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[size=1][color=darkblue]?Your different, but I?m sure glad on our side neh? A mix of east?s and west?s demon, spirit creatures?I?ve considered about concoctions like you but its strange, they never turned out pretty. Don spose your really a terrible monster hidden underneath your veil of beauty?? He chuckled thoughtfully. ?But than, aren?t all girls?? Then he yawned, stretching his arms to the cramped feeling he was getting from the dark room. He wasn?t always so claustrophobic; he didn?t usually have armed demon hunters chasing after his party. ?Well since we are telling our stories, may as well add mine, its short?en?uff.? Michael stifled an unexpected yawn and rubbed his eyes. That?s it, can?t think straight without good sleep, he thought. ?I am a half-gypsy. Yus gypsy daisy doo! Me Ma?s a pikey. Don?t mistake gypsies with the hunchback movie y?know? Faking ting..? He laughed and rephrased his damned near inaudible slur that wasn?t English, wasn?t Irish, wasn?t Scottish but just? Pikey. ?What I wos getting at is that we aren?t too Spanish, simple modern nomads if anything I guess. Either way ma was always telling me to make something of myself at least do her proud. She ended up marrying da, who was a goldsmith by birth. He decided to be a clock machinist instead, and marrying a ?damned gypsy? was enough to make his father disown him. Well if it doesn?t have enough relevance to how I got here I wouldn?t say it?I?m almost finished. Well da didn?t want me to have to suffer an odious grandfather so we moved to London, he and ma bought the house,? he looked at Kris, ?the one I told you about, where I found my dirk. Anyway that house was filled with secrets that, in my youth inspired me to travel, and here I am.? He was fitfully asleep the second he finished, passing out; face sullenly falling into his arms, with more grace than he deserved.[/color][/size]
[color=darkblue][size=1]With nothing to gain and his life to lose, this whole situation was almost invigorating to Michael. That and Danielle?s nightgown. ?Well?? he said, slipping his cotton tee-shirt over his head. He was too groggy to put his shirt on fast enough and the miniscule crawlspace hadn?t given him the room to fit it on. ?I think we?re all crazy to some degree. This little demon girl is cute. She?s here and I don?t care how. Let?s just protect her.? He yawned, looking over to Danielle. ?What is with her parents? Murderous heathen??? He hadn?t really wanted to ask anything but Danielle wanted something from them, wouldn?t be courteous to just watch silently he thought. Wondering if he would re-unite with his gear again ponderously loomed into his mind. My bloody camera ?n puter. I don want to lose them but oh well. He yawned, looking over at the Tengu girl, demon child in her lap. She seemed too relaxed, her breathing too constant, her presence?too outward and yet still contrary to that. Strange, he thought. She?s too much like a normal girl yet too much unlike a normal girl. His eyes veered to Danielle, peering at her attentively. ?What?? she mused as his eyes wavered and looked at the walls and all around him. ?This place sure looks crumby?? he added, comparing it to the likely age of the mansion. ?I?m sure glad it be here though.? He concluded, and she nodded. ?Me too.?[/color][/size]
[color=darkblue][i][size=1]Michael sat, looking at Danielle with a stoic expression set deep in his warm face. Why ask, he wondered, unsure why she had not simply ordered it so. "Well, don ask me. Whatever you do is your choice... don see really why you hadn't simply said that she was a part of the journey. Dont see why you ask. Eeee, truly thee be confusing!".[/i][/color][/size]
[i][color=darkblue][size=1]?looked at her peculiarly, yawning. ?Aye lassie, rather you not wake me up so suddenly. I am inclined to open a can of Damien or Kris on you.? Michael joked. She giggled, pulled from his grip ?They don?t scare me. How about we go find the others?? Good idea, he thought sleepily, yawning again than offering his arm to hers. She politely put her arm into his and they walked the hallways, homing on the voices. ?Awfully proper aren?t you?? she had quirked while they continued to search. He laughed, his chest billowing. ?Nay lass, I be ?alf pikey, but me is always right proper for the ladies.? They came about the door to the talking, both hearing Danielle, Zharra, and Alice. Michael blanched, realizing he had not been dreaming. His arm unleashed itself from the unit it had made with Kiara?s and he prepared to lower his head in shame as they entered the room. He was terrified of the look that Danielle might give him.[/color][/i][/size]
