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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. Phantom


    If its one of your favorite shows, why the hell would u miss 2 seasons of it?
  2. Its garbage really.. I was writing what was on my mind...in the most pure, trashy form. I was mad and sad and lonely...than my wife logged on ..and i was happy..bleh..I need some suggestions :)
  3. Its great!!!!!!! *smiles* ..and not far from the truth...it seems to me that you are giving your opinion on how things word when trying to depict love..but if a poem is only being written because the writer is splaying his/her thoughts onto paper/text straight from the heart without any protocol to be inflicted...without any injustices to be considered...Love can be sorted out if pure...and can be fit into context...
  4. As long as the person's signature is not like frikkin a mile long...and as long as it cant get confused with actual writing.. it should be ok ...gosh lol.. I think mine is stretching it when it comes to maximum length...
  5. Yea, apparently shift hasnt been performing up to par or somthing like that. Not to mention he seems to be the only active tech staff member..but I am prolly mistaken because not everyone on the tech staff HAS to post here.. hehe. Regardless, this is a big site, there should be more back end people running arond and doing things. ps: Your picture banners prove very fascinating lol..
  6. [b]When you miss her this much,[/b] [size=1]When you miss her this much, When you long just to feel her touch, Life breaks through, Reality of the true, When it gets to be too much, While your mind is hideously reluctant to fold, When your heart cannot, and will not be told, Life just breaks through, Veracity of the true, When it?s her alone that you need to hold, When it?s her that you need just like this, Heaven seems so close, just like bliss, That?s when life ruptures through, There?s not much you can do, Not now when you miss her like this?[/size] Sorry, this is more of a song than a poem?you? would have to hear the symphony of tears that were coursing my eyelids as I wrote this, and hear the melody of sheer longing cry that was being scourged from my soul to make this actually sound sweet..
  7. La la la la... hehe ok. Mnemolth is really cool because he decided to give it a go, trying to make somthing out of nothing, and I think for not really careing all that much, he did put up a neato fight. I am just happy to be tugged along throughout this whole thing...most of you are laughing at me by now lol..but bleh, no matter how we look at this whole situation, its no big deal...OB is still the best boards on the net no matter what we do to mangle/demangle(is that a word? haha) it. The Rpg forum is filled with so many different styles of expression its kinda funny. In the end, James and CWB are right, I just wish that y'all just did it and than asked for what we want to change it to...heh anyway... Ive had requests from like four people now to help support the newbie lounge, an each time i declined...there is no point.. this wasnt a fight, just a bit of heated discussion..and what Mnemolth and CWB did by making their banners (D_A as well) I think its pretty cool but ultimately pointless.. :)
  8. Endymion, actually that was very rude and a waste of post. Mostly, when people like Valen post somthign like that is because they want to put their two cents in without being influenced by the precedent posts. Sure most of the info that he infoscribed was previously established, but there is no reason to inform him of that, and unless he was completely stupid, he would have realized that within the previous 4 pages of posts, his point would have been stated. Anways, Valen, your post was actually pretty accurate...but wasnt the city: Salem, not Salen? or am i delerious? hee.
  9. Yes, Dj Sammy, in my opinion is a fairly decent artist. However, the music is too ...ugh..I think its too upbeat, not unique enough, not compared to some, dont you agree Krys?
  10. Phantom

    Moulin Rouge

    You know your obsessed with your significant other when the word moulin rouge (instantly associates my mind with New Orleans...maybe cuz its bout New Orleans? ..but maybe its just similar to Baton Rouge, anyway..) is said, wrote, or expressed in any form of anything...i start feelin like pure crap...why?. ..cuz it makes me think of my angel, my love...who lives in CAjun' country... gosh i miss her... *appologizes for my rants about my Danielle.*
  11. :) Thnx CWB, you clearly set me straight. .:Has been told:. I also (feels winded) read your post, and it was good, yes it was. Im glad that we had this debate, it was the first time I have seen our staff and members share their vision in a large shaping of the boards...and because I didnt have anything to do with the CB section, I am still happy to have been here for this.. hehe. [size=1][b]*shakes' hands with CWB and James and Mnemolth and Semjaza and Sere and everyone who supported, or did not support the NL*[/b][/size]
  12. Heh, Well CWB, whatever you want to say about not pm'ing James you know full well that all this fighting to keep the lounge was useless. And YES, it would be a member decided thing....The lounge was gona go regardless, I guess you didnt read me right, and instead rambled for an hour hehe. If somthign is going to happen, that is a staff initiated idea, than its gona damnedwell happen, Members would have a say in what happens, after the initial deliberation is made. This has done nothing but turn Mnemolth into somthing for you guys to laugh at...every time he says somthing your responces include laughing. He wasnt laughing at you, he was only sticking up for somthing that he really doesnt care bout, if you look, he doesnt post there all too much. But in the end, every time somone posts a long post.. its like who has the bigger balls.. ever SINGLE time ive seen an initial long post regarding this topic someone else had to out do his/her length....its not a pissing contest...is it?
