure of herself. [i]For now I shall begin this quest by fighting my hardest, and trying my best to keep this part of my identity hidden. I shall try not to stare at people, particularly into their eyes. I shall try not to talk much, especially not with a big mouth. I shall try to spend as much time alone as possible, but not enough so that it seems suspicious. I shall explain that this cut came from a vampire attack if they ask. I shall try to remain as awake as possible in the afternoon...[/i] Watihala yawned--for indeed she was beginning to feel tired. Full vampires were strictly nocturnal, and even Watihala seemed to be more active at night. [i]...And I shall always cover my mouth when I yawn.[/i] Shortly after finishing these affirmations, Watihala finally landed right outside Ronyo's cave. With a little incantation, the phoenix vanished, and instead Persephone perched atop Wati's shoulder. Then Wati walked up to the door on the right side of the cave and knocked on it. As she waited for an answer, she quickly checked herself over. Fortunately her cut was concealed by the long sleeves of her shirt. "Hello," greeted the half-elf that answered the door. "I take it you have come to help fight the vampires?" "Yes," Watihala answered as carefully as possible. "I have answered that call for help." "Well, for now we just wait for others to arrive," Ronyo explained, still keeping a friendly tone in his voice. "Let us just be glad for now that the forest is as lively and undisturned as ever." "That makes sense," Watihala commented. "Vampires only come out at night." "Well why don't you come on in," Ronyo offered. "...Uh... what's your name?" "Watihala," Watihala answered. "I can go by... Wati... for short though." Wati yawned again while saying this; she was still feeling a tad bit sleepy. "I usually am out and about at night," Watihala explained before Ronyo could comment, "in order to keep a close eye out for the vampires. "We won't really get started until nightfall anyways," Ronyo commented, "so you can rest for a while." Watihala merely nodded as she sat down on a nearby chair. The two would then wait for others to arrive...[/color]
OOC: Just to give you information in advance, I'm currently on a vacation that will last till mid-November, so that means my posting may be slightly less frequent than normal. However, I'm still in this RPG. IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo]After the last speck of the bright orange sun disappeared below the horizon, Merlin got up from the bench he had watched the sunset from. He took one step forward, then remembered Kuramon. "Kura?" The Kuramon was sitting next to the device Merlin had picked up that day. But when Merlin turned back to him, he looked at his tamer and smiled excitedly. "...Is it something about that device?" Merlin asked the little Digimon. "Did you find anything about it?" Kuramon didn't answer, but he attempted to pick up the device with his little hands--but he was only able to lift it up slightly because it was too heavy for him. Luckily, Merlin took this hint: he picked up the strange device and examined it. As he looked over the device a little more, he found a strange object jutting out of the side of the device: a plastic thingy with a strange symbol on it. [i]What is this?[/i] Merlin thought. [i]This is indeed most peculiar...[/i] It was getting late, and soon it would get cold. Therefore, Merlin and Kuramon started to walk back home. The town ahead was pretty empty; maybe everyone had already gone home because the temperature outside was steadily dropping. Also, thick clouds were gathering in the sky; maybe it was about to rain--or worse, snow. In fact, seconds after entering the town, Merlin saw a lightningbolt in the distance. Then two seconds later, Kuramon jumped at the sound of thunder. "Come on Kuramon," Merlin suggested, picking up the little Digimon and walking a little faster towards his house. Soon it began to drizzle, and by the time they had reached their destination, the rain had grown a little heavier. Soon after going inside the house, the pitter patter of the rain was quite loud. A glance out the window showed both very heavy rain and a little hail. The thunder got a little louder as well, but it wasn't earsplitting--just a little scary to poor Kuramon. Merlin finally put Kuramon down onto a coffee table in front of the fireplace. Then he walked over to the fireplace and lit it with a lighter that was sitting atop it. Then he sat down on a nearby sofa as the flames grew bigger. "There, doesn't that feel cozy?" Merlin asked Kuramon. "Kura!!" Kuramon shouted as more thunder sounded. "Don't shiver, it's warm in here," Merlin reassured, holding his hands out so they would get warmed by the fire. But this only lasted for a few moments, for he decided to inspect the device he had found in the woods earlier that day. For the first time, Merlin decided to try out a few buttons. The biggest button showed Kuramon, his Digimon partner. "What is this... a Digidex?" Merlin asked the device. Then he pushed another button. This led to a screen that showed the outline of the symbol on the plastic thingy on the device's side. "Kura, kura," Kuramon said with a delighted nod. "So do you actually think... that this is a digivice?!?" Merlin exclaimed. "But how... These weren't around for such a long time... Am I actually a Digidestined? Are we about to embark on a quest to defeat evil Digimon and restore peace to the Digital World?" "Kura." Kuramon pointed to another spot on the Digivice: a button that Merlin had not pressed yet. After taking a deep breath (thunder louder than ever sounded outside), Merlin pressed the fourth button. This time, a piercing white light came from the Digivice screen, and all Merlin and Kuramon could do was stare into it... A while later, Merlin felt te strange sensation of floating into the air, and all he could see around him was white nothingness. And as soon as that came, Merlin ended up somewhere in the forest. "Don't tell me..." Merlin commented as he looked around (this did not look like the forest near his hometown) "...that we're in the Digital World...?" Merlin wasn't entirely sure where he had ended up, for he did not see any other Digimon around. Unsure of what to do, he looked back at his Digivice and pressed the third button he had tried. Just like before, the screen displayed the text "Searching...", but this time, after a while, an arrow showed up on screen. [i]I guess this means I'm supposed to go that way?[/i] Merlin tentatively followedd the direction of the arrow, which occasionally pointed different ways to lead him through the forest. [i]Where are you taking me?[/i] Finally, Merlin could see a girl and a Tokomon in a clearing in the forest. The girl was holding what looked like another Digivice... But as Merlin wasn't sure, he looked at his own Digivice. To his surprise, the screen showed a small arrow pointing to the girl, and below it the text "Digivice found!" At this Merlin felt a little better, for he was not used to talking to strangers, especially girls. "Well, Kuramon, do you think we should... Huh?" Merlin looked behind him and saw what was not Kuramon but a little blue Digimon with what looked like a clawed hand below its body. "Hello Merlin," the Digimon said. "Remember me? I'm Kuramon! I just--I must have Digivolved!" "Digivolved?" Merlin clarified. "Really... Well, this IS getting interesting. Anyways, uh... whoever you are..." Merlin looked at his Digivice--which had a picture of the new Digimon and the text "Tsumemon" beneath it. "Tsumemon," Merlin confirmed. "I was going to ask you... Should we go talk to that girl? I don't really feel comfortable doing it, but..." "I'll help," Tsumemon offered. And with that, the two walked over to where the girl and the Tokomon were standing. "Hey there Tokomon!" Tsumemon greeted.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: I hope the Digivolution was OK--my Digimon just Digivolved from Baby to In-Training. If not, I can edit that... I'm just tired of having a Digimon that's only able to say his name (as many baby Digimon are). EDIT: Gee, Merlin doesn't even have a computer... so now what?
All right! Very interesting indeed! [color=indigo][u]Name:[/u] Watihala [u]Race:[/u] Half-vampire [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Age:[/u] 24 [u]Appearance:[/u] Watihala has long, straight hair as black as the night sky. This contrasts her bright purple eyes and her quite pale skin. She stands about five feet tall and is quite thin. As for her clothes, she wears a soft purple shirt which has sleeves so long that they only reveal her fingers and a loose collar that reveals her shoulders, plus a long skirt that matches her eyes in color, and a pair of sea green sandals. She also has three rings on each finger, each bearing the crest of a different animal engraved in onyx, sapphire, or amethyst. Around her neck is a necklace with a gold ring at the end, with an aqua circle in the center. Occasionally she may be draped in a velvety silver blue cloak. [u]Personality:[/u] Watihala usually tends to be calm and distant. She's something of a cynic but seems to be quite interested, so to speak, in human thought. In fact, she often atempts to read people's minds. She's also quite curious and experimental--she has a tendency to use her powers on random objects, sometimes people, but not under evil intentions. The good thing is, she doesn't have a bad temper, but she can be quite sadistic and vengeful at times. She can even be evil if she wants to be, but she normally doesn't because she knows about karma. Besides, normally she's kind to people and respects them. As far as other things go, she usually doesn't like to hurt people directly--maybe indirectly with a curse or something in the case of enemies... If she must, her usual policy is that if there will be pain, there will be death soon after. And also, as opposed to most vampires, she's not that crazy for blood, but it usually comes to her. In fact, many things "come to her" because she's patient enough to wait for them. [u]Magic:[/u] Watihala usually uses enchantment-type spells, those which alter a certain situation. The most common of these is used to control an inanimate object for a while, producing an effect that sort of resembles telekinesis. This does require concentration though, and in the case of living beings, it is nigh impossible without the use of Oritasu (see Weapons) and much more than a casual amount of focus. Aside from this, Watihala also commonly uses summoning magic. This is usually in the form of creature-like apparitions made of elemental energy. Depending on how complex the spell is, it can form something as little as a dancing flame, or as intricate as something resembling a phoenix, to allow temporary flight. For details, see the Sample. [u]Weapons:[/u] Watihala's only "proper" weapon is a footlong mini-sword that is silvery blue in colour and has a crystal ball positioned in the center of its handle. The sword isn't that sharp, so it functions more like a wand. Indeed it is a magical weapon--in fact Watihala uses it in most of her spells, especially those that take time and precision to cast. And it is so special that Watihala gives it a name: Oritasu. [u]Equipment:[/u] The rings Watihala wears contain elemental energies that are used in her summoning spells mentioned above. In a little bag she carries are a few tiny bottles, a couple of which actually have certain substances in them... [u]Companion:[/u] A raven named Persephone. Persephone is blind, but over time she has developed a new sense (kind of like a psychic ability) that gives her a new awareness of the world around her. [u]Bio:[/u] Watihala never really heard anything about her father--her mother, a vampire, probably hated him. All she knows about him, in fact, is that he was probably a human. Anyways, "Wati" as sometimes her name is shortened to, lived with her rather large family--the Drazeum family. This family was a family of vampires, but they weren't as keen to be a threat to the druids as many others of their kind were. But its members weren't the kindest of sorts to little Wati either--probably because she was a "half breed" unlike the rest of them. What was worse, she even had an older sister who often picked on her or even attacked her on rare occasions. In fact, the one who seemed to show the most sympathy for her was her mother, who also had the most hope of her fitting in with the rest of the family. Watihala's happiest times then were when most of the family was out hunting or otherwise wreaking havoc upon various places, and the only ones at home were herself, her mother, and her sister (who was named Miya). In those times, when Miya tried to pick on Watihala as usual, Mother would separate the two and maybe even scold Miya for her threats. Yes, she did seem to be the nicest of the family... When Watihala was around seven years old, a group of druids attacked the family, of which only five were present at the time. During the attack, scared little Wati hid away behind a tree, far from the fight. But from what she could see of it, she did take an interest in the druids--especially of the way they handled magic. All throughout the fight, she kept looking between both sides, panic arising in her face... But shortly after that, one of the druids saw her peekign out from behind the tree, figuring she was a lost human girl wandering through the woods. So therefore he took her back to the town the group came from. From that moment on, Watihala never saw any of her actual family ever again--but she never really missed them with the way she was treated. (Exception: She did think about her mother a bit, as she was the most benevolent of the family.) And besides, she did like her life in the town she was moved to--a humble, pretty little town called Suncrest. Anyways, shortly after her arrival, Watihala was questioned by the local healers about her family, where she came from, stuff like that... but instead of telling the truth, she told a tale about coming from another village, abd about how the vampires often spirited her away into the forest, as they did that one night. She sounded innocent as ever, so she was allowed to stay in the town. Now only did Watihala stay in Suncrest; she was adopted by two druids--a couple that had been unable to have a child. And it was after that that her life became sunnier than ever, for her new "family" was certainly much more caring than the one she had lived with for the past few years. Anyways, as years went by, Watihala was accepted more and more into the local society, and back at home her two new "parents" began to teach her many things--even such as magic, which she had at times asked about since her arrival. When she was older, she even went out with them on little adventures and such. Sometimes, they would set out to put and end to vampire attacks that occasionally popped up around the area. Watihala fought her first vampire around when she was sixteen--before then she didn't quite comprehend the subject of magic enough to be able to use it that well. Later on, it was time that Watihala would leave the town and head west... When she did, her life was