[i][color=darkblue][size=1]The question hung on the tip of his tongue, waiting for the proper words to depict it. Just waking, Michael was more dazed than not, still wondering what the little creature was that woke him. Ayeeeeeah! A dream that it was, as well as this damned priest lass who seems to envy kissing. A dream, he thought. ?Michael, your question?? she probed. He honestly had no clue what to ask, still entranced, not clearly thinking. ?Eh dinna fash y?self lass, your order may forbid it but yo?genetics cries out for it. I mean Christ be cursed for disallowing any of us our evolutionary needs?peh, screw em.? he had said, spitting in untoward response to an earlier remark, his tiredness present. With that, he stood up-still fully believing that the priest girl was a ?kami? those Japanese often speak of, considering her no more than a spirit sent to tease his manhood- and folded the delicate sheet into a square. He began walking off into the main chamber. She followed. Turning to her, Michael smiled a heavy-eyed smile and patted her rear, still, mistakenly unconscious. An instant later he found himself on his back with her foot on his neck. Her face was completely different, definitely not angry. Embarrassed would best fit. She hadn?t really wanted to be so vicious but her instincts took action far too quickly to resolve any other rationale. Letting up her boot, she helped a now properly awake Michael up. He simply shook his head, wondering what had come over him. Mast be m?nerves d?mit, he thought, thinking in pikey dialect. ?I apologize, thot I wos dreamin? sill?? he said, his slurred words forcing her to laugh. She decided to send him to the shower to wake up a bit more, leaving him.[/i][/color][/size]
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]He stirred in his sleep. He was not used to having dreamless nights and even more unaccustomed to the feathery perfection of the beds. Sliding away the sheets of the bed, Michael sat up. By god what is this Egyptian cotton? He thought, still awed by the rich vastness of the mansion. A huge fire warmed the marble sheathed walls and floor, its elegance astounding. Michael headed to the bathroom sleepily, his eyes unfocused and ears imprecise. Once in the stately bathroom he began to relieve himself, involuntary farting. After chuckling a bit he returned to his room, stealing one of the expensive sheets and folded it under his left arm, wondering if he would need it outside. The balcony was a vast, French-styled overhanging outcrop. There was a luxuriously carved chair and footrest which literally shimmered at him invitingly. Yawning, Michael took a seat and relaxed, pulling the sheet up to his chin, feeling a bit less comfortable, thus allowing sleep. Tomorrow?ll be grand, indeed, he though soundly, nestling deeper into the chair.[/i][/color][/size]
[size=1]occ: I believe it was Lalaith Ril/Kris who first mentioned the similarity between Kiara and royalty. The obvious [i]high&mighty[/i]ness that she emits is hard to miscalculate but since I am not willing to actually check to see if he really meant royalty (his fault if so.) I would think it was ? if I had written it ? just a description, royal-like maybe? I dunoh.[/size] oocContinued: I quickly got sick with the writing style I was using so I?m sorry if my new style confuses (which it shouldn?t because it will be more like reading a novel) or annoys you. [size=1][color=darkblue][i]ic: Upon entering the baroque room, Michael instantly noticed the large Parisian bed and ran to it, claiming it quickly. The others claimed the adjacent beds with as much enthusiasm as to be expected. Wonder if there is more than one lou, Michael thought. His mind had been darting back and forth between various things since dinner. The first and most obvious thing was obviously miss Hunter. He wasn?t sure what to expect from her and like Kiara, she didn?t look a thing like a bible thumping priestess. He smiled, aware that they weren?t ordinary woman of the faith. Once settled he pulled out his laptop and began writing something about dinner and adding a few notes to his reminders. Michael looked over to Kris, who seemed to be in constant toil with his luggage. ?Say, y?think they have some kind of stereo theatre system in here someplace?? Kris stared at him blankly for a moment, considering. ?This place looks kind of old but I wouldn?t doubt it?? he offered. ?They dinna have?a hide it on us.? Michael responded, pulling out the kris he had found in his basement in London. Originally the house was owned by seventeenth century adventurers, the kind who traveled to the British colonies in Bengal, India and other exotic destinations. He remembered his father?s childhood stories about how their basement was once filled with hundreds of artefacts before the magistrate looted them and shipped it all over the world to museums. ?Before I?us born laddie, even before yur grandfather?s time, this house was owned by two famous adventurers who filled this here basement with all kindsa? rare knick-knacks, some even quite valuble.? His father had always started. ?But once they died and left no will, this house came to be ?bandoned an ?ere came along your grandfather who, in his folly, told the ministers.? He had always continued about how the government took all but three hidden artefacts away. A dagger, A tahil/tael of etched silver with an eastern Asian inscription on it, and lastly an amulet that once had a giant ruby in the middle of slivered gold bands. Now it was gone and so was the silver tael. At once, Michael snapped out of his lethargic state of nostalgia and smiled at the other two, pushing the blade over to Kris, who came over at Michael?s enthusiastic motioning. ?Wot you makeuh it? Not likes yours so don?t get into fancying it, not yors?? Kris wanted to laugh, not having any intent of stealing this blade that could not cut a fly in half. ?You see? This blade looks more like a ceremonial blade Michael. Show it to Danielle, see what she says? he replied, handing the blade back, feeling slightly light-headed after holding it.[/i][/color][/size]
