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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. [quote]myself cuz its meant for my girl[/quote]Loook....lol I wrote it to my angel.. not to some girl that I do not really even know...but yea I TOTALY see where your coming from.. lol *Laughs at the whole Cyrano idear* Boo...Get your mind straight..u prolly dont even like her if u cant come up with something yourself.
  2. Oh JC, your a lost cause...there is no use trying to help you..gosh...what i told you was way over your head.. in the end..you will likely not keep tabs on EVERYONE in that class..sure ugot a semester..maybe rest of ure highcshool career..but thats likes 10% of ure life or less...who cares...they are just people...nothing special..
  3. If we had a non-irc chatroom it might just work...IFFF the only link to the chatroom was placed inside the userCP Or somthing....It would work but how would you guys go about arranging that.. Im not familiar with the whole of how vB works, but with Iconboard, you can do ANYTHING, just take the user cp menus (shift would love to do this project) , and edit the hard code that is in html and basically change the user cp scheme to include the chatroom that is non-irc .... or it could give a link to an irc chatroom.. The key issue is that someone will probably leak...and than some outsider will have the key and the name of the private channel...and the list goes on. I dont think it wuold be a big prob... but it will be one that will most likely happen considering the messed up folk that circulate the net lookin for trouble. Anyway... That is when MODERATION can really work...You would need a really keen set of mods who can pick out the ones who arent really members... eh... Even if there werent all MEMBERS that found their way past the private channel and the channel key/password.... do you think that they would really HURT the place....and if they DID we would have moderators kick/bann them just as fast as they start trouble... Just one idea...but if we got some of the really smart members to voice their opions and ideas... something good can happen here... cuz i know that I personally am not the smartest guy but with some effort we can prolly as a (hate to say it and act all pirky) TEAM, we can probably figure somthing out...heck...a FLASH chatroom would work...run right off the OB server...acessed via the CPanel, with a hidden link...so u cant truely tell where u are connecting unless ure an avid watcher of ALL your network traffic...and not many are.. bleh...so many options..
  4. Well, for a chatroom we wouldnt really need that anyway. I was thinking about getting our own IRC server...but if not that, at least one of them free ones that operate over an IRC server....we could have it independant from TheOtaku chatroom, (which for some reason isnt all that good....ide think), make it MEMBERS only, thus you would need to be an OB member to use it, and share a common Operation/Moderation that we would have here on the boards. IT WOULD be a great idea, and Im not sure if James will try opening his eyes to this idea...sure we have a chatroom already but it reeks and it reeeks bad, and it would definately help our community...giving it not only the message board'y feeling, but the life instant open disccussion side of it, moderated, and privatised...Hmm? I guess we would have to get more support on the issue, and I dont think too many members of the staff, hell not even too many members would rally together to support the idea...We need a big member, someone well respected and well known to start the supporting thread, otherwise it will be overlooked and receive not all that much attention. (going by the way most places work....its just somthing noticable.. not bad, just obvious). Also, sharing stuff, we can do in our own time... honestly, if we were to share movies and such...we could use the PM system to facilitate any private endevours... trust me, lol pirating movies and music is somthign these boards stand highly against...thnx for coming out though :) Heh,thats my 2 cents.
  5. Phantom

    the ring

    Actually anna there was...and it wasnt more than 30 days old... [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=17009[/url] But thats ok... *smiles helpfully*
  6. I dont write them... its liek something possesses me when i write...specialy when its to do with my girl... lol..
  7. Well, there are several supplementary situations that can present themselves in rather unappealing ways while teaching. First of which would be: [b]Damned Nervousness:[/b] If you get nervous, like so many do....Just remember, most of these delinquent classmates will never see you again after your done....If you honestly care what they think of you...than you may as well forget teaching them. Sure, they can give you a hard time, or a good time...or you could just be worried that you will not perform to par. Being ill-prepared for teaching is a worldwide trademark for plenty of teachers. Just keep it cool...even if you dont think you can doit...just ...gosh..just doit, who the hell cares if u choke and lose it... its just a part of life...at least you cant die from it lol. :drunk: [b]No material:[/b] Thats ok....make something up...doit quick and doit simple... READ TO THEM....get them all into some open classroom reading...Make a frikkin wordsearch on the fly...play some games wiht them....hell...its not a big deal...just have fun. ....guess thats all i really think im apt to giving.. since im not a professsor...just tryin to spit out some common sense opinion.... :naughty:
  8. Lala la... ok tempted us all now you have to tell us all... PLEEEEEEZE!? lol jk Anyway, regarding this whole issue and corresponding it to age....Im not sure, but as you get older, I'd think your brain is a bit more developed and your memory bank is now a bit more filled with common sense knowlege...sure it isn't gona stop you from commiting offenses that human nature only justifies....but, as your older your judgment is a tad less impared by the whole youthfull naive inocenceness... heh now its more impaired by illogical adult stubornness :smirk:
  9. [font=tahoma]Hmm... "Im never gona try smoking...thats just dumb" Whoops...lol "Drugs are bad...even trying them is worthless and I'de never do that!" Whoops.. :) "Dude this kicks man...I'll never stop smoking this..." Whoops! Bah, stopping weed was best thing I ever did...oh well. :)
  10. .:HAS BEEN TOLD:. James....for once, I get to tell you your 100% wrong. I was only sticking up for a skin that even the maker would not stick up for. But who knows...maybe I know how to critique. (new info to me).
