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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. I like Kent...he is a friggen comic!! :) I dont think that Matt DENIED anything that other countries did.. us marines eating babies? lol I BET A FEW OF EM DID!!! :) but the whole bs bout usa and all that.. welll yea no matter how u deny it Kent... usa is pretty bad for it :) but in the end ...who cares? We are all utterly hopeless .. :) um...why usa? ....heres a responsfull question... "Who else?" :) Just like that marine eating baby story... OBVIOUSLY not EVERY commander of the Japanese armed forces was telling their troops that John Doe ate their niece last week....:) America is just (sorry to the majority of the boards :), I am not centering out any of you in particular, just the way the nation acts as a whole [mostly the administration of the country's fault]) either to damned stupid to think of a better outlook on war, or too damned lazy to give a hell :). EDIT: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay tooo many smilies!
  2. Brasil is good...If your a male anywhoo... Hey love NORTH AMERICA (USA, CANADA, MEX MEX) ... NORTH AMERICANS (Canadians, United States of Americans, Mex Mexicans) All are great...we are all funny and all crazy... But I think wristy was reffering to USA alone... :) ...oh well. The whole broadcasting thing in ludacrous, they always show one sided arguments anyway... heh war is just a great way to augment the craziness... ANDDDDDDDDDD DOMON.... Who's right and who's wrong in this case sorta doesnt mean anything... Of course sadam is a prick and should be shot and all the stuff go bang bangkaboom... :) BUT Who said that USA has the right to do what it wants...who said that USA can do all this bang bang kaboom? :) What your saying is that USA is starting a war to free the people of Iraq....well In all honesty, in that case, its a civil matter and USA should keep its fattass nose out of it..and if thats the case than obviously they are there only for the oil and money involved. Now we know that "america" would not find it RIGHT if some other strong country invaded (even if they were 'right') AMERICA because we had some badass shizznit goin on here? Right? Anyway the case isnt merely liberation of the Iraqi females...It's the highly feasable threat of bio/chemical terrorism/war that Iraq may/may not possess... In the end.. of this great debatative thread.... there was only 2 things Matt asked... 1. Does it sound like Us? (yes/no) 2. Comment (blah.) Now telling him he is off on his persumtions is not what he was asking..but hey.. its pretty fun!!! :)
  3. I've read an article about these... Artform or not...Any type of cruelty to an animal is stricktly a line between right and wrong. I hate to admit that this is definately not the worst stuff that goes on...but its still wrong... Genkai..you wanted our comments..Im not sure if this is spam but, it is my comment....but this whole thread is gona be nothing but "ew gross, thats just wrong" ... oh well..
  4. [quote]Sound a little like the US is doing?[/quote]I love the US...They always give me somthing to laugh about. No really, Americans are crazy....crazy funny. Yes it sounds damned clearly what the United States of Americans are doing... :) [quote]Comments?[/quote]Yea, just one. Why am I not surprised? :)
  5. Um.. Nope never with anime, but I did not see sunlight all summer and when I went to school in Sept it was CRAZZZY!! ....SUN!!! wholly....well gee- was that a fufilling day..
  6. ...Find a place to sleep..and sleep as much as u can and just lay down for hours upon hours... Taking any advice is good but... remember that life is filled with turmoi... school is just the icing on the cake...
  7. Phantom


    Yea, I love the funnyness of it... I wouldnt have watched it more if it wasnt so damned funny.
  8. Phantom


