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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. 115 posts and ure infatuated aleady lol...uh oh.... *hears the ambulence coming* ...Another acute case of Otaku nerve convultion disorder....crap lol.
  2. *Smiles* How'd u know t'was me?
  3. I lol, sorta deleted my comment.. that was my first poost in this thread and I didnt realize Morph was being an idiot :) Yea, I dont think he understands that TN was probably jk.
  4. Ob is cool....Like all message boards, if you become infatuated with its marvels, you lose interest. So I think its a good part time place to come and relax, vent, laugh, grow, excert your imagination... It, like all message boards retains its good and bad parts...but unlike most message boards, its high standards, and dedicated staff make it a worthwhile place to mark as my home page.. -->MK
  5. Its a description of love....but not in an effort to impose the truth behind this mysterious emotion...just a 100% on the fly rendition of what he felt... I give you... [size=3]What is love....:love: ?????[/size] [size=1][color=green][COLOR=GREEN]V.35:[/COLOR][/color] *has a lopsided smile*. ...oh well [COLOR=GREEN]V.35:[/COLOR] i talkin too much [color=Red]Leann:[/color] no [COLOR=GREEN]V.35:[/COLOR] i love talkin [COLOR=GREEN]V.35:[/COLOR] bout my angel [COLOR=GREEN]V.35:[/COLOR] ..u wouldnt beleive [COLOR=GREEN]V.35:[/COLOR] ...i just no want annoy no one [color=Red]Leann:[/color] k [COLOR=GREEN]V.35:[/COLOR] u know wats good song? [color=Red]Leann:[/color] whats that [COLOR=GREEN]V.35:[/COLOR] Erotic dreams - Enigma ... and ther e no words... its actually a beautiful song. [color=Red]Leann:[/color] :) [color=Red]Leann:[/color] what is like to be in love [color=Red]Leann:[/color] i miss it so much [COLOR=GREEN]V.35:[/COLOR] ....its...painfll almost always [color=Red]Leann:[/color] im talking to my x right now on the phone [color=Red]Leann:[/color] i know [COLOR=GREEN]V.35:[/COLOR] its only not painfull [COLOR=GREEN]V.35:[/COLOR] when she is with me [color=Red]Leann:[/color] i know [COLOR=GREEN]V.35:[/COLOR] she is what binds me together....every step i take i take it for her...every breath i take i smell the air for her essence...every time i blink i see her on the back of my eyelids....every time i cry i feel her holding me...everything i think....i worship her and she is all i got in this world sis.... nothing is important if she not with me. [color=Red]Leann:[/color] awww thats so sweet [COLOR=GREEN]V.35:[/COLOR] .....its only the begning.. [color=Red]Leann:[/color] yes [color=Red]Leann:[/color] im sure of it [color=Red]Leann:[/color] see thats the way i feel about romeo only i know its not right for us to be together [COLOR=GREEN]V.35:[/COLOR] I cannot sleep until i am quite sure she is in my arms..my heart beats only to feel her love touch it for even a second longer... it is nothing to compare with because love, my sister...love is an indescribable emotion of pure coinciding collectiveness... its the one emotion that no body can document..no body can explain but only feel with the tears that stain your face...the heaves of your chest that rise and fall like a roller coaster.... you know your so deeply in love when you cannot talk about the word without bawling... [color=Red]Leann:[/color] ok [color=Red]Leann:[/color] well [color=Red]Leann:[/color] we dont have to talk about it [COLOR=GREEN]V.35:[/COLOR] Your in love when your everyday life is COMPLETELY filled with abnormal feelings of anxiety... its like your unable to move without feeling a binding hold on your soul because this invisible force holds you still ....holds u barred and chained like a rat in a cage until you can hold your love..than you can break free.than your not doomed to life in misery... .. *stops* [COLOR=GREEN]V.35:[/COLOR] sorry..[/size]
  6. I think Deus started this thread as a lighthearted one that wasnt supppppposed to bring up any contraversy...*looks at Deus...* ..well maybe he did .. I dont know...but Boogity boogity! Either way, Argentina is in some deeeeep crap.
  7. [color=red][[/color]Another off-topic post brought to you by the folks at MK WTF'u'running'yer'mouf'bout'now Inc.[color=red]][/color] [Hybrid Matrix Agent]Well speaking of how great this angency is, all they are doing is allowing us, as humans to spread our growing viracity even more so efficiently. Lets bomb these pro-life bastards before they allow us as humans, as the reeking filthy vile of the planet we are, destroy our home.[/Hybrid Matrix Agent] All hail [i]Planet Life[/i].[color=red][[/color]/Another off-topic post brought to you by the folks at MK WTF'u'running'yer'mouf'bout'now Inc.[color=red]][/color]
  8. I wasnt, but there is an international organization that was assigned to manage and maintain global dept..who borroed who lended...etc. I think that should answer your question Sara.
