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Everything posted by Imp

  1. Imp


    [color=purple]"Kirlia, let's try that Psychic attack again." Kirlia stood in front of Kelsey and focused on a tire lying on the grass in front of her. The half moon was high in the sky, giving a blue glow to the surrounding night. They suspected it to be about 4 in the morning. Kelsey, being a night person, slept in the afternoon unless something important caused her to do otherwise. She hoped that her tornament participation would take place either early in the morning or at night--otherwise she would be very tired and in poor condition for a battle. Her Pokemon were the same way--in fact, Kelsey had adjusted her sleeping patterns to match the routines of her Pokemon. Now, it was Kirlia's turn for training. Alakazam had teleported to a random place in the world--she loved to explore and often told Kelsey about the places she visited upon returning. Kelsey found it to be a great advantage to be able to talk to her Pokemon and understand what they said. Misdreavus, meanwhile, was out hunting, but not for meat but rather for souls. She often wandered about at night, scaring people and stealing energy from them. Her frequency in doing this was evident in the color of her neck orbs--some deep rose and some the color of blood. Behind Kirlia, Kelsey closed her eyes and focused on the tire just like Kirlia did. Kirlia then unleashed her psychic energies. With them, she levitated the tire and began to shape it. Kelsey, though, was the one that controlled the shape--their minds were connected in a way. Indeed, Kelsey's Pokemon were very close to her--they shared aspects of each other's personality, interests, style, and even abilities. However, Kelsey knew she couldn't actually use any of those Pokemon abilities without merging. She didn't like to merge often anyways--she went with the idea of "seperate yet alike". Even when physically apart, the two seemed to merge together in mind and spirit. This was true with all her Pokemon, not just Kirlia. "Well done, Kirlia." "Oh shut up. Just because Dolly could doesn't mean I can. I don't care what David used to say either--you know perfectly well I can't." [i]Well, at least not by myself...[/i] Dolly was a girl Kelsey met when she was very young. Dolly, just like the old gym leader Sabrina, was gifted with telekinetic powers. But she said that you have to be born with those powers to use them, and Kelsey certainly did not fit that description. [i]Still, she didn't know about merging, so in a way I can.[/i] "Well, Kirlia, how are you feeling tonight? Do you think you're ready for the big game?" "So am I. I kind of wish Dad was here, though... It's hard to believe we haven't heard from him all this time... I miss him so much. Heh, I could kill Celia over him. I hope she shows up in this tournament, because I'm ready to face her when she does." "I know. David left me because he thought I ws a pathetic coward. As far as I see it, he was right. But now I see that if I run away, the curse only gets worse." "Wow, you're right! But don't worry, we'll do fine. I know how you are when you get caught up in battle. You show even more determination that I know." Kirlia blushed at these words. "Well," Kelsey sighed and looked at the moon, "I wonder where Alakazam and Misdreavus are. They must be having fun. Hey, wouldn't it be great if Alakazam found my dad? Wouldn't it be great if Misdreavus stole Celia's soul?" Kelsey laughed at the possibilities while Kirlia sat there and admired the stars and the icy yet soothing breeze. Alakazam was somewhere in France, watching a Pokemon battle from behind some trees. It was daytime there, and she amused herself by reading one of the trainer's minds. It was nice to see how he thought out a strategy for the battle. He was panicking because he was battling a Pidgeotto with his Trapinch--an obvious type disadvantage. Alakazam liked to do this because the trainer's thinking often sparked ideas for new battle strategies. She was very creative in coming up with these, though some were quite complicated. Still, Kelsey often knew what Alakazam was talking about, though most of the information had to be transferred telepathically because words could not describe them well. "Whew, it's quiet here," said a little girl who was walking through the park not far from where Kelsey was. Normally she was afraid of the dark, but the moonlight put some confidence in her. She had to walk to her grandmother's house, and the easiest way was through the park. But after walking a few steps, she heard leaves rustle, and a soft moan was heard far off to her left. The girl stopped short to listen closely. Another rustling. A small cry. A whistle from the wind. The girl breathed a sigh of relief--maybe someone else was walking through the park as well. But she barely took another step when the rustling got louder and louder, and a split second later, a loud cry close to her left made her jump and fall over. The girl tingled all over as a dark figure moved over her, eyes glowing. Then the girl felt herself drifting into sleep, as if energy was draining out of her. Six red orbs twinkled about the figure. "Misss..." The dark figure smiled and moved silently back to the clearing where the girl with her Kirlia stood. She had gathered all the energy she needed for the morning.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: The words in triangular brackets are translated from Pokemon language, and italics are thoughts. Just in case you didn't already know...