a little easier, as fewer vampires dwelled in the central areas of the Eastern Land back then. Over time, she even found various things such this special swordlike weapon which she named Oritasu. And, one day, she witnessed a sort of wolf attacking a raven. By the time Watihala had intervened, being quite an animal lover, the wolf had already severely damaged the poor raven's eyes... Feeling sorry for the bird, Watihala decided to take care of her, also giving her a name: Persephone. Days after her finding, wondrous things began to happen to Persephone. As if by either Watihala's aura or an odd stroke of fate, Persephone slowly regained awareness of the world around her--in a way she became able to "see". But more importantly, her bond with Watihala grew, and they spent much time together in recent years. [u]Sample:[/u] In a desert where the sands and the rocks scattered about it were tinted purple by the moonlight, where pearly white horses gallopped in the distance, upon a fairly large stone whose tint was darker that that of the sand below, there sat the half-vampire Watihala, staring at the full moon with wonder and tranquility. For she had an instinct and even an ability to divine the events to come, that which comes from the prception of fate which she personally called someru. "The sands of silver amethyst, the rocks of violet haze, the carefree horses calm and white as the moonlight, that which comes from the alabaster Luna above, contrasted by the sky which reflects my eyes, scattered with stars of diamond, ruby, sapphire, and clear enough for even mortal eyes to witness their beauty." Watihala said this quietly, just incase someone could hear her. She then held up her little sword, positioning it so that the turquoise orb was placeed right between herself and the moon, making it look like a teal-coloured solar eclipse was taking place. Carefuly holding the sword in position, Watihala let go and instead held it up with the force of her mind. After closing her eyes and not opening them until five minutes' time passed, the orb took on a shiny black aura. In the orb was the image of a phoenix, glistening brightly in its aqua color. "Ah, alas," Watihala softly and calmly cheered, "today is the day of the Phoenix, a day in which magic thrives and passion never dies..." She then held her sword in her hand again, absentmindedly giving it a little wave, causing a stream of glowing purple dust to fly from it and explode softly some ten feet above her head. Then, she held up her other hand, pointing it in a way so that the ruby ring on her left hand perfectly reflected the moonlight towards a red star to the right of it, right through the orb on her sword. "Luna, shine through Oritasu, summon holy Fire with Fire Relic..." "Give flight, sprout flame, shower Enchantment and Fear..." A beam shot up through the sword, swirling in a fog then bursting into bright blue flame, the hottest flame possible. With not even a screech, the Phoenix emerged from the flame. Though Watihala returned her sword to its container on her skirt, her left arm stayed up long enough for the bird to lift her up in its talons, without even catching its holder on fire. Watihala's other hand shot up and wrapped around the phoenix's other leg while she was being lifted up into the night. "Now, mighty Phoenix, fly west, the destination of our particular time..."[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **The bird in the sample is NOT Persephone... just to clarify things. The sample is from an RPG Watihala was in about a year or two ago, and she didn't have Persephone then.
Yeah, I know this thread is almost a month old, but I can't help it... The funniest song I have ever heard is a song called "Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah", by Allan Sherman. This is a super-funny song about a boy's time at camp. It's so funny that when you listen to the song, you actually hear laughter in the background at all the funny parts! Anyways, here are the lyrics to that song... (some of the lyrics may be very slightly wrong because I have to type the lyrics by ear, but...) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello muddah, hello faddah Here I am at Camp Grenada Camp is very entertaining And they say we'll have fun if it stops raining I went hiking with Joe Spivy He developed poison ivy You remember Leonard Skinner He got food poisoning last night after dinner All the counselors hate the waiters And the lake has alligators And the head coach wants no sissies So he reads to us from something called Ulysses Now, I don't want... This should scare ya... But my bunkmate has malaria You remember Jeffrey Hardy They're about to organize a searching party Take me home Oh Muddah, Faddah Take me home I hate Grenada Don't leave me Out in the forest where I might get eaten by a bear Take me home I promise I will not make noise Or mess the house with other boys Oh please don'e make me stay I've been here one whole day Dearest Faddah, darling Muddah How's my precious little bruddah? Let me come home if you miss me I would even let Aunt Bertha hug and kiss me Wait a minute It stopped hailing Guys are swimming Guys are sailing Playing baseball Gee, that's better Muddah, Faddah, kindly disregard this letter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :laugh::bellylol::rotflmao:
I can't find my MP3 player now, but luckily I have all the songs that are on it on my computer, so I played a few of those at random. Here are the results... 1. [b]Orion Too[/b]--Hope and Wait 2. [b]Zephyr[/b]--All For You 3. [b]Ayumi Hamasaki[/b]--Love Destiny 4. [b]Angelic[/b]--Can't Keep Me Silent 5. [b]blink-182[/b]--First Date 6. [b]Special D[/b]--You 7. [b]Noemi[/b]--In My Dreams 8. [b]Chris Spheeris[/b]--The Arrow 9. [b]Ayumi Hamasaki[/b]--Vogue 10. [b]Ace of Base[/b]--Happy Nation 11. [b]Janet Jackson[/b]--Someone to Call My Lover 12. [b]Gigi D'Agostino[/b]--I'll Fly With You 13. [b]Llewellyn[/b]--Borley Rectory 14. [b]The Association[/b]--Windy 15. [b]Britney Spears[/b]--Oops... I Did It Again As you can see, there's a wide variety of songs. There's some pop (#10 #11 #15), techno (#1 #4 #6 #7 #12), new age (#2 #8 #13), rock (#5), oldies (#14), and even J-pop (#3 #9) in there. And no, Ayumi Hamasaki is NOT the artist I have the most songs from on my MP3 player--that would be a tie between the Beatles and Secret Garden, with 14 songs. I have about 420 songs on there... I was even thinking of starting a small online radio station someday... Most of the songs up there have a wonderful tune to them, so they're quite inspiring. Other songs are just plain old... fun, like #5, #14, and #15. Other songs have an interesting background... like #13, which was inspired by a real ghost and is indeed on an album called "Ghosts". So many of these songs do say quite a bit about me... with the common exception that I don't have much of a social life. #1 on this list is my eighth favourite song overall! #10 and #12 are among my favourites too. I would say the most embarrassing of these is #15... I rolled on the floor laughing when this started playing. EDIT: This is so fun... I am SO doing this again sometime, and if any of the songs above come up next time, I'll skip them...
Two days ago I bought the Spirited Away soundtrack online. This is because I really like that song "Always With Me" that comes at the end, and unfortunately it's impossible to buy just that song individually online...
Discuss Intersection Underground (RPG is rated M-VL)
Imp replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Theater
I already started my signup, but I still have a few questions: 1. When do we decide on class information? Or did you just forget to include that in the signup form? 2. Can we keep an animal in Crossover from the start of the RPG? My character is a 4-year veteran, just to let you know... 3. If the answer to the above question is yes, can that animal have any special powers of its own? 4. What kind of job does a mercenary do? 5. Can I sign up as two characters? -
[quote]Originally posted by [b]Takuya[/b] [i]Transportation animals are used solely for transportation, so it would be pointless for them to have special powers. Some can fly (these ones are more expensive than land-bound ones)[/i][/quote] ^^There goes my raven... '-_- And there goes my second character, since she's only 10 years old--and her maturity level is at the most that of a 14-year old. But it would have been nice because she's Lilice's daughter... Now I will use a character that I last RP'd in a Harry Potter RPG... XD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple][u]Name:[/u] Lilice Adouine [u]Age:[/u] 31, and she's been a Crossover player for four years (ever since it first came out) [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Appearance:[/u] Lilice is 5'2" tall. She has light tan-coloured skin, wavy red hair that is partially up in the back, and deep amber eyes. In the real world she wears a shirt with flowing sleeves and colours of sunset, a long skirt of blue with hints of flowers, and black boots underneath that. In Crossover, she'd usually wear the same thing with the possible addition of a black traveling cloak on top. She also wears a golden ring with a wavy line going around it, slightly tarnished from frequent use, on her right index finger. [u]Job:[/u] Mercenary [u]Abilities:[/u] Lilice is kind of a mixed mage. She doesn't have many weapons nor very much physical strength, but luckily she does have quite a bit of skill with magic. Ironically, she specializes in both white and black magic. Most of the magic she uses involves either healing, protection, or special enchantments (especially "curses", or just those that cause demise), but you'll rarely find an energy blast or something like that in her book. Occasionally you will find mild elemental spells though, especially those of fire. Oh, and she can't use any of these abilities without the ring she wears, as that ring has been infused with magical energies over time... [u]Sample:[/u] Lilice was standing on the edge of the town, pausing a moment to think about what the chubby old boss had said to her just a few minutes ago. [i]Right,[/i] Lilice remembered. [i]Criminal Leslin Drake wandering off somewhere. Believed to be an excellent archer and agile runner. Physically he outperforms me, but there are other forces in this world... And I do love it when Barry gives me these fun assignments--the bounty-hunting ones especially are fun.[/i] A memory crept into Lilice's mind--one of a similar assignment she had a few months ago--but still Lilice tried her best to gently lift this out of her mind as well as anything else that might be there. She tried to clear out a song that was in her head as well, but past experience told her that was nigh impossible, and it was a pleasant, relaxing song anyway, one a local musician had played a few days past. Anyways, Lilice stood there with her right hand over her heart almost as if praying, but instead in a sort of stand-up meditation. But whatever it was, it was short, as within a little less than a minute Lilice opened her eyes again and looked to the woods ahead. In those woods, the trees were still burnt by an angry fire mage that had set fire to them a few days ago. Yet the dismal sight did not bother Lilice; in fact, hardly anything did, except this nagging voice at the back of her mind worrying about death. Such a thought she would usually not fiercely ban, but rather acknowledge its presence and release it. After a few minutes of wandering through the woods (navigating was fairly easy, as Lilice had been through these woods many times before), Lilice found what she was looking for: a large, gumdrop-shaped rock in a clearing in the trees. Around its smooth surface was a neat spiral of little projections that looked much like steps. And steps they were, for Lilice started to climb these on the way to the top of the rock. About a year ago, she had actually used a mix of her own magic to create these "steps", because she came to this rock often. Anyways, when she reached the top of the rock, she was welcomed by a view of the lands surrounding the woods--a few towns off to the east, including the one she came from--mountains far to the north, glimpses of a desert to the south, and a vast forest and another town to the west. Lilice often came to this rock for inspiration, but especially for direction. She was a woman who often looked for the spiritual meanings behind things, and the magical energies in the world--and so she found with this place, however virtual it was. Anyways, now that Lilice was standing atop the rock, she again tried to focus on the energies gathered around, especially in the wind in this case. Wind was often the element associated with inspiration or messages in general, so here it was. But unfortunately, a gust of wind can only blow through a clear sky. Lilice's mind was forming an exception: a few troublesome thoughts hovered like black holes absorbing the dancing leaves of inspiration on the wind. [i]Kiki, last week may have been the last time I will ever see you in this form...[/i] It was the same voice that had provided the worrying a few moments before. Kiki was Lilice's daughter, and the only person in the real world Lilice really missed occasionally. She would have brought Kiki into Crossover with her, but she was too young--only fourteen years old, and the minimum age requirement was sixteen. But, Lilice thought, in two years that would be able to happen, and she did look forward to it... [i]If there are two years,[/i] said that worrying voice again. It was really getting distracting. [i]Omens of death, why do you call to me?[/i] Lilice said to herself. Then she spoke aloud. "No matter what happens, my soul shall always rest with fate." There was a slight tone of panic in her voice, but nevertheless it was almost as calm as it was when she usually said this. Then she descended the rock, not following the steps but rather sliding down its smooth slopes. Around an hour later, Lilice emerged from the woods, quite tired from all the walking. In fact, she must have taken at least five breaks along the way out. But that didn't matter now. A short stretch of grassy plains was in front of her, and in the distance was the western town she had seen from the rock. It was Knaveswood, a town that Lilice had visited quite frequently on her travels. This was just as well, as west was the intuited direction she got from the rock--though at this point she wasn't fully certain her prediction was right. Anyways, the plains and the town were not all that was ahead; directly in front of her was a narrow road, which was currently empty. After a few moments Lilice decided to make her way towards the road, which she would cross. But right when she took her first step, everything went black...[/color] Some notes: 1. Even if Kiki (Lilice's daughter) doesn't appear in Crossover, she might appear in the Real World... if and when Lilice returns there. 2. When the RPG starts, I'll leave off from where my RPG sample ends. 3. I find that rings are often great substitutes for wands and such when working magic... The whole ring thing was taken from a similar "magic ring" I have myself...
