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Everything posted by TrickyNicky

  1. Sunny tripped clumsily behind them. "Guyses! My legs are short! Waaaait!" *She jumps up and grabs onto one of Xra's "bunny ears"* Xra: Hey! Ow! Sunny: Wee!! Got a ride, i do, yup! Xra: >:- D Not for long, shortie! *grabs her round the ankles and throws him upside-down over his shoulder* Sunny: WAAA! Bumpy! Had enough! EEEE! WAAAA!
  2. *Tina goes for a walk, dragging Fred along with her* Fred: Ow! Why? Tina: I want to show you something. Fred: What? Tina: *points to a bunny rabbit* Fred: A BUNNY RABBIT? Tina: ^_^ Yup!
  3. ((I got time on the net from my auntie! ^_^)) *Sunny trailed behind Xra, looking wround her with that stupid vacant expression on her face. The one that makes her look like a really dumb horse* 'shappeninhuh? Why'snoisandthefussin'andtherunninaway? *she muffled through the tape.* She ripped off the tape with a scream, then continued as if her little interval had never happenned.* Wussup wif Gabby-wabby? Huh? 's he sick? I bet he's sick. My daddy used to give me a hot water bottle and read me a story when i was sick, so he did! Maybe we can read a story... I like Noddy... Xra: Sunny, this is SO not the time! Sunny: Yesh, it is! Howz it not? Xra: Because you are a silly child who will understand when you are older, okay? Sunny: *in a trying-to-sound-mature sort of voice* Well, okay, okay, no need to be rooding... I was just bein nice, so i was...
  4. OOC:- I got time on the net at my aunties! Hehe! Tina: Yeah. And you couldn't work out how to switch the computer on! Me: Well... it was very complicated! Tina: Push the button? You were asking what to do, and all you needed was to push the button! Me: You be quiet!
  5. OOC:- I'm really sorry about this, guys, but I'm going on vacation until next Sunday. Please don't disqualify me! I forgot till there now! ^_^ *smaks head* Doh!
  6. OOC:- I'm going on vacation from tomorrow till Sunday, so I won't be typing much for the next week. Sorry for the inconvenience (sp?). Sunny: S'fun-lookin' that is! Yup! *Attempts to grab Ixodar's ankles and go sailing too* Ixodar: Sorry, kid. Too dangerous. Sunny: Aw! *sulks* Garbriel: So where now?
  7. *Celebrates* YAY! *Trows Chocolate pudding everywhere* PAAAAAAAARTY! *Puts on really loud music and dances madly around* WHOOOO!
  8. *leaps around, making chocolate pudding for both tribes* WHO WANTS CHOCOLATE PUDDING??????
  9. Tina: *squeaks* I have the key, Orien! Go back, quick!
  10. *Tina leaps about on the spot, squealing "Go Us! YAAAAY!"* Fred: Must You? Tina: Uh,huh! Yup! Fred: You are so weird... Tina: So, how much money did we get?
  11. Sunny Leapt frantically about, squealing "What shud I do, huh, huh???" and yaking at Ixodar's arm. "Can I help beat up the bad guys?" Ixodar: No, go over there and be good, for pete's sake. Sunny: Hmph. I never get to have any fun! Xra: *Kicks Rack* She thinks this is fun?
  12. Tina: Wa! Fred, quick i already got the soft toy! *Rushes around in a flurry*
  13. *Tina picks out the Soft Toy, the Key and the Wedding Ring (It was so pretty! ^_^) and runs to the shop*
  14. OOC: Calm down, he's probably busy. We'll get the PMs soon! Tina: *Yawns* I'm getting tired. Fred: Me too. Orien: Me three. Travis: Who wants to find food? Tina: I dont need to eat... You do it, Fred. Fred: Not hungry. *stomach rumbles* Anyway, you do it, orien. Travis: Uh.... Mushra? Mushra: Nope. Tina: I just realised I'm the only girl here... Fred: Duh. What a freak... Tina: Grrrr. Not a freak.... Actaully... Yes I am! :D
  15. *every goes into a huddle and whisper quietly* Sunny: Wus happennin, huh? Huh? Xra: Tell you later. Now what, guys? Gabriel: We fight.... Ixodar: ...Or we run. Sunny: Fight? Wun? Why are we gonna? Are they bad? Xra: ..... Yes. Sooooo.... when the bad guys are around we have to be quiet, yes? Or they find us. Sunny: Like hide and seek! Xra: Something like that. Gabriel: ...I still say we fight. The sooner we bump them off, the sooner they're off our backs...