  2. To make this interesting, I'm going to make the character very similar to myself (except for name and location), so you'll know me quite a bit as we progress into the RPG... *takes a deep breath* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo][u]Name:[/u] Mary Nanore [u]Age:[/u] 17 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Location:[/u] Alaska [u]Appearance:[/u] Mary is about 5'2" tall. Her skin is a pale tan and her hair is long, slightly curly, and the color of redwood. Her eyes are this color too, except a little darker. Her figure is quite slender and even a little bony in places. --Mary wears a variety of things, except you'll never find her wearing shorts, miniskirts, or warm colors like yellow. Her favorite outfit consists of dark blue jeans, black sandals, a purple shirt, a black hat, a jacket that looks like a short version of a trenchcoat, and a necklace with a fairy charm. But she likes to wear skirts too. And she also wears glasses. [u]Personality:[/u] Mary isn't too much of a social person--she likes being alone more often. Other people often see her as beautiful, eccentric, and even scary--she never tries to fit in perfectly because she knows she's different. She likes to draw, sing, and daydream, but she doesn't care for sports or romance. Most of her strength is in her mind rather than her body, so she would never pick fights and rather talk people out of a problem. Mary's favorite time of day is night, but she hates hot and sunny afternoons. She also is interested in things that many people are horrified of, including spiders, ghosts, mutilation, and death. However, she doesn't scare people on purpose--she respects everyone and would love to have a close friend that understands and respects her. [u]Bio:[/u] Mary was born in a small town in New York. She was the only child in her family for eight years, but after that her sister Fay was born. The family lived quite happily for a while after that, and Mary loved to see Fay growing up. However, at that time she felt like a normal person and had no dreams about the future or thoughts about herself or what she liked. One thing she wanted the most was to be different and unique--she tended to blend in with her friends and society. When Fay was five years old, she started school and regularly walked to and from there. Mary would sometimes walk with her until she felt comfortable alone. But about a week after her first trip to school alone, there was one day that she never returned from school. When her parents found out, they had a fight over it, mostly over responsibility. The fight was so bitter that they got divorced. However, neither of them wanted to keep Mary, so Mary moved to Alaska to live with her older cousin Beth. Mary liked it there, especially since she could see the Northern Lights in winter. But she still couldn't get over Fay's disappearing. Mary wanted to look for Fay, but she was gone for several days. After that, she saw Fay, but not as she had imagined her to be. Fay was a ghost--it was only then that Mary knew Fay was dead. At the time she didn't like the thought of having a ghost around and therefore stayed away from home as much as possible. But over the next few years, after maturing a bit through high school, Mary completely got over that fear and developed a new affinity for Fay's kind. In fact, she became interested in "spiritual" things such as philosophy, psychology, and even astronomy. [b]She had personal plans to study how "paranormal" things happen such as ghosts, psychic powers, and the possibility of timetravel and extraterrestrials.[/b] So suddenly, her life was turned around, from being a clueless and timid girl to a young woman with an interest and a goal, even though it shot her away from sameness and her old personality. Then eventually, Mary got a letter inviting her to stay in a mansion for a while. This excited her not because she wanted the money, but because she thought the place sounded very interesting. If she wanted any prize from there, it would be the estate itself. And not to mention, she could give Fay the opportunity to make some friends at home as well. [u]Greatest Desire:[/u] See the bold sentence in the bio. [u]Greatest Fear:[/u] (or hatred) Doing drugs, being fat, losing her mind or memory, plus she despises physical labor and sports (except swimming, dancing, and martial arts)[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I wasn't lying at the beginning of this post, believe it or not... Anyways, hope I'll be OK in this... *feels left out*
  3. I love school RPG's, especially if the schools are interesting as well. Time for one of my typical type of character... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=purple][u]Name:[/u] Mira Nyson [u]Age:[/u] 19 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Personality:[/u] She's generally nice and respects other people, but she usually doesn't get many friends because rumors about her being a freak or something spread very quickly wherever she goes. But she can get along well by herself. One reason why people at school consider her weird is because she likes her classes and does pretty well in them too. She would never get into a fight--people don't often mess with her anyways. But she does like to laugh at people to herself or behind their backs, especially when they do something stupid or if she hates them. [u]Appearance:[/u] She kind of looks like the girl in the center in [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/starknights.png]this picture[/url], but without the cape and with a long, black skirt instead of the purple one. Her hair is a tad longer and darker, and a bit more flowy as well. Her boots are black instead of purple, and are smaller and a bit more pointy. The blue on her shirt is a little bit darker than in the picture. [u]Bio:[/u] During her first year at Nassel School, Mira didn't have a clue which classes to take, so she just picked a few at random. She had quite a few friends as well, and people generally liked her. There were even a couple of guys who once had a fight over who had the right to be her boyfriend. All went perfect in that sense during that year. However, the summer changed everything. One day Mira went to the mall with a few of her friends. Everything was OK at first--they had a good time. But while they sat down to rest, they saw someone performing right near them. This wasn't a dancer or a singer or anything--this was a hypnotist. Her friends thought the guy was bogus, but Mira was kind of interested in the concept. As she watched how the people on stage were manipulated, all through suggestion and sleep, she thought it was amazing, but her friends thought it creepy and even a bit evil. In the few years that followed, Mira actually had something she wanted to study in school. Her studies were mostly psychological and science-oriented--she became interested in the processes of the mind, but she especially wanted to explore hypnosis and how it works. Unfortunately, once her friends found out about this, they thought she had gone crazy and stopped talking to her. They also spread this information throughout the school, blacklisting her for other groups of friends. They claimed she would eventually "rule you all through mind control", though Mira thought that as a bit of a stretch. But through this study she managed to make more and more people avoid picking on her. However, she never had any dreams about becoming evil or something as the rumors claimed. If anyone was evil, it was her "friends". [u]ID#:[/u] 12366, if that's a valid number (I can change it later) [u]Specialty:[/u] Hypnosis[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ah well, count on me to pick a character like that most of the time... I can't help it... hope she'll fit...
  4. I hope it's not too late to join... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [size=1][color=darkgreen][u]Name:[/u] Kelsey Fables (last name was made up by her dad) [u]Age:[/u] 17 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Nationality:[/u] Russian/Vietnamese (yes, a weird combination...) [u]Appearance:[/u] Kelsey is about 5'7" tall, quite skinny, and pretty much the opposite of muscular. Her shoulder-length, straight, dark red hair can seemingly match her deep maroon eyes in color. Nowadays she wears a misty purple shirt with fairly long and baggy sleeves, plus a long blue skirt that almost completely covers her legs. Below that are green socks and blue sandals, and atop her head is a teal hat. She also wears glasses and carries a small, light blue backpack. [u]Pokemon:[/u] Kirlia, Alakazam, Misdreavus [u]Biography:[/u] Shortly after Kelsey was born, her mother died--which was bad since her father was quite poor. Her father was once a magician, and he even had a Kadabra. But Kelsey's great-grandmother Celia didn't like him at all and kept thinking he "stole away Kelsey's mom". Celia was also sort of a trainer, but unfortunately, she had a Banette. She therefore kept ordering it to put curses on Kelsey's dad--these eventually ruined his career and left him just barely able to take care of Kelsey, much less himself. But Kelsey didn't mind too much--she loved Pokemon and saw them as friends early on. What she did mind, though, was being put in a daycare most of the time, because the other children there often teased her for being a geek and a know-it-all. Indeed, she was very smart and had a weird personality--but these things left her quite lonely. Eventually, Kelsey got her first Pokemon, which was a Ralts. She was so happy to have a Pokemon to travel with that Ralts grew attached to her quickly. And so the two traveled for a while--Kelsey even caught a Cleffa along the way. But shortly after Ralts evolved, she was kidnapped by an unknown group of people, probably a gang. This left Kelsey in shock--her best and most favorite Pokemon was gone. Since she was afraid the same would happen to her Cleffa, she stopped travelling for a while, but didn't return home since she was too far away. But a meeting with a boy named David changed all that. David saw Kelsey with her Cleffa and encouraged her to revive her training career. The two of them traveled together for a while, and they were OK with it. David cheered Kelsey up, and Kelsey gave David various tips along the journey and helped avoid being lost. The two got along until one day, when Kelsey ran into Celia. She, too, hated Celia for her evil acts against her dad. She was even afraid of her--Celia might decide that the same fate should await her. Celia battled her while in disguise (she had a couple other Pokemon besides Banette), but when she finally sent out Banette and revealed herself, she left Kelsey paralyzed and defeated and unable to continue the battle. After this, David just thought Kelsey was way too emotional for his likes, and even a bit creepy--for example, he claimed that she had these special powers such as telekinesis and telepathy with her Pokemon, even though Kelsey kept explaining to him that it wasn't true. The two broke up for good. The good thing was, Kelsey wasn't too lonely after that--she still had Clefairy (it evolved) and a Misdreavus she had caught while with David. She and the two Pokemon continued on with their journey, though Kelsey seemed to have very bad luck after that. This she thought was because of Celia's Banette's curse, though that might have not been it. Over time, Kelsey's bond with her Pokemon became very close--to her, Pokemon were her only friends and the only reason she was still alive and had a reason to be the slightest bit happy. Her Pokemon reflected both sides of her personality--Misdreavus was smart, creative, and even a little sadistic at times; while Clefairy was quiet, shy, and very moody and sensitive. But even with the Pokemon, Kelsey couldn't help feeling some longing for both her dad and her Kirlia. One day, Kelsey received a present from someone named Gabe, a total stranger... When Kelsey opened it, she was shocked--it was her Kirlia!! However, the Kirlia was in terrible shape--she looked gray and very weak. Kelsey later found out that Kirlia had been abused for a long time by the gang who kidnapped her, and she had missed Kelsey way too much to bear. It took a long time and a lot of effort to help Kirlia regain her confidence and see the light. Though she eventually came to her senses, the kidnapping has left a permanent scar in her soul and would haunt her in the years to come. A few months after the team was all together, Kelsey came across a guy named Casey, who was nervously holding a Pokeball. Kelsey asked him what was wrong, and Casey told her he had a Pokemon that constantly gave him (and his friends) headaches after she evolved. Kelsey asked to see her despite this--the Pokemon was a Kadabra. Surprisingly, Kadabra didn't give Kelsey a headache like she did with Casey. Casey offered to trade Kelsey his Kadabra. Kelsey had a hard time deciding which Pokemon to trade, but over the past few weeks she noticed her Clefairy becoming more and more afraid of Misdreavus because of all the scary new attacks the ghost was learning. So Kelsey ended up trading Clefairy for Kadabra. Of course, when she got Kadabra, Kadabra evolved into Alakazam! Eventually, Kelsey met the Gabe that gave her back Kirlia. He had rescued her from the gang, apparently. Gabe actually had a crush on Kelsey the whole time and hoped to please her that way. It worked--Kelsey was so thankful of Gabe that the two stayed together from then on. He was a trainer too--he had a Skitty, Chikorita, and a Smoochum. Cute Pokemon were his style. Yet even though the two were happy together (they didn't have that romantic a relationship, mind you--they were just close friends), Kelsey was still fogged with nostalgia, and a part of her also wanted a rematch with Celia. Hopefully she and Celia will meet in the tournament, because Kelsey just might join that...[/size][/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Believe it or not, I tried to make that bio as short as possible...
  5. The weirdest song I ever got through my head? Well, it's not the song that's weird. I once got the song "We Belong to the Sea" (by Aqua) through my head while I was driving in a desert... What a weird case in which one thinks about the sea in a dry-climate area...
  6. Two of my elements would be Light and Shadow (darkness)--it seems I alter between two kinds of personality at certain times. These could be my "good" and "evil" sides, but I'm not so sure. As Light, I am honest and optimistic, and I shine a healing light on my troubled friends. As Darkness, though, I am sarcastic or blunt, eccentric, even a bit sadistic, and I tend to inspire mystery or fear in others. But Earth could describe me better. I frequently contemplate the energies that move about in this world, and I am usually calm and self-sufficient. I stay to my true self as a tree stays on the ground, but I can still support and inspire others, like providing a rock to sit on or a beautiful flower to look at. And I basically like nature more than the city or something--I automatically enter a state of calmness when I am far away from civilization or when I look at the stars.
  7. Wow, it seems a lot of you want to fly... I never picture myself with any elemental powers or anything... In fact, only psychic abilities really call out to me. I frequently wonder about what certain other people are thinking--that's where mind reading comes in handy. And sometimes, I'm embarrassed to say things to people or have a hard time explaining things, so communicating telepathically bypasses all that. What most people describe as "remote viewing" would also be useful for seeing things far away, or through things, like X-ray vision. (I often picture myself becoming blind and gaining this ability.) And since I'm so physically weak, telekinesis would really come in handy for moving heavy things or as a general method of self-defense. And with that power, I could make myself fly anyways, so why ask for just flight power? :demon: The only psychic ability I might not see as necessary is teleportation. I tend to think of it as "cheating" anyways, and there's a way around it with other abilities...
  8. That would definitely be frustrating, especially since in some cases, if you don't post a reply in a long time, you can't post the reply... But one remedy for that when it happens is to copy and paste what you wrote already into some program like Notepad or Word, then save it, then post it later. But what's even more frustrating than that is something that can't be cured that way. What has happened to me many times in the past is when I posted a long post, and before I'm done typing the post, the computer crashes and I lose what I was going to write. Or, when I do post a long post, the computer has a problem sending the information, which I never get back. When that happens, it's very frustrating, and I have to remember what I posted and take it from there. (And then it usually doesn't sound as good if it was a part of a story...) And I'm sure this has happened to other people as well...
  9. My beliefs in the supernatural are usually more than enough to prevent me from having any friends due to "weirdness"... Basically, I see ghosts in random places, and especially in this cemetery I pass by occasionally, where there's a group of them that does random things every time. One ghost there actually puts on a sort of fireworks show... And not only that, I occasionally talk to a few ghosts--a couple are actually like friends which some real people consider "imaginary". And once, I actually "summoned" some in a sort of ritual... And half of the ghosts I usually meet are from another planet and planned to visit Earth occasionally... So that question in the first reply was one I can answer a big yes to. :animesigh Whew, I'm (partially) glad I got that off my chest...
  10. One quote that just makes me sigh happily is this, from some random fanfic... "Any passerby would have thought she was just a realistic statue, but any mind reader would have seen several forces frantically scampering around for the solution to some unknown and possibly unattainable answer." And then there's one from this story about a cat that I just giggle at: "'Hi Naitali!' I said to all the other Naitali. 'I'm Naitali! This is a magical Naitali world, and we are a happy Naitali family!'"