OOC: Nowadays what I usually do is turn the Pokemon I created into Digimon, but since I can't use made-up Digimon here, instead I'll turn a Pokemon trainer I created into a Digimon Tamer! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=darkslateblue][u]Name:[/u] Vincent Estrel (sometimes known by his nickname Merlin) [u]Age:[/u] 19 [u]Gender:[/u] Male [u]Country:[/u] Romania [u]Personality:[/u] The last thing that Merlin ever does in a particular situation is look to the past for information. He has a strong belief that time is the world's best friend, that "life is like the stock market"--which constantly goes up and down but ultimately goes up in the long run. Therefore, if he had a Crest, it would be the crest of Hope. Also, Merlin generally keeps an open mind for the future--he believes that anything can happen so long as fate allows it. Sometimes, though, he will look for signs of how the future will go... As far as social matters go, Merlin is not a social butterfly nor a lover boy, but he generally respects people who seem different and even talks to them, and often times he tries to "look deeper" into people's thoughts or feelings--he's not a shallow guy at all. [u]Biography:[/u] As a boy, Vincent really wasn't the one to stay at home frequently--in fact, often times he was either living with aunts and uncles or else spending long hours in school or daycare. This didn't cause him very much of a problem though, as he was often too adventurous to care. He would just appreciate his surroundings and try to endure whatever mundane complications arose. It wasn't until Vincent was in about his teens that his life really started to shine. It was then that he learned the most wonderful things in school, and had the most interesting experiences outside of it. In school, for example, his best subject was science, and he especially became interested in astronomy. And the world of literature interested him as well, especially when he was studying various mythology. It was then that he became interested in the paranormal as well, so he would often have thoughts about how the world works, both mundanely and spiritually. Partially because of this interest, Vincent gave himself a nickname because he didn't particularly like his first name. Merlin sounded good, as it was the name of a wizard who was around back in King Arthur's time. It was also in high school that Vincent--er, Merlin--really got involved with Digimon. He learned about the Digidestined that saved the world so long ago, thinking how wonderful it must have been to go on a journey like they did. After all, Merlin never really thought Digimon were that special--just some digital companions that occasionally helped out with things. It turns out that the town he lived in most of his early life had a society that didn't like the idea of mionsters running around all over the place, especially when it was new sixty years ago. But Merlin started to really appreciate Digimon then, and one of his first favourite Digimon was Wizardmon, partially because of how one helped out a particular Digidestined named Kari. Anyways, when Merlin graduated from high school and moved into a house in a town that was more Digimon-friendly, he found himself in the presence of a ghost-ish Digimon named Kuramon. He was confused about this at first and asked his neighbors for advice. The neighbors said that pretty much everyone had a Digimon partner nowadays, and they sympathized with him for growing up in a place where Digimon weren't that welcome. But it was all right then; Merlin got along pretty well with Kuramon. [u]Appearance:[/u] Merlin is about five-and-a-half feet tall. His hair is long and black in colour, and his eyes are a dull sea green. He normally wears a light purple shirt, white pants, blue shoes, and a blue jacket that looks a tad bit too big on him lengthwise and sleeve-wise. He also wears earrings which are barely visible against his hair--they look like blue crescent moons. [b][u]Digimon:[/b][/u] [u]Baby:[/u] [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Kuramon.html]Kuramon[/url] [u]In-Training:[/u] [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Tsumemon.html]Tsumemon[/url] [u]Rookie:[/u] [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Keramon.html]Keramon[/url] [u]Champion:[/u] [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Wizardmon.html]Wizardmon[/url] [u]Ultimate:[/u] [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Phantomon.html]Phantomon[/url] [u]Mega:[/u] [url=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/Piedmon.html]Piedmon[/url] [u]Digivice:[/u] It's dark purple in colour, with a little red and cerulean on it in tiger-like stripes as well. [u]Example:[/u] The ghostly Kuramon bounced along behind Merlin as he walked along a path between the forest and the town he lived in. Kuramon found this form rather bothersome, as many other Digimon teased him for looking like a Botamon with a ghost costume, but he was never able to Digivolve any further, not even to In-Training form. The best day of this Kuramon's life so far had been Halloween, which was almost two months ago. There at least he seemed to fit in--and even managed to collect a lot of candy as well! But Halloween was a much more significant day than that, as Merlin remembered... [i]When the last speck of sun disappeared below the horizon, an odd chill filled the previously pleasant breezes that danced through the air like fairies. Though this darkness didn't last for long, as at that moment the moon rose on the eastern horizon, the ominous aura that slowly began to fill the scene was still in full development. A lightningbolt flashed--a lightningbolt?!? No clouds were in the sky, so a thunderstorm surely could have not been approaching... And indeed, no thunder boomed above afterward--quite odd indeed. But what did follow was a blob of some sort of dark energy that was quite distinguishable from the deep indigo sky. As this blob expanded, strange creatures began to materialize inside them--creatures that looked sort of like Digimon but not seeming to be any Digimon people knew about. "Look Dad," one boy announced, "Digimon!" "They are Digimon," the boy's father corrected, "but look again." He took out his binoculars and looked more closely at the Digimon inside the blob. "Those Digimon look slightly different than the Digimon we know. This is because they are spirits of Digimon that have passed away." "So they're ghosts?" the boy questioned. "Yeah, sort of," the father answered. "I know that on Halloween, the border between the physical and spiritual worlds is the thinnest, so we occasionally get visions of the dead and other otherworldly creatures. My guess is that it works the same way with the Digimon." By that time, more blobs had appeared. Occasionally, holograms of the modified Digimon came floating down to wreak havoc in the towns, then soon returned to their patches of shadow. Such holograms were still able to appear in the real world, as were ghosts, but they couldn't touch anything--they were not made of physical material. But like ghosts, they could manipulate energies with similar things to psychic powers, causing the phenomenon commonly known as "haunting".[/i] "Ghost!" Merlin blurted as he broke his trance--a couple of other Kuramon were standing on a tree stump in front of Merlin and his own Kuramon. They seemed to be hiding something behind them. Also, trees completely surrounded all of them--without thinking much about it, Merlin had walked right into the forest. When Merlin's Kuramon saw the other two members of his kind, he jumped clear over Merlin's head, landed on the ground in front of him, and bounced onto a spot on the stump in front of the other two Kuramon. "Kura! Kura!" Merlin's Kuramon said with a nod. "Kura kura!" the other two chorused as they stepped aside. The first Kuramon gaped with excitement at what the other two had been hiding: ...some sort of electronic device. Puzzled, he picked this device up and showed it to Merlin. Merlin's reaction to the object was almost the same as Kuramon's. "What is this? A cell phone of some sort?!" Merlin exclaimed. "Now this is very odd indeed!" [i]I hope it doesn't belong to anybody.[/i] "Kura." Kuramon bowed to Merlin, probably indicating that it was OK to take whatever the thing was. It looked like some sort of mini-computer, and was mainly black in colour with a little blue and purple on the sides. "OK, I guess I'll keep it," Merlin said in a plain tone. "But don't come crying to me if I end up in prison for this." Kuramon shook his head at this. Merlin sighed, smiled a little, and pocketed the device, walking out of the forest and towards a park where there were always beautiful views of the sunset which would come in about an hour or so. As Merlin walked, Kuramon bouncing behind him, he kept thinking about the device--something in the back of his mind told him that it was far from accident that the device appeared before him. Who knows--was it perhaps a device used for necromancy and the like, and that there was someone inmportant he was spposed to contact with it? Did it contain a video that would prove rather important in his life? Did it concern Kuramon? In fact, was it a Digivice? [i]But only the Digidestined had those,[/i] Merlin realized with a heavy sigh. By that time he had reached the park he was heading to, so he sat on a bench facing west near a lake, and Kuramon landed on his lap. In front of him, the sun was shining in an orange glow, and the sky was already beginning to turn hot pink in colour. There were a few clouds in the sky, and Merlin thought he saw one that looked sort of like Wizardmon. This reminded him again of the little device he had found... What was it? [i]Only fate will tell,[/i] Merlin figured.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Yeah, I know Wizardmon's usual Rookie form is Candlemon, but I didn't think Candlemon was that suitable for Merlin, so I looked up Wizardmon's other possible Rookie forms and Keramon was one of them, as you see on the site with the pictures. EDIT: Bio finished. EDIT2: Added Digivice description and RP sample. EDIT3: Made the changes Takuya suggested.
