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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. Im straight too but the sex of my lover really doesnt matter....LOVE is the key here and Mitch didnt your common sense kick and and tell you that he was just keeping the doors open to ANYONE with any type of love preference :-D
  2. uh... [quote]Stupid computer nerds[/quote] I resent that comment! *looks ashamed* ...oh well, You were only kiddin' heh.
  3. Im starting to think he just doesnt know wtf he is talking about..Honest...
  4. i am pretty sure he dont want my danni...they nothign more than friends..but up until now... he has never really attacked my reasons for anything... i dont know wats goin on any more... i just hate all this god damned extra worry
  5. Thats what i am getting at too!! I have no reason to fight anyone.. i have no reasons to protect her from nothing... i think he is tryin to scare me or somthign but either way i hate it i hate it!! .. you gota understand that i dont know his motives.. i dont know wat he thinks he is achieving by doin this to me but i do know what the produce of wtever he is doin is.. its makin me feel like he thinks he is the know all and end all and that wether i like it or not. he is right.. ... i dont know what his motives are..ask him.. his account on OB is 'Medra' ...
  6. Oh no... he doesnt want to fight me... he is just adding stress to my every day life by telling me he wants to teach me how to fight once i move down so i can protect her... I mean as if i already have enough ****** stress on my mind right now about just moving gettin a job and supportin her... gosh i dont want him to tell me i will die if i dont fight..
  7. Ok, here is the deal?. I live in Canada and my significant other lives in New Orleans. I am weak as hell and cannot fight for the life of me. This is yesterday?s news. That is not the point. All I know is that what I am told is that I will need to learn how to fight to protect my girl once I move down. Ok that?s not new news either, because obviously I knew that. But the fact is that this info is coming to me from someone who doesn?t even really know me. Ok names withdrawn, I want to get a feel for this whole issue. I know I cannot fight, but I know there MAY come a time when I have to fight for her. I don?t believe that will happen, but what the hell is this guy talking about? He is telling me I AM going to have to fight people for her, and that I AM going to either beat them or be beaten up myself. I don?t get it because he lives in New Orleans too, and maybe I should put some credibility onto his words, but in the end, I reallllly don?t want to fight ANYONE at all. What I am wondering is if he is just trying to get me edgy about it?I?m just sick of everyone having to try to put more **** onto my shoulders each day, some one has to try to make my life more stressful just because they can. I tell him that I won?t want to fight anyone, but he tells me that I am just going to wind up dead if I don?t learn to fight. I don?t think that I am going to partake in any type of event that will result in me having to fight for her. Anyway!!!!!! After telling him that if I ever have to get myself beaten on, that I will just move back up to Canada with my girl?and than I won?t have to worry about fighting every where I go. And he tells me that I am just running?and that running gets you no where. I promptly tell him to Off!, and that he doesn?t even know me, he doesn?t even know who the hell I am. And I asked him why he thinks he knows everything. He responded with, ?you keep telling yourself that?, and than something about me always challenging what he says, is why he thinks he is right. This mostly disturbs me because he is a good friend of my gf?s and apparently he likes me. I don?t get it because what he tells me just adds to the anguish of doing all this moving. Tell me, from what I have put forth (which prolly wont concur with his side of it) what should I think? Hell..Am I reallllly in the wrong or is he just being an ***?
  8. .....Yea right man.. *fwaps you* ....Than just die now....that was like the most useless commment ever :)
  9. Answering from a conceptual basis heh... [quote]What started Otaku boards? [/quote]A man....a man many wonders. He evidently had a site already running, and like most webmasters, for any sucsessfull site, you will always want some sort of indirect community...may it be a chatroom (which they have), or message boards....it was probably an initial idea to augment his wonderous Anime based site. [quote]and where did the idea come from?[/quote]From the depths of his imagination....BWAHAH!!!!! Obviously, the BASIC answer was told in my first paragraph, but like James said, you will want to wait...and get answers from folk who have been here since v.1 :-D ->MK
  10. Hey thats a poem for the intellectually bored.. I love the whole contradiction elements that make it what it is....If not for 'different' poems like this....the world of poetry would have been long forgotten...Honestly.
