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Everything posted by jitoya

  1. Shiva Atamos Bahamut Ifrit Alexandra another question in 9 How do you get the Excalibur 2 sword
  2. jitoya

    Dbz Ccg

    At the moment Red Tokui-waza With Majin Dabura
  3. Knowing my luck this will be closed but anyway Does anyone out there play the Dragon Ball Z Card Game? If so What Deck do you use?
  4. Does anyone know an easy way to get Dark Matter? cause i keep beating Dark Yojimbo 4 times then saving and doing it again but it takes to fricken long (2 most times if you beat him oh wow but as my luck is 255 i keep getting master spheres AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) i need a faster way
  5. Yea i agree Omega pansy (I never ever will consider him a Weapon) oh and you guys out there What do you think is the toughest Monster in all Final fantasys for me its Great Molbaros (excuse spelling)
  6. 3 times you fight seifer In Final Fantasy 8 How do you get Lion Heart on disc 1???
  7. Sephiroth was a Great villan cause he had honnor a huge sword (does anyone know where he hid that thing?????) and do any of you realise that if he completed his plan he would of became something close to a god. Sin well i was dissapointed with him not only was it the third to last boss but was completely over-rated and easy Kuja was just lame i mean they could of mad him better (and they that other guy outta nowhere whats up with that????) Seymour well to tell you the truth i thought he was a Sephiroth wannabe who needed to think up some more taunts but the Weapons are the best villans (except omega in number 10) cause they are evil hard and just look plain mean
  8. ummm the tapes are all the way up to Evil Kid Buu which are coming out on the 14th here in new zealand so i think it would be easyer to get them on tape than waiting for toonami And another thing i hired out a DVD and it had a *** version (With subtitles) and i still cant get over how much has been lost of the real story by Funamation the have destroyed Dragon Ball Z I mean it just dosent make sense the english dubs have compleatly diffrent sayings oh and wrong epsidoe names like which is spost to be called Down with Funmation Destroy Destroy Annihilate Who agrees????
  9. Ok who do you think is the Ulitmate Final Fantasy Villan? Why do you think he/she/it is the ulitmate villan? What Final Fantasy is he/she/it from? and if you could change their Fate how would you change it?
  10. I never liked the magus sisters (especially the Dark ones) cause like they never do as told e.g Cindy Attack what does she do {Taking a Break} which got me killed by Dark yojimbo cause of stupid Zanmato (which ignores Auto Life)
  11. The arena monsters suck (except for most speices conquest that give you what you need to get 255 stats) shinryu i can beat 1 on 1 (loner overdrive mode can kill the thing in two blizt aces) Earth eater gives you fortune spheres while Greater sphere gives you Luck spheres even Nemesis sucks i hardly find the Dark Aeons a Battle (Dark Yojimbo can only get 2 hits in before he's Dead) But has anyone out there beaten Penace? (WITHOUT ZANMATO) And what whos ulitmate Weapons can you get before you fight Yunalesca??????????
  12. 6 i think in 7 how many weapons in total are there?
  13. Baaj temple most of rins travel houses the Air ship Al behd home thats all i can think of from the top of my head Ok in Final fantasy 10 How do you fight Penace (Giant two armed freak in the sky you fight on Air ship)
  14. Ginnylyn you got my question wrong Im talking about the super powerful dark Aeons all over spira
  15. Just use your limits Rhinoas can make you untouchable and Squalls and Zells will smash her to bits
  16. Yunalesca is easy so is Sin if you have any trouble with any of them there is something wrong with you Its the dark aeons you should fear
  17. cid has the battle meter a man in the desert jail has the first upgrade and the cc club member in the training room in blamb garden has the second and you have to beat them both at cards My question is in final Fantasy what happens after you beat all the dark aeons
  18. Ok i used dodo cheat and was flying the tank and i flew on top of a buliding on the second island and landed then fell through the buliding into blue hell and then ended up on the 1st island again with my tank on fire and we all know what happend next KABOOM
  19. No he dosent have as much fun as super buu eating 24 cake shops and playing soccer with cars acting like a child runing on the spot in mid-air as fast as he can yelling YEA I DID IT I DID IT I DIT IT and being so happy he runs on water!!!oh and pushing about 50 cars and blowing them up.
  20. If you could be a Dragon Ball Z villian What would your name be? What would your powers be? and how would you get beaten?
  21. jitoya


    Just think for a sec Nearly dies !!!! He's a saiyan !!! Gets Healed from near death !!! stronger than Vegeta big power increase cause of getting healed!! = SSJ 2 They didnt make a big deal about it cause they want you to pick it up (this coming from a *** site) by yourself to see if you know about sayains i mean they didnt make a big deal about Goku and Vegeta going SSJ2 in the buu saga!!!!! cause they wernt the frist.
  22. This my sound addictive but every rpg ive played took up a heap of my time FF7 300 hours+ (getting stats up to 255) FF8 120+ FF9 60+ FF 10 are you ready for it 417 hours (and still working on it got three guys up to 255 luck) Grandia 170+ (Tower of temptation raising stats) Legend of Dragoon 90+ kingdom hearts 100+ Chrono trigger 30+ (game got stolen ) and i think ill stop there
  23. its 3 or 2 i think heres my question in number 10 what happens to your guys when there luck is at 255?
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