Strangely enough, I've heard that one thing NOT to do while trying to lose weight is to fast for a day or two at a time. If you don't eat for a while, your metabolism gets a little lower to conserve energy... Which is also why eating a big breakfast first thing after you wake up is not a good idea. For some other strange reason, I've been trying out all those tips some of you provided as well, even though I don't really need to lose weight. I'm 5'2" and weigh around 85 pounds, but I usually feel heavier than that... Maybe it's partially because I hate greasy foods, and I feel really uncomfortable when I'm full... People have said that I need to eat more--but I rarely listen anyway, and any more fat or muscle on me will just feel too weird for me anyway. The strange thing is that my metabolism isn't that high--and I have very little energy as well, so much that caffeine has no effect on me... But maybe I'm just different.
Now it's time again to take a character from my Pokemon fanfic and put her into Digimon. I even took Pokemon I created and turned them into Digimon for the purposes of this RPG! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=darkslateblue][u]Name:[/u] Crystal Yukimori [u]Age:[/u] 17 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Appearance:[/u] Crystal stands about 5'4" tall. Her hair is a light lavender and falls just above her waist, and her eyes are a light crystal blue. The shirt she wears is rather peculiar: it is violet in colour, with long sleeves that are dark blue in colour near the ends. The shirt itself is rather long as well, so that it almost looks like a short dress. Anyways, it also has a snowflake on the front. Also, Crystal wears white pants, purple shoes that match her shirt, and a necklace with a charm in the shape of a sort of spike and made of crystal (surprise surprise). [u]Personality:[/u] Crystal can be as cold as her element most of the time. She can rarely be seen smiling, especially if the smile is one of actual glee rather than plain old amusement. Most of the time she can't really multitask, and she doesn't do that well in a close relationship. (Perhaps this is why she has no Digimon partner.) This does not mean she's a mean person though--she's just--quiet much of the time. [b][u]Normal Spirit:[/b][/u] [u]Name:[/u] Crystalmon (well that's original) [u]Binary Coding:[/u] 10 [u]Appearance:[/u] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/pokems/crystalice.gif]click here[/url] (about 1.5m tall) [b][u]Beast Spirit:[/b][/u] [u]Name:[/u] IceGryphonmon [u]Binary Coding:[/u] 11 [u]Appearance:[/u] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/shiny/gryphice.gif]click here[/url] (about 2.5m tall) [b][u]Matrix(?) Spirit:[/b][/u] (I forgot what it was called--the one you get when you combine more than one Spirit) [u]Name:[/u] Borealimon [u]Binary Coding:[/u] 10 [u]Appearance:[/u] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/pokems/auroracle.gif]click here[/url] (about 30m long)[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As you may have guessed, I'm taking the Ice element, as I'm not clear as to what element Squirr31y's taking... Oh, and Rokas and Kitty, for some reason I can't see the pictures when I click on the Digimon picture links... I get a screen with a stagecoach and two tickets on it instead.
OOC: Ok then... I guess the members of each side are NOT supposed to meet up... Either that or someone in particular doesn't like me. IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo][size=1]The sky was a beautiful dark cerulean blue when the boat finally docked. The atmosphere of this new place was just as pleasant as it had been before, when they first set out on the journey. In fact, almost everything was the same: Chibu was still asleep, and her parents were chatting in the back as usual. Hasaitsu's arms were a bit tired from all the rowing on the way here, but not too badly--he could still do any sort of training or combat that came to him, even if it involved using his rather heavy spear. And as for Saruna, she was just looking forward to the morning ahead, and whatever meeting was to be held in this peculiar location. The eerie yet welcoming sight of a beach grew closer and closer as the family walked off the dock and across the sand. Ten they were about to weave through the trees in near total darkness when Saruna stopped. "This doesn't look right," Saruna said to the rest of the family. "How can... that be?" Mr. Surenich replied. He grunted mid-sentence because he had almost lost his grip on carrying the still sleeping Chibu. "These kinds of trees don't even grow in Germany. What about this tree? What's it doing here?" Saruna pointed to a peculiar-looking tree that looked slightly similar to an oak. "Uh..." Hasaitsu wondered. "It could be a..." Hasaitsu was silenced by a howl that echoed through the trees. After the howl, there followed a long, cold silence. "A... wolf?" Chibu had apparently woken up at the sound. Then her father put her back down on the floor, a little thankful to have done so. "Now don't you worry," Mrs. Surenich comforted, "the wolves are our friends, remember?" "Yeah," Saruna joked, "and you sound like a member of the Brotherhood." "Maybe we're supposed to be on the same side," Chibu suggested. "That way we'd unite against the..." "Of course we're not on the same side!" Saruna exclaimed. "The Brotherhood is a group of friendly little buddies who are sworn to protect the wolves. The [i]wolves[/i], mind you, not the Beast! The Beast itself is who we are aligned with. And this Beast is not necessarily a wolf. If you ask me, the Brotherhood were wrong all along about their..." "Would you stop your bickering?" said a man's voice that was too deep to belong to Hasaitsu, and not emotional enough to belong to Mr. Surenich. Knowing this, the family spun around to face another man, someone they only faintly knew... "Bard," chorused the family. "Why don't you come down here before the sun rises any higher?" Bard offered. His voice sounded rather cold and cruel, but his intentions seemed to contrast that. So therefore, the Society official named Bard led the family down to a space in between a fairy ring of trees. In the exact center of the ring was a flat white mushroom. When Bard stepped on this, the ground gave way to reveal a small door under one of the trees. When Bard approached this door, he took out a knife and touched it lightly with the tip of his finger. "All of you," he instructed. Chibu began to panic. "No..." Chibu backed away from the group. "Chibu, your whip!" Saruna commanded. "No!" Chibu screamed. Her mother then rushed over to her and clasped a hand over her daughter's mouth. However, her fingertip was bleeding a little, and it had unfortunately found its way into Chibu's mouth, so when that peculiar taste came, Chibu struggled even more and broke free of her mother's grip. But as soon as she did, she lost her balance and fell on the bag she was carrying. She had put out her hand to break the fall, but it had unfortunately landed on her whip, causing Chibu to spring back up and stare at her bleeding hand in horror. "Come on Chibu," Saruna taunted, a smirk on her face. Chibu's hemophobia had always amused her for some reason. But right now, Saruna held out her left index finger, which had a drop of her blood on it. The other family members (and eventually Chibu, after much hesitation) had done this too, so with those fingers they all touched the knocker on the door, a silver ornament in the shape of some creature's face--it was hard to tell which kind of animal it was. But that was beside the point. After this happened, the creature's eyes glowed with a faint red glimmer, and the door slowly creaked open. Bard led the way down the steps in the dark hall, followed by Mr. and Mrs. Surenich, then Saruna, then Chibu, and Hasaitsu was the one to close the door behind them. The steps spiraled down, and within a few seconds an amber glow began to materialize below the descending group. Not too long after that, the stairs ended, and before them was a smal, cozy-looking room, consisting of a table, a couple of sofas, a bookshelf, and a fireplace--with a fire in it. Exactly six people could have room to sit here--and there were exactly six people in the group if you counted Bard. The three children sat on one of the sofas, and Bard and the parents took the other one. It was then that the group really recognized Bard: he was a tall, thin man, wearing a black tuxedo, a black cape, and a top hat. He could have very much looked like an illusionist if he had a wand, but he held a knife instead. "I am sure you are surprised to find me here instead of you expected companions, Miasnik and Frauka," Bard announced. "Aren't they coming?" Mrs. Surenich asked. "I would have very much liked to appreciate the company." "No," Bard answered. "They are supposed to be in our base in Germany." "Aren't we in Germany?" Saruna questioned. "Of course not," Bard replied. "Why, welcome to France." "I thought you knew the way...?" Mr. Surenich clarified, gazing suspiciously at Saruna. "Perhaps it was an odd stroke of Fate," Hasaitsu guessed. "For some reason, we were brought not to Germany but here, to France. For some reason we were fated to stay separate in Society." "Ah, but it makes perfect sense," Bard suggested. "You see, I got word of a peculiar situation in Paris--somewhere in the vincinity of the Louvre, to be exact. Some rumors suggested a gathering of Brothers, some mentioned an appearance of the Beast itself... but whatever it is, I think we should go investigate." "But the sun is rising," Saruna pointed out. "It'd be best to do this at night." "Then I'd say we hurry up," Hasaitsu suggested. "The sun isn't actually up; the sky's just getting a little lighter. If we head to Paris now, it might still be dark enough for us to remain undetected. "It will take us at least a few hours to go there by foot..." Bard contemplated out loud. "But, if we manage to find the Seine, we can just follow it there." "How are we going to find..." Mr. Surenich started. "Don't you worry," Bard cut him off. "Why don't you all follow me." "What about a plan?" Saruna suggested. "We'll come up with one while we're drifting on the river," Hasaitsu answered. "We don't have much time, you know." "Just the bright one there, aren't you?" Bard chuckled as the group got up. Bard led the group to another door which, when opened, led to a cave. "Now," Bard muttered, rummaging around in his pockets, "let me see if I can find..." "A lantern will just blind us," Saruna interrupted. "If you close that door and give me a minute, I might be able to see." It was Mrs. Surenich who closed the door they just walked through, leaving the group in total darkness. "Let's hold hands," Chibu suggested. "I think that's a good idea," Mr. Surenich answered. Soon after, everybody grabbed a hand until the whole group was connected in a line. Saruna first, then Bard, then Hasaitsu, then Chibu, then Mr. Surenich, then Mrs. Surenich bringing up the rear. The group just stood still for a while, until Saruna could make out the outline of a cavern ahead. "Let's go," Saruna commanded. The group walked on. Luckily, there were not very meany creatures in the cave; just a couple of bats and/or mice that occasionally wandered about. Nobody tripped on anything all the way. Anyways, as for the path, after the first dimly lit cavern was another dark tunnel, then another dimly lit cavern. This pattern continued for another six times, until the sound of flowing water could be heard. The dark tunnel the group was in curved to the right, and after that the sight of the last cavern finally met their eyes. This one was the brightest of them all; a little bit of moonlight filtered in from openings above. In front of the group, a mighty river flowed, which Bard immediately recognized as the right one. So it was then that the group climbed down the rocky slope that led down to the rapidly flowing river, where a boat was tied to a post stuck in the ground. "I always keep one there, just incase," Bard explained as the group went in the boat. Again, Hasaitsu was in charge of the oars, though he would only need them to steer away from the river's edges, as the river would be rapidly flowing all the way to Paris. "Hang on tight, everybody," Mr. Surenich instructed. Next to him, Bard was untying the rope that held the boat in place. Soon, it had become lose, and Bard was holding on to the pole. "All right, I'm letting go..." Bard announced, "...now!" As Bard let go of the pole, the boat rushed out into the main current of the river, drifting downstream and out of the cave. Above them, the sky was nearly the exact same dark blue colour as it had been before they entered the base, so it was as dark as usual. And the river would drown out any conversation among the group, so eavesdropping was nigh impossible. The group would therefore have time to plan as they faced this (sort of) relaxing trip down the Seine.[/color][/size] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: I don't really know if that river flows north or south, so I had to do a little guessing there... Ah well, this is just a story anyway... [u]Interesting little factoid:[/u] The family's last name, Surenich, is pronounced "SOO-reh-neech"; the last syllable is not pronounced "nick".
