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[color=royalblue]Zuri and Oramon were walking around in an empty cave they had accidentally discovered a few days before Milenniummon was destroyed. In fact, neither of them knew much about Milenniummon because they had never seen him. They had been in the cave all that time, adventurous enough to explore its depths. Occasional Digimon had been met along their journeys through the ground, but few were enemies, and those that were were Champion level or lower, and thus Oramon could manage by Digivolving. Just a few hours ago, the two had discovered a stream and decided to follow it. This stream kept getting wider and wider until it was big enough to swim in, and soon they encountered a steep uphill climb, waterfalls lining the edges. When they reached the top of this, they found a broken mine cart--apparently it had been used to collect pieces of the sapphire walls in certain areas of the cave. The present starts with Zuri and Oramon putting together a sort of raft out of the mine cart--all they really had to do was plug up the holes in the bottom of the wooden part of the cart. After that was done, Zuri pushed the cart into the spring at the top of the waterfall. The path ahead was a tunnel that curved off to the left--it looked like a stone waterslide with the wider river. "You're sure this isn't too dangerous..." Oramon wondered as Zuri climbed into the cart. "Just keep your light on," Zuri instructed, referring to the glow emitting from Oramon's ectoplasmic body and especially the crystal fastening her robe. "It is really fate that will get us out of this. Divine forces now compel us to ride--so therefore let our souls rest with them, and the fate that awaits us--not only at the end of the river, but on what lies past it, what sort of world lies outside this abyss." After that there was a moment of silence--foreboding, almost haunting silence. It was much different from mere quietness, which was not true anyways given the nature of the gurgling cascade behind. And then, a little spark out of the shadows, a little push of the water--they were off. Zuri's senses sprang awake the second she noticed the cart transcending the edge of the spring and sliding down the tunnel beyond. What Zuri didn't anticipate was the short yet steep incline that dropped from the spring--this gave the cart a great burst of speed along a comparatively level tunnel. Within seconds the river took a sharp turn to the left along the tunnel, making the cart bank quite a bit against the wall but luckily not turn over. This felt more like a bobsled ride than anything else. As the cart darted down the tunnel, Oramon held on to Zuri's head--she couldn't fly fast enough to catch up with a speeding cart. Her luminosity helped guide the way--at first the tunnel seemed quite smooth, just like a waterslide. The cart went through a fairly twisty path yet never gained or lost speed. But after a while, the river levelled off. Zuri was just about to sigh with relief when she saw a small rock jutting out of the river ahead. This rock would have caused the cart to crash and capsize, but Zuri quickly saw a solution. "Attack that rock!" "Crystal Beam!" Oramon announced a split second after Zuri's command--apparently she was thinking the same thing. She fired a misty blue beam that split the rock into a few pieces. All of those pieces flew off and hit the sides of the tunnel. A second later, the cart zoomed through the spot where the rock had been just a moment before. After this obstacle was cleared, the cart continued down the tunnel. All too soon, though, it made a turn to the right which was smooth--almost like a quarter-circle. After going around this turn, the tunnel floor ended--while the river went over a waterfall to the chamber below, the cart flew of the edge in all its speed. Then, it hit the water but stayed level, and it skipped over the edge a few times, just like a skipping rock. After a few skips, it hit the water firmly and slowed to a standstill. As Zuri looked around, she saw a long, narrow cavern where the water ran through. It was very beautiful--the sapphire walls were very noticeable here and glistened marvelously in Oramon's light. [i]So fate led us here,[/i] Zuri thought, smiling at the sight. Within the next few moments, the cart drifted off to the right and struck land--gently because of its drastically lowered speed and because the land it hit was covered in sand. This was no ordinary sand though--it was very sparkly, and Zuri figured it must be either pure white or the same shade of blue as the walls. Zuri then got out of the cart to take a look around--Oramon did the same. "It is beautiful," Oramon said in a soft and tranquil voice which echoed pleasantly off the walls. "Yes," Zuri aggreed. "I bet pirates would love to discover a place like this." "Pirates only explore the oceans," Oramon added incredulously. "Pirates are only treasure-seekers. I read about one group of them that headed up a river to find a treasure in the land they called El Dorado. But in this case it would be El... Azul, was it?" Zuri giggled to herself yet felt a little surprised--usually she did not come up with such jokes. Oramon giggled too--except out loud. "A treasure that indeed, many have searched for and even seen," called an unfamiliar voice from the cavern. This caused Zuri and Oramon to fall silent--what caused that voice? "But many a greedy folk have come here and attempted to steal treasure..." a second voice added. "...And they never came back," a third, much deeper voice continued in a grave yet powerful tone. "Reveal yourselves!" Oramon called as she cast her light on the source of the voice. Soon she and Zuri saw the source: a group of white, otterlike creatures with occasional blue stripes and cute, playful expressions. But standing among them was a giant, shaggy white creature with tusks and a horn. "Who are you guys?" Zuri asked, trying her best not to sound rude or nervous. "We are the Gomamon," answered the source of the first voice. "And this big fella is our leader, the great Ikkakumon. We are all gathered here to protect the natural beauty of this place, our home, our greatest treasure." "Normally we are friendly and playful," answered the second Gomamon, "but many people that come here seek the treasure here, and they all are punished the second they touch the stone." "By Ikkakumon?" Zuri clarified. "By the great Zudomon!" boomed Ikkakumon. "I am not the true leader here--two other, more powerful guardians protect this place--in fact, it was they who have kept our haven safe from all evil Digimon, even the great Milenniummon. O Great Zudomon, O great MarineAngemon... These two have paired together to protect this place from thieves and pirates--those that have come here seeking treasure were destroyed and thrown out. The same fate will await you should you do the same thing." Then Zuri made her fatal mistake. "I am not a pirate," she promised, closing her eyes and placing her right hand near her heart as if making a vow. "Your place is so beautiful that I wish not to see it disturbed. I would never take any of those stones from..." "Hey, great Ikkakumon!" one of the Gomamon interrupted. "Don't listen to her, this girl has already stolen from us!" "What?!?" Ikkakumon roared. Then his face grew scary, though it didn't freak Zuri out really. But Ikkakumon bent down to get a closer look at Zuri, and his eyes widened when he saw Zuri's ring and earrings--they looked as if they had come from the very walls of the cavern for they happened to be the same shade of blue. Immediately after seeing this, Ikkakumon attacked, knocking Zuri to the floor with his humongous paw. "What's going on?" Oramon wondered as Zuri fell. At first Zuri was confused, but then she saw the situation. She held up her right hand so that Oramon could see the ring on it. Oramon then noticed that indeed the charm on it looked like it came from this very cavern. "We gotta get out of here," Oramon whispered. "Ikkakumon will think we're thieves, and what about Zudomon--and MarineAngemon?" "I don't even know who they are... but maybe we should just honestly explain that we did not steal anything, that we just came here on this cart and... Wait, Oramon, that's it!" Without time to explain the situation fully, Zuri whispered something to Oramon then leaped into the cart. Immediately, the cart was off. [i]Remember karma, remember karma...[/i] Zuri thought as she began to drift away on the raft. She knew she was not a thief, and thieves always got punished by karma anyways. Knowing she had nothing to be punished for, she put her trust in fate and used a piece of wood inside the cart as a paddle to move on through the cavern. Meanwhile, Oramon flew over to Ikkakumon and tried to explain the situation. Ikkakumon seemed angry. "Zuri is not a thief," Oramon tried to explain, "she just..." Then the same giant paw struck Oramon--or at least it tried to--it went right through the ghostly Digimon. "Harpoon Torpedo!" Ikkakumon announced. "Marching Fishes!" the Gomamon called in unison. All these attacks approached Oramon, the torpedo being the fastest--but at the last minute Oramon was able to dodge this. She shone more brightly to keep all the focus on her rather than Zuri, and she fired Crystal Beams at the walls, which reflected all around to give dazzling light shows which struck some of the Gomamon with awe. Ikkakumon wasn't fooled though--he began to call the great protectors. "O Great Zudomon! Hear my call!" And as he started the chant that would awaken Zudomon, Oramon made plans for a different sort of summoning. The light around her shone more brightly, and soon it was so piercing that everyone--even Ikkakumon--was startled by it. "Oramon Digivolve to..." "...Cometramon!" The new Champion Digimon quickly fired the first attack. "Neo Blast!" The attack hit Ikkakumon between the eyes, but it didn't do that much damage. Apparently Cometramon had kept its power to a minimum. By that time the Marching Fishes were about to strike. "Shadow Comet!" With Cometramon's next attack, she dimmed and darted around the room, just like a misty comet. This got the fish confused--they started crashing into each other. Meanwhile, Zuri finally found the tunnel out of the cavern. Unlike the first one, though, this one was also steep and even speedier than the last one, and what was worse, Zuri had no light from Oramon to guide her. She could only adjust to the way the river bent--luckily it wasn't as twisty as the ladt tunnel. She could only hope there were no rocks... Luckily, there were no obstructive rocks in that tunnel. However, all too soon the tunnel began to straighten out, and the cart picked up more and more speed--Zuri figured she must have been going over 80 miles per hour in that last stretch. And at the last minute, the tunnel curved up, and all of a sudden sunlight shone through, blinding Zuri who had barely adjusted to the darkness... Below, the river ended in a tall waterfall that came down the side of a cliff. The heavy cart dropped down just ahead of it, but Zuri left go of the cart and went flying out into the air. As soon as she was able to open her eyes, she was surprised as she would never be able to survive the fall, yet she wasn't too panicky. She had a faint glimpse of the end, how painful or not it might be, and all the things that led to this moment... All the while, Zuri continued down--she was almost in a free fall towards the ground. She thought she could see people on the ground in the distance, but perhaps it was her imagination... With this final sight, Zuri closed her eyes, waiting for it to happen. But it didn't. At some height off the ground still, Zuri was grabbed by the shoulders by a figure that flew out over the land. Noticing this, Zuri opened her eyes--she was still alive all right. Looking around her she saw the great view--and looking up she saw a fluttering white cape and a face that looked all too familiar. [i]Cometramon![/i] Zuri rejoiced. Minutes later, Cometramon landed near the group of people, still carrying Zuri. As they saw it, there were also Digimon in the group. A doglike Digimon with blue stripes, a blue and silver horned creature, a grayish dragon, and an eaglelike bird. Finally, Zuri and Ora... er, Cometramon... had found not only light but also company.[/color] OOC: Sorry for the long post, it just seemed too intriguing to cut short...