  11. Without OB, I would not have met a few good folks...Namely: Bryan - Lalaith Ril Dan - Deus Ex Machina ...shiz...cant...remember..name...ok fine!!! (sorry Dude, I know u dont like this name:) Shane - Kinetic Evelyn - Mist Dyne/Juuthena - Juuthena Russle - Break .:List Gowez On:. Meeting people was not also a good thing bout OB that changed my life... It was at one time an excuse to minorly neglect my gf lol...but now, she is top priority... It was also a great place to vent on while a newb role playing... or posting pics on the art forum...always good...
  12. Sure the kids contradict themselves... Personally, I'de get a pericing if it really was something nagging at me...sorta like a voice in my head.. "Peirce that nipple baby" ... ide sorta get sick of it lol.. *laughs at my own idiocy* But I am most certainly planning on a tattoo, one for my girl....Eventually I'll get it...prolly on the arm, her name, my name, around a blade of some sort..
  13. Lol...nope, I would not like to date anyone outside my race..my ethicity whatever...the concept of being with a girl or guy that is not my race is just gross.... Oh wait..lol...ANY GUY OR GIRL is gross to me.. lol...I got my angel...and well, if she was black and was a guy...as long as I love her/him..thats all that truely counts to me. Anyway, hehe.
  14. ...I want to make a family with my wife....
  15. Ok this is a good time to expect less critisism on small words, and look at the possitive aspects of the MEANING... not the grammatical correctness. Im sure he is looking for an editor at any moment now to proof read his work....anyway, we all have our opinions on how we critique stuff...I, certainly am not the best person to critique anything, but, yea thanks for coming out... Guess you dont look at writing for what its worth literally. Bryan...Keep it up man...Just watch your grammar, you'll have it down...I expect its harder to write when its....this type of topic.
  16. At least you know that you will always have us here to support you, this is one place in which we will always share emotions, opinions, advice, and critisism. What you might want to do is anything that will help you with is get your mom off the booze. There is so many ways to do it, but I dont think any of them come inclusive with a ticket to happyland. If you doit, it's gona take a lot out of you...more than what you are experiancing now, but not to worry...it will help, and in the end, she will like your help. Right now your emotions are so abundantly EVERYWHERE, you are havin' a hard time comprehending them all at once, and Mitchell. Do you have any living breathing flesh that can support you and let you let it all out....it works a lot better than us cybertronic support mechanisms..*smiles*.
  17. She has a point...:rolleyes: But come to think of it... if your having sex ... heh your not USUALLY doing it to releive boredom. Its a widespread thing that alleviates boredom before it strikes. Besides...isn't bored sex the worst kind... lol I'm sure the heated wild, spontanious kind is better.... Anyway, sex is like....something done before boredom sets in. But its probably different for different people... I just cant imagine myself asking my wife.. "Im bored...lets make love sweety" lol.. oh well... Kent...really? Is it safe if your doin it with your wife... I mean...I no want get cancer from it or something...:blush:
  18. [quote]When was the last time you saw a masturbator pregnant?[/quote] Heh...oh gosh. But, in the end, if its with someone you love....pregnency isnt all that bad of a thing....its actually a great thing.. *smiles*
  19. Im pretter SURE Otaku means "NERD" ..but I am not quite sure. This may or may not supposed to be in this forum but who cares these days... I think I am right with that answer... If you want a second opinion... PM wrist cutter.... he is or resident Japanese Guru.
  20. It's gripping....very. LadyA....step back and realize how/why/when he might use the word "I" so much....but thanks for pointing it out, it will help him to enscibe this potent topic...
  21. Yes, essentially...but I guess I've grown so accustomed to spelling things with basic correctness that the only time I need a spell checker is when I am writing for spars or role plays...and than, the posts are so long that its best not to write within the browser anyway...
  22. Well a picture is woth a thousand words my friend. However my angel comes back to me every night....heh...its just that essential longing period I feel for the breathless moments that she is not with me.
  23. Well, he is a Brit...Been around for a while anyway, maybe y'all know bout him? My fav songs from him: Tres Lunas Outcast Viper Far above the clouds Inner child Turtle Island Sirius Taurus 1 Celt Blue night Etc...
  24. I think there was somthing bout this b4 and James apparently said there was a spell check but honestly...lol I think it doesnt work well lol. If you have that much worry about your spelling on-the-fly...than maybe you shuold use your word processing program for any type of post you may deem in need of being 'proofed'. If you dont have a prog to do spell checking, there is probably free ones some place. And if you have a fast connection, you can prolly downlaod a good free wp from [url]www.openoffice.org[/url] :-D
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