OOC: Since there are not very many Society members anyway, I'll just go ahead and put Saruna's siblings in this RPG as well... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [size=1][color=indigo][i]A small island off the southern tip of Norway Temporary lodging spot 2:27 AM[/i] The day before, Saruna and her family spent the day on this remote island in the North Sea. Once they had arrived, Saruna was the first to fall asleep--she was normally not used to staying awake in the middle of the day. Now, it was about time for the family to leave the island and dock in their meeting place in Germany. There they would meet their fellow Society members Miasnik and Frauka, as well as a few others that would decide to show up. At this particular time, a thin layer of fog rested on the coast, highlighted by the moon which smiled from above. Saruna's parents were squinting a bit to read a letter by moonlight: "Mr. and Mrs. Surenich, Sarundanka, Hasaitsuavleun, Chibutakamo-- A request for a meeting in our German headquarters is in the making. After long moments of separation, it is time we get back together to plan for our later success. For the Hunters and the Brotherhood are still at large, and so we must keep our shields up and our swords drawn. We shall expect you three hours after sunrise. The battle rages on, Miasnik, Frauka" While Mrs. Surenich (Saruna's mother) was reading this letter, Mr. Surenich went back into the little cave the family had stayed in, and from it he fetched their weapons. For the father, a sort of javelin with the point as thin as wire yet able to pierce the skin with the slightest touch. For the mother, a short spear with a sharp, jagged head, kind of like a sword blade. Mr. Surenich started sharpening his wife's "sword" on a nearby rock while his children started gathering their belongings. Or at least Hasaitsu and Saruna were doing that--Chibu was fast asleep. She didn't like the night all that much, being the rather odd one in the Society of Blood. Hasaitsu was the most awake of the three having just woken up a couple of hours ago, but Saruna had been awake since just before sunset. She was always as nocturnal as possible. Soon the three siblings emerged with their belongings. Chibu had a blanket and a sack full of pastries she stole from a bakery one day--her parents carried them out. Hasaitsu had the lightest load: a small knife and a fishing net. Saruna's load was the heaviest: a sort of briefcase, from which the familiar clinking of glass could be heard. They brought their weapons out a well: Chibu with her quill-enhanced whip, Hasaitsu with his spike-tipped spear, and Saruna with her interchangeable weapon. The parents were in charge of handling the boat they were to set out on, so after everyone brought their belongings aboard, they were off. The parents were at the back of the boat with all the other stuff, making sure order was kept. In front of them, Chibu was still asleep. Hasaitsu, having the most muscle of the bunch, was in charge of piloting the boat across the water. Saruna had the best night vision, so she kept an eye out for danger or land. Overall, the journey was pleasant: the weather was slightly cool, and the only winds present were occasional breezes of the lightest touch. At some times, the same fog from before glowed on the waters before them, enhancing the already ethereal atmosphere of the scene. There was even an eerie yet wonderful silence about the waters, one where the voices of the spiritual realm could be heard clearly, one only softly disturbed by the ripple of oars against the relatively calm waters. There could not be a more beautifully ominous night than that experienced by the Surenich sub-family. (In reality, the entire Society of Blood was one family.) This trip across the North Sea would last well over two hours, and by the time land is visible, the faint glimmer of he distant sun could be seen in the south-eastern horizon, and Hasaitsu's arms would be sore from all the rowing. But more importantly, discussions of a new beginning for the Society would be under way.[/size][/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: If Germany isn't a convenient meeting spot, I can always edit my post to change it to a different place...
OOC: OK, I'm already tired of being alone... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I wonder if our parents are still in there..." Gon suddenly wondered--he and Ari were still reminiscing about their happy days in the still lively Tokyo. "You know, I never really thought about them for a long time... it sure has been a long time," Ari commented. "In a way I miss them... and I think they miss us as well, especially in these harsh times." "Do you think we should check?" Gon suggested. "I still remember where our house is, so hopefully they're still there." "I hope so... and if so, I hope they're still alive. Who knows, many people in the city must have been killed by government officials or Furians... most likely the former." "Why's that?" Gon asked. "Well, we're Furians, so maybe our parents told the Furians that they were parents of Furians. That is... did you ever tell them about that?" "Of course not!" Gon said, sounding as if he had done something wrong. Ari sighed and shook her head. "But I don't know if we should look for them. They're most likely dead by now, and there are government officials everywhere in the city." "But we look perfectly human..." Gon hoped. "Are we going to sit here and argue about this?" Ari asked, exasperated. But before any arguments could commence, an unnatural sight leapt out at the two Furians: a monster of some sort in the outskirts of Tokyo. "That must be a Furian!" Ari assumed. "From the looks of things, it's in trouble." "Maybe it's being attacked by the government," Gon assumed. And with that, he ran back to the city to fight the monstrous Furian's attackers. "Matte yo!" Ari shouted back at the rash Gon. "Uh... wait." Ari had no intention of fighting anyone, but she was determined to get there before Gon. The good thing was, she didn't have to run; she just used her telekinetic powers to fly there. As she got closer, she saw that the monster's attackers were using abilities rather than guns and stuff, which meant that they were Furians. [i]Furians fighting Furians?[/i] Ari thought. [i]But wait a minute... that monster is completely reckless... no wonder those Furians are fighting it.[/i] After Ari thought this, the creature was attacked again, and it disappeared into the ground, most likely dead. "Oh..." Ari commented. "It's over already..." The two Furians heard Ari say this and looked at the new arrival. "Who are you?" one of them--a woman--asked. "Do you work for the government?" the other asked. Ari didn't answer the question verbally, but she did form a sort of black sphere that floated up into the sky then exploded into a flurry of electrical waves. "You're a Furian..." the woman realized. "Yes," Ari answered, "and to answer your question, Albireo, I don't work for the government." "How did you know my name?" Albireo asked. "Let's just say I'm..." Before Ari could finish, a rush of flame entered the scene. It was a phoenix of some sort, and it looked angry. "What is that?" Albireo asked. "Probably another one of those creature-ish Furians," Eidolon guessed, "though I'm not entirely sure. The one we just defeated had power over earth; this one probably has control over fire." "Then the same fate should meet this one too," Albireo declared as he prepared his attack. "Why that's..." Ari blurted as she looked at the phoenix more closely, dodging it as it charged towards her. When she got back up again, Albireo looked at her oddly. "That was your chance to kill it!" Albireo half-scolded. "Why did you just dodge it instead?" "But..." Ari stammered. "But that phoenix is..." Ari dodged the fiery bird again before she could finish speaking. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Whatever you do, don't destroy that phoenix... because it's actually Gon in his psychotic form. See my signup for details... If he's defeated in battle, he'll justt turn into ash like other phoenixes... that's perfectly OK.
I tried to get this character into an RPG similar to this, but she was rejected for some odd reason... Hopefully she'll work here... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo][u]Name:[/u] Maridra [u]Age:[/u] 42 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Class:[/u] Enchantress best describes it, though she does have some traits of some other classes... [u]Weapons:[/u] Maridra isn't really a weapon person, but she does have some experience with and interest in magical weapons. She has two of her own: -First is a short sword with a crystal blue blade. The blade isn't very sharp, but its tip can fire a thin, laserlike beam of any element. The handle also contains an orb with a similar function to a crystal ball. -Second is a mirror no bigger than her palm. It can be used to deflect spells (not guns or other physical offenses), and it can be used as a form of mind control (though it requires that one gazes into the mirror) as well. [u]Magic:[/u] Maridra is an animagus, meaning she can transform into an animal. Actually, she can become two: a raven and an ice dragon. She can't use her weapons that well in her animal forms (especially her raven form), and her magic is different in each form: --In her human form, Maridra is most skilled with her enchantment or "effect" spells. This means that they are not like attacks, as many spells used by mages are. They deal more with controlling something for the most part, though one common exception is the summoning of elemental energy that takes the form of creature-like things... The third type of "magic" she uses is similar to alchemy, without the circles and other fancy stuff. --Her magical abilities while in raven form are more mental in this form. Here she just has hypnotic abilities and a special sort of sight that allows her to see anything as long as it is in the present. Unfortunately, that's all she can do in this form. --Maridra sometimes has difficulty trnsforming into her dragon form, because she practically has to be at full health to do so. The magic she uses in this form pretty much conforms to the ice element, though she may show traces of the magic of her other forms to a small degree. [u]Appearance:[/u] [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25528]Human Form[/url] (most of the time she'll be in this form) [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25328]Raven Form[/url]--Top right; dark purple in colour with some green feathers on the tips of her wings. Maridra is sometimes in this form, especially when not fighting. [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/pokems/neptunedra.gif]Dragon Form[/url] (she's rarely in this form) [u]Biography:[/u] Maridra never figured out whether the man who raised her was her father or not. But what she did know was that the man was an alchemist named Parth, and that he was generally benevolent towards her--the two would very rarely argue. And plus, Parth was touched by Maridra's interest in his magical workings and studies. In fact, one day Maridra asked Parth to turn her into an animal. Parth said the idea was foolish, so Maridra had to try it herself. She almost succeeded, but fate led her to keep human qualities nevertheless. Still, from this came her ability to morph into two different animals. When Maridra was a bit older, she got the desire to follow in Parth's footsteps, but without Parth's guidance. She wanted to go away to a place where she could stay undisturbed and at ease. Parth, however, was uneasy about this--he had always loved taking care of Maridra because before her, he was suffering from miserable loneliness. He also feared that if Maridra left, she would experience that same feeling that he once did. Maridra didn't want to leave him in misery, so before leaving she prayed for his well-being, acknowledging that they could still remain together in spirit, and reassuring him that she would never meet a lonely fate. Still, she had to sneak out at night to leave his company. Maridra sealed her own fate. Years after she became content with her new life, with her own magical studies and her opportunities for peace, she too began to suffer from loneliness. She had grown up to be more like Parth than she thought, for Parth had started feeling lonely the exact same way. Plus, she got tired of all things being the same--the same dwelling, the same surroundings of mountain and forest day after day, and no one to share it with... Yet she did have a method of curing this misery that Parth could never take on easily: travel. It just so happened that the two animals she could morph into could fly, so fly she did to more civilized areas. Soon after entering the civilized world, Maridra was flung into action and surprise, for she heard news of a war against four evil lords called the Warlords. The Warlords had vast armies of demonic creatures at their sides, and there was unrest everywhere. Cries for help and peace were everywhere as well. All of a sudden the peace she had been living with was disrupted, but at least it cured her problem of boredom. She kept wishing she could somehow help stop the war, and she once even got a vision of somehow being able to determine the fate of the world. She kept wondering which one of the two sides would win the war--even though she seemed to be on the good side of things, she felt pretty neutral towards everything, as "everyone has a bit of good and evil in them".[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Hope she didn't seem too, um... powerful...
