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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. Coming from a completey non christian side of things. I think the story is about third party encounters. Somthing, and I am not saying 'God', has delivered these messages to a boy who alone can interpret them. 'God', I guess is the reason for the dreams, but no one really for sure, one hundred percent knows it is the work of 'God', or merely some higher being. The story, moraly(sp?) is exactly what Justin said. However the third party situation is the more limiting factor that would hardly be guessed at other than the work of a religion's respective 'God', which is really the same being, just with so many different definements, and characteristics. Why are they different? Because no one really knows for sure what this higher being really is.
  2. I read up on this movie about a month ago. The plot is not scary unless you have an exceedinly weak stomach, but aye... I want to see this one, The japanese version is really worth checking out?
  3. It reminds me of a phase my angel went through, and is still coping from. I remember being that person to hold her, and from the likes of the poem that is written above...It brings a frieghteningly vivid jolt of remembrance back in a rather hypnotic flash... Me no like the flash, but understand the words every single line that it splays...
  4. What about the chat room idear? *smiles patiently*
  5. URRGG hehe... you left me with the same dilema, except that now I know where your decision for this will be pointed in the end. sooooooooo I'm gona offer points and suggestions for either way you decide. Point form will be a lot easier to sum up my views on this. [b]Get a Mod, Keep for trial:[/b] - Don?t make the mod someone who rarely posts in the NL. - When choosing mod, try to make it someone who greets, but greets with some enthusiasm. Doesn?t always correct people, maybe choose someone who replies in the most ideal fashion. (ie: helpful, informative, yet still makes sure the newbie doesn?t think spamming is OK). - Try re-organizing the whole NL even if you keep it. Like, move the Picture sub forum someplace else. Not only newbies post pictures. - On an extension of the previous suggestion, help the newbies know where to post what, like an Introduction sticky thread or sub forum, (I like the idea of sticky thread. Semjaza had a really good point; it would filter out a tonne of useless threads, and essentially keep our boards happier) Also, on account to Mnemolth, who isn't all that DEAD wrong as you say. And his analogy was far from wrong. He was absolutely not insinuating that you were a business man and that he was a clown. Just that you are being serious about this. Which you should, and that?s fine by me, this is a serious discussion. I think he was trying to say that there should be some place to not feel that you are forced to follow a protocol of some sort. Sure there is very little in words of protocol in the Otaku Lounge, but he is, I guess stating that there should be a place without a distinct, expected type of post quality. So what I am saying is if you decide to keep the NL on trial, than maybe put some idea into incorporating some sort of thread that allows members to just plain old goof off, with some degree of moderation of course, that is what the moderator would be for, to balance off the degree of freedom with a degree of governing force. [b]Making something along the lines of ?My Otaku?[/b] [i]I support this.[/i] -Whatever the name of the forum may be, it should still be re-arranged. At least something that might be easier to navigate. A picture forum, a help forum, a random tutorial forum, a question forum (which would make the suggestions and feedback forum serve its purpose far better by eliminating questions. Though it specifies that you can go there to ask questions, simply because there is no other place.) -Assign moderation to the forums, respectively, to keep it less congested, at least for the beginning of the change. I would hope CWB would be interested in applying to this job; it was his initiative to remove the NL in the first place. -Agreeing with Mathguy, a testing forum would be REALLY helpful?Especially for newbies, who have yet to master the tags, also it would be good for people who are just trying out a new technique in their posting strategy, it would also serve for a good feedback, if someone makes a thread, asking for some suggestions on how to fix their formatting problem. All of these posts would be deleted once completed anyway?etc?the list can go on for uses of a testing forum, or thread for that matter. -Along the lines of bringing back old sections. (I was not here for the upbringing of them so I would not know.) Good idea, along with the awards section, it would truly make people try harder in their overall community outlook, it would make everyone just be more conscientious. Sure it would instantly attract the usual brownies who want to be the first to get the awards?heh but if James and other global ops of the boards decide to choose people randomly out of the blue just for how they act, it would be pretty fair. -Anyway, there is one aspect of the ?My Otaku?, that would be good to consider. A chat room that could be integrated into the boards, only in the My Otaku section THUS giving Mnemolth a way to ?let his hair down?. Because in a chat room, sure there is some common sense protocol but other than that, there is almost no rules based on post quality. Its mostly writing on the fly, not all that exponentially important. Also, there will have to be channel ops in the chat room at all time to moderate, but that is what will keep it clean, and productive. ->MK
  6. James? Are we removing the newbie lounge or giving it a moderator and trial period to see if the post quality can be increased somewhat? We know your stance on this situation and your overall outlook, but we as of yet still have no true decision. In order to supply you with more idea's, I'de like to know exactly what the game plan so far is, whats going to happen so we can offer suggestions that would coresspond. Thnx
  7. Yea, This is like the only thing that really matters to me, and this is my comp... i have password stuff for all my other stuff anways, so deleting cookies just gets rid of my ob pass hee.
