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Everything posted by jitoya
Hey anyone out there does anyone really know if vice city is before or after liberty city Points saying its after Liberty 1. on a misson in liberty city when you get the guy to the airport and he gives you a key and you get a bullet proof car he says SEE YOU IN VICE CITY 2. On the back of the vice city case it says after liberty city 3. on a misson in vice city someone says we handle things diferntly (excuse spelling) here than in liberty city Points saying its before 1. Cars in vice city are old school 2. Lazlo (don't know if i got it right) is still on the rock show wheres he got kicked off and talks about it in Liberty city well you decide if anyone has any more points then post them up.
can anyone help me i need to find the al behd primer 15 (the one that translates o) and has anyone found nemesis a pansy i find pennace harder than him not to metion dark yojimwuss i can't believe i ever had any trouble with any dark aeons they all suck does anyone else think the same way?
to beat yunalesca just dont heal zombie and use phoniex downs when someone dies and keep attacking with tidus and auron and use lulu or yunas double cast firaga. cause if you keep healing zombie you'll either come victim to mega death or another hellbiter she only has like 50-60000 hp or try using osmose to get rid of her mp either way shes pretty easy just watch out for the dark aeons they're ridiculously strong.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Twinzam v [/i] [B]There is a easier way to beat all of the dark aeons let yuna summon Yojimbo and pay him 150000 gil and he will use zanmato which will kill the darkaeon with one hit. I beat both weapons using the magus sisters let them use their overdrive then keep attacking if the weapons killed them be sure to haveyunas nirvana and valefors second overdrive use that and it will do at least 50000:) [/B][/QUOTE] With one hit! I'll have to try it out. Where do you get Valfors second overdrive? I found dark Bahamut hes where you fight Yunalesca.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SephirothNIN [/i] [B]The Dark Aeons that that summoner uses at the Via Purifico? They're not too hard, you can probably beat them just using aeons you have, they make good shields you know. As for stealing megalixirs, nope. Maybe in the arena but megalixirs are really good, if anyone had it it would be original/species creations, and they're already insanely hard. Ultima Weapon was pathetically ez, Omega too, I didn't attack for a while hoping that Omega had some cool move, but all he did besides a punch was some rain-move that took off 1500 =\. Anyway to get the CLOUDY mirror, you have to go to the Calm Lands, get a chocobo, and ride him to the SouthEast corner (you have to go to the far West to go up tho), it's on the ridge not by those treasure chests. Anyway you'll see yellow chocobo feathers, inspect them and your choco will jump down to Remiem Temple. Challenge the chocobo there to a race (ez) and you'll get the cloudy mirror. Then you have to celestisize it, head to...jeez I forgot the name of the forest....Macalania? yeah that's it, head there and find the sparkling glass-like pathways that lead into the trees, head SouthWest on those until you get to a save point with a woman and a child there. Talk to them both and they say they're waiting for their husband/father, I forget if he's to the North or to the East....but he's just standing around a pond w/ some other bozos. Then when the guy runs off, go back to where his wife&son were, and keep talking to them until they ask you to find their son...whew...go BACK on the glassy path and where 3 paths intersect, you can now head up (where some bozo lady was blocking u before), there you'll find an orangey glowing thing, it'll turn the mirror into the Celestial mirror, allowing you to open treasure chests w/ everyone's last weapons in them. That orange ball is also where you go to power up people's weapons once you get the crests and sigils...eek what a long explanation. [/B][/QUOTE] thanks for that now ive got all the ulitmate weapons except wakas and have beaten dark valfore but i cant beat any of the others. is there a dark bahamut and if so where is he ? and do you know where to get any lv 4 key spheres?
Gaming Need a plan to destroy Sephiroth in FFVII
jitoya replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G/S/B Master [/i] [B]I need a plan.He kicks my butt with his sun expansion to cream my team from an over 7000 HP to a measly 500 and under HP also making my characters attack eachother (mainly cloud because he is hardly in any bad condition).Them Sephiroth beats me up with his magics.At that time Knights of the Round wouldn't be availible ( because of the semi-boss. )If you're planning for Megalixers then you have failed,because that time i don't have any more megas.But 2 or 3 X-Potions though.So give me a walkthrough for beating him or a preperation before the semi-boss or just advices.Walkthroughs are better though. [/B][/QUOTE] its easy all you have to do is have all your party with amor and weapons with 8 slots each (ulitmate weapons are the best to use if you need to find them im your man) and ribbons witch can obtained by morphing tonberrys (oh i hate them) have one of your guys equiped with final attack-phoneix combo in linkede slots make sure theyre both master lv and have someone equiped with sneak attack-knights of the round combo someone with quadra magic-bahamit zero cloud equiped with 4xslash and counter and all of your party should be equiped with hp plus and mp plus about 3 of each at a high lv and everyone with there last limit breaks and any other materia you wish to use and make him kiss the ground -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G/S/B Master [/i] [B] I don't know what kind of FF you on.But if it's FF8 then i could help. To get Megalixers(FF8 style):You can get MLs by refining the Bahamut card to get 100 Megalixers.This requiers Quezecotl's Card mod ability. [/B][/QUOTE] thanks for that but im talking about final fantasy 10 have you played it yet?
does anyone know a way to defeat the dark aeons? did anyone else beat both ultimate and omega weapons in to the ground? how do you get the celestial mirror? where can you get or steal megaelixers?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jamvis [/i] [B]Anyone ever hear of that game? Legend of Legia is one of the best RPG's ever. SO anyone hear of it? [/B][/QUOTE] yes i have i own it its one of the best rpgs ever especially vahns miracle art have you found the meetle goblet?