[quote name='PWNED']Knock yourself out Nefertimon, I was actually hoping that some people would be villians but... eh, more power to you if you want to also have an evil character.[/quote] Well in that case... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple][u]Name:[/u] Amandina Lemente [u]Age:[/u] 14 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Allegiance:[/u] Doomguard [u]Race:[/u] Part rabbit fae and true fae (see Sunny's signup), part elf, part vampire... it's really hard to tell. [u]Class:[/u] Enchantress--A class similar to the Mage class as far as magic goes. However, enchanters' spells have more special effects, and they're usually performed on the side for special situations unlike the mages' "power spells". Usually they either lack weapons or use common items as "false weapons". [u]Weapon:[/u] none [u]Skills:[/u] Amandina has what one can call "sirenic" characteristics--she can cause a few different sorts of magical effects just by singing (this works especially well with males). She has moderate hypnotic abilities as well as a "mental block" which prevents her mind from being read. [u]Magic:[/u] She can bewitch objects (the smaller the better, but they can't be alive) to do a certain task, which usually involves annoying or attacking a certain individual. But to get around the life limitation for this, she'll summon a wandering spirit to do the job, or, if she can, separate one's spirit from its body. That spirit separation is based on the same circumstances as Sunny's soul-stealing ability (see her signup). In fact, she can also do this to herself! --Another common spell of hers is like reverse empathy: the victim takes on the same emotion as she has. --Another is kind of like mind-reading: By requesting an answer to something and touching a living being with either hand, she could possibly get that answer. This ability depends on the individual she uses it on. She can use the same spell to cause a "spaced out" feeling or, at the stronger level, cause the victim to forget something. [u]Appearance:[/u] The bottom of the attachment. Her fur is white and her hair light lavender; her eyes are a deep violet. Her shirt, I guess you can call it, is sky blue, her pants white with blue and purple at the bottom. Any kind of ring you see in the picture is dark blue. [u]History:[/u] When Amandina was in the hospital right after being born, she was accidentally switched with another baby named Carlys and thus went to the wrong mother. (So her name was Carlys for all that time.) Selenthe, her real mother, was really experienced with black magic, and she had another daughter named Sundira. Her fake mother, though (we'll call her Bela for reference), wanted nothing whatsoever to do with magic and even feared it herself. When the old Amandina grew older, she began to share some traits of her real mother, and by the time Selenthe attempted to teach her her first spell, she failed miserably--she just didn't have the ability to do it. This left Selenthe puzzled as well as frustrated with who she thought was her daughter. The old Carlys showed a slight interest in the supernatural herself--perhaps it ran in the family. Bela got suspicious about this though--she saw Carlys as the real oddball of her past family members. None of them liked to read--yet Carlys did. All of them were pinkish in color--yet Carlys wasn't. All of them had really good social skills--yet Carlys didn't. Et al. By the time both Carlys and Amandina were about 10, they were attending the same school and happened to be classmates that sat next to each other. The old Amandina was very friendly and wanted to be the old Carlys's friend. But things were tough at the time--word of Morcar spread like wildfire, leaving those who "feared the dark" were in a panic. Bela was among them, leaving her more suspicious because Carlys wasn't. Anyways, training for an "army" to protect the world from him was taking place, and at the school they did "ability scans" of all the students, testing their skills and magical powers. Well, it turned out that Amandina had no magic whatsoever in her--it ran in the family. Selenthe, of course, was very suspicious about this. But on the other hand, Carlys proved to have many abilities and a strong potential for magic--quite unusual in the school. Of course, Bela was horrified at this. It was then that the two children started telling their parents about each other--then the parents started to surmise the truth. It was later proven that Selethe and Bela had indeed gotten the wrong children. Therefore, Carlys and Amandina switched parents as well as names. The new Carlys and Amandina got along very well with their new parents. Anyways, leading away from the family thing, Selenthe explained to Amandina that her name meant "relating to revenge". And since Amandina already had a strong penchant for black magic, she really followed in Selethe's footsteps, unlike her big sister Sunny who objected. This continued for nearly three years, until Morcar set up the Doomguard. Unlike Selenthe, Amandina supported Morcar and later left to join the Doomguard. This upset Selenthe quite a bit--now she had two daughters that had left early. [u]Personality:[/u] Amandina tends to be shy and quiet, and she often does her own thing without the concern for or help from others. Overall she's not good with rules--she often tends to neglect the way things are supposed to be. This makes her a tad bit adamant and even egotistical in a way, but generally she remains calm rather than getting too aggressive. She does get angry fairly easy though--she can change into any other emotion just as easily. However, her emotions aren't exactly out of control--she controls things well and tends to be much more careful than rash. She's also quite patient as well as spiritual--if she does let one thing control her, that would be fate, or more generally the divine. Aside from all the feeling-related stuff, Amandina has a definite affinity for black magic oranything in the spiritual plane, plus she likes to read. The last bit leads her to be slightly pedantic, but that can potentially happen with everyone...[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, that signup was longer than Sunny's...
OOC: A quick guide to my posts: [color=darkred]Anything in red centers around Gamma[/color] [color=indigo]Anything in purple centers around Sisturnia[/color] [color=darkgreen]Anything in green centers around... someone else, in this case Kitepuka (Gamma's Feepit).[/color] IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=darkgreen]It was the Moffit that finally woke Kitepuka up. However, she didn't notice she was awake that well--all things around were dark and silent, except for the fluttering of the Moffit's wings. For once, Kitepuka found her Moffit's annoying nature quite helpful. The darkness and the silence was very scary to her. "Gamma!" she called in a squeaky voice. "Nelly?" Her voice didn't even echo. Although Kitepuka had a thick fur coat, she began to feel cold--most of this was due to the ominous nature of the place, if it even was a place. Kitepuka had no idea how she got here--the last thing she remembered was being ambushed by a gang of fairy-ish creatures on a visit to Faerieland. As far as she could tell, her owner and her owner's owner were nowhere near. [i]I never pictured Faerieland to be such a dark and scary place,[/i] thought the little Feepit. [i]I have no powers! What if someone tries to attack me??[/i] She listened cautiously, but apparently no one else was wherever she was, except of course for that Moffit. "You know, for once I love you... come here you buggy thing."[/color] * * * [color=indigo]In a realm separate from the rest of Neopia, one filled with nothing but fog and occasional wispy things, there was a single "house". In it there were two rooms: a large rectangular room filled with books, potions, crystals, or just about anything a fortuneteller, magician, or alchemist would have in his/her quarters. There was also an empty red velvet chair in front of a bright green fire in a fireplace. The other room was right on top of it--it was much smaller and circular, and it had windows on all sides. Below these were doorways, and above each of them stood a sign showing a certain place in Neopia. Occasionally, the signs changed what they said, and sometimes doors appeared or disappeared. Sometimes the doors opened, and when they did, they showed what was happening in that particular place listed above. However, no one on the other side could see or go through the doors--the doorways were all filled with a magical barrier through which matter cannot pass, and through which light can only go in, not come out. These barriers were up all the time, for the most part... In the center of the room, a crystal ball was hanging from a string attached to the ceiling. Then there was a circular platform, and on top of it a revolving chair that looked exactly like the one near the fireplace in the other room. However, this one was filled--with Sisturnia. If one did see Sisturnia outside the realm she lived in, they would have mistaken her for a Darkness Faerie. She looked dark all over--curly black hair, dark purple eyes, black lips, shiny dark blue dress, black shawl, black gloves, black boots, shiny black wings... but there were exceptions. Her skin perfectly contrasted her hair, and aroun her waist was a misty purple sash with a star pattern. Yet the truth was, she was not a faerie of darkness nor evil--she was the long lost and forgotten Spirit Faerie. As Sisturnia turned around in her chair she noticed four doors. One said "Kiko Lake", one said "Deserted Fairgrounds", one said "Mystery Island", and the last one said "Kreludor". All the doors were open--their views focused on four different pets in the places listed. The Kiko Lake door showed a pink Xweetok falling into a bottomless pit that disappeared when she fell. "Perfect," Sisturnia said to herself. "There's one. I hope Bloom's up to this mission..." The Deserted Fairgrounds door showed a Halloween Uni being sucked into a black hole on the grass. The land had bent when the Uni touched the hole, but all returned to normal after it disappeared. "And that's two. Airobeth should be here any moment." The Kreludor door showed a Robot Acara inside a bookstore, looking at a Psimouse picture in a book. The Psimouse's third eye was glowing, and the Acara was subconsciously sucked into the eye... Then the book closed and fell on the ground. "Three down. I believe Gamma's on her way here too..." The Mystery Island door showed a Mutant Kougra in a forest, celebrating a well-fought battle. Near her was a Mootix riding on the back of a Mazzew. "And?" Sisturnia said impatiently. "Hmmm, what's taking Kaiyasolia so long? I hope she gets here soon..."[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: This quest will start on my next post, which should come on Tuesday. If Kaiyasolia doesn't find the way to Sisturnia's lair soon, she has until then to do it. But don't worry, Neuvoxraiha, if you can't post till later, you're still in--I'll just bring your Kougra to Sisturnia's lair somehow.