  11. Imp

    DemonSlayer (M-LV)

    OOC: Darn, I didn't know this many posts would be done while I was gone! Am I too late to still be in this RPG? I'm completely lost--too much to catch up on... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=darkred][i]A flytrapper stays completely still until a fly comes along to get eaten,[/i] Tara thought as she stared into her mirror, though her spiritual or "third" eye was opened further than her other two. [i]All this time, no fly, no nothing. Nothing rushes the inspiration to strike. Has daylight been here all this time? Because if it did, I would surely be unable to rise from my coffin.[/i] On that note, Tara sat up in a dark temple where purple bats hung silently from the ceiling. Then she turned back to her mirror, turning it over for a second then holding it face-up. After a long period of boredom and restlessness, Tara's excitement grew as she saw the first thing that appeared in the mirror, which was a hand pulling one of the Slayers into Arcanus, then a few events after that, including the Slayer returning from Arcanus in deep sadness which no English word could describe. With a long, deep sigh meant to clear and focus her mind, Tara contemplated the matter further. [i]In the past I have demanded action, day and night, day after day after day... But alas I see that silence is the key, and calmness can help out even the deadliest of demons, which could just so happen to be me.[/i] With those last words, Tara grinned with pride as she continued. There was a long pause, a pause of what may have seemed like an hour but whereas time seemed to stop as Tara closed her eyes and fell calmly into the sea of silence. [i]I see now that the sun has not set yet, that I have not yet transformed into an impatient being.[/i] Tara made this affirmation at the end of the meditation. Then, slowly, she stood up and turned her head towards the center of the ceiling, where there was a bright crimson ring. "Ring of fire, temple of silence, doorway of doom..." Tara commanded with determination, "...shift the turntable to the world of the living!" After this was said, Tara held up her mirror to reflect the light given off by the ring. "Shifting [i]sorefime[/i] to pure [i]rakire[/i]! So [i]nekrame[/i], shift [i]kurine[/i] and carry [i]wenthemi[/i]! [i]Kira surea, karata sali[/i]!" A new wormhole appeared between the worlds.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Sorry if that was unclear... I tend to be mysteriousin the first post...
  12. Sounds cool... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=darkred][u]Name:[/u] Tara Surea [u]Age:[/u] 151 [u]Race:[/u] Vampire [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Appearance:[/u] Tara looks almost exactly human. She has long black hair and very pale skin, basically. She wears a fairly long-sleeved black shirt, a black skirt with a little blue at the top, black high-heeled boots, and what looks like a necklace with a skull on it. She does have certain demonlike characterstics--these include bright red eyes, sharp red claws, and little red and blue bat wings. All those features (except her eyes) can appear and disappear. [u]Personality:[/u] Tara will make no attempt at friendship or teamwork--she is completely antisocial and doesn't even have a flash of good in her. She's also sadistic and quick to anger, yet she doesn't lose control of herself when she's angry. She will also never cry, stutter, or do anything else that could be considered a sign of weakness. She's very strong-minded and strong-willed, and very definite in her intentions and beliefs. She will not look up to or obey anyone. [u]Bio:[/u] Tara wasn't always a vampire--she's actually an ex-human. She was an orphan ever since she was born, and life was not good at the orphanage because all the other kids often teased her for being such a crybaby. One boy, Timmy, was thr biggest bully of them all. But on Timmy's tenth birthday (when Tara was nine), right when Timmy was about to blow out the candles on his birthday cake, Tara put a curse on him so that he would be unable to breathe after blowing. Though this didn't entirely work, Tara later killed him with the knife used for cutting the cake, then ran away from the orphanage to live on her own. Ever since then, Tara has been a complete misanthrope, thinking humans were stupid, ignorant, and a bunch of other things. When she heard about the demonic dimension Arcanus, she kept pitying herself and wishing she wasn't human anymore, wishing she was a demon with powers usable to completely destroy the human race. She tried everything she could to become one--everything from drinking blood to performing ertain rituals in hopes of passing to the other dimension. She also learned over time more about the demons and even things such as magic. She grew more and more bitter over time because of her failures in transforming, trying things like searching for vampires in hopes of being killed by one (she heard this would turn her into a vampire), but it never happened. Maybe the demons just pitied her. However, she did gain certain powers, probably from rituals, which made her more confident in her goal but didn't get her closer to it. This continued on for several years. But one day, Tara was put in jail, her crime being the murder of the mayor of some city, and a few policemen as well. When she was put in jail, she passed out, the cause of it unknown, perhaps a force of some kind... Next thing she knew, she was standing on a platform with a rope around her neck, ready to be hanged, apparently. But when the platform disappeared, something totally elusive happened, but Tara found herself in Arcanus, the demons not knowing how she got there or if she was actually a vampire or not. But still she had the ability to pass freely between the two worlds just like the other vampires... [u]Weapon:[/u] If it could be called a weapon, a mirror with magical capabilities used along with her spells. [u]Powers:[/u] These include certain hypnotic abilities, summoning "dark fire" (which is black and can morph into certain things), and a wide variety of dark spells aided by her mirror, with intensities based upon the victim's mental energy and feelings... [u]Other:[/u] Tara often disguises herself as a human when among humans. She is still teased and pitied by other demons, though, and she keeps convincing them that she's a vampire, not a human.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hope that signup was OK... It's a character I use quite frequently, so that's why the bio's long...
