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Everything posted by TrickyNicky

  1. I'm not sure if you meant that we had to subit them to you as in pm or reply but I've done both. So if this is happenning the way it happened last time, then it'll be weird, messed-up characters we've made up, right? (hehe I love this game) Name: Tina the BlueSprite Age: Introduced in the millennium, but God knows how long she'd been lurking around before that... Where u r from: Your computer. Luxury item: A solar-powered laptop computer Brief description (less than 10 words: short, computer geek, likes to electrocute people, needs psychiatric help. Any other info you deem neccessary: For appearance, see my avy.
  2. I have a question for the Man - Can we do this survivor thing again sometime? It's been real!
  3. It sounds great that there are so many yu-gi-oh fans in your skools! I'm like the only one that i know of. People are too worried about coolness in out skool. Like, I'm the only girl who didn't wear either black to too-tight jeans on our last non-uniform day... I wore baggy dungarees and a really loud hippy-style jumper underneath. People think it's funny when others are different. I reckon half of them like animes like Yu-Gi-Oh and dont like to admit it.
  4. I'm probably the only one who wont need therapy. i felt right at home... Geroshi, how did you manage to live so long anyway?
  5. There are two twins in my spanish class and they target me. When they found out I played pokemon cards they told the other girls and I was officially a geek. I wouldn't dare buy yu-gi-oh card in case someone found out.
  6. I don't think I need to ask any questions... I had to live with them... Hey SAGE u forgot to mention your lovely assistant!!! Hmph. Typical celebrity. :D
  7. *storms back after being on fire* Candy: GAAAAARGH! DESTROY GEROSHI!!!! Geroshi waves at her from the finish line. Candy: Dammit! Alrighty...I haven't bugged Athena yet, have I? Candy runs around giving thousands of sugar-highs. She gives so many sugar-highs that she runs outta sugar, then firest them all at Athena.
  8. As Rabid got across the marsh, Candy leapt into it and started splashing about. Candy: Come on in! The water's fine! Rabid: :grumble: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Candy spots Geroshi and gives her another sugar - high and watches the fun. Geroshi: WEEEHOOOOOO! (strips) Boat Guy: I must get my boat back from that - YAGH!!!!
  9. Candy: GAAAAH! MUST DESTROY! Or Sage won't give me cake! *Struts right over to Rabid and gives her a kick in the behind.* Rabid: Excuse me????? What was that for? Candy: I was...uh. Trying to destroy you. Rabid: Oh, for pete's sake! Bog off, you little brat, before I pull your hair out and use it for dynamite wick! Candy: *scarpers* Rabid: Hehehehehe...
  10. With pleasure! *loads up on sugar* HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE! Alright - who's first????
  11. Hurry up Master! They've all abandoned the game! They grow tired of waiting! Do Something!!!
  12. I will take that as a personal compliment. :) *blink* Hehehehe! OOOOH n the whatever thing, that's all you ever say to me at home.
  13. [[offgame]OIGA, HERMANA! DONT U MISS ME? THE STRATEGY THING? I WAS THE BRAINS!!!!!!!! Well, it wudda worked, but the limeys voted me of...WE HAD A SYSTEM, DEAMN YOU!!!! LOL JK] :D Anyway... Candy gives Geroshi a sugar high, gets out the popcorn and watches with interest. You know, I'm surprised that Sage gave me such a long reign with the assistant thing. *sniggers* I KNOW THE TASK!!!!!! Athena: Really? How much money do you want? Candy: six hundred? Athena: Done! [b]CANDY!!!! GET BACK HERE YOU FELONOUS FAIRY!!![/b] Candy: Uhh....brb!
  15. Name: Tenshin Gender: Female Age: 10 Country of Origin: God only knows Occupation: Hehe chimney sweep. Fighting Style: Very fast and acrobatic as she's so small. Group Affiliation: Anyone who wants to be her friend. Description: Long straight shiny black hair, blue eyes, really short. Pale skin. Wiry build, not that strong looking - just a face in the crowd...only it's closer to the ground. Personality: Really shy. She likes to think things out carefully before she does anything drastic. Most people just ignore her because she doesn't speak unless she's spoken to. Bio: During the war, she lived underground so she would be less likely to get hurt (hence the lack of height). She still doesn't like bright sunlight, because of her five years in almost pure dark. She was sometimes allowed up in the daytime though, but not very often. She was kept underground with her three brothers. When their mother died, they all got split up through adoption, and the other kids made vampire jokes about her, because of the light thing and her light skin.
  16. :) Yea lol I'm just paranoied (or however u spell it) So, when this gonna start? I can't wait!
  17. YESSSSSS! PARTY!!!!! Rabid: Uh....Candy? You realise you're not in this competition anymore? Candy: So? Rabid: So...BUGGER OFF! Candy: :bawl: Athena: You are so weird. Candy: What's the point of a party without Candy? I HAVE SUGAR! Geroshi: Did someone say sugar????? Candy: So can i join the party or what? Geroshi: Will you give us sugar? Candy: Yea? Athena: YESSS!
  18. Drat. All the men are gone. So much for me finding myself a nice husband.... Poor old Karina! Anyway. Hehehe! YAAAAAAAAAY! GO RABID! *dances for a bit before Geroshi and Athena throw various household applinces (such as the cooker) in her direction.*
  19. Having very close link to Rabid (hint: she's my sister!) I know who she's gonna vote for! AHHHHHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! *Points at the doomed ones* BYE BYE!!!!!
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shade [/i] [B]Name: Jean Shade Age: 17 Appearance: Long red hair, blue eyes, black T-shirt, blue jean pants, and brown sandles. Deck Theme: Light/Ancient Rare Card(s): Exodia, Chaos Mage, and Ryoku. Basic Info.: She has a blackbelt in martial arts, and she is Prime Minister Shade's little sister. She came to Battle City so she could duel a handsome boy, but because of her beauty, many guys are attracted to her, but she can't pick who she likes. Why She's Here: To get a boyfriend. [/B][/QUOTE] Uh.... *nervous laugh* You promise you're not takin the p!ss? Cos if you're not happy about the way Krissy and I work together in RPGs (you know the sister thing: we are sister really, o we though hey lets be sisters in an RPG), just say so.
  21. Hehe! I wonder who will be next! I got off easy! I didn't die! *considers* Maybe I didn't get off so easy... *Shruggs and joins Sage in his Frankie-beating*
  22. Ok let's not argue before the thing's started. RPGs are a way to make friends. Not enemies. The martial arts thing, DM and i both picked cos kita's the sort of sister who teaches Kit everything she knows. That's why they're both good at duelling. Kita taught Kit loads of strategies.
  23. Wow! Check out that record! hmmm... I'm really more of a fairy/enchanter girl. I don't have any cards yet, but thats' the deck i wanna build. I need to persude my sister to lend me the money for a deck. This is so embarrassing. Don't laugh cos i'm not sure how to play yet. I'd like a review of a fairy/enchanter deck so I have an idea what to look out for/
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