Oh, so Sunny was accepted. Anyways, I noticed that so far there's nobody in the Doomguard for some reason... I guess nobody likes being evil. If it's allowed, I'd like to play two characters--the other one is actually mentioned in Sunny's bio and is in the Doomguard.
I used this character in another RPG, but that RPG never got started, so here's a great substitute... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=darkblue][u]Name:[/u] Sundira Lemente (aka Sunny) [u]Age:[/u] 19 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Allegiance:[/u] Both sides, in a way (see bio) [u]Race:[/u] [b]Fae[/b]--True faes are often known as "starwalkers" because of their star-shaped feet. They're humanoid but bear nothing in common with humans. But most faes are not true--they can breed with any type of animal, thus making that animal seem humanoid. Sunny, in this case, is a cross between a rabbit fae and a kitan fae. (A kitan is a large, chubby rodent with trumpet-shaped ears like the ones Sunny has. You can argue that it looks like a Pikachu...) [u]Class:[/u] Black Mage [u]Weapon:[/u] The staff in the pic, which is of the Darkness and Spirit elements [u]Skills:[/u] Flight on her staff, plus she has pretty good hearing due to the shape of her ears [u]Magic:[/u] -With staff: Various spells pertaining to its elements, ranging from energy pulse waves to a constricting dark vine; also a sort of circle-based spell that can either heal or drain energy -Without staff: Psychic blasts (with help of her hat), plus the ability to drain energy of the soul **Note: The last ability/spell listed is harder to use on stronger foes--Sunny must gain some sort of advantage over them first. And besides, Sunny hates using this most of all... [u]Appearance:[/u] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/sunny.gif]-clickety-[/url] [u]Bio:[/u] Sunny was born in the village of Zurem. Her real name means "curse"--her mother (named Selenthe, to make this easier to read) named her that because she wanted Sunny to become really experienced with black magic, just like her. However, Sunny's personality just never fit that goal. Most of her childhood was painful--her schoolmates automatically detected her ominous aura and mostly feared her, and her sister Amandina teased her for being "weak and incompetent". (Amandina, unlike Sunny, was overjoyed at Selenthe's expectations.) However, this did not mean that the family supported Morcar--in fact, Selenthe saw him as a complete fool to gain power like that. She knew that dark magic did not necessarily lead to excessive power; in fact, it shouldn't and doing to would be a much greater sin than the magic itself. For this reason, Selenthe later chided Amandina for becoming part of the Doomguard. However, she never liked Sunny for being a "goody goody" who wanted to constantly prove she was not evil. One day, Sunny finally found a friend--Satsuma--who was quite powerful in the Resistance. Satsuma, unlike most others, saw past Sunny's aura and became her best friend. Sunny even joined the Resistance because of her and also because she wanted to do some good to the world. However, one little name messed things up: Merelda. Satsuma's possession of this as a last name was a bad sign--the Lemente and Merelda families had been fierce rivals for ages. When Selenthe found out about this friendship, she was furious. Adding to that was Sunny's defiance of Selenthe's policies. Determined to subdue Sunny, Selenthe used a bit of her own dark magic to disable Sunny's digestive system. After that, she named her "an official soul hunter". Sunny was mad at Selenthe for doing this--she already hated using her dark powers anyways--"and now this?" Of course, she had a hard time explaining the situation to Satsuma. Satsuma wasn't entirely shocked, but even she began to draw away from Sunny more and more. This depressed Sunny quite a bit. On top of that, the Resistance rejected her because they were suspicious of Sunny's dark powers (they thought she was a spy for the Doomguard). Having nothing left except to fear, Sunny wished she could just die, but she couldn't because of her daughter Fortuna she earlier adopted for the sake of companionship and separation from her mother. Currently Sunny wanders around the land with Fortuna, hoping to work something out with the situation behind Morcar. [u]Personality:[/u] Sunny really has a sunny personality. She's energetic and friendly, and she loves to help others. However, she has a great deal of favre* (see bottom), and people don't often trust her. Also, she's good at lying, but she only tells white lies to protect herself or her friends. She can also keep secrets well. As far as her abilities go, she doesn't like to use "evil" or "dark" abilities, mostly for fear of karma. This causes her much worry and even stress--she has a hard time calming herself fully. Plus, Sunny is easily distracted, so she would find it nearly impossible to meditate for example... But on the plus side, she has a fair amount of control over herself and her emotions, except maybe excitement... Yeah, she does get excited easily. And though she's not too shy, she is quite modest and is easily flattered. However, her modesty goes so far it turns into pessimism. On top of that, she's emotionally fragile, and she gets tired easily and tends to overestimate herself. Gee, she's not as sunny as she may seem...[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope Sunny is accepted--she's one of my favorite characters to use in this type of RPG because of her backstory and her status as well. I have a lot of feelings for her, so she is thought out well... If her abilities seem too powerful (especially the soul-stealing one), I can only say that Sunny's history and characteristics center around that ability, so that's the last one I'm willing to get rid of. If it really is too much, I'll have to use a different character... perhaps Amandina instead (see bio). **[u]Favre:[/u] (n) An aura of negativity; a tendency to be disliked, feared, or distrusted Syn. Formidability, ominosity Ant. Charisma
I certainly hope this RPG is successful, because it sounds really interesting... **In most Digimon RPGs, you're allowed to make up a Digimon, but if that's not allowed I can change it later--I have a plan B. (But if I change the Digimon, I'll have to change the tamer as well.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=royalblue][u]Name:[/u] Zuri Takina [u]Digivice Colour:[/u] Lavender [u]Age:[/u] 17 [u]Appearance:[/u] Zuri stands about 5 and a half feet tall and has very pale skin. The color of her eyes and her hair almost perfectly match; they're pretty much a silvery white with streaks of crystal blue here and there. But her hair is straight and flows halfway down her back, and there are slight hints of bangs on the sides. Usually those would blow back in a gust of wind to reveal earrings that look like inch-long amethyst spikes. As for what she wears, that would be a lavender blouse with loose, medium-length sleeves, and over that would be a light blue sweater with the sleeves rolled back. Below that would be a long, silky, light blue skirt with teal trim at the top. All she would have on her feet are white sandals, but around her neck would be a charm similar to her earrings except with a blue oval on top. That same dot is on a ring on her right hand. [u]Digimon:[/u] [b]Rookie:[/b] Oramon [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/oraline.jpg]Click here[/url]--she's on the bottom left. Her body, I guess you can call it, is white with a blue overcast, and the robe-cape thingy she wears is white. Her eyes are indigo in colour, but her hair is crystal blue. That's the same colour as the big charm around her neck, and the little sphere right near the top of her head. Everything else on her is dark blue. [b]Attack:[/b] Crystal Beam [b]Champion:[/b] Cometramon [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/zuliarmon.jpg]click here[/url] [b]Attacks:[/b] Neo Blast, Shadow Comet [b]Ultimate:[/b] Livremon [b]Apparance:[/b] Something along the lines of [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/pokems/harmonique.gif]this[/url], except she's taller and thinner than that of course. She takes on basically the same colours as Oramon and is usually seen covered by her white cape (same one as pic, except the orb is blue). But inside, she has the same hands as in the picture, and the same dress (except lavender in colour) with what looks like a bigger version of Zuri's earring (except blue) under it. She can also be seen holding a thick book with a hard cover of sapphire and emerald. [b]Attacks:[/b] Tome of Quills, Song of the Silent, Plasma Vines [b]Mega:[/b] Necromon [b]Appearance:[/b] Quite simple for a mega... She looks like a ball covered with a misty blue handkerchief. There's a single indigo eye on the front, and Cometramon's streamer-like head thingies as well. A miniature crystal ball is tied on a string at the base of her head, and a hand similar to Livremon's is sometimes seen emerging from it. [b]Attacks:[/b] Mirror Illusion, Tingle Ball, Five Star Hex, Spirit Command[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh how I love Zuri and her Digimon... Oh, and if she ever gots a "crest", it'll be that of wisdom--that's the one she gets in the fanfic she came from anyways.
