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Everything posted by TrickyNicky
Ok, the house is going too far now! [i]I heard that.[/i] *Gets out her rifle* BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! DIE ROSEY! [i]ZAP! ZAP[/i] AAAAAAAGH! *Runs around in an attempt to escape the death rays. HEEEEEELP!
Hey, I'm the only one still participating in this story? What's happening? *Goes back to Big Brother where she belongs*
Trixie couldn't believe it. Of all the low-down things he could do, hypnotising Gaby was the worst. But when was so interesting in the forest? Why did he want Gaby in there? Suddenly, she felt horribly ill. [i]Zachary[/i]. Of course! It all seemed so obvious! [i]The rainstone makes it rain as long as the holder wants it to. Gaby is an angel, Damian is a Devil, and I'm a pixie. We can all use magic to get to safety. But Zach's only human, and not a very old one at that. He can't do anything like that![/i] She looked back up to see Gaby standing in front of Damien again. He nodded at her and she nodded back. Then Damien said, in a business-like way, "Now sleep. When you wake up you will be back to normal."
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] "A life size stripper made out of Red Bull cans?!"[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I have an interesting fact about Red Bull. It has 4% Torine in it. Do you know what Torene is? *Everyone blinks* [i]Bull Sp3rm.[/i] Hmph. Yes. Spoil my fun. *Kicks the intercom and wonders who hasn't arrived yet.
HEHEHEHE! SOMEONE ELSE IS HERE!!!!! [I]This is Big Brother. Could Nicky please come to the diary room?[/i] *Goes to diary room" "Hi Big Brother!" [i]Hello, Nicky. How was you first day in the house?[/i] "It was Ok. Today I blew up the chickens!" [i]...[/i] :D [i]Big Brother would like to ask you NOT to mutilate the chickens.[/i] "Hmph." [i]Any further reports of homicidle behavior towards the chickens from you will result in a penalty. Please leave.[/i] Nicky gets up and stomps out. "Lousy Big Brother....Big Bother, more like..."
*Discovers the chickens* HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!! Would you like some cake, little chickens??? *Cluck* Ah yes of course you would! *Loads cake with gunpowder and give is to chickens* KABLAMO!!!!! BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! THIS IS BIG BROTHER...COULD NICKY PLEASE STOP TORMENTING THE CHICKENS. Eheh.
*Runs in in an unorganised frenzy* ACK! SORRY I'm LATE! MUSICAL PRACTICE! Hi, I'm Nicky! I'm fourteen! I'm Irish! I'm the BESSSST! And I'm very pleased to meet you all!
That night, Trixie crept over to where Damien was sitting behid a bush. The rain had started up again, so she had a feeling that Damien was playing about with the rainstone again. Trixie: Damian- Damien: What? Trixie: Why do you want it to rain? Damien: ..... Trixie: Well? Damien: Just p!ss off, kid. Trixie: I'm eight. I'm not that kid-ish. Look, what you're game with the rain and everything? Damien: None of your business, shortie. Why don't you just take your blue little self off to bed. It's way past bed-time! Trixie sighed. The rain was up to her knees. She swung herself up onto a tree and tried to somehow balance. She threw a stone at Gaby to wake her up. Gaby: What? Who's that? Trixie: It's just me. Damien's up to something. Can you go talk to him? Gaby: 'Kay. Where's Zach? Trixie: He went into the thicker part of the woods to get some wood. He'll not have much luck, though, not in this weather. Gaby got up and wandered off. After a few minutes, Gaby and Zach were still gone, so Trixie jumped off the tree branch, landing in rain up to her waist. She peered over the bush and saw Gaby standing facing Damien, her eyes wide and glassy. Damien nodded to her and she walked off into the forset.
As Damien and Zachary decide to stop fighting, a it starts to rain. Zachary: Damien- Damien: It wasn't me this time! Honest! Maybe it was Gaby! Gaby: Nope. Trixie: Earth to everyone! Maybe it's just ordinary rain??? Damien: No, it's definately Gaby. Zachary: What's that in your hand, Damien? Trixie: It's a rainstone! Damien, what was the point in making it rain??? Zachary: Maybe he's allergic to normality and we wants to get rid of us by drowning us! Damien: I am getting so SICK of you... Gaby: Seriously Damien, give it here. Damien: No! Trixie: AAAAIIIIEEEEEEEEE! *Jumps on Damien and grabs the rainstone* Trixie: MAUWHAHAHAHAHA! So there! This looks senseless, but I promise it's going somewhere.