  13. Hehe...over 100 posts have been posted in this particular thread...Heh. From the first time you posted James, I just knew what the outcome of the NL debate would be. I dont really mind if we change, at all not one bit nuh-uh.. hehe its cool. But, with all due respect...You would be doing what you want regardless of if the NL supporter's posted with great suggestions to keep it. Anyway...you know what would have stirred less argument and would probably have been more productive if...CWB just PM'd you, suggeting replacing the NL with somthing more efficient and productive. Than you send out a pm to all the important mods and stuff, because of course their 'time and experiance' here will give a general concurrence, and than... make a thread in here, once all the staff has decided to remove the NL...asking US ...the Members, what kind of things we would like to replace the NL with. That way you could just state: "Yes the NL is going, there is nothign you can do to stop it, so lets make somthing productive out of it... come on :):):):)" hehe...see my point? woulda been much much more simpler.
  14. Wow we got some pretty flamboyant people here hehe. Everything from Alcohol to Altoids. hehe...Wont eat fruitcake...to school chili... gosh...this is pretty fun.. *smiles* I didnt know you were Canadian, Circéus. Hehe, thougth you were French....
  15. [B]Name: [/B] [SIZE=1]Michael [/SIZE] [B]Age: [/B] [SIZE=1]Eighteen[/SIZE] [B]DOB: [/B] [SIZE=1]September 28, 1984[/SIZE] [B]Location: [/B] [SIZE=1]Barrie Ontario, Canada[/SIZE] [B]One Word: [/B] [SIZE=1]Danielle[/SIZE] [B]No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word: [/B] [SIZE=1]Content[/SIZE] [B]Occupation: [/B] [SIZE=1]Being a husband, part time student.[/SIZE] [B]Color: [/B] [SIZE=1][color=green]Hazel/Green[/color][/SIZE] [B]Food: [/B] [SIZE=1]Stir Fry[/SIZE] [B]Beverage: [/B] [SIZE=1]Rich&Ready (OJ)[/SIZE] [B]Alter Ego: [/B] [SIZE=1]CM, Phantom.[/SIZE] [B]Dream Job: [/B] [SIZE=1]Imax filmatographer, Professional Mountain climber.[/SIZE] [B]Self-Proclaimed: [/B] [SIZE=1]CCNAholic[/SIZE] [B]Ethnicity: [/B] [SIZE=1]Irish 30%, Sctotish 30%, English 30%, French 10%.[/SIZE] [B]Extracurricular: [/B] [SIZE=1]Nothing at the moment.[/SIZE] [B]Hobby: [/B] [SIZE=1]Reading, Gaming.[/SIZE] [B]Dessert: [/B] [SIZE=1]Hmm...tough one, lol. Peanut butter Parfait.[/SIZE] [B]Musician: [/B] [SIZE=1]Tougher!!! Tie between: Sting, Sarah Mclauchlan, Hyde.[/SIZE] [B]Group: [/B] [SIZE=1]Pink Floyd....But I really really really like Laruku.[/SIZE] [B]Mac or PC?[/B] [SIZE=1]PC, I prefer building my desktop.[/SIZE] [B]Nics: [/B] [SIZE=1]Mikey, Hacker, Hunter, MyCunt (dont ask).[/SIZE] [B]Blog: [/B] [SIZE=1]...uh..lol[/SIZE] [B]Home Page: [/B] [SIZE=1]Nothing worth looking at.[/SIZE] [B]Religion: [/B] [SIZE=1]Neo-Pagan[/SIZE] [B]Book: [/B] [SIZE=1][i]Whirlwind[/i], by James Clavell[/SIZE] [B]Collections: [/B] [SIZE=1]Hockey cards, empty pop cans. (record was like, 300 empty popcans in my room...it was sick hehe.)[/SIZE] [B]Sport: [/B] [SIZE=1]Hockey[/SIZE] [B]Won't Eat: [/B] [SIZE=1]Liver[/SIZE] [B]TV Show: [/B] [SIZE=1]He Man[/SIZE] [B]Words to live by:[/B] [SIZE=1]Oh..Danielle..[/SIZE] [B]Addicted to: [/B] [SIZE=1]Danielle.[/SIZE] [B]Comic: [/B] [SIZE=1]None.[/SIZE] [B]Movie: [/B] [SIZE=1][i]My Girl[/i]..its sad.. [/SIZE]
  16. Phantom


    Yeah, specially the part when... UGHH..forget it...thats just to gross to say...makes me wana toss my guts. Anyway, that sick stuff is pretty nuts.. funny, but extremely sick lol.. Never honestly listened to the music..