Hmmm, very very interesting. Well... *painful sigh* If I use this character, I'll be very much tempted to involve her siblings, but I'll try it anyway... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo][u]Name:[/u] Sarundanka (sometimes called Saruna for short) [u]Age:[/u] 15, but she'll turn 16 at some point in the RPG [u]Nationality:[/u] Some sort of European--no one's sure what (not even she knows) [u]Faction:[/u] Society of Blood [u]Weapons/Items:[/u] A unique sort of weapon. It consists of a long stick that is decorated with a silver spiral that ends in a sort of holder. This holder holds one of three weapons. One is a broad blade that looks like a fan, but the edges are very sharp. Another makes it look like a scythe, because it resembles a giant cat claw. Often times this is filled with a sort of poison which is injected when the claw stabs a victim. The third looks like a row of thin pipes. These are often filled with powders or quills which are let out when the stick is swung fast enough. There is a fourth, but Saruna won't even get it until her sixteenth birthday. (And when she does, she'll abandon the other weapons...) [u]Appearance:[/u] Saruna, like most Society members, has very pale skin. She's about 5'4" tall, and her figure is rather thin. Her hair is long, black, and fairly curly, and her eyes are a sort of misty gray. As for what she wears, that would be an elegant black shirt, with sleeves that are flowy and fairly long. She also wears a deep blue skirt, and underneath that are black pants with a sort of velvety look. Then she wears blue socks and black sandals, and around her neck is a necklace--a rather fancy-looking silver and lavender one, with a charm consisting of an oval--swirls of blue and purple make its colour. [u]Personality:[/u] Saruna is overall sadistic and cold-hearted. She's also not fnd at all of teamwork or friendship--she prefers to do things her own way. This doesn't mean that she won't follow orders--she might, but she'll put a giant spin of creativity on her duties. Other than that, she loves to battle, and she won't really care who she's fighting. Her main targets are Brotherhood members, but she'll turn against anyone she has reason to (but she usually won't turn against the other Society members--unless maybe they're too "soft" to fight). [u]Bio:[/u] Sarundanka was of course born into the Society, and her family was rather interesting. First was Hasaitsuavleun, her little brother. He was an optimistic little guy and also very friendly, but loyal as well. He took his training just as well as Saruna did. Saruna often ignored "Hasaitsu"--she didn't really like him or hate him. But then there was Chibutakamo, her little sister. Saruna hated "Chibu" for being too obnoxiously cute and sweet. Chibu was very gullible and naive, and in fact she seemed younger than she actually was. But she did very poorly in her combat training--maybe she "just didn't have that fighting spirit". Chibu also often ventured outside, so Saruna was afraid that she would be the first Society member to betray them all. Saruna explained Chibu's problem to her parents, but all they suggested to her was that she watch over Chibu more carefully. Saruna did her best to do this (she would have great fun tormenting her), but she often found herself busy with her training, as well as the real fighting she occasionally did later on in her life. So when she wasn't watching over Chibu, either Hasaitsu or her parents were. However, she rarely trusted Hasaitsu, for he seemed to be too easy on Chibu. He would often just let her be, then go off to do other things. Hasaitsu often got in trouble for this, even though he kept saying that "it was Saruna's fault because she's too darn bloodthirsty to care about the family". Indeed, if the parents ever favored any one of them, it was Saruna for her rather impressive combat skills. Whenever Chibu managed to escape, she would often hang out with members of the Brotherhood--in a way she kind of favored them, so maybe that's why she didn't have much desire to fight. As for Hasaitsu, he often ventured above ground as well, for the main purpose of foiling any Brotherhood plans. However, many Brothers often mistook him for a Hunter. But Saruna remained a devout Society member, or rather a unique individual who took many Society characteristics.[/color]
OOC: OK, I'll start from the other side... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tokyo looked a lot less impressive than it did back in the good old days--the days before the war and the corruption in the government. Helicopters were flying all over the place as if surveying the city for intruders, and occasional tanks traveled along streets, shooting at anyone who was very obviously Furian. Hardly anyone was walking outside--they feared that they would either be shot by the tanks or in some way tortured by the government. Whoever happened to be outside were very cautious, often walking quickly. What was once a lively and relatively safe place was now full of fear and cruelty, or at least outside it was. Once you got inside a building, you were significantly more secure unless you were unlucky enough to stumble inside a government building. Ari and Gon had stumbled upon the city by accident. Had the atmosphere not been so violent, the two would have been very excited, for their parents lived somewhere nearby. However, now they were too concerned for their own safety to notice that, and besides, there was a high probability of their parents being dead or missing. "This way!" Ari commanded. The two of them turned right onto a street and walked briskly along it, keeping an eye out for tanks or other people who might be working for the government. "Good thinking Ari," Gon complimented. "We should be safe in the..." Gon stopped at the end of the street--the surprise knocked the words out of his mouth. "...park..." Ari finished. "It [i]used[/i] to be a park..." Gon exclaimed. Indeed there was still a sign there that indicated a park, but behind it was a giant building, marked with a symbol that shot a stroke of fear into both of them... "Government building," they confirmed in unison. "Run!" And they did just that, until they reached the very outskirts of the city. The area around it was at this time nothing but wasteland; Tokyo looked like an oasis of buildings from afar. "OK... we're safe..." Gon panted. "That was close..." Ari commented. "Tokyo just isn't what it used to be..." "It was really a shame we only got to enjoy what, about two years of its golden age?" Gon agreed. "Before the government came in, yes," Ari added. By that time, the two of them were staring back at this "building oasis", aching with nostalgia. "I remember the time we used to go to that park," Gon remembered. "We would always have a good walk there." "I remember my one year in school there," Ari added. "People were jealous of me there, but at least I wasn't being brainwashed by the government..." "At least you got to skip being called an otaku," Gon commented. "I nearly got ticked off all the time because of that. You're lucky to have skipped the nightmare of middle school and high school." "As if TV was a bad thing," Ari replied with a hint of sympathy, "and especially that anime you always watch. But I can't believe I was so naive... that day when I finally realized the government's intention with me, it was the most shameful ever." "But at least we're together again. The day you saved my life in the Grand Grounds, it was the most wonderful ever." "Still, I wish it didn't have to be this way..." Ari sighed. "I think everybody wishes so," Gon reassured. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Since Ari and Gon are somewhere outside of Tokyo now, it's OK for the ever-growing group to meet them along the way. I love bunnies so long as they don't bite. (Get it?) :p
OOC: OK, since nobody's replying... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Yan." Henshu and Kawaine were sitting together on a rock, watching the now orange sun sink lower in the sky. When Henshu spoke, the sun had just touched the horizon. The area around the HQ building was growing darker and darker by the second, yet no lights ever came on, giving the vacant building a rather eerie look. Shinai, Shokuchi, and Tsukimi were still standing (or floating in Shinai's case) guard, but Kairuna was beginning to get impatient and bored. So, it decided to make itself useful for a while. [i]Besides,[/i] it thought, [i]if I have to battle, I had better practice my Projection move.[/i] And so it was, the Morphicate-unique attack that could copy literally anything. Kairuna used this ability on Henshu, the ever-so-fast flyer. A beam of what looked like weak electricity touched Henshu without any feeling, upon which the orb on Kairuna's helmet glowed. This fired another beam into a spot in the air, upon which a copy of Henshu materialized. "Yan," the copy said. Kairuna commanded, "Yan." The fake Henshu then darted off just like the real Yanma would, over the trees in the distance and out of sight. the real Henshu called from the rock she was sitting on. Kairuna replied. "How thoughtful," Ari commented. She kept glancing between the sun and the trees. The sun, speaking of which, was now just a speck of light over the horizon. Ari, Henshu, and Kawaine watched it become smaller, and within seconds it set completely. The very instant the sun disappeared below the horizon, Shokuchi growled. This diverted Kairuna and the sun watchers' attention. "What is it?" Ari inquired. the Growlithe growled. Henshu figured. Shinai guessed with a hint of amusement. Kawaine started to worry. Her heart had started to race again, as it always did when she was about to do something she really didn't like. Kairuna muttered. It looked like it had just gotten a headache. "Puff wi?" Kawaine wondered. Kairuna declared. Kairuna was interrupted by the revving of a motorcycle. Sure enough, there was Hiro riding towards the group. "Ari!" Hiro called as he got closer. "Puffwi!" Kawaine gave the loudest and most welcome call of them all--she was so happy to see him. In fact, when Hiro parked the motorcycle, she ran over and jumped on top of it to greet him. "Why hello Kawaine," Hiro greeted back with a little giggle. Hardly anyone could not do this when a cute little Puffly approached them happily. Kairuna asked. "Yeah," Hiro replied. "And I thought I saw Henshu flying overhead on the way back..." Kairuna said while shaking its head. "Rett!" Tsukimi's voice startled them all, for she was usually quiet. Riku and his allies had arrived! Raksha had attempted to catch the team off guard with a sneak Faint Attack, but Retron caught the Absol just in time--for a Vibrate attack. Tsukimi felt she needed the higher Special Attack anyways, as her psychic attacks weren't very effective against Raksha. Shadow had also entered the battle--his Charmander was battling with Shinai. "Flame, use Flamethrower!" Shadow commanded. "Oneek!" As if she was in a Contest, Shinai countered with an attack called Shadow Ray. But what was impressive was the effect: when it hit the Flamethrower, the fire halted and turned black. These sinister black flames leapt to life, going for the Charmander, but Flame was so frightened that he leapt out of the way and ducked. "At least you avoided the attack..." Shadow muttered, almost to himself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: At least no Pokemon got hurt yet. By the way, that is not Shadow Ray's actual effect; all it really does is lower Special Defense. Altering the effects of attacks is what a Harmonique does best.