OOC: Um, Blooming... you might want to lengthen your posts, and make sure you post only once. Seeing a shadow really isn't much--you might want to describe what else happens (just be sure not to control other characters). Also, since everyone pretty much did their intro posts, I think it's time that we get things moving rather soon. In other words, look at the bottom of the first post to see how to get to Sisturnia's lair--we shall meet there very soon. IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=darkred]The stars seemed dimmer because of all the lights in the town on Kreludor, and the noise level was certainly higher there than out in the boondocks where Gamma would have stayed had she not heard the strange voice. Gamma walked around, occasionally glancing at what everyone was doing or looking up at the sky. An occasional spaceship zoomed above the town, and more than ninety percent of the others were talking, most rather excitedly. Gamma really felt left out at this--here she was, a depressed robot, looking for the meaning in her withered life. As she walked, she looked for something to do. "Hey hey," called a voice to the right, past a small crowd. It was a tall man that looked half-Aisha and was holding a piece of black cheese. "See here, today's special at the Cheezeria! Many rumors stated that the moon was made of cheese, and I at the Cheezeria have developed a scrumptious sample devised from Kreludorian dust itself! Come, get samples while they're free!" "That cheese guy's a bozo," said a nearby Kyrii to her friends. "I think the map people are too ashamed of the Cheese Wiz to list one of his places on the map..." "I don't blame him," another Kyrii laughed, and the rest of the group snickered. [i]I don't know if I'd be able to eat anything as I am now anyways...[/i] Gamma thought as she walked on. Luckily, everyone was too occupied with teasing the cheese guy to make fun of her. The next thing Gamma came to was a sign. "Sale, 20% off all Booktastic Books!" it said in large print. The smaller print at the bottom read, "Booktastic Books--the smarter way to read!" Relieved to come across a stop that didn't involve food, Gamma became curious and walked into the bookstore. "Cheese Wiz: A Bizarre Passion" was the first title that caught Gamma's eye. Apparently, this Aisha-like guy was infamously popular. But as usual, the thought of food depressed her, so she kept looking... "Mystical Wonders of Faerieland," read another title. But as the thought of Faerieland reminded her of Nelly, she immediately put the book back and continued looking. "100 Petpets" was a book worth scanning through. The first page she came to talked about the Spardel, a doglike petpet that was loyal yet not very smart. She flipped through a few more pages: "The Floud, a gentle and cuddly pet that dwells in the clouds," she read. She also noticed big red print at the bottom of the page: "Warning, never feed it carrots." Again, food thoughts depressed her, so... "Baby Fireball, a pet that can be playful but tends to burn things it touches..." [i]Too bad, I heard metal is very sensitive to fire.[/i] "Snorkle, a pet that's cute and lovable but eats like a pig..."[i] Nope.[/i] "Deedler, a robotic pet that has built-in games so you won't get bored..." [i]Wow, that sounds promising, but I wonder if it'd beep too much...[/i] "Leeble, a tropical fishlike pet that loves to sing." [i]Great, more noise.[/i] After a few more pages, Gamma muttered to herself, "Forget it. Besides, I already have a petpet..." [i]Speaking of which, where is Kitepuka? I haven't seen her since Nelly left... I hope she's not gone too...[/i] While thinking about her missing Feepit, she put the book down and continued searching. Scanning through the books, one book took Gamma by surprise. "The World of Robotic Pets," the title read. Since Gamma herself was a robotic pet, she became fascinated and opened the book. "Robotic pets originated in the Virtupets space station," Gamma read. [i]Then how in the world did I end up on Kreludor instead? I don't remember anything about the space station...[/i] "But, many more were thought to exist on Kreludor--one hypothesis stated that there existed a mysterious force somewhere in space--perhaps Kreludor--that could change ordinary pets into robots." [i]That could explain it... but that would mean that that force is somewhere nearby... and I didn't notice anything strage about that place where I woke up.[/i] "However, robotic pets (and especially petpets) played a much more influential role in the Space Station's economy and well-being. For example, one place in the..." The page ended, so Gamma had to turn the page to keep reading. But as soon as she did so, she noticed a piece of paper folded inside the book. She thought this rather suspicious as this was a bookstore, not a library... so it couldn't be notes that someone wrote about the book. Normally, Gamma wasn't that curious, but a force in her mind, a turn of fate, compelled her to take a look... "Dear Gamma," Gamma read. [i]Wait a minute! This is a letter to me?!? What's this doing in a book? How did it get here? How did anyone know that I would walk into the bookstore and pick up this book and turn to this page?[/i] Gamma had no choice but to read on. "I know you've probably heard about this, but the faeries have been disappearing from Neopia, both good and evil. Nobody knows the identity of the scourge behind this, but still this crisis needs to be investigated. Thus, I have selected certain pets to embark on a quest to find the culprit and bring back the faeries. Without your help, Neopia might never be the same again. Keep the magic alive, Sisturnia" [i]Who's Sisturnia?[/i] Gamma thought, gazing at the letter. [i]A quest? She must be kidding me, whoever she is... I don't feel that comfortable with faeries...[/i] After all, it was faeries that met Nelly's doom. Anyways, while thinking about this, Gamma noticed a post-script: "While you're there, open the book that you just put down to page 65." [i]The book that I just put down?[/i] Gamma looked again at the bookshelf. Finally understanding which one Sisturnia meant, she picked up the petpet book and turned it to page 65, just as the letter instructed. On the page was a picture of a strange-looking mouse holding what looked like an umbrella. "The Psimouse, a pet native to the Haunted Woods. This mouse uses its third eye to see into the future, and it is believed to have other sorts of psychic powers as well." [i]Why did Sisturnia want me to look here?[/i] Gamma wondered. [i]This can't really help me, can it? It's just this description of a Psimouse, that's all...[/i] With increasing uncertainty, Gamma continued to read the page until the very bottom. "Psimice employ their visionary powers more effectively at night, especially when the moon and stars are out. Both are proven to broaden the mind and enhance any psychic abilities." [i]That's it, that's all there is of the page... What could all this mean?[/i] Incredulous yet desperate, Gamma rescanned the page--still nothing. She groaned with frustration, beginning to give up. Then she sighed and decided to bide her time by looking at the picture of the Psimouse. She thought its umbrella-thingy strange, and of course its third eye was the most captivating feature. Gamma focused her attention on this eye because it was so peculiar... and within seconds she was staring right into it, failing to notice everything else around her. Although the transition was unnoticeable, suddenly all Gamma saw was blackness. In the next few moments, Gamma was stuck in a sort of trance, and a world that was certainly not part of Kreludor but somewhere in the dream plane. Something about that Psimouse eye sparked something in the spiritual realm, some magical event that pointed something in a certain fateful direction. In this realm, a certain type of song rang through--it sounded like a lullaby. The only noticeable sights in the place were a sort of indigo fog and black wisps that floated around occasionally. Gamma was floating too, and within moments she was sleeping.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: You don't need to receive a letter--but you do need to somehow get to Sisturnia's realm within a few of your own posts...
Welcome to the Neopets RPG! I'm so glad people signed up! Of course, the signups are still open--see the thread in the Adventure Inn. However, signups will close when there are 10 people in the RPG. If you are lost as far as the story goes (especially if you're a late signup or if you went away for a while), feel free to PM me--I can briefly tell you what happened so far without you having to read ten posts for an hour. Anyways, the people in this RPG are: Nefertimon (me)--playing Gamma the Robot Acara Frankie--playing Airobeth the Halloween Uni Blooming--playing Bloom the Pink Xweetok Neuvoxraiha--playing Kaiyasolia the Mutant Kougra And hopefully more coming soon... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=darkred]Gamma was sitting on a Kreludor rock, looking down at Neopia and fixing her gaxe on Faerieland. A part of her did miss Nelly, her owner--though Nelly had been a very unlucky girl, she had at least tried to help Gamma out of her troubles. [i]I shall think of her whenever I visit Faerieland... but I hope I never have to go there again...[/i] Gamma thought. [i]All those evil... faeries? Wait a minute... Sisturnia just told me that the faeries are gone! Well, that[/i] is [i]a relief, but...[/i] Not a soul was around in the rocky nothingness--Gamma was sitting quite a distance from the single Kreludorian town. Occasionally, though, traces of noises emanated from the town and rang through the thin but clear atmosphere, sounding crisply in Gamma's metal ears. A moment later, a large spaceship came soaring far over her head and started its travel to Neopia. Apparently it was carrying people and pets who had just spent a wonderful day visiting Neopia's moon. Gamma wished she had something to do just like those folk, to get her out her loneliness. "Do something, then," rang a mysterious voice through the air. It seemed to be coming from the stars as Gamma could tell by its tone, but it sounded so close and warming as well. "Do what?" Gamma answered back, sounding hopeful. "Visit the town. Have fun and celebrate now that your terrible illness is gone." Gamma just fretted at these words. "Don't you get it?" the voice continued. "You're cured now! The evil faeries are gone! Have some [i]fun[/i] for once!" "Who are you?" was the only reaction from Gamma. "Remember, you create your own world," said the voice, ignoring Gamma's question. "Do you really want a miserable life?" Gamma said nothing, and after a while neither did the voice--it seemed to have gone with the wind, if there was any. A part of Gamma wanted her to talk to the voice some more. "Well, I guess I can be thankful for those things," Gamma said to herself, referring to the sickness and the faeries being gone. "But what else? Now what do I do? I'm a helpless robot, and I have no clue what to do now that Nelly's gone..." Gamma sighed, and she thought she leard a laugh behind her that seemed to come from the voice. But this she ignored pretty quickly as she started to walk, almost automatically, towards the town. After all, it was better than being bored...[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: OK, for now you can just do an introduction post... but since there are not very many people in this RPG, we'll jump to Sisturnia and the start of the quest pretty quickly. By the way, Sisturnia lives in a separate realm that is accessible from any world via a portal which only the chosen Neopets (you) can see. At some point you'll need to go there--then we can REALLY start this thing.