  8. [quote][i]originaly posted by deedlit[/i] As for DK all Dolled up.....*covers Mike's mouth* Shh! He's not supposed to know about that![/quote]HEHE WHOOPS!! :) [quote][i]originaly posted by lady a[/i] Personally, I'd love to be the mod of that place, however, seeing as I'm a Junior Member, I doubt that will happen.[/quote][quote][i]originaly posted by rain[/i]Rae, you'd have quite a bit of competition for mod of that place[/quote]Asking or suggesting, (at least as to what I am familiar with in the past) does not usually help for a seat as a Moderator. Also, I dont beleive its ALL about your member status, though yes, I bet it is a rather influencial(sp?) part of when James appoints Moderators.
  9. Ok, the logging in problem is easily fixed. Your cookies are not always properly deleted as the boards so eloquently say. If you are using IE, click: Tools-->Internet Options--> Than click "delete cookies"...sure it deletes them everywhere but who cares...its how you doit the easy way lol. Your second question can be answered with ease as well. If you have problems with the board's writing serices...I highly suggest that you obtain a word processing application. Write in there and than copy and paste into the text box on the reply screen. I find that those who do not value you their posts all to much write directly to the board (as I am doing now, without spellchecking..hehe im a rebel! lol). Anyway, if your cursor is IN the text box, when you hit backspace, all it does is delete one letter. If this proplem occurs while your ready to click "submit reply" than here is a suggestion. When done writing, just his "TAB" and than "ENTER"...it usualy moves you down to the button...and clicks it for you. ->MK PS: This almost exact thread was made like 2 weeks ago, but i have no problems trying to answer you.
  10. his teacher doesnt know how... Kent, his teacher knows a prof who knows how.. hehe.... read up budd.. I still am a lil bit suspicious but thinking of it in a conceptual way...there is still no reason to kill the guy.
  11. Phantom


    Its a good experiance...you are bettering yourself..and in the end its nothing to be all giddy about.. Its only driving...
  12. So your reallly putting faith into your science teacher eh? Come on man, you cant be that clueles... can you? [quote]As for the Star Wars thing, the Professor did not actually make it, just coded a program to make it fire correctly, and it worked![/quote]
  13. Got a reason why? ... My reason would be that as long as I have my little job..and my little money and my amazingly awesome..adorable loving charismatic lover, wifey-to-be-legally-one-blasted-day... ile be happy no matter who is running my country...honestly...i got my RRSP, and i got my Mutual funds..and i got my registered savings bonds and i got my lil netowrking job.... christ when im 40 ile be living happy even if mr PM or mr POTUS or mr whoever is running my country wants to ....i dont know..i dont care cuz in the end it does not matter to me.
  14. Than that is all a part of what we like to call "Unfortunate". If he is so smart, and can kill so many, and hasnt already...he probably wont. Anyway...no one has the right to take an innocent life...even if that life has the potential to take every life on the planet. Besides, If it happens, it happens..and no one will be able to stop it, so lets just make life as good as it can possibly be until our emminent demise.
  15. I think he just meant, not only newbies post their pictures...And some people post more than one picture..I posted a second thread just a while ago...670 posts or so. *almost dares Sara to call me a newbie, a slight grin on my face, hehe* Anyway, the whole non mod, acting like mod situation..yeah, I see your point. I've done it a couple times myself, and once you say it, I gotta realize how arrogant it must be. But I've never went full force on it and only in really bad cases. Once I sorta steemed on "3l337" for doing some spamming..its not my job to, and yeah, sorry. But ya...im kinda...I'm not really on either side of this debate..not like CWB or Mnemolth...I just wana see somthing productive come out of getting rid of the newbie lounge. BTW: the picture forum creates A LOT of good open CLEAN non spammed discussion..and making posts not count there is kinda a bummer. Mainly because half the time its just people saying "oh your pretty!" and thats it...but the other half its a rather interesting topic. Take, the DEathknight All dolled up thread... or the Harlequin's picture thread... Just some more suggestions for James.
  16. Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart, Sting - All for One, All for Love Yet another great song, Not bon Jovim but really good its an advisable download. *smiles*
  17. But James, the Electoral College is designed for a country with upwards in 200 million (more or less?) people. Canada has about 40 million. Our setup is so, that in nature, our's is quite substantialy superior in performance. So lets get this straight...If Canada used the electoral college side of it, It would be no more effective than any other system. Besides, the promises the National leaders make are almost always broken in the long run...no one can ever deny it either. I do like Australia's system though...that is rather good!
