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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. I love the lyrical simplicity of your poems. They arent meant to confuse us..they arent meant to sound like edgar alan poe 2k2 (aka Etarah's maverick...we all know he can rhyme like mad...maybe he should rap...mad rhymes) And most of all...Your poetry is getting out somthing you want to say somthing your presently feeling without telling the specifics.. I really enjoy your poems Serendity.
  2. [color=sienna][i]The trek was long. Ilythiirtar sniffs the air with delight upon returning to his wife. The air, scented with a gift of rosary brought through a cavity-like depression in the realm of hitherlife, Ilythiirtar feels her. Her life force dwindling, his soul redeeming lover to be splayed to death once more. Dashing into the moment?s air, Ilythiirtar amphoricates like as though he had wafted from a dirty beaker. His legs and mind fling him to the soundless forest; the smoke on the horizon dictates his flared nostrils. He knows all too certainly what awaits him. Landing in a nearby tree, Ilythiirtar spots the newly cantered Serenol, his life force raging. At once Ilythiirtar materializes behind the newly lived elf.[/i] [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] (Whispering) ?Eve is mine to protect?You must respect this, your love for your sister can heal her with the slightest blink, and my love can heal her with very much the same ease but my Mentor, you?of all people must understand the relic nature of my soul. One touch and she will be pilfered for a garden?s sanctive life to be burned like a bushfire. I must give up my eternal life as a soul stealing raider of hatred, and give her my mortality. Please understand?? [i]At that Ilythiirtar dematerializes into what feels like a void of life?..Serenol senses the change in his young pupil, and friend, but merely casts it away as worry for a loving wife. The change in Ilythiirtar is not only the concern of the love of his life?but the inheritance of his touch, the soul patronizing touch of his father, Sebastion Nailo, the night breeze of icy cold northerliness. Eve lay cold, and silent. Not much left of her true being of life, her breaths dwindle in the wind, her wind?.her demonic cherishing love of it?the wind attempts to steal her final breath, the chocking of her lungs?the final feeling of weeping alone in her death. But that is not so, she cries out, to stubborn to die. Ilythiirtar?s aura emerges from behind the shadow of darkness as usual, but with more so of a challenge than normal?he is shaking, his body unfurled to the sheer pain of loss, downward spirals in its path to a fate not all to clear. So he drops to his knees, red tears of blood streak his face, and so he drops?his mournful face to her chest, and so he weeps, the blood of his tears do soak the intermittent pain from her wound?thus it closes within seconds, and the fabrication of her being?utterly fit with repent. Reponses of a should-be dead love of a cleanliness chastened, yet harrowed love.[/i] [b]Eve:[/b] (wrapping her arms around Ilythiirtar) ?Did?you?.get what?.you want?? (remembering the letter) [b]Ilythiirtar:[/b] (grimacing with her pain) ?I received the answers to my questions?But I ended up getting more than I bargained for?.right now as we speak, your soul is being stolen from my touch. Even my healing touch destroys your being?I must give it back and I must give you my eternal life in return for your soul?It is how I am destined. Once I give it to you, life will cease to function for me?I must?Steal the soul of your father in order to regain my elfhood?I must?protect you..? [i]A beam of black mana?st emerges from Ilythiirtar?s heart, causing him to jerk violently backwards, out of his wife?s arms? Freedom?with the cost of mortality. So it may be?[/i][/color]
  3. Sis it is a little story from the back of my mind about a moral that is all too familiar to the world around us. well two, 1. Looks may be decieving. 2. Dont put your trust in strangers. Obviously the demon monster phuck, though since it was merely a child sacrifice, he would let it live for a bit... meanwhile it was actually an assasin to the sortie of course, it merely was sent to kill. Oddly enough, this all was wrote while my mind was officialy declared 'sober' lol....I have problems.
  4. Thank you! That was more of a ...random blurt of storytelling nothingness..sorta odd, how it worked out. Thanks serendity.
  5. [color=firebrick][b]A leaf of trust, a branch of pain.[/b] In the choking disastrous calamity of hatred, A life hinders forth like a child stumbling through the hates of hell, It walks with an innocence that bears light upon the corrosive chambers, This hellish cavity of depressive pain, This hellish well, trenched deep without atone. The life of purity wanders forgotten, onwards into the depths of the pit, Yo, has it been time for the life force of virtue to perish?. The Lucifer of a being desires to play a mockery of the foolish life, Giving it a leaf of trust to entangle itself deeper into the snare of this darkness, This hellish darkness, a void in the lightness of faith. The child stumbles hither?confronted undeniably by the demonic visage. ?Hmm, a child? A curse of innocence beith lain upon me?? The demon so did remark, ?Aye, but a child of sacrifice, and indeed I am yours.? She returned without delay, A wonderous present from the useless beings was this demon?s mindseye, He?d given his trust, a leaf of profound faith, to spare the life of this messenger child, The night is told, and the demon laid rest, a peaceful ending in an eternity of distress? The child had pounced, and anchored and won, the child took the course, Split the leaf of trust in one gentle swing, the branch of it?s demise would, Soon bring down the holy return of a life melding faith. The child was no more. The demon was no more. A sacrifice of fate?but change in heart at a branch so foully hidden. Taken..[/color]
  6. i wouldnt doubt that you started the poem feeling like crap, and ended it in some sort of relaxing chasm of releif....maybe someone logged on that you were thinking of? i am probably utterly wrong. anyway, i love it..reminds me of lotsa stuff i wrote. sorry for the bad typing, im writting with a pair of mittens on lol
  7. Nothing catches you Boris. Thnx everyone, I rarely put efforts into simple poetry, but this one seemed to be yearning to get out.