So... we only have three people in this RPG: Gamma the Acara (me), Airobeth the Uni (Frankie), and Bloom the Xweetok (Blooming). The RPG wil start approximately 15 minutes after this post! In other words that means now! However, despite that, signups are still open--I encourage people to join since we're only a threesome now. It won't be that hard for you to catch on.
Blooming, well... Luckily for you, I'm pretty lenient when it comes to signups, but know that with a signup like yours it'll be easy for you to be rejected in some RPGs due to spelling, grammar, and length. I'll let you into this one, but I might reconsider if your posts don't make sense. Yet I trust you for now, and other than that you're in!!! I'll wait until Friday or when there are 7 signups (whichever comes first) to start this).
You are accepted! Just remember that with the exception of the starting ability (which in your case is Lava Spit), your pet will not have any other powers to start out with--she'll get those when all the pets visit Sisturnia early on in the RPG. Other than that, you don't need to change anything! (I originally wanted pets' existing abilities to be one of the basic ones--those learned before level 25--and Lava Spit's not one of them, but that and many other abilities are self-explanatory, so you're OK there. As for me, my highest-level pet is at level 11, so I wouldn't know.)
In the past, the citizens of Neopia (especially the pets) have enjoyed the company of the faeries. There were the basic elemental faeries--of earth, wind, fire, water, darkness, and light--and then there were others such as the Soup and Space Faeries. Also there were "minions" of the elemental faeries that served the purpose of blessing Neopets and were usually bottled. One day in Neopia, something didn't seem to be right. The faeries that were once taken for granted were gone... all of the faeries, or at least the elemental ones... luckily Taelia and the others still remained. Kauvara, the magic shop owner, was the first to notice this when an order of bottled faeries for the shop failed to come. She began to tell the existing faeries the news, and pretty soon many Neopians knew all about the problem... Obviously the problem wasn't Jhudora again--it would be crazy of her to imprison other faeries, and nobody discovered any in her cloud anyways. In fact, the problem didn't exist with any common villains... so who was it? The only new face in Neopia at that time was a new faerie: Sisturnia, the Spirit Faerie. She, unlike the elemental faeries, did not grant individual abilities but rather helped awaken the very inner powers of Neopets. She usually kept this ability a secret, though rumor has it that she used it to give the other faeries their powers... Anyways, after the faerie disappearance, Sisturnia decided to use this ability on a few chosen Neopets who would be willing to help on the mission. She picked Neopets in as diverse a location as possible so that they would be familiar with their area. But who will answer Sisturnia's silent cry for help? Who is willing to take on this magical treasure hunt? The rewards can be great, but the discoveries can be alarming... Are you willing to embark on an adventure around the planet? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ***Now, here's how this will go: Those who find the missing faeries and the ones behind the disappearance will get a special prize (for the characters, of course), and your pet will not die or be removed from the RPG unless you break the basic RPG rules or voluntarily quit. After the RPG starts, late signups will be accepted until there are ten people (excluding me) in the RPG. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now for the signup: (note that you will be a Neopet, not an owner, but you can have an owner as long as he/she doesn't come with you because he/she can't) [b]Name:[/b] You don't need a last name--Neopets don't usually have them. [b]Gender:[/b] Pretty self-explanatory [b]Species:[/b] Pick any Neopet species--you can also be a limited pet such as a Poogle [b]Colour:[/b] This can be a basic or painted colour--it doesn't matter. [b]Home:[/b] You can be from any of the major worlds in Neopia. You can also be from Kreludor, Roo Island, Kiko Lake, Geraptiku, Jelly World, the Space Station, or any world included within the major worlds such as Brightvale. No other location is allowed, and it is recommended that you pick a different location than anybody else. [b]Personality:[/b] Please be descriptive--don't say it in one or two words. [b]History:[/b] This area is pretty much free--like I said, you can be domestic or wild, but be aware that your owner can't come with you on the quest. [b]Petpet:[/b] This is optional. If your pet has a Petpet, list its name, species, colour, and Petpetpet if it has one. [b]Abilities:[/b] These do not have to be the abilities listed on the site--you can make up your own abilities or powers. In fact, I would encourage that you don't use the existing ones, as these are the abilities Sisturnia will give you. Your pet can already have a maximum of one ability that's listed on the site though. ***I will also be entering this RPG with a Neopet, but she will not win any prizes from this as she is already Sisturnia's "honourable pet". Anyways here's her signup: [u]Name:[/u] Gamma [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Species:[/u] Acara [u]Colour:[/u] Robot [u]Home:[/u] Kreludor [u]Personality:[/u] Gamma isn't a happy pet. She gets depressed easily and tends to be pessimistic and lonely. She's very quiet and often wishes she had a friend, but currently she doesn't have any. However, being a robot, she doesn't get sick that easily. [u]History:[/u] Gamma has always been an unfortunate pet. Her owner, Nelly, cared about her but was also quite poor. She wasn't always a robot--she was just a regular blue Acara back then. She sometimes took pride in her hypnotic abilities, but other than that she was quite modest. More about the unfortunate part, one day Gamma got the Ugga-Uggas, apparently by eating a bad omelette. She had this for a long time because Nelly couldn't find the Sporkle Syrup needed to cure her. This depressed Gamma--she couldn't talk, she couldn't be with other pets because most of them feared the disease was contagious, and she couldn't move out and about that well. Nelly kept looking after her, and both of them stayed in their Neohome in Neopia Central. Gamma stayed home most of the time and rarely ventured out except to visit the Soup Faerie, or occasionally the auction spot for hopes of finding a Sporkle Syrup. Though Nelly never found the syrup, one day she and Gamma ventured out into the world. First they came to the Wishing Well, where Gamma wished her disease could be cured. Then, they went to the Space Station to visit all the robots. Gamma thought the robots were neat because they couldn't get sick like her. Anyways, lastly they came to Faerieland. At the time, evil faeries terrorized the city, and soon Nelly and Gamma were separated. Though Gamma never saw Nelly again (perhaps she was dead?), when she woke up the next day she found herself on Kreludor, and she had become a robot. However, she wasn't sick anymore! Moreover, Sisturnia was by her side--she had turned Gamma into a robot and taken her home. She told Gamma that Nelly had indeed died at the hands of the evil faeries, but she also informed Gamma that those faeries were gone, as well as all the other elemental faeries... [u]Petpet:[/u] Kitepuka the Feepit + Moffit [u]Abilities:[/u] Gamma already has the Fiery Gaze ability, but from Sisturnia she gains laser vision and certain electrical powers. Her gaze can paralyze as well as hypnotize. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gamma was based on an actual pet I have named Sailor_hypnotica... the Ugga-Ugga bit was a true story, except I did find the medicine. Anyways, about 3-10 people will be allowed into this RPG. Have fun posting!