Wow, neat idea! And here's one of my classic sibling combinations: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [u]Name:[/u] Ari Monokai [u]Age:[/u] 16 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Side:[/u] Good [u]Attack:[/u] Psychic Storm--This looks like a blue hurricane whose eye is located where Ari is. It can go through anything that is not electrical because it is made of psychokinetic energy. It usually isn't very big, but anyone who gets hit by it has the potential to be anything from dazed to knocked out due to mental shock. [u]Appearance:[/u] Ari is about 5 feet tall. She has long black hair and dark gray eyes, and she wears glasses as well. She normally wears a long dark blue jacket, pants that match her eyes in colour, black boots, black gloves, and a black hat. [u]Personality:[/u] Normally Ari doesn't show very extreme emotion, anger included. When she does get angry for some reason, she doesn't really lose control of herself too much, and she tends to calm down after using her Psychic Storm Attack. But the above doesn't mean that she never shows any emotion at all--with the war and her occasional psychotic moments she takes on a rather saddened attitude, especially right after those moments. [u]Minor Attacks:[/u] Dark Mind Attack--This can have one of two effects: it can make the target do a certain thing, kind of like a suggestion, or it can confuse the target into having some sort of hallucination. Plasma Spiral--Your basic beam of psychic energy--except this one takes a spiraling form and the behavior of a thunderbolt. **Ari can use telekinesis as well--in fact this is the base of her Plasma Spiral attack. [u]Other:[/u] Ari can't use any of her powers/attacks that well in a psychotic state (except Psychic Storm). [u]Name:[/u] Gon Monokai [u]Age:[/u] 20 [u]Gender:[/u] Male [u]Side:[/u] Good [u]Attack:[/u] Phoenix Spirit--Gon basically turns into a phoenix. While in this form, he's completely wild and doesn't recognize anyone. He attacks people or things by charging at them, but if he does this too hard, he'll turn into ashes from which he'll emerge, human again. It takes a lot of rage to use this attack. [u]Appearance:[/u] Gon is only a few inches taller than Ari. He has black hair that is almost long enough to touch his shoulders, plus dark gray eyes that match Ari's. He also wears glasses like Ari. Also, he wears a black T-shirt with a phoenix on it (surprise surprise), baggy jeans that are torn at the knees, and black sandals. [u]Personality:[/u] At the sign of danger, Gon just sits by and watches it happen. He's not really a man of action, and he doesn't like to be involved in other people's business. In most cases he's a loner, and he rarely follows anyone else's orders. The only person he ever really pays attention to is Ari--everyone else he just avoids or ignores. He's not really a mean person though--he only gets mad at those who offend him; otherwise he tends to be polite and calm. [u]Minor Attacks:[/u] No more actual damaging attacks. But he does have a sort of ability: he's unaffected by any kind of mental control. This means that he can't be hypnotized, his mind can't be read, etc. etc. Thus, he's unaffected by Ari's Psychic Storm and Dark Mind Attacks. [u]Other:[/u] He can't use his Phoenix Spirit attack if he shows no signs of frustration. **Gon and Ari are sister/brother. They have a family that lives in Japan, but it sure wasn't a happy one. Gon and Ari often wandered through the cities in the hopes of finding happiness in these rough times with the war. However, by the time Ari was four something tragic had happened. They were caught in a sort of electric field that was emitted by a faraway nuclear bomb. This is what sparked their powers, but that's beside the point. The point is that Ari was then kidnapped by a group of men that was probably on one of the fighting sides of the war. Gon had to return home and explain everything in tears. So it stayed until Gon's sixteenth birthday. For his birthday, he wished he could escape the hell that was going on where he lived, that he could move to a more peaceful place. Well, the rest is a long story, but let's say that Gon found himself in the Grand Grounds--the place where people had said no one ever returned from. As it turns out, Gon was nearly killed by a psychotic attack, but at the last minute Ari came and saved his life--it turns out that she was there ever since she managed to escape the place she was taken upon kidnapping. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: It's kind of weird... Ari is currently in the Pokemon: Age of Darkness RPG!
OOC: Hmmm... did Shadow sign up or is this his first post... *hides from mods* IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When Ari and her Pokemon got to Snag'em Headquarters at last, Tsukimi released Ari a little too soon, causing Ari to nearly break her legs from the hard landing on the ground. Shinai was waiting there for them, and Henshu was not too far behind. A small speck in the air far in the distance looked like Kairuna. Shokuchi, though, was nowhere to be found. Luckily, the area was pretty much deserted--the other Snag'em members were probably finishing up their daily duties elsewhere, and the administrators were probably in meetings inside the building. Ari was the only one out there standing guard--apparently she was also the only one who new about Riku's approach. "Shinai, do you think you can alert the administrators about Riku?" Ari asked her Harmonique. Henshu asked with a puzzled expression. "Can you pass through solid steel walls?" Ari asked rhetorically. Henshu looked a bit perplexed but said nothing in response. "Nique." Shinai nodded and floated off towards the building. She would have collided right with its wall had she not been a ghost Pokemon. Instead, she passed right through the wall and other walls beyond it, heading towards a room deep in the heart of the building--the room where all the administrators met to discuss plans. However, there was not a soul around as she wandered through the building, and there weren't even any lights on. Finally, Shinai came to the door to the meeting room. There were no windows in that room, and the door was locked. Only one thing to do... "Monii.." Shinai muttered in a surprised tone as she stuck her head through the door. The room was as dark and deserted as the rest of the building. [i]Who would leave a HQ building unattended?[/i] Shinai wondered--she felt for a moment that most Snag'em members were utterly stupid. The only two she knew to at least have [i]some[/i] brains were Hiro and Ari, and maybe the top administrator to the tiniest extent. But whatever the case, Shinai rolled her eyes and drifted back out of the building to meet Ari. Shinai announced in an exasperated tone when she was finally outside. Kairuna said under its breath, having arrived while Shinai was inside. "It looks like I was right," Ari said in the same grave tone from before. "We're the only ones here. Our only hope of company is Hiro--he said he'll arrive as soon as he can, and I believe Muramasa can fly pretty quickly. That is, assuming he can carry Hiro and Cinder as well as a heavy Pupitar. Otherwise, they should be a while." Henshu figured. Kawaine said with relief. Tsukimi muttered impatiently, hoping Kawaine would ignore her. Nope--Kawaine whined in a frustrated tone at Tsukimi for saying this. Tsukimi backed away from the agitated Puffly and kept a lookout for the intruders as well as Hiro. Who will arrive first? For the next few minutes there was silence. Ari was keeping a lookout just like Tsukimi, and Shinai prepared to attack upon the intruders' sight. Kairuna was staring at the HQ building looking cynical, and Henshu was watching the sun drop lower in the sky--soon it would set. Kawaine kept glancing here and there nervously, still afraid of fighting. Knight's advice to her stuck in her mind--he had said something about being bold and brave, to not run away from fights, to show no weakness or fear... rules of which Kawaine always disobeyed. Right now, she was panting, and her heart kept beating faster and faster... a few seconds longer and she might pass out... All of a sudden, something orange emerged from the trees. Tsukimi was ready for this--she automatically used her Psychic attack on the approacher. "Nique nique nique," Shinai demanded, shaking her finger scoldingly at the rash Retron. "Ret...?!" Tsukimi stopped in her tracks--the thing she had attacked was Shokuchi! "Growl ith," Shokuchi grumbled as Tsukimi let her down. Tsukimi replied, sounding a bit shaken, Henshu commented. Shokuchi explained, At this, there were many stares of surprise from the group. "So that's six of us--nine if we count Hiro's Pokemon--against roughly fifteen," Ari calculated. "We will be outnumbered, so everyone will have to fight." She said this last bit in particular to Kawaine, who felt even more scared. Kawaine hoped, "But not everyone will have one Pokemon," Ari assumed. "I can infer that everyone there will have an average of three Pokemon. Some may have more, some may have less, but an average of three per person. Three times five is fifteen. Nice try, Kawaine." All Kawaine did was whimper at the last statement.
Ari stood by and applauded. "Wow, good work Hiro," Ari complimented. "At last you caught a Scyther. Muramasa, welcome to the group." As Ari said this, her own Pokemon appeared from behind the bushes. "...I guess you decided to help after all?" Hiro clarified. "Yes, I feel the most moved to. After all, Riku has friends with him, and I am sorry to say that you would be outnumbered had you gone off to find him alone. But really... it's still your mission. I'm not too fond of monetary awards--in fact, you need the reward more than I do. I mostly care about the sheer glory of completing these tasks, and of course all the adventure and the experiences with my Pokemon... nothing compares to this priceless treasure." And with that, Ari glanced around at her Pokemon, and Kawaine was so happy that she cried. "Growl!" All of a sudden, Shokuchi barked and stared in a direction sort of near Snag'em headquarters. "What's going on?" Hiro asked the Growlithe. Cinder asked. Shokuchi replied. "I suspected this," Ari hissed. Kairuna commented, Knight suggested. Henshu inquired. Kawaine worried. Henshu suggested. "I have a better idea," Ari declared, so that everyone could hear. "Hiro, I think this is where we should split up--at least for now. You can continue on to Legends and do whatever is necessary there. But we don't know how long it'll be before Riku and his friends reach headquarters. Therefore, I will head there myself and take on the defensive there. And maybe... maybe I'll try and steal back what Riku stole... if you know what it is he stole that is." "He stole the Snag'em machine," Hiro answered. "It's a device used to capture the Pokemon of other trainers. My boss told me that Riku is willing to use that device against Snag'em, so it can be a threat." Kawaine shivered at this. [i]Does that mean that Riku can use the Snag'em machine to take me away from Ari? Maybe I shouldn't enter the battle... I don't want to be caught by Riku![/i] "Now don't worry," Ari said to Kawaine, as if she had read her mind. "What would Riku want with a weak-looking Pokemon like you? I know you're not weak, but Riku might think you are--use that to your advantage. And I am sorry to say that you might have to fight too, since I'll be greatly outnumbered. Kawaine hoped. "If they show up," Ari interrupted. "I have a strong feeling what we'll be the only ones out there, fighting our own battle..." Kawaine cried. "Well..." Ari sighed. "You might just have to, whether you like it or not. And the same applies to all of you. So are you all in?" Shinai automatically nodded--with much enthusiasm. Tsukimi nodded as well, looking forward to battle. Shokuchi proudly did the same. Kairuna contemplated. Henshu commented, "Kawaine?" Ari asked. All Kawaine did was cry quite loudly. "I'll take that as a yes," Ari said impatiently. "So, we're all ready to go." And with that Ari sat down and took off her hat, placing it near Kawaine. She picked up the scared little Puffly and put her inside her hat, upon which she held them close. While she was doing this, Tsukimi crawled up Ari's back and stopped atop her head, to which she clung on with her four stubby legs. Next to the threesome, Shokuchi crouched, as if preparing to run at a high speed. "Goodbye for now, Hiro," Ari said in the same solemn tone, as if she was never going to make it out alive. After Ari finished speaking, Shokuchi broke into a brisk run. She ran as fast as she could while waving in and out of trees. Meanwhile, Henshu darted off--this time in the air, following the same route she took before back to Snag'em headquarters. Shinai and Kairuna hovered in the air after her. Also, Tsukimi's antennae lit up, and soon her telekinetic powers activated, causing herself (and ari and Kawaine) to float up and follow the other Pokemon. All of them were headed to Snag'em headquarters for what could very well be the biggest battle yet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: In case you are lost or are too lazy to look at Ari's signups and posts, here's her current team: -Shinai the [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/pokems/harmonique.gif][u]Harmonique[/u][/url] (Ghost/Dark) -Kawaine the [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/pokems/puffly.gif][u]Puffly[/u][/url] (Normal) -Tsukimi the [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/pokems/retron.gif][u]Retron[/u][/url] (Psychic) -Henshu the Yanma (Bug/Flying) -Shokuchi the Growlithe (Fire) -Kairuna the [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/pokems/morphicate.gif][u]Morphicate[/u][/url] (technically Normal)
