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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. Bon Jovi - Always. Thats OUR SONG!!! lol.. well My angel's and mine.
  2. *smiles* My creativity lays in the mystical land of boredom. I cannot write with any sense of freedom unless I am sad, or extremely happy. Otherwise there would be a massive sense of qualm to my mindseye and it would prolly kill me to write somthing normal. hehe, just check my last thread...maybe write a reply to it. Melancholy which was overcome by me eating a chocolate bar and being with my angel. hehe. Just to answer your question. My creativity comes from being able to express my deepest sense of fears. I am a freehanded melancholist.
  3. To answer your question. Yes it sounds very good... there was only one part of which I witnessed any possible chance of contraversy. When you finished the last line of a stanza with SAD, and finished off the first line of the next stanza with LAD. It is still okay, but if you want the reader to continue reading with uninterupted flowing rhyme, you may have chosen "child" ..or somthing else to put there. There was another part, prolly just a format prob but it didnt interupt my liquid reading. It flowed quite well. Good job.
  4. Repetative, but not bland in any which way. Your rhymes are continuously portrayed in the french side...Try makin it in English first and making the rhymes in english than translate? Just a suggestion, and one you have probably seen before. Your meaning is almost literal, but its deep, kind of like my work..its almost mindless splaying of thoughts...but you have incorporated the skills of rhymefull poetry. Keep it up..please.
  5. I like the personification used with the color, it gives the inanimate words a sense of meaning other than lingual. They arent just neat looking, they are color coded. Very nice Gold_Angewoman. (im sure your name is brittney or somthing but 'im not on a basis with you..yet) On to the english usage critique. Freehand, short, but well compensated for. Your words are simple, but meaningfull and the thoughts are well entertained with your skillfull portrayal of the colors..keep up the creativity, and meaning.
  6. [quote][i]originally posted by sere tuscumbia[/i] I'm not going to be some stuck-up prick who only says "Welcome to the Otakuboards.[/quote] So I am a 'stuck up prick' for not ALWAYS trying to be creative in my greetings? Grow up sere. [quote][i]originaly posted by sere tuscumbia[/i] And unless you've noticed, I DO try to correct people when I can.[/quote] Sometimes yeah, helping those who arent familiar with our board's rules can often greatly benefit from you helping them. But if you catch some wrong spelling or somthing, and 'correct' somone for not dotting their i's or crossing their t's, than your really being the ignorant one. I dont know, I dont really watch how you correct people so I truely have no say in if you are arrogant or not, or if you need to look up the word 'arrogant', or if you need to learn the proper grammatical usage of the word 'prick'. All in all, your dead wrong. [quote][i]originally posted by sere tuscumbia[/i] I've noticed that a majority of the people posting against the NL are the ones who don't POST, just WATCH.[/quote] Well miss Serenity, looks like you need to read, watch, remember, and research before you decide to run your mouth. I for one am usually writing on the newbie forum, and picture forum. And I do beleive a most of the people who are against the newbie forum have read and saw otherwise they would not dislike its meaningless purpose. Gosh. ->MK
  7. Your words are insipired by the great feat of human discovery. What happened to you was rather unfortunate..but you lived on, and life is good still. The right one will come soon man, your still young.
  8. I am forced to agree with Mnemolth to a varied extent. There should be an odd ball forum where we meet and greet newbies. But not a forum where we can just fool around. That is what chatrooms are for. If we abuse our newbie forum than we shall loose it. Have we abused it? Yes, so indignantly much that cwB made this thread. In my opinion, if we decide to rid OB of the forum in question, than at least we should compensate for it in some minute way. The thought of changing the name and characteristics of the newbie lounge to somthing else is very appealing, and forcing the posts to be of somewhat value is also appealing. A suggestion: Instead of "MyOtaku", which looks rather tacky, "MyOB"..looks much more pleasing to the eye from my aspect of it. Just a suggestion. Maybe when the time comes we will start a naming convention thread..hehe. Another thing about a general info section that would be appealing would be a random tutorial section of the forum. For all us graphically inclined folk with some free time to write tutorials that would be really good. Also, lets not limit that suggestion to graphics. Anyone who programs IRC script, Java, Flash (really its like java lol), C, C++, Perl, Php, Html...etc... More mindless suggestions.
  9. I am involved in a rather grueling long distance relationship that IS working...and quite well. we are stonger than some legally married couples. Look Sweet... there was a time when i lost the net, and the capability to contact her in any way.. a full month.. sure she lost hope...she ...did a couple things with a couple guys...hurt herself beyond repair... ide hope u dont lose it..please...give him the benefit of the doupt... she didnt give me the benefit of the doubt..but she still loved me..Sheiz..just be calm give him a little over a month... the next time you two talk.. if he doesnt seem EXTREMEMY releived to talk to you..than he doesnt love u and you should break it off at all costs..even if it kills you..cuz he dont care bout you..but at least give him the benefit of the doubt..trust me it wont hurt to wait... it is not good to have a heart attack because of it.. i promise it will be ok as long as u can wait... even if you have to break up..at least u know it was for the best.
  10. I have tried that...still aced tests...still did fine..just felt like i was ready to die after every step after about four months of it.