  17. You have nothing to looose. If she and you are truely close, even if she says no, than the true friendship will not really be harmed. Its a good way to find out if she really is a true friend, cuz if she dumps you off because you ask her out than hehe there u go. But you really have nothign to lose and ALL to gain...
  18. I refuse to think of this as a SIDED argument. This is generaly a coaliation of various members, new and old, trying to make this a better place. Mnemolth has put forth so many basic points that you cant just pass off and say he is wrong, like I know you all will... Sure there is a place that some people dont like, but totaly anhialating(sp?) it might not really do all that much. Either way, I'm going to accept whatever happens, at least I tried to offer my say :).
  19. TIME SPLITTERS1 OWNED as being claimed the FASTEST first person shooter for a console. And I just KNEW TS2 was gona frikkin own! ... The map builder now has such an endless range of building options..mm and the story mode is much better than the first one. Not that it is GOOD ...just compared to TS1, it is mucho improvemento lol..or somthing like that :).
  20. Well we are all wanting more and more poetry! :-D I think your poem was written without too much effort, but was still okay for what seems like a 'poem-on-dah-fly'. As for the freehand style... im glad you separated the stanza's... its almost NEEDED with freehand. Good job.
  21. Do remember, self defense is not throwing three well aimed punches into the face of an attacker... Self defense would be stopping the attack, usualy restaining the attacker. Anyway, ignoring them servers no purpose unless its just a random encounter. You have obviously never been notoriously picked on Piro. If you ignore them and pretend they are nonexistant, it just gives them more of a reason to pursue. If you have complete idiots bothering you, do one of two things. 1. Learn how to take a punch because eventually thats what it's going to come down to. 2. Make the most out of it, make sure they know they are inferior, and make sure they lose the little pride they have in making you feel like ****. I took punches for too long, ignoring them to the point that they just pinned me down and beat the hell out of me didnt get me anywhere, nor did I get anything from it.
  22. I'm more or less of an unknown character here. People see me in the art forum a lot but i have yet to establish myself as any sort of person... how can i be viewed as any specific type'a guy. I think people might see arrogance with me *cough*Weh*cough*, some might see a telented poet...*cough*LadyA*cough*...some might see a good elvin rpger, ....bleh.. i think im generaly not well known enough to be liked or disliked.
  23. [quote]What do you think I should do ?[/quote]Suffer? I mean, if they are just kids who listen to rap, wear thier clothes funky, play games involving various criminal activities, why the heck do u care what they call you? Caring what they say is almost like telling me you support the way they act. gosh, after being made fun of for the majority of my schooling life, I just laugh at stuff like that. I'm so desensitised to all that crap its almost funny now. You see ten or twelve of them struttin' their stuff down the hallway, yappin off stupid remarks at people, doin their strut. Hell I could just laugh, watchign them. Its funny cuz when they walk by I used to wink at them just to see what they would do, got some pretty funny remarks. "What the **** you lookin' at yeh fat son of a crackar *****..." "Such a lewzer, 'tupid ******..." Or you just getup and strut with them, drop your binder and just walk next to closest 'thugg'/'Wigger', and strut your stuff. Usually they would either laugh at me, or try saying something dumb, which was usualy laughed at. ..Disregard them, to me, I used them as an alternative source for laughs.
  24. I only thought that a test forum can be usefull in some ways and obviously as you have all proven, there are many alternatives that would work to the same effect. There is only one objection to the way you guys handled the whole consideration. No offense but the way you blatently pass off our suggestions so arrogantly is not accomplishing anything. Really arrogance is best if at all costs avoided. Instead of instantly jumping down our throats for trying to offer alternatives that may/may not be good, you could try to say no without the added kick. We arent offering suggestions to be told off that way. Cut some slack, this is serious but we are all on the same side, I would liek to think. All summed up, you guys are right though, the test forum would do nothing for the productivness of our boards.
  25. Perhaps, and as Shy stated(i think it was him), newbie is in all technicalities merely a state of mind. By post 3, you should know most of the common sense rules inside and out. Anyway, Maybe the MyOtaku will have a link directly to the chatroom? Would that not be an okay idea? Obviously a couple people have not took the time to use it as their place to 'spam' so to say. Maybe an expansion of the useage of the chatroom could be something to think of.
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