Elves are usually much older than that, but oh well... After waiting hopelessly on two RPG's, I've decided to hope on another one... **LOL, my character is originally a Pokemon I created, and now it's in here... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple][u]Name:[/u] Satrinei [u]Age:[/u] 18, though she doesn't look like it [u]Race:[/u] Pixie [u]Appearance:[/u] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/pokems/psiad.gif]As shown here[/url], except for the head. Her skin is more of a light olive green than the sea green in the picture, and she has long straight hair that is slightly darker in color than her dress. Her eyes are still kind of diamond-shaped like in the pic, but her nose is barely tinted red unlike the clown nose in the pic. Also unlike the pic, she has humanish hands that make the rest of her arms look like sleeves, but the rest is the same. Oh and also she's about six inches tall. [u]History:[/u] Satrinei was born in a desert oasis, completely isolated from the rest of civilization. She would always hide from any wanderers by surrounding the oasis with mirages or sandstorms, as was the instinct of her race of "desert pixies". She was safe--but from all except one. One day the king himself went traveling in the desert with a few of his elven slaves. Satrinei set up her main line of defense as usual, but the slaves could still hear her rummaging around and thus the king found her, and with the help of his slaves he caught her, thinking he could put her powers to use. Luckily, Satrinei wasn't in slavery for more than three days, and she was still in prison because the king hadn't decided what to do with her yet. But on the third night, the wandering thief Dopuro stumbled across the prison. Dopuro, a sort of giant crow, was quick and clever like most thieves but also ignorant. He snatched Satrinei out of the prison only because he mistook her for a pretty and perhaps expensive doll. When Dopuro left the king's realm, Satrinei woke up and found herself in a bag rather than a cage and that she was moving. Peeking her head out the bag to have a look, she saw Dopuro running along, collecting promising objects as he went. When he finally stopped, he discovered Satrinei was alive and automatically released her--he didn't like collecting living things. Satrinei thanked him for saving her, but she was still not used to civilization and spent the next few moments getting used to the surroundings, however foreign. One thing that stood firmly in her mind was the king and his evil deeds--he surely stood out from the rest, and Satrinei could thnk of no better thing to do than to try and stop him. [u]Magic, etc:[/u] Satrinei has no weapons but makes up for it with magic and such. As described before, she can create mirages or false images--she does this with a sort of psychic power. That type of power is her strong point, and it also includes telekinesis, and telepathy with those she knows well. Suggestion, or mild hypnotism, is possible, but it takes her much time and concentration to do so. Aside from that, like most pixies she can generate pixie dust, which, in her case, has the power to revitalize a bit, so it's like a healing power that only works with living things. Her only actual spell is a sort of rainbow-colored rain, which is actually a curse in that it has a sort of negative effect on the target and the surrounding area. [u]Snippet:[/u] When Satrinei woke up, she did not feel the cold stone floor she had to live with for the past three days. Instead, she felt cloth all around her, as if she was being carried in a bag. Curious, she fumbled around and found a knot in the top and a stick the bag was tied to. Luckily, there was a gap in the cloth just wide enough for her head to go through. The sight outside startled her--the figure carrying her looked like a giant crow. Instinctively, Satrinei cast her rain spell as she usually did when feeling threatened--a small shower of droplets washed over the figure's head, leaving the feathers to sparkle in the starlight. In the seconds that followed, Satrinei looked at the surroundings--the figure was running down a gully than ran between two small hills. She could not glimpse the kingdom anywhere. But in her looking, another thing startled her--the creature tripped and fell on his face, and Satrinei tumbled out of the bag. As Satrinei began to instinctively fly up, the figure saw her and looked as surprised as she did before. "Oh, it's alive!" he gasped. "Well then... I thought you were some expensive trinket... I wasn't going to keep you as a slave--I steal from the king often, so I'm no friend of his." Satrinei just blinked and stared at the creature, cocking her head to one side. "You... did save me though," was Satrinei's response after a momet's silence. "Heh, true. I try to be a nice guy, except when I steal of course... so much fun, it's the challenge and excitement of life!" Another blink and head tilt from Satrinei. "Know me by this name: Dopuro, the Wandering Thief. And may I know you by..." "...Sa... Satrinei. The, um... Desert Pixie." "Satrinei is fine. I got places to go and things to steal, but I'm sure our paths will someday cross again." "I'm sure the king will determine that." At this last thought of Satrinei's, Dopuro ran off into the darkness.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If I may, I'd like to occasionally include Dopuro in this RPG as well... My only concern is his race, which is mostly animal. He won't appear until later on, though. Just incase, his appearance can be found [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/pokems/spyrant.gif]here[/url] to make things specific. (Oh boy, another one that came from a Pokemon... what's up with that?)
Well, I prefer to do a list, because I believe that is easier to read... [u]Name:[/u] Rebecca [u]Age:[/u] 17 [u]Homeplace(s):[/u] I've lived in California all my life (and currently reside in San Jose), but I once lived in Singapore when I was about 4... [u]General Appearance:[/u] 5'1", pretty skinny, light tan skin, curly shoulder-length dark brown hair, brown eyes [u]Personality:[/u] In general, I am quite emotional and spiritual. I tend to be slightly pedantic but also modest and even a little pessimistic at times. My mind is pretty much open if "the sky is clear". I like to express myself (and I almost never lie about myself), but I am a little shy. I'm also quite friendly and generous, but I feel most comfortable when I'm alone, or "in the darkness" as I sometimes call it. Speaking of the dark, that's the side I am quite fond of in life. I embrace that which some people fear or banish from their lives. (For example, I often think about death and see it as a wonderful thing when it comes. Many people fear death.) [u]Hobbies/Interests:[/u] Overall, I have a strong passion for the supernatural. Magic and spirituality mean everything to me. But other than that, I like to draw, sing, play music, write, and do stuff on the computer. [u]Dislikes:[/u] Sports, sex, and drugs [u]Grade:[/u] 12 [u]Best subject:[/u] Math [u]Worst subject:[/u] English [u]Favorite Anime:[/u] Pokemon, believe it or not... [u]Favorite Color:[/u] Purple (followed by blue and black) [u]Favorite Food:[/u] Seafood and pearl tea (hey wait, that's a drink...) [u]Favorite Animal:[/u] Cat (followed by raven and snake) [u]Pets:[/u] 2 cats [u]Religion:[/u] Should I say?? All I'll say is that it's largely based on what some people falsely consider an "evil" or "satanic" faith... [u]Current Desire:[/u] To have a meaningful friend, one who really understands me and/or shares quite a few of my interests... [u]Current Fear:[/u] Being forced to live in the sixteenth century (because I would be easily accused as a witch and killed) :toothy: (Yeah, I just made that up about five seconds ago...)
The character I'm RPing is one that I've always wanted to use in an RPG. I originally wanted to use the Night Rune, but Selenthe here needs a rune that fits her personality better... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo][u]Name:[/u] Selenthe [u]Age:[/u] 32 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Race:[/u] Nay Kobold [u]Weapon:[/u] A javelin--but it can retract into compact size and aids in magic [u]Weapon Name:[/u] Kataforte [u]Magic:[/u] Selenthe wields the Darkness Rune. This affords her several dark powers--she can create a field of darkness (similar to an eclipse), drain energy from a victim (or their soul in some cases), and cast "shadow spells" that act much like curses. For the last bit, Kataforte is often used. However, this rune is not one of the True Runes. [u]Appearance:[/u] Selenthe stands about a meter-and-a-half tall. Her fur is mostly black but is white on the bottom part of her face, her tummy, and the end of her foxlike tail. That fur is fairly soft and long, especially on the back of her head so that it almost looks like hair. Her paws and nose are black as well, but her eyes are a dark blue. To protect herself from the sun, she wears a a ragged black dress that completely covers her feet and paws, plus a black hat that has triangular protrusions to cover her ears. [u]Bio:[/u] Selenthe used to possess both the Darkness and Night runes (she discovered the Night Rune abandoned in a dark ocean trench and seemed worthy of it), and she wielded the same dark powers as she does here now. Her daughter Amandina was her apprentice for a few years, and when she was old enough she was entitled to one of Selenthe's runes. The Night Rune suit her best. However, a few days after Amandina got the rune, she disappeared to go investigate the rituals in Harmonia. However, on her way there, her rune was stolen and taken somewhere else. Selenthe heard of this, but she never saw Amandina again. Figuring she was still in Harmonia, and curious about the rituals, she planned to head to Harmonia as well. [u]Extra Info:[/u] Selenthe can breathe underwater due to a combination of fish characteristics and a certain type of magic, but she's allergic to sunlight due to a combination of vampire characteristics and a curse cast upon her by an angel.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope the Night Rune mentioned in the bio is OK... But someone else can still take the Night Rune because neither Selenthe nor Amandina have it now.
OK, here is my character--hope she'll do... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo][u]Name:[/u] Sundira Lemente (aka Sunny) [u]Age:[/u] 16 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Race:[/u] Bunny fae (humanoid rabbit) [u]Personality:[/u] Sunny really has a sunny personality. She's energetic and friendly, and she loves to help others. However, she has a great deal of favre* (see bottom), and people don't often trust her. Also, she's good at lying, but she only tells white lies to protect herself or her friends. She can also keep secrets well. As far as her abilities go, she doesn't like to use "evil" or "dark" abilities, mostly for fear of karma. This causes her much worry and even stress--she has a hard time calming herself fully. Plus, Sunny is easily distracted, so she would find it nearly impossible to meditate for example... But on the plus side, she has a fair amount of control over herself and her emotions, except maybe excitement... Yeah, she does get excited easily. And though she's not too shy, she is quite modest and is easily flattered. [u]Appearance:[/u] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/sunny.gif]-clickety-[/url] [u]Weapons:[/u] A magical staff, as shown in the picture [u]Abilities:[/u] Mostly dark abilities. With her staff--which is of the Spirit element--she uses various spells pertaining to that element, ranging from energy pulse waves to a constricting dark vine--but also including a healing spell that involves a sort of transmutation circle. And she can also fly on her staff, just like in the picture. --Without her staff, all is not lost--she still has two abilities left. The first is a pulsing wave of psychic energy that she can only use while wearing her hat. The second is the ability to drain the energy of the soul. However, this ability is harder to use on stronger foes--she must gain some sort of advantage over them first. Sunny also hates using this ability most of all and mostly uses it on "unimportant" passersby. Most of that reasoning is explained in the "Weakness" section... [u]Strengths:[/u] Her lies are hard to detect, and she's a good improviser. That's basically it, unless you count her magic... [u]Weaknesses:[/u] Sunny has poor physical strength, and she's both physically and emotionally fragile. Also, the only way she can obtain energy is by draining it from others, and her strong reluctance to do this definitely makes this a weakness. Also, she tends to overestimate herself, and she gets tired pretty quickly. [u]Bio:[/u] Sunny was born on the planet Gala. Her real name means "curse"--her mother (named Selenthe, to make this easier to read) named her that because she wanted Sunny to become really experienced with black magic, just like her. However, Sunny's personality just never fit that goal. Most of her childhood was painful--her schoolmates automatically detected her ominous aura and mostly feared her, and her sister Amandina teased her for being "weak and incompetent". (Amandina, unlike Sunny, was overjoyed at Selenthe's expectations.) One day, Sunny finally found a friend--Satsuma--who happened to be the leader of Gala. Satsuma, unlike most others, saw past Sunny's aura and became her best friend. However, one little name messed things up: Merelda. Satsuma's possesion of this as a last name was a bad sign--the Lemente and Merelda families were fierce rivals for ages. When Selenthe found out about this friendship, she was furious. Adding to that was Sunny's defiance of Selenthe's policies. Determined to subdue Sunny, Selenthe used a bit of her own dark magic to disable Sunny's digestve system. After that, she named her "an official soul hunter". Sunny was mad at Selenthe for doing this--she already hated using her dark powers anyways--"and now this?" Of course, she had a hard time explaining the situation to Satsuma. Satsuma wasn't entirely shocked, but even she began to draw away from Sunny more and more. This depressed Sunny quite a bit. Having nothing left except to fear, she considered suicide a wonderful option. But before that chance came, she mysteriously vanished, appearing at this camp with a group of strangers--this RPG's start.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *[u]Favre:[/u] (n) 1. A negative or ominous aura 2. An innate quality that inspires hatred or fear in others Syn. Formidability Ant. Charisma Anyways, poor Sunny... I don't know how many times I've said that Sunny really hates using her energy-draining ability above all... so therefore I hope she'll fit.
