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Everything posted by TrickyNicky
Hehe I'm a little sister! Di_Mos little sister! And she loves me really! Lobely poem, darling, Jolly good!
I LOVE BAKURA! Maybe he'll be the main character in the next series! *gets excited and takes a seizure and writhes on the floor*
I'm doing GCSE history at the minute. Year 11, first year GCSE or in England, Year 10. Hitler was a madman, and how could anyone have fallen for all that rubbish propaganda?
History? I love the Celts! They were so good at art!
*Sniggers* Dissing... She's my sister. She tells me I don't talk sense all the time. If you actually WOULD talk sense sometimes she wouldn't have said that! Seriously, wise up! Anyway, I hope Mokuba (my teddy bear!) and Bakura (my wee darlin') are in da movie! Otherwise it won't be the same. But I havent seen much of Bakura in the later episodes, so that seems unlikely. :(
Melody: Hey! There's Will! *Waves frantically at him* Enelya: I told you not to have sugar puffs for breakfast... Will: Oh good! I found someone! Kenzu: Oh, yes, it's fantastic. We've found a banshee with ants in her pants... Will: ... You are not a morning person, are you?
Seriously? Kris, why didn't you tell me like the second you found out! Evil... But lelola's always down. Also, will the Japanese names be used in the movie, do you think?
Sunny was scared. [i]Was that my falut?[/i] She actually thought for once. [i]I'd better not do no more talkins till im s'sposed to.[/i]
*Sunny glared at Gabriel and Ixodar.* Sunny: Wutchas doin that for? *she hissed* Ixodar: We'll explain later. Now shut up. Xion: Do I hear talking? Sunny: Nope! I'm not talking! Are you guys talking? Guys? Why you lookin' so angry? Xion: Right, that does it....
*Melody waited at the gates for ther others. She'd plaited her hair for the sake of practicality, and Enelya had even plaited hers!* Melody: I think we're a bit early... Enelya: I told you there was time for a French Braid! Melody: *laughs* They'll be here soon enough. So tell me about you life? Enelya: Not much to tell. I'm afraid I was never that much of a warrior, but I defended myself. I was an archer, obviously... *and the conversation continues...*
*Melody sat on her bed on the pillow, while Enelya sat cross-legged opposite her.* Melody: I think he expects too much of me. I mean, I didn't even want to do this in the first place. Enelya: I'll help make things more bearable for you. Melody: Thanks. Enelya: You have an hour before you need to go and meet the others. Meoldy: *Stares down at her pink pyjamas* Crap I'd better get changed!
((YAAAAAAAY KRAY! *worships Kray*)) *Sunny woke up and looed around.* Sunny: Wussiss? Ixodar: Sshh! Sunny: Wot? Where did Xra go? Gabriel: He's gone to... uh, the zoo. Sunny: Thoo? Ixodar: Yeah, the zoo. He went to put the wolf back. I'm sure he'll be back soon. Sunny: K. I hoe he bwings food, I'm hungwy! Gabriel: (mutters) and extremely annoying... Ixodar: (quickly) So, uh, Sunny, do you want to play dummies meeting? Sunny: 'Sat a game or summing? Ixodar: Yeah. We all have to be really quiet. Gabriel: And whoever talks first, is out! Ixodar: Dummies' meeting starts... now!
((OOOOH! I think you're gonna have to continue this, Xra. I don't think anybody knows where to go next. Lol... flicked in the head... maybe she ahs a brain in there after all!))
Sunny: Whoas! Look! Xra got hairy! *she giggles idiotically* S'funny, that is! Look at his ickle nose! He looks like a big doggie! Xra: *falls over* I don't scare you? Ixodar: Xra, look at her. There's probably no brain in there. She probably doesnt realise that big fanged wolfy things are scarey. Xra: Good point... Sunny: Wut's at mean?
*Melody hesitated* Melody: Just a sec I have to see to something! *She runs to the cemetary gates to see her uncle still there.* Melody: Coming? Stave: Oh, so you got one? Melody: Yup! ^_^ Stave: Well, let's see! *Enelya appears* Melody: Her name's Enelya! She's really nice! Enelya: So you are Melody's trainer? I'm very pleased to meet you. Stave: ... Is that the best you could do, girl? Melody: What? Stave: She will win you no tournaments! Why didn't you pick someone stringer? Melody: But- Stave: It's too late now. You're one. Let's go. Melody: Sir, I've met some friends to go to the tournament with. Can we go with them? Stave: You can. I'm making my own way there. Go on, you little waster... *Melody skips off to join the others.* So, let's make a move. We could be there in a few days!