Ok, I've never done a team RPG before, but I'll give it my best shot... Gabrielle: What are we looking for? Zachary: Nothing.... Trixie: Then why are you going like this? (looks all around her in a very exaggerated way) Damien: He's looking for sumthin' all right. I reckon he's dropped his brain somewhere in that bush. (points to a bush nearby) Zachary: Can it, Lucifer. Damien: I'm not Lucifer! There's more than one devil, you know! I'm a humble minion! Zachary: You??? HUMBLE? Ha! Gabrielle: This is... Trixie: Going absolutely nowhere. Gabrielle: ... Trixie: Gaby? Gabrielle: (Damien and Zach are still bickering in the background) ...I have a feeling we're supposed to be somewhere. I don't know... Zach: (whacks damien with his Kendo stick) Damien: Ow! Gaby: WILL BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP???? *silence* *blink* *Sweatdrop* Gaby: Thank you very much. Now, what we need to concentrate on is getting somewhere SAFE before we all die of Pneumonia! *silnce* Damien: ...it was his fault... Zach: Was Not! Damien: Was too! Zach: Was not! Gaby: Right, that does it! (slaps both the boys hard and fast) Boys: *cry* Trixie: Wow, that was so cool the TV people showed it from three different angles!
Class: Evil Name: Riko Age: 13 Appearance: White long hair and dark blue eyes, quite small and skinny. Bio: She's a human, as you said you wanted some and you dont have any yet. Also, you have a lot of adults, so I entered a kid. She basically has a normal family life, but she's into the Wicca, so she can do a few very basic spells. Personality: Mysterious, clever, sneaky, but later on, if there are too many people, you can convert her to good.
My greatest apologies, Justin. I got picked for the Big Brother thing, so I can't be in this, cos I'm not allowed to leave the events arena starting the week-end. I'm really sorry!
[b][COLOR=deeppink][SIZE=3]Ehehe...Sorry guys, I'll not be able to post much longer...I've been selected to be in otaku boards Big Brother 2. I I could be there for three months, though I reckon i'll be evicted long before the end of it. Take care of Sailor Rainbow for me till I get back!!!![/SIZE] [/COLOR][/b]
I think I'm just in Time! Name: Trixie Desired Races: Man (uh girl) or Archangel Weapon: Dagger Alignment: either...whichever's convenient. I think I was in time...or maybe i cant count to ten!
[b]Rainbow:[/b] Will you be OK? [b]Uthwine:[/b] I dunno... What about Nati? [b]Rainbow:[/b] She's right there. [i]they go over to Nati and look her up and down.[/i] [b]Rainbow:[/b] What do you think? [b]Nati:[/b] ??? [b]Uthwine:[/b] The tan might indicate something... [b]Rainbow:[/b] What's that? [b]Uthwine:[/b] Stay here, I'll check it out. [i]She walks out of site, and a yell is heard.[/i] [b]Rainbow:[/b] Uh, oh. Nati, I think you're Sailor Ray. Uh...um... I'm not very good in these situations... [i]a wand-like thingy appears in Nati's hands.[/i] [b]Rainbow:[/b] That's it! Hold it up and say, uh "Ray Power!" Quick!
