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Lilac oranges

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Everything posted by Lilac oranges

  1. can anyone tell me how to do the moving text thing? and is their anyway to create your own text? as in not your basic ABC thing...
  2. Funky, is this one still going to start? Name: ella Age: 18 Gender: F Car: Fat Boy Harley (i know its not exactly a car but they still rock) one Q.....what country/continent are we tripping through?
  3. Doc's where invented in the early 1800's! as a working mans boot, selling for around 2 pound a pair. granted not smurf blue ones cause smurfs weren't invented. ok, compramise...cherry reds had been invented so i'll wear those. bright shirts where also part of the fashion. the long hair wasn't but who says i have to bow to peer presure, if it worries you i'll tuck it under my fendora.
  4. Name: Bernard (bernie) age: 23 rank: detective Description: medium build, orange/red wavy hair down to waist, wears bright shirts and doc martin boots the colour of smurfs, a black trench coat and fendora. Weaponry & Equipment: Magnum Colt. 45 Revolver .303 rifle dagger (consealed in smurf coloured boots) Handcuffs PR-24 (Nightstick) Wallet Badge history: Bernie has just moved to new orleans from Chicago. he has just been promoted to detective after cracking a bootlegging ring and clashing with Al Copone
  5. is anyone out there buddist or studying buddhism? i would like to learn more about this religon but due to a conservitive home town and some very Catholic parents and school, i can't get much info. i'm partically intrested in Theravacla and zen. so if anyone has any info or mantra's or anything like that please post them. Sentinent beings are numberless. i vow to save them. desires are endless. i vow to put an end to them. the dharmas are boundless.i vow to master them. the buddha way is unattainable. i vow to attain it.
  6. i love the books and although no one could ever properly recreate the story in a movie i think their doing a good job so far. does anyone know where i could get copies (the type you fram and hang up) of the orignal prints (the ones the opening views of rivendell and hobberton come from) cause as the saying goes 'a picture tells a thousand tales' and those pictures have well over a thousand to tell.
  7. theres a story behind it....a confuzzled cat jumped on a cow wich was in a bubble, breaking the bubble confuzzling the cow causeing it to produce confused milk. i think now due to the over use of the words confused and confuzzled in that sentence that theres a couple of versions of the story... but the basic msg of it is don't let confuzzled cats burst the bubbles of cows if you don't want confused milk
  8. just like to say that 'confused milk' is not alisons, it is the product of a conversation, in english bettween mark,tim,alison and myself....and even if it was alisons i don't think she'd mind me using it :)
  9. you guys can drive when your 15....what country are you in? i'm in aus and we can't even get our learners permit until where 16 and 6 mnths!
  10. i was in a LDR for about 6 mnths but because of sercumstances we lost contact and after about 3mnths i stopped trying to get back in contact and when i nice guy asked me out i said yes....then i ran into someone who could give a message to my LDR fella....we got back in touch and i found out that he still wanted to go out with me....so give it some time because the short of this is i'm in great relationship now but i'm missing out on being with my ldr bf, so give it a chance it may just be that your other hasn't had a chance to call or something is stopping him from doing something! :)
  11. i could belive that...i can never concentrate in school until after morning tea...but i think its more that most students today don't go to sleep until 10pm...to be able to work/live to your full potential your supposed to get 10-12 hours of sleep a night and the last two hours of that are the most important. so someone going to sleep at 10pm and getting up at 6am for school misses those two important hours of sleep.
  12. by plushies do you mean plush toys eg. teddy bears etc.? cause i make things like that.
  13. i play double bass, it rocks. i started playing it when i was seven (for all who have seen a double bass, you'll uderstand how diffcult that is for a 7 yr old to do) i've been playing for 9yrs and its my life, i also sing *tries not to sound like a wailing cat* and play classical guitar which are both really funky but i need to learn to read treble clef.
  14. heres my 1st banner, what do you think?
  15. the perfect mate is diffrent for everyone, its who ever makes you happy and you can make them happy :)
  16. yes i'm thouroughly sick of it! i can't understand what the fasination with other ppl.s lives are! if anyone can explain this to me PLEASE DO!
  17. i think typing with the home row is probebly a good idea but its annoying to learn if you've been using computers for ages and you've got to fight the temptation to just use any finger for any key :S
  18. 41.2% thats not a bad thing is it? :love:
  19. yeah i've heard of it before, though i didn't know enstien was behind it, one of my teachers said something about it in class a few years ago, i had a look on the net and couldn't find anything but that was a while back so you might have more luck now. scary thought is 'what else are they keeping from us?'
  20. alley you didn't need to tell the world who my twin is! :cussing:
  21. this is a food fight, you are allowed to attack anyone but you are only allowed to attack them with food! lilac oranges starts by bombarding cloricus with mouldy bannaners closely followed by choclate sauce to create a bannana split :tasty:
  22. the beach closest to home is harvey bay and thats a nice beach (if you watch out for needles) but theres no waves :waves: my fav beaches would have to be kings beach in caloundra and the beach at the 'loo with a view' in mallolaba but only when its not holidays cause there to busy then. i don't mind the ones in north queensland (the ones raven likes) its nice to go hiking in the rainforests and then go for a swim on those beaches
  23. ARGGGHHHH......I HATE BONZI BUDDIES!!!! :cussing: i had one and it took me ages to get rid of it but theres still this thing in the top corner of my internet exploerer called bonzi buddy web compass and i can't get it to go away and it really annoys me if any one can help please PM me! thanks
  24. yes i've heard of the yellow ribbon here for life prgm. they help lots of ppl. our local radio just did a fundraising weekend for them and raised 64000, which i think is really good because were i live we have one of the highest youthsuicide rates in the world and that is definetly not a good thing.
  25. the mothman has also had reported sightings in norway, i don't know how that connects to point pleasent but there have been sightings there. harlequin if you are still looking for info i think there is a book on it in the city libary
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