  13. Ooh, a mystery... I love mysteries... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo][u]Name:[/u] Koya [u]Age:[/u] 22 [u]Eye Color:[/u] Sea green, with streaks of yellow [u]Race:[/u] Mermaid, sort of [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Description:[/u] The accidental hybrid only stands 3 and a half feet tall and has soft sky blue hair that goes down to her shoulders. Faint marks on her cheeks look like scars but are actually gills. Her body could be described as fishlike, with short, pale green protrusions where the shoulder would be--these used to be her "fins". The rest of her body also somewhat looks like a bright aqua dress with patches of sea green here and there. This includes her elegant-looking tail which especially enhances the appearance of the "dress". But aside from being a mermaid, she does have dragonlike features, including thin and hardly noticeable legs which are inside the skirtlike tail, with teal feet with claws at the end. Also beneath her "fins" are dragonlike arms of the same color. Where her ears should be are what look like pale blue wings. She does, however, have real wings which are the same color as her arms and pretty much dragonlike. Her dragonlike features, if I didn't describe them well, are in [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/cv241.gif]this picture[/url]. [u]Equipment:[/u] She carries none for fear of losing whatever she carries while swimming. [u]Bio:[/u] Koya was born as a perfectly normal mermaid in the same ocean where the light came from, but about fifty miles away from it. Her best friends were a group of dolphins she loved to play with all the time. However that all ended when a shark came one day and ate one of the dolphin's babies. This greatly upsetted Koya, so she tried to put a spell of some sort on the shark, but it didn't work. Ever since then she was teased by the shark. At the same time she prayed for some way to get rid of the shark, or some magical abilities to make her seem less helpless. But fortunately for her, she did find herself equipped with some magic right on the day the light first appeared. Since then she wondered whether it was the light that gave her her powers. However, one day she got so excited about those powers that she accidentally cast a spell on herself, which almost turned her into a dragon. She hasn't been able to reverse the spell, but she kind of liked its effects. [u]Spells:[/u] Her spells are more in the form of suggestions--in other words, they can make people do certain things. They can also be used to affect certain objects or make them move. [u]Abilities:[/u] Koya can talk to sea creatures--this came naturally from being a mermaid. Of course she can also fly and breathe underwater. The self-indiced dragon spell allowed her to breathe fire as well. [u]Misc:[/u] Her kind are highly spiritual creatures, each "clan" worshipping a certain sea creature (dolphins, in her case) and having their own "astrological" system based on the weather.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, I might have actually gotten carried away there...
  14. I've been getting an urge to post this poem forever... I do want opinion on it... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` The White Pony In your dream Deep meditation Whence your lati shines within True happiness Enter the portal Bleak black silence, dive right in Stars of distant glee On tranquil ebony Train on rainbow, unknown bounty Driven by your mind The holy speaks so kind Please find the white pony Should you know Sheer alabaster Head for snowy, furry foal Dream and drive Contact the driver Who shall feed the train more coal When you sleep sound there Go on without despair Anxiety shall vanish into thin air The clouds, now none at all Red mist you can forestall Recall the white pony Recall the white pony Flow through life Don't lose sight of the light living in you Gift from God Let it shine Let it fly Use it right Use it wisely Lest you stay On the train ride Ride through rain and fog and sun Then you shall Have the sheer pleasure Embrace the pony, wisest one As it grows, it brings Life's melody, it sings Guides you through on rainbow, silken, fine wings Then when you shall die A star bright in the sky Goodbye, the white pony And thank you, dear white pony
  15. Yes, for me it depends a lot on the situation... When I'm excited, I act like a 5-year old. (That's rare if I'm 16...) I act really "cute" and even annoying at times. Usually I dress that way too, so I look and act like a 5-year-old. And I do cry a lot, so at those times I sound like a 5-year-old. Then there are times when I act like I'm either my age or maybe 18 or 21. I can be sassy, independent, skeptical, and with a touch of pride mixed in. I would express myself as much as possible, just like if I was in a job or something--I would be doing my best and everything. Then there's times when I act like I'm at least 70 years old. This usually happens when I'm with my friends or alone, or at certain "spiritual moments" in my life. I tend to get fed inspiration and "wisdom" so frequently that I feel calm in a happy way, as if I had just finished a happy life and want nothing else, just a nirvana. And yes, that is the state I'm in right this very moment. All my "spirit talks", my inspirational times, after-meditation experiences, etc. happen in this state, and I act like and old, mellow, and wise woman...
  16. Imp


    I've had experiences like that many times. Basically, sometimes when I meditate, my spirit transports to a different place, usually in outer space or some place on Earth that I have never visited before. And I feel like I'm actually there, and I forget all about the physical world I'm actually in... It's really neat, if you ask me. In another experience, my spirit didn't travel anywhere, but I did hear angels singing. I just listened to the songs, not putting any conscious thought into the whole process. The result? A musical miracle. (I actually remember taking one of those tunes and turning it into an actual song...) And, the last time I meditated, which was this Tuesday, I heard lots of people chanting, and I got a vision of this galaxy... then a planet where the civilians were all singing... I sang too, the same one they did, and danced around in the beautiful scenery that was on the planet... But it was magical, the best experience yet... I think they told me to come to their planet someday, even... And it was sad, because I saw my own spirit, like there were two separate spirits of mine, and she was singing too... OK, obviously this is all too elusive, and I'm beginning to relive that experience... *sighs happily*
  17. Heh, it's weird that there's no magic in this RPG when, in my book, psychic power is a form of magic... Oh, and for fear of wording the abilities incorrectly, I'll clarify some of them... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=blue][u]Name:[/u] Sendre [u]Age:[/u] 10 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Race:[/u] Human [u]Class/Job:[/u] Psychic [u]Psychic Ability:[/u] Clairvoyance, telekinesis, remote viewing (refers to seeing anything anywhere without regular sight), mind control, hallucinationism (obviously refers to creating hallucinations) [u]Appearance:[/u] Sendre is only 3 feet tall with long, straight, ashy purple hair and bright green eyes. Basically she wears a short blue dress with long sleeves and is then wrapped in a deep blue "cloak" (though it looks more like a cape), and she is always sitting on a large, dark blue square of fabric which she calls a "magic carpet" though there's nothing magic about it. Also, on her head is a deep blue hat with a 2-inch brim and a paler blue band around it, which is actually her circlet. The circlet also has what looks like a purple gem but is actually used to regulate energies in her brain. [u]Weapons:[/u] None that can be actually called weapons. She does occasionally use simple objects as "pseudo-weapons", but they are mainly used to amplify or manipulate her powers. (A spoon is among the most common of these objects.) [u]Alliance:[/u] Humans [u]Personality:[/u] Sendre is not really a happy person. Her emotions tend to be either neutral or sad. She tends to be very quiet for fear that the wrong words will come out of her mouth when she speaks. Aside from that, she is also very curious and will naturally drift off towards something that seems suspicious. Even though her eyes and mouth are almost always closed, her mind never is. [u]Info:[/u] Sendre is considered the oddball of pretty much all the humans because she's blind and can't move her legs. But she does make up for that with her other abilities, so she gets along just fine. Though the idea of fighting the Archetype startled her at first, she still had thoughts about continuing on with her job and stopping the beast.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Yeah, I know that was one of my milder posts, but... oh well. Hope my character doesn't have too many abilities--she won't use all of them very much anyways.