[i][color=red][center][size=1]Honor? Where is thy honor? Shall thee lose face and life for false honor?[/i][/color][/size][/center] lol, ok consider yourself ronin... hand me thy two blades and be off with you... pfft :)
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]Guffawed, Michael wondered who headed Danielle?s intelligence department. The large plate of traditional roast beef, gravy, potatoes, yams, and undoubtedly another plate of Yorkshire pudding were sitting before him. Whoever he was, he was dumb. Michael decided to eat it anyway to save face; not wanting to openly exhibit the lack of observation, for any buffoon would know that he cherishes his pasta. That doesn?t matter anyway, he thought. What truly matters is that we are all here. The one idiosyncrasy that struck him as not only odd but also disgusted him was the fact that Danielle allowed her wolf/husky to dine with them ?.at the table. Unless this dog could[/i] mystically[i] mutate into a human for dinner purposes, it was just plane wrong. Visibly relieved that the animal was not on the same side as him, he smiled, within his own little childish world. Michael promptly began to make silly faces at Demon, taunting him for no apparent reason, possibly to alleviate his pent-up need to act like a guy. Once finished fooling around, Michael cleaned off his plate, not realizing how much he missed his ma?s Sunday dinners.[/i] ?Danielle?. I?ve a strange kris that I?d like to show you? not really because I think that you would know its origins, just because I feel I should give it to you? don? ask why. Eeeee, I?s a beau?full blade.? ?Well Michael, your enthusiasm is welcomed and yes, I would like to see this blade. I also warn you not to entice Demon into doing anything foolish; he really is a good boy if not disturbed.? ?Please don? mind if I am a li?ul forward with you, but as long as I have to eat at the table with an animal, I?ll prolly be inclined to make a littul fuss with ?em. Oh and you look smashing in black.? [i]She flushed, plainly caught off guard by the comment but ably played it off by switching the topic and giving Michael another warning about taunting Demon.[/i][/color][/size] [size=1]ooc: With luck, they perish.[/size]
[color=darkblue][size=1]?Well lads, shall we follow them?? ?Why not?? [i]With Kris? chattered response, Michael took flight. The three of them made their way to the mansion?s front door. No knocks required as the same butler took the liberty of removing their weapons with an assured guarantee that not only were they safe here, they would also receive them back in due time. Michael was the first. He had only an ancient kris in his backpack. Not for fighting. It was merely an acquired artifact he wished to show Danielle. The butler waved him on already knowing Michael wasn?t the fighting type. The other two handed their blades over without any trouble. During the hike through the many flights of stairs, the butler had exchanged in some rather polite conversation with Michael, explaining about the blade that Zharra had weald.[/i] ?But as I am aware, as long as you do not pull it out of the protective cloth, it wouldn?t burn you.? [i]m[/i] ?I am no master of thy blades but I know my share about that which snares the unholy.? [i]b[/i] ?Quite right suh, maybe she was just worried for you?? ?Possibly?besides she left it on the counter anyway.? ?That was good of her, must obey the rules. Rules are rules and I was ordered to show those out who did not know how to follow the polite instructions of the Lady.? ?Well you seem to be an alright chap, patrons des maisons neh?? [i]They chuckled with each other during the venture up to the rooms. The butler had shown them to the room?s bar and left with words of patience. The Mistress would call when ready.[/i][/color][/size] [size=1]ooc: my dialogue will be hard to follow sometimes and if it seems so to me, I will begin the dialogue with an italicised initial at the end to clarify who began speaking. :)[/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue]?Damien?? ??mm?? ?What do you do?? [i]Michael looked at Damien a moment, his eyes pale, almost sleep-like. Beyond the lethargic gaze hid an adventurous mind, a mind not too unlike his own.[/i] ??..? ?Well you don?t hav?a tell me ?ight now?? [i]He merely peered back at Michael. He?s either very dense?oh, that?s still dangerous. Or just likes to keep to himself? oh, even so? dangerous. Michael continued about his self-invoked fit of inner assessment.[/i][/color][/size]
If you could erase one human emotion..what would it be and why?