  8. I do beleive that, that is how it is supposed to be dear Serendity.
  9. Well for now I'll just relax and let the meaning come to me.... That line, the final line of this four stanza poem of free will, was all I was to say on its dreary, but encompassing sheath of meaning. What gets me into some deeper thought is the title for which your name was inspired. It beats the hell out of the meanings I would normaly garner as significant but oddly enough, the title coins me into wondering what you really think of the aspiring words. The aforementioned words of your poem, seem to make me think but one thing... "The anwer you seek cannot be found," but must boast itself upon you, which means you must never truely think about the answers, merely allow them to invade your mind and humbly sortie the answers upon you in their own unique way." Sorry for my senseless ramblings.. It's me :excited:
  10. [color=firebrick]To be alone Is to feel nothing, To hold nothing, To see nothing, To be alone Is to give, But not receive, Is to cry, To be alone Is to die, And be forgot, Never to be spoke of, To be alone Is to lose the fight, To grip but nothing, Thin air?[/color]
  11. Yea my main obsession is my girl heh. I too, get depressed at the conclusion of things, mainly novels and anime's... boy was I ever depressed at the end of CB, I wanted more lol. Same with Trigun, I thought it ended far too abrubtly.
  12. When does an obsession become a scary situation? Heh, Ive seen it so many times, a simple meek obsession over one small thing, cute at first, taken to from one extreme to the next until it is like walking through hell and back. At least for those non-obsessors. Anyway, the most recent one, I've seen was the Inuyasha flu that swept my lil sis. "Inuyasha is so sexy..I want Inuyasha!!!" That, at first was sorta cute, not..anymore. Sorta brings chills down my spine now. When an obsession goes bad. Anyone else have something to share? lol.
  13. Gripping as usuall...it is more heartfelt because I already knew the story that is draped along this weep-worthy chorus of pain...
  14. Ok Revenge2, good points, but James...better ones. TN, why the hell did you even post for if all you wanted to do was flame him indirectly? About your suggestions Revenge2, I think that you got a couple strong points. For one, we have had a lot of complaints about newby spamming, member spamming, just general rule breaking recently, I think that re-vamping the penalty system might do the trick. The non permanent banns is probably a good idea. It would help shue(sp?) away newbs/members who really dont care, and it might teach the ones who do care not to do that kinda thing again. Ok with that point, I dont really know how dificult that would be to implement. So my agreement, or disagreement ends there. The rules, I find are quite simple really, anyone with 5 extra minutes in the day could EASILY go through it and understand it. What TN said about these kind of rules filter out dumb people, I dont really understand what he meant... The rules are there to confuse newbs who dont measure up intellectually to TN and to cause them to mess up and get banned? Hmm? I may be missing somthing. Anyway, I have no probs with the rules as they are, but I was damned sure that their purpose was more along the lines of what James said than what TN said. [size=1][b]note:[/b] GRRR James damned you for updating ure post! :)[/size] [quote]If we have a consequence where we ban people for one week...that makes things twice as tough for staff. There is already a huge number of active members in comparison to staff -- it's difficult enough to ensure that things are running smoothly on all parts of the board. If we start having a situation where we need to monitor weekly bans of several members, things become more messy and technical. It's better to have more of a case by case based system (which we do currently have). Often, members who are potentially banned are discussed in our Moderators forum thoroughly. This ensures that an autocratic decision on banning is rarely made. Therefore, most bans have full staff support and discussion before they occur. It also ensures that staff can discuss the rules with other staff and find a consensus on how to deal with a problem.[/quote]Explains my question well :)
  15. HAHA poor kitty... At least it didnt die. So indifferent am I? Its not your fault Cyko. Anyway, I'll bet that cat will not touch rat poisening again lo.