  18. I'm Canadian, so I wana stay mostly out of the whole American BS... cuz thats what politics in USA are... Pure crap. Cuz thinking of it.... Bush won... Everyone thought Gore had popular vote... Somehow it was proven otherwise? Also Gore tried cheating? So now we think we have proof of Gore cheating... Who knows...It could VERY WELL be BS as well... ...anyway...as George Carlin puts so well, he would rather sit at home and masturbate during the elections, so that way at least he gets somthing after 'F**king' himself. :)
  19. You know, your right...In a sense, NAT is used quite a lot for most networks. Saves ip addresses anyway. You got your one assigned ip, and evryone on the other side of the NAT uses their own lil private netork, say a 10 network. Thats how its like at my school, cuz I cuold log into OB from ANY computer in my CCNA class and no matter which one I'm on the outside ip is the same no matter what hehe. However, all things considered, Banning works just fine as it is, I think anyway. If we got these boards locked up tigher than ****, there wouldnt be any point in having administrators lol.
  20. *disregards everything said except original post for a second* Smarts....and Intelligence are two VERY different things. Dont interwine them because they dont cross paths too well. You can be People smart...but cannot possess the intelligence to understand basic conceptual things like common sense. You can have math smarts, but constantly decide to compare the colour of your socks with the size of an apple...why because some people accidentally converge intelligence with smarts. *back on topic* Caffeine, yes probably does induce your brain to interepet and cohere(sp?) with various things with an lesser degree of ineptitude. But there are several detainments to Caffeine, such as it works like a drug..hell it IS a drug, and its effects can never be anything more than short term. Unless of course you drink the stuff to the point that your blood is brown and you smell like Mombassa.
  21. ok as my first post in this thread, im gona just jump out and state what I think about wicca, and about ANYTHING on topic of god and such. hehe... [b]Opinion![/b] There is somthing higher...somthing divine.. .but not one human on this earth has the right to say what it is. No one can truely know for sure 100% what it is or what THEY are. For one, I beleive in sorta somthing like god...somthing along those lines. No matter how much is wrote in bibles or Qua'rans or Anything of the main religions, no one knows for sure...no one even has the right to say based on writing no matter how compelling it is. Some things just arent meant to be know all end all. Everyone has a right to beleive...but no one has the right to think they are 100% right and tell others off and such and judge people for what they beleive..even if their scripture or watever they are reading tells them so. [b]WitchCraft?[/b] Seen it...felt it...its real. *just to answer the initial q*
  22. Yeah, our American history class kept close dibs on the election. WE, as good ol' neighbors and still unfamiliar with the american system had all placed a bet with our teacher that Gore was going to win. If we won, she woulda bought us pizza or somthing, but if we lose, we had to each sing the american national anthem in front of the class..or somthing rediculous like that.. cuz honestly, half of us dont even know our Canadian anthem lol...anywya we were all surprised when we lost..and the preceeding days of GOD AWFULL singing was definately not worth it lol.
  23. Honestly, Sara has definate good points. I never had anythign against the forum. But the way I see it, is its almost DEFINATeLY going to be gone..not by my choice, but gone regardless. So if its gona be gone...the least we can do is make some use out of the space we 'might' be freeing up. Nothing against Sere at all but she was completely knocking everyone without even reading (from the way she was writing). I really think Sara has a goood point.
  24. Im Canadian, And I just turned of age to vote. We didnt have a vote today. But, I'm gona ask an On-topic question just to add to the whole voting discussion without making a new thread. From my American history class, we learned all bout how the president is elected in USA. And there is so much contraversy I cant quite get my self to grip the whole concept. No one singular person average joe type guy in the USA TECHNICALLY has a say in who becomes pres. In fact they have to vote for a certain guy/girl who says that they will vote for a certian presidential candidate. However that person could if he/she wanted to, change their vote. This is where the contraversy for me starts. Bribes, secret exchanges made to ensure that this 'voter' gets a position somewhere for giving their vote to a certain candidate. I dont know really but...What do you people think about voting in the USA? In Canada, each person votes, all the vote's are balloted, and than tallied, and the Party in which gets the most votes wins. SIMPLE. Parties include: Liberal, Progressive Conseratives, National Democratic Party, Reform Party, The Bloque Quebeqois, Etc... Anyway, WE have like 39 million, so our voting scheme is not really that bad for us. Anyway...thats my Canadian perspective on an American topic. hehe.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I wonder what Sir Wangs-alot means.... Nevermind me, I'm home alone.... WITH THE CATS! GOD! SAVE THE CATS! BWAHAHA.... ahem... I should probably read the page before this... but, no... [/B][/QUOTE] God help you... but not from the cats... lol
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