Phantom replied to Bishie's topic in General Discussion
I'd remove the emotion of envy. Its an emotion most try to hide or remove all through their lives, especially from themselves. If so many try to hide/remove it by will, meh if I could remove it with the snap of my fingers it would solve all that mental anguish I may have to suffer one day in the name of envy :) -
[color=darkblue][size=1][i]Beset with the Parisian mansion?s graveyard entrance, Michael?s mood quarrelled between excitement and ill-humour. He knew that Les Grandes Maisons du France were characteristically odd in comparison to the relatively bland English Manor but this was too much. Instinctively he pulled out his camera ? knowing that Miss Hunter would have to suffer with his constant photographic self or else she would have dismissed him for noting it in his reply to her advertisement. Taken. Wrapped in his own little world of peering out the now open tinted window to his right, Michael snapped a few nice shots, blessing the meandering drive which leads to the actual Mansion. With the estate being rather large and the way a twist, he decided against cursing his camera for being of slow shutter speed. Of course he didn?t have the money for a fast action digital camera, let alone know if they even existed. As the limousine entered a forested stretch of road Michael put away his camera and turned back facing almost directly across from him at Zharra. She looked back and his smile vanished quickly. She hadn?t shot a mean glance. Only the fact that her smile had pulled him back into reality and help sweep the absurd grin off his un-proportionate british face. Bollicks!, he screamed inwardly but nodded to her.[/i] ?Just exited with all this great material? [i]She merely smiled, deciding to maintain her outwardly pleasant demeanour.[/i] ?I?m sure you?re very good with that camera.? [i]Michael flushed noticeably, an underplayed response called for.[/i] ?I?m okay, I guess??[/color][/size]
eh eh! nice avatar..good haiku too :) [color=red][size=1][i][center]never the less, I am trapped in a realm where I have no outlook. None.[/color][/size][/center][/i] BWEE!!!! New1 [color=crimson][size=1][center][i]Caught. Alone. Tied. Death. Morgue. Enthralling. Enticing. Bitter. Scrumptious. Sweet. Blood.[/i][/size][/center][/color]
OOC: Sorry, I will try to do better in the future. IC: [color=darkblue][size=1][i]Kiara seemed so unreal to him. He hadn?t seen such mystic openness in his entire life. Genuinely interested in all this, Michael began to document as much about his companions as possible, sort of to keep log of whom accompanied them and what had taken place throughout. The silent strokes of his keyboard pleased him, not liking to disturb his or anyone else?s thoughts. After Kiara took the liberty of opening up to the group, Michael seemed to drift away, daydreaming about what might, could, and will happen to him through the next while. Yawning, Michael closed his laptop and donned a set of headphones to relax, letting him drift away with the sound of nothing consuming his thoughts. This, by nature invoked a dreamlike trance much like Damien?s, though likely much? much more pleasant.[/i][/color][/size]
[i][color=darkblue][size=1]Michael shifted slightly as he put his gear away. Seemingly awed by the lustre that the blade Zharra publicized only moments ago, and surprisingly he felt no fear from it. This confused him as seeing dominating looking girls with shiny blades usually would petrify any man with common sense. His eyes scanned her face, namely her eyes, in wonder. They offered nothing yet something. Michael shifted gaze yet again. This time to Damien, who seemed without glee, which in turn gave him another stunning idea.[/i] ?Damien old chap, hold that pose.? [i]Damien had been outside while Michael had taken the other shots, and now being beside the illustrious Zharra, he flushed even more as he caught glimpse of the camera. Zharra put her arm around his neck to enhance the pose and with a flash it was all over. Damien sat with his augmented crimson face in a clamour of embarrassment, Zharra quite the opposite, more pleased with herself than before. And so the entourage of adventure seeking misfits was one step closer to oblivion, and the void that surely awaited them.[/color][/size][/i]
[i][color=darkblue][size=1]By the time Kris hopped into the car with his judgemental eyes partially hidden, Michael had already plugged his earphones into the lateral jack of his laptop and opened up winamp. He looked up once he felt the weight shift and was face to face with Kris Vanderlet, who?s eyes seemed to glisten wit untoward danger. Their icy blue presence froze the marrow of Michael?s bones. Solid. To Kris, Michael rubbed off as a coward, and it?s to be expected. He has never been subject to very many close encounters with weapons. Living or not. Again, like the rest, after a bit of studious observation, Kris also seemed more curious than hostile. So Michael decided that these people would be more likely to save him than kill him, and for that he was undoubtedly grateful in secret advance. An idea struck the top of his conscious mind and with haste his digital camera was procured. In the hands of an expert this camera could prove lethally effective in gathering intelligence of most any kind. Though he wasn?t a professional, he still had a good shot.