OOC: Come on Deathsye... where are you? Ah well, I'll have to bunny a bit for now... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kawaine asked Knight. Knight answered. Kawaine commented. Knight exclaimed. Knight realized his insult a second too late. Kawaine blushed at this comment. Knight asked. Kawaine replied with a hint of worry. Knight really didn't know what to say in response, but he had to say something. Kawaine shivered at the last few words. Knight commented--he didn't seem to understand why anyone would not enjoy battling or being tough. Kawaine shivered more. Kawaine then curled up into a cute little ball and sobbed away. She had had too much excitement today and was finally letting all her feelings out. The tag-team battle she had witnessed, Henshu's struggle with Sparkle's Ninetales, and a game of tag with Shokuchi... it had just been too much. Kawaine was only a little Pokemon, without much of anything to feel happy or grateful about. Ari never seemed to be there enough for her, and she was the one who took the Puffly away from her place in the wild... Perhaps, she thought, that if Ari had never captured her, she would have evolved into Cleffa instead of this strange creature she never heard about called a Puffly. After all, her parents were both Clefable and thought she would eventually become one as well. Maybe becoming a Puffly instead was some sort of mutation, or a sign of separation or lack of love... Kawaine sobbed. All of a sudden, Kawaine felt someone's hands on her soft body, stroking her smoothly as if to comfort her. Kawaine's cries grew fainter--she didn't feel as scared and alone as she did before. The hand on her back were not warm, but they did carry a soothing energy. Behind her, the owner of the hands was humming something similar to a lullaby, in one of the most beautiful and calming voices Kawaine had ever hoped to hear. It rivaled a time when her Clefable parents sang to her. "Puff... wi..." Kawaine was still sobbing, but the cry had a bit of happiness mixed in with the sorrow. "Ni..." said the voice behind her--a high-pitched voice with hints of a melancholy tone. Kawaine thought she recognized it, so in the moment of surprise Kawaine turned around to see who it was. "PAAAA... AAAFFF...!!" Kawaine gave a frightened yell and tried to run away, but she seemed to be just shuffling her feet briskly without really going anywhere. Then she fell flat on her face, and gave a weak scream. She took a moment to bury her face in the ground. "Nii-ku..." It was Shinai. Shinai stared at the frightened Puffly and sighed. "Kawaine?" Ari called--she was walking towards the two Pokemon. Kawaine blurted. "Aww, Kawaine..." Ari then picked Kawaine up and hugged her. "You didn't really need to cry, it was just a battle..." Kawaine repeated to Ari. "But you will become an adorable Skitty," Ari cooed. Kawaine said nothing to this. "I know you wanted to," Ari said, this time to Shinai, "but no sense breaking what's already broken." Her tone was both strict and apologetic. Shinai muttered, turning away and shaking her head in shame. Shinai uttered a short snicker at this last thought. "Hey, who's that?" Hiro walked over, forcing a smile. "This is Kawaine, but she's too upset to talk," Ari answered. "I guess Shinai's so upset about losing the battle that she let it out on Kawaine," Hiro figured. Shinai blurted. [i]And what a fool I was.[/i] Ari started to say something when she heard Harmonique wince than laugh quietly. This caught her and Hiro's attention, and they saw that Shinai's left hand had a needle stuck through it--the same one that she had used before to curse Riku's Absol. "Yes, she does that and it makes her feel better," Ari commented. "Gee, you seem a bit upset too..." She noted Hiro glancing from Knight to Shinai, then grumbling. "It's just that..." Hiro grumbled, sounding as if he hated saying every word, "that my boss will be furious with me if he finds out I lost the battle... damn Riku..." "What's this with Riku?" Ari inquired. "I assume you mean the guy with the Absol?" [i]The one that Shinai cursed? Hee hee.[/i] "He stole stomething from Snag'em and I was sent to get it back. Now that reward is gone..." The second Hiro said "reward"... "Kei." A Morphicate emerged from the bushes. "Ah, Kairuna!" Ari greeted. "What brings you here?" Kairuna explained. The gray mass that was Kairuna's body tingled a bit, and then a gray hand emerged from it, clutching a small bag. Ari took the bag and opened it. "It's full of money..." Ari muttered. "Hey, what's this note?" Ari noticed a piece of paper inside the bag. Cautiously unfolding it, she began to read... "A little thank-you for a job so perfectly done," the letter read. "-Kane P.S. Your Yanma warned me of an invasion, so I beefed up security at the Snag'em base. She also told me that you are working with another Snag'em member. He doesn't seem to be under my control, but I have notified the Chief anyways." Hiro grew wide-eyed at the last statement of the letter, then ran over to where Henshu was. He pinned the Yanma down and shook her in a frustrated way. "How could you?!?" Hiro nearly yelled in rage. "You don't go babbling about my whereabouts to my enemies! Now he'll know that I have assistance and he'll think I'm a dependent wimp!" "If you want to shake anyone ever so violently," Ari called, "do it to me. I shouldn't have offered to help you in the first place." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Yeah, I feel like beating up on Henshu and ignoring Tsukimi completely... Once again, sorry for bunnying...
[color=indigo]Ametite circled high above Raven's Eye, hoping to spot evidence of the large Crimson Blaze armies. She was about half a mile off the ground, high enough to be hard to spot by anyone, but low enough to be able to see things near the ground. The winds were steady that particular day--not too rough, but just enough to be able to glide upon. Thus Ametite would be able to keep watch over the land for quite a while, until, she saw an opportunity to warn the other faction members. Raven's Eye seemed okay at the moment. Ametite even barely spotted James there--hopefully he had heard about possible Crimson Blaze advances just like she did a while before. James seemed to be keeping his guard up--nothing big to worry about. [i]I hope everyone else who is not traveling is ready to put up a good defense in the event that Raven's Eye might be taken by Crimson Blaze forces...[/i] Ametite pondered as she drifted around on the wind currents. [i]If Raven;s Eye is taken, who knows, we'll have only a few dwelling places left. I just certainly hope they don't take the Falcon's Nest instead...[/i] Next Ametite looked over to where Falcon's Nest was. A few guards were patroling the place. [i]Good, the place seems well-protected.[/i] Falcon's Nest was more of a fortress than anything else. It held a lot of the Black Falcon's supplies, and if raided, it would prove a significant weakness for the faction. In fact, this was why there were so many guards around the place, as well as messengers that could contact any of the other Black Falcon bases for assistance. [i]The only ones I see attempting to take the Falcon's Nest are the Kutisok. Why, they'd certainly die trying, so they'd not be afraid of the guards... But I doubt to believe that fear is the determining factor. Let's move on.[/i] Ametite flew east a bit, diving a little bit lower to get a better view of what was going on below. Heading west towards Raven's Eye (most likely) was a Crimson Blaze army. Ametite watched this procession for a while, all the while remaining alert for any possible air attackers. Luckily, though, at this moment there were none. [i]Let's see...[/i] Ametite concluded after a while, [i]At their speed, it looks like this army will reach Raven's Eye in, say, five hours. So this means that we have until then to weaken the armies enough to prevent them from taking this base. Let's see, there are... what, forty of them? Oooh, and only five or so of us. We are seriously outnumbered. But why am I thinking this when I can report it to everyone at Raven's Eye...?[/i] With that, Ametite turned around and flew down towards Raven's Eye, moving down in wide circles so as to confuse opposing factions as to where she was headed. It was only a matter of minutes before she landed at Raven's Eye. She landed right in front of James in fact, and thus began to explain to him the things she witnessed from above. All she had to wait for now was James's suggestion of what to do next, as well as help from the rest of the faction.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Sorry about the bunny, but James [i]is[/i] a Black Falcon...
OOC: Two things. First, Shinai is just a nickname for Harmonique, and second of all, Harmonique's a Ghost-type, so she can't be hit with Normal-type attacks like Raksha's Take Down... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Hurt me?" Ari laughed. "I don't see how you can do that. I still have three other Pokemon here to protect me. And plus, no matter what you do, I don't have the golden pearl. You were too late--my Yanma already delivered it to my boss." "Then I'll have to go after that Yanma!" Sparkle decided. "Shocker, do you think you can catch a Yanma holding a golden pearl?" Then the Ninetales nodded and ran off. Ari laughed at what Sparkle said. "Henshu left here quite a while ago and flies pretty fast, so I bet she's already given the pearl to Kane," she said in a much softer tone, so that only Hiro and Ari's Pokemon could hear. "There's no way that Ninetales can catch it, much less retrieve the pearl." "What a lame duo of trainers," Hiro commented so that only Ari could hear. "Even if they did win the battle, they're still lame..." Meanwhile, somewhere in the forest... "Yan." Henshu was flying over the trees, heading back to where Ari and the others were. Instead of holding the golden pearl (which she had just delivered to the boss Kane), she was holding a small sack of what could very well be money. "Yan!!" All of a sudden, a Flamethrower came out of nowhere and scorched Henshu's left wing. Henshu looked down--and there she saw a Ninetales looking up at her angrily. Shocker shouted at Henshu. Henshu asked, shocked. Then she tried to fly away, though she had trouble doing so with a burnt wing. Soon after, another Flamethrower hit Henshu, and this time the hit was more direct. Fully burnt this time, Henshu fell to the ground just next to Shocker. Shocker repeated, glaring down at the Yanma. Henshu clarified. Shocker exclaimed, placing a paw on Henshu's wing, preventing her escape. Henshu answered. Henshu asked mid-wince. Shocker answered, bringing her face closer to Henshu as if to bite her. Henshu answered, sounding a bit more irritated. Henshu couldn't think of anything better to say for that last bit. The Ninetales finally averted her gaze from Henshu, but only to look around to see if the pearl was there. [i]I didn't see a pearl drop when I shot her down...[/i] Shocker remembered. [i]Maybe she is telling the truth after all...[/i] And with that, Shocker released the Yanma at last, but before doing so she grabbed the bag Henshu was holding. Then she ran back towards where Sparkle and everyone else were. Back in the ex-scene-of-the-battle, Sparkle's eyes lit up momentarily when she saw her Ninetales return. But instead of holding a pearl, she was holding some sort of bag. "...What is that?" Sparkle asked. "And where's the pearl?" Shocker answered in slight dismay. Shokuchi shouted at Shocker. Shokuchi, Kawaine, and Tsukimi were sitting against a tree and had watched the battle. The Ninetales said nothing and turned away from Shokuchi. Shokuchi continued. "Yes, why don't you do that," Ari agreed. She, unlike Shokuchi, wasn't the least bit upset about Henshu. "You can sniff her out--look for something burnt in the forest." Shokuchi barked in agreement, sniffed the air for a while, then ran off into the forest. "Puffwi!" Kawaine called, hoping to get Ari's atention. Kawaine was holding three Rawst Berries. "Oh, you found those?" Ari complimented. "Perfect!" "Hey, aren't those used to heal burns?" Hiro asked. "Pretty smart for a baby if I might say... and we need exactly three!" "Puffwi puffwi!" Kawaine thanked Hiro for the compliment, then gave berries to Knight and Shinai. Moments later, Shokuchi reappeared, carrying Henshu on her back. "Henshu, you did well," was Ari's only response to her Yanma's condition. When Shokuchi arrived, she patted Yanma on the head. "Oh, and didn't you collect the reward?" "Yan yan ya..." Henshu mumbled, pointing at Sparkle. Her mouth was full of Rawst Berry thanks to Kawaine. "Ah, I was afraid of that," Ari added. "That Ninetales took it from you, I figure. No matter though. True rewards are not made of paper, nor anything tangible for that matter." [i]You're not mad that she took the money?[/i] Hiro wondered, but he didn't really want to ask. [i]I'm glad it wasn't me...[/i] "So as you see," Ari declared, getting back up to face Riku and Sparkle, "Henshu here had no pearl. I don't care if you took my reward, but you're not getting that pearl without a lesson from my boss." Ari giggled at the thought. [i]Or perhaps a fight against the whole of Team Snag'em.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: The stuff in brackets is translated from Pokemon language. There are no brackets around Shocker's thoughts because they made the text not show up, and besides Ninetales can understand human speech anyways (just ask Dexter). And Cinder didn't get a berry because he's Fire-type and thus can't be burned.