  16. These awards things would be kinda neat indeed. Flynn, your nominated for: [b]Most unreceptive, rant-wielding, fanatical individual.[/b]
  17. GAH! This is just getting out of hand. Revenge, your hopeless, and the reason your playing a loaded hand to people who 'dont understand' is because your playing it as if we are all your enemies to begin with. You admitted it yourself damnit. You deserved to be banned...WHOA!! WHAT A THEORY!!! Banned... If you read that nifty little disclaimer-like thingy when you ORIGINALLY signed up for the boards you should realize once your banned there is no second chance. You may go on as long as you want about how cold-hearted and sinister our staff here is, but in the end, even if they are... You agreed to their rules. Even if they are being out of hand (There was only ONE post that I personally found out of hand and that was Justin's original post, which really wasnt all that bad.) The rules will be rules. Like you said up there "its not the BLOODY POINT" ...Well actually it is, you wanted here so badly to do things with your friends, and it looks like you could have sucessfully broken the rules and got away with it...which doesnt happen often with ban scenarios, but instead I'll say it again.. You pissed off the staff, and brought up something that is already water under the bridge and forced them to follow through and ban again. You should just stop acting like a child and quit.
  18. Ive came close to being banned...Deserved it too, but never was. So if you think that the folks here are so arrogant why come? Friends? If you wanted to come back for friends alone...why piss off the staff?! You know, honestly if you broke the rules enough, and just shut your damned face and grow up, you wouldnt have got banned again lol. I mean thats the funny part... If you had just used your damned brain and been nice and play it cool you may have actually got by without being caught... not to say its right but, you 'may' have got your friends, anyway you blew it bigtime. I only have to say one thing in agreement with this guy... Justin was acting pretty harsh, and since the fact that I never actually saw what happened..I dont know if it was justified. Even so, openly asking such a dumb, loaded question is just setting yourself up to become the center of somebodies ridicule, wether it is justified or not. -[b]M[/b]K (I dont think adding my name at the the end really makes me arrogant..does it?)
  19. I dont know what you want by means for responce Kent. *wonders if this is how topics get 'off topic' lol...* I would probably not beleive the woman. I wouldnt beleive anything. Its all a consiracy. Even if its not.. I wouldnt beleive. I dont know why, it's just who I am lol.
  20. Phantom

    Sig tag

    I like it Sara... I think that its really doing a great job in bringing out the best of a simple styled banner. Keep the good work up please. I dont like if people knock anything to do with "blurring" because its how I like the look of it... but than again they are entitled to their opinion... hehe maybe its me just tryin to cover up for a low quality picture? hehe. Oh well.
  21. In the past versions of OB, the forum we know and love as 'adventure arena' was called RPG somthing or other.. in other words...why make a duplicate forum? its for the same stuff.. Also the one big rpg .. well thats the 'event' arena.. Anyway I think that might have answered your Q.
  22. Actually, that particular thread.. the moderator didnt even mention that that particular thread was turning into spam...he just decided that we would be better off just pondering about it on our own. heh.. It was on page two... link: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=18446[/url] [quote][i]Originally posted by Final Flash[/i]That's really interesting, but I'm sure people can ponder this themselves.[/quote]Aside from his perfect grammar...I fail to see any valid reason to close. But if it meant much to me, I would have already spoken up. But for the purposes of this thread, I just thought it would be ok to give an example..
  23. Oh yea, hehe I remember one now. It was my very own thread about the total number of posts at ob. APPARENTLY the mod who closed it decided that public discussion on how we feel about it was utterly useless so he closed after maybe four replies. That is just garbage to me... the discussion hadnt even started yet...what gives him..actually, I know what gives him the right to..heh whoops. Anyway.. just another example.. If I see any more that I think are a little oddball and nitpicky in the future, I'll pm you kay? :)
  24. I agree with wrist cutter on a basis that the thread has been closed in the lounge. I mean, in there its of a free for all on many issues. There really isnt an ending to what can be said to a topic. But here, in the suggestions and feeback forum, people are generally asking a question and gettting an answer. Once the answer is provided, sure than everything [i]has[/i] been said. To clear up what I just said (I confuse myself too y'know -_-), In the lounge, the mods should be a bit less nit picky about which threads to close, and here in this forum...depending on the situation, closing the threads should be no brainers. James: You were asking for examples and links. Sorry I cannot provide a link to this one but I do remember that one of the members here started a thread that was asking for guidance with her older brother moving out. I think it was called "What is wrong with me?" (It COULD have been a different one, I'm not sure.) and after the moderator (not sure who) decided that all was said, he closed it and that was the end of it. I have no beef with it, but you were asking for examples..and thats the only one that I can think of heh.. And Sara... Your right, I think... There seems to be a more picky mood here recently, nothing overwhelmingly catastrophic though...hehe.
  25. Since I'm feeling a bit dumbied today, I think that I can barely understand your meanings...thats ok because even though it was a poem of moral, it was also well made... I mean the feel of it was well laid out... Joog Gob :-D lol
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