    Its not all that biblical if you watch enough of it. It is more like making a mockery of the whole biblical stuff. In the end, no, it does not have alllll that much religious ...stuff.. in it...
  9. role playing was my first reason for coming here.. .at first my gf introduced me here heh... Devotion? well I dont think that I really ever devoted anything to this place...just a great place to say how I feel now and than...it sorta gives me more than I give it...
  10. 1. Mystic's Knight 2. Vash 3. They all own but I liked 'Quick Draw' 4. Ending theme... the voice is really bad but for some reason, catchy but still I like that jazz-like thingy that plays always in the middle of eps...I cant explain lol..but for those who watch it...you know wat Im talkin about. 5. on the sandsteamer when Vash fights that Neon dude.... 6. I made a Vash avatar for Spikey...so I decided to see what Trigun is all about.. 7. Mishalovesdani for a clip of the song i was refering to --> [url]http://phantom.newezone.com/blah.wav[/url]
  11. just not goku... i can see gohan goin evil but...goku? blah ok well its your fanfic.. but If you think that dbz/buffy/spawn is a good mix than write what you think will float your boat.... right? :-D Just go for it lol
  12. i am not even sure what she did to you....but i think she stuffed food into your mouth....an excessive amount of food.... well whatever it was...if you find that it is abusive in any way...you do waht you need to protect yourself.. thats the know all end all in situations liek this.....VR... just...make sure your safe girl...okie?
  13. [quote]do you think that intelligence is based on just how much of society you are expected to know, understand, and possibly even support?[/quote]I'm not sure, but I think your knowlege and understanding, maybe even supporting of society doesnt measure your intelligence.. [quote]What about common sense and wisdom?[/quote]It is all so different...Common sense is a different type of smarts than Wisdom...and wisdom is not even the same as knowlege... Intelligence is not the know all end all...but, it is definately not measured by how much you know about society or how much common sense or wisdom you have.... Well I feel for you...about being shut out...but, maybe its not your fault...maybe they just dont want you help them..or in retrospect, hurt them....or dig into their personal stuff..I dont know...
  14. Not to sound indifferent but, ...oh well. Parta life, even if rejection hurts..dont give up...Glad you came here for help anyway...good luck.
  15. [quote]But the question is, would we even be friends (the people of the boards) if we hadn't been doing all this stuff online.[/quote]I am pretty different in real life. And it all depends if I know the person in real life. In real life, if I dont feel comfy round the person, I'm the most quiet, self-oriented person. But if I am comfy with them, I joke about anything from politics to sex lol.. On the boards, Im sorta the same..but with an added attitude...some times for the best some times for the worst. But if I'm one of them "Bad" people who really care... hehe yea thats probably correct. I also try (unsucessfully) to look/be more smart on the boards, so yea...
  16. hacker.... if there is one... lol edit: oh poopy! Let me take that quiz. BWAHAAH!!! I AM A GEEK!!!!
  17. lotsa snow up here in Canada... shiehz... too much for my likeing... [img]http://phantom.newezone.com/images/outsideprettywinter.jpg[/img]
  18. IM AWWWWFULLLY late...but... "Whats wrong with me?" ....Is there a definitive model of a person that is ideal in everyway to compare you to? ...Heh yea someplace, but its all in opinion anyway....soo.. to Jeff, there can be plenty wrong with you, or nothing at all....only he knows. to Wristcutter, your wrongfullness may be that you took that situation too seriously...but who knows.. So the only way I can tell you whats wrong with you is to get to know you and develop my own opinions.. but since I have no time to do that, I'll run off what I got from this thread... The only thing wrong with you is that you think your nothing... because evidently your ARENT 'nothing' ....Your pretty nice...yep...there isnt anything "WRONG" ...Wif you at awl.. :-D
  19. no break here.. i gota work my backside off as much as possible.. *frowns*
  20. Any cd is a waste of money.... *laughs* Wristy boi... opinions opinions... the question was which cd of the choices should he buy lol.... um...personally.. Ide by none......but if my life depended on choosing a damned cd it'd be Linkin' Park. lol...
  21. Phantom

    What's the best

    .....Dbz is ok and is very popular but by no means is it the best lol... just the most americanized :) I think ROLW is a realllllly good anime :)
  22. ...Prophet... Prophecies...Prophets..... To my recollection, Prophecies are more often wrong than right.... This Indigo Jones guy may/may not have been a lucky lucky guy...but in the end, I cant beleive nor disbeleive in prophecies...I just dont have the full knowlege to prove either right or wrong...none of us do....but, I'd just prefer to think that I'm not causing myself any extra grief by stating somthing I cannot prove... >.<
  23. I want some things that will help me out in the real world of being alone in a foreign country...lol..silverware, tupperware, clothes, laptop... and most of all... the best xmas present will be from my gf....
  24. In one word... Sad.. In more than one.. It is such a gripping song...its sad...dark and hopefull with the powers of faith all in one.. ilike it...
  25. once my dad was sleep walking..he went to the bathroom and came out.. sorta banging his hand on his chest..while i was sittin there on the couch..he walked by.. "hey son!" ..and he jumped me and hugged me.. lol...but when i looked into his eyes they were blank..he than got up and walked back to bed.... was pretty crazy cuz he never rememberd it the next day lol
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