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Everything posted by TrickyNicky

  1. ... ... ... ... Does Spongebob Fan count? DAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'd say I'm probably... depends... I'm a very random person who laughs for like ten minutes for liek no reson whatsoever, so probably some happy-happy prep....
  2. It's so nasty. People like that should mind their own business. I believe that this, like many things, is as case of "If you don't like it, then don't watch it."
  3. I say anyone who actually says it is is just sick minded themselves... after all, they're the ones who can see the evil in it... Does anyone have any idea what I'm wittering on about now?
  4. *Slinks in like she was never gone* I guess I know where you're coming from, but still, it's just a TV show/Game. Our mum thought Yugi's hair was a hat - now that's somehow evil. How could anyone wear a hat that pointy.... Anyway, I'm blathering. I agree with Domon. I'm quite a religious person myself, but even I'm crazy abotu Harry Potter and watch YGO. As long as people don't get too caught up and obsessed, it's pretty safe to say it's fine.
  5. So, Sunny was "Keeping a safe distance" (In other words, right next to the action, getting in the odd not-very-painful kick), wondering what was going on. Eventually she shrugged. "It's pwobwy just cos they're boys. Boys're always punchin' and fightin' and stuff." So she stood there, wondering why boys were "sooooo siwy", while everyone was getting beat up around her.
  6. Lol... Clothes shopping for foreign holidays!!! ^_^ In Ireland we normally have robins in winter.
  7. Spring smell? For me, thats' cut grass! I love that smell! And of course, the spiders come out. That's another sign of Spring.
  8. I searched around, and I don't think it's been done before, but... What confirms, in YOUR mind, that spring is here? It came into my mind today as I walked home from school and saw the first bee. I was really excited lol (I'm so sad). So, what tells you that spring has arrived?
  9. Sunny looked around, before turning to whisper to Gabriel, "Will Xra help us?" "Yes. Now Shh!" There was a short pause before Sunny continued. "Do you think mebbe we cn run away?" "Shhh!" Ixodar hissed, glancing up at Xion, who smiled. "Keep her quiet. She irritates me." Sunny blinked. "What does-" Gabriel quickly gave her a shove, and she shut up.
  10. Did you remember to do [/img] at the end? Stupid question, but you'd be surprised at how many times I've done that.
  11. Writing movies sounds fun. You shouldn't ruin a hobby by making it into a career. And don't be scared to aim a little higher! Do what you feel will be the most beneficial for you, and by what you've said, that's film! YAAAY!!! Good luck!
  12. My favorite songs were "He Had It Coming" and that one that Mama did. How cool were they!
  13. Our school is boring, and they ignored Red Nose Day. Shame, really. I got to a grammar school, and you need to pass this exam to get in, and just because there is an exam, out headmaster thinks we're better that everyone else! So we must set an example for our neighbour normal school. But they're just people too! And they got wacky hair day. We weren't even allowed to walk out against the war, because it's "disruptive to our education". Gah...
  14. 1) Rina from Sailor Moon. 2) I'm a ditz, I mostly rely on my friends to tell me what happened when I wasn't listening, I'm ALWAYS late, I'm a cry baby, I'm obsessed with boys... the list could go on forever. 3) If I did my hair up like that? Then yes. Because I'm blonde and blue, and sorta kiddish-looking.
  15. HEHEHE! Lol! You're not even supposed to look at burning Magnesium, let alone touch it! *Laughs* One time I was racing this older guy and we were on bikes. He's really sporty so I was determined to beat him. Then, I somehow manged to get ahead of him, his front tire hit into my back tire. And I lost control and went skidding out into the middle of the road, cycling head-on into a car... It wasn't funny! But, Jonny seemed to think it was hysterical. And he told everyone that I now had "Egg-Head" (a huge bump on my head the shape of my head). I'll get him... Except he can drive now and I can't...
  16. My friend doesn't like them, and God frowns upon it, but I have quite a few homosexual guy friends, and I get on with them better than a lot of the girls in my class! (evil preps... *Stabs those evil bimbos*)
  17. HEHEHEHEHE! That was so mean! hey! I just realised I've emerged from the RPG section!
  18. Who's been watching it! So far, there's been a Harry Potter Spoof, and Gareth Gates sing "Spirit in the Sky". Anyone else watching?
  19. When I was wee I saw this anime, sorta the Small-people, Big-eyes type. I think it was called the little bits or something... sounds a bit rude now...
  20. That one's funny! My mate pulled down the classroom blinds today so that they just covered her face and every time a boy passed the window she lifted her shirt up. Somebody mus have recognised her ""s though, because her name got reported to out music teacher who is like this old man!
  21. Sounds a wee bit cheesy, but it might be worth a look.
  22. OMG! LOL CHARLIE CHAPLIN IS MY HERO!!!! *laughs hysterically, having just eaten a whole bag of RazzmaTazz in one go* I love thee, you sweet little quiet clown!
  23. One time I came to PE with odd trainers. The next day I came in with my shirt inside-out cos i was late. Then next day I got paint down my best PE trousers.... And so the chain of events continues as they gruesomely tear about the masta of disastas...
  24. ... ... That's stupid. No mention of My Wee Darlin'? CRIME! What about Mokuba? I want my teddy bear!!!!
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