OOC: Whoa, this RPG is going fast... I'l try to post often, but the only problem is that school's in the way... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo]Emillie reached her hand back to grab her staff. However, in one movement she could tell it was missing. But then, a feeling had come across the orb on her tail... Her expression suddenly grew sinister. "Well," Emillie said in a loud whisper to Salima, "well well well. Scaredy-cats, are we? You can't hide your fear, girl--through my experience I have been able to sense these dark emotions, fear among the most important. Ah, I see you are the friend of the demon here... What an interesting sign." With this Emillie began to draw a circle around herself, a circle of bright blue light. This brought icy chills into the air, which Salima felt instantly. Salima shivered and took a few steps back. She knew that abilities of ice can usually mean hearts of ice. As Emillie's hand moved toward her tail, she felt something rodlike. Pulling it out, she realized it was her staff. In her mind she was surprised at the find--she had apparently pulled it out of her tail. But her expression remained as cold as the wind she had just conjured up. [i]A dragon with a staff?![/i] Salima thought--she had never heard of dragons with any type of weapon before. But while she was contemplating this, Emillie pointed the end of her staff at Salima, the skull charm clearly visible to her. This was the last thing Salima saw before she found herself enclosed in a bright red hexagon. With this came Emillie's incantation of "Shu-pentreus, orba sai tali!" Salima, having no clue what this meant, tried to step outside the hexagon, but a funny feeling prevented her from crossing the border. "Do that again," Emillie sneered. "Feel free, the only price you have to pay is a bit of your soul energy. Step outside and your whole soul should be taken, but stay inside, don't move, and you shall be safe." Salima felt a sign of reassurance at this. She also saw an opening about eight feet off the ground, where the walls of the hexagon seemed to end. [i]Maybe if I can jump over this, I can escape...[/i] But Loki already had plans for the dragon. [i]Ice...[/i][/color]
OOC: It may not seem like my turn to post--I'm just going by what Jokopoko told me... Anyways I'm trying to do this and school at the same time, so it might be slow... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple]Kelsey didn't even flinch when Misdreavus told her about what she did while she was out. She knew what her Pokemon liked to do and was okay with it, even though those happenings may seem evil. Kirlia sat by Kelsey, fairly tired from the training. A few seconds later, Alakazam appeared in front of both of them. "So Alakazam, what's in the mental box tonight?" "Well, we won't have that problem, won't we?" Kelsey remembered a Pokemon battle in which Alakazam was up against an Umbreon. However, the battle wasn't too hard, and Alakazam only took one Faint Attack while making Umbreon faint with two Psychic attacks. Kelsey was amazed because not only did psychic attacks not normally work against dark Pokemon, Umbreon had high special defense. Alakazam blushed at this--she had read Kelsey's thoughts at the matter. She had always been shy and easily embarrassed--she would hardly ever talk to strangers or operate at full power during a battle. The reason for holding back her powers was because she had once belonged to a boy named Casey since she was an Abra. As soon as she evolved, though, Casey kept getting headaches from being close to her. This made Kadabra embarrassed and Casey in ambivalence--he debated on whether or not to get rid of her. Finally he found Kelsey, who never got the same headaches. Kadabra was relieved at this, so Casey decided to trade her for Kelsey's Magby. Of course, Kadabra evolved once she had been traded. "Oh by the way, Misdreavus, did you get the time?" Alakazam was about to say that it was afternoon, but that was in France. Kelsey was located right near the border between Vietnam and Cambodia, right alongside the Mekong River. Kelsey liked this place because it was fairly far from Celia's house on the coast to the south, but not too far away. A few weeks ago, Kelsey had resided in the northern part of Australia, not too far away from home. Her father had resided in Singapore ever since Kelsey was born--that's where he and Kelsey's mom met. Kelsey had traveled there over the past few months but never found her dad there. She had gone back to Vietnam when she heard of the tournament and immediately thought of Celia. She wanted to keep nearby her in case she got the urge to challenge her in a Pokemon battle. "Well, now that we're all together," Kelsey finally said, "let's start heading over to the arena. That's... oh, say ten miles from here, back in Vietnam." Misdreavus added, "You're right..." Misdreavus asked in a humorous tone. "Well, I know I used to be... but hopefully that will all change. Not only will this tournament be a chance to introduce our unique battle style, it will be a chance to show Celia exactly who we really are. In fact, Misdreavus, as I now see it I think you're even scarier than her Banette! And if you don't scare me, I don't see how Banette will!" Misdreavus cheered sinisterly. "Heh, it's too bad you can't steal Celia's soul in the middle of that battle, that may be against the rules or something." At this Misdreavus laughed. Everyone except Kirlia giggled along--Kirlia was emotionally sensitive and felt uneasy under the toture methods Misdreavus often described. Kirlia asked, hoping to change the subject. "Let's start by crossing the river." So Kelsey and her Pokemon walked down through the woods towards the river. Alakazam walked too--she didn't like to teleport except for long-distance travels or battles. And she hadn't seen the arena before and thus couldn't just teleport there. When the four of them reached the river, Kirlia tried to walk across, but the water was too deep. She ended up levitating herself and floating across. Alakazam did the same, and Misdreavus just used her natural ghost abilities to do the same. Kelsey, however, was aided across by Alakazam's telekinesis, so she felt like she was flying. The experience was so fun that the four didn't land on the other side of the river but rather floated on for another few miles towards the arena. In the distance, the sky grew lighter, awaiting the next two hours when the sun would rise.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` OOC: Wow, wouldn't it be great to travel like that?