  18. [color=blue]In a desert where the sands and the rocks scattered about it were tinted purple by the moonlight, where pearly white horses gallopped in the distance, upon a fairly large stone whose tint was darker that that of the sand below, there sat the vampire Kali, staring at the full moon with wonder and tranquility. For she had an instinct and even an ability to divine the events to come, that which comes from the prception of fate which she personally called someru. "The sands of silver amethyst, the rocks of violet haze, the carefree horses calm and white as the moonlight, that which comes from the alabaster Luna above, contrasted by the sky which reflects my eyes, scattered with stars of diamond, ruby, sapphire, and clear enough for even mortal eyes to witness their beauty." Kali said this quietly, just incase someone could hear her. She then held up her little sword, positioning it so that the turquoise orb was placeed right between Kali and the moon, making it look like a teal-colored solar eclipse was taking place. Carefuly holding the sword in position, Kali let go and instead held it up with the force of her mind. After closing her eyes and not opening them until five minutes' time passed, the orb took on a shiny black aura. In the orb was the image of a phoenix, glistening brightly in its aqua color. "Ah, alas," Kali softly and calmly cheered, "today is the day of the Phoenix, a day in which magic thrives and passion never dies..." She then held her sword in her hand again, absentmindedly giving it a little wave, causing a stream of glowing purple dust to fly from it and explode softly some ten feet above her head. Then, she held up her other hand, pointing it in a way so that the ruby ring on her left hand perfectly reflected the moonlight towards a red star to the right of it, right through the orb on her sword. "Luna, shine through Oritasu, summon holy Fire with Fire Relic..." "Give flight, sprout flame, shower Enchantment and Fear..." A beam shot up through the sword, swirling in a fog then bursting into bright blue flame, the hottest flame possible. With not even a screech, the Phoenix emerged from the flame. Though Kali returned her sword to its container on her skirt, her left arm stayed up long enough for the bird to lift her up in its talons, without even catching its holder on fire. Kali's other hand shot up and wrapped around the phoenix's other leg while she was being lifted up into the night. "Now, mighty Phoenix, fly into the lair of the Sapphire, the first holy destination of our particular Blood War..."[/color] OOC: Don't have time to post much else...
  19. NOTE: Not everyone has to meet up at first. Just remember your objective: find the ore. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=darkred]In a tranquil cove facing the calm side of the ocean, at about 2 in the afternoon on a clear day in spring, one could hear the adorable sounds of the baby seals lying on the beach on their backs, soaking up the sun. Some were also nursing with the mother seals. But these seals were dark gray and bore no resemblance to an abandoned seal that was picked up a week ago by a woman named Kenda. Now, Kenda was walking along the beach towards the cove, the white seal Chirru trailing next to her in the water. Kenda looked to the side and smiled at Chirru, who gave a little bark of glee. But then, Chirru chittered excitedly at the sight of something... Kenda went over to check it out: it was a bottle with a note in it! [i]Strange...[/i] Kenda thought. [i]Could it be about the dragons?[/i] And as soon as the bottle was opened, she read the note: "Dear receiver of this note, I'm a little girl named Chi, and I live on the island of Nimba. I sincerely hope this letter reaches Raia, which I think it would on the current I put this bottle in. Anyways, I'm trapped and stranded on this island, but I have a dragon here which came from a dragonfly I found." Kenda's eyes grew wide after reading that last sentence. [i]A dragon?![/i] she thought. [i]What was that island, Nimba? I've heard of it before, but it's far from here...[/i] But there was more on the note, so she read on... "I know you guys probably know about the ore that turns animals into dragons, and I bring good news: I found plenty of it in a cave here. I'll be happy to share some with you if you find me and take me back to the island Viren, which is where my family lives. I hope you find it in your heart to go through with this deal, and I'll be awaiting your arrival. -Chi" [i]Well,[/i] Kenda thought. [i]Isn't this simple. All I have to do is find Nimba, get the ore, and pay Chi back for it with her return to Viren, an island I have never even heard of... But, how do I get there? I don't know anyone with a boat, or how to build one...[/i] Kenda then gave a sigh of deisappointment and just started walking along the beach with Chirru, whom she had to lead away from the seals in the cove. After a few minutes, though, she stopped--there was a young man there, or at least what looked like one, and he had a fox sitting right next to him. [i]I wonder,[/i] Kenda thought as she walked further along the beach, [i]if that guy is facing the same problem as I am... Well I don't know.[/i] Next to her, Chirru was some ten feet away from the shore, nibbling on a fish she found. Kenda giggled at the sight of her and beckoned her to follow her along the shore.[/color]
  20. ...Wow, I didn't expect [i]everyone[/i] to bring an animal, plus someone brought two... I'll probably allow the second one, Cebben; just be sure you can handle both. Everybody's in! The thread is open now, so start posting! :)
  21. Welcome, everyone, to a dragon RPG! I tested this out on another site, but it didn't work... I modified it, but you people of OB are the lucky ones and get to test it! The story... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=darkred]On the large and busy island of Raia, all different kinds of animals flourished. They were widely respected and even worshipped by some people on this land. But unfortunately, fur traders, realtors, businessmen, poachers, and even pirates from other lands frequently attacked the villages of Raia, upsetting the civilians to widespread extremes. Some just kept praying for the people's safety, others wanted bitter revenge on the attackers, and yet others were somewhere in between. Over time, the people of Raia discovered secret myths telling of pirates, of elves, of love and hate, of heroes... But the most appealing of myths to them were those of the dragons. Dragons were often described as "powerful fighting machines" or "trusty partners" or "graceful, magic-wielding creatures", or even "cute and cheerful healers". But whatever the people's opinions on these mythical creatures were, a selected few believed that the vast power of these dragons could put a halt to their attackers' efforts and at the same time provide great companionship for their people. Fortunately, one of the shamans of the village told his people about a special ore that, when ground into powder and rubbed into the skin of any animal, would turn that animal into a dragon over time. At this point, certain people who heard the shaman's story had decided that the ore needed to be found and brought back to the village. They would set off with a few different animals to be turned into dragons, and search for the ore in various places. Unfortunately, the word might have spread to rivals outside of Raia which would try and steal the ore and use it for evil purposes...[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So basically, our job is to grab an animal and set off to find the ore before our rivals do. I didn't say this would be an easy task, yet I didn't say it was impossible... The signup is: [b]Name:[/b] Duh--your character's name [b]Age:[/b] Can be any age as long as it's suitable for a human (no elf ages) [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] Picture or detailed description please [b]Personality:[/b] Make it as brief or as detailed as you want [b]Bio:[/b] This should be brief and should basically state how your character heard about the dragons and the ore. Don't make it too long. [b]Animal:[/b] Which animal are you taking with you? You don't have to bring one, but at least three people who sign up need to have one. Also, no two people can bring the same animal. [b]Animal's Name:[/b] This is optional if you want to name the animal you're taking. [b]Animal Description:[/b] This should be brief as we all know what specific animals basically look like. Should also include a brief personality *If anything above is missing or incorrect, or if not enough people decided to bring an animal, I might ask you to change your signup.