[/i] ?Miss?Kiara, would ye? mind a simple pose? Anything would be right good.? [i]With that said, the youthful Korean girl?s face lit up as she and her hawk were captured in a rather cramped pose from within the limousine. He snapped a couple more shots of the interior of the limo and the other passengers. The only one who seemed to be disgruntled at all was Kris. Zharra confirmed Michael?s earlier suspicions by openly accepting being shot without signs hostility or embarrassment. Bloody right, she is so neutral to everything he thought subconsciously. Michael quickly plugged the firewire into the port, opening up his image extracting tools. He set aside the camera and observed his new work. The new pictures were beside his other, less recent pictures. One of the railway and of his journey through the tunnel that connected France to Britain. Another few captures of his journey to Belgium, where he first caught glimpse of Danielle?s advertisement, which of course sent him flailing back to France. Oh Vive les fromages, he thought brightly as he looked up, seeing Demon hop back into the car and Damien as well. Both seemed startlingly not too dissimilar in attitude, both wanting to move on. Michael blanched. He had never felt so cramped in his life, yet there was more than enough room for them all to sit. Kris wound up beside Demon along the side while the rest eased back and prepared for the abyss of unknown that they all venture together into. Another idea struck his mind as they were all together.[/i] ?H-hmm.. Uh? Well?uh I was just wondering if?well? [i] He was cut off with his own lack of will. Once he assured himself that they wouldn?t bite, he continued.[/i] ?Well anyway Kiara and I had agreed to have dinner once we all heard out what Danielle had to say, well if she allows it?.Danielle that is perhaps we could all feast together? Just a suggestion? I think it would serve right well to acquaint ourselves better with each other and our hostess.? [i]With that said, Michael relaxed, feeling better toss away any initial fears of this lot, being more warmed by the situation than anything?.That?s right, he thought, each and everyone of these people can and will possibly end up shining a new set of lights on my life. And in that thought, Michael had prepared to go soundlessly into the night, the abyss set in front of him.[/i][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkblue][i]Michael thumbed through the latest edition of Le Monde carefully, his eyes on the limo across the park. Premonitions told him to wait until at least three had arrived before approaching and yet he was more petrified than before.[/i] ?Bloody Christ, I surely wasn?t expecting longswords and pet hawks but if the supernatural doesn?t kill me at least I can count on my companions.? [i]After summing his courage, Michael made his way to the foreside of the limo, knowing from watching the lot that all likely knew he was there from the start. The Chauffer hastily helped with the door, a clean smile strewn upon his face. Was it for luck? Or could it possibly be genuine Michael thought as he hopped rather terrified into the almost cavernous backseat of the limo. Eyes were everywhere. A wolf, doberman, and hawk, all gathered around one gorgeous yet dangerous looking girl. A husky/wolf, who seemed to not be drawn to him at all, merely looking, watching with curiosity. Another woman, clad in leather so tight he wondered if it was painted on. And a man who seemed either lost in his own dream world or was just shy. At once his terror faded. These people looked right outrageous at first but once seated Michael realized there was absolutely no outward hostility from them. In fact the one in leather so tight, breathing would be questionable had a very peaceful look to her, as if she was cautious yet very smooth in her ways of life. The tall warrior with the massive blade merely sat nearly secluded but for all intensive purposes, this guy doesn?t miss a thing. And at last after taking up fort next to the girl fawning on her animals, Michael seemed to finally relax as she as well didn?t seem too scary after a second look. After setting aside his pack, Michael summed the nerve to introduce himself, outstretching his hand, starting the girl next to him.[/i] ?Evening? glad to meet you. My name?s Michael.? [i]She took it, replying with the same as the others. Michael opted to calling her Kiara. Sounds nice, he thought idly. Next was Zharra, the one whom at first was questionably suffocating was now as pleasant as ever, exchanging common courtesies was her forte as of now. Once done, Michael nearly had to get up half way to offer his hand to the distant Damien, who absently shook hands and returned to his seat without much more than a grunt. Reaching into his bag, Michael pulled out a chunk of jerky and gave some to the husky/wolf hybrid who sat at the feet of the passengers and to the right of Michael. Knowing they were being filmed ? for it would take a complete dunce not to know this ? Michael gave the dog a treat anyway than promptly patted its head before it had the chance to either approve or disapprove of it. Pulling out his laptop, he re-read the email for what seemed like the fiftieth time.[/i][/color][/size] OOC: Pic attached.