  9. Canada was in dept up int eh Billions a couple years basck but its all payed off....I just think the whole dept thing is wierd...its like, would we get invaded if we cant pay? lol...does the "world bank" lol...have some type of special army? lol, sorry.
  10. There isnt...get over it bubby. Its glitchy software and nothing more. :-D
  11. Posts may not have counted, but when deleteing the forum, the software HAD to recognize that posts were in fact being destroyed like yesterdays news. Honestly, it fooled the databases, and caused some losing of posts. I lost like 15, but I waSNT A big poster in the newb lounge. I feel sorry for those who spent lotsa time there, hehe...
  12. This is meant for the suggestions and feeback forum my good friend...These boards are a tad haywire at the moment, so just give it time, it will come to you....anyway, ask this question in the sugesstion and feeback forum. I think the answer is that your picture is too large, or maybe its not the right format...or an array of things...
  13. Yea, Mnemolth...you have been posting a lot here. I frankly like it. You provide a lot of interesting points, and like to speak your mind. Im not sure if shy was being rude or not, but in the end it was a useless remark. You should be WELCOMED to post your suggestions and questions. *smile* ...
  14. Ive got the idear of using size4 text for eight full lines, but that would just be wrong...lol
  15. I think that there was something Samjeza Azazel pointed out... Even if you take away the newbie lounge, people will STILL make the errors and make their own thread in the lounge...I think.... IT would be quite efficient if there was a greeting thread, that was pinned up sticky...that way we could conveen(spl?) and greet...without making these useless threads.
  16. Your Signature contains far more than 8 lines of text in it, uh oh!! :) Yes it was me...merely a part of the parody :)
  17. [color=sienna]I always add "--MK", in Sienna and bold on ANY of my edits. Also, I am very dynamic. When somone decides they wish to be snide and use my awe inspiring 'sienna', I just change their color while I'm at it. :) Midway through some edits, I can vaugely remember doing a little bit of addlib, and all sorts of crazy things. Though my name has never appeared at the bottom of anyones' posts, but sure enough, if you see any sort of vulgar edits....hmm.. *raises hand and grins* -- lol sorry, I couldnt resist, all the mods were jumping in and defending themselves... :) I found it cute.[/color] -- [COLOR=indigo][b]-Desbreko[/b], Shut up you infidel [/COLOR]
  18. As we all know and as we have all been told by countless people *remembers last person that I saw say it being ShyGuy*, newbie isnt a title, its a state of mind. Anyway..I just want a way to utilize a flash banner hehe.
  19. Yea, but if you can set up an [img] tag, you can set up and [embed] tag too eh? Because its all possible...right?
  20. Nothing at all..You cant do ANYTHING...what if HAlf the boards decided they wanted flash banners... I bed you would figure somthing out...bleh.. its ok, ILE figure somthing out, without infringing the rules of this place. EDIT: ...lol this is funny.. what happened to like 20 of my posts? I KNOW i had 835 posts around noon today... now i have 810? I really dont care bout my post count...But I dont know why it would decline in size.. hehe
  21. [b]Top banner fingy[/b] Well, the PLAY button takes me to my usercp, and the rest of the thingy does absolutely nothing. Anyone else feel the pain? hehe. Also, that is probably on purpose, or if not, well here I am, telling you...check that out James/Shift/etc..? EDIT: oooo i see the new top panel!! :) [b]Something else[/b] I have just read that I cannot encorporate HTML into my signature, and initialy I would support this. However, realizing that this would pretty well eliminate me using a flash banner. (I am not that good with flas yet, but will want to use a flash-made banner soon.) I read a reply from James saying as long as the flash banners fit the 500x100 requirements and do not directly interfere with the pages, they would be ok to use. However, in order to use a flash banner, I would have to , the SWF just like any other multimedia file. James? Is there anything that can help me out? I am sorta hoping that I wont need a lot of user support for you to help me out with this because I know there is only like three people using flash banners. If you say no you cant help me than I'm pretty well pooched hehe, well least I can do is ask...(actually beg!) PLLEEEEEEEESZE!!! PLEASSSE!! :)
  22. James, I guess you forget that Americans are reaaaaallly cracked out about their political stuff. Christ, everything to do with politics in the states is sso god damned backwards and inside out it's funny.
  23. Idealy, EACH generic forum should be led by someone with a little expertise, and wise judgement on that particular, uh.. *brain freeze* Forum sujbect? hehe, anyway, we have a good amount of moderators here at ob, everything is generally run VERY smoothly in comparison to most all other boards. Sure we could use a couple more in some key places but generally, this is a very well moderated slice of intra-communital network. :)
  24. I think if we talk about stuff OTHER than our lists. It IS on topic, as long as we keep it on topic. IE: commenting intelligently (or not so intelligently...who the hell says we gota be smart? hehe), on other people's 'lists'. This would be no fun unless we can exchange random comments about these thingies. Right Justin? That is on topic right? I could be wrong...but I think I'm partially right :)
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