* *If you're still confused about the signup, here's my character. If you want the same animal as my character has, just PM me and I'll change my animal.* [color=blue][u]Name:[/u] Kenda Suriname [u]Age:[/u] 20 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Appearance:[/u] Kenda stands about five feet tall, with skin of light tan. She has long, wavy brown hair, and green eyes with hints of blue. She basically wears a long-sleeved, light blue shirt with the collar slightly too big, baggy beige capris that look like they're torn on the edges, and blue flip-flops. [u]Personality:[/u] Kenda can best be described as a person who is usually on a different plane than those around her. She loves adventure and mysteries, but she can sometimes get carried away with that enthusiasm... She's generally kind towards others, but she can also be a good heartbreaker. [u]Bio:[/u] Kenda had a lot of male influence in her life and three twin brothers, all of which always pretended that Raia was safe. This usually worried her to the point where she had to find out more about the attacks. She occasionally found herself in fights and arguments with some of the attackers, but she did eventually bump into a shaman telling a large group of people about the legend of the dragons and of the ore. Kenda, being very curious, realized along with others the truth about those great beasts. When she got back from that place, she contemplated the event and decided to head off to find the ore along with an abandoned baby seal she found. [u]Animal:[/u] Seal [u]Animal's Name:[/u] Chirru [u]Animal's Description:[/u] Chirru is a white seal with gray eyes and gray spots on her back. She's quiet yet curious, basically.[/color] *Yes, any animal can become a dragon, but the dragon must have certain properties of the animal--just wanted to point that out. Have fun posting, everybody!!*
  22. OOC: *tries to fight writer's block* IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=teal][i]I missed the action,[/i] Emily thought, [i]but I guess that's good. Now I can have time to relax, while others are either doing nothing or are out of this room...[/i] Emily finally got bored after several hours. She just began to randomly move things around with her powers--the other group members were too bored to notice the objects flying around. But, eventually, Emily accidentally turned on a TV at the far corner of the room. The news was on, and Emily, who usually became bored with TV, just sat back and closed her eyes. "Tonight's report brings us to a strange rumor of a lb incident that has transformed ordinary people into special..." As the person on TV said this, Emily's hed jerked upward and her eyes opened. "Look, everyone!" she announced to the group. "It's a report about what happened to us!" Slowly, people's heads turned towards the screen. "supposedly had special powers," the news reporter continued. "There were a bunch of these, as rumored, and their powers ranged from telepathy to superhuman strength. Now, nothing is known about whether these 'supermen' actually exist, but a wide rumor has spread across the land. So far, we are looking for evidence of the scene where it happened, and we are trying several scientists who might be involved with it. When the suspect is found, he or she will be arrested for tampering with people's minds, for it was also rumored that the people tested on lost their memory after transformation. Fortunately, no children were involved with this--they were all teenagers or older. At this point we don't know who was taken captive, but when the lab is found, if there is one, answers can truly be discovered. But, it's still a rumor at this stage, with mostly psychics starting these rumors, strangely... Now, onto our next report, there have been many cases of murders throughout..." "Turn off the TV, the report's over," one man said. "No wait, something else important..." Emily muttered. "...It is said that these killers are found riding bicycles and are apparently in hot pursuit of someone special... Until we find that someone, this still remains a mystery... Now going..." Right after the word "going", Emily turned off the TV, causing weird remarks from the rest of the group. "Why'd you trun it off?" "It was getting to the good part!" "What else happened?" "Nothing special," Emily reasured. "I believe the report was over." But, she did turn on the TV again just out of curiosity. "There's an accident right here on Freeway 601, which is blocking..." droned the anchorman. Emily turned the TV off again, her face wrinkled with confusion. [i]Now what do you know,[/i] Emily thought. [i]I must be psychic or something. Speaking of which... was I the one who sent those messages to start those rumors? I wonder if I should just tell everyone about it so that they could help... Heh, wow, if I[/i] am [i]telepathic, this makes life so much easier because I always mess things up when I talk... I bet... I bet my whole life was made better after this lab incident. I kind of recall having a quite miserable life, though I don't exactly remember what it was like..[/i] And for the first time on a long while, Emily smiled.[/color]
  23. OOC: I guess it's a good thing we haven't done much... this RPG is going too fast for me... IC: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=teal]Emily just waited in silence all the while, while Von and Kredion were having their verbal scuffle, while Arian and Ciarra went out along with Halas, while the other group members did nearly the same thing as she did, though some were still in shock by the action that was yet not action. She started to absentmindedly search for money in her pockets, but she was wearing a skirt, that which had none. Then she tried to recall the word fight. All she considered in this were memories, memories, memories... yet she had no memories yet... No, Emily did not have any memories of her [i]own[/i] life, but she had a yearning to help everyone out by telling them their names and what their powers were. [i]I just wish[/i], she thought, [i]that I knew my name... Oh this is just too much! Maybe I better just make one up... now, let's see...[/i] But while she contemplated this, an image came to her mind--an image that was peculiar in its state of reality... it was kind of like a control room, a room decorated with TV screens... There sat a man, like a conductor in front of a sea of an orchestra, thinking away at what little his mind could do. By him sat a pool of water, with a slimy black thing that looked like an eel in it. Countless probes and wires were attached to this eel's body, and occasional sparks flew from where the two touched. The man kept shifting his eyes between the pool and a large screen right in front of him--it showed a structure that looked like a nerve cell. After typing frantically, the man slammed his fist on a nearby chair. Also on the chair was a cell phone, with wires attached to it just like those on the eel. "There must be some way to connect!" the man grumbled. "This should be easy--two objects with their properties programmed into a different structure... yet this new structure is more complicated than I thought..." "Having difficulty?" asked a woman, walking into the room. "Ah, I see you're working on Project... 3777, I presume. You really should have been done two days ago with the project, but there you are, the brightest neurologist we could find in this vast city, yet he is unable to compare, to copy and paste. Perhaps I should aid you like pushing you along on a wheelchair..." "Well there you go," said the man in a nervous tone, "I told you, see? I'm a neurologist, not a parapsychologist, so I am just not suitable for..." "Well I am," the woman interrupted. "And this is my niece we're talking about, so I really think I should help you before you blow up the lab, chump..." "Emily, you're floating again," said a man sitting right next to her. Emily snapped out of her contemplation and landed on the floor again. She gave the man a look of apology. She wanted to say something else to him, but she was too afraid to tell him his name and the like. So she just said, "...You... have powers... that are quite similar to mine, for one..." The man gave Emily a weird look. "Selena," Emily said, kind of to herself, "Selena... that name rings a bell... I'l call... myself that for the time being, unless that [i]is[/i] my real name..."[/color]