[color=red][b]Name: [/b]Michael Euwes [b]Age: [/b]26 [b]Sex: [/b] male [b]Race: [/b]human [b]Religion: [/b] none [b]Bio: [/b] A simple solution is what I seek. Always paying close attention to the logical explanation of things while keeping an open mind to the supernatural. My main goal consists of finding the thin line, that flamboyant mesh-like crossing from which answers cannot be scientifically procured. I grew up in London. Simple, bleak London England, a town where aspiring travelers seem to radiate. I have been wandering Europe for the last three years since dropping from my college program, seeking only what my curiosity cannot solve and my logic cannot produce a reasonable solution to. [b]Decription:[/b] I am tall, too tall to my liking. 6?2?? and gangly to a critic?s eyes. My face is slim and I have a characteristically large British nose with blue eyes that gleam with the need to not be alone in my wandering. Outfitted with a traveling backpack, the usual traveling documentation and my laptop upon which I document everything and finally my clothing. I am currently wearing a pair of worn gray cargo shorts, a simple, partly-torn blue t-shirt and my coveted and rather dilapidated formula1 racing cap. [b]Misc:[/b] I take pictures of everything, I write too much in my journal, and seem to rarely have disputes with others. Being alone most of the time I am wide eyed and exited with everyone?s points of views, never letting just one opinion dominate. Ps:Which brings me to my final node of business, I can tell from your advertisements (I picked one up at Antwerp.) that I will be one of many to wish to join you, miss Hunter? That is why I have added this post script. More than three people must have applied to help you, and I think I should be one of them?Why? I have no clue other than that I will be most studious and will never let you down. *cough* If you would please just allow me a chance?*cough*[/color]
Seen these before..good but proportions are gay... funky would be a gay wway to describe them...kind of like kissing *** and stabbing back all at once lol. aside from lack of porportionary skill your work is pleasing to my eyes.
On a scale of from [color=blue]1[/color] to [color=red]10[/color]. I give your overall rating of [color=red]8[/color]. Why? well for several reasons... 1. its not in japanese lol. 2. its good, they have very few weak points, as they shouln't...for if you follow the rules and let your mind flow... haiku is a simple style. 3. its not my place to give perfect or underperfect 'scores' on anything ..and in response... [color=blue][i][center][size=1]A poem is a poem. Poetry makes sense regardless of how interpreted.[/color][/size][/center][/i]
a haiku...syllables not withstanding :( ..but oh well.. [i][color=red][size=1][center]Two corpses, for nothing. From nothing there is nothing. why is it there? why am I here? For no more reason than that a corpse is a corpse.. and I am as well, however fleshbound.[/i][/color][/size][/center]
Uh? I don't really care... I wouldnt fight you.. Thats the old me.. If you want to hit on her go ahead but your the one who will be jerking ur old meat while we laugh at your pathetic needy self. ANYWAY Gosh wasn't this topic about offering advise to help [i]ANYONE[/i] with specific weight needs? Pfft I dont really know any more but dont egg me on, your only going to get laughed at.
[color=red][size=1][center][i]When oneself can peer into their work, seeing the flaws. Grand...that one is.[/i][/center][/size][/color] Just for you Bri :-D