  16. I didn't get one either. Tina: Oh, and Fred, I got ur pm. Fred: Ohh, cool! *sticks tongue in fan* Tina: Uh, oh... Fred: Mah tun is nung... Tina: NOOOOO!!!! ITS ALL HAPPENING AGAIN!!! *runs off* Fred: *turns to Mushra* Problem? Mushra: She read After Juliet. Fred: Ah.
  17. *Gets lonely* WHERE ARE THE OTHER MELLOW-YELLOWS! Tina: Uh... right, Nicky. You stay out of this. *Ties Skippy's ears in a knot* Skippy: EXCUSE ME! Tina: Sorry. Mushra: She's sorry. Tina: I won't do it again! Mushra: She won't do it again! Skippy: ^_^ S'Ok, I just wanted to scare you!
  18. What about that FAJHA guy? He hasn't posted yet...
  19. Sunny sat up that night as usual, humming in her squeaky voice an old nursery rhyme. Afer a few minutes she burst into her own rendition of baa baa black sheep. Sunny: BAA BAA BWAK SHEEP, HAVE YOU HMM HMM HMM.... YEA SIR YES SIR THREE BAGES FULLL, ONE FOR DE- Xra: *groans* What time is it? Gabriel: Sunny, can you please save that for tomorrow? Sunny: Kay! Ixodar: Thank you. Sunny: *quietly* hmm, hmm, hmm, hmmm- Gabriel: Sunny- Sunny: Sowy.
  20. Gleep! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! IT'S BIG BROTHER ALL OVER AGAIN!!! *Goes insane* Skippy: You were already insane, Tina. Tina: Oh, yeah! Skippy: Well, time to vote!
  21. Me n Digital_Monster get it bad at home when i comes to anime lol. Dad quite likes animes, I saw him watching Beyblade, Shinzo, and once he was watching digimon. Her pretends he's reading the paper, but his eyes are peeping over...lol. But Mum just tells us to grow up. I'm fifteen and Krissy's eighteen. She reckons anime's for 5-yr-olds. Yeah, rite! Like they'd understand what's happening. She pretends she doesn't know what happening, but you just know she likes it too! ;) This morning was funny. YGO was on, and mum and I argued for about five minutes over whether that's Yugi's real hair. She reckons its a hat. But what about that time when she ran his hand through his hair and it all sprung back up again.... LOL!
  22. Tina: Ow, ow ow ow owie! QUIT THAT!!! Duo: Oh, yeah, like I'll just stop because you told me.... Tina: WAAAAA! I see lighthouse! I see liiighthouse!!!
  23. Tina: FRED!!!! GET YOU SHEEP IN GEAR! *leaps around manically and Mushra Plushie copies her* Skippy: Have you ANY idea how disturbing that is?????
  24. Tina isn't all that worried. As an electrical-chaged being, she doesn't really do water and doesn't need to eat. She sits on Skippie's head and makes her plushie fly around her head, making random explosion noises. Skippy raises his eyebrows. Skippy: So...that plushie's nice. Tina: Uh-huh! Thanks! Skippy: So...I'm Skippy. Tina: I'm Tina. The silence returns as the group continues to follow the camel.
  25. Sunny tugged at the chains that had fastened around her ankles. Sunny: S'not fair, s'not fair. Didn't do nuffin' to the chains and they bit me. Mean! She looked up as a guy with black hair in floppy bunched charged through the trees. Sunny: Wussat??? Xra: Uhhh. Hi. Sunny: Hiya! My name's Sunny, it is! Xra: Um. Yeah. I'm Xra. Sunny: That's a funny name! Funny rhymes with Sunny, dunnit? Fuuny, Sunny, Funny, Sunny- Xra: Uh, do you want me to take those chains off? Sunny: Oh, yeah! Okay!
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