  24. [quote name='Adahn][font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff]Our minds are as fragile as they are powerful. Lacking a religion is truly a virtue, because it takes a very powerful psyche to deal with the fact that one will die a final death. It takes a strong will to embrace oblivion.[/color][/size'][/font][/quote] Wow, thank you, thank you, thank you!! (OK, I'm exaggerating...) Actually, the belief that one will die a final death is among my key beliefs. Because of that, I have my own religion, pretty much. But hey, I've heard that one's own religion is the best kind, since it does not abide by anyone else's beliefs... Expanding on that thought, more of the key beliefs of my religion include this: -That death is merely a transportation from the Real World to the Spirit World, where one still "lives" inside the hearts of others but is free from all thought, all pain, all existence of the soul. -That true happiness and nirvana doesn't have to be achieved in the Real World. -That God takes on different forms for every person, and even is nonexistent to some, or split up into multpile gods for others. -That ghosts are memories of people, that those who "see" ghosts have somewhere in their soul a memory of that person, that ghosts cannot in any way physically affect the real world but mainly serve as reminders or messengers of Fate. -That when one dies, one becomes one of these ghosts. -That everyone makes the difference in this entire being, that its entirety is corrupted in the case which one individual, however seemingly unimportant, is removed from existence, unless that existence is eliminated by the hellish force which wipes out all memory of that someone... -That we are all descendants of the Divine Dimension and therefore share a special bond with It, that which bonds with all of us individually. -That we all walk the path of Fate which intertwines among all, that all thought processes and decisions lead along that fate, that the Divine gives guidance and predicts in Its knowing what one's destiny is, provided that one takes a certain course along the Path. -That there are many uses for the three main Spirits--of the Body, the Mind, the Heart; none superior even if one looks to a particular Spirit most often. -That dreams are inspirations given by a non-realistic force, be it a ghost or God Itself, which may very well clear the Path of Fate if one looks into these, and other inspirations as well. -That there are no limitations to what Fate can hold, that only one's Belief fuels the energetic force that leads them along the Path. Well, I'll stop before you all get confused... That's basically (sort of) copied and pasted from my "bible", but there are countless other things as well... I'm basically my own religion because I can tolerate any religion. I'm completely opposite of religious extremists who bash and snitch on other people's religions because they believe that only their religion is the right one. I hate people who are like that! I'm not saying my family's like that, because they're not, except maybe my grandma, but that's a different story. I'm kind of unsure about my parents' religions, though my mother may be (partially) Wiccan. But, I have little or no influence from them. Rather, I have influence from my church, which talks about things from a lot of different religions... Anyways, I think religion is OK--it's just an expression of a certain individual's beliefs. And religious groups are just people who agree on similar things, or are composed of some people who can't come up with their own set of beliefs. But there are very few people like that. But, in a nutshell, that's my views on religion, though I can go on and on...
  25. For some time I've pondered the use for one character I've tried to use frequently in RPGs which have failed, but now I found a perfect RPG for her!! This one! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo][u]Name:[/u] Tara Surea [u]Age:[/u] 17 [u]Gender:[/u] Female [u]Race:[/u] Human, pretty much [u]Side:[/u] Evil [u]Appearance:[/u] Kind of like [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v460/qingrila/others/starknights.png]this picture[/url] (the character in the middle), except five feet tall, all black clothing, red highlights in her hair instead of blue, shorter boots with higher heels, no cape, bright red eyes, and black fishnet tights. She also has a necklace with red spikes and a skull on it. Occasional scars or cuts can be found on parts of her skin. [u]Personality:[/u] Tara is, basically, extremely sadistic and cynical. Pain, chaos, and independence are very important to her as well. She won't even try to be social, and she has no interest in saving people. She also hates it when people rescue or help her. She tries to convince herself that she's not human, and that she is immortal. Though anger is one of her dominant feelings, she can pretty much control it and take it all out on one thing or person. She's also very smart and spiritual, strangely... and calm. [u]Weapons:[/u] Flame Javelin--A short black wand that acts as a flamethrower but can extend into a javelin with fire abilities. One of those is said to make the weapon resemble a fiery pitchfork... Mirror of Sorrow--A pitch-black mirror which can light up and sometimes take over the victim's mind. Tara sometimes uses this on herself to help herself sleep or meditate, or to search for a hidden thought in her mind. An incantation goes with this; whoever says it during use can control the victim's mind if used properly. [u]Spells:[/u] Hex Blast--Can be used on different levels... It can be used as a basic curse for the misfortune of the victim. It can bewitch objects and control them to a certain extent, almost like telekinesis. It can cause certain diseases or deformities at different levels, then death at the strongest level. Power and effect depends on the pain felt by the user, independent on who or what caused it. The higher the pain and energy levels, the better, and only one effect per use. Depress--Again available at different levels... This spell can cause the victim to relive its worst nightmare or memory. It can also take feelings of happiness or confidence away at certain levels. At a high level, the victim can forget things such as memories or friends, or long-term memories at the highest level. Level and effect depends on mood, as well as complexity and strength of the mind and spirit, for both the user and the victim. Again, only one effect per use. Dragon of Dark Flame--Her javelin can be used to summon a dragon made of a dark flame. This can be treated as a beam or as a fiery beast with a flame attack. Mirror Spell--This is basically used with the mirror Tara always carries around. This can take over the victim's mind, and the mental state is crucial in its accuracy... [u]Reason for Killing:[/u] Being a human, Tara was always picked on by demons and angels and such. "Mortal" was one of the names she was most upset by. She's always tried to convince herself that she was not human nor mortal, and she's been trying to find ways to prove it for several years. She also had doubts about the Ruler of Hell--she thought he was not doing a good enough job at taking over the world and destroying Heaven. She had prayed to the Devil for him to listen to her advice, but he had never answered, considering her a worthless mortal. So, if she became immortal, she could finally cast aside the Devil and devise a new plan to drown the world in chaos.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Whew, that took forever, though some of it was copy-and-paste... I especially took forever on the reason... Hope Tara's accepted...
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