  11. :) Never said I know how..but if no one is gona defend their point...than why post at all...I am not trying to start an argument, but okie... Anyway its got some work to do, but all in all, its a decently made skin..not many can skin a vB and skin it WELL ...so most of the people knocking the skin obviously havent tried doing it themselves. 1 thumbs up for u shift.... if u didnt make it so... "shifty" lol...it would have been a bit better...but anyway...she's a good one... EDIT: 6 hours huh? Your good..
  12. :) My opinion is that this is a well done skin, that FITS the industrial scheme. Its not ment (other than the Banner, which agreably is Shift, and not OB) to be 'ANAL' lol... And SA, there was nothing to get over.... I was sticking up for it because you guys dont know how to critique....you become almost sinister in your attempts to shut me up. I just think you shuold direct your critisism into a more productive wavelength...maybe. Um...hmm..um grrrrrr...How can the way the boards look affect the way you interpret a post? Hmm...tell me that honestly.....Do my posts look extra 'ANAL' cuz you are using the 'industrial' skin? ...Yours do..ile telll ya that :)
  13. its more like....think of it in the sense that this is a skin...a new face...a new look.. it HAS to not match ob... otherwise it wont be fit to be called industrial.. a lot of the AGIANST comments are placing bias on the fact that it doesnt feel like home, its not OB. WELLL OF COURSE NOT!!!!!! Its a frikkin skin...its made to make OB look and feel different. If it was called "OB, with a twist" than maybe ook cool..but if its name is "industrial" ...course its gona look bland and formal...honestly wth do you guys expect.. Its a critique on the Skin.. not how it suits your idea of what OB should be.
  14. Haha, make it up...if she means anyything to you the words will flow like a river...but if you want to use this one ..lol Ile wing it...but it wont mean anything for u to that girl...cuz its meant for my girl..else I'de not be able to write it... :) Risking it all in a world of naught, Your eyes stand out before me, Taking life to its extreme, wholely, Fully your glazed globes of love are, They stand out before me, Like a facade of vibrant colors, But one instance of punctuation, And the being is but ended, over, Your arms coincide with mine, But they dissolve, away from me, Oh what I would give, to taste your taste once more, to feel your skin and praise it, to touch your heart and and claim it, to share your soul, to explore, Oh what I would give.....
  15. Try the DBZ section....
  16. James, Shift wanted our opinions didnt he? I like the skin....the one prob I can see is that, sure you took colors away...but dont take them ALL hehe...Anyway, Im still sticking with this industrial...its neat and new. It also has small things like "user cp" instead of "profile" I liek that...Never realy liked that "profile" button...heh
  17. ...its ok... Its goot looking.. its pretty...hell its actually nice to use...its ok.
  18. LOL Thats four, in what one week? hehe. Returns, and introductions DO NOT belong here...actually the friendly folk on the OB staff have newly audited(sp?) the removal of an introduction forum and have still not decided on a replace ment..as of yet...
  19. Lol I wasnt here in V2, I should honestly have answered his question Via PM, but, yeah you made your point.
  20. Because he is a guy, you should know that *smacks you lightly* ^.^' Anyway I totaly agree with you Liam...the stuff that goes on with young girls is utterly disgusting. But its not the reason we got child rapists and molesting pricks. They do that job on their own. But obviously dont need help when choosing their next victim. Anyway....I dont pay attention to little girls trying to look all old and hot...thats what I have my gf for...shes old enough :)...uh.. *shuts up* ..anyway, yea, I think parents should care abit more bout what their young daughters wear...I'm set, my wife-to-be is all 100% with me bout letting our girl be normal..and show her 'sexuality' side at the appropriate time...not when she is 8-12 :)
  21. Um, no need to get violent. You obviously dont know TN as well as you might think. He WAS being lighthearted. *Smiles* Yes I AM A SMARTASS, and do rub it in, I honestly love when people do that. You are being even more of a naive idiot right now. *looks at your avatar*..Beleiving in an unachievable state of being, further shows your ludacracy. You may or may not be an IDIOT, per say, but you certainly love acting like one. Also, he was joking, get over it....^^; How so smartass? ---> Taking TN seriously and starting unneeded conflict. Resolving a minor joke into a need or cause for conflict is pure idiocy. Thats how so.
  22. Oh well..this issue really shouldnt matter anyway... Lady Asphyxia Newbie Registered: Jun 2002 Location: The Fear Within Posts: 139 ...bleh
  23. Have the above comments lost their potency after 9/11? ---> I dont know, nor care...it has nothing to do with September 11th, nor in my eyes did the quote's appear to have any potency..to me at least. Are they still valid? ---> Where they ever? Where they ever more than someone's blatant opinion? Hmm? Do you subscribe to such a philosophy? ---> Not really...But in a sense yea, I'd have to agree with a couple points: 'You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.' If so, why, and if not, why not? ---> Why? Because its true, does it get any simpler than that? And I will end with what I take the above quotes to take (this is your fault Mnemolth, I am just doing it in chronological order in which you stated to have responces, maybe you should have put this part first so wiseasses like myself dont do this #_#!^.^; The first one is just reinforcing the common sence practical application that usually arrives as one loses their right for innocence. You know, when you are a kid, you feel nothing, care about nothing but your fruit loops, and your bath toys, and than you lose that innocence..one way or another. I think the first quote is merely emphasizing the loss of innocence. The second one, I find is roughtly the same message, just portrayed differently. Not like the first, where it simply came out and told you what is what....this second one chose a much more casual, yet still verbally impacting effect. Edit: Im not sure if this should be meant for the Poetry forum..or movie forum..hell there IS NO place for this type of post...OBL should suffice :).
  24. 70, this was already like 2 weeks ago lol..maybe you really shuold take the time to read up lol ..its ok..its 70
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