Sign Up Castlevania: Requiem of Eternal Reminiscence
TrickyNicky replied to Talon's topic in Theater
Name: Trixie Age: 13 Appearance: Ok, blue skin (yes, blue), long pink hair and pink eyes (no pinkeye jokes). She wears one of those wee raggy green dresses...She's half-pixie, so she's quite small for her age, so she looks jkinda like sn eight-year-old. Bio: She's not a dark or depressed character. I created her to bring a little comedy into RPGs. She was a genetic experiment that they didn't destroy when they were finished with, and didn't have the heart to get rid of her. :D She's sooo odd! Weapons: None. Abilities: She can't fly, she didn't inherit that gene, but she's very acrobatic and can use pixie magic. -
Room for one more? Character 1 Name: Gabrielle Race: Angel Equipment: None Bio: Gaby lived in heaven for seven hundred years. When she was the equivalent of a fourteen-year-old human, she left. Now she mostly hangs around a churchyard and watches the Priest gave the services. Location: The churchayard in a wee villiage called Carrickferugs. Character 2 Name: Zachary Race: Human Equipment: Kendo stick Bio: Zachary is my most serious char. He's thirteen, and takes everything seriously and rarely makes jokes. Not cause he is mistreated or grieving or any other mary-sue crap, it's just the way he is. He's organised, intelligent, and comes from an ordinary background. He trains in Kendoooo! Location: His house. Character 3 Name: Trixie Race: Half - Fairy Equipment: none Bio: There's one really unusual thing about trixie: She's blue. She has pink eyes (No pinkeye jokes here) and green hair. and wears one of those weird raggy pink dresses. She's not that tiny, in fact, she's eight years old, and is the average height of a three - year old, not bad for a fairy! Location: The woodssss! Character 4 Name: Damien Race: Devil Equipment: uh...a pitchfork? Bio: Before, I start, HES NOT RED! He looks like a normal human, acutally. He has white hair and blue eyes, and he's small and skinny for his age. he has pale skin and comes from the firey pits of HELLLLLL! He's about the equivalent of a fifteen-year old human, and is about 750 years old. Location: Hell! As you can see, they're all fairly young, and not too dark and depressed, and aren't very well-armed, but hey, it's diffy, I wanna try to see how kids cope in an adult situation!
Sailor Rainbow: [i] cracks her fingers[/i]. Yup! This should be fun! Uthwine: I wonder what sailor scout you are, Nati... Nati: I can't wait to find out! Uthwine: Uh, oh, looks like you're just about to! Rainbow: Get ready!
Grrrrrr.... [size=7][color=orange-red]N O M O R E S I G N U P S ![/COLOR][/SIZE]
Name: Gabrielle Age: 14 Race: Angel Bio: She comes from an angel sorta background, obviously. That's sorta all I cn think of. Description: Long white blonde hair, dark blue eyes, pale skin, small and skinny. Personality: Although from a sweet and peaceful race, Gaby has a lot of fight in her and she can be brave and strong. However, she can be soft and gentle when she feels like it. But she has a hot temper and not many people can control it. weapons, items, magic: Angel magic. She has a magic sword.
Yes. I'll say it again: [B][COLOR=deeppink][SIZE=4]NO MORE SIGNUPS![/SIZE][/COLOR][/b] [size=1][color=purple]This Public Service Announcement Has Been Brought To You By Faris[/color][/size]
Rina took the lift down to the ground floor from her apartment. Howver, on the way down, she had the strange sensation of a transformation happening above her. She quickly keyed the number for the top floor. On the way up, praying that nobody would try to use the lift and see her, she transformed into her own Sailor Suit. It was an odd one. The skirt was bright orange, the bodice was neon green and her gloves, boots and bow were all flourescent pink. Now she was Sailor Rainbow. When she reached the top floor, she burst out of the lift, much to the shock of and elderly man using a Zimmer who was trying to get in. She bounded up the stairs to see who was on the roof.
"I wish you'd stop doing that!" Rina huffed, changing question two of her Geography homework. "I'll feed when I'm done with this, Mozart." The silver tabby sniffed and began to scratch the wood under the bed, until Rina could bear it no longer. "Alright! I'll feed you now, but you're doing my Geography homework! I have to go and meet Nati outside school. Can you believe she got a detention for GLOWING IN CLASS? Hehe, how dumb can you get! It's not like she can help it! I can't wait to tell her she's a sailor scout! I know one when I see one!" Mozart smiled. "Fine. But make it Tuna."
*Is slightly confused*
Ok please note that I'm very strict with RPGs. If you didn't sign up before I said no more signups, then I'm afraid u can b in this. Sorry, but I'll do another one for more people to get involved in! Ok I'll get the ball rolling for us... Let's get them all discovered, one by one. Rina rushed home from school one day and began her homework. As she was halfway through her Geography, she heard a voice behind her. "You know, question two is wrong. North Carlina is in the NORTH, believe it or not." Rina turned round to see her cat regarding her gravely. "AGH!" OK, I have to get off the net now, so let's have another POV, preferably that of a sailor scout or maybe a villain...