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Everything posted by TrickyNicky

  1. Hey, nefertimon, I have too many sailor scouts, so could you just use your schoolfriend profile, since you signed up as more than one? Well about the villains: Can u all work out plots together and be a team of evil-doers? I can see that lol. OK well here's sailor Rainbow: Name: Rina Appearance: straight blonde hair past the shoulder, ice blue eyes, pale complexion, small and slim, a few freckles. Personality: Very into music eg singing, piano and the violin. She's quite loud and sunny, and laughs a lot. But she's accident-prone, and always seems to be in some sort of trouble! Sailor name: Sailor Rainbow Power: She has magic rainbow attacks... Pure Spectrum:- can blind and attack with a bight rainbow. Children's hope:- A shining rainbow that destroys all in its path. Sunburn:- well, it does exactly what it says on the Tin. Other: Her "uniform" is flourescent pink at the skirt, neon green bodice, bright orange bow. Her gloves are also orange...very rainbow-ish... She has a talkin cat called Mozart. OK I'm putting it in the main adventures Forum now, it will be called "Sailor Moon RPG". No more signups please!
  2. I don't see any signups here, but I'm sure you know what a signup is. Anyway, I need a bunch of people for a Sailor Moon fanfic. (It's sorta based on S1, as thats the only one the UK has seen, and so everyone can understand it, but with different people.) I need four girls for Sailor Scouts. I also need schoolfriends and stuff! And some villians. [color=lightpink]If you want to sign up as a Sailor Scout, fill in this form: Name: Appearance: Personality: Sailor name (based on weather etc. Note that Sailor Rainbow is being used): Power: Other:[/color] [color=skyblue]If you want to sign up as a schoolfriend, fill this in: Name: Appearance: Personality: Other:[/color] [color=purple]If you want to sign up as a villian, fill this in: Name: Appearance: Personality: Power: Other:[/color] Remember that I can't use everyone, but I'll use as many as possible! Oh, and in your signup, please let me know what you want to be! [color=indigo]This belongs in the Recruitment sub-forum, which is in the Adventure Arena forum. *moves thread* - Desbreko[/color] [color=indigo]Oh, and another thing...don't double-post. Use the "edit" button, down in the bottom-right hand corner of the post if you want to add something. *deletes post* - Desbreko[/color]
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