  11. As a Canadian, I can merely post my neighbourly opinion on the US of A, which I will do later in this post. First and foremost, war between Iraq is emminent, has been for like ten years. Tangling their ineptness to comply to various multinational investigations was only the begining of it. Since I dont have any solid information to back my opinions up. I will just state my opinions in the least spam-like way. If USA goes to war without UN support, they will totaly wreck their overall relationship with the worlds peacefull countries, and set themselves up for plenty of critisism, but I'm hoping SOMEONE takes Saddam out, there are so many reasons why I cant name any without giving the proof which I currently do not possess. North Korea? If Australia has concern, if Japan has concern, than Canada has concern as another member of the British commonwealth, than Britain has concern than UN has concern than the state (hehe oh yeah) has concern... North Korea may be dangerous, but if they piss in the wind of a hailstorm, its gona bite their pecker off and beleive me, if they launch anything, EVERYONE is gona jump down their throat. ....needless to say if China decides to ally them, its gona be one fierce war...hopefully they wont. ->MK
  12. thats utterly terrible... just imagining what wuold have happened not 5 minutes from that moment... You probably owe your lives to brad's mom... Thats why my children are to be followed...that is even when they dotn know it... ima be driving close by...no one messes with my kids... and you are very lucky!
  13. Sorry, no plushies.. hell Unless it was for somebody very very special I would never waste that kind of money on one. Good luck, learn how to make them and sell them as real ones.. bleh
  14. they both matter... honestly enough, inner beauty can mask the outer appearance of anyone if love is applied... Yeh they both matter though...im lucky..my wife is damned juicy hot lol.. *smiles* Both are important.
  15. im not sure this is the right forum for this but i need a better description of what your asking. all in all... either visit yahoo.com and type: html+img or learn the vB code which is simple.. [ I M G ] U R L [ / I M G ]
  16. Great, Deus you have just stepped your self up for a visual implosion of your electronical being. Without looking at your picture, I would almost instantly vision you as a an angel/guy. I really can feel an added sense of holiness with you present. I think it is because you beleive so strongly on the biblical side of thigs, and express those beleifs without forcing them onto other people in a preachfull manner. Seriously though, your the first guy/gal to do that, and frankly I'm impressed.
  17. Last year I came across some rather startling facts. Mostly the startling part is that the average student aged transversly between 13-18, wake up far later than the average school start time. Here in southern Ontario, the public highschools start at 8Am. It was said in the article presented to use by our law teacher that the average student isn't even awake until well after 10Am. This node of controversy was apperntly derived from the fact that early morning testing has been spoiled due to the students not acheiving any high scores whatsoever. Currently, all the tests I have ever written before 10Am have been utter sucesses, and the fact that I am not affected by it surprises me because I almost always feel dead in the morning...like a Zombie. Ide like for some members to share their feelings toward this issue, may it be complete contrary to my feelings or complete agreement. I want to know how you feel in the morning, and if you score highly on early tests or not... and/or if you agree or disagree with me on the statement that we dont even wake up until well into the morning? I dont think we do, but I do think if we try, testing can be easily won, even if your dead sleeping. ->MK
  18. No problems James. I will stop the cursing. But the way I write posts never seems to be good enough for you. Either you cannot understand what I am saying...Or I'm being too sloppy for you. What will be? Because I am not trying to peeve anyone off, but when an admin tells me that I should stop trying to type with proper english, and I follow instructions only to be, in kind words "WTF YOU DOING?", I get a little frustrated. And as you wish but please dont complain if you cant comprehend me...I'm trying. Ok, back to on topic stuff; James, I remember your lil yellow avatar..I thought you were a lil bouncy yellow ball. Raiha, I always thought you were a crazy guy. That is until I saw your picture on the picture forum... More to come when I decide to wake up hehe. AGain sorry for the poor post quality.
  19. naw....you i always thought u were mr. whatshis face... Rogers? ..i dont know..never seen it lol..all in all...i thought u were some old dude...sure i knew otherwise.. now? ...since your avatar doesnt really help me picture a face... im just using the style of your posts and the kinds of **** ive seen... your tall, dark shade of hair and bright eyes....im just spectulating..
  20. Phantom


    if you want to store pm's after reaching your limit there is one of two things to do; "James pretty plzzzzzzzzz make it bigger!" (lol...i really shoulda' worded that differently) or "Aw damn...looks like im gona have to copy my pm's to notepad and save them there...boo hoo." lol...Im opting you try suggestion ONE first...its worth a try... if not, bleh...I can allmost guarentee you, your solution is not ONE.. hehe
  21. Phantom


    i love the music video Excalibur based on FF stuff...and uses a remix of O'Fortuna... its coreography is frikkin amazing and is a definate downlaod.. if u can find it lol
  22. nice... although i can do watever i want.. .i dont got anything... the best gaming device ever conceived was the computer.. lol
  23. i have the name of the main archangel Michael... ...booyah!
  24. babygirl.. my profile says im 18...but ok.. ile tell you.. Babygirl im 18...
  25. um...not really my parents are leniant... besides i got great grades and do watever the hell i want lol... im sorry we dont fit into the same category..but you do however fit into my wife's category...her parents were like that...
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