((Alrighty)) *Melody slipped deftly behind her uncle as he closed the gate of the graveyard.* Stave: Right, now go. I'm not following you. Go find one. Go on! Melody: Whatever... *She wandered around, looking for any spirits that might be interested in her. She sees a strong-looking female spirit.* Melody: Hello! Spirit: Buzz off, kid, I'm looking for some real talent, not some puny little girl. Melody: Sorry, sorry... *She leaned against a headstone and sighed.* Melody: This is stupid... *She screams as an arrow brushes the side of her head and hits the tombstone. She looks up to see a female spirit, this one is more feminine than the first. Her hairs is black, and she's only a head taller than Melody herself.* ???: Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. You're looking for a spirit, yes? Melody: Yea? Enelya: I'm Enelya. I'll join you! I see you're already interested in archery. Melody: Great! Thanks! *She turns round as she hears voices* What's that? Enelya: More Shamans. Melody: They're all taller than me. Enelya: Come on, let's go see what's happening over there.
Melody groaned as she was rudely jolted awake. It was still dark. ???: Wake up, you lazy beast! Melody: What. Time. Is. It? ???: It's midnight! Now get up and get dressed! You're channeling a spirit tonight! Melody: Uncle Stave, we tried this before! None of the spirits want to know! Stave: And you know why, don't you? You're soft! You're puny! You're short! And that ridiculous bow and arrow makes you look like Robin Hood! Melody: I know, I know... Stave: Now get dressed! You have five minutes to get ready! *Melody scrambled out of bed and put on her short green and black tunic. It had white celtic designs on it, and looked off next to her long white hair, but her Uncle insisted she wore it during training. Despite what he said, though, she took quiver. She washed and left the room.* *Stave raised an eyebrow when he saw her bow, but he didn't say anything about it.* Stave: Right, come on. We need to get there before the place is milked. *Melody trailed along behind him. She really didn't want anything to do with this tournament he was prattling on about. She just wanted to sleep and go to school and have friends like a normal kid. Before she knew it, they were at the cemetary.* Stave: Come on, then, milksop, let's get moving.
Congrats hun! I'm still a newbie! I'm getting left behind! But then, I've been here forever and only post in Adventure arena... I SO need a life.
Yaaay Xra! We're all here! Sunny: This RPG has not teddies in it. How stoopid! Faris: SHUT UP!
I see you've changed rpg names, hun! ;) Name: Melody Age: 12 Gender: Female Description: long white hair, dark brown eyes, small. Wears a green and black tunic with white Celtic designs over it. Warrior's spirit you will obtain: Enelya, an archer, a gentle spirit who had an uncanny eye for her target. Your bio: She wasn't born with the gift, but was trained by her uncle. He is not impressed with the spirit his niece manages to obtain, as Enelya is far too gentle. He wanted Melody to be a ruthless fighter, and feels she has failed him. She's very shy and loves animals, and her favorite things are archery and her violin. As for the tournament, she was forced into it. She doesn't want anything to do with power, as she's scared of authority.
*Sunny looked bored.* Sunny: Guyses are so immrator. Always fightings, so they are. It's real silly lookin. I din no girls cud be silly too. That's so funny. *She sat down on a nearby stump and started singing* Sunny: Twinkle, twinkle wittle star! How I'm wonders what you are! Up on top da world so high! Like a dimon in da sky! Everyone: SHUT UP!!! Sunny: Hmph... nobody round is appreciating no good musics...
People are needed for an Avidgamers RPG. if you're interested in a community RPG for Harry Potter, please go to: [size=1][color=blue]Link removed.[/size][/color] Keep in mind that made-up characters are also accepted, realistic names are preferred, and Slytherins and Ravenclaws are in short supply. Also: A Voldemort is needed. I have the Voldy screen name at the minute, but due to circumstances BEFORE the screen name was give to me, Voldy is supposed to really hate my other character. And I can't work both at once. So if you want the voldemort screen name (keep in mind you can have TWO screen names) please PM me for the password. Thanks! Faris PS: I'm not sure if this is allowed, but mods just let me know if it isn't. and if it isn't allowed, sorry for waisting your time.
Character Name: Tenshi Taro Anime Stereotype: The pretty girl who can beat the crap out of ya. Bio: She's your typical flower-bee girl, who pops up in just about every thread of japanese entertainment (Meiling, Rae, Misty, Rika, Faris, Amy Rose, Binka... you name it, it' got it). She's a human who has studied various martial arts all her life, and is black-belt in Jujitsu (which i can't even spell)(about all she's good at)... She likes guys who are willing to cope with her mood-swings and, surprisingly, someone who'll always be there for her. Powers: She can make fire, and use it as a weapon, useful convenience, toasting marshmallows, oyu nmae it. Sworn Enemy: Jocks.
*Shrieks and grabs Mushra and hugs him like a teddy bear* No! Then I'll have to go back to Bent Metal's computer and be bored! It's so confined in there! I can't go back! You don't know what it's like!!! Mushra: Tina... you're crushing me... Tina: If I get evicted you'll be tossed in the incinerator, so don't complain about being squished. Mushra: O_o
Meh, Shouldn't be long... nice avy, goku.