[color=navy]Emillie stopped as Ayumu flew closer. She felt a little safe, especially she had not met him before and he (hopefully) wasn't a spy for her mom. Though this was among her worries (the appearance of Ayumu looked like a creature her mom summoned at times during a spell), she smiled in response to the look in Ayumu's eyes that gave the clear image of a smile. "Never seen a dragon before, huh?" Emillie asked in a saddened tone. Ayumu nodded. "What's wrong?" Ayumu replied, feeling Emillie's tone. "Well, the thing is, I'm not really a dragon--I kind of accidentally turned myself into one just a while ago. A part of me does think it's wonderful, but my mother hates dragons, so I have to hide from her all this time." "Hmmm..." A part of Ayumu didn't believe this. "Quite peculiar..." Emillie then smiled, for from Ayumu's confusion she could tell that he had no clue who she was either, which meant he wasn't a spy. "So are you just enjoying the night?" Ayumu continued. "Yep. I've loved the night for a long time, and the chills up here feel even nicer in this new form. You see, dragons come in different elements--mostly the basic ones of air, fire, water, and earth. What I conclude now is that I fall under the Water category, but more specifically Ice. But ice is just frozen water, so that makes sense." Ayumu laughed at her last remark. "I suppose you like the night too," Emillie continued, "to be out at this hour. Which makes sense--ravens like the night, so maybe crows do too..." "Well actually, to tell you the truth, I'm not exactly a crow either..." Emillie's eyes grew wide at the sound of this. [i]Wow, we must be in the same boat![/i] she thought. "Oh, you're really a human as well? I guess that could be true, but you didn't accidentally turn yourself into a crow, did you?" [i]Of course not. He doesn't seem the spell type.[/i] "I did turn myself into one, but not accidentally, really." "You mean you [i]wanted[/i] to be a crow?" "Not exactly..." There was a tone of embarrassment in Ayumu's voice. "How peculiar..." Emillie repeated Ayumu's earlier remark. "How did you manage to accidentally become a dragon anyways?" Ayumu's tone suddenly gained a hint of humor. "Spell gone wrong..." Emillie said as she glanced back at the clearing in the forest where she had performed the spell. "Must have been a pretty powerful spell," Ayumu chuckled. "I guess..." Emillie's voice drifted off as her head turned over to the horizon. "Going somewhere?" Ayumu inquired. "Over there is where my mother lives. Of course I'm not going there." Then Emillie turned back to Ayumu. "Where are you headed?" "Eh, personal business... So anyways, why does your mother hate dragons?" "I don't know. Maybe it's because dragons are rumored to be conquerors and banishers of black magic and evil--my mother is probably the underground expert on black magic. Not that she wants to kill the whole world or anything..." "Which she passed down to you?" Ayumu finally noticed the staff Emillie was holding casually at her side. At this Emillie just smiled. There was silence when the two looked toward that same horizon. "You know, what's your name..." "Ayumu." "Emillie. I've been hearing something about this mirror said to have magical abilities--for a while I thought it might be what I need to turn back into a human. And, I..." "Oh, that thing," Ayumu interrupted. "Just watch out for it--for all I know it could be dangerous." "Don't you ever take risks in life?" Emillie blurted. [i]Heh, that's one part of certain types of black magic...[/i] Both of them laughed.[/color]
[color=navy]In the forest lay a fairy ring of trees with a stump in the center. Smoke hung low around the edge--the results of a spell cast at that precise location. Remains of a bowl lay beside the stump, and the air was cold and dry from the results of the spell. By the area, right on the outside of the ring, a small dragon no bigger than a human peered at the scene from behind the tree. A clear look of worry was seen in her eyes. [i]Mom'll kill me for this, or worse, put me in this [/i]draza[i] state she'd been talking about...[/i] The dragon was actually a girl named Emillie--she had cast a spell for the purposes of experimenting with dragon energy. But she replaced the ritual ingredient of dragon scales with magic dust shed from a dragon's wings. This error ended up turning her into a dragon. Worse, she didn't know how to reverse the spell. Now she worried about the punishment that awaited her once she got back home, for her mother hated dragons. She even said once that she would kill one if she ever met one. But if she found a dragon in place of Emillie, the punishment would be worse than that... The "draza" state is similar to death in that the body is basically dead, but not perfectly, so that the spirit is trapped inside and waits with futile efforts to get out. Her mother said it was the most painful experience anyone could imagine, and she even sent a couple people into it once. Emillie, however, never had the heart to as it would be worse than murder. Emillie's only ray of hope came from the traveling-glass she once heard of in town. Though she didn't know exactly what powers it had, she hoped it had the power to turn her back into a human before her mother could notice. With that, Emillie came back into the circle of trees and put her hands on the stump, treating it like an altar as she prayed for these things. However, a second later she realized she had frosted the stump with that touch. [i]Ice powers...[/i] Emillie realized as she snatched her hands away from the frozen stump. Emillie's immediate goal was to find the glass and use it to turn back to normal. However, as she started to leave, a voice inside told her it wouldn't be easy to find. This added to her tension, but she hoped she could work something out at least. If she couldn't turn back into a human, she could at least turn into an animal that her mother wouldn't hate... But for now, just to release her tension, Emillie decided to test out what other powers she had. [i]All right, I know I can freeze things...[/i] For the next few minutes she experimented with different things. She managed to freeze the air around her by transferring energy to her tail, and to create snow by flapping her wings. She also tried to use other abilities such as telekinesis and fire breathing, but none of those she happened to have. She also reached for her staff and tried to use it again a few times. [i]Good, I was afraid it would be useless due to this change...[/i] Emillie thought as she bewitched a rabbit into holding its breath and dying of suffocation. Simple black spells were the ones she used most often as they didn't require much effort and were her specialty at the same time. With a look at the sky, Emillie saw that the sun was on the brink of setting. A cool breeze blew by her as shadows completely covered the circle. [i]So refreshing...[/i] Normally, breezes like those made her shiver, but it felt like one on the beach at this point. To her right, she could see the moon which had just risen a few minutes ago. She decided to enjoy the night--she was not afraid of the dark and knew she could protect herself, plus she enjoyed the moonlight so much. She began to fly a few feet above the trees, enjoying the view as well as the new experience of flying. One thing she knew was to enjoy the aspects of life as they last. Tonight would be a night of relaxation and adventure in case she woke up the next day to find herself back to normal again, however rare that may be. One other thing she knew was that anything is possible at any given moment--you can't predict fate exactly.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Ah yes, pieces of my wisdom along with it... I like to do that. Oh, and by the way, draza is a word I kind of made up because I couldn't find an English word to describe it... ("coma" isn't good enough for it)
Usually the way I prefer to start an RPG is to introduce the character a bit further by RP'ing. Often my character is alone in the first post, but that can change later on... I'm starting out in the forest.
[color=indigo]There sat Mira, perfectly still and staring intently at a classmate. This particular classmate was a girl who just last week called Mira a "mindfreak". It was getting towards the end of her psychology class, and most students were finishing their classwork. However, Mira was the first to finish and was now enjoying the free time. The girl she was staring at, though, gave up on the work and was talking to her friend as quietly as possible. The teacher was too busy correcting essays to hear. There was almost a silence in the classroom, except for inaudible mutterings and the scratching of pencil on paper. But the ice was broken. "I love Professor Gilbred! He's the cutest, cutest guy I ever met and I wanna marry him and have kids and everything! Wheee!" The girl blurted this out with much exctement. After a brief silence, the whole class laughed, and the teacher looked up, puzzled. But a few seconds later, the girl wondered why everyone was laughing at her. "What? Did my skirt fall down or something?" A few moments later, the lunch bell rang above all the laughter. All the students started heading out the classroom, except Mira and the girl from earlier. The girl tried to talk to her friend on the way out, but the friend just said "Weirdo" and ignored her after that. The girl then seemed totally lost and stomped out of the classroom. "Mira, why are you still here?" called the teacher, which was the Professor Gilbred the girl had talked about. "Didn't you hear the bell ring?" The teacher's cheeks were still red from the girl's blurting. "You know how I feel about going out. I don't have any friends or anything to hang out with, and plus I do like to contemplate certain things after class..." "What's on your mind now?" "All the disappearing students. And speaking of mind, I keep wondering if they were mind-controlled to go somewhere and never return... amazing how that works, doing something against your will. Just like I..." Mira covered her mouth and put her head down. "Well," said the teacher in a humorous tone, "that was quite a speech coming from Tamara today, wasn't it?" Mira said nothing and smiled. [i]It was quite a speech all right. Wow, what an interesting year this has been! The three new classes I'm taking... how exciting! I see that I'm learning the subject matter of one quite well, that's for sure. Heh, at the rate I'm going, I'll be bending spoons by next week! Eh, maybe that's an exaggeration... but that would be nice wouldn't it? Electric eels use modified muscles to produce electric charge--do the same to brain cells and what do you get? Heh, interesting.[/i] Mira's contemplations continued throughout the period--she would not move again until the next bell rang and she was off to her next class, Neurology.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Typical first post always has the character use any powers or skills that he/she has... :animeswea
Hmmmm... now what about this? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=navy][u]Name:[/u] Emillie (pronounced same way as Emily) [u]Age:[/u] 17 [u]Race:[/u] Dragon [u]Backstory:[/u] Emillie was actually born a human. She lived in a large village in the hills with her parents--her dad was a cleric while her mom, well, didn't really do anything, at least not anything anyone else knew about. But one day when Emillie was about 6, her parents erupted into a fight, and then her dad was dead. It turns out that Mom had been busy studying black magic in secret, and when Dad found out she killed him. But after that, Mom started to share her magical findings with Emillie, seeing as they were safe without Dad. But the rest of the village still knew nothing of the incident or Emillie's secret training. Emillie was kind of interested in the subject, though she revealed it to no one. But one day, one of her own spells gone wrong turned her into a dragon permanently. Though she has never been able to reverse this, she heard about a mirror that just might have the power to change her back (her mother hated dragons)... [u]Abilities/Magic/Weapons:[/u] [b]Abilities[/b]--Now that Emillie is a dragon (ice dragon to be exact), she has the power to make the temperature drop and freeze things just by touching them. However, this doesn't work too well with living things... She also can control people through a song (like a siren), but this is inaccurate and only works with males. And being a water element dragon, she can also breathe underwater. [b]Magic[/b]--As the backstory states, Emillie has some knowledge of black magic--she knows how to control minds, summon dead spirits, steal soul energy, etc. But she doesn't practice these spells often, so they don't always work... [b]Weapons[/b]--Emillie's only weapon is a staff for spell usage. It's about three feet long and has blue orbs on both ends (like the one on her tail) tied with tassle-like aqua ribbons. One end has a charm bearing a peculiar symbol: a seven-pointed star inscribed in a hexagon. (Well doesn't that make sense--[i]hex[/i]agon?) [u]Personality:[/u] Emillie has a tendency to hide or remain quiet in strange situations. She's overall hesitant and shy, and she has a good side and an evil side that often mix or conflict quite harshly. Emillie loves to sing, swim, and explore--but she hates hot weather, being an ice dragon. Though she doesn't have the violent temper of her mom, she can be dangerous if she really wants to be. [u]Appearance:[/u] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/pokems/xeneon.gif]A picture is worth a thousand words[